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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jan 1891, 4-5

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~890. 1890. A Fine Assortment of XMAS GOODS, Christmas Goods, Odor Cases, Perfume Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Collar tl Cuff Cases, Mani Covers. etc., etc. -BY- J. E. WILLIS, Chemist cf Druggist, Medical Hall, Brock Street, Whitby. : . ~ FRIDAY, JAN. 2, 1891. ~ ,.' \ Tb.e 8ollool meou.ou. The case ts now before the people Aft- er canvassmg from shop to shop and from place to place for the whole } ear , after trymg to secure requtstt.J.ons for thts one and that one to shoulder thts nefanous crusade, after pubhshtng everythmg agatnst the present school board , after OO.rtenng posttlons and promtsmg support man) and every way, what has it all come to m the en~? Merely a matter ofputtmg up three men m the three wards to be knocked down. Mr. G Y Smith would run am· place for any office he can get. Hts record, ts such that no ward can accept htm on pnnctple It 15 needless to enlarge on his case. Mr W. j. Burus has been figunng and mampulatmg for weeks, trytng to pull the wool over the eyes of the young men and the old men. He lS a born agttator and loves the calling Mr. Geo. Ross, who allowed htmself to be set up in the Centre ward at the last moment, carnes more we1ght mto a bad and lost cau~ than both the others In fact 11 IS a surpnse to many of hts fnends who know of his upnght conduct at all other times, that he should. have accepted a candidature under such ausptces \Ve doubt 1fan) other men m tO\\"D ~auld have accepted nommation for e1thcr of the pos1t1ons from tins chque, who have been holding caucusses and hole-and corner meeungs for weeks, tr)•tilg to secure 'OIC ttms Now, '" ho are these men opposmg "> Men who have stood wtth thetr shoulders under the educatiOnal mstttuttons of th1s to~n for a generntton, and agamst whom no re spons1ble man has 'aan.Ed to stand up and stale a complaint Thetr only sm, even tn the eyes of the mtnguers, ts that they wtll not be parttes to damagmg the mstttute and tts Prmc1pal, who 1s one of the most faithful and efficient masters thts county can produce If U be adm1tted that Messrs Farewell, Ornuston, Kmg, Ferguson and Rutledge are not good judges of a Pnnc1pal's worth, will It be considered safer to trust the mat ter in the hands of young Mr Burns, or Mr Geo Ross, or to a man 1tke Mr G Y Smith? Of course we are aware these men are merely set up to be lmocked down, but sttll there ts a good deal at stake The net. work of the scheme has been so laid that 1t has broken out m places where 1t was least expected. Men who have ends to serve w11l offer ever}thmg they don't want themselves to those who will a1d them ----- Tile NOIIllllaUODL The nommauons for the tO\\On councal and school board came off together at the music hall on Monday night. The attend· ance of ladtes and gentlemen, both on Monday and Tuesday mghts, fully'\ md1cnt ed those who urged the use of the hall for this purpose The nommat1ons made \\ere very numerous both for the school board and council, and the mterest otherwise mamfested wns the most healthful s1gn of progress we lla ve e .. er observed m the town. . For the first Ume tn many years the b1g guns of the town, the men whose energy and ab11ity have made them a name and a warm place in the hearts of the people, Were seen takin' an active mterest m se· Iecting and nommaung candidates for the different positions. There "'ere great heads bemg 41put together" m all direc· dons, and the twlnlde of many an e)'e told how sl.,\re there was to be a fight before the year was out. These exC1tmg Urnes augur well for Whitby's future If people will JUSt now make an effort to secure the tnumphant return of all these good men who have come out after yea.B of coaxmg, there will be encouragement tn the act, and these men will feel that much $ood work ts ex- pected of them. There ts much need of them, dear knows Let no school board row or side 1ssue, llke this insincere cry of dual representation, cause the people's minds to become sh1fted for a moment from the best mterests of the town The present ts the best opportumty in ten years to make aJood selection, aud let all be patriotic an true to thear trust Take these men at their word and see tf a new era cannot be inaugurated Let no 11 roorback" or last day howl be listened to The townisaliUiefevenshjust now from the fear of schemers, and w1th good reason ; but the electors have that "power in their hands whil:h wtll, 1f apphed, stiO.e mtrigue forever. Give no man a vote who has had a hand m those plans which were.)nocked. as high aa Gilroy's klle last year, and will be agatn this year. The re spectabillty of one or tWo men doesn t put a bit better face on a dlqlle's attempt to ruin o_ur schOQis and gain control of the town council. ' rtca.rM ~ •COOke4"' \Vhoever prepared the tabulated state-- ments m last '"eek's G:u:ette, stgned by Mr. Newton, as to the number of teachers and the amounts of salanes pa~d m colleg· ~ate mstttutes and htgh ::ochools throughout the Provmce, must have e1ther been short of correct mfonnatton, or else anxious to "cook" the figures. To test thel.f accur· acy, a copy of the followmg telegram was sent to the secretanes of the school boards at Cobourg, Ingersoll, Peterboro. and SL Marrs, of the Gazette's four master list , and Colhngln><><l, Godench, Seaforth, and \Voodstock of1ts the-master list - "Telegraph number of teachers m staff of mstttute '"hen full, also total of sal:lnes pa1d" The folio" mg statement wdl shew the Gazette's figures and the figures secured in repl} to these telc..