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Port Perry Star, 30 Mar 1933, p. 7

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Here it was that as saw the ./ 'prentices in one of their annual out- * bursts of altruistic morality, attack- ; 'ing the wasavoury houses and their in- * habitants in Whetst Park; here} was once exhibited the amazing spec- tacle of a Lord Chancellor's Mace and sion by the thieves who had abstract. ed these insignia of office from the statesman's lodging in Great Queen | Street; here Babington and his fellow conspirators suffered death; here Wil- Ham, Lord Russell, was judically mur- | fered, on a scaffold erected on the: west side of the present garden; here ~ the great Duke rode through the square when the mob tried to pull him off his horse, in 1832, and Martin Tup- per (of all people) could-be "heard shouting from the steps of Surgeons' Hall, the words "Waterloo, Waterloo," whose magic had ceased to electrify a _ heedless and gullible populace. £ > "Solid" History » Certainly anyone "writing 'about "the damned distracting town," s&s b work on. As Lord Wakefield, one' of the City's greatest modern benefac- tors, says in his Introduction to Col. Robert Blackham's "The Sovereign City," London is "solid" history in the 5 same sense as the River Thames is . . ssid to be "liquid" history. The Lon- don that Colonel Blackham shows us - is the "wonderful Square Mile which | down the ages has maintained a char-| acter and influence superior to that of any other community in England 'or ; disewhere. He traces its twenty cen- of stirring history, lets us see complicated wheels of government turnton, and talks familiarly of its monuments and bridges, banks and business houses, trees ahd inns, its enviable war . service, its markets, * eharities, and all the parts that go to make up the mighty whole. Yet another aspect of the City Is dealt with In "The London County neil From Within." Here are the ' y years' official recollections of Sir . Parry Hawad, late Comptroller of the L.C.C, and Electricity Commissloner from 1920 to 1930. He witnessed birth of the Council in 1889, having al ready' served for several years in the fice of {ts predecessor, the Metropoli- Board of Works, In a way that _mever becomes dull he lets us see the of the many-sided DrEauise that affects all how the system of ilnis ~ {ration was built up, and giving his own impressions of the y ts and 5 OLason 's Weekly. ee a boy loses go-- les, knives, and copper ountes ply dropped. 'im SNOW, A sorap of paper that & girl : across a floor, 3 lovely broken kmob 8 fiom u goof, wil one Purse being borne in a mock proces-| ope called it, has wonderful material |" 1s & place where all the hips [ rgans, w 'material to accumulate and clog the Rb machinery. Taken every the system. Your bloodstream is thus | Drug. Stores al FREE TRIAL Nm te : rssrved from sontuminalion, Re-{SE0E frodhed ang invigorated, it floods you | occur a new feeling of vitality, a new for activity, You follow the urge, and after about ¥ fortnight that ugly fat forse go. You feel it; your mir- ror reflects it; you make for the near- est welghing- -machine, and very soon know it. = Kruschen Salis is obtainable at all 45c.and 76c. per bottle, OFFER OF LHRUSCHEN 18--French plural article Lower F; Tried By British Railways date in everything, London--In an effort to counteract ot. nr pm on warm , muffled reports precisely like IN THE NORTH SEA. = Fishermen who use the North Sea 7 hear similar sounds. They y in warm, foggy weather Look-out men at Ostend have reported identical noises, very dull and distant but many times repeated, and always occurring towards evening. They con- sider them to be subterranean. 'There are at least three 'places in Anerica where mystery sounds have been heard for many years past. One is that beautiful region, "he Blu Msun- tains of Georgia, where there are rec- ords running back for sixty years or more, reporting heavy crashes and booms, resembling the sounds of a dis- tant bombardment. . These occur at all times of the year and in all weathers. It was formerly suggested that v were caused by bears rooting under rocks and sending them rolling down the hillsides, but today bears are vxtinct--and the nois- es continue. In the hills of North Carolina and near Franklinville, in New York State, the same sort of sounds are heard. They are desfribed as resembling quarry blasts. STRANGE STORM WARNING. Prof. A. Issel, an Italian seismolo- gist, has written a paper on myster- ious noises heard in- Umbria over a lcng period of years. These detona- tions were quite distinct from ordinary peals of thurder. The centre from which they appeared to emanate was Monte Nerone. In the Midile Apen- '| nines subterranean thunder of the same kind is usual. The people call it "Bombio." One of the strangest spots on earth is