or I ACN Ee al Specialist at. Lawrence's drug store, . Port Perry, on Thursday, April 27th. ' Oshawa. LOCAL ITEMS COMING--F. E. Luke, Eyesight Mr. and Mrs. D. McKinlay, formerly of Orillia, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Allin. Miss Irva Nott, of Mount Albert, has been a recent guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nott, . Mr. Austin Mitchell, of Toronto, was in town on Wednesday ¢ of last week, Mr. and Mrs. James Stacey Francis, of Mariposa Station, were in town on Friday. Mrs. J. A. Cowie, and daughter Isobel, of Owen Sound, and Miss Mc- Knight, of Toronto, were the guests of Mrs. Robt. McKnight, over the week end. Miss Greenbank and Miss Spooner have returned to town to resume their teaching after having spent their Easter vacation at their respective homes. + Mr. and Mrs. Ray Britton, of Tor- onto, were in town on Sunday. Mr, Harold Dempsey has returned from an Easter visit to his home in Orillia. Among those returning to their re- spective duties, after having spent their Easter holidays in town, were: Miss Isobel Cawker to Blackstock; Miss Grace McMillan, to North: To- ronto; Miss Frances Raines to Nor- mal School, Toronto; Miss Grace Caw- ker to Hampton; Mr. Philip Nind to Thorold. Mr. Roy Cornish has r d his SILVERWARE There is a reasonable assurance that silver will advance in price in the near future which will increase the price of the manufactured articles. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY We save you money on OPTICAL REPAIRS AND NEW GLASSES when necessary. Repairs to WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, done at reasonable prices EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS SOLD HERE I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER and OPTOMETRIST SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY On Saturday, April 22nd, Dr, J. B. and Mrs. Lundy, received some forty of their friends on the occasion of their Silver Wedding Anniversary. Miss Lois Lundy invited the guests to the dining room where Mrs. P. G. Morrison poured tea. Mrs. Morrison was ably assisted by Mrs. H. R. Archer and Miss Ethelwyn Hutche- son. The dining room table was lovely with Sunset roses in a silver basket (one of the gifts) and pale green candles in silver sticks, while tulips, carnations and roses added more beauty to the rooms, duties after spending his Easter holi- days in Orono. Mrs. Geo. Heusler and daughter Marjorie have returned to their. home in Toronto after having spent the Easter holidays in town. Mr. Bruce MacDonald has returned from Thornhill where he spent his Easter vacation. Mr. and Mrs. P., Densham and fam- ily were in Toronto, on Sunday. Quite a number of the local Odd- fellow members were in Oshawa on Pree See Sie aie line dt Sunday afternoon and attended the CONSTIPATION SIX YEARS, Annual Church Parade of the Oshawa This was the 114th Anniver- sary of the Oddfellow's Lodge of Over 200 members of local LO.0.F. Lodges were present from|new person. Bowmanville, The service was held in | eggs comme Tam: St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa, and in Order. Whitby, Port Perry, and Oshawa. charge of the Rev. A. D. Robb. . Mr. J. H. Specialist will be at Morrison's Drug Store, on Wednesday, May 3rd. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. L 0. D. E. . The regular monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter, LO.D.E., will be held in 'their rooms on Monday, May 1st, at three o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. James Lucas, and daughter, Mrs. G. M. Rennie, were in Toronto, one day last week. Miss Jean Switzer, of Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital Staff, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Switzer, on Friday. Rev. T. A. Nind, Mr. and Mrs. S. Farmer, and son John, were in Barrie on Monday. Mr. Farmer, while there, addressed the Collegiate Institute and Kiwanis Club of Barrie, speaking on the subjects, Vocational Training and Vocational Guidance. The Young Women's Auxiliary of St. John's Presbyterian Church, will | hold their regular monthly meeting in the school room of the Church, on Tuesday, May 2nd, at 3 p.m. Mr, Hugh Nind, formerly of Peter- position on the staff of the Bank of Montreal, at West Lorne, Ont. We wish Hugh success in this new un- dertaking. Mr. B. D. Heiry hot Bos movel Bo . Arthur, Ont., to take charge of the Royal Bank Branch there. Stephenson, R. O. Eye boro Normal School has accepted a [ie Cie aie N. D. CHAMBERS & SONS MANCHESTER; ONT. (Dorothy Don Service Station) General House Repairing Specializing in Hardwood Floors, and Asphalt Roofing COURTEOUS ATTENTION TROUBLE NOW GONE. John J, Davis had chronic constipa- tion for six years. By using Adlerika he soon got rid.of it, and feels like a Adlerika is quick action --safe. A. M. Lawrence, Druggist. PORT PERRY Dominion Store wish to announce the opening of their Sensational Spring Sale THURSDAY, April 27th" A fine supply of new goods at prices that are remarkably low. Come Early for Your Own Benefit, Printing at reason- able prices AT PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, April 30-- 11 a.m.