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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jul 1915, p. 8

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-- .:: ' -. ' --· P£.GE EIGHT DISTRICT NEWS Gathered by our BuSJ Reporters 'l'HiiRSDAY,JULY 22, 1915 Cburcb. Good program. Admtlllllon gun. The crop-;:-~;~~ ;:; t~e-best~-~;; and ~rs. Richards, of Toronto, 35c and 20c. Jn years. visited at W. H. Jones' on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Hudson and family, or To- Kiss May Ledgett,of New YoFk, and 'Brownie' Britton and Jas. Dixon, ronto, bave moved Into Mr. Uriah her older sister, of St. Catharlnes, with from Myrtle Station, visited at David Jones' new bouse In the north end of her famlly, visited ·her parents and Jones' on Sunday. the village. Mr. Hudson bas recentl::r relatives here over Sunday. S. C. MeA \'OY Intends leaving short· purchased the old Pberrlll property, The Ladles' Atd or our Church held ly ror the wPst to make an extended and has started a. hennery. their ~gular monthly meeting at Mrs. visit with his sons out there. The members of the Library Board R. R. Mowbr81"a llll!t Wednesday ar- Jas. White, of Brooklin, visited at are requested to attend a meeting on: teriioon. Wm. Jackson's on Monday. Thursday evening, July 22nd, In the • Mr. Ed. Lawrence Ia laboring In the Harvesting will soon be the order of BROOKLIN. coming to Brooklin to reside, and will Council room, to consider matters of vlllage of Brooklln ca.~nterlng. A the day, some early peas being already Mrs. D. Holliday visited In Whltb)' suut a hennery. Importance. T. Hall, Pres.; D. Burns, good workman Ia always In -demand, cut. on Monday. 1\lrs. W. F. Hards, of Toronto, Is secretary. consequently Ned Ia always busy. Robert SpPncer had the misfortune lllrs. Black, of the North West, Is vis· spending two weeks wllb. ber sister, Tbe following Jetter was received by Messrs. Robert and Teddy Bently, to ba,·e a colt _killed by lightning last lUng at 1\tr. Jas. Smltb.'s. " lllrs. J . Colwlll. Mrs. Robt. Gilroy, of Brooklin, Ont., of Greenwood, visited In our midst last week. lltr. D. Holliday bas been visiting his lllrs. J. A. Peer and children are from ber cousin, T. H. Dundas, 3rd Sabbath, ·and attended divine servlc" Victor Jamieson shipped a milk cow daughters In Toronto. visiting with he r parents. brigade 9tb. Battery Canadian Feld here from Stouff,·ille to Matheson, which he Mrs. RobL Gilroy was in Toronto Mr. J. A. Peer, of Toronto, ac~om- Artillery: ' The recent thundl!rstorms delayed disposed of at a fancy figure. from Friday till Monday. panted by W. T. Hards, n~oto~e 1 t~ I France, June 29, 1915. baying somewhat but materlnllv help· Mr. Adam Spears has purchased an· Mr. and :llrs. John Maynard \1slted Brooklin and spent the wee -en w t On the evening of the 22nd of Aprll, ed the pastures. ' · other pair of ponies. ln Toronto O\'er tbe week-end. lllr. Wm. Colwlll, wbo Is under the about 5 p.m., after a lovely and sun· The Gtb conceasion Is fast becoming Rtchard Day Is overhauling his !\Irs. H. W. Foley aud children are doctor's care, bus returned to tb.e ell~ . shiny day, 1 was sitting at tbe guns one of the moat traveled roads bv threshing outfit, preparing for a hea,·y visiting In Toronto. Private J. B. Hards spent the wee • and was just going to have my supper, motorists, cyclists; IUld no wo~der, be. season'R threshing. .Mr. Ellwood Car· .lllrs: \\'m. Ormiston visited In Bulla· end with his aunt, 1\lrs. J. Colwlll. when a great crowd of yellowish vapor cause tt Is an exceptionally good road. ruthers will accompany blm on his lo ibIs week. lllr. Iliad