the Quebrada Encantata (Enchanl- ed Ravine) in the Uloa Valley, Hon- duras. This ravine at times sends forth a loud, melodious sound, which niay be heard many miles away, and is regarded by all the people within hearing as an infallible sign of rain. What is more, the sound is so modu- lated as to indicate by its pitch whe- ther the coming storm is to be heavy ume of the sound. the heavy _ competition offered "by tions 10 mfles apart. first class fares, Some officials declare, experiment will . costly. loss of passengers through the open- Heh and without DE ve iy Krysthen Tree'sh mira by cuir Reon tide OUR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE 6 - 1 1h. : : » 4 # % . Horizontal 46--Killed 16-=Neck cloth : 48--Weapon s P-pexterity, S0--Capanly 20--Sun 4--Over _51--Color © 23--Vegetables 9§--Carryall 53--Lowest point 23--Up to .12--Bean 55--Checkered cloth 25--To plead. 13--Ethical ~ $8--Nams of foot disease 27--To be of use 14--Before 61--S8elt / 28--Trivial 15--Individual 62--Example 30--That over there 17--Faculty 64--Kind of dog 32--Chil¢ 19--Land measures 65--Beetle 36--To capture 21--Seine + §6--Eaten away 38--Plait . 22--Mobn ' 67--Golf mound 41--Great fright 24--Convulsive sigh Vertical ' 43--Play on words 26--To strike 1--Serpent \ 45--Unceremonious 29] 0 2--Deer 47--Molst 81--Tennis term :3--Oppressor 49--Titles 33--Girl's name 4--Cupld § 52--Title 84--French conjunction 5--Parts of skeleton 54--Glen 85--Watch charm = 6--Conjunction 55--To spread 87--Slang: sailor 7--Tub 56--Past 39--By 8--Spirit 57--Conjunction 40--Set of tools 9--Insect 59--To regret 42--Pile woh 10--Vase 60--Period 44--Characteristic 11--To place « = 63--To act , Gems from Lifes Scrap-book Answers to Last Week Puzzle 1 W|0 "Peace 1s the a natural state of | - 3 : 5 : 3 : man; war his corruption, his' dis. L grace."--Thomson. L BIR|I|SIK of "Blesgedness 1s promised to the, -{M | petcémaker, 'not to, the conqueror,"--| Quarles. A S IIE Tho need of mankind in this great [3 salt work of establishing ; T C T al glous. or light. The amount of promised |and keep straight along the crooked rain is in exact proportion to the vol- motor travel the railways are reduc h " ing thelr third class fares for the comes more like his father every day. summer months to the pre-war rate of a penny per mile between all sta- The result will represent a saving of a half-penny a mile on existing third class rates and a penny' on however, unless the railways. regain a consid- erable proportion of the passenger trafic recently lost to motors this likely prove very |says an aunt who has lived 21 years New rail fares will still re-| with her stepmother, 19 years with her main above the motor rates. It is not | mother-in-law and 25 years with her considered the innovation will affect | daughter-in-law. London suburban trafic 'where the ing of new tube lines has been prodi-| called at a cottage for a cup of tea. There is geanine economy in roll- ing your own with Turret fine cut, as you can make more than 50 - cigarettes from a 20c. package. yl. pays lo "Roll Your Own" with . TUR 'of Poker FINE CU For Five Com You can obtain a pair of first quality Ladies Silk Stockings, 45 | Hands Combined FREE Chantecler Cigarette Papers with every package. ET T CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited == ...SMILES... The Youth--""Your teeth are like pearls." The Girl--"Pearl who?" Mrs. Robinson was an extremely careful mother, and had repeatedly cautioned her 6-year-old daughter against handling any object that might contain germs. - One day the little girl came in and said: Little Girl--"Mother Dear, I am never going to play with my kitten any more, because she has germs on her." Mrs. Robinson--*"Oh, no, there are no germs on your kitten." Little Girl--"But, Mother Dear, I saw them." "Can you tell me the way to the Post Office?" inquired the stranger. "I can, sir," replied the oldest in- habitant, obligingly. "Go up the Downs lane, then round the square, and when you turn left you are right." Many progressive women are up-to- except possibly their birthdays, -- Proud Mother--"I think Junior be- Neighbor--"Really? And have you done nothing to prevent it?" The average woman desires to be the one to make a man forget all the other women he knows, then, she pro- ceeds to remind him of them all the time 'by asking him questions about them, "Permanent peace is a pipe dream," A naval officer on a country walk The door was opened by ex-Warrant v Blood Oxygenized by Dr. If YOU Are... ANAEMIC - ALWAYS TIRED - WEAK NERVOUS - RUN-DOWN - RHEUMATIC In 73 different countries, sufferers by the thousand have found new health, new courage snd mew happiness by having their Williams' Pink Pills, , , Weak and lc people fiave been wonderfully strengthened .. . Thin bodies have gained needed weight. . , Nervous systems have been revitalized, . . . Pale, Hitless teen-age girls have exper: enced the glow of buoyant health. . + Miadleaged Women . have been fortified for the critical change of lite. . Worried, 5 highatrung businéss men have been given renewed nerve force _ Oxygenizes Your Blood Stream pr, Willams' Pink Pills {n= for you, "By thelr remarkable : oxygenizing power, Wil Classified Advertising MS LIVER THAT MAKES PATENTS. YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Bile --No Calomel y Al OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. 