an agreeable odor. 16 ounce can. cream Free, + Naphthalene. Per bottle $1.25. " Phene 49. THE Both_for 27c. REXALL CEDAR FLAKBES--The old reliable Cedar Flakes with * 25c. package. SPECIAL 19c. REXALL STORE Lawrence' s Drug Store News © (You Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) MOTH-TOX for MOTHS--This preparation does more than drive moths away. It penetrates the entire fabric where moths, eggs and larvae exist. All moth life perishes at its touch. is safe, harmless to people and to fabrics. Easy to use and has We give you hand sprayer free with each Both for 75c, PHILLIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA--With anh bottle of Phillips Milk of Magnesia, small, we give a full size tube of Phillip's Dental | (Tax included.) ADLERIK A--The great Stomach cleanser and intestinal evacuant, A. M. LAWRENCE Moth-Tox sa PORT PERRY Take advantage of the season, and - advertise what you have for sale. ALL THE YEAR ROUND . : We offer you the service of our bakery. We save time, and money, and worry for you, Let us take care of your baking troubles, EXO X__X GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. perfumes.. SAVON CADUM--A French Toilet Soap. FUMETTES--An instant deodorizing incense--six different .25¢. per box. 10c. per cake. PATTERSON'S FRESH PACK CHOCOLATES--50c box. SEVENTEEN FACE POWDER--with each purchase you 1 get free a box of cream. ® DO YOU NEED GLASSES? Expect to have a good Eye Port Perry COAL Sms ait ol) = W. G. W. PYATT Specialist here from Toronto, on May 3rd. Morrison's Drug Store "A Phone 16 COKE CEMENT - LIME - TILE When in need of any of the above give us a call. We have a full supply on hand to meet your needs. rayous READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Pennsylvania ar A SCOTCH coal, WELSH COAL, STEAM COAL, CANNEL HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE, BODY HARDWOOD, HARD- WOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS. CEMENT---A fresh carload just arrived. Also Fresh LIME and PARISTONE, TILE. Your orders will receive our usual prompt and careful attention. PORT PERRY COAL YARD Ontario WOOD "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" Nr WORMS ARE SCARCE ST- WISE CHICKENS Yeas: HARDE ST/*-- Sunshine or even snow won't § affect the condition of your § house much if it's built with § good lumber. We have it here fi --stout-hearted and full-season- ed. Service youll like, too. i Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORY PERRY, ONT. ZION ies BT pI spent Sunday at her home here. past week with friends in Oshawa. of the rainy day. of Valentia. lin of Eden, on Friday. Our Young People are busy prepar- wd | ing a play entitled "Getting Acquaint~ ¢| ed with Madge" which they will pre- sent at our Anniversary in May. The Women's Association held their regular meeting at the home 'of Mrs, Francis Stokes, on Thursday after- The meeting opened by sing- noon. ing "Yield Not to Temptation," fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The Sripture reading was taken by Mrs. Wm. Stokes. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the roll call given. Plans were made for our Anniversary to be held on May 24, also other busi- ness items were transacted. Miss E. Stokes then favoured the ladies with a solo. Meeting closed by singing, "Alas, and did My Saviour Bleed," followed by the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was then served by the hostess. Mr. B. Sonley has left for Orillia, where he has secured employment for the summer. Masters Lee and Allan Cruess of Toronto spent a few days with their 'aunt, Mrs. Fred Western, during the past week. 8 3 MYRTLE Mr. Knight who has been residing in Mr. Bert Duff's house moved to Prince Albert last week. The Women's Missionary Society were entertained at the home of the President, Mrs. Totton, on Thursday afternoon with an attendance of twelve. Mrs. Rosswell Dobson who under- went an operation in Oshawa last her father Mr. Levi Tordiff. Hoar, an will be given later. pis Miss Annie Johnston of Lindsay Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Wooldridge 'spent Sunday with friends at Manilla. Mrs. Clayton McQuade spent the A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mark Wickett of Little Britain, on Thursday afternoon. The auction sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. H. Aldred, which was held on Tuesday afternoon, was well attended in spite Mr. and Mrs, Fred Western spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Grills Mr, and Mrs, Francis Stokes visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Tam- week is recuperating at the home of an appreciation of her life 2s. J. Robinson of Dorgute 1s visit with Rev, Mr. Crozier of Pickering on Sunday as it was the Sabbath for 11 all. ministers in this Conference to} exchange