; J ve te Telephone Oi, Port Prey eines the Club has 'been, formed it different designs in Tweeds, F 0 - Worsteds, Grey and Blue: Serges. YOUR. CHOICE FOR $35.00 Pressing and A Dry Cleaning Done > Ww. T Rodinan MERCHANT TAILOR e Specialiiing. xclusively in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. " 'Open Tuesday, day, Thursday and Saturey, svskiey Disney Opposite P.O. OBHAWA, ONT. 1516 -- Phone -- 1516 Vv, P. STOUFF ER PIANO TUNING =r 3 h AR, guaranteed. Phons 30, --_-- 'W. A. Sangster _ DENTAL SURGEON Office Howat om. to. ¥ pm / ' Office over Nelson's Store. " CAWKER BROS. Buy and sell good at el Fod price. Choice cuts Phone orders "meat. receive prompt attention. Phone 29 w. . CAWKER BROS. A ee PORT PERRY Port Perry Baseball Club At a meeting held in Harris & Harris' office recently the Port Perry Baseball Club was organized for the ~purpose of entering a team in the newly formed Ontario County Base- 'ball' League. An, election of officers 'was held and. the following are the officers ch "for the coming' Hon. President--H. R., Archer. President--E. Hayes . Vice President--A. P. Ingram. Manager--H. Peel ' Sec'y-Treas.--F. Barker. Executive Committee--W., HJ Harris, Bert. MacGregor, Jno. W. Crozier. Coaches--Ted Jackson, Chas. Turner. ~The : league will comprise Port Perry, Cannington, Sunderland and TE and will operate a double schedule of home and home games be- ginning May 81st. All games will be played on Wednesday afternoons, commencing at-3 pan. From the_ interest shown by all would appear that the townspeople are very pleased that Hard Ball is to be played again and with the material on hand Port Perry will be able to field a team which will be capable of towns entered have assured us that they are lining up strong teams and it looks as though we are to see some real baseball this spmmer. Any per- the above officers regarding practices. "A subscription has been started for the purpose of securing funds to clean up the diamond and get suits for the team and thé response has been very generous, yet, a little more is still needed and any' donation that is made will be appreciated. The Schedule May 31--Beaverton at Cannington -. May 81--Sunderland at Port Perry June 7-=Cannington at Beaverton June 7--Port Perry at Sunderland June 14--Sunderland at Cannington . June 14--Beaverton at Port Perry June 21--Cannington at Sunderland June 21--Port Perry at Beaverton June 28--Sunderland at Beaverton i whitch should be a lasting memory to fall. ; Yoonk recently and Misses Nocaa cud | Fern Moon sang a duet. fore mocking singing + | closed with There wil ie mo goEvise hore vn Sun- day evening, May 21st, owing to Zion Anniversary 152 were in attendance. 'The services in the evening were in the' morning as usual. well attended when our Pastor, Rev.| Mr. Green preached a very. fine sor Fhe Wotly Friyee jrvies wa held mon, taking his text from 2nd 2L he parsonage on Wednesday even- cha pter 19, basing his es | ITE: On Thursday evening a meeting Timothy, will be held at the parsonage to make marks on the influence, sacrifice and: arrangements for 'Seagrave Sunday opportunities of mother. A mothers' School Anniversary. A good attend- le Sn dn, oe i of a son. ; events, open singles and open doubl The contest. will commence on the 1st day of the fair Wednesday, June 7th, at 2 p.m. The winners in each class will be determined at the conclusion of the contest oft Thursday, June 8th, and it is expected that the finals will date. Valuable prizes will be awarded to the winners and rupners-up in each event. Entries will be accepted till 12 o'elock noon on Wednesday, June 7th, but it is hoped that entrants will make their entries' as soon as possible. Entries must be made to Ernie Par- sons (Canada Life Assurance) Osha- services. Sunday School fi played between 6 and 7 p.m. on that Hoe: rendered appropriate music. a high grade of baseball. The other] son wishing to play should see any of |- C. W. Moon and Mrs, J. Harding were 'heard in a duet and Mrs, S. J. Wool- dridge in a solo. These were much appreciated. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association was held at" tho | home of Mrs. Milton Stone on Wed-' nesday aftefnoon, May 10th and was well attended. The President, Mrs. C. W. Moon; in the chair, opened the meeting = with = devotional exercises. Mrs. S. Reyfolds read the Bible lesson. After the business session a short program was enjoyed. Miss Jean Harding and Miss Fern Moon sang a ance is expected. A number attended the funeral at Scugog of the late Mrs. J. Milner, on Friday last. Seagrave friends extend sympathy to the bereaved relatives. Miss E. Graham spent the week end at Fenelon Falls with relatives. Miss Urquhart with relatives at Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Snyder and L family of Toronto, were week end| visitors of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Snyder. They also visited the latter's parents at Yelverton. Miss Marjorie Mitchell of Toronto, wa, STEADY ADVERTISING PAYS - iy i Pa and extra protection 5 LDEN JUBILEE from, akiding 10 youre ng , in 1883 go. in 163, this it "The TIRE With EXTRA PROTECTION The * different" construction of Gutta Percha Tires means extra safety for you. In every Gutta Percha Tire, extra protection is given through Gum Cushions, broad pads of pure gum rubber built in between the layers of cord fabric to absorb bruising road shocks, and prevent damage to the cords: Buy Gutta Percha Tires with con- fidence--there's 50 years experi- ence of making quality rubber products back of Nw STRONGER: SAFER CONSTRUCTION GUTTA PERCHA Tires are rein- forced at the side walls and have Gum Cushions at these pointstogive extra protection and strength, ANN 9 4 NOT THIS But THIS/ GUTTA PERCHA Tires are made of the finest Sgnality of tod with each strand im~ progusiedand toprevent GUTTA PERCHA Tires have extra widthof tread which gives extra traction pany Sommiused rubber, Bs ea iy) the ro Da bber GREATER MILEAGE. MORE VALUE . GUTTA PERCHA & RUBBER, LIMITED Head Office ; Toronto Branches from Coast to Cont I [RIEL TH TTR TET aT EW Hock 8 GROCERY SPECIALS COMFORT SOAP, ..6 for 21c. |RICE KRISPIES ... he 10e. NEW CHEESE, .. + +2 Ibs, 25¢. PEACH JAM, 40 oz. jar, Pe. LETTUCE, CARROTS, PINEAPPLES, ORANGES CABBAGE, at market prices. CARNATION MILK, Baby size ........2 for llc. MEN'S WEAR Men's Pullover Sweaters, sleeveless, with V neck All wool--green, blue, white, wine. "Special $1.35 . Men's Oxfords, Impregnable Brand, A fine Eng- lish Shoe, made on a good fitting last. Leather heels. Special $4.50. Men's Oxfords in Black Calf Leathers, at the following prices: $1.89, $2.75, $2.95, $3. 50. Mer's Canvas Oxfords. 98e. Men's Elk Leather Oxfords $1.65. Men's Felt Hats, a Grey snap brim hat. $2.00. CIR RNY [I TIMI F OOTWEAR FOR LADIES Ladies' Canvas Oxfords with heels. $1.00. Ladies' Sport one-strap Shoes. $1.75. . OC ORE TNR SER TI fie aniie _ie de Si he elie od Window Shades in white or cream 37 inches wide. 59c. a Floor Oilcloth; 2 yd. width, 96c. yd. REC SS CARNEGIE HARDWARE CO. Johnston's Floor Wax (Special) Paste or Liquid, Reg. 75¢c. for 59c. Muresco Wall Coating, 5 Ib. package for 65c. Clothes Pins, 50 for 10c., 100 for 19c. WASHBOARDS-- Zinc 35c., Brass 65¢., Glass 65c. PAINT -- Dominion Hardware Stores, Moore's and H. S. Brands--/2 gallon $1.65, quart 85c., pint 50c. VARNISH -- Floor-Spar [Good Quality], qt. 79c., pt. 44c. Linseed Oil, per gallon 98c. Ford & Fordson Tractor Parts List Price, less 40% YOUR HOME IS YOUR CASTLE Admit only clean, constructive news by reading THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR A Daily Netuspager for the Home constructive world news aot exploit crime and scandal. Jal! the comin ates pos nl ho Luly on omens Acer rsa a 3 stching the Wor World Go By" £ RY) and ay hung The Chilstian Sclence Publish! Society L Plast" enier By subier ibtion' to" The Christian Selene Monitor for a Bo. MW Bm 8 EM Tom r. > Baa WRAPPED BREAD ......6c. Te A a RAT SNR Sti