Mother' s Day Gifts We Have an attractive line of suitable gifts for Mother's Day. TOILET SETS Jasmine, Gardenia, Yardley's and other toiletries come in attractive gift packages and make appropriate Mother's Day Gifts. : FOUNTAIN PENS--We have Sheaffer's and Parker's Fountain Pens and Pemgils. These make gifts that last and are appreciated. STATIONERY--We have some very nice gift boxes of Stationery at moderate "prices. CHOCOLATES--Attractive Mother's Day packages of Candy may be had at 50c. and 75c. Nii : GREETING CARDS--Mother's Day Cards expressing the correct sentiment at 10ec., 16¢. and 26¢. A. M. LAWRENCE PORT PERRY Phone, 49. THE REXALL STORE Take advantage of the season, and advertise what you have for sale. EFFECTIVE MAY 8th Owing to the increase in price of flour, ahd tax on sugar and other ingredients, we find it necessary to increase the price of bréad to 7c. Delivered. Counter trade will remain at 6c. _--_-- GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. =n The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. RAT-NIP FOR RATS--35c. per tube. With each tube is wrapped a coupon. Send the coupon to the manufacturer with 30c. and you will receive three silver teaspoons worth fifty cents each. Your initial letter engraved on them if desired. See spoon in the window. YE OLDE ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS--Give health and tone to the stomach, liver and blood. 39c¢. per large tin. HORNER'S MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS--For acid stomach. 25¢. per box. Four dozen tablets in the box. MOIR'S MOTHER'S DAY CHOCOLATES in one and two pound boxes LYMAN'S WAVE SET--Large bottle only 35c. Mr. J. O. Stephenson--the eye-glass specialist will be here in the afternoon of May 17th, 1933 E---- Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry Phone 16 Ontario | where an operation was performed on "EAL MY OLD FLIVVER, TY 'CAUSE T'S 'MOST ALWANS Noe ent | EH All over town you'll find them | f knocking our lumber--with a § sarpenter's hammer not verbally. id Those who have used it and § know just how really good it is 4 will tell you. } Sam N. cio) Lumber Co. Phone 240 X \ PORT PERRY, ONT SEAGRAVE Another lively meeting of the Athletic Association was held on Fri- day evening last in the schoolhouse. It was a get-together meeting of the Rural Baseball League of which Pine- dale, Zion, Manilla and'Little Britain were represented. Some very inter- esting business was transacted which kept the secretary busy for awhile. The six teams organized with their best men, it is expected, will be doing all in their power to make a name for themselves. The first of the ball sea- son will open at Zion Anniversary on May 24th. The play "Nobody But Nancy" given by several of our young people, on Thursday evening, May 11th, in the United Church, promises to be an evening's enjoyment throughout. The play was to have been given some time ago, but owing to circumstances, was postponed to this date. We trust a full house and fine weather will greet our people who have put much time and practice to make it a suc- cess. The Women's Association will. be entertained at the home of Mrs, Mil- ton Stone, on Wednesday afternoon. A' full attendance is expected. Visit- ors welcome. Mr, Will Holdershaw was taken to Port Perry Hospital on Tuesday last his leg. We understand the young man is doing as well as can be ex- pected, and every hope is held for his recovery. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Moss Mark in the loss of his brother, whose funeral took place at Little Britain on Friday afternoon. Sorry to report that Mrs. John Mark confined to bed through illness, COAL - COKE - WOOD CEMENT - LIME - TILE When in need of any of the above give us a call. We have a full supply on hand to meet your needs. FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. SeoTes ( COAL, WELSH COAL, STEAM COAL, CANNEL HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE, BODY HARDWOOD, HARD- WOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS. CEMENT--A fresh carload just arrived. Also Fresh LIME and PARISTONE, TILE. Your orders will receive our usual prompt and careful attention. PORT PERRY COAL YARD, W.G. W. PY. ATT "Reliable Seryice ond Better Fuels" Phones--94 W.and 94J. Others on the sick list are somewhat improved in health. Misses Iva' Reynolds and 'Helen Partridge, of Greenbank, were visitors to Toronto on Saturday. Misses E. Graham and N. Urquhart spent the week end with friends and relatives -in Fenelon Falls. Mrs. Demara of