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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jan 1891, p. 1

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/ 11~BY .. R ·_· With calm PriDted words, great thoughts, and untfriDc iDdaatr7, · W. advocate Peace, Progreea, Knowledge, Brotberbood. VOL. XXXV. WHITBY, ONTARIO. ~Ril;}AY., JANUARY 2 ' 1891. NO.4. Dominion Llna of Royal Mall R E M Q .. V E D For Mayor. To /he Electors of Jlllliiby Tow n: STEAMSHIPS. NOW IN FOROB. Bpeoi<ll Betlucetl Winter 8atn. LIVBRPOOL BBRVIOB. From Portland. From Halifax. !arnia •• 'Ihnn., Dro. 41h .... Sat. 6\h 'Toronto •. 'Ihur, Dfc. 18th ... Ba D20th Vancon"Yer •. 'Ihur. Jan. let • •• Sat. Sad '&atee of pae~~age from Ho·ntreal or Quebec $40, $50 and too. eccordn11 w accommodation. :htermedlate 125. Steerage 1210. BRISTOL STB.A.IBBB. From Portland. ODtario .. ;, ........ . ....... about Deo. lOth DomiDion . ......... . . . ..... about Deo. 26th No paaeengen oarried to Briatol. • Thfllfl Bklamen b•ve Saloon, BW.te- _ma, Musio-room, Bmoldng-room and Bath-rooma •midehipa, where but little mo- tlcm ia felt, and they carry neither Oattle .c. lbeep. The Rooma tore all ontlide. 'l'he ·•v 1111oouver" ia lighted throughout with BleoUio Liaht, and haa prove;) herself to be Olle of the f•eteat Steamers in the At- laDtio trade. DAVID TORRANOB & 00., General-Agents, Montreal. B. BTBPBBNSON, Telegnph Oflloe, Looalqent, Whitby. ---------- -·----- ...:.TO- NEW PREMISES, ON BRC)Oit STREET, SOUTH OF ONTARIO BANK. Whitby Marble worKs. MATHIS OH & HAWK f N, llauafaoklren of Marble Monuments, Headstones and all other Cemetery Work. Alao · importera of Scotch, Sweedlsh, American and Canadian Granites • All parties wishing work would do well to oall on tie before purchuing. All work gnaran\eed and prioflll of the loweet. CHRISTMAS :SOVELTIES, IaDIBS AND GBNTLBliEN,-In response to a largely signed requisition and many per- sonal requests of an urgent natnre1 I have decided to offer myself as a candidate for the position of Mayor of the town for the year 1891. In soliciting the auftrages ·of the Electors I 'give my assurance that if elected J shall bestow all the time and care neces- sary·to discharge faithfully the duties of the oftlce. Respectfully aaldng your vote and infiuence. Yo~ truly, JAMES C~)IPBELL. For M:ayor. To the Electors of the Town of Whit!Jy. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,-Having ac· cepted a nomination for the position of Mayor of our town for the coming year, I asic you to give me your votes and in· ftuence to place me in that honorable posi· tion. If elected I shall endeavor to ad· vance the best interests of our town in eve ry way within my power ; not only to check and if possible lessen the burden of taxation, -but to endeavor also to assist the council in a wise distribution of our contro.llahle outlay. As time is too short to call upon the electors personally, please accept the will for the deed, and believe me your obedient servant. . J. L htL~ For Reeve. To the Elulors of Whit!Jy Town : 1{11an Gine ·R al Mail St ~Of all descriptions at~ oy earners. H ' 'Drud Store. LADIES AND GBNTLJIJDIN.-1-.beg to an· nounce myseH as a candidate for re-election to the Reeveahip. I have now served the town several years to the best of my abilit;r, and shall do so another year if elected. The coming yet.r may prove a most import- aut one in the interests of the town, and I hope to be of some service to you. Turn out on Monday and give me a sweeking LIVERPOOL,-- OWSB S 0 LONDONDERRY, , GLASGOW. DATKS OF SA.ILTNGB. LtYerpool. Halifax and Portland Bervioe. Mnmer. From Portl&lld From Bali&x 01!