Ill, who Is in the real estate sel'med to rise out of tile German rounds. l\lr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall, of Bramp· business In Edmonton, Alta., Is the trenches, just on our left front, and Floyd JonE>R, of Mt. Zion, spent Sun- ton, arc holidaying In the v1llage. guest of lllrs. W. J . Haycraft. · come tn the direction or the trenchP.S FRUIT BULLETIN day wllh fri ends In· the village. llllss I. Werry, of Toronto, bas been Mrs. J. Snilth Is visiting b.er daugh- ht>l<l by the African t•oo)>s belonging The Ladl<'s' Aid meeting held at Jas. Ylaltlng with lllrs. Wm. Ormiston. ter, Mrs. lllason, at her summer home to the French. Then bell was let Warning. If you baY•nohecnred your WIIRon's on Wednesday Ia.st was weii Mr. Keast Webber left this week to In Dobcacgeon. b d loose. Artillery on both sides opened Raapberrieo,- you.- grocer At once. attended. visit friends In the States. Mrs. Bell and lllrs. Curran and c 11 · fire at. a tremendous rate. The French NiagaraPenin.alaJirO.'II'II BlAck C"Jl"& A large crowd wa.s present at church llllss Josle White has been visiting ren, of Toronto, motored to the village were overpowered by the gas, and any CothbertaareaUbeir\,.,et. Forco.nning service In the lilt. Zion Methodist with frlends In the village. on Saturday to visit friends. · that were able to retire did so as fast they can't be beat. Next week endo church to hear the new minister. l\llss Bowerman, or Port Perry, is There seems to be an abundance of ne they could, and I don't blame them. Raopberriea. BlaekC~rrant•afewleft. · visiting with Mrs. Fred McBrien. fruit In the village, and good prices nrc Poor fellow<~. No human being could Mr. Ken Beamish was borne from obtained. "" stand against that gas. When the Peterboro over Sunday. The ladies of St. Thomas' Church Germans got the troops In tbe open on Mr. Keith Lawrence, who bas been t will be at home to their friends 011 retreat, they turned machine guns and ln Toronto for the past week, has re- ' Tuesday afternoon on the cburcb lawn. artillery on them and did terrible axe- turned home. Mr. Geo. l\lcBrieu and wife who have cutlon. Our front, held by the 48th 1\lrs. li'red Morrison and son, of To- been \'lsitln~ hen•, for some time, have Highlanders, was never moved an Inch, ronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and retllrned to New Athens, N. Y. but lhe Germans broke through where Mrs. Wm. Fowlle. l\lr. James Skinner has erected a the Prench were, and that exposed the Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Prest and child· neat wire fence around tbe front of Highlanders left; still tbey held on. In COLU~nt;s. Mr. Norman Wlck~ett, of Tor•mto, spent Sunday with frliends he~~- RAGLAN. 1\llss E . Black ts the guest of friends her<O" . Mr. Dave Allliton an.d family, or Old~. .Alberta, are naewtn~ old acqua ;ntan- -ceil here. l\11~~ Era Wrlr visited with Mr. and Mrs. J . Harprr. Mr. and 1\lrs. J. Molfatt visited their farm at neath on Sunday evening. ren. of Arcola, are visiting wltb. the his residence wb.lch adds greatly to about half an hour all the French were former's sister, Mrs. Wm. Brown. its appearance. gone from our left front and In full re- · 'The spire of the Pretsbyterlan Church was struck by Jlghtnllng during a re- -eent storm. · Mr. E. Snudden &: C10., are busy build· lng Mr. Wm. Jewell's: barn. Wm. Kclllngton and Master Jack wer<O" renrwln!! old acquaintances In Goodwood last week. Dr. Lou J. Sebert bas accepted a PO· d d 1 M A treat, so the Germans were coming ln sillon on the Medical stall' at SL 1\llch· l\luch sympathy is exten c 0 r. · thousands on onr battery, as we were We understand one mf the young men had his pocketl! plcketd at the Orailge- .men's demonstration lin Oshawa. 