-grams, the Sign "+ r" meamng that the add1t10nal teacher IS not permanent FOUR-'IASTER SCHOOLS From Gazette By telegram Place No total No total Err tchrs. sirs tchrs sirs Cobourg 4 $3.700 5 $4,3oo S6oo Ingersoll 4 J,IJOO 4+ I 4,000 100 Peterboro 4 3,900 6+ 1 6,.J.SO 2,550 St Marys 4- J,SOO 5 5,500 2,000 FI\'E MASTER SCHOOLS Collingwood S 4,<)00 5 4,975 75 Godench 5 4,250 S 4,500 250 Seaforth 5 4,250. 5 4,650 450 Woodstock 5 4.?JO 6 6,ooo 1100 Amount of error m salary hst ofS schools $7,125 Average amount or error m 8 schoools $8<}1 The results of these etght telegrams may 'OCI)" fatrly be taken as shewmg how much rehabthtycan be placed on the Gazette's figures If m the whole 32 schools tl men· ttons tt has made an error a veragmg .f89o each, the whole error would amount to $28,48o NO\\·, tne salary hst m the 'Wh1tb} col legtate mst1tute IS not $4,900, but 1s $4-,Soo. Add 1t up . head master $tJOO, 3 masters at $9oo each and I at $8oo=$4,8oo. The Gazette tnes to shew that \Vhttby's sal a f) hst IS $845 htgher than the a \"erage of 32 schools menttoned Taking off the $too of an error JUSt mentioned, the aver· age would be $745 But there IS an appar· ent error m each case averagtng $8Qo, and this proves \Vh1tby must be $•45 below the average salal") hst of the 32 schools, wh1ch of course we do not pretend to say IS the case It must be born m mmd, also, that tt 1s enttrel} unfair to cons1der the a .. erage sal· ary hst of htgh schools, where the boards are not compelled to htre spectahsts at large salanes. In seven out of the e1ght schools men· ttoned above, 5 or more teachers are em played, and the :t. verage salarv hst ts $5:265, bemg $2JI h1gher than \Vhitby pays Its five masters It must be a moral vtctory Mr Dow Is after, seemg that he utll be sattsfied \\tth "any respectable mmonty," as he tennstt Lotter from BOIL ..rao. Jh7dell Brookhn, Dec JISt, 18c)o S H. Graham'.... Esq , \Vh1tby Daal BepnM~ttatloa. Thetr ca.use havmg faded to gtve hope, l\lessrs Barela} and Dow ha"Oe resorted to the en of dual representatiOn, wh1ch the}• hope wtll cut1 both \\3.\"S, and hurt those they '" 1sh to oppose m botl1 counctl and school board The fact ts they "ant thts school bo.·ud fight they have been fester mg to be carrted clea~ through the elec t10ns both for school board and to\\ n council Messrs Kmg, Campbdl, and Rutledge don't happen to be favorable to the1r personal ends. These men and others stand m the way of the two gentle men runnmg the whole town The peopl\.' know thts, and tt 1s well·kno\\ n the people know 1t, so the l\\o amb1t1ous gentlemen, \\ ho dare not run agamst them for plact.-s are tr} mg to make cr} s aid them m the1r schemes Do the electors \\ant the1r taxes reduced from 24'-' malls to a much lower rate"> Do they behe"Oe Messrs Rutledge, Ktng and Campbell \\Ill be the men to make tins reduct1on )' \Vtll the electors choose to vote the old thmg o\cr agam and contmu~: h1gh taxation fer the sakeofa1dmg Messrs Barclay and Do\\ to sm1te men under the fift.h nb il Then" h} hsten to any cry, no matter from "hat party tt comes? The mam qut:Stton IS CIVIC reform, and '"hen enough such men as Messrs Campbell, Kmg and Rutledge can be round to dh 1de the honors round, let 1t be done Ifthetr commg out thts } ear and bemg el~h."tl \\ITI mduce other good men to come out ne::~t} ear and offer themselves, let the electors then give the others a show. The CHRONICLE has never had an are to gnnd m mumc1pal matters \Ve have fought the battle of the taxpayers honestly and have ne"Oer used any cry m our efforts \Vhel) the prospects of gettmg out worth) men \\ere good we have reJotced, '"hen they were bad \\ e have regretted 1t. But never have we advised a course wh1ch proved bad Our advtce now ~wen 1s always good m am campaign Ltsten to no crys 1 IS that advtce Take the best men that offer, and stand b}' them hke TroJans Next year do the same, and change from one man to another "'hen ad '\-antage can be secured Taxatton in th1s town should be reduced by at least 2 m1lls on the dollar each 'ear for the next three ) ears unttl 18 mills IS reached, and the '\uestmn for the rate payers to cons1der 1s, who are the best men to u orL: out th1s reduction il Do "e not want some men who have a large stake m the town and \'\ ho are somewhat close fisted"> Vote aga1nst every man who has a cry' After coaxmg these men for )ears to come out, let them be powerfutl) supported, and then expect them to do good work. m re turn A } ear and a half ago the schemers saad Mr "ramblyn was not a good teacher The results proved he had no equal Then they swttched off and srud he was not an effictent head master For 6fteen years the reports of mspectors knocked th1s story Driven to desperatiOn, they now round otf b}· meanly 1nsmuatmg the PnnC1pal 1s no gentleman \Veil, God knows none of us IS any too good The man who talks about the manners of a gentleman very often has no attnbute of a gentleman himself Bobool A.flaln.. \Vh~ did Mr. Do..: learn that Dr. Bateman DEAR SIR,-The statement that my daughters were taken from the Collegtate Instatute m \Vh1tby because the present Principal was engaged IS enurely untrue was an old and a~eneed teacher and educa- The} \\OUld have been remo'\!ed no mat IIODJSt? What b~gh school orotherschooldid ter who nught be employed as teachers the Or ever teach 10 aod wben? While ~pt::akinx As a mattt:r of fact arrangements were or fir Bateman .,.-e may say that u IS pos:$1ble made for their attendance at Moulton soa:de mt:n m Pic.k.:nng VIllage and rnon•'>' Ladlei' Co1k-ge, Toronto, long berate 11. "'as haW: negl«:ted to send the1r boys and girls to known that Mr Tambl) n had been ap Whnby collt:gtare Jbsututc:, and 1f lJr. Bateman pomted as Pnnc1pal has worked as bard ;&galnst the tnstttute as Yours trul}, ha~ some gentlemen here, It IS no won- J :-.o DR\ DE:" der. People of P1ckenng vtl'age could (In the mustc hall on Tucsda} mght l\lr not be expected to send thetr c:h1ldrt:n here Lo Barela) stated that se\ eral prommcnt oppos1Uon to the re<:ommendatton of a member f=lnultt.