blonde man, who d with dignity, and who preserved, amid the violent discussions and alterca- tions that enlivened the meetings of 1 meanour accompanied by & ready plied, "Kenneth Grahame. He wrote the group, a calm, de- smile that women would call "sweet." And yet this blonde, temperate, kindly- looking man had also a startled air, such as a fawn might show who sud-| denly found himself on Boston Com- mon; quite prepared to go through with the adventure, as a well-bred fawn should do under any circum: stances, but unable to escape wholly from the memor; of the glades and woods whence he had come. He seemed to be a man who had not yet become quite accustomed to the dis- covery that he was no longer a child, but grown-up and prosperous. Suc ce' did not atone for the loss of the child outlook. Every one of s k15 his adjective, His adjective was-- start. There were so many men in this group, S0 many strangers werd con- tinually coming and goin -, that it was same time before I learnt who this blonde gentleman of letters was, I addressed a question to my neighbour at one of the dinners, "Who is that man?' I asked. My neighbour re- that jolly thing about children called *The Olympians.' Henley think: very "Bighly of him. He's something in the Lank of England." When I examine Kenneth Grahame's small sheaf .f books I discover that almost all of them ure amplifications of the idea expressed in "The Olym- plans"--that is, the importance of the child life and viewpoint, and the unimportance of the objects pursued by the elders or Olympians, For liter: ary purposes it was perhap . fortunate t' the elders in Kenneth Grahame's upbringing --ere uncles and aunts, not parents. He has one other theme, that of es- cape; escape from prose and poetry; escape from the pros« of 'hreadneedle Street, where the Bank of England is placed, and of which eventually he be- came secretary, to poetry of the track. less meadows--to Centaurs or trout, to Orion or gypsies, to a human uncle or an unsophisticated artist, to any- thing that had nothing to do with banking and prosperity, . . Abanker's escape from the prose and tedium of Mfe. How easy it seems! How hard it is to do!--C. Lewis Hind, in "Auth- ors and L.""-- (London: John Lane), ---- ean 'Diagnosis from the We can not hail as a recent dis- _ covery the use of fingernails as a key to the state of a p«.son's health, since the method was known to the ancients, i Only lately, however, has a system- ati. investigation been made of the eircumstances underlying this idea, Upon the authority-of Doctors Zoel: Jer, Noyer and Boide Je sais tout (Paris) affirms: 2 "The investigations embraced fully twelve hun 'ed individuals, either ill, eonvalescent or healthy. "Healthy subjects, carefully select- ed and endowed with vitality, have as a rule from eight to te = crescent- shaped whitish little 'moons' the baso of their finger nails--one each on the majority of the nails. "Individuals succumbing to sn in- tections malady have the whitish cres- the base of the thumb-nails department, Roon 420, 75 Adelaide | St. West, Toronto. 'more healthy or invigoratin, than s skiing. moved slowly ond| builder that will tone up the system in short order. other worthwhile exercise, done with due consideratio physical condition upon starting. Every skier should learn the funda- mental points on how to stop when traversing a hill, how to make turns and how to stop quickly when travel ling 'at a high rate of speed. Anyone can learn to run through wooded trails with sufficient proficiency that t.ere is little danger of accidents, providing they master turns and snow plow. divided into several branci.c-. langlauf is the term which applies to that branch in which the chief inter- est lies in skiing on the level and up- hill climbing. The slalom branch ap- plies where a course is built out on a slope with flags which the skier must negotiate in a 'series of turns, A sla- lom race is held on a similar course and the skier making the best time to complete the course successfrlly is judged the winner, jumping, perhaps the .n. Finger-Nails| SER HEU Se ay FORREST," | 'cular of all the branches. Jumpers Address communications to this There is no Canadinn sport that iy' Skiing is a real outdoor body However, like any ust De of the their stem Lik; many other sports skiing is The Then there is specta- Good For the Dye Trade Colored waistcoats were worn with evening dress at a big London dinner recently, and the advocates of bright- er wear for men have been rejoicing. A little prematurely perhaps, for it is not very likely that the fashion will spread, The black-and-white of con- ventional evening dress makes a good combination, and one in which many men look their best, Moreover, a dress suit will last for years, whereas the average evening frock has a very short "expectation of life." It we once adopted colors in our evening-dress scheme we would el ways have to be making new pur- chases, because the "fashionable" col- ors would be always changing. Our dress experts would tee to that, Besides, would the changes stop at colored waistcoats? In the days when use special wide skiis that have two or three grooves machined into the g surface. These grouves in- crease the jumper's stability whea landing after oti off. At the pres- ent time there are only a few proper jumpe in Canada on which the ex- pert