1\llss Edna Dawson, of New Ontario, Is spending her vacation with friends here. ael's hospital, as Eye Clinic. Sldsworth and family In the loss of bls In that little place called St. Jullen, Re\'. R. W. Allen, of Whitby, will son, Charlie, who was ,accidentally and the German heavy artillery were preach In SL Thomas' Church on Sun· ktlled on lllonday, July l~th. raining shells Into it. Well, do you dar morning. · . lllr. and lllrs. H. Maynard, Mr. and know I was pretty well scared, as I Ill iss Patience Francis wlth....]J.er i\lrs. Chas. lllorrlson, and llliss Offen, thought we would be all captured; that Wm. AYery Is brightening up the ap. pearance of his house by a coat or paint. Chas. Ormiston Is the decor· a tor. lllr. Arthur Grass 1and Mr. Arthur Howden took a cottrse or stock judging -at Ottawa recently. brotht>r Joe, have purchased a grocery spent Sunday wltb Mr . . and 1\lrs. Wm. ts, If any or us would be IefL We business 111 Toronto. Reeson. could get no orders from headquar- · Nearly all the bay oof this neighbor· bood has been barveslted, and n light <Crop Is reported. Jlllss Beulah Dring Is spending a few davs with friends In Oshawa. Alrs. !llcBrlen. · Mrs. Porteous, and Be sure to attend the garden party ters of the 3rd Artillery, as the com- ltrs. J. Maynard, visited In Greenwood on !llr. W. S. Scot's lawn, Columbus, munlcatlon, wblch Is kept up by tela- last week. on Wednesday, July 28, under the phone, was cut by the wires getting The Epworth Leaguers are holding a plcnle at the lakl' just south of Oshawa on · Saturday next. Let everbody be presPnt ond enjoy a good time. l>lr. Balfour; of Toronto, ts talking of auspices or the Brooklin Baptist blown to pieces. We ttled to mend How'a Tibia ? We otre.r One Bwac:h-ed lpo11an Reward for Wa~t·~C.~'n~·~~~ tUt •caaaot be currd by Walter Bryant and family paid a fty. in!! visit to our village .on Sunday last. ================================== them,but as fast as we repaired them J tbey were broken. As I. am a signal· Mrs. John Brent bas returned home after n week's stay with her brother In Shirley. The New Transcontinental • NE!~~~!.~~p~-~~-~'f!~R~~~A TORONTO-WINNIPEG <ria Nonh S.y, c..t.alt aad Cochn.~. Tbro.._b the Sc,nic H;Jhla...Lo oi.Ontono, Aaoa New ODtario. Rou.te of tnnumerable Manoela. F1De11t E.qwpment- Ss>loodid W (;ommrndna T.-lay, July 1), · Lw. T""""'o 10.~5 p.m. Tuo. Thu. S.t. Lv. w;n.u,... 6.00 p.m. daily - North Bay 7. 15a..m. Wed. Fri. Sun. Ar. Rqina 8.0Sa.m ... .. Coc1..raz.e 4.4S p.111. Wed. Fri. Sun. •• S.•katoon 9.33 a.m. •• A.. Wimai~ ] .SO p.m. Tbu. SaL Moa.. u Edmonton 10.00 p.m. •• • Throuah tickeh via the ••Canadia.n Rodr.iee at their heat" to Prince Rupert, Yuk011, Ala.lr.a, Vancou.er, Victoria. Suttle. q Electri~ li1hted toachee. dinina. tourist & atandard alcepana care. • Time tablet , elecpin1 car.ticlr.ets and ottler in~ lo~tion from any Grand r~nk_. Cab. Covt. or T. &. N. 0 . R,y. ~ata on apphca.bon.. 1\ (21\LL Te 1\RM S 4th Contingent Canadian Expeditionary Forces ler. and tbls being part or my work to keep the communications open, I bad to run to beadquarters for Instructions as to what the battery would do,as the Germans were firing at us with ma· chine guns and rlfte fire, and would pretty soon have bad us all k11led or wounded. 1 shall never forget that run. I tblnk there were mllllon1 of bullels and shells falling all around me for the Germans could see me going across a rise In the ground. I bad to I']. C HBNI!By & CO., Tol...lo, 0 We the uadeniwnect haYe J kaown P. J.Ch~ne• Wor the last 1.5 yeara. a ad ate•u~ bha pf'rfKt.ly '"-orw.ble ia all b1111ine.e hTaa•d.toa!l and fin. &•daHl abte to ~Y oat •a:~y obUcaUona made 1 7 Ilia rm. ~ N.