-euelan ....... .. Nov. 21th .......... Nov. !11th Bardiulan ... . ... .. . Deo.llth · ; ... .... Nov. 18th Parlaian ...... . ... . Dec. ll.Stb ...... ..... Dec. i7tb And fonolghtly Uaer.-after. btu of o-n Pa...,e.-Cabln, to Liver· MOl ancll>efty, tw. fSQ, too. ~tnm (via Hall· laz and Portl&nll), tin ~ 1110. I!ltormedi· .... Lil'UJIOOI. Derry, Gla"f!o~return, t& 8Mer&ce w or from Lin Derry, ~eeutown, Glucow, BeUaa\. .Lon , tiQ. ROlle of the above named Steamen carry •We or lheep. PuMnaen 'and their baggage are pu' on ~the Ocean Steamen free of aU expen1e. Partie• sending for their frlenole in the Old Co-antryc an aave oJnelderable by buyinll tMke&a on tllia aide. Pauengen wiahins to Ullbud a' Portland leave Wbltl:lyby Wedne•· Q)' mo~1c:;zpre11, thooe wllhinll to em-kl'll at H leave Whitby by Thursday aJcht'a upreu. IFor Tioketl ud all other lnfol'lll•tlon, apply to W. P. BTBRIOKBR, Ezpreae Olloe, Brook St., Whitby• PlaniDg Mill. C. JOHNSON, Whitby. Tbe nbeoriber baa pnrohaaed the plan · iDe faCtory IMely oonduoted by Mr. B. Harper and intend• rnnning it in oonneo- tion wlth hia lumber yard. All aorta of mauufaosured and unmauufadured lumber kep' OODI,autly on baud in large auortment. Plmtns and atioking done a' reaeon•ble rr.ML Honee IUld bam enppllee, In Umber 1111d billatntra a apeoialty, 1111d told by the carload or olhe1wiee. • O. JOBNBON, Whitby, Oot. 8, 1880. Lumber Merohaut Scranton Coal. I ha"ft jult reoelved aeveral Oargoea of thia aplllllded Ooal, d.ireot hom the Minea. Now ta the time for tboee within& a anp- ply of FRESH CLEAN COAL. LBAVB TBBIR ORDERS WITH H. B. TAYLOR, Oflloe Dnndaa StreeL WbUhy, No"V. 517th,l800. COAL! COAL! On h&Dd and for Sale a.t the Loweat Market Price Wilkesbarre - AND- Lackawanna Coal, The Very Beat Quality. See Toronto acberUeemen\1 and Toronto OODUaoY - three timu more or theM )lnJI4a eolf\ th1111 anJ other kind. '!'he ofBeen of lhe Go"YemmiiJil Steam Tq 11114 Dredce, atler \horoug~ Mlting ou ~ ooal JliOilOunoed il of exoellena qui!" 11114 MOurecl tbinJ·IiJ: tone belore l•'fill8 WhhbJ. • A YMcimGtt o" ulttl lo 8Cf'•m and Mlp co low. IOIIB BLOW & SON, WhlU!J', ~bw 18,18110. -i&.ly. , PRICES LOWER THAN EYER BEFORE. CALL AND-EXAMINE BAKING POWDER. W. B. ~qWSE Begs leave to inform the Housekeepers of the Town of WhUby, and vioinUy, that he baa introduced on the market, an absolutely PURE BAKING POW- DER, which contains nothing but what is conducive to health. PRICE 40cts. PER POUND. A LARGE STOCK Of HANGING & STAND LAMP·s, -AT- W. R. BDWSB'S, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST 'W'HIT:SY. Corner Drug Store. majority. Yours Truly, JAMES RUTLEDGE. FOR REEVE. Your •ote and iufluenco are requested for H. 8. TAYLOR, For Reeve of the Town of Whitby for the year 1891. For Deputy-R~eve. ELEOTORS OF THB TOWN OF· , · WHITBY. ·--L.u>a:s AND GoNnEJDIN.- 1 beg leave to offer myself as a candidate for Deputy. Reeve, for the year 1891. Your vote and influence are respectfully solicited in my behalf. Respectfully yours, CHARLES KING. Whitby, Dec. 80th, 1890. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CENTRE WARD LADlES AND GK!i"TLEliKN.