>s 1n the neighborhood of \Vh1tb) of the board whorestded th~. It ts only now had rcmo\t.>d the1r cluldren from the Col we are hndmg out what a dam:IJ!e was done legtate Institute, and when asked to gtve our IDStltUte by appomung the Dr lO the board. namt.'S, ga'\e the followmg -Hun john Mr Dow an htS spe«:h Tu~day n1~ht stated Dryden, H1s Honor judge Burnham Messrs Richard Guthne, D:n 1d Birrell and h1s behef th11ot tf even a rcspe<:tnble mmonty of Bnarton Bunhng As regards the first the people •.:n: deadedly opposed to a mast· named gentleman \\C d1rect our readers to er, that mastt:r should be dtsm1SSC'd. Now, m hts letter abo\ e As to the others a "ord or l\\O can make thetr pos1t1on as equally this •-e a~ wtth Mr. Do•. But there IS an- clear Mr Guthne's son attended the Ill· other tbtnx to be COD.Side~. and that 15 as to stltute and passt..'<i through thC"-t\\O lower how thJS mmonty IS \liorked up. If a masters forms \\ lth credtt He passed to the Jrd b:ul methods or teachmg or other fallmgs "hen properly cnllSldered shall bnng a storm form and undertook Jrd class and umver· aboul blS ears, he IS lo blame • but If thiS stt} work He \'\as elected pres1dent of mtnonty 15 produced by the Incessant canvas- the hteraf)· SOCiety and was looked upon stng, rugbt and day, of men ltke Messrs. Bar· as one of the most promtsm~ students. clay, Dr. Balemau aod others, who can- Sad to relate he was stncken wtth fever tn not work up any eupport 10 any.other way, the m1dst of has course and d1ed vnthm a then we do nut co11Slder that mmonty de~ fe" da}S A large del<;gallon of students any COilSiderauon. Mr. Dow knows very well attended the funeral Mr Guthne's )Oung that at first all the charges aga.tnst Mr. Tam· son wrote at the entrance exammat1ons blyo were Ill rqant to hJS teachtng and on last ~.~;eek and was successful He called th&s polDt n 15 now admuted that he JS all that at the m~tltule on Tut.-sday last to get the cao be desimd. But wh1Le these charges have report, and on bemg asked who from Ptck· been d)'lng out Messrs. Dow, Barclay and enng would be hkely to attend the mst1- others han= managed to work up othen which tute, ga\e four names, h1s 0\\00 among the they are now ust•g. as to hiS work as a pnnci· number Mr David B1rrell sends hiS paL Their ground has aga.ao c:omp~tely shirt· daughter Maggte to the Institute and has ed, and they now cUog to what can neYU be done so ever smce Mr Tambl) n came more than a matter or opmoo here HIS son john passed through the lower for 1ns and took a wmter's course 10 It can never be anything bot a matter of upper form, after which he returned to the op.nlOil as to whether Mr. Tamblyn, or any farm, to become, no doubt, m lime as other Prinapal of a school, 1s a competent pronun~nt nnd as successful an agncultur- htad-master. Resulu may prove has ability 1st as hts respected father 1\lr Bunung sent three children to the lnst1tute, t\\O u a teacher, and have nght ~ proven that guls and a boy ln the promotions from he has no equal as a teacher tn the Provmce. the 2nd from one of the gtrls faded Mr. But n:sults caanut prove tbe suece:ss of a Buntmg, as well as Mr. Tamblyn, was diS- .t'nDOpal tn most cases. For Instance be appomted Mr Buntmg anxiously des1r- may have a. fuud row to hoe, as Mr. Tamblyn ed the/romotton of the young lady but has bad Since be came h~. Forty mea she ha failed and that "as an end t~ the 1 ml&'ht sa.r. his teachiog has been poor, and the matter so far the tendiers of the Collegtate results will refute them all ; but one man mar were concerned, and Mr Bunting's frulure declare any bead master ~la (allure and forty to secure the promotion desired, resulted other mea cannot sllcXeSSf y prove othennse. m the removal of the whole three But Schools llawe their ups aad downs. W.e ba.-e Mr Tamblyn only dtd his duty 10 the Within. the last lew days beea looking over the matter and stood by hts plan of o1alllza· ==~ O:~t sc;:~tud:d :r· =~= lion, as he always should do, if no avont· Whitby aloae appears to b&Ye almOrSt always tsm 11 to be ~own Mr. Barclay must ftowisbed. 1bat good luck has been the have been ml5tnformed~ to say the least, maldog ol the goocl fame ot many a masttt when he charges Mr. Tamblyn wtth bemg who bas bcea here. But there bas DCver been the cause of the removals eomplamed of- a master ben: whose PriDO.palslup could not Eo Cu ) hal'~: beeD as sucx:essfully challenged as Mr. Mr Barclay sa1d Tuesday mght-"Hon John Dryden told me that he would not send h1s ch1ldren to the insutute so long as Mr Tamblyn was the Principal " See the hon gentleman's letter m another column Mr 0 made the same statement regardmg H1s Honor Judge Burnham Yesterday Hts Honor authorized us to gtve the same unqualified den1al to the statement Mr Barclay's statements are seldom more re· hable than these. Brooklin, Dec. ag, 1890- Eo CukONICLE S1s -J understand au Wedaesd•r.