&.TIOlt'.&.L IAIIC;c OP COKJIRaCit Tote.;to, 0. Ball'aC'atarrh Cure '• Uk•a late-raalty. acting ..Un:c:tly upon the blood a ad 1 rnucou audaces of llbe •ystc:m. 1'e-.lmoalala • eeat fret. PriCe 75 oconu ~r bottle. !Sold by 1111 dra•ateu- Take Hal"a Pamil7 l'illafODr ro~~lltto.tlon . The har-makers have been lamenting over the heavy rains whlcb bave been falling ·lately. Arthur and Richard White are mov- Ing to thl' village. They are going to occupy the house lately vacated by Mr. John Ross. We Invite strangers to our League mP<IInJls. Come Inside next week, boys! go about 40 yards, and would run PORT WHitTBY. --o-- about fifty yards and take my breath, The building operatltona on the new BASE LINE WEST. and go on again. I got there without 8Cb 1 k b 1 1 a scratch, thank God, and received my : oo ma e t lnga ratther lively here Mr. Greenaway, or Toronto, Is v s t· Juat now. Work is belmg pushed along lng with 1\fr. You rex . orders, then had to start the run back .rapidly, and the butldh:ng w!ll soon be !\Irs. Love and children, of Orlllta, again. 'l'hlnking of It was worse than ready tor the roof. arP vlsltln~ with Mr. and 1\lrs.Filntolf. doing It, for when I started I did not Mr senm 10 think cf getting killed, but to · W. J. WUaon Ia i night watch at The cement smoke stack at the asy- dellver my message, which 1 did O.K., lthe sewerage tllsposall construction lum for the new power house is 106 d I fi hi I r ,works. teet high. an lie •rsl t ng saw was one 0 A Toronto bulllne~~~~ ID\an bas been tn The frequenl rains have Interfered our poor signallers wounded In three town inquiring about Uhe advisability _with the baying, bul have Improved pl<lces. That was Ju} first real bap. tlsm of tire. or course 1 tad been un· of starting a large genqeral or dE'part· the grain and root crops. der shell and rlfte fire h<·fo•rE, but thlB mental store at Port Wlllltby. He bas, The Sl John's Sunday School held wm• the· .llmlt. We t:arl to retire to It Is understood, been favorably tm- their anual picnic last week at Holll· an'>lhr.r po~ltlon, "ltlr.h W£ did wlto pressed with the proe,pecta, and hM day's Point. •.h., loss or nhout _ men rncl _ hol'l!e.s. Promised to returu &Old look further llfr. John Ridgley has returned from Anyhow we got r.we.)·, and fired all into the matter. Weiland and will have charge of the night of the t.2n::J and morning of the Mr. Uenry Wllaon, fforE'man brick- Port Whitby threshing outfit this sea· 23rd. In this position one shell kllled layer at the asylum, Ia l!l>rectlng n small •on. one sar~eant, one corporal, two gun· bouse on the east side cor Durrerln St. Several silo~ nrP being built tbls sea· uu-~. auLI. "uLultl~ll u, 1-~,:. o;unu~ra, ""'-' 'The work Is neartnc comnpletlon. son. one for Mark Holliday and one 1 or whom died next day. We bad to """ fte-!lullda,.Y'hon "~ now In full for i\lr. Frt>d DrapPr. · k h Ill f b back -awing, and there la mucbh traffic to the Mr. Landreth, penman from Pennsyl- 1 ta e up anot er pos on nrt er water tronL The cot•·--ers are tn full vanla, Is around lookln- over his pea. at noon of tbe 23rd, fighting all the ....,., .. I \\' H)". This Is where 1 thought we enjoyment of their summner homes, and crop with Mr. C. Ill. Willcox. would be destroyed, but luck seemed In the "Fresh Air" chlldrenn are again en· l\lr. John Hall<:'! I has returned from our favor. we bad no sooner taken joying the delights of I the great out- his vtslt to Bront e. I up