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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jul 1915, p. 1

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HE Vol. !5 ~0. 3 Church's Bug Finish KILLS ALL LEAF- EATING INSECTS READY FOR USE DRY No mixing required. The safe way to use a Poison One application is sufficient 4 lb. for IOC 10 for 25c J. E. WILLIS Dr11gglst and Optician MEDICAL HALL Brrock St. • Whitby, Having Taken Over the Coal Business OF J. H. Downey I. Co. 1 am prerar~d to fill all ortlers for CLEAN BRIGHT COAL Well screened. We guuan- tee prompt delivery and good service. · Orders may be left at the .odJoo ol.J~fi..Jlowney ·~-Co. WHITBY, ONTARIO, CANADA. ~·~.BUR8DAY 1 JULY 22. 1915 Waste Paper Baskets to be Placed on Main Streets The Boy Scout Movement. Old Girls' Improvement Association Asks for them- Council Complies. There have be~n lD&ny movements for \fOrk among boys Of recent years a new one baR SJ•rnng Into existence which has made lt~Pif felt as few mov..: mPnts evpr ha,·e. In fact, the lnftuen'ce of this particular mlwetnPnt bids fair ------ to Increase b~yoi'P.""~fl explfttattons so 'l'hP mPt'lln g of Town Council held Henry Lawrence, work . . . . 5.00 rapidly Is it grovd:~ls Is the Boy on Monday. evening was graced by the Jos. Heard & Sons ........ 27.65 Scout movemf'nt, founded by Lieut.· presence of a delegation of four ladies Geo. Robb ........... ... . . H.OO General Baden Pn·~·eiJ, of Mafeklng j -Mrs. Dr. Adams, ~Irs. Dr. 1\lcGIIII· Ontario Bridge Co .. , • . .. .. . 26~.81 ramP. It was be;," ' " but about ten I vray, :\lis Donaldson and ~I iss Annt's- Gc"o. l\1. Rice .... .. ........ 32.12 year" ago, and ret :::couts are now num. reprcst>ntlng the Old Girls' Improve- Jas. Sawdon, acct. sln>et b<•rPd hy thou•anr.s . not only In tbe ment AtiSoclatlon. watering . . . . . . . . .. ..... 100.00 Motherland hut In T.:anada and tbe Tbe Mayor, In welcqmlng the delega- Oshawa Ambulauce. remo,·lng Colonie~. In th,e L:nH.f!d Statl's and In I tlon, intimated that if they would gra· Llntener to hospital . . . . . . 5.00 "P.rlous European , uuntrl<'s: and be- clonsly J•refer their request the Council ' SUllPlles for :\Irs. Llntener while fon• lon~ the tl.r. v.,nds ought to be would grant It enn unto half of their quarantined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 millions. Kin gdom-or words to that eiTect. The meeting adjourned at 11.30. ThP ld<>a that t·.;· ·~ to Sir R. Baden :\Irs. lllcGIIIIvray was the "spokes· Powell \vas thl •: ~ take the ordl- man" for the dl'legatlon. She had the nary English bt•z..:• ·rl educate blm In Tl'ljUt'St of the ,\!;soclatlon In writing, Board of Education. essentials of liCe lu1:\ tbc duties of clt- whlcll she rt'ad. The aesthetic taste lzt'nshlp, so thai., "H<' he placed In the or the ladles has been offe nded by the wilds or Arizona "~ would be able to sight of loose paper blowing abou t the The r•' t:nlar monthly meeting of the fend for himself; bTtt--were he placed streets and of banana peel and other Board or Educutlou was h eld last Wed· In a beleagured Ll>nrlon, n shot-batter- refuse being thrown about promis· nesdny evl'n lng. ed citadel, or a 1•-.t .. n:ng theatre be cuously. For three yenrs they have ThP Public School Principals re- would he a helpfo•J unit, not a help. ben trying to get Councils to provide ported atcndanc~ as follows: lrss. To