YOUR EYES once gone can never be replaced Eyesight is the most precious of our senses. If you suspect any trouble, consult us. F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists - 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto. (Up-stairs, opposite Simpsons) - Chiropractic . D. E. STECKLEY, drugless practi- tioner, has taken over J. A. Hether- ington's practice in Port Perry, and is continuing in the same office. Chiropractic treatment, Electro- Theropy and special attention given to foot troubles and resultant ail- ments. Consultation and examination free. Hours 9 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. PP CONTRACTING AND BUILDING . L. A. KOCH Books of all Kinds Res. 2nd house east side Bigelow St. ; Port Perry. -- SEE THE -- » ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS Estimates given. Over 20 years : Port Perry Star For Counter Check experience Sept. 15. PHONE 50 = 8 a ex \ AU c \ NZ ON cn A = ( == --- | ) 2 Z 22 / \ / "Helle, Gran'ma!-- I'm a good boy!" When Amy married Bill Temple, her people made her promise to visit them often. But after young . Bill came, the visits were less and less frequent, although the old folks were only 40 miles or so away. Then one 'night Amy's mother telephoned and they found how pleasant and inexpensive a visit by Long Distance can be. Low evening raies on Station-to-Sta- tion Calls begin So every Sunday night now Grandma calls them. The weekly chats make them all happier -- and the cost is only a few cents. 7.00 p.m. Still lower night rates at 8.30 p.m. ANTARCTIC WHALE HUNT (Continued from Front Page) * rears itself up and then continues its forward journey. The ship receives a jerk that makes it creak in every joint. The captain seizes the control lever with a curse and again stops the engine. The ship gives a few jerks and then moves smoothly forward as it did before. The whale is beginning its vain flight from pain and death all over again. The afternoon passes slowly. Blood flows steadily from the big wound and stains the water dark red. Through the binoculars we can see the dark hawser emerging from a great bloody hole in the whales back. Nearly eight houts have now passed since the shot was fired. It is grotesque and tragic to be thus taken, over a rough sea, by a living creature on a crazy journey over a hundred miles. One can do nothing but wait until the animal's gigantic strength is exhausted. Finally, the whale's movements become short and hasty. The double fountains that it spouts are now deep red. Blood is pouring froni its lungs. Again the engine goes into' reverse and the ship stops. Yard by yard the hawser is slowly pulled in, drawing the exhausted whale nearer. When it is close to the ship it puts forth its last strength. The ship creaks all over as if it were about to fall «apart. Once more the colossus raises its full length above the water and once again its great, broad tail comes down on the sur- face with a thundering crash. Then it collapses, inert and lifeless, turning over so that its snow-white stomach gleams above the waves, Later a boat is put overboard and the whale's tail is fastened to the steamer with a strong chain. The hunt is over. 5 PEACEOrMIND + No maf can enjoy the leisure" hours for which he strives unless his investments are secure. For peace of mind, keep an adequate reserve in a Savings Account. It pays 3% interest, is always ready for use--and never depreciates. - Whether your account be large or small, The Royal Bank of Canada is ready to give you interested and efficient service. The Roval Bank of Canada CAPITAL AND RESERVES $74,155,106 TOTAL ASSETS OVER £750,000,000 The Peoples' Meat Market We eeli everything you want in choice, clean, : palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W BERT 'MacGREGOR Will do the rest. For Killing Flies we sell Fly-Tox, Whiz, Kilzol, and Black Flag. Abbey's Salts, Regular 35c. and $1.00. Both for 89c¢. With a tube,of Palm Olive or Colgate's Shaving Cream you get a Gillette Razor Dr. West's Tooth Paste. 