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The Brooklin Times, 28 Jul 1885, p. 1

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' • - .~ . / t1Ut~ ' . ::S:.. . ,_ _(. · -Z::::C:::± . . L :;'til .. s' !! • --~ . · VC BROOKLIN, JJL Y 28, 1885. CIRCULATION 1000 · ~ee~-~~·~•~-~'*~-~L~£25£~~c~wc~~~•~.~- ~e~-~. M~.~-~--~~cz=~~SWEY~~3&&£~~~~L£S~~u~. -~s~~~~·~- EZ~x~-.~~-~=~--~-~-~.=ss~~-~=~x~s~-~~~~~~-~t~====x~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ r A MARVELOUS STORY 1 . ·- 'I'OLD Ill TWO LETI'ERS. FROM THE SON : "i!£~~t.8:i;~ I "Gmt~: lily father rcsid~ at GloTer, Vt. He has been a great sufferer from Scrof• ula, and the inclosed leLI.flr 'II' ill tell)'OU "haC I a marvelous olfect 1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla-~ has bnd In bla ea.~. I think hla biOO<l mnst hn.vo conta!ned the humor for at lcn.st h ·n rears; but It did not sbow, except ho tb~ f~r:ct of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until aboct fl..-e years a~;o. From a few epots wh ic!l ai>- rcared at that time, It gnutually sprenJ so as to CC'T~r his entire body. ) llS"lrC yon llll W::S terribly anlicte<l . an<l an <>bjcct of pity, wbrn he begAn U !' in~ your 1nedicino. Now, thrn:~ aro fC\l" men <>f hi• n~o who enjtt.l" as good hc:d h a.• he bas. I could easily "arne fifty persous who would test if,.. to the facts In his case. l "ours truiy, W. :M. I'wLLirs.•• FROM THE FATHER: ;11ct3!~,rt;,o~n~ n duty for me to staLe to you tho bcucfiL I ba..-e derivet1 from the wre of ~ Ayer's Sarsaparilla. S!x month• ·~o I WAll coinplctcll" roTr"'d -....itb a tcn1ble humor 1\nrl. scrofulnu~ p.orc~. The bt:mnr C :-! Uh'\1 an incos~ant 11nd lnt olcrablo t:chinf!. and th~ sldn cracked FO a! to cau~o the hl'><hl to How in m"ny plarcs '1\'h ~nol"er l mo.-cd. lily ~~~IT~ring• were ~trt'at, lAnd my lifo n bur~cn. I COllllllCnccd thr nm or the SARSAt·.":!l.r.A. In April l:lst,a!'lu ha•·e use.! tt. re~niarly ~ir.cc that time. My condition b~l!:tn to i:q.rnorc at oncf:l. The fo~c.s ban, all hc3lr·l. ~n · l J f<·cl pcr(cctly \\rll In c.-er~ TC~f.'<'C't- b l' l ll!7 r.n" .a!J :~ to du n ~ · }(.d Un ~· · s worii, A!ll• ""~ l :;.:;, ~.:'. y• ·:t:-sof a~. !\:. ' lY inr,u ir& T:"hat 1 ::. ~ w:-, .:·; 1· t ~arh a c;-~·c in r~ 1y r :- ~r , and I tell t : ::~ Tn, FL<-. J hn.~c l.H.:Cl tri cJ to lt.:!l you, .A '."[ :.·s ~ \ : .: ' .. ..... ,T !. .~. G:.:. l\ r, Yt., o.~. ~1, l~ s.2. 'rour5 rr:-:.tt: :.; ~ly, 111r..AX. r u~'-!JP3 ... 1:. 7r.t:s F • ~ ... ' ~ • -Tt.t.l en!'cs Srrcfula r-d all f c1.:::...!!