· lbe 7th rJ Jaowuy, your oollegiate institu~ Will open (or the next term. At eight o'clock 011 that morn· tng, there w1U be two trains atandmg at the Brooklin stauon, ooe ror Whitby and tboothet ror Port Perry. I have not seen the advertise- menc of 1he WhLtby collegiate institute for •89•. although we have all aeea that of Pon 1\::rry, If your adv.:rusemeat does not appear lo next week's paper, pleue: ata&o under school notes whether the col1t:giate wiU be run next ye&r wuh four or five ttachers. ONE OV THE. BROOKLIN CONTINGENT. (Take the south tnuo. !See r.dv. ID another column -Eo Cu. Tamblyn"s. Wh' ~ Because: It is a matter ol opuUOG, Thas bein&" the case, and Mr. Tam~ blya ba.YlDC a record as " teacher Car exc::ced· 1DC mBDY of I.be31. we choose to believe be tS u competent in other ways , and at least too good a man to be suhjeeted to thiS sleuth-houod pursuh be has bad to withstand. Snow the schemers and thetr tool can- dtdntes ten feet under T<lwa Clm41...._ FOil THK COU.NCIL For Ma}'Or -Jas Campbell, J R Plulp. For Reen -Jas Rutledge, H B Tay· lor For Deputr. -Chas Kmg, Wm Noble For Councilor -North Ward, \Vm Rob- son, A. R. Rowland, J Scott, W H Cros· by. Centre \\'ard, A M Ross, D Wilson, F H Annes, Wm Bums, Geo Hew1s, E. Hart South \Vard, by ace , john Smtth, E , Jno. Snuth, W , james McClellan I'OR SCUOOL TRUSTKE~ North Ward -jno Ferguson, W J Bums Centre Ward -chas Kmg, Geo A. R055 South \Vard -James Rullt:d~;e, G Y. Srtuth, Thos Smith GRAND OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE USEFUL ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ~AT VERY SMALL COST.~ SPEOIAI.J SALE OF DRY GOODS • Having 'decided to clear out a great portion of our very large and Chmce Stock of Dry Goods before Christmas, we commence this week to offer to our friends and customers, a. list of Goods and Prices, for Cash which cannot fail to insure great sales. ' Special Bargains in Dress Goods, Special Bargains in Gloves, Great Bargains in Ladies Clouds, Bargains in Gents' Ties, Great Bargains in all knitted Wool Goods, Bargains in Hosiery, Great Bargains in Mens' and Youths' Over· Bargains in Underwear. coats, eto., etc. Ladies' and Gents' Fur Coats, Caps, Ladies' Seal and Beaver Muffs, Capes, Storm Collars, etc. MUCH BELOW PRESENT VALUES. ROSS BROS . ' .E~PORIU::M. ""W"HITBY DRY GOODS New Scotch, Irish and Canadian Tweeds AT PRINGLE'S. Worsted 8uitings, Overcoatings if Trouserings . WIHD·UP SALE. AT PRINGLE'S. ~ Men's Stanley Q,~ershoes, Fmest Cloth . • 81.20 - If you want a good and Cheap Suit call and see Pringle, the Tailor. DON'T YOU KNOW -THE- ~ BIG CHRISTMAS STOCK .,U IS AT THE STORE OF R. S. CORMACK And if you wan't to make a jolly Xmas make presents to your Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Wife or Husband, Neighbor, Fr1end or Sweetheart, and seleot them from the fine stock of Toys, Books and Novelties, Fancy Goods, Notions, etc., etc. Alluring, Captivating and Charming Gifts for everybody, and at prices that will reoeive your favor, NONE LOWER. Prioes are marked down to suit the times, for instance, Flat Xmas Cards at HALF PRICE, and &11 our display is worth your inspeolion. Please oall and see t.hem. Lady's Jersey Laced Overshoe, Mark the price~ Mtsses' Carnival Button, Wool-Lmod. 11.60 11.45 Men's Canada Alaskas, Low Shoes Wool Lmed, Self Aoting. U.OO Men's Fine Rubbers, Mark the Price. 50o Men's Fine Artia Oyersboes, Mark the Price. Lady's Fine Rubbers, Men's Wool-Lmed Rubbers, u.oo S5e Lady's Wool Lined Rubbers. Men's Fella, (leatberod) Wtth Rubber Feet, Heeled, Tap- ped and Bucklod, Mark the Pnoo. Meu"s Fell Top Boola, U.IIO \Valkerton Beat. Men's Grain Laced, Lmed, Lady's Fell Laced, Foxod, Lady"• Fell Oatlers, Lady's Felt. Low Shoes, Lady"s Fell Blippera. R. S. CORMACK. All new gooda. bought last Augul, ------------~--------------- and lately delivered. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE T;10R SALE -Good House and Lot. near- .J:I ly a acres, t mile soutlt or Myrtle, part of Iota 20 aad 21 In the 8th Con. Whitl?f Town- ship. Good orchard and prden lrun, good well mad astern and bam aod stable. Apply on pemlses to MRS. DAVID BOWES, or to MRS. THUS. DUFF, Myrtle. Myrtle, Oct ut. ll90-43·3mos, SITUATION WANTIID.-BJ an mlolti-ge.nL you\h, Wltb good education, aged 15 in atore or ofllce, country preferred. Wm engage wtth aw&able employer. JOHN R. WORDEN, Jdanohoakr,Deo 80, '90-1 I CE I IOE I lOB I Tho undoralgnod bav· ing purobaaed an ace plow tl now pre. uared to fUJ'IWih 1ce to CODJUDlert ai the Jo....,l pouiblo raloo. Applf &o CHAS. PEBBY. Pori WhilbJ. CENTRE WARD: PaLLOw B~crou,-Aa my term of rep. naentatlon U Ule School Boud 18 now ex. piring, I ban to thank you all for t.he con- ftdenoe wi&b. which I ba"Ye been favored. I han endeavoted to diacha.rge my duUu properly, and in dOUlg ao have aJ.wa~ held your ln~M in 'flew. I ba.ve dflClded t.o aeek ze..eleation, and hope that my rec:ord u a achool trua~e u well u my larae in terel .. lD the w;;.d, mayrecene your Ia.vor. able oonalderatiou. The votu and efl'ort.e of alllhe electon are retpect.fully aoUmt.ed to tecure my mturn CHAS KINO WhUby, Dec 18, 1890 RBSIDENOS TO RKNT.- S.mt. d&-&a~hed bouao uo Byton Bt.., aono. rooma. Noar aU .. bnain6U placea and \b8 podotloe. Btlbu for aale or lo le*. Apply &o Wll. NIIWPORT, Whitby. Ool. 23, UNO --46 U. m<l THB DBAP.-A penon oul'Od of ~ Deafneu aq_d Doi.IM ill *he head of 18 Je&n alaDdin« b7 a 1tmple remedy. wtll eoad a dMOriplloo of I& nu '<» uy pei'IOD who app_U.. to NIOBOLIO., 80 Bt. John 8Lree,,lloD.U.al No Reasonable Olfer Refused. SPLENDID BARGAINS IM Leather Boob, Shoes & Slippers B"Bverything must be Sold. Repairing a Specialty. W. J. BURNS & CO. Bast ~de, Brock Street, "'W" :S:: IT BY. FRIENDSHIP Shelf goods-We have a~ fine and varied assonment of sbelr goods, at Mathtson Bros.' Merry Chnstmas and Happy New Year to aU. MathiSOn Bros.' Our Raglan writer gn es a re,., of h1s most ongmal thoughts on an msade page. Nuts-Fresh Walnuts, Almonds, Filberts, Braz:~l, Pecan, Cacoanuts, at Mathison Bros. 1 Tea-Try our new Kangra Valley India Tea Tins 15 very 6ne, only soc per lb.., at Mathtson Bros. FALL AND WlNTER GOODS< RIN'"G-S_ Fresh hahan Peels-Qrange, Lemon, a.ad Citron, at MathiSOn ~.' CoHee--Try our combmauon coffee. new cheap. only 4oc per lb., at Mathtson Bros.