teach hl:H to use his eyes receptacles for this refuse-but so far Henry Street-On roll, Hl; U\'!'rnge, his hands. his hrning ; to see things: In vain. They had gone to the troubl e 119. and to rl'member -,·hai. he sees; to of gelling prices on boxes or baskets Dundas Street-on roll, lli : a\'E>r· IH'ar things, and ··:member what be and lhese ]~<lees they ]Jresentcd to the agt•, 91 . . hPars; to be kind --:o.:. . animals, tnclud- Councll, and asked that the Council' Dulferln Street-on roll. 69; a1·er- In~ that oflen-fol'f'Olten animal, his procure se1•eral baskets. . age. 64. I fl'llow man : to SPI'ak the truth ; to en- Mrs. Adams supplemented what Mrs. The followin~; accoun1s w••r<> pre- dea,·or to do one eood action a day· Mclollllvray had said, and expresed lhe seu;~d for pnymPnt and atopron'tl : to rl'gard c:tdging-':lnil loafing as d.;_ opinion that perhaps four baskets L . . !:'ht>!lherd, gla~ing ...... ; . ~2.Hi t~stnble crimes; to lo1·e God, honor the would be sulficlt>nt for a star!. R. G. Olix, rt'palrlh6 feDcP.. 4.1G King, and die if n~t>d be for the good or Ree.-e Downey thought the request Ill. J. A: ln. suppJI,•s . . .... . . 12.40 his country-and rol to smoke. a reasonable one, but suggesled that '-· A. Condiellow &. Son,. . .. ~-~5 Did the mind of man ever conceive suitable baskets or boxes could be se- T . (;, Whithfld, supplies .. ... !7.-1 1 n more splendid or. a more seemingly cured In town. E. R. Ellow, coal . ........... ~15.Jfl lmpo~~lble curlcuh:m ~ All the peda- Bateman-Downey -moved that lhe W L. Elvldgt, re;:dln~; J•apers 1!!.25 gogu~R In the worltl-n'slng all the ordl- the whole future manhood of-the Brit· Ish Empire. i i Extraordinary, because It was start- ed, not by a: churchman, but by a sol- dier wbo bas spent most of his lire In ,i,· the wilds. · Prisoaer Escapes Gaol. · On Wednesday nlgbt last a prisoner In the County Gaol, one McGinnis, made a succesrul brPak for liberty. He succeeded In sawing through a bar In the ce ll door nnd another In a win· dow, and by tearing up tbe blankets. on bls bed succeeded In scaling tbe walls or the prison. The escape was beard by nelgb bors across the street who did not realize until the next morning, when they saw tbe blanket- rope hanging from the wall, just wbat had occurred. N eltber the gaoler nor the turnk~y knew of tbe occurrence until ~he nl'ighbor called next momtng, and drew their attention to the circum- stance. Im·estlgatlon was made, and the mannE>r of the escape discovered. McGinnis bad been employed at the Hospital works here, and h;Jd esca~d He was captured In Winnipeg and brought back, and was awaiting n hearmg before the Pollee Magistrate on the charge of gaol breaking. He 1 Reems to have been a resourceful chap for he obtained bls civilian clothes 1~ the wash bouse, and left the prison uniform behind for someone else. Ae- cordlng to the neighbor, the escape oc- I curred about midnight-at least about I that time the noise was heard. I I I I C. A. GooD:ntLLow & ~oN, Publishen Removal Sale AT PEEL'S SHOE STORE New Store two· doors north of ol~ stand, which will be occupied in near future. dOHN PEEL Phone 151 Brock St., WHITBY G~t ~eady Now for PINEAPPLES mattl'r be referred to the Property C. J;af<t•r. ll~tin~ l..~oks .. . . 1,:.