-1 beg leave to offer myllfllf as a candidate for the poeition of councilor tor the CENTRE WARD. Your vote and inlluence are reepecUully re- queeted tu secure my return. Failhfnll' yours..t ANDRK\V M. .I:Ul88. · 'IO THE ELECTORS OF THE CENTRE WARD WDIES Atm GENTLltliAN,- 1 beg to return my heartfelt \hanke for t.he confidence you b•ve reposed in me in the put, ud reepect· fully to requl!llt a oontinuanoe uf the aame by re-electing me ae a town counoiUor for 1891. I deeply regret my inability to apeak •t t.h~ nomination and that it will be im· ~ible to pereonally eolioit your votea and tnlluenoe. W"lllhing you all the complimente of the l!e&IOD and many happy returns, I have the honor to be, · Y o1U'8 faithfully F. BOWARD ANNKS. Whitby, Jan. 2, 1891. To the Independent Electors of the SOLID. COMFORT NORTH WABD BY USING Cline's Patent Portable Foot Heater. The pnblio, who have long autreied the diead vant&flel of cold feet, will hail with dO. l!ght this lfiVot 1111d wondrous invention for Oarria8ee, BIJ8Kiee. Ble~bs Outten, Wag- gone, General Honeehold. Store and Offioe Will. Made in four ei~ For eale by JOHN BURNS, WHITBY. Thanks. To lhe Electors : OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY. LADDIB .um GBNTLIIJDIN,- H aving recei"Y· ed tl-e nomination as one of the counolllors for the north ward, and having the time to attend to the duties, I cheerfully acoept the candidature, and now it is for ;rou to eay by your votss whether or not I Bhal1 have the opportunity of being one or your counoillon for 1891, to discharge the duties appertaint ing thereto. My property and "interest are wholly with you, my l ellow electors. I ask you for your free ' and independent votes to secure my election. In return I promise you strict attention to \he beat interests of tbe Town generally, and the North Ward in particult.r, Your obedient servanL ADAM R. ROwLAND. Whitby, Dec. 31Rt, 1860. LJ.Dme AND GaNTLBJDIN,- 1 beg leave to convey my ibaub to those who ao kindly Whltb,., Coll·e,.late l·nstltute placed my name in n omination for llayorJ " 6 and ~ the many e!eotore who CAple forw.rll Will re-open ou and generously ollered their aupport. I ~n-SDAY J& .-r ,.th 1891 ·should have met Uleir with fill in • most n .au A-. D • .J:U.-. · 1.-"'fi&J • • hearty manner1 only that my position ae - _ euret:y for the wwn Treasurer makes this All pupils Bhould be pNeent on that day impoaiible. My ohief regre$ is that there is as the classes will he immediately organia. now no Equal Righter in the fteld. At au- ed for the term. All the subjects of the other time I &ball probably be in a position high school courae are taughl There tore to offer myself as a oandichte for munioipal pupils iD. all the subjeot.s or Universi'J honors. honor work. Many &fll •. preparing for Yours Truly j aeoond and third olaaa ·oerWloatea, and J. B. LONG. 1 aeveral for the Univereity and lint e1aes Whitby , Jan. 1st, 1891. . oerti1loat.oe. At \he n amlnMlona Jaat July ' 78 per cent,of Uloae who wrote for teacben' D ANOING.- By requeat I baYe deoided non-pz:ofeaaio~ oerti;ftcatea wereaucoeeaful. to form a juvenile o1ue ~follow the Prominence wU! be gtven, u in .the past, p~t one. Parente having obildren whom to the comm~ oonne, including book- they wiah ta}!Vht will p)eaae le~~ve their keeping, dra~g, phonosraphy, &c. Bx- namee •t Howae'1 drng .tore. or 'write direct collect boardiDg places •t low .ratel. to UHAB, F. DAVIB, Z BeaooDIHeld •ve. W. W. TAMBLYN, Toronto. Adult clalll &lao forming for Prillolpal. Ladie.1111d GenUemea. Jan 2,1891-4-4in. Whitby, Dec., OOUI,l890.