more "Hhdo ag hands, and 'about 3 sixty w I be required to start. Of these sixty a large niimber 'have {already oontracted to work, 'Some' -questions have ht, | asked coficerning this factory, and ~.i{as far as possible. they will _ be answered now: 1 Who are Coppley, Noyes Le Randall ? . '2 "What is the work ? oe 37 Who can do the work» 4 What wages will be "given? 5 What will be the hours of labor? '6 What provision has been made to teach' beginners the business ? - : "WHO ARE THE NFW FIRM? Messrs. Coppley, Noyes - & Randall are a_ Hamilton firm of excel ft yecord for turning out = good work. WHAT Is THE NATURE OF THE ; SU WORK P+ A The work is- largely done by EF ma inefy operated by electric or ther power. No single person omplete garment, but it sses" th ugh a score of hands, t on to the next. In this amployses soon become Sbben] Whatever they un: A Nias mtethg' of the Liberals cli, Port Perry and Scugog as beld in "the Town*Hall, Port}- $Y Perry oti Thursday, October the oth. The 'meetirg was nol As Hlwell attended as could have been ab otving to the fact that the rmers are unusually busy at this season of the year "The chair was taken by Mr. R. M. Holtby of Manchester, and Mr. T. JE. Cragg, of Greenban®, was the first speaker called upon to address the meeting... He dwelt at some length upon the record of the Libe: cal party, bringing ifs more Fring chapters clearly before the ds of his hearers.: The passage roti the honorable record of such Liberals as Hen. George Brown to the sterling character of the Libdcal | candidates of South Ontario wasan easy and natural step. Mr. Cragg Yad many kind words to say about Me; T'owke of Oshaga, a mgh whom Sir Wilfrid Laur Rg delighted to ionor, i 2 In speaking of Mr, Carnagie Mr. Cragg pointed -out the splendid work done by the Provincial candi: date when hie was a member of the Coutity Council, and stated that le ver offéred himself for office Foe being elected, his SHE the Local Legisla- ture; - <L Mr. Carvagie was next called to address the meeting. . Ha said that hie intended to visit - evgfy voter in the riding; and was going to work for an election. Oue" thing he wanted. to. be clearly understood --no man need vote for him. who expected to be paid for it. - Bought votes always do more harm than [good to the party. One felt that Mr. Carnagie's speech was not mere party talk used for the purpose of catching votes, but the statement of policy te his workers. - A state- ment of policy which lie intended "Ito Lave carried out. At 'this 'tinie 'Mr. Campbell, of : Prince Albest; said he had not seen a definite acceptatice by Mr, Carna- gie of the nomination for South Ontario reported in the local paper. Jo Mr 'Carnagie definitely accepted "L.the foimis ation At a meeting held He would4d Six months' interest has been' added to vour deposits. In future interest will 'be paid or com- ~ pounded every three months=--4 times a year-- next payment Nov, 30th. % h BLACKSTOOK A Branch of this Bank is being opened in the Village of Blackstock. H. C. HUTCHESON, Lo Manager. '" IT 99 WE ARE Where Dishes are = concerned Large stock to choose: from and prices the lowest, ROSE & CO. THE FAIR hewould hand back the trust reposed in him, giving them the opportnn- ity to choose another leader, Then followed a very brief out. line of policy on the larger problems of the day. Regarding immigra- tion--this shonld be a white man's country, but, as Sir Wilfrid Laurier has pointed ont; we must net act in -- AND jos As to Canada's stauding;| ha por Perry@§gar given the Dest expres sion of his view of the matfer-- [One of the best city dailies and daughter in ber motlier's house but one of the best local tnistress in her own. Public utilities weeklies, should be controlled if they are not owned by 'the people. The two for twelve months for only $2.95 cent railroad fare would be a great Subscribe Now. ig Value $2.95 The Toronto World Bot" benefit to the people. He would try to secure it. At the conclusion of the meeting the following resolution was tnani- mously carried » "Moved by John Nott, seconded by Edward * Boe; that we, the electors present of . Reach, Port Perry, and Scugog, desire to place on record our eatire confidence in Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Premier of Canada, as leadér of the "Liberal party; also in Hon. Mr. Mackay, leader of the Opposition in the On- tario Legislature. believing thet to be men of sterling worth and hon- est in their convictions that they are doing their best for the Thter- ests of the: 2people whom they | represent. wy Tho Waakly Globe together with the TORT PERRY STAR from now until the end of 1908 --FOR-- $1.25 Subscribe now €0 aac a sum of Tea School House, ' sante by proving FOR SA The 'undersigned has for sale. j class piano Il be sold at a considered.