· The clerks of the d1fferent mumcapahttes are requested to mall us cop1es of the1r financJal statements B1scuns and (.onlectaonery-A Vf!ry chOice assonment of Biscuits and Confectionery m th1s hoe, at MathiSOn Bros.' Feannan's Celebrated Meats-Mmce meet Scotch Beef-Ham, Smoked Hams. Sugar- Cured Breakfast Bacon, Sp1ced Rolled Bacon, Pegs Feel, ar Mathison Bros.' . 1\fr Ba.rclay-"There has been a falhng offtn attendance" Fact tSSB 181, 'Sc) t8o, '90 182 So much for that AT c. F. STEWART'S The very latest styles, Silver and Gold, En- amelled, set with stones or plain. Port Per."\· is to ha' e electric hghts mside of Sl:t months The Rehance Ltght Co has the contract Mr Barela} knO\\S nothmg about the mstttute He has not been there m a }ear and a half llr BUI'Dii' ClrOnlar. Our Stock of Fall and Winter Goods is now very complete, FROM 25c. TO $2 00. Fnuts -A \er) fine assortmentofLa}er Rasms- Dehesa, Black Basket, Blue Bas ket, London La'\ ers, Valent1as, and Sul- tana..<>, at Matluson Bros' Callfonua Fnnts,-E .. aporatcd Plums, Peaches. Apncots, Cn stahzed Ftgs, Or· angcs. Lemons, Bananas, Malaga Grapes at Mathtson Bros' In hts address to the electors of the north ward Mr W. J. Bumt'laays Mr. Ferguson ts not ahve to the 1ssue. He wul find Mr. F. a p~tty h vely crpse. If any ratepayer wants to find nut whether Mr. Jvo. FellfUSOD 1.11 an economu~al trustee or not, he should take btm a b11l against the board. That wtll settle 1t, and hts close fistedness tR the reason two or' lhree men are &gaJ.DAt h1m m thl'l election, u.nd for richness of texture and elegance' of design cannot be surpassed. We are show- ing special iines in Dre6s Goods, in Black and Colored Henrietta. Cloths, Black and Col- ored Cashmeres, Black and Colored Serges, Foulies, Amazons, and Tweed effeots. In Gloves and Hosiery, we are offering values that cannot be surpassed. Also in Ladies', Mens' and Youths' Underw~tre. -AT- In Its Ne'" Year's Address, the Gazette savs m refemng to the tO\\ n councillors "The\ l~sso11 'our taxes " Quae nght- and the h·sso" 1s one the to~n "111 not soon forget When Mr. W. J Burna was asked 1f he would run for the counctl he doclmed, say· ing be did not expect to be in town more than two months lonJ('er. He wu once elect· ed. to a pos1tmn and wtth1n stx months left the tuwn, and eaused another expense. Ir h1s negotistiona wtt.h an Orilha gentleman proYes sa.tiefa.ctory ho w1llleave before two months now. We are Special Values in Grey and Fancy Flannels. showing u. choice stock of Ulster and Mantle Cloths, in Plain and Fancy Goods. J. 8. BARNARD, Watch Repairer, Jeweller, and Engraver, \\'e ha\e found 1t 1mposstble to spare as much space to town counctl and school matters as \\C should ha"Oe hked to use that \\a\ , but the electors must thmk for thc:msei\es and be true to their mterests "'e ha"Oe great fmth m people, and trust they w1ll dtscharge nobly the duttes of election lime Brock St~ XMAS, Whitby. I8go. The Bell Telephone Company has 1ssued a \\ nt ab~tnst the Brantford Electnc L1ght Co , clamHng S5 ooo d.unages for erectmg Its pult:S ancl "lrt.o.s m such a \\a) as to en danger the propert} of the tel~phone com pam and 1ts subscnbers, and asks for an mJunctlon to compel the remo\al of the electnc hght \\tres to a proper pos1t1on It Wlll pay you to JtO to t.be J8R80p Furni· tore Co. Port Perry for your Hobday PRIIODta. Juat rece~ved neff styles m Parlor and Bedroom Suits, Easy Chairs, Platform and Fancy Rockers in eillc an1 embosseti plush, velvet. mo.. qoetta. Brussels and Tapeslrv carpet. Cbildrene chair~ of all kinde :Ea&els and ecrt'6D8 tn Bamboo, Maboga~~y and Ebony. Headquarters for Fine Picture Framing We have no LEADERS, but sell every· thing as LOW as 1s cona1et.ent with an HONEST PROFIT and 1!00(1 work. JESSOP FURNITURE CO'Y., ' W l NOTT, M'gr. PORT PERRY. W~itby Qtl)ronidt. FRIDAY, JAN. 2, 1891. LOCAL LACONICS. W~U IS ROIK8 a• IM UO AROUMO T0\'111-A BUOOR OF mm LOCAL MEWS BUAKED Bl OHROMICLE REPORTERS "A ch1el's amang ye, tak.m notes, An fanh he II prent lL Currants - Pro' metal, Patras, Vostu.z.1., &c Fmc Cro\\ n Elma F1gs Frt'Sh dates Mathason Bros Ha1r cut man\ sl\ le at the Ro}:ll Barber Shop Open t:\eT) cvenmg uti $ o"clock Lou Bandel, propnetor The F1rcmen s Ball "as most successful The spread pro' 1ded b} Mmc ,Host Fo} "as one of the bt.~t e\ er plact.-d before a \VIutb} gathcnng The Gazette asks '"h) "e made no men· lion of the deputation gomg to Ott:t.\\a to urge a new post office and custom house In reph we rna} 53) the <h:putatJon sent a request to us to not mentton the matter The Gazette S.1.}S the CIIRO:'\:ICLf. urged :\.tr Tambl} n to restgn e1ght~n months ago That ts true, both 111 a pubhc and pnvate sense \Ve ad used hmt that he was pursut.-d m a \\a} tbat knew no merq and that he had better res1gn unless he could fight hke a bulldog Weren't \\Oe nght W H Be" ell, G S , \\'httb), assisted b) E Phcrntx, j Watson, and other mem bersofGreenbank and Port Perry dl'\lSions, orgamzed a ne\\ Dtvt:;aon of Sons of Tern· perancc at Sonya Tuesda) mght, Dt.>c 3oth, j McTaggart, \V. P, D McMtllan, R S The credit of this D1vts1on IS largely due to the earnest efforts of Hugh llolcMtl- lan, of Greenbank Dlvlston The next annual sesston of the Ontano d1stnct dtvtslon of Sons of Temperance u1ll be held at Port Pcrr}, on Tuesday, Jan IJth The busmess meetmgs wall be held at to JO a m and 2 p m tn the I 0. 