•1 nary 1•<-dn~go~lc mdhods would surely Committee with power to act, they 'l'he Ilo.Irtl d~ri..:• ·•l to PlacP an In· fall In the attrmpt to teach one boy Jllaced to their credit for extensions surance ur ~6 ,0u(J ••n tbe ne"" cr.u th hl\if thi'S!' subjects; ret to-day we have al a cost not to el>ceed $24.00. Carried. ward school. two hundred thou saud boys--and to- On motit•n !t wa~ !1e.-ldP.d to R@k the auorrnw WE' will ha ;p a mlllon-leam- Towt! Council to t>rovlde the sum of lng thE'm as a pastlr.ae, and not as a The prisoner having thus six or sev- en hours' start, be made good bls get-, away. Tbe escape occurred while turnkey Frank Bryan was away on bls bolldaya. • Mr. Jobn Ha,y wail substituting at tbe I · This ts the week to buy good Pineapples at the lowest price. Large size 15, 18 and 20c. t :Olllll' X I C.\ TlU.:\' S . The Water and Light Commission re- qut•sted that the sum . or <$4,000 be placed to their credit for ex tensions of the services. In the leiter It was stated that the Commission had handed o,·rr to the Town Treasurer the sum of $5.l>Oil this year. 'l'he Council granted the request. '!'he Hydro-Electric Power Commis- sion, In a communication, notlfi('(] the town of th p ai>JlOlnllnl'nl of Mr. W. G. l\lilcbt•ll as l'lt•clrlt• inspector for the Oshawa dlstrlca, which Included Whit · by. The old arrangement of inspec · lion undo>r lllr. A . G. Cameron Is de- clared of no furth er \'alue and ell'ecl, ;uod he has been ~o nollfied. The Postal Pillar Publicity Co .. of Toronto, want \\"ldtby to u:-;e their tnl .. dla. Laid on lhP taiJil' . '!'he Couuty Cieri' notlfit!d the Coun· ell of lhe equalized assessment rate applied to Whitby, the amount to be collected being $2,715.!H . · From tbls r:ue the Council decided to nppe!ll'} The <'!ou~><.ll are . willing that the (•;mmty Jtorl;!l· · should fix thP D.S!'C'SSJll(>U( [01' (Ia (: f O \\'Jl . n.J. Uuderwood UIJI•Iied by le lll'r for ~:ll, O(JO for the use or the Board to en· task. lime. ~ It Is said the prisoner made his ' escape through a hole In the window I 8xll Inches In size. able them to JOUY for tbe new south In our city streets and slums In our w11rd school and Improvements to the vlllag<>s to-dny we ~e bands '0 r boy HI~!. School. SMUts, troops ""b-dfvided Into patrols, 'l'he reroort ot the school nurse was each troop und<' r tl:,• lead or a scout t•n•sent~d and read. showing the .,-ork mastPr. each T'Jtrol 1•nder the lead of MAN KILLED ON c. N. R. 12TH that had. been done during the thrt'l' :'! J•nlr<'l IPari er. -'\'eMerday these JULY NIGHT. monrhs of l'X perlmen t. scolltR were ju" t -~!nary boys ;~lay- A very sad accident happened about 1'he nam~s of l\lessrs. Paxton, Kln~r. lng nr _marb; •.•. ;;.n d "!tat-not, without midnight, July 12th, when Cbas. Slds-11 Gootlfellow and H<>wls were added to a thoucht f<•r .ltf' r:·orrow or an Idea worth, a young man In his 27th y th e build ink' commlllee. b<?yond 1-a r,,rs nn<! 1<.-orl. To-day tb~se who was living at the home of his r!~: I SHcral r>robl l'ms in connPCtlon with boys are-without a taint of self- er, lllr. Alfred Sldswortb lot 18 con the building opPrnllons were consld· rl,:hteou•ntss_ "r lo"n~ a tittle or tbP. 4, West Whitby, was hit by a t..;.ln 0~ ered and pass<·d upon. Jo:lrlly of ~o.ota-h::>rnlrlg, and leaching the I.:.N.R. about 300 reet west of tbe! The Board then adjQUrned. l heIr fpl/ow& to learn, a religion tba •. bridge over the creek nortb of th : .. nj~lns I hi' l>racl.l ce of all things use- town, while on bls way borne and In~ · Careless Work. ful and the r•nrsult. of all things good stantly killed G~ Ll d ' 1 h \ lint h . • . ~v. n say, a ne g • " '" .