-!Un. ' Loc, A l NEWS LETTERS FLOUR AND FEED AND WOOD. The Bub- in his ali'~Yise wisdom, felt called on to ex· o ecriber baa op41ned bueinese in BrookiJn. pel the·satd me~ber. One thing ,;ves us fDOtoaLB Oorrespondenoe. Mr. ¥d Mrs. Harry Brown, of Toronto, are holidaying at Mr. Stephen Hoit's. . Mrs. )Aivoid and grandchildren from De- troit arc Yisiting friends here for a few days. Dr. Herbert Sanderson returned to his home in Detr6it a few days ago, taking his sistet Ella will! bim. Grd- success to the CHllONtCLK for ihe year 'gt,:_ and the compliments of the season to 11S suca\ssful Editor. The~· Mr. Liddy, of Courtice, preached for us here last Sunday m~, having ex- changed,;pnlpits with onr pastor for the day. .. Onr ctioir and others from thiS neighborhood attended the entertainment at Utica on Christ· mas night, to assist the Utica people til carry- inst ouqbeir programme. . · Our §t!nday School Anniversary SL'fvices and entenaiiUnent on the 21st and 2211d were a decidedl:success. Mr. and Mrs. Cal'ler't, of Toronto, did us excellent service on Sunday, and ~.:on Monday evening. The musical part of me programme was entertaining and seemed.!«> give general delight and satisfaction. The net-proceeds of the occasion were nearly fifty doUars. in all aorta of J'lour and Feed and in Wood. d 1 f ,.. He Ia prepared to deUver to all reeidena of ·a great ea 0 satisfaction: that is our presi- Brooli:UD and vicinity. Termii----Caah. ;r, w. dent is impartial in his judgment alwa~ WBITII. Brooklin Nov. 11:5• 1890.-~u.- giving each and all . according ' to thetr R EDlloi.AN, c .. underlali:er auci dealer in all sev~ merit, hence we uphold his action . ldnde of fornlture. -Furniture and plo- in this matter. ·we believe if doin~ne' ture framee made to order. Be~ in all duty will build up. any society bur res • ita bnmchea promptly atunde4" to. 'A. 1up dent will never cease laboring in thi llloolr. of oo11b:ie, eaalteu and all flmaral Mqub- cause until the roll is innumerab, !e. ite.-oonatautly on h&Dd. Funeral oarda prill&- 14 on lhoJteet notice, Bzo9li:UD Onto · ,\ . • B&O~GB&il , COLUIIBU'B. . ." - The nominations always· draw a 1arJte c:rvwd At the close of the nominations-on Mooday- to Brougham, and Moodaylast was DO eu:ep.. Mr. john Ross was· declared duly electecJ tion. When Returning Officer Beaton arose Ree~ of the municipality of ~t Wbitbl• . at one ·o'doclt to Jeeeiv'e nominations for the MessJS. Jno. Mcgregor and Rd. Motberstll tow~p par~ent, be found faCing bim a determined to cont~t the seat for DePQ.tTy . 'tell' !~"xed audience. The JO)lllgand the old, Reeve. For cxrunallors Messrs. Jno. Me-: the rich and the poor were ther-e. Old war - Kenzie, R. D. Power, w. B. Grey, James horses who had fought the municipal ballles Stoc)ls, David Magee and L. J.'CoryelT,tab thlrtyand·fortyyearsago,sat~detheyouug tbe field. At the after meeting, . the cbair and untried, wbo were aspirinlfto-a seat at the being occupied by Mr. Wm. P~ ~-tte!e council board. Every ooe ~ read, fer busi- Mothersill qave a statement or the ·finanCe~'· Of ness and in 59 minutes 39-c:Andidates. were the municipality, shewing that the large .stun ' ·nominated. Then Reeve Miller1 arose .and of $S. Sso· had been expended on roaih . and nominated all the ~ ol the audience. After . ' bridges, shewing that it bad been a year of nomina~ons Mr. Beaton was appointed chair- great wony and anlliety to the cxruncil as had man and the old council were 3Sted to gite an been remarked by the· chairman at the outset.. . account of their ~P: · They· appeued They. thoUJ[bt of bridges by day and dreamed to1 be harmooio.us, yet Wtthoat ·riDge, Mr. or bridges by night. The council. he tliought.!' Miller thanJa:d the electors fOr last year's sup-th had acted wiSely, and in · the intereSt -of the \port. Mr. Mowbray was well IX'eJIMell wi ratepa7ers in expending some $3,000 of.