RN BA aed ~ 'Mr. Harley Balfour, of The Mansion ! House, Uxbridge, spent "the week end "with his Parents, 'Mr. and Mus. Ed. Balfour. Marbles at Gilboords--10c for 150. * We are sorry to note that Archie Anderson had the misfortune to have his arm broken a few days ago while playing hockey. Mr. Martin Luther Crandell has re- turned home from the hospital where he was compelled to go suffering from a broken arm, due to a fall. AN INFORMATIVE LECTURE On Tuesday evening at the United Church Y.P.S., Rev. Mr., Doe, of Woodville, gave a pleasing illustrated address describing the total eclipse of the sun in 1932. The pictures gave a clear idea of the equipment necessary for taking the eclipse photographs and the immense care taken to secure accuracy. The photographs of the and the dramatic waiting at the last moment for the clouds to disappear, fully illustrates how difficult it is to] secure reliable information regarding this great annual event. L O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of the Scugog Chapter, I. 0. D. E., will be held in their rooms, on Monday, March, 6th, at three o'clock. A very sociable time was enjoyed by the Ladies' Bible Class of the United Church at the home of Mrs. Robt. Town, on Wednesday evening of last week. About 50 ladies were pre- sent, Mrs. Geo. Dayey, the teacher of the class, was appointed to preside in the chair and an interesting pro- gram of readings, impersonated dia- | logues and recitations were rendered, interspersed by old time melodies in ° which every one joined most. heartily. Miss G. Stovin conducted the singing and Miss Helen Willard kindly pre- sided at the piano. At the close of the programme contests and games were enjoyed until the refreshments were served. After singing "God be with you till we meet again" the meeting dispersed with many expressions of appreciation to. Mrs. Town for her generous hos- pitality. STORE DECORATED Carnegie Hardware Store has been re-decorated in a color scheme of pale green and black, which gives a smart appearance to the interior. THE ICE HARVEST In spite of all fears about the ice harvest, the crop is excellent. It has been housed by Mr. Sam Griffen and others in record time. some 15 inches thick, and are clear solid ice. MR. ED. DUNK NOT RECOVERING We are sorry to report that Mr. Ed. | Dunk, of Edmonton, is not recovering, and no hope is held for his return to health. His sister, Mrs. W. H. Harris, is remaining with him at his home in Edmonton for the time being. Silver Flatware For the month of March, we offer you Silver Flatware 'at 20% re- duction. Boxed a We have a number of boxes of good Stationery which we are offering at WHOLESALE. REAL VALUE -- SEE THEM. RELY ON EXPERIENCE when you need your Watch, Clock, or Jewellery repaired. actual event were most interesting; | The blocks are | I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER and OPTOMETRIST ™ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ! Re. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Mr. and Mrs. James Leask eo} Anna E. Perkins) celebrated Shel, Golden Wedding, on Tuesday, F ruary 28th. They canie to Port A003 from Reach township, 'where they| lived on a farm near Greenbank after their marriage, There were five children born to| this union, the oldest of whom, Wil-} liam Alexander, died when a young man. The others are Mrs. Nelson Baird, of Oshawa, James Edgar, who MALL 'BROOD lives on the homestead; George Ley- Bh ivi for He and man, farming in Reach Township; and brooder. "Mrs F d Mrs. Campbell Stone, alto of Reach Pom. : Raines, Port Township. Mr. Leask's chief heret was the breeding of high-grade cattle. He be- came well known throughout Canada and the United States as a breeder Son, _ Trice reasonable. Apply at of beef Shorthorns. He won the International Championship once at -------- Chicago and the: "Reserve" twice. FOR 8 ALE His particular accomplishment was $ the fact that he was the first man Pi a oe, Ppy, 2 mos. old.{ to win the Grand Championship in fat PRY stock with a Shorthorn animal. Mr, Leask is the proud possessor of many . 3 5 silver cups and other trophies and Prince Albert .ribb won with his shorthorns, A hot supper is being served in the ; rep on Baby Carriage in first class condi PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March 5th-- 11 a.m.--Glorying in the Cross 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--The Business Woman. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sunday School 3 p.m.--Worship Service, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 11 a.m.