>U8 Corur! :: iut5, I:,_ulv- r!a!il, J:: f:"P C"-;\, nin:;woran, ~i ~ :d:.c&. Sorca, Ccils,';L1:mon, and I..::·ur::oua of U1o Sklo. It ele:u-a the blood or all lmpn· .t; ! ~~. aUla d'r"'."l .. i,.,. atlmulnt.H Jb,. nr•J."\u nt the bo'lr~ls, and tha. resto:-ca Tll&lllJ 11D4 I, etr""":t"'""• t.hflo wPbf\lfll lt'1¢e!D. PBF.PA.BED liT ,. ~ ! Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,lowell, Mass. Sold by :UI Drug;;lsts; $1, al:rr: bottles for Ill. ".J..~YER'S­ HairVigor i r r• tnre•, rrith the ~;IMs an <I fr•'> lo ness or ! y ou: h, f., ,! ·J or gray ha :r to a. u:t t urnl, r iel..& j b rown co!., ~ . o r tl ~..·ep U! l Cl\, a s 111ay hr dr :o" ir~t'l. 1 D y it3 tt ~ o J: ..:. : . t ur r c~.lll:tir nnybo tl ;: d .: c nPd , t :dn 1:. ~ ir t . • ~..· k . : :: c\1, lUll t.t !~ !:~.: 3 of~ l! n, t d·J1:;h ·. ~ _, : \·, , y ;-~, c:n· ~· · l. It. '-· • · ; f.. : . i t. 6 n( tht.l h .:i r, :tr ~ ~ t s~i n : :t · ).1.h:3 a. ·,, ,· lk auJ bk:~ l y gt•)r,th Ld v : ~ ,~, r . lt. Jlrc·;·c :t:.i n .. 1 cures !h't u.· t a :: tl d .tH .In ui. n:: .l Le:t ls u • .L :y O\"cry t..l ~ . · t .~ll p····ui :al to tltJ ec:1.!p. As ~ t.a,liP:ot' IL1ir Ur :• .... .; in~. tt :·l YJ-~Olt i:t UII C' •! ' t:dl. ·rl; it r .. ut :d t!!S lt ci t h e r oil nor t!yc, re : u.l ·~· rs tho h :1i r ~ .. rt . g! • <: _:;. ~·. nnJ tiilke n iu :t.Pl•;•:ar:-tnCe, :u:d imp lrt~ a Ucik.1~ e, a;.;-c~aLlJ, auJ lastliiJ pcrCUJl-lO. ~ln. r . P. nn" nt:~t wr i te~ from l<i r h•1. o. • J u'!l :;, 1 .. ·<.! : ••)..;Lit. l :l : l II\) h .11 r l' ••ul t o~ · ·~o ~_· , . l { f :tll i .1.: c..u r. a 1Hl in a. s h ··H L l!l t hJ I 1·. · ' . t. ' ~" ' ll• ' "ll i _\' hdtl I u -. .-J J•.lrl nf a b •. ; : ·-· 1•C J\\1" : ~· ., I! \Ut \ · 1q11 ;t, \\ : ll\' 1 ' ~I •• ' •J " ~ · 1 >• o.Ll• J:l).: n ( t ! &t! lu: r, :\11\l ~t: \l"l l'd ! \ 1: • ~ \ \ .:: . • • ".\ t !l, [ h :l \"1.! UO\\" a full h ·:\•lnf lt . 1. ; :_: .•· , .! \ : :·'"l r · oa_, ~\' , :u:tl :uu co:, \· · :1··· ··1 t l: · t ' - • t · • ·r 1 : . .., u .:e ;.( :· 1. 1:· t •ICl•-H.J.ll v U 1 sl~o.;u .. ! a • ..l\\J LH.: ... ·u eu t: r.: ly ~~: . 1." .T. ,y_ rt ·•'·'·· -.:-, pr,.prf•-. rnr nf tl•e _,,,. ' ·· : .'~ · · r- ( (J '11 • I / ." -· -1 11 " r. :-0. 1 • ., ; " . \ \" . ,;" .; , , , , •, • : • 1-. It 11 1 •: l ,. -, ,···! :,-;,l 1 r ·· ; ·.t 1 · t · " t • : lot r. 1 ~t' · ' : \ ~ ( " f ; l f t'll dl Ill)' fJ .. .. II (' . . . . • • I i :f " " ~· 1· - .. .~ -: ... · . ., l,,,, ~· - • -' \\lh .. r 11 ,. r , at.J. 1 w .• -, ... i 1t. . : . .. .. y .t n· l Et)r t . Th ·' \ : , :, :_ .. ..., U !'