skier may try his skill. In most comm: .ities the novices will find within walking distance from their homes numerous gentle slopes that make ideal practice grounds. It is here that every begin- ner should learn to master the snow plough for stopping or breaking speed on open slopes. Then the stem turns and lifted stem shoud be mas- tered. Once these elemenlary turns are proficiently acquired the beginner wa, try his "kill on some of the sr aller trails. Readers are invited to write, re garding the formation of ski clubs, and to give descriptions of the coun- try on which they are now skiing, or intend to ski. Make descriptions as exact as pos.ible, For example, give the name of nearest town, village or city and approximate disiance to the skiing 'territory. A rough )ercil map would be helpful, From this infor- mation it will enable us to give sug- gestions for planning interest'ng ski runs and the preparation of slalom courses. mode, here is how a future Premier dressed for dinner, as described by one who saw him in all his glory: "A black velvet coat lined with satin, purple trousers with a gold band running down the outside seam, a scarlet waistcoat, long lace ruffles, falling down to the tips of his fingers, white gloves with several brilliant rings out- side them.""--London "Answers," em fem Li To Try Radios in Street Cars St. Louis.--Street car company of- ficials here are considering placing radios in street cars soon, it was re vealed by the Public Service Com- pany, operators of the street car sys- tem. The company, it was sald, plans to install a few radios on one line. If the plan meets with the approval of the riders, others will be these waistcoats were formerly the installed, who arrived last week on board ter sports. C-- a Children s - To Try For New Laurels Mies Johanna Kolstad, cham to the Norwegian Ski Club in Cary, Illinois, to compete in events there. Afterwards she will continue to Montreal to compete in win: that BABY'S th iu pion woman ski jumper of Norway, the Cunard liner Aquitania en route Corps OWN TABLETS are invaluable ¥ i - Had KRUSCHEN GAVE HIM HEALTH AND VITALITY This account of a veteran's "come- back" is best given in his .wn words: "Some three years ago I was sud- denly afflicted with a swelling of my right knee, the pains being so severe that I could not walk. I had to erawl upstairs to bed, and then could get no sleep on account of pair. Having led an athletic life, this was a severe blow to me. I tried all sorts of treat- ments, but with small results. Then 1 decided to try Krusch I took a Horizontal 48-Cup 1--Resinous substance 50--Combat 18--Small amount 20--Siege ditch Helped by Dr. Williams' Pink Plits--School Boy Likewise E x "My daughter N t th| was a thin, ner- ow Strang vous child, 24 During pounds under , weight, Having Teen Age been brought up in England, where Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are so wide ly known, I gave them to her, with the result that she is now, at 16, a fine, healthy, lively girl." So writes Mrs. G. Stimpson, Winnipeg, Man. "My brother, George, had been growing pale, and lost his appetite and could not concentrate on his mechanical studies," writes Joseph Johnston, Edmonton, Alberta, "A neighbor recommended Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. . George took them regu- larly, and in-a week showed great improvement. Since then he has been feeling great, and has not been both- ered by stomach or headaches." The teen age is a trying time, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are wonder- fully effective in imparting needed vigor 'and vitality to growing girls (and boys, too). The Pills actually create an abundance of rich, red blood and this revitalizes exhausted &ys- tems. At your druggist's, 50c. mee er A mistress, whe lived down at Straet- ham, Said: "Bring me those bulbs, Jane, I'll seatham." The maid, in dismay cried: "Bulbs, did you say, I thought they were onions, I've éatham." I do not ask that thou would'st take from me aught of its load, I do not ask my cross to understand, my way to see; Better in darkness just to feel Thy hand and follow Thee. For one thing only, Lord, dear Lord, I plead--lead me aright, Though strength should falter and though hearts should bleed, Through peace to light. It is to be hoped that you are pre: ferred stock in the human market. Doctor--*"See here, I told you to stick to @ vegetable diet and you're eating rabbit." : Mr. Slckleigh--"It's all right, Doe. This rabbit's the one that ate up my vegetable garden last summer." "Is your wife changeable, old man?" "y've never tried--but I shouldn't think so." Gladys--"Mother dear, I advertised under a different name that I would like to make the aquaintance of a re: fined gentleman with an eye to ro- mance." Mother--"Gladys, how awful! you get any answers?" Gladye--"Only one, from father." Did Women are funny. They will spend hours making up their mind what dress to wear, and only two seconds + Do You Know? + shows the Memorial Tower. 