\ the .an array of facts and figures. Mr. -Gerow ex· muniapalloan fund in meeting the eXtraoidl· · rplained his $300 sa1arJ as counc:illol' and com- nary liabilities of the year, and had oniJ"·i~ nussioller to the satisfactioa of aiL Mtssrs. cre.LSed tbe rate of taxation from 2 2·IO .inms· Parker and Westgate begged for the Reeveshlp. to 3 mills on the dollar, and after all aCCOGDts • S~es or movers and seconders ·were dis- Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Linton are visiting are met be did not think we would be ·more. pensed with, as proceedings wouldbave lasted friends itt. Pickering township. tban ssoo in debt. Mr. Hanc:ock . askeCI for till Tnesday. ThtD the· nominees of 1891 OBDMBAifJL Mr. aM Mrs. Geo. Bewell and Miss Cragg, io.bmanon regardiog a law-suit be undef1i'!¥ ad~ the peqa1e. Mr. T. P. White ,told of Markham, spent Christmas with friends was pending against the township, tc:i whicli he'. how in 185x he was tint elected to- the council . here. replied there bad been a snit entered in the: board. and that, of his old coBeagues. oaly one Geo. Real had a valuable horse badly cut Dmsion Court by Mr. King, claiming l6o for was left. Mr. riederickGreen. of Greenwood. by slippil.a over the end of a stone culven, damages sustained ·on account of delay in Mr. Jno. Miller s~ of 25 year's serfice ·in :.~ bUilding a bridge near bis property. He did the township. Mr. Mackey asmi to be made while tuaping off the road to get better sleigh- not know what the outcome of it mieht be, but ree9e on Mcmdar. Mr. T. Poucber; Picker- ing. Mr. 0. Graham dressed the wound. did not thlnlt any blame could attaeb to bim; ing's Finance Minister, foimd fault with the Rev. Mr. Snowdon, of Epsom, and Mr. W. ae he bad done his best to fonnud the work. ~ of the published statement. Mr. A. G. Carr, of Uxbridge, preached the Anniver- They had found it extremely dllicillt to pro- Johnston obiec:ted to _gratelling while the roads sary sermons in the Methodist church last cure the necessary timber for so many bridges. were soft. Many~ the 39 candidates re.sJgll· sabbath. The tea·pany will be beld New Each of the nominees was then heard ia,turn, e"d. We·coagratulate MessJS. R. R. Mowbray Year's day. the old m~mbers giviug apparently a 'raJ and·Geo, Gerow oo being elected bJ acc,lama· Last 1\Jesday, the last day of school for satisfactory account; of the1r . stewan;lsbip, lion to the respectite poSitions of 1St and :mel Ill9o. a &oodiY number of the parents and meting with but few objections or complaints. _Deputy ReeYeS. The foll~ is the list of suppol1tll of our school paid it a visit in the Mr. D. D. Dyer, a nominee for ~. ·ciiiulia&tes :-Rene-Sylvester MacKay, afternoon, and spent a pleasant afternoon with said he was not seeking municipal hoaori ·at George Parker, Henry W~ ut Dep. the teachers and pupils. Tbe teachers. Mr. this time, but would like to ask . the . ,retiring · Ree-fe-R, R. Mcnrbrar_(ac:c). md Dep. Reeve Langdon and Miss l:lazlewood, enjoy the con- council what was to be gai11ed by the liDaDeial Geo. Gerow(acc), srct Dep. Reeve-Tbomas ftdence of the entire section, and our schOol statement distributed here to day. As · the Poocber, Abnm &Jer. Councilocs-Bray, gets the reputation of being one of the best in expendilure Willi in lump sums the ratepayers Hilts. Dale, Wilson. the townshlo. · were in complete ignorance of the -.- in · J .,. which their money had been --.nt. Exbfbit· .A.&IIB'UBR.. Last Week the Manchester correspondent, -..