0 List of wanted iuventions and full rmation sent free. The Ram:-ay Com- , World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank treet, Ottawa, Canada. For you to feel health your liver mus i pour two Sou wi He of ta ed into your bow every day. Wi t that bile, Fouble starts. Poor digestion. ns in the body. General wretohedness. How can you sapost, Lo clear up situation eliminati bie ( on items you nee, mere Fonthill, Ont. NURSERY STOCK. EDER NURSERY STOCK DIRECT Save dollars by getting my prices Standard Nursery, A. Roszell, prop. By oil, mineral Acid lazative pir or chewing ng or roughage? They don't wake FARMS ¥ RB SALE. up. ou need ¢ Carter's Little Liver Pills. Purel vegetable, Safe. Quick and sure results. yi for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 25c. at all druggists. LL) OVA SCOTIA F'RMS FOR SALE. Also hotels, businesses, summer re- sorts, Fr Free list, | Hugh McCallum, Truro. When Your Daughter C Distributors, Box 443, DSS SUNDRIES AND SANIT \RY Supplies. Write for wholecale cata Sent to adults only. National Dept, W.,, RE- logue. GINA, Sask. Comes toWomanhood Give Her Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "MEDIOAL. UPTURED? WRITE FOR INFOR- MATION. Smith Manfg, Company, Dept. 100, Preston, Ont. Most girls in their teens need a tonic and regulator. Give your Officer Jones, who had served with the officer. Both were delighted at meeting, and Jones explained to his visitor that he was comfortably fixed, owned the cot- tage and a bit of land, his only ex- pense being half-a-crown a week for a boy. "Ah!" said the Commander, "To clean your windows and brass?' "No, sir," replied Jones, "he calls me every morning at six and says, 'Warrant Officer Jones, the Command- er wants you,' I says, 'Tell the Com- mander to go to Halifax,' and goes to sleep again." This is the time of year when just a little attention to the home premises and to the streets and alleys and va- cant lots will do much to improve the appearance of the town during the spring and summer months." Small ex- penditures and a little time will do wonders in making a town attractive, Minister--"Do you take this map for better or for worse?" Colored Bride--" No, sah. Jes' as he is, If he get any better he'll die, an' ef he gets any wuss Ah'll kill him my- self." Young Lady (after singing before a stage manager)--"Do you think I can ever do anything with my voice?" Stage-Manager -- "Well, it might come in handy in case of fire!" A man says in the Spring a house: wife's fancy lightly turns the furniture around. ' A little girl of four came tearfully to her mother one morning with the complaint: "How can I button my dress when the buttons are in the back and I am in the front?" Mother--"I hope you didn't take a second piece of cake at the party?" Bobby--"No, I took two pleces first time." Son--"Daddy, why do they call it the mother tongue?" Daddy--~Well, just see who uses it the most." One reason some concerns are "in the red" is the fact that not enough black in the way of printers' ink was fused in their advertising. Sn -- It's hard to get the best of some men ~they haven't any." eaap--r---- 4 Spain Has 7 Women Mayors In Spain, where only two years ago account, ! oa Mayons--San Fran- women occupied a position so depen-| AGENTS WANTED. OUR daughter ALESMEN OR LADIES, NeuBhes: Lydia E. Pinkham"s LS spring catalogue and fabrics ore Compound for the nest ready; sell ladles'. men's and children's few months. Teach her how to Jne knitted outer and vnderwesr; a pay- ward ng business for you, steady employ. apa her health at this critical | ment, liberal commission, Write today, oe: When she is a happy, healthy British Knitwear Limited, Simcoe, Ont. e¢ and mother she will thank 0 4 you. REMNANTS 1 POUNDS LARGE PRIN. OR SILK Quilting Remnants, $1.70: 15 nounds $3.00, SCALP-HEAL , A. McCreery Co, Chatham, t The World's Greatest Bc an" Hair Tonic Get rid of Dandruff and Secretions, Prevent baldness and grey hair. Restore. the hair cells. Vitalize the scalp. '~t before it is too late. Write SCALP-HEAL COMPANY Pox 513, Station TI, Toronto MONEY FOR YY, Each Soooniul Means Health Insurance Take regularly SCOTT'S EMULSION Way of Norwegian {= oF Cod Liver Oil X Builds Resistance Easy to Digest incu Chronlole.

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