- on t ht trncbes him to tie bor. had caught up to Sldsworth near 11 r~<;f·btot In stead -·" ' a "granny," to tbe bridge, and walked over with blm. ; kno" "],pn h :· SE'<'s ! J(~ country's flag Thnt was the last he was seen alive · drbn sr·d by b·! lll!!: f!o ,··:a wron~: way up, lllr. John Lindsay father or the m~ · to lwlp thr poor 3~·~ lliiP'I'Iate sull'er- who walked wltb' tbe deceased I lng, to mak~ a. fir" ~iie open with tlced a train stop wbere the bod' .:~ two mntch~•.,; ye~ w.1ops, to speak found the nP.xt morning nbopt nfne 0 • 1 thP '" 11 1>•. t,::;;a... I -· uld to the In- ~·>ck and 'o\·ent over to see ·wbat ~; ' J~1 • to '" ~r lrd d tt ~-. ,_ •• :..-.. 1 ~-.on. R an . e ma er, and saw the body. A great. 5 o'clock Teas Yon want something nice and dainty· to serve your friends. Try Peek Freans English Biscuits, with filling, and also plain. ' Bedding Plants Bedding plants will soon be done. Buy them now, they are at their best. Al'>o Tomato and Celery plants. Jno. E. WATERHOUSE WHITBY Phone JJ. Motor Delivery . James Sawdon a cltance to construct sewe rM and ticw- er laterals. He quoted 50 c. Jll'r foot for a 7 or 7 ~2 root tr .. nch. Thnt the employees of. th.e se'll'~r con- tractor are not na careforas . tbpy should be wiU ·made . mantrest this week on Brock street. A few weekll a"o a sewe r ~cmnf'Cfion wu put Into the GlOre of w .. XI I '-m nnd S"' · rlnn . Tn dl g,,.Jn) thn n~su-y trencl•. a drain wlllch ca rril'd orr l!~r'phts waf er had hef"n illl•' rrut•ted, IKveral tiles bt· ing removed. In filling u• the sewrr tr<'nch these drain tllee h&l] not bren replaced. When the blc n]n on Frl· day came this drain was hocked 1.nd The CPliUr or the furnltUnl ·Store .,.<.S lloorlt>d, a large amount or •arrh rrom th•> st>wer trench beln~ .,·ash~ Into thr cellar. Tht' sewer trl'llch 'Inti opened 011 ~l onciay, and the damagel drain rc· palrPd . This piece of eareleaaneaa on tho• pa rt or the contractor's men may ha\'e b<>en ' repealed many times throughout the town or It may nat. ~'h11b -b.~Uu~ ·:.:" 'h Wt;~ 'i."t-..b\ m.\"'b.\. have been undlecovend for a long time had not the big rain come, It Ia to be hoped that there are not more or the"" destroyed drains. HerJOrts ha\'e r•·ach· e d our Pars lhai only by careful watch havP 1nany prl\'a.t ~ drains bt•Pn pr('sr-n•· l'd whC'rP crosst•d by the town St !Wf'r~. und H nta \· Lt~ tha t 1ht're arC' ntan:r drains . boih thos.• helon;:ln~o: to lh" town nnd to J•rlva h • person~. which hnve bt>l~n srvcr.-d by lh C' dl~&;l· rs nnd not rl•pnlr~d. · Th(!o ,dh;co\'t•rr of th e break on Drocl< str<>••t. coupll'd "llh '"" f'Xtlerl<tllCf'S r t-portE'd ns 10 prlvalt" drains. J:lH rise ton ft•nr that furllll'r evldencrs or carelessness may yea br revealed. d 1 k' -·wrnt • ..-·~ro ·• · . . nr~lnr.'--ti~~ was tound In the bead {'llrt of the . j r n r~g. ~n.d e\·.