pulpits in order that they might different appeintments. Crozier who is the son of "the Rev. ful sermon. Mr. and Mrs, 'Ward, Oshawa, spent Oliver Lane. \ nN GREENBANK Among the Easter visitors at'their homes here were: Dr. Ray Stone, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee, Mrs. Hughes and Miss Dorothy Real, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Duston, Toronto, spent the holiday at Mr. T. Sharp's. Mr. McPherson has sold his farm. Mrs. Wm. Sumerville spent. the week end at Her home near Sunder- land. Miss Alma Harmon, who has been in Uxbridge for several months, has returned to her home here. 4 Miss Eva Luke and Mr. Ned Luke have moved into their house . Miss Montgomery is spending the holidays at her home at Carp. Miss Darrow gave a very interest- ing address in the United Church, last Sunday morning on her work in Honan China. Mrs. Bonnell, Oshawa is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Boe. Despite the weather and conditions of the roads the W.M.S. held a very successful quilting on Monday . SCUGOG Nurse McLaren is nursing Mrs, Milner, who is very ill. Reports are a little more favourable and all her friends are hoping and waiting to hear she is getting better. The roads are in good condition now, as the men have been busy drag- ging and repairing, and the weather has been very drying. Miss Hilda Wallace, Miss Hazel Beare and Miss Luella Jeffrey, of Port Perry, visited Mrs. O, Jeffrey recently. Mias Grace Mark, of Shirley, visited her friend Miss Aileen Sweetman over the week end. Mr, and Mrs. F, Turley and little son Dickie, of Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dodsley, far a few days recently. Mr. W. Mark, of Valentia, called on his cousin Mrs. O. Jeffrey, recently. The hockey boys are looking for- ward to a pleasant time on Thursday evening at a banquet in Port Perry. Mr. Everett Prentice visited his friend Mr. Hubert Long, on Sunday. Mr. A. Sweetman and son Amasa were Sunday guests of Mr, J, Demara. BLACKSTOCK Mr. John "Hamilton has rented the late. Mrs. John /Smith's house and moved in last week. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and 'Mrs, Hamilton and son to our village. "Mr. Roy McNichol who was in at- tendance on Mr. Robt. Parr during the past month has returned home to Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Campbell and Ronald were in Toronto on Saturday last.| We are pleased to see Mr. Campbell out again and able to resume his duties after his recent illness. 3 better acquainted with the| Rey. Mr.| Mr. Crozier who preached in Ashburn i : some years ago, delivered a very. help- 2 Sunday with Mrs. Ward's brother, Mr. |. Miss Florence. McLaughlin of To-| United THE LARGEST ALL-CANADIAN RUBBER COMPANY FOUNDED ~ 5O YEARS AGO -- IN 1883 The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the school room of the United Church on the afternoon of Good Friday. The meeting was opened by the president, Mts. (Rev.) Newell with a hymn, Bible reading and prayer. A special Easter Program was then carried ont hy the president and members, Mrs. F. Stinson has newly organised a Mission Band and they presented a very fine drill, The King of Glory," A reading Cross" was given by Miss Ferga Johnie ston. Mrs, Alex. Johnston gave a talk on Temperance. A recitation hy Miss Dorothy Wright and a piano solo John's rea The choir sang anthem and the quartette rendered by 'a nice gi! election. of officers. The installation ceremony was read by Miss M. Me- Mrs. J. Harding, Miss Ila Moon, Moon, Mr. Harrie, of In missionary home. ©. . Moon end Mr J. Grantham cxat India, 8 _. well received. ~At the of the t Service the Socrament of the Lot tr mg were clctad upper was administered. ht nev . members were received Hige a st Praidin-- B. Dunogn, of chureh-and one by letter, which' sp well for oe Rey. oe a Green. | olin Asher P. Latter, of 160 attended the Bunter Schl | "100 the morning. The v box was| Hardy, hr © é "The | remembered Bl he Yirthda Fn 'The prayer service on Wednedsay | Shipman, RL was held at the home of Mr.| 8rd Vice-Pr and Mrs. C. W. Moon. A good at-| ton, : by Miss Hazel Wright completed the The Foun People's meeting this program. A special lunch "salads! week was withdrawn, The meeting was provided by those in charge. No, on'Tuesday last was well attended present, 40, proved very interesting to all, A very pleasant evening was spent] A number a the Young Peo by a number of young people at the|Dle's Convention held at Oakwood on| home of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Mount} Thursday last and report many ir joy, on Friday evening, when they ling things learned. A report will were entertained to a Jig-Saw Puzzle be given in the near future £ Party. The winners were Misses] Muriel Mountjoy and Marion Argue, . Arnold Johnston and E om cr ea i