- · in speaking of municipal matters, said that ing a coph of the West WhitbJ Sbltement, Jhuda- Dlreoto17. Greenbank bad lots of good men for municipal shewing t e accounts in deuill, he ~ H T. LANGPOBD. Lteenaed Anotl0ll68l". fli d tha al d .d '-· b that was the proper way tQ show up .the trail- • Sa lea OOllduetecl wiUa r bW... ancl care· o ces, an t we ways 1 twngs oy s:-.cllons of the municipality. ur. W- · Or. "" thousands. Well to verify the assertion we all !"' • • ~ 'l'ermanucmal>le. · went tlown to the nominations i\Dd showed the miston also sought to make a ~t qalut the --------., ~ lk th th . collector or somebody, in the waytbe c:ollector's •O ere at we had enough good men to bill of ltixes was filled up, leaving tl)e tupey_er Suow every man under who raises any run the wbolo: show if n~ry; but others in the dark as to the rate in the~lar ,ca • cry. Such a man is sure to be in albad wan~a band in the game. -A good ~-n'" (nt-t~ ' e, 0 Wif!.;. ~~ood-.. ~. $e.,_C!Plilil, • 'y.e_ wi~~any _._ · . nt.:ci· Y.oitbdrew-froat-""tbe lea~ oile~orib~a· members· ai . me I no*T· ., cooles . ·' Mr. T· Cmgg and Mr. T. Allin, t' "II be h · bl-..-.a "II be candidates lor 2nd d~puty-reeve, beiog of tho: qu«-s 100 now WI w At new uuu • ·1 same stripe in politics and from the same introduced this year to oilr council board. ndghborhood, it will be a case or man to man, The Methodist chureh here held meiranaual I M o . . d R tea ~tin~t un Monday eve. The tea which and steel to stte • r. uurnett an obt. was served in the basement was. all that coulri Gregg, a little farther south, are also in the be deSi~. The church was cohifortably filled field. by an attentive and apprecia tive audience to BROOKLIN. R. I· C. listen to the excelleot mUSic rendered by the choir of the church and able addresses delivered Mr. and MrS. Chas. Gillett, of are visiung a~ Mr. D. Holliday's. Rochester, by the Rev. Messrs. Barclay, of Toro11to; Hall, of Uxbridge and Ikdford, of Myrtle. . The Mr. Jos. H~n, or>Pon Perry, spent Christmas with his Brooklin friends. Mr. and Mrs.. J as. H. Hoar and Miss Hou of Parkdale, are visiting here, Rev. Chas. Fish, of Toronto, preached in tbe Methodist church at both servn:es on Sun- day. Mr. C. V. Campbell, principal of tbe Wind- sor public schools, is visiting at Mr. John Mao- pberson's. The Peterboro Bridge Co. had men here on Monday fixing the ratlings oa their bridges, which were not II'It in a satisfactory condition at the time the bridges were builL Mr, John SincWr, the retiring superinten· dent of the Presbyterian Sabbath school was presented with an a:ldress ;and a copy of "The People's Bible," in three volumes, on Sunday afternODn at the close of the school. Mr. Ed. B. Robinson, Queen's College, Kingston ; Mr. Ralph Robinson, Toronto Veterinary College ; and Mr. R. H, Walks, Toronto University, are spending their Xmas. vacatloos at home. The South Ontano Farmer's Institute will bold one of its sessions here oo Saturday next, Jan. 3rd, The hills do not say where the meeting will be held but !he Masonlc Hall is the likely spot. Ten o~clock i,s the hour at which the meetittg will commence. Prof. James and G. C. Castor, Esq. will read paPC!I'll and take pan in the discussions and It is expected that tbe minister of agriculture and Mr, Wm. Smith, M. P., will be present, There should be a large attendance of farmers on this occasloo. The· Me~hodist Christmas anniversary was well attended. The tea was all anyone could wish for. Mr. Wm. Wickett IUld Miss BaJ. four, of Toronto, and the church choir furnish- ed the music. Miss Annie Wickett, of To- ronto, gave a very good recitation. The ad· dresses were made by Rev's. Hassard, of Greenwood ; Totten, ol Oshawa; and Bedford, of Myrtle. The first gentleman's