--Worship Service. 2,30 p.m.--Sunday School choir, of Oshawa. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sunday School 3 p.m.--Worship Service. ST: JOHN'S S PRESRYTERIAN THE PORT PERRY STAR 7 p.m.~Rev. A. D. Robb of Oshawa. Special music by St. Andrew's This 1s your opportunity discover what motor industry has made in the past year. Tr edota Dem: onstration Week is a special opportunity for you to : new cars; and compare them with any other cars at or n Think up your own tests--your ownideasas to what a motor should do--then come in and see what a Dodge or De Soto will do. ae This year no motor car should be judged by your old car. The increase in value is too great. There is only one fair comparison for you--that is to compare one new car with another. LOCAL DEALERS: BEARE BROS., PORT PERRY, ONT. T . DONT MISS THE PLAY, Depend on Me In the Town Hall, Port Perry, onthe evenings of Friday evening; 8.15. Saturday evening, 8.30 - Tickets 28c., good for either. night FRIDAY and SATURDAY of this week, 'April 28 and 29) neve notice. of April A.D, 1983. SATURDAY, APRI 20 Household lot will also be offered for sale, 'See bills for list. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS | In the estate of Elijah Beare, deceased the Estate of Elijah Beare, late of the Township of Reach, County of On- tario, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of May, 1981, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Solicitor for the Admini- strator on or before the 3rd; day of May, 1983, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 8rd-day of May, 1983, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the' claims of 'which the Administrator .ghall then Dated at Port Parry, this 10th day JOSEPH DENNY, ; Solicitor for. Administrator, april 27 R.R.4, Usbridge, Ont. AWAY WITH OLD ST DARDS you purchased a few years ago is useless as a m car of the same make may be much better than the be far short of what you can obtain for your money ... Many people who are justly proud of the cars to choose a new one. x We know this is so. » because we are re aware that ress possible. . recognizing superior merit. « fo : --mnot by many, many hard-earned dollars. : ; It is for this reason that Chrysler-Plymouth Ly si * sce and drive one of these Clrsaler Motors' sees ART: : tion Week, Apeil 290 fs Way 61h . Do not compare your old car with a new one . . Any new car will give you a thrill . . . Compare the new cars one with ariothér « ++ The car Dealers invite you to drive all good cars . . . Get behind the wheel of a Crysler, Plymouth, Dodge or De Soto . . . Then COMPARE. advantages of style, performance, economy and price because they do not trouble to investigate the merits of other ears when they come buyers purchase a car of the same make as their old one without see- : 'ing and driving competitive cars in the same price class. Ry 'The buyer who investigates before making his purchase makes prog- He encourages and even compels improvement by JE 1¢ may Be true that all cars ave good ears, but ible far from true that' Tt all cars in a given price clas are of smual mart---sotby w loug shot dealers are making a special elon to v= wry oi a svporuly g Demonstra: rod . . . Today's one . . Yet may er Motors 'Whey deive often. José # throe okt of four our sad Dodge DE Soto Furniture, etc., of Mrs, Cephas Butt, ' Lilla St., Port Perry, The house and |: All persons having claims against|- 'GREER & HUMPHREYS * Money to Loan Now located in the office of . H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street tor Phone 264 Phone after hours: 3514 FOR SALE Heavy mare, 7 years old, sound. Apply to Thos. Bartley, Con, 9, Tp. of Reach, Phone 113 rb, Port Perry. WORK WANTED Washing, Ironing, or Cleaning. may3 . «Mrs. Andrews. 1 Take one gold digio-ont, jealous husband, a flirting wife--a suspected ; crook, a chronic grouch, and a mil- | tionaire, mix well and you have "De- pend on Me." -- hp ' FOR SALE Building sand, gravel or loam for sale, Apply to Robt. Wells, Phone 189 r.28. * DR. W. §. HARPER 5 at Trinity Medical College snd Fost Gradua In Sergey of adic) rad No BO Longer Fa Gradius Cones Oe wd rg Fit ar. ony vg The Creamery 1S PAYING 26c., 25c., and 2%. Forde