~j{d n1ITill that iJt. I ":\' :l.S gnnpi:.nd ;~n:~ mlssln!,! I uri's t e ndr ilrinbe mfnrl. to know I· ri~> 'bhtte.lqli;wae a~ w.., kn~ · and to . •nbml! to dl~ ·, lpllrt~. to Jearn and ·th e chest and ribs stove In · The ~~-~::;::;::==.::::==:;::::F=-"":~:===-=========-•-,•••====0 woodcraft w~ posslbl.,,how to rend a • body was terribly mulllated, and Lind- map and find th~ nortb_~t a com-~ sfly notified the father, and the Coroner pass. to IParn bow to track a man notified, had the body taken to Osbawa across country 1111d how to save a man and the following jury who Ylewed tb from drownlnr;. how to build a but of body wu empanellell: L. R. Lull: r e bows . when cnmpln~t ·out,and bow to maD; wm. French HenlT Dre e, ,~re- Whitby, Ont. Marriage l..loenaea. .A. IL .ALLIN. J.aauar of llarrl.aP Ltcenaes Cornar druptore. Whitby. No Witnesses required. Tbls led to a long discussion aud a motion and an amendment. The motlon-conlln-Goldrlng- That l\lr. Stl'warl be asked to cl ean up all work on hand , and that no new work be giV<•n him. Mr. Conlin made a lll~a on behalf ur ratepayera of ·tbla . town that tht•Y llhould ban a chance to do aome of tbla work. 1\l.r. 'Lallllaw argueo runt una-a rnere Ia 10me ayatem ot aupervlslon of such work provided by tbe Council there· should be no chn'nge In contractor. lllr. Armour askPd till' prh·lle~-;e to speak, and said that .\lr. Stewart was a Tt... G""'•ter Canada Improvement l ratepayer or the town. H<' also stated M •- that he bad rccel ved Ins tructions to land Co., Limited proceed with the s_ewer "" tensions to Real EatiLte De~oler•, Eetit.tes Managed, 1 the hou~e or Mr. ~ u~ent and to Miss Bente Collected, Firat Loaoa Arrang~d, Wallace s . nl~o to Separate School. p · bo •M and oohl. Reeve Do\\ ney, Mr. Bateman and Mr. ropertlu ug Office Brock St Moore argued that the new work refer- For t-.rn•• a1•1•1Y Uead lnd l'houe 70 red to should be dont> by Stewllrt. Bell P~one 1?3. era · · Mr. Go\drlng SUJl(Jorted the motion, Salea M~onal( • and argul!d for a termlnutlon or the IICIWIDIOM ~ RICHUDIOM, WhllbJ. Sa.,wart contract. Laidlaw-Downey moved In amend· · l ment-'l'ltat u,e engineer be requested Pnny HOPE HOME to urrange ror the extensions being VI\ I made 10 the Nugent and Wallace prop· ertles, also to the SeparatE' School, and 1 acres with small dwelling in tow~ of that the Town Solicitor be asked for Port Hope. 3 acres orchard in beanng. advice as to whe ther the engineer Price two tbOu$and. . . should be asked to have the Stewart W'll sell to enterprisin~t parry wtth a contract terminated. h 1 t f th ee hundred dollars Tbe amendment curried on this vote : <:115 paymen ° . r Yeas-Downey, Laidlaw, Bateman, Balance easy terms. Moore. · Jt)HN FISHER & e·~·- CoUDtr7 Real e&tat.e and Farm Broltera Lumsden BuUding S Adelalde St. Eaat TORONTO Nny-conlln, Goldring. Mr. Watson did not vote. 1\tr. Annes wrote the Council ns to mt>etlng on Friday or the Kingston Road Improvement Committee, nnd In· \"lted the ir attendance. CI\'IC IIOUU.~r. On motion or Laidlaw and Downey, Monday, August 2, was fixed as Civic Holiday, nnd the lllaror was Instruct- ed to Issue bls proclamation accord· ln~;ly. lllr. Luldla w r;a "" notice or by-law to nt>POint an assessor for 1Ul5. MR. EVEUY TO GO TO FRO:'\T. Capt. Geo. W. P. Every, or thr !!Hh Regt., has been temporarily relieved of the dutl!'R of Slltll'rlnh•ndent or Water and Ll~hl, a nd hu:r ••nllstPd for overseas ser\'lr~ . During hhi abs•~nce the clerical dnllf' s or bis office will be attended to by ~lr. ·w. J. Mcintyre, nod the technical work will be In charge or "Happy" Ste v.,nson . The change went Into erf!'ct on the lith ln~t. !llr. Every spends part or his time In town and part In Oshuwa, where h e Is "llckln~ Into shallC" the Ontario County n~ crults tor the fourth conllngenl. Mr: E1•ery, who has a wife nnd young child. has shown a V•"Y propf!r Stolrlt of loy· nlty In thus ;:lvht~ himself to bis country's s, ·rvl c"· As n municipal ser· vnnt, IH• has hro: n fnlthful and clllclt•nt, and his ubs•·nct· will be J.:rl'ntly rc_f;rct · ted. '!"hut hr mar be spar•·d to r e"turn snfe ly to his ramlly and his J•osltlon with th e Wal e r and Light Commission Is sincerely hoped. lay out a camp, to be' tidy and IIID&I't, Wblte 0eo. ~n Wm. w, m. to be civil wltllour'~~en~lt.t.,., ..... .,,, 'llfiiJe. 'w. L. Luke ' Hal& 11(. money In tbe saV1lnJB'Dank and bow to 1 Kr. Llnlla&y, who naca .,.,_, ..-.. .de keep bls tf'eth eae.n-.11 theu and a deceaaed while they wallted acni8t the th.ous1utd more eJDier IIllo the rellcton I bridge the n!«bt or the accident, .ll&ld or a seoul. deceased bad been drinking but - Wh~n · tl bOy becomes a first·c18.BS not drunk-was able to walk wUllOUt scont, heJs a bandy man for one thing, staggering, nlihough be told hiD he a Chrlsll n for another, and a gentle- had been oelebrallng and seemed relT man In the lruPst sense of the term, tired. or as much 110 as It Is his nature to be. Sldsworth's fathe r admitted tha: Tbese •re the alms and objects of boy did luke a little too much at WD-. the Boy Scout moveme nt, one of tbe as ulso did Mr. Lindsay, Sr., wbo &old most extraordinary and significant or of finding the body, while Dr. Rmdle tbe age; I.'Verywbere, nil over the Brit· told of the condition of the body Yhen Ish tsiPs und all through the colonies. found. boys art! Joining the ranks, not by tenM It Is thought the deceased sat d>WU nr hundr>'d~. but by thousands. Tbe on th e track to rest li.nd became E lit- hoy wloo ~tm•t•• the Inwardness and tie drowsy and was hit by the rut 0111 WUrthoi•S~ or th t! thing Without feel· train Which gOeS cast Ot 12.40. lng enthUSiasm and a wish to join. The Inquest, which was held bdore would bP or no use as n boy scout; but Dr. Hoig and County Crown Attomey the oropo!Jillon, Wht!rever It occurs, Farewell, was adjourned to Mondlr or climes not 10 much from boys as their this week .-Rc/OrNier. parPnts. The nun of this article, however. Is not so m pch to sing th e praises or the Scout nu)veutent, us to point out Its I.'Xt raordlltary llJitnre. Extraordinary, because It has sJ•n•ad and Is srpreadlng wltb a rn]>ldlty that l'romlses , that It will touch and vivify TA \'LOR·ADAI\lS-At Calpry, Jlta,., on June 30th, 1915, by the Re" S. Fall!•. Grella Elizabeth, only dafP· tcr of Mr. J . Adams, of Rochejter, N. Y., and grand daughter ot ~ Wm. Gilmour, or Wbltby, to J•• Walter Taylor, of ReUaw, AI~ ·lumbing Trust Funds Sho1iJd Be Depoeited In a S.nfnp Aceounl In The Domin lOft Bonk. Suc:b funda .,. ufobr -ocletl,. and Nrn lnteres1 :11 hl~thest current rat-. When pa7fTlents aro made. ~~~of e.ch tf'llnMdlort 1n17 be noted on the cheque .Issued. whlc:b ln tum a rec:elpt or 'f'OUCher when canc:ell.cl · ~·~~ . WHITBY BRANCH: A. A. ATKINSON, Manager OSHAWA ., A. H. BLACK, " Your Breilkfilst There as nothing more t~sty for your Breakfast than Ham and Eggs We have extra choice, Mild Cured HaJ8S, any size, and cut any way you want them. Also a full line of Breakfast and Back Bacon, the Famous · Rose Brand. •• I ' .. --·- . _j "r . .