0 F hall, and the pubhc meeting m the town hall m the evenmg The sessiOn wtll be an tmportant one, and a large attend· ance from each d1v1sion IS expected t8go has been a prosperous year, shall not 1891 be sttll more so "A North \Varder" wntrs to ask how Mr \V. ) Burns' sister \\OUid have been affected tn her course for a tst class certtfi· cate by a reductton ofthecolleg1ate staffto four In reply we may say she would have been compelled to take the course elsewhere Mr. Bums is only a decoy duck put out to catch votes for the "re· spectable mmonty" Mr. Dow talks about, and Mr Bums has to appear as best meets the ends of those whose tool he is Besides, 1t 1s not at all sure )lr 8 cares any more for hts own family than anybody else It's office and ngttation he wants, and he IS off hiS base about tt We would remind our many subscnbers that now is the time to renew subscrip· tions- Bestdes back subscnpuons, $::t,ooo 10 subscnptlons became due yesterday. All readers of the CHRONICLE will agree that we do our best to earn the dollar. Men of the world know that there are cases when an upright paper has to speak out and say thmgs which would cause losses 1! u were not ror the increase ln subscriptions which such a course bnngs This county ts full of papers which dare not tate a stand on any question, unless they first become assured the)' will make It pa) m ~every 1nstance. On the other hand the CHRONlCLB tnes to make money by meet- Ing every question face to face Our sub· scnp.uon hsts increase at such a rate that we make far more one way Utan we do the other. But It takes a deal of money to run Through an oversight "e om1tted to re· port last "eek: that the p~IJllls of the Col legtate Instttute presented Mr Waldron \\lth a ,·aluable edttton of Chambers' En cyclopedia The address uas htghly com phmentaf) to Mr Waldron's attatnments and e.xpress1ve of the high regard enter tamt.-d for htm b) the pup• Is The address '"as neath· framed -=' The ch1ldren of the Bapttst Sunday school, rcprt.>sentt."tl by ten of the1r number ,,sited the residence of Mr Geo E Hall on Tuesda} mght, and presented Mi!i!i M A Hall " 1th a beautiful dressmg case, m reeogmtton of her services m connectton '" tth the school She was completely taken by surpnse, and expressed much pleasure and good \\tshes for the chtldren's happl ness dunng the hohda} s The folio\'\ tng "as exported from the consular d1stnct of \Vh1tb} for the quarter endmg the JISt of Dec -Ammals for brC(."<:hng purpOses, S7.347 SO , apples, green, S29 oo , barle,, t6.t 179 bu~h , .!98, 257 20, emtgrants effects S7,020,6o, lumber 227 ,. 028 feet SJ,Ijo8r, miscellaneous, $1200, peas, 1,3.57 bush, St,n• oo, rape seed, $277 oo, tel poles' $205 oo, turntps, $tot · 00 Total, $118,191 II It IS httle wonder the Gazette man IS "1lhng to father or scapegoat the msultmg language used to\\ards !\lr j E Fare\\ ell m tts columns last \\eck The secret 1s that a fe\\ mghts before the Gazette was pnntt.-d, l\lr Fare\\ ell, as to\'\n sohcator, had noh6cd Mr Nc\\ ton that has pnntmg rontract "1th the to" n must be camt."tl out, or else he nould he sued for damages Thts 1s the n..-sult of i\lr Fare\\ ell's cour agrous ddcncc of the tO\\ n's nghts, and tf the tonn sohc.:ttor \\OUid pernut Mr Ne\\ ton to bulldoze the iown out of $15 extra on Ius prmung contract there " ould be no hard f~.-"CIIng .tt .til The Gazette's ch1ef bustnt.'S 1s to look after No 1 One of the must ent..·nammg lectures e\er gl\en m the l\lcthodJst Tabernacle \\til be ddt\ ered under the ausp1ccs of the \\'omans' ~hsslonar} Soc1~t' of that church on Tuesdar eH:ntng, j.m tJlh, b) the Rev C T Cockmg. retunu.-d nus,.lonar} from japan H1s subJect \\Ill be ··~ran ncrs and customs ofth~ ja~anese," and It "111 be allustr:t.ted b) magntficent hme hgln d1ssoh mg \1~\\0S lakcn from hfe b) the bt.•-st Japanese an1st At the clo:;c the lecturer \\Ill appcarm n::atne costume, b>l\e au ad dress, smg m japa.nt.-sc and exlubtt a large number of arttcles used by the peo ple m the1r datlv hfe Lecture \\ 111 begin at7 JO Adm1ss1on only 15 cts Tht trustt.'t..>s or the Methodist Taber nacle ha'\e decided to put m new furnaces at once On Monday last there were rep· reSentaltves from the Gurney and Pease Furnace Compamcs, e::~ammmg the bu1ld· mg, and prepanng tenders After a con· stderatton of the propss:\ls of these com· p..1.mes by the trustees, 1t was decided to award the contract to the Pease Com pan} On Wednesday last Mr Shendan, manager of the company, met the committee or management, and la1d out h1s work:. He will proceed at once and make the neces· sary excavattons, and complete the work next week. The trustees of the tabernacle are to be1 Co~ratulated on the actton they have taken so speedtly and the addtttonal expenditures they hnve mcurred m order to ensure the comfort of the congregation, will be generously met by them when the opportumty IS afforded. When the } oung men of the town were asked to foregather by Messrs. W J. Bums and Geo Ross, to consider a platform of mumcipal ft:fonn, a httle b1rd commenced whtspenng about that there was some-- thmg more in vtew than the programme stated, although the avowed object of the meetmg was the infusiOn of new 1deas and new blood mto the town council. On th1s basis two whole mghts were spent cons1der- mg a platform. Now. however, It appears that the new blood these men had m v1ew was not mtended for the council ot all, but for the school board. And thl5 new blood was the 8uid tha• courses through the vems of the gentlemen themselves. The game neve.r became known until Tuesday mght. The young men of the town should squelch the game tn proper Conn. Our Tailoring Department is complete with the choic- est selections of Suitings, 'frowserings and Overcoa.tings, in Meltons, Venetians, Worst- eds and Naps. Mr. Bums Will go five masters Rhea the attendana\ 1ncreaaes. He rnuat know if be knows anything about the objects of col· legtate mstJ.tutea, that the average attend· anoo has no effect upon the amount of