our new position than an aeroplane doors. Mr. R. W. Durlon was In the city last came over. and tt1e Jack Johnatona Strange that the Townn Stret>ts Com- week . came amongst us as thick as ball. You mlttee do not have the coomer of Brock Several Toronto yachts visited Port might think 1 am stretching It, but It treet and the Base Line ' amootbed oil'. Whitby on Saturday returning on Sun- Frost & Wood Binders Scientific design, substantial construction. A Canadian machine of matchless quality. Light draft, with many points you cannot . find on any other machine. Frost &. Wood Mowers and Hay Rakes please our cuetomers 1 Cockshutt Walkhig' and Riding Plows The King of them ali. The Brantford Ideal Gasoline Engines, Windmills and Grain Grinders, are winners. One second hand success spreader One f85.00 Te11mmg wagon for $50.00 One good spting wagon, gear only HARNESS REPAIRING W. F. OISNBY. WHITBY It good roads are going to bring trade to Whitby, we ought to have more competition In grain buying tba.n there has been of late years. 1\tr Lovll Levine Informs ns that be h~ purchased Mrs. W. Gold's farm on base line. Plckerln~. at pr .. senl oc- cupied by 1\lr. Tyndall. !\Irs. Wm. Stone, when she can se- cure a house, will remove to Toronto. ORILLIA WILL REBUILD MUNICI~ PAL BUILDING. Orlllla, July 18.-Little more than three bare walls remain standing of tbe fine municipal and opera house build· tng which burned early yesterday morning, The fire was discovered halt an hour after.-mtdnlgbt bursting through the roof above the opera house stage. There was an abundant supply of water and good pressure, but the firemen were only able to prevent the total destruction of that portion of the building occupied by the Council Cham- bers and tbe Clerk's Office on the ground floor. Thl' municipal rPcords were not destroyed, the vault being untouched, and most of the contents having been removed to a place of safe- ty. The building was erected In 1904, and was \'Blued at $40,000. The esti- mated losses are: Town of Orlllla, ~~5 .· 000, Insured tor $19,000; T. W. Rob- bins, lessee opera house, $3,000, with small Insurance; small losses were also entailed by the Women's Institute, 1\t. Woods, butcher, the Patriotic Fund Committee and the Electrical Commls· slon. The Council met yesterday morning CHAMBERLAIN'S • TABLETS ~ Mr. J. Houck, or Orlllla, a native or Reach Township, died .suddenly In Orilla on Sunday, July 11. An Orlllla man was fined $20 and $21.30 costs for selling liquor to a minor. The Orilla Board of Trade Is oll'ertng two prizes for the best kept lawns. Oril/ia Packet.-J. Miller Fairlie, of the Wlarton Record, bas handed over the paper to his mechanical superln· tendent and sailed for Scotland to jolu the colors. In his fa.rewen Mr. Fairlie says : "I am very sorry that I am un- able to continue as editor and publish• er or the Record, but these are time& when . unmarried men With red blood In their veins should be helping to fight the battles of the Empire In Europe. I place my country's call a.· bove everything else, and will lay down. tbe pen to buckle on the sword." and appointed a committee to secure FIVE SAILINGS WEEKLY-PORT temporary premises for the conduct or McNICHOL TO SAULT STE MARIE the town's business, and practically AND FORT WILLIAM. agreed to proceed at once with re-bull~· · Canadian Pact ftc Pal tlal Great lng. Competitive plans will be Invited, a the old walls to be utilized, the new Lakes Steamship& leave Port McNichol building to be made as fireproof as pos-1 Mondays, Tuesdays, WedneadaJII.. atble The origin or the fire remains a ThursdaYll and Saturdays for Sault • Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort Wll- mystery. Ham. Steamship Express making diJ'o OSHAWA. 