2 tubes 39¢. Melntosh's Tolfee, just arrived, 49¢. Ib. Morrison's Drug Store Ontario Port Perry Phone 16 RELIABLE SERVICE and BETTER FUEL There will be no need to worry about the heating of your house next winter if your coal bin is filled with our BETTER FUEL. FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE---That Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal--It's clean, safe and economical. uniform good quality. Every load the same HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE--There is no better coke made. WOOD, CANNEL COAL, STEAM COAL for threshing, CEMENT, LIME and TILE. WELSH ANTHRACITE--According to tests made by the Dominion Fuel Board 8:tons of Welsh Coal are equal to 10 tons of American Anthracite in heat production. «Try one ton and carry your week's ashes out in your hat. We have the sole agency. Let us have your order, we can supply anything you require in the line of fuel. PORT PERRY COAL Y W. G. W. Pyatt Bole Agents in Port Perry for Genuine Phones--Office 94 W, Residence 94J Weaver Welsh Coal ye diab Coal, ARD ,| be privileged in having the Rev. J. 0. 1 2 | non, sheep valuator, reporting tha Frank Crosier, had one lamb killed by dogs; from Asst. Accountant, Dept. of Publie Highways, en 'the report x | demnity Co., whereby the Continental the Union Indemnity Co, for losses] covered 'by all, their policies since August 1, 1932; from the Dept. of Lands and Forests, and the C.P.R. re back to the land movement. An ac $81.50, being one-half payment of in- digent patients in hospital. From W. $20.00 for Junior Agricultural Ex- tension activities in Reach Tp. . Mr. T. J. Sager was re-appointed Collector of Taxes for 1932. : . A by-law was passed imposing ad- ditional percentage charge on all un- paid taxes after. certain dates, ACCOUNTS, General Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agri- cultural Society, $90.00, donation to Fair, ? T. J. Sager, $25.00 on account, as collector. F. Crosier, $4.00, 1 lamb killed by dogs. F. Vernon, $1.50, valuing sheep. County Treasurer, $81.50, half cost of indigent patients from Reach in Hospitals. : ACCOUNTS, Roads ; Jas. A. Lee, $155.85, expenses in-, curred in building culvert, Road 5. Baines and David, $52.78 steel for culvert. a ; | N. Rabey, $6.90, supplies for culvert W. L. Parrish, $2.05, supplies for culvert. : S. N. Griffen, $1.80, supplies for culvert. Hogg & Lytle, $146.40, cement for culvert, Jas. Hortop, $12.80, lumber for cul- vert. Mrs. Smith, gravel, $6.75. Mr. M. Boe, $18.00, 60 rods wire fence, : Wm. Armstrong, $21.00, bonus 70 rods wire fence. , Cuyler Whitter, $13.00, bonus 40 rods wire fence. Abe. Wallace, $8.75, dragging and cutting weeds. N. Prentice, $5.90, grading. F. Crosier, $7.20, trucking gravel. Jas. Masters, $4.00, drawing gravel. Wm. Irwin, $9.10, dragging and cut- ting weeds. Edw. Pollard, $3.00, right-of-way. Stanley Mills, $2.85, 19 posts, Wesley Rusnell, $7.60, weeds and dragging, 3 Wm. Bowles, $12.60, cutting weeds. Jas. Lee, $88.00, on acct, as Supt. Council adjourned to meet on Oct. 1st, at 1 p.m. EPSOM Next Sunday the Epsom circuit will Totten, of the Myrtle and Manchester circuit take charge of the services here. The hours are: Bethesda 11.30 am,; Utica 2.30 p.m.; Epsom 7 p.m. Kindly tell your friends to be present at these services and thus give this visiting minister a hearty welcome. Mr, and Mrs. Solomon Wilson, of Toronto, spent the holiday with there son, Mr. Joseph Wilson, < GF TOROS 0 m0 ww 0 oo a The Norman 3 Port Perry by| made by their auditor on his recent] = inspection of our books, covering] | township road expenditures for the| year 1981; From Continental Casualty] Co, Toronto, advising that they had] . | made a contract with the Union In- reinsures and assumes the liability of | © ; count from the Co. Treasurer for] M, Croskery, requesting a donation of | Save one Shoe Repair | Toronto, visited with Mr. and 'Robt. Clarke, recently. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson, of spent Sunday with Mr. Stracha 3 Mrs. B x; mn. 4 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Pogue, on the birth of a baby boy. : Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashton, of Ashburn, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers. = "Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Miss Fay Philp, of Sunderland, on Friday last. We extend our sympathy to our teacher, Miss Muriel Philp, who has lately been bereaved by the death of her sister Miss Fay Philp, of Sunder- land. t : Mrs. McDonald and Mrs, Cassidy, of Brooklin, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ashton, recently. . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Prentice and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clarke, motored to Brampton, last week. » Miss Gwen. Ackney, of Toronto, visited with Mrs. Wm. Ackney, re- cently. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 8, Tummonds, on the birth of a baby rl fr ----------------- ANNIVERSARY AT MANCHESTER Manchegter United Church will hold anniversary services on September 18th and 20th. On Sunday the 18th, Rev. P. L. Jull will conduct services at 2.30 and 7.30 pm. In the after- noon the Bethesda Male Quartette will sing and in the evening the Scugog Male Choir will assist in the musical program, On Tuesday, the 20th, a Fowl Sup- per will be served. The program will consist of selections by Miss Fallow- down, elocutionist, Sunderland; and the Bethesda Quartette. Mr. W. H. Moore will give an address on "The Church and Industry." ---------------- GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT OSHAWA FAIR. The Retail Merchants' Association of Oshawa, are giving away a Grand- father's Clock at Oshawa Fair, Every woman attending the Fair and pur- chasing an admission ticket to the Grounds or to the Grandstand at any time during the Fair, will receive a coupon from the Retail Merchants' Association, on which will be a num- ber, The lucky number will be an- nounced at the Wednesday night per- formance in front of the Gr d It will be a worthwhile gift to receive. Every woman is eligible who secures the coupon, and a coupon can be se- Fat. Garrison, of | © few of the Myrtle batters could y ome of Mr. ang 'Robt. Chisholm, last Thursday. Mrs. David Broom, of Kinsale, her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Redman : and child, of Smithfield, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Percy, on Saturday, and on Sunday accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Percy and Mr. Will Timmins to Scarboro Jet. Messrs, Tommy Price and Lester Beadle," attended the Toronto Ex- - hibition on Menday, « . : _ Miss Margaret Mowat of Whitby, Miss Pauline Price, of Oshawa, spent Tuesday with relatives here. Mr. Robt. Chisholm and Mrs. Dave Luery, accompanied Misses Dorothy and Irene Hall, to their home in Atherley, after spending a pleasant vacation with relatives here. x Mr. Claude Winter, of Norwood, and Mr. J. Craven and Miss Jean Moffat, of Sterling, were visitors at the home Mrs, T. Price, on Saturday. 'Miss Bernice Price returned home "with them after spending her summer vacation in Sterling, : Miss Ruby Cook spent, the past week with friends in Toronto: Myrtle softball team is still in the running for the championship of the South Ontario Sunday School league. After going to Whitby and losing last Monday evening by a score of 9-3, these two teams played at Myrtle on Sept. 1st, and the game ended in a tie six all. The game was very ex- citing and the large crowd present were thrilled on many occasions by. S brilliant plays. Myrtle got three rung' Ti in the first inning. Whitby got three in the second and another 'in the third. Ted Heron was taken out in the last of the third and Johnny Miller went in and Whitby didn't score again. Myrtle showed their fighting spirit by getting a run in the 5th, another in the 6th and another to tie it up in the eighth. George Scott pitching for Whitby was a wonder. His speed was terrific and his control was good. & He only walked two men. Only a : fathom his delivery. The Myrtle team as a whole played grand ball but the feature was the fielding of Dick Rodd. Dick travelled miles in get- ting fly balls. Dick also has been the most consistent hitter in the final games. Joynt of Whitby and Jack- son of Thornton's Corners were the Umpires and they were satisfactory. These two teams will again meet at Myrtle on Tuesday evening, Sept. 6th, "It has always been our practice to leave the family some money out cured after the purchase of any ticket. | Regular Price -- $1.50 2 Save $2. 50 by taking advan age of this Model ] ung reful expert work by trained mechanics on #pecial win eres wha wea Coenen of their insurance." --HBroughton's Funeral House,