Scugog, was a Sun- day guest of Mrs. H. Wannamaker. Mr. Jeffrey and daughter Myrtle, and Mrs. Gordon Cherrie, of Scugog, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S. Reynolds, on Friday. : Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk and family, Mr: R. Owls and Mrs. Butt, of Port Perry, visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Shunk, on Sunday. . Congratulations -are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Moon, of To- ronto, on the gift of a son, on Sat- urday, May 6th. : Miss Alma Frise, of Gamebridge, Ms. asd Mrs, Goo, Dlarhte ang Tams ily, visiting with relatives - t Cam-| ! sin; ever made about It's the story of a life-savin invention.--An invention save hundreds of lives . . . maybe your life . . . and prevent hundreds of those accidents that maim and cripple people. How people are killed For years a0 iSpeeds have been day th Al Bry toda! ey ~ uily for s wher the speedometer reads 40, 50 and 60--mile after mile, .. ' the heat inside the tire carcass Rubber and increasing. becomes terrific. fabric begin to separate. stargs . . .. inside can't see it. ,. and grows. insidious tumon it it pest bi bigger . . . until out! your car off the road. So somebody simply HAD to build a safer tire. One that would stand the terrific strain of modern high-speed motors. How it prevents blow-outs To protect you from blow-outs, every new Goodrich Safety Silver- town Tire has the amazing new Life-Saver Golden Ply. This new invention resists terrific fabric and rubber don't Sepa. ate. Thus, blisters don't form inside the tire. Blow-outs are prevented ~ NO EXTRA: COST T0 PUBLIC TH! is probably. the "most e announcement tire, where you The rim hits the road .", . And a terrible drag sets in . . . Like some unseen monster pulling 3 ¥ # i overcoming the very cause of) by rete ee they start. Three times Safer at High Speeds At gruellin, speeds on bathe world's | fastest track the Goodrich vioy Sieriows Tire Conds the Lie ver Solder Ply lasted by tre times as as first ty tires that did not have this Proved itself three times feature, from blaw-outs. Other tires blew out at one-third the distance the New Silvertowns were run. The new Silvertowns NEVER blew . . . Rubber got so hot it fairly smoked . . . wore right down to the fabric. But. the Golden Ply refused to give. a tire. that wi A blister Like + BE, Safest anti-skid tread gger an e tread, too, is: safer from A blow- are Scientific tests with leading makes of tires prove that Goodrich Safety Silvertowns have the most skid-resisting tread on 'the road. fren on wet, slippery avements, squeegee drying Rs this famous tire gives your cat extra road grip and reduces danger of skidding to the minimum. Put this Silvertown Tire on your car. It costs you not one cent more than' any outer standard tire, Drive in where you see the "Mountie"--the brightly colored sign which identifies the Goodrich dealer. It tells you where Good- rich Tires are sold--the safest tires ever built. w © with red crys: tor to protect you i MADE IN CANADA Goodrich " Sweetman's Garage PHON Port Perry 5 Have You taken a Ride in the New Chrysler - Plymoul CAR? If you have, you know its smooth, easy-running power, the beauty of the car and its appointments; and, above all, the surprise that 80 good a car is sold at so low a price. . . ~ . If you have not had 4 ride in the new Cheyaler-Plymouth, call _ Sweetman' $ Garage, Port Perry Poss 8 Six, room with the president Joe Grant- ham in the chair.. Rev. Mr. Green THESE TIRES ARE | THE SAME PRICE i BUT THIS ONE (S| THREE TIMES SAFER FREE This a i gn Tighe you out. Come in and get and become a member of Tne town Safety League. Silvertown WITH LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PLY the Sunday" Setool room -on Tuesday ery "ky to hear of her serious il last to attend the Yom Bogs Con- I a rile: tion, was. presided over the devotional period. Bible references were conducted by Miss Norma Urquhart, Reports of the| convention, recently held at Oakwood were given by 'Miss Marion Eagle- son, Ruth' Clesiants' 'and Mr, Harold ¢ * Na evening,' April 25th, When our Rp at her. hore wish a [Rev. Mr. Green was invited to factory and favorable for carrying another year's works love - Sunday School on Sunday morning | had a record attendance of 187. It was Missionary_Sunday. Mrs. 8. J. 'Wooldridge favoured with a pleasing solo. _Service in the evening as usual. |. Vhs meston preached a splendid ser-| "Well received by a fair under the. aE care, Mrs. Rogers, Sr., who has spent toes