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The Brooklin Times, 28 Jul 1885, p. 2

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Train~< (ffiilll! ~uth-7.05 and 12.2~. .1\I. and 8.39 P.M. ~ Train" Goin!! North-7.4~ A.M., 4i25 and 7.21 P.M. ' ~ 'From The Time's Correspondent, CHIY.F ISLAND, L'lke Couchlchlnl!', Jut~· 2.'>, 1"-~'­ In nCNlrdance with my ugr~tnt•nt I now forwurd you my firHl letH•r. AR hn.• h<:<'ll already notlc<'d In Til F. Talln:R we left the Hrooklln slllllon b)" lh<' mornk>l!' trnln on 1\fondn~·. the 20th lnRt.. Threp of us reached Or!llln nbontnoon nnrlth•• oth<'rslln thc('venlng train. The nchnn<'~d f!tlnrd wns . met at the station h)" Mr. W. J . Ilolllrluy, who ~~ ~ t.t• art... kindly ln1·1ted them todtn .. cl. Aflernmple \1)1l£ yfD.OI\ lU ~~utf,S. juMIIc•had!JtocndonetothiH lmportnnt pnrt ~ f' of the pro~:"ramme, arrangements wPre at --------------....;·1---- once mndc for getllnl!' to the cump-ground. 7'UE SDA Y, July 28, 85. I A start was mnde nbout thre(' o'clock. V."h•·n --- - ----- ----·-"i'---- ab:mt il&lf-wny ove r a V('ry heavy rn!n E ·~ 1 I fell which rather dnmp<'ncd the ardor of tht• .a. The ~real uropean powers are reac •- oo1·s. Fortunutcly It did not last long. A ing out lor more territory. Ger"'any has I "O~Y pro>lly spot Wa< sei('Clcd on the eust •Ide during the thrown her pr.olective wing oytr Persia I ofthe Island and the tent,; were soon pltcht•tl. d R · h ·~ of the 1 The llrst night undor ennvnH wns not a vc• y • WILL, of the balance stock at Very season clear Low Prices in ~n U~E;I& as oeen Ill pos!'eSi!!l~ . plen.snnt one. Ahout midnight 1\ thunder Immense - ... caw ou_t oraer his to Zulficar pasli lor two wee h. Nf. agatn ! s .orrn came up nnd the rain fell In torrl'nLs. Ru~~ia hoit.ls up the sore I • mb to I Owing to the hn.slc with wh!cu we hml put J::nolaucl and !lays she t>a.s reac ed tlte up the tents 110 arrnngem«:'nl• hnd been mnrlc make room .f.'.or .f.'.all goods - . 1 . · for•uch wenth<'r. But tnklng nil thing>< Into 1.• 1.4 . • \II most limit to whtch ,.he destres to ~o, con,!dern.!lon we got otr vcr~· w.-11. I . 1 and as~er!G th&t her \"llllture .. m :,· .Ceralral ~'""" <h .. n -6 hRYe •• ~ ... ~-·-r .... , ume Gomera' - nd See Some of hl. s D E !"'I Asia are at an end. The meelln~J or the In .. strnll(hlcntn~: up .. und ~ll\r haYCl'Very-1 r -~ b s Em rors shortly to take plaO!, will I thing In nppte-plt• ordN. \\ e \J•c on~ tent ., pe • . · , exelus!velyforslecplng!n: ll!stloor!'dw!lh PJ:>IN1'S ' Gcods, probably be followed by new ~~mant.ls boardsln!donr;rnnrllnA""· OnthcNcnrc laid \ •, CHETTO:'\E.;;, 1'1\ALE Lf\"E\"S, :-\I·JIHTI:'\GS, and laroer accessions o~ territory. :. pl«'ces of oil cloth, then n thick ln~·.,r of son, G I llo.' H ., --- .. dryhnyandontopofth!slhcblnnkl'tS. We J nG AJIS, \\HJTE & FACTOHY ('OTTO:\:-\, TOWEL- The 1\lontreal Gazette believes' tltal the do .not think It quite NO comforlnblt• n b•d nsl those WI' hnve nt home, but yet It nnswers North-we~\ rebellion will enta:l ~.an _ex- the purpose nlc<" IY Ll 1\GS, '1'\\' EEDS, HU:o-J EHY. Et·t. , pense of $5,000,00!1. This, we~lhrnk, \\'e hn1·c, ns , . .,t,done no tlsh!n~:; whnlenr.l At is a low estimate; for, mclut.lan~ land We have been too bu•y willa other thing,._ ,.,rant~ 10 the volunteers, pen~;ions:'le the !"ext weclt we will be pretty well scttt .. d und I PRICES DEFYING COF~1PEfi·ITION. "' L will then hnve n chance to try our luck. wouruled volunleeri and their fottlilies, !lfr. Holllilny has given u• tbf' frN· """of beside~ all'>want:ttll on account of •h as his tine large b•mt during the wh.olc nf our; Suits Made to Order in the Latest L< :y .· es. )ta\·e been kil:ed, lhe biil will be &"JUch ~ta1·. He hus "'"" •ecurl'd us nno her bnnt I more heavy one than that. But, ~king 011 the same term. s. " "e n!! ,-nte him n "brrrk ' ' 11e can <1lso meet your W»nts in (J(}=> Cheap Bnots a11