address on "Lessons from the Bees" was good. He gives promise to be a very succcsslul speaker. Mr. Totten spoke on the "Model Church." He made a good point when he spoke against en- tertainments to raise fuods lor church purposes, Socials for social purpoKS are all right, hut for raising money for the spread of the gospel, are all wro~. The Rev. gentlemen is very pro- nounced m his opinions on the use of tobacco. Mr. Bedford's speech was on speeches in gene- ral. The proceeds were over $70. - - · W . A, H. - Jhuda- Dlno&ol7· pastor, the Rev. Mr. Whitlock r-residing, read during the evening a n:pon of the finances of the con~gation shewing there still was a small debt resting upon the church, but trusted by the time the notes for it became due the board would be ready to wipe it out. The proceeds of the evening with collect(ons at services on pest Sabbath amounted to ssB. GB.KKNWOOD. Wedn~ay is school-meeting day. 1\fr. Brignell is the retiring trustee. Messrs jno. and Sam. Haney, of T oron· to, are visiting their uncle, Mr. Moore. Mr. Fred Gibson expects to attend the Whitby Collegiate Institute after Xmas. Our new blacksmithJ Mr. Law,has be~n work here. We wish him success. Mr. Marshall moves to Stoutrville next week. Mr. M. Gleeson was on e of the nominees on Monday . If he had run h e would have been elected and would have made a good councillor. The young ladiesofthe Methodist church are going to hold a social in the Orange hall on·Moqd ay evening n ext, jan. sth. A good programme will be provided. As the proceedS" are for the organ fund it is hoped- there will be a very large attendance. En- terta inment to begin at 7 o'clock. Admis· sion 25c. BIN &ALII. Rev. J. E. Bartley and family of Da~is· ville, are visiting Mr. Thos. McBrien. Mrs. Wm. Redman, we a re pleased to learn, is recovering from her late illnt;SS. Mr. Wm. Lawrence, ofGoodwood spent his holidaY$ among his numerous ~riends ofthis place. · ' Mr. S. H. Jeffrey spent. Sunday nnd Mo~day renewing old acqu~ntances here. Sol ts alwa:ys warmly received among h is friends, owtng to his amiable nature and gentlemanly deportment. While · Mr. Lewis and family were re- turning from church Sunday, he had the misfortune to break one of the runners o f his cutter, but we are pleased to note no further accident was the result. According to our expectation we find ex· Reeve Mackey's name among the can· didates for the reeveship . • We believe Mr. Mackey's e lection is sure, as he is an old and tried map in the council, and has given general satisfaction in the past. We congrat~late Mr. R. R. Mowbray on his election by acclamation to the honorable BEALL,~ 8.- Uauer of Karrtaae Ltoenoe1 position of 1st deputy BeiUClenoe oppoalte Town ll&ll, aroo:tUn. · -The S •. S. e ntertainment on the 29th was ESTATE OF T. J. HOLLIDAY.-We qutte a s uccess . . Sermons were delivered wish all our friends and austomers a by Rev. A. _P. Latter, of Beeton, on Sab- Happy and Prosperous New Year. bath. The Xmas. tree and entertainment Ohrtatmaa tor• and pre~~enu now opened up on Monday eveni.ng was well attended es· a' llaodOllalda . BCJ&utitul-preeentation oupe pecially by friends of the 1\ft. Zion, and and Bauoon for ladiea and 11011Uemen aucl all Greenwood appointments. The superin· other sooclafor Xmaa trade. Call and-and tendent, Mr. Hortop, was presented bny. ' • . ,with an address, and a very fine W ILBON, o. H., llam-muer anct Ad· Chair by the school. Mr. Hortop respond · dler,lhop betwMD Oh.lnll'a hoY! ancl ed In feeling terms. Ma ny valuable pre- Holliday'• •tore. ~· ordered work, sents were distributed , and n general good make of eood lCJ&Uaer . '&VIII')' branch of the time spent bnaln- atM.oded so properly. · · WABBJIN B. o.