work. Tbegcnernment VJVel!l Wh1tby 11.000 ruure than aoy h1gh school in tbb county 1 and, bJlWeversmall the number wntmg for Uot· verstty honors or a first cl&88 oort1fieate, tbe puptla ha.'l"e a ngbt, by v1rtuo of that exira gm; ecnment a1d1 to demand that the wurk be done, The extra grant ts not gt van on bigb school work, and 1t 1s fortunate for 8oms of Mr. Burna' £atntly that euch guvernmeut atd called for aucb wurk. -~~- BleD Wbo Forget. Four speakers on Tuesday mght so far forgot themsehes as to reflect upon Mr Tamblyn's personal quaht1es Three of these four also forgot to bear m mmd about thetr own personal records The CHRONICLE has never under our manage ment addressed Itself to the busmess of scandal, nor C\'en personalities, nor do we need to no" The people know all we can tell them But such men should be the last to reflect upon a man's character- }et such are ah\Oa}s the first A man \\hose character IS good, alwa)S values It too h1ghly to make a football of on other man's good name It v.:as a dastard!} and slanderous and CO\\Oardl} busmess to have passed such reflectiOns upon a man who IS not at present m a pos1t1on to repel the at tacks Mr Tamblyn lacks far less of the quaht1es oT a man or gentleman than do h1s detractors. It was the most "retched p1ece of busmess ue have wttnessed m th1s tO\\ n, "here fair play IS accorded to men as a rule Not. 011. the rtpt.. Let this cowardly crueado aga.lnet lhe insti· tute be snowed under I It is a&id Lbat. l&at. year after Mr. G. Y. Bwath waa t.lefeated Lo tho south w&rd. be remuii.ed that tbe ward st&n.k anyway. This year he appe~:~.ra to smell eometbiull again, for he spoke ot the suut.b. ward on Tooad.ay niSb,, aa • dung-bilL ::-, • "~" One youns candldakl on Ta..tay D..IJb.t took upou h1m t.o read Principal Tamblyn and the audieDc& a lecturo on sontJ.ema.tlly condao1. l'h1s u.me young C4Ddldate, it 11!1 Aid. Qooe not often recogu1ze his own lather un t.ho stroot.. l8 not such a. man verJ lorgettnl of 4!9 own unnatural conduct? 'btu« sed.. On tbe ono band the agitawn of The Plan agito.te and WU the town people 11 14.800 et.afJ at the institute 111 too exponelve, and tl.i11.t tboro ta ouo too wany muten. On the ot.b.or band tlley wa.m out1uden trom eendWa: pupile bore becaUA& t.he ataJ! is weak. Mr. llarclay &rgUed tlus both way11 from tho plat- luriD 1'ue&Oil.J night. Mr. H. B Taylor dropped an honest and boputul c.udldature for tho mayoralty, ln oruor to at&ud &H J.be P.l&D. ca.nd.Jaat.e ror the I'QUVeahip Be bu not tho lli&hteat hope of election &gainat Mr, Rutledge, bot U. wu neeeaaary a.ecordlns to The l'lan t.ha.t there be no walll~vera. He will not. walk much U he koepeln sight. ot our preaent worthy roeve. We Qallnot lee for onr llvea bow It came that M..r. Newton did oot get Mr. tJeo. Bou'a caadidatare ror aabool troatoeahlp in the oenke ward... Surely hJa JtC&~tillg of all Ule dirty 1>artl of The t'lau. auould have eo· t.au.d him to more oolllidontioD.. Belidoa, what. a trio be would maio with Asitoator Burna and 0. Y.Sm.itb., Cine on eit.her b&nd I It Keaan. Dow and Barclay are 10 mighty anxioua to bold a Tote qa.ln.at Mr. Tam.blvn1 why don't. \boJJ toa.ke the vote on \haC ha.d.ao.d not. try to raiN t.he bollow oey of dual repre-- !ientatJon P Ken who have a oa.uao wuuld a.hraya rathu prefar the o•uae to ftght on, t.o a.nJ ory. A. mao -who baa a e&UH Ia a.lwa}l anxioua t.ben ahall be o.o oeya ra.1Md. There are ac pf'MOO.t in tho 2nd form or tba ooUe&iaie 45 pupila, Itt. \he Srd. form :W. and ln. tbo tlh form a ToW number of puplla pay· ins feea, gg. The proapecta are t.ba.t. about. 10 ur J.S more will be added. lu Janua.ey. Tho feea are liS a ,-ear each e1.oep& in oaK& where more \ball ooo pupil from a fa.mUy a.tteuda. The feu from pupils, it will be aoeo promiM a •ery lar-go luoreue ovar roceu& ~eua. When liea.n Barola.J and Dow fOQDd theJ oould oo kuger pretoend Chat llr, Tamblyn waa a ROOd tea.ober, and when t.hey found they w...., at 1'Uiao.oo wltb tbe lo.lpeo~ aa t.o h.ta be1.oa ,. No. 1 PrlooJpal, t.hey wen drl'f'eo. to ~ .. a howl about dual reprueo. taUoo. But. all the aa.me, we warn 'f'Oten \bat every maa who 11 V.ppe4 by \b1a cq 11 to be OODD&ed. amona: UW. "rMpecta.ble miDo- rUT' Mr. Dow spolle of in h1a tpeM:b. All who votoe Ul&t w•r are to be counted aa 1u fa'f'or ot am .. hlos op th1up at. the tnatiiute If lleun. B&rolay and Dow are ao nrt I&D:J:iou W ban a 'f'Ote lAUD on thil Tambl,Jil qnonton, why doo'i Uley banl otr tbelr ooau and naf&il \heir pnMDt aafe poa.idooa au.d. 'W'a.llloutlnt.o\he D.el4ao.4 \ake • aquaro Mit. or public oplnioo. on. tbe ma._,t TheJa&J'" n 11.oimPDI1aD'amas&erthaia YOk muat be taUn. -w~o.d ot U>a, 1u1 ,..., ..... Barcia.•, who .,.... ~eo a publlo .ohool VuatM. aliPPN ou,ott.hetlahludput Mr. G. Y. fbnlLb up, and then. rahed the OI'J· ltearlu mind beaot ou& of dannl' ftrtt, aad. then allpped. round and ooa.x.d and ca.uouued for man, JOUOI' w old. who bad. pluck io G.ab'- We don't; care W uy a wont aboo& llr. Beodenon's po<iOD 1 bui ato.oe Ill'. BarolaJ ldaMd oa TaMday Diaht thai btl Plan waa to fily four mut.en, we m&J men&.toa. tha.& the oo ... -...., """':!I.,!\"mblnod rJ.!' ""' oe.nt.ola.~n&oo ea. Tbll tsnO Than 11 a.Jao a apoolal cmni on work dooe end oqulpmenl of 10JJ.. A.bOaL 1100 would of &hilL woold drop U the 1lfth muter Weft cU.