-..... Jus. Baaid l sons ¥ Mr. Beattie asked for n crossing on Byron street OI/IJOBite the new r est· dcnce be Is e recting. Referred to the Stret ts Committee to report. The l\lnyor and Reeve were author· tzed to attend the meeting In 'foronto of the 1\lunlclpal Association, and to pny the annual membership tee to lbe Al!soclntlon, umountlug to $10. SOULES-BROOKS. A pretty wedding was sokmnl~cd on July 10, at the home or the brlde'e parents, "E"er~;reen Outlook." Court· Ice, when Gertrude lllnry Hall, eldes t daughter of Mr. and lllrs. S. S. Drooks, was married to lllarshall S . Soul~~. Oshawa, the Rev. A. Delve officiating. A. T. LAWLEB!I ~/ WHITBY, ONT. . ~ for articular LIVERY, BALE &NO BOlRDINO STABLES BROCK ST.WHITBY, All kind~ of single and double riill for hire. Bus to aU the trains and baggage transfer. Horses bought and sold on commission. 1 Some good aound drivers and heavy teams for eab ; also baled hay and straw in any quantity deliverod. For pricas, etc., apply at office or phone 89, 14. or U. Stablea and •Office: Irick Bt. 1., Wbltbg, Ont. ' II\'·L.\Wr;. Miss Margaret McCrobun. of Toronto, Dy-laws were Introduced na follows : t>layed MendeiSllohn's WCj)dlng march. Bateman-Downey-To license livery The bride wore cream cbarmeuse satin, stables, Jltueys, e tc. Tltl~ was read a with shadow lace and pearl trimmings, ftrst time aud tabled . the bridal veil arranged In a cap, nud A by-law to raise $10.~00 to pay ror held with a trail ot orange blossoms. High School lmprov~:men ts was passed. Ml88 Georgia Langmald. cousin ot the Also one tor $7,000 tor the new South bride, and bridesmaid, wore silk cr" "" Ward SchoOl. de chcne, with frills or pale yellow Allother ror $45,000 to pay for sew· ninon. Mr. Melville Soules, brother uf era. the groom, was groomsman. Ml88 Eth· 'l'be propoaed Palace Street sidewalk el and Ml88 Dorothy Brooks, slatere was a&aln up tor dlscUSBion. It ap- of the bride, were flower girls, carrying pears ·that Mr. Thompson wna readY to baskets of aweet peas and wblte satin pay bill 40 per c~nt. 9f the coat ln Cll8h, streamers, rormlng an aisle, and little but he wanted an agreement that he Aura Brooks e&rrled the ring In a tiny would be absolved from snow ahov- basket ot white roses. MIIIB Alma Cour- ellng, na suggested previously. ttce sang. Mrs. S.S. Brooks, mother of Mr. Foley had verbally promised to tbe bride, was atUred In grey allk arrange to keep the walk clear of snow, Jlrepe he chine and pale pink ninon, but declines. It Is now aald, to enter lnd the S~Ul'B mother, Mra. S. Soules, Into any written contract to tbat elrect. was In blacli: and white atrlped aUk. Moved by Bateman-Goldrlng, that the Mr. and Mrs. Soules lett ror Toronto, Palace street sidewalk be not now gone and later for a boat trip west, the The rollowlng acounl8 were paaaed: with pink hat. Mrs. Soules will be 11.t eopl·e ....... ..... ,...,_~ ~e~tPHe•60 d. MciNTYRE lad·-~ ~ITARY HEATING AND PLUMBING ENGIN~ . WHITBY, ONT. on wltb. Carried. bride travelling In a green &Ilk ault,l John MacCarl, work ••...••. $29.00 home early In September at Elgt~ at., ' .. ---------------.-------------" Jaa. McLeod, work • • • .•••• 24.00 Oehawa. "' \ Phones: BeJJ, No. 47; Independent. No • .,.-- CHERRIES! During past weeks we have been selling . the choicest strawberries in t~e country. Now we are supplping extra FINE CHERRIES in eleven quart baskets, very cheap, We also have elegant raspberries just ~ady for use. W. B. PRINGLE & 00. WHITBY ~:/ ----

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