- :11"•0 r I •t f >~ r J .t ll• l r:lif. :'\ · t \\ ' I II"( I ):fl,. ,. 1 :. • 1• 1 " t l1 ·~ 1'1"1' 1··11 tl iv u '-'\ >.i" : .. : ~c ~ lv g.\.: \.1 • •• . \J ~.o.tbfa ~.: t.v u .' ' l . .:. -· Soul b)' o.:t Druo;c:: t>. t !'iave your Pot 1toe Crop by ,tl!'ll g PA H1\; GREE:\'- aholntely p111t~--for sale' It JloLLID:\ Y'S EO~tCIDIP,a BHOCKLIX . -~- 1 C.\ lAD~ 0~ \11/f,l. BURNS, OF ~iJHIT8Y, For Rclhabl~ i3oots & §Sloes. I :Foot n" ear ~f :til ki11ds sold Cheap for Cash, by WlLLJAI\1 ., PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ~~ H. STARR, M D., 1\lain ~t.. ll • Brooklin, Or:t. (;raduare of Bt!lle•·ue Medr<'al Ho~pital Collt-:?•, Ne\v lor:.. ·,;anudia~ Lrc.-utiate I\1~JT.LI'r ,,f lo!IPge of .rhysieians and Sur~e"'n~, Untarie J .· E. FAREWELL, L.L . .1'3.~ COUNTY CROWN ATTORNEY BAHRISTER, C 0 UN T Y £0LICITOR, &c. NOTARY Pl"I.!LIC & CO~ VI:\' A!\CER OFFICE-Silutk IJ'i:-tg Cgurt llo1""• \\'HITP,Y, ONTAHIO. D .-\ \' l D 0 R M I S T 0 N , B. A A II or n P y- at-Law, :Solrcitnr 1:1 CI ,:.IDcery, C€1\·eyancer, &c., Ofi'rce- Adj<~ll•rnt; the P116t tlfiice, .McMtllaR':s Block, l.lrock Str11et, Wl111by. B r. CA!\IPIHLLL, CoNHTA»!c.:R • Comi~~io"er in Qu~en'e Hentth, ln~urallce, Lan.i and Gent-nd Agcnr. :'>1'-'llt'j tn loa" at lowept rate of inter~>!. ~ute~ 1\nd Morta?a~tl bought and Hold. Office-Op1meite Globe Hotel Brook! rn. n-:-YA~2ANT, Vif:' .. S't· n (a:~x, ar:J Honorary Graduate of Olllarro Vet. Col, OFFJCE ~- RESJDENCE, 1111LL STREET, JJUOOKL!.Y. AI the pifenri&ts of llro> late H. T. llarriM• II . He can he t'Cill~HI:I.' c~ at :111 hours on 1h1 ,·arrout ••~ea•t-s "«· ithin the ralt!!t' of Ill; prule~~ioP.. Calls atlendt'J to i•J<mtpll~. BUSINESS CARDS. I ']"HlO~lAS II. WILSON, Lrn: H~n• : _ Auctront>er. ::;ales altendt'd o" Wt>;o.soualole Te~ms. Glube Hot.-1, llLJild- illg:\, Uror.klin. -- -----------4-l .. UU IBTH!i.:WSDX..,RL'i!rca:.l s~ .. I l Brouklin, l•~<urr ot - - -----·· - 'v H. PII'~Jt. AGENT FI'H PAT-• EH:<ON !.mos. A;;r. imploment• ir. all cla~~e~. Tl:o ,· .. lebr.lt~d Enni ~ kilie" Champioropln11~h. :til l;rtH I• "f pln11~ ; , ~(•ittls ir. otowk . 'f,.-jn P ~ o u:,:lr . l'hdf C11: • ter;~ and ~ma!l llor•~ l' .; wt>r~, (;r:tr't Cnr.•lrc ra, S! C O&IIl Tras t: f"r. ~c . , ~old :~ t m>llllfaC'tllr<'r~' priro•s. Orolt-r> b) mail r•r olher\\'1~<' prompt ly atr cndc.lto. HPsido•lt ct' :--lhr !r ':ld ~1., llrouk !rn, ,,.lrere •arnples m~y h~ ~el'n. \\'. fl. ~- ~ q BU'f THE ROCKFORD QUICK;. TRAIN ' ~IA....,..I. f\ H I: ~~ Ul ! ·' . h n~l~er, C:\liAW .\ .

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