- A hudlomeatore weD It is with feelings of deep regret we re-au-4 Wt\b a oanfaUy eeleeted nOok of port a d isruption having taken place In the 11neral merohandiae lleUODable 1004a Ill· Lime Kiln Club a t one o(the last meetings. ••J• kl \be frcA._ Summer wan&a now belq i It appears one of the would· be members auppllecl, lfvf.nllplendld valu-. . 1 ·became a little unruly , and Bro. G ardner, D UFF.ERJN STREET SCROOL.- Names are in order of merit. Ill jr. to Ill sr. Mary j . Maylor, Frances Correll, Lavinia McCourt, Russell Thorndike, Georgia Van Valtenburg. III sr. to IV . jr.-Arthur Storey; Eddie Smith, Lucetta Smith, Esth· er McClellan, Georgia Galbraith, William Taylor, jean Galbraith, Elizabeth Daws. IV jr. to IV sr.-Neil Lawd er, Christopher Wilson. HENRY ST. SCROOL.- 11 to 111.-C. Tremeer. C. jeffery, A .. Taylor, j. Ander- son, J. Fisher, A. Underwood, R . Stephen· son, <;;. Hewis, J . McArdell, L. Wakely, F. Calverly, J. Collinson. I II to lV.-F. Murphy, L. Huhbard1 L. Home, G. ,Plas· kett, G. Blow, H. Sutnerland,l'tf,Camidge, S. T hompson, N. Law, F. Mathison. IV to.:V.- A: ·Fraser, A. W. Dow, J. F isher, E. Bell, A. Rose, A. Ellis. MODEL SCHOOL. Names in order of me"rit.- 1 sr. to II ~r.-Louie Phillipo, Mary Smith, Stella Pnngle, L~na McMillan, john Potter, Ethel Sturgiss, Robt. Mercer, Geo. F orrester: II sr. to Ill jr.'""'Willie Nicholson. Nellie Hawley,'Annie Stewart, Maaie Britton, Frank Proctor, Henry Bell, Lily L~ke, Fred Proctor, Chas. Sturgiss. Ill j r. to III sr.-Beatrice Tamblyn1 Maud Phillipo, Annie Potter, Eddie Ntcholson, Jennit: McKay, Edna johnston, Coline ·Stewart, Tavy Walters, Laura Barnes. ll i sr. to IV jr.- Maggie Camebell, .Bertha ~ing, johq Britton, Melvtlle Hall, jas. Bntton, May Armstrong, Dan. Campbell, Fmnk Shaw, Lulu Pringle, Ethel S mtth. IV jr. to IV sr.-Gertie Pringle, Fmnces Campbell, Lillian Smith, Fred. Spurill, Mary Maynard Edith Wilson, Barbara Thomson, Frank Jane!!, Frank Armstrong. Schools will re-open on Wednesday jan. j'th, 189t. We oppose acclamations, 'but cannot go the Idea oftwo men, brothers-in-law, put· tiag up candidates merely to secure pow- d er for their own guns. Tbat is the most ~angerous Family Compact. --·-·· ... ·-·--A LIWe llall. l'here waa a JJWe llan, And ho had a LJstle Plan, To give hlmaelf oonbol of &he eobool1, 1cboola, eohoola, U the Board would only say That he ml8ht have ols ••y, Bnt the membeni or the Boud weren't such foola, fools, foola. . Laat; JCI&r be laid a Scheme, To reallae ble dream, But; the peotJl• Ule:ramon Qut hil Uttle qulrk, qu Irk. quirk ; The re1uU wu quite a row, And they IIIIIOte it on the brew, Ancl thia well-laid Wtle 8oheme didn't work, ·work, work. 8o thlaLtWe Kan sot mad, And •wore au oath : "B:r. gad, • He'd either have hta way or he d btl8t, bliBt, bliBt: Be ao• requlaUiona ont, Anclhawkecl.Uaem ronnd about, Bu• in hil LtWe PiaD fonnd no &rU8t, VUlt, arun ., . • He took parta:leis in hilaame, (Some o1 ver;r_~Y Wllt.l Who oarried UW. WeiCJI$ U.. &he town, town, town, Bul tile people all damnned, h When the png.y'a DUll fill they liard, And Uae t.oea of &he -.bten wore a tJown, frown, frown. ' BUll the Lt&U. llau would fta)lt, From mOfllina till JIIldn~' · BoooUDa round \be tow a 80 ll.Ylt wiUa hta . Jltol7,~~~-::t·w. 01'11 Are but; fali:ea in peollle'l e:re~o And elee$1on day willli:Dook ti!IDa ..U Ml &)ol7, ctOI'J'. !l)ory. • > ..

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