1\fr. Geo. Swanson, father of lawyer D. A. J. Swanson, of Osbawa, died on Wednesday, July 14th. Prospect Park has been "purchased by 1\lr. R. S. 1\tcLaughlln from E. S. Ed· monson. There are It acres In the park. It Ia understood...lhat Mr. Me- Laugh lin will erect a baudsomP r esi- dence and otherwise greatly Improve the grounds. Jlllss Jean Trull, while holidaying near Parr)' Sound, saved a little girl from drowning, and afterwards admin· lstert'd first ald,brlnglng lhl' little one back to consciousness. Miss Trull Is n ~rl plde. eet connection leaves Toronto at 12,t& p.m. Particulars from Canadian Pac!Ao Ticket Agents, or write M. G. Murpb::r. District Passenger Agent, Toronto. AN EFFICIENT AND POPULAR OFFICER. . From the Edmonton Dall:r. BulltJUtt. .Jmle 29.-"0fficlal announcement · was made tbls morning that M.a.jor Geo. B. McLeod has been promoted from the rank or second In command of tbe 61at Battalion to the rank or -Lleul.COl,. and· given the command or the new Ed· monton Battalion, to be known as the 63rd, recrutlng tor which bas opened at lOlst Armourles thla p._m. • Col.. McLeod Ia a IOD·In·law of lllr. ll. Steph- YOU~ KING AND COUNT~Y NEED YOU Is wonderful how many or those big The filling or the aewer ttrencb baa not day. shells come, and with so little etfect, yet settled down to the le-evel, and there Farmera are a .!.IJ>I>..,_,, • .,._ ~~~~r-~ .. ~~iiiil!liiiiiill!llll••ll!!llllll!'ll;;;;;;t::::::::::;:;::;::=::;:::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;ii as tbey go so rar lnlo the earth before Ia a most annoytnc and cua-word pro- rural mall will be u they explode they do little damage. voting jolt when a vehicle ))&BleB a· as the busy times are on and bard to Chicken thieves are bu1y In OsbawL enllOn of thlB town. Volau,een from Whisby 11nd vicinity for Overseas S11r- yj~9 ~ ~g!.l!~~ ,~9 ~m !!-~ om:~ ~~:~ ~b~ u.od§J'lJJe.Dtjo.Ded ofticen. They maai poaael! the aaaal military qualifications and in addition agre11 to be nccinat!'d and iunoculated against small-pox and enteric fever reMpeetively. Pay commenctssJrom d~~ote of enlistment Fur further information apply to Lieutunants F. H. Webrlay, S. L. Trees, J, B. Laidlaw, A. P. Menzies, or to the undtlrsigned. BY ORDER GEO. W. P. EVERY, Lieut. 0. C. "8" Co'y,, 34th Regt. GOD SAVE THE KING with the fruit JOU ·order for preservioa- Tell him, too, that JOU waat it in the Packqea originated for ~ Sugar - 2 or 5 lb. Sealed Carton. or 10, 20, 50 or 100 lb. Cloth BaaL Then you wiD be awe to let theGENUINEREDPAni- Canada'a faYOrite · augar fOI' tLtoe· generations-the augar to wboee preserving puri~ you can aafely trult toocl &uit. Tbe report or the explosion Ia terrify· roulld the comer. T.-n minutes with get mall matter. tng, und the earth they throw up Is pick and abonl 'fiOU!d remove· tbe trou· ;:==============:; enornrous, but you could be rii!IIJ. '!P ble and prennt a multitude of bad I beside tbem- D.nd -not ·l'et -liutf. only · ,....onlo. burled In dirt and duecl. Sometimes they klll men wl th the abock. lllen have been found dead, · and not a scratch on them-just killed by shock. Well, I could keep going on like thla telling you what happened for the next succeeding ten days of the battle. We got reinforcements on the evening of the 24th, and then we started att&ek· litg the Germans, and It Is far more pleasant than being attacked . We drove them back, lnllictlng very heavy losses upon them, and they seemed to break down. They counter attacked without effect. It tbey were any lood they