--Holy Communion Lenten Service, Thursday, 7.46 p.m: EVENING MISSIONARY SOCIETY ORGANIZED A few weeks ago, a meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Farmer for the purpose of organizing an Evening Auxiliary of the W.M.8. for the ladies of the United Church who cannot find it convenient to attend the regular afternoon Auxiliary. Mrs. (Rev.) Jull, of Brooklin, gave a very impressive address to the ladies present, setting forth the importance of the Mission- | ary cause, and the great need of our united effort to send or take the Gos- pel to those less fortunate than our- selves. , The following officers were elected: President--Mrs. Arthur Brock. 1st Vice Pres.--Miss Noreen Cawker 2nd Vice Pres.--Mrs. S. Griffen Recording Sec.--Mrs. J. E. Jackson. Corresponding Seec--Mrs. R. Peel. Treasurer--Miss G. Stovin. Secretary of Christian Stewardship-- Miss B. Rundle. ' Supply Secretary--Miss J. Franklin. Missiogary Monthly Secretary--Mrs. R. Peel. - Press Secretary--Miss G. Stovin. This new organization held its first meeting at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) Elliott, on February 14th. The meet- ings will henceforth be held on the d Wednesday of each month. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER MARCH 3rd, 1933 The world's day of prayer will be observed by the Woman's Missionary | The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. E. MacGregor, on the evening of March 8th. Societies of the Anglican, Presby- terian and Utlited Church, in a union service in the United Church at 3 p.m. The address will be given by Mrs. : Nind. All ladies welcome. 'LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. 'Money to Loan 'MeGaw Blk, Port Perry. - Office ODDFELLOWS OF THE COUNTY MET IN OSHAWA Candidates from Whitby and Port i Perry are given Degrees | Visitors were present from all parts of the county and the brother lodge in Oshawa when members of the Cor- inthian Lodge, 61, 1.O.O.F., conferred the first degree on a class of "five candidates, two from Port Perry, two from Whitby and one from Phoenix Lodge, Oshawa, at their meeting last week. The occasion was marked by an official visit from the District Deputy Grand Master, W. M. Letcher, of Port Perry, who was accompanied by Bro. M. Gerrow, the district secretary- treasurer. Following an address by Mr. Letcher on activities of the dis- trict and a reminiscent speech by Bro. James Gregory, of the Corinthian Lodge, active in the lodge for the past| Good Seed Birley,. Strictly cash. 109 r 1-1. One pleasing piece of service that| church on Wednesday evening by the Mr. and Mrs. Leask rendered to the| Women's Association after which the ity at Greenbank, was their| Young People's service will be held, work in the Church and Sunday | the topic for this week being "Citizen- School. ; ship." One of the most largely attended The following address was pre-| meetings of the Women's Association sented to Mr. and Mrs. Leask: was held at Mrs. Philp's home last Wednesday, some thirty-five ladies be- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH ing present. After the business meet- Port Perry, February 28th, 1933 | ing was closed a portrait contest was Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leask, Port Perry, Ont. Hunter were winners, securing the * | prizes. Dear Friends: Last Wednesday evening Rev. Mr. upon this, the occasion of your Golden | People's Society a very interesting Wedding, that the Church should ex-| talk on his work in Japan. When press its sincere congratulations and | quite a young man he was sent out good wishes. there by the Anglican Church of Your love of the Church, your faith- | England as a missionary. One'of his ful attendance," your quiet unob- first difficulties was the learning of trusive service, have all been noted | the Japanese language, It took twa with pleasure by your fellow mem- | years of hard work to master enough 'hits. characters to obtain a working know- ledge of the language. Then the veal Such lives as your own are the re- liable parts of the Church. Your trust Missionary sflorte Yager, Dusine his and daily good: living are sufficient isted: by Jays "Bibl ik ie Say you Have caught the women. Thus he had the pleasure of 5 : J forming some lasting friendships and oe ia for gu, in the svn ope. oy of bringing rg which your long life of uséfulness so Young glow Sok a bon 5 Sincerely we 88Y,| Ning for his kindly and sympathetic i igned on behalf of the Congreg-| Mra. Greaves visited with Toronto dont friends last week. R. T. Richards, Pastor. S. Farmer, Sseretary. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Martyn spent ronto. GREENBANK FIRE BRIGADE - The following address and presenta- -- foimen's Association are hav. tion were made to Mr. W. MacGregor | ¢ March 8th. yay by the members of the Port Perry| mpe Annual Day of Prayer for the Fire Brigade and the Council. W.M.S. will be held on Friday after- Dear Mr, MacGregor: noon, Friday, March 8rd, at the home We, your fellow fire-fighters, have| ;¢ pps A. Rodd. the profoundest regret for the un-{ ff. and Mrs. W. Phoenix visited Mr. fortunate 'illness which has incapaci- tated you for the rigorous work of a di Selby hd. i Seat, lant Fire Chief of the Brigade. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ganton Webster, of We realize that it has been owing | progpect, at Mr. T. Sharp's on Friday. to your courage, activity and good| My H., Phoenix visited at the Judgment, coupled with your know-|pome of Mr. T. Sharp on Sunday. ledge of the construction of buildings, | Apout sixty neighbors and friends that we have been able, under your gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. guidance, to keep the fire-fiend in| m Brown on Monday evening to give check in Port Perry. f : We, one and all; carry the happiest | (heir new home in: Colbourne.- Mr. recollections of the years of service| ang Mrs. Brown have lived here about under you and we ask you to accept nine years and will be greatly missed. 'the Arm-chair as a slight memento of | we wish them happiness and success. our appreciation. in their new home. " We give it to you with the hope id that you may find it a comfortable vantage point from which to look back at the glorious past and forward 'to the still brighter future in store for you when you have recovered, as we all look for you to do, from your PRESENTATION TO CHIEF WM. MACGREGOR, BY PORT PERRY held, in which Mrs. Ettey and Mrs. | The. next of the University Extension Lectires i entitled "AN APPRECIATION OF MUSIC" By PROF. CAMPBELL MoINNES, and will be held in the "on the evening of * MONDAY, MARCH 6th i Commencing at Eight O'Clock . Mr. McInnes is a noted Baritoue, and gives vocal demonstrations during the course of his lecture. . ADMISSION 25¢c. OFFICE, OR FROM MEMBERS OF THE COURSE. HIGH SCHOOL ASSEMBLY HALL TICKETS MAY BE SECURED AT THE STAR HOUSE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ge A good frame house, 7 rooms with LH At no time is it more fitting than | Nind of Port Perry, gave the Young | - H. PEEL, President RURAL HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDING Games W. L. T. F. A. Dudieliows rev: + 1 6 0 1 14 6 Prince Albert ...... 7 i) 1 1 20 8 Port Perry .7...... 7 5 2 0 16 9 Honeydale .....,.. 7+ 8 2 0 19 12 Greenbank ...,.... 8 3 3 2 15 18 Seagrave ......... 8 2 4, 2 16 21 'Nestleton .....,.,. 7 3 4 0 15 11 dx rar viet 3 3 3 18 15 Myrtle ... icone' B 1s 5 0] 10 . 30 joa 4 J. Ga ddan 8 0 <7 1 24 6 2 149 149 A. SOMERVILLE, Sec.-Treas. -- fruit, apples, ~~ Suitable for chicken farm or m t garden. ri Union Avenue. Apply W. Kaufman, A A Port Perry. Feb. 28 g STR ; Myrtle Station . There was a good attendance at Church last Sunday nrg of the weather. Rev. Mr. Jull, of Brook- lin preached a good sermon "to a very appreciative audience, The Young People's Society are invited to Prospect for the evening of March 8th. We! hope-1o, gee a 'good + the week end with relatives. in To- them a farewell before leaving for | Ave to Roy Rebertum, Port Perry | * Mar 16} The following address was presented by the Young People of the United Church, Port Perry, . to Miss Vera Miller, who has gone to Oshawa, to reside with her sister, Mrs. Drew. Accom- panying the address were a. number: of useful présents. Miss Miller will be greatly missed in Port Perry. We wish her the happiness she deserves as a good citizen. " y To Miss Vera Miller, Port Perry, Ontario, Dear Vera: The members of the Young People's Society "wish to convey to you three things-- First, we are sorry that YOu are leaving Port. - Perry; Second, we wish to express our 'Shtietre. ap - preciation of your kindly good fellowship. We have most. thoroughy enjoyed working with you; Third, to. convey fo you our hearty good wishes for the We have associated together in all kinds of experiences, some of them happy, some of them full of sorrow. Ja bath please sad sorrow you ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION stroke last Thursday. EH time of writing the. patient. is im- proving. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Levi Tordiff, who last week, . was 'operated on for appendicitis is pro- nicely and we ? the "Pot Luck" supper held at Mrs. Chisholms last week under the cof'the, W. M. 8 ~~. a . and- Mrs. Mat. McKenzie of i guests of Mr. -