9 of the University who with it' in good time. first race for 35 years. feeling fine, and just off for a walk- duse in my 'coffee every morning for a fortnight, and, finding a small im- provement, I have continued doing so ever since. "I am happy to state that I can now walk miles without difficulty. As a matter of fact, I recently entered a race for Veterans over 40, and, in epite of my 61 years, 'walle away That was my Now I am th done me so much good that I recom- mend them to all sorts of bodily ills." --W. H. D. . By maintaining Nature's balance of vital salts in your body, Kruschen ensures the regular amd harmonious operation of your liver and kidneys, so that your inside is gently but com- pletely freed from every perticle of puisonous waste matter. Internal cleanliness mea.s the cir. culation of clear, refreshes blood to every cell of your system, convert- ing every vein into a tiny orrent of energy, filling every fibre of you witn Stores at 45c. and 7bc. per bot- at "Kruschen Feeling" of fitness. Kr ischen Salts i= obtain-ble at all earth for? I told you to get an alarm clock." Mr. Slowcombe--"Yes; I did, But after a day or two I sot used-to it and it didn't wake me. So I got the parrot. And now when I go to bed I fix the alarn. clock and put the par- rot's cage on top of it. What that bird says when the alarm goes off would wake up anybody." Knock, and the world knocks with you; boost, and you often find yourself boosting alone, being served at the dinner party. The young lady, before eating them, asked the rather deaf clergyman next to her: "Young Lady--"Do you like banap- as?! Deat Clergyman (embarrassed) -- "Er-er, no, you see, I still prefer the old-fashioned night shirt." Dessert was We hear a lot about part time jobs now. And from all the evenings they have to spend aloide, a good many wives must think hey"ve married part-time husbands Boss (trying to trip his office boy)-- "What is the difference between the bull and the ox?" Office Boy--"The bull is the calf's father." Boss--"'But the ox?" Office Boy--"The ox uncle." is the call's Heaven to a girl would be having 20 many clothes she couldn't decide what to wear, but to a boy it would be hav- ing so many girls that he couldn't make up his mind which one to call up. The class had beer instructed to write an essay on Winter, Before they began the teacher gave them a few hints, and among other things he sug- gested that they might introduce a short paragraph on migration, One child's attempt read as follows: "In winter it is very cold, Many old people die in winter and many birds also go to a warmer climate." One thing worse than being poor and having to work is being poor and not having any work to do. te eee. Though marketed conditions were unfavourable last year, the catch of whitefish from the Dominion's fresh water fisheries was nearly 15,800,000 pounds. A large part of Canada's an- nual whitefish landings is exported to the United States, Depts hy 1130 Bay Bt:eet, 'ku.onta 30 Bay Been So) Highest Price Paid i lite . 61--To loot 22---Hindu title of Se gees 53--Loop . respect ing holiday. Kruschen Salts have] tle. 12--To anoint b55--Lucid 23-- Lessened a ? . ; : 13--Observed 57--Knocked + 25--Young animal ANSWER 10 1.81 WEEK'S Classifiea Aauvertising 14--Ibsen character 61--Land mcasure 27--Cloth + PUZZLE - PATENTS. 15--Inflicts 62--Frosted 28--About BT Ta. : 17--Small 61--Prior to « 30--0ld times D ANNIsoN nl .P TENTS : 19--Pit 65=Uniteu 32--Nervous disease Al chien ToT" Federal Puiging, . 21--Horse §6--Feats 36--Tuber Toronto, 22--Withered T--Crude 38--Insects "A OFFER TC TO EVERY INVINTOR K NVINTOR 24--Quadruped Vertical 41--Insinuated A nt, of want nventiona and fu x it free. The Ramsay Com- 26--Greek letter 1--Softly 43--To entitle i orld Patent A ero TT] Bank 29--Dregs 2--Melody 46--Musical instrument Street, Ottawa, Canada. 31--Seed 3--Grows light 47--To cut _-- 33--To put on 4--Dark 49--Mocked x= I XH IE: ! 34--While S--Green §2-Feathered anima) Agents wanted. Te sell the Household 36--Cunning 6--By 54--Run about Fire Extinguisher vi 37--Obtuse 7--To bedeck b5--Rule Instant protection for Homes. a oro 39--Pronoun 8--God of wisdom §6--tndicustion poo ishing Sod, knowns © . 40--Cage 9--Rough 57--Cube Retails only $1.00. Liberal commission. C her for sample sent 42--Father (nickname) 10--Custom 59---Age aim r-------------------------------- Complete exUnguIner FO eo . 8 44--To cheat 11--To obtain 60--Moisture in making up their mind what boy tO | The Mousehold Fire E: ishey CO. 46--Image 16--Encourages 63--Pronoun marry. 680 Bay St, Toronto fy ' ry Head Clerk--"Aha! i'm glad to no-|| «. W 1 and Bo Owl Laffs tice that you're arriving punctually STORIES ARE WANTED Ir YS N now, Mr. Slowcombe." Well written stories find a dy i : m------ : * ar . market today. The McKishnle Course . ---- 1 do not ask, O Lord, that life may be] Mr. Slowcombe -- "Yes, sir. L'Ve]} of instruction for home study pur Mrs. Stimpson's Nervous Daughter a pleasant road, bought a parrot." : Janes I eveton Jour e eative Head Clerk--"A parrot? What on || for Free Ability Test. SHAW BCHOOLS, Li ied for dressed and live poultry and eggs. > Correspondence solicited, £3) EASTERN FARM PRODUCTS CO, 423 St. Paul Street ast Montreal, Que. FOR GROWING @ [Bo] 133, Insure sound and MECC) [CHTR LI SCOTT'S EMULSION Ay of Norwegian 7p Cod Liver Oil RT) Vitamins A and D OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wake up your Liver Bile --Without Calomel _ Attention We specialize In securities which arg traded In on the various stock exchanges and have a real winner to tell you about shortly. Write only if you want to know. NORTH BRITISH INVESTMENTS LTD. 302 BAY STREET, Toronto, Ont. ISSUE No. 4--'33