should bnve captured ns all, but our splendid Infantry and tbe Drlttab put lhe fight out of them. All they gained by their Infamous gas did not do them any good. They bud a Yery largl! force gathered, wiUt tbouaanda or heavy guns, but tbelr Infantry waa not able to push forward when they bad the chance. We are prepared for tlwm now with gus helmets. It waa grand to see our splendid Infantry at· tack their positions. One never know• fi!CILE fACE. SUN AND WIND DRING OUT UGLY SPOTS. HOW TO REMOVE EASILY. I Here's a chance, 1\llss 'Freckle-Face, 1 to try a remedy for freckles with the I parantee or a reliable dealer that It will not cost you a penny tmless It removes the freckles; while It It does ctve you a clear complciion the ex· ' penae Is trifling. Simply get nn ounce of othlne -- double strength- rrom nny urugglst and a rew oppllcatlons should snow I you how eosy It IR to rid yourself of tbe homely freckl es and get a beaut!· I ful complexion. Rarely Is more than one ounce needed for the worst ease. Be sure to n•k the druggist tor the double strength otblne, as this Is the prescription sold under guarantee of money back It It falls to remove !reck· lee. the bravery that Is In them until you KINSALE. see them attack. I have been In an· The July meeting or the Kinsale Wo- olher big attack since at Glvancby, and men's !nAil lute will he held nt the came tbrougb. sate, thank God. home of Mrs. r. L. Mackey on Tburs- -o- day, July 29th, a t 2.30. A good attend- ance Is requested. The women of Kin· .KINSALE. aale \\'Ill take note tllat the ent.ertaln- Huylng is pretty well over for 1915. ment to be held on 1\lrs. Ruddy's lawn The crop Is considerably under the aY· on the 27th, hns been postponed nntll erage. Au~tst 3r!f. A good crowd from Kin· Mr. and lllrs. Jos. Harbron spent a sale Is ur~Pnll)' re~uestcd. llfrs. R.R. very pleaaant day at the borne of lloln. Mowbray, SecreiJ\ry: Mrs. c. L. J\lac- Mab~l Ilo~,;ers . key, Pro•s ldPnt. • Mrs.Wm. Saddler hllll been under -~--- Dr. Moore's treatment, and Is quite bet· TO REDUCE YOUR WEIGHT EASILY ·ter again, we are plilwled to re110rt. AND QUICKLY. 1\fr. Nelson Wagg, of Claremont \11.1 lately been around Ioo'klng tor a few If you nre 01•erstout the cause of your good horses. We have not heard of any OYer-t~toutnrss Is lack or oiygen-carry· sales just lately. Inc PD""er In the blood and faulty as· MADE IN CANADA MRMUDA Jflr~O~ ~IS BURY 2:Tor.2S!!: ~ COLLARS - WIWAMS. GREENE a ROME CO. UM.-no KRLIN, ONTARIO Summer Service to Highlands of Ontario from Toronto :o.DI a.m. dan, for Muotnh LAtos. dan, nettpL Buadar tor Lake of Baya, .Aiaonquin P"rk, Mqaaetawan Rh·er aml Thuaaawl Lake poinh. ' I e . •••·•· dallJ e1.rept Sunday for Oeo,.lau BaJ, Lake of Ba,.. aad W&&aneLawan Rh·er pnlnte. 1:a.o1 p .m. dally escert Bllnfii~J for Mu1koka l.akee, Lake of B•r• an• Alaonqufn P•ut. STEAMSHIP EXPRESS LeavH Toronto, • II · IJ•.m. Arrl••• SerBia Wllarl, 4 ·3• p.m. Each Moad&J, Wellne~daJ and Satarday, coa· nectlaa: wtth N· N. co•• palaUJ\I ateam1hipe for !lauiL Ste. ~!arlo. Pon .lnhur, Yon William and DuluLh, and a~ Fon IYIIII•m wllh O.T.B.Hanway ror WIDnlptl and polnh In Weatem Cana'-la Coache•, Parlot"-J.IbratJ·C&ft and Parlor-Library- Buft'et can between Toronto and R&rul& Wh•rf. Further parllcalau on application to Craud Trunk TlebL .A1onlo. •· l'~oobousou,.AJOU&, phone 88, Whltb• Next Wednesda::r Ia the Patriotic almllotlon of food . Too little Is being garden 11arty at Mr. Frod Glbson'L The macle Into the harder tissue of muscle Jlroceeda wlll be banded over to the and too mucb Into little globules of Red Cross Funds, a most deuemq fat. Thl'rerore you should correct the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Qause Indeed, and no doubt a very larp malassimilation and Increase the turnout wlll be at the party to help on oxygen-carrying power of brood. To do I :::~e.duty we owe those In the tlabtlq ~Ws~l~:.