- ~ llibooom.merolal branch were weak· eoed. we bellen the aLtendaDoe won!d fall oa 10 utolDcuralouoftlOOormorelllf..._ Pu .. Una &hilL •17'0, aad •lOO&Dd 1100 ofpo.bllo lf&llitl toc-thu, 1S wW be too.od llr, Beuder.cm'a MniOM dlll'iDI &ba year oDJJ 001t abe tax· payan f6IO. OXI&CliJ wbai a aooood olau &eaoher'a 001W &be n\epayerl o1 a I'UI'.t aoo- UoD. Whether Mr. Bendefton'• .enloee haye been WOl1h &bit t..so a rear or not we lean kl Ule ratepayer& to I&J and Mr. Bendenoa wW be aa.UaJled wUb their dealuiow, but; he. u Ule ftft.b. tea.ober, would d&alre to ... everJ.,,,'~O&e poUed UJ»>n It, •••ar•o.a. In Gents Furnishings, we are showing a very complete Stock of Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties and Gloves. f:::)r In our Millinery Department our stock is perfectly complete, we are showing ·•ll the Latest Novelties in Parisian, London and New York Styles of Hats, Bonnets and Trimmings. We would call the attention of our customers and in- tending purchasers to the fact that our stock is now com- plete for the Fall and Winter Trade. Our Flannels will be found extra good value and lQwer in price than ever before. Our assortment of Dress Goods at 10, 12~ and 15c. well worthy of your inspection. Ladies , will find it their interest to"' inspect our new stock of Ulster and Mantle Cloths. We have also a complete range of Under- wear in Ladies and 6ents, also Knit Jackets, Knit Shirts, Knit Shawls, Black Cashmere Gloves and Hose, all sizes, both in Ladies' and Childrens. . IS to " Odr Tailoring Department contains the choicest and most desirable patterns in Trowserings, Suitings, Overcoa.tings terns, and a. good-fitting Suit guaranteed or no sale. and elegant Vest Pat- ANDREW M. ROSS. GLASGOW .WAREHOUSE. R_ & J_ OA""M"PEELL Requires to convert their large stock of Dry Goods into oash, in short notice, and to accomplish this they will offer them at striotly COST PRICE, until 1st of March, so as to effect a oleara.nce. Parties requiring any of the nndermentioned goods, will save at leiiBt 30 per oent. on their purchases. Consisting of Dress Goods, black and oolored, all kinds and qualities. Bla.ok and Colored Silks, large stook. Double and Single Wool Shawls, heavy. Ladies' Mantles. Heavy UD.derwa.re. Flannel Blankets. Horse Blankets. Shirtings, Cottonades, eto. CARPETS-Two-ply, all wool; Union, Tapestry, llemp, Stair Carpet, Floor Oil Cloth. Boots and Shoes, all kinds and qualities. Mens' Youths' and Boys' Overcoats. Mens' Youths' and Boys' Suits. Single Coats, Vests·, Pants, Gloves, Mitts, Ties, Colla.rs, Socks, Braces, Hats, Caps, eto., etc. A lot of Persian Lamb-Caps, at any price. half price. Everything we hold mnst go. Mens' and Boys' Underclothing at jnst Groceries, Crookerv and Glassware in oonneotion with ths Dry Goods Department. ()Q- Farmers Produce taken in exohange. Call and examine the stook at an early day. TO THE ELECTORS OF TH.R NORTH W AB.D: L£.Dml uo G•XTLBUa.-I return m:r t.han.b for the honor oo often bealowed upon me m aeleotiag me u u JOur repro- nnt.atin a& the Board of Bdooaiion. For about twen'Y yeara I have moat of the Umo •ened th.1. iown u a tnut.ee. and oan P.J Ulat I have pnn equali.J u colllciODtiotll and careful oonaideration to JQUr a1!tJ.ra u R. & J. CAMPBELL. AUCTION SALE· to my ow:n buaineu. I beg to anDounoe 1- """1!!\c myaell aa a oaadulaie for uSiher term, Uld• would aak 1our fuorable oonaidua&ioo. of mrtU.nea,J udgins by my ~t r&oord. I -OF- and SHOES would at.o aolioU the nk and i.D.ft.tutnne of O&Clh elector. JNO. FBROUSON. Whilbf, Doo 18, 18110. ~-------------- BOARD OF EDU~TION. 70 tlu Electors of IAe SOUTH .WARD • • I be« leto..-e to return my_ ainoere Ulaob to the '"Electors of t.he Soulb. Ward for ~e conAdenco repoeed in me in the put u the.ir School Tru1Lee. EVE11Y TUESDAY and FRIDAY OO~::MENOING Tuesday, Ott. !8, 1890 One Door West of Woodruff's Hotel. • a good paper and any \\>ant of promptness m paying subscnpttons or other accounts leaves u.s in debt, for we are not made of money at all. Let every subscnber come at once and renew. Once IllS paid no one will mlSS the dollar It is the wrong time of year to talk about burdocks and gra'\e- yafds but we lr:ec:p them all m readiness Just~ same. ~ No threat5 intended as yet. There were 49 candidates for entrance to the rollegtate lnslltute---22 of whom were $Iris, the agrs averaged 14 years, thetr be- ~n~t but two under l:Z years of age. The anthmettc paper cut off fifty per cent of the candtdates The followmg were success- ful Model School, Mr. jas. Brown, teach- er -John Mackay 466, Gertie Everly J91, Ethel johnson 393· Henry St. School, Mr \Vllhs, teacher-Frank Dewell 402, Albert McBurney :\lb. No 4 Pickering, west, Mr. Eddy, teacher-Fred Shepherd SOC), \V. H. Guthne"4s8, Annie Bunting 466, Agnes Mc· Intosh 4:26 Fred Margach 382. Claremont School, Mr. S G. Brown, teacher-Walter McFarlane 490, Albert Parke 157, Chas. MtcheU416, Llute Rowson451, L1ll1e Coop· er 413 jno Ferner J86. Htghland Creek:, Mr jno Gormley, teacher-Maggie Rich· ardson J55, Lizzte Stevenson 40J. Thorn- ton's Corners, Mr \Velbourne, teacher- Maud Thompson 4,58. Anhur Thompson 466. No --, \Vh1tby township, Mr, Shurtliff, teacher-Henry Hogarth 41J. Ashburn Schohl, Mr Wilson, teacher- Wm Cassie 429 Total number odnutted, 22 The exammatlon was rather severe, N~sKa-Poa.Tu -At the home of the and it will be: seen from the marks obtained brides pa.renu, "n z6th December, I8Qo, by that the successful candidates d1d well. the Rev. R. L. OcklP.f. Mr. Wm. E. Nuser, It 15 an assured thmg that 11 at least of ot Rockford, to Mm Orpha youngest daUM;bter those who passed will attend the mstitute I of ]ame:s Porter, Esq. , o( Townsend, Norfolk thts year, 7 being residents of the town. Co., Ontario.· A* the coming election• I ahtJI. have the honor or ag&iD. preaenUng myaeH u a can· didate for re-election u School Tnuit!e, and would ""r'eetfully -olloU JO\U VoM and lnduence. · ' Youn lruly, · JAHES BUTLEDOE. WhitbY, Deo. 16,1890. M. OOL:E..INS, Parlor Boot and Shoe Store,· Whitby, Ootober 2Srd, 1890. Brook Bfi, Whitby. •

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