~e~~; ~~d s~r~gf!st ~~~~=~ N""I•C•~H~~ODLBSROTNA&KSBEwl~D~TOaNv_ Hev. J. o. •rotten preached lust Sab- pacltages and In capsule form, and take bath evening here. Nezt Sabbath even· /one capsule after each meal and one at lng 1\fr. w.,st, or Ashburn, will olllcl&te. bedtime till your weight Is reduc•1d to One week from next Sabbath wlll be what It should be on all parts or the quarterly meeting here at 10.30 Lm. body. The erreet of oil of orlleno In Rev. Mr. Totten will olllctate on the fol· capaule form Is remarkable as a weight lowing Monday evening 111 Greenwoo4. reducer, and It Is perfectly eafe .... E. J. The Quarterly Board will meet ln the T. Greenwood Church. An::r druggist can supply you or a Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and famll::ro' o1- llarge abe box will he sent on receipt or Toronto, were the peata . of Mr. aD4 '1.00. Address D. J. Little Drug Co., '~~~~~~~~~~~~~E Mrs. Samuel Diane::r last Sabbath. Boz 1~40, Montreal, Canada. Mr. Samuel Disney pald TOI'Oilto a I 1\ytng visit last Saturday over the C. N. R. Mr. Gordon Wbltlleld spent a few days In our midst this week. Howard Mackey called on HOme of biB Whitby friends early last week. We congratulate MlSBeS Gertie Ka7ne and Metta Sullivan on their auoeeutul Entrance examination. · Everett ltlack· ey and F;dna Redman unfortunu.J::r failed, but no doubt w111 ctve a aueb better account of themaelvea nest tblle. Fall wheat harveet baa . already b6- BALSAM. lllr. and lltra. Grant visited friends In l.bts vicinity over Sunday. Russell Jones and slater, of Toronto, apant Sunday In our mldsl Atvtn Dusbb::r. of Claremont, spent Sunday at I be home of his mother here. lllrs. Mustard and two grand daugh· ten. of London, are vlel~lng for a few weeks with trtends and relatives here. A number from here attended the picnic at Utica on Wednesday, and r& IH!rt a _good lime. Toronto, Oat. !Ia• to-day a ehoneer bold upon lba poblio conlldence &han enr before. "Thlrfll&h TrtiRin& • for choice poel- tlou In Bnolneoo Life io given In all of oar Dep1r1ment1. Tble college doea nill aok for a beUer repnta\ion lban It bu aow, We place many etodenb in p011itlono each ;:rear. Wrik to-day for Large Catalogue • • (lor. Yo•••••d Cllarlu Bto. W. J, BllleH, Prtadt>ftl Establi&lted owr Fc.tyaw Y ... THE STANDARD OF CANADA . ASSETS OVER .-a.ooo.ooo The~B,CofBenkmg J oint. Account! aro a Coo· vemence. · Keep a Saving• Aceouot, and Let Your Money Aoou-mulate. 171 We solicit your aceomit in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ---..-.~ WHITBY BRANCH C. A. McClellan, Manqrr. ...... ... et ~ B,_kDa (C. A. Mct.1:llan. 1Aa.uRw1• --~ t·• a.-OoJaa ... (J, P , uwe..._ Manaoorl, Pickenn~ •wl rort 1'--... 4 -- • .t• ~ .: ...... .. ~. . ~~Tiu--:---rztx- ~ - Ford Touring Car Price $590 Pr1ces of Ford spare parts have been reduced an average of ten per cent. A Ford tonring car may now be bought, part by part, for but $88.87 more than the price of the car ready to run . Another big slice off the " after cost" of motoring. Buyen of Forrl can n·lll olu&re in onr profth if we oe.ll 3tJ,UOQ ~an between Angnot I, IOU, and Augnot I, 191~. Runabout IMO; Town Car$840; F .O.B. Ford; Ontario, with all equipment, Including elect rio headllghb. Cal'l on di1play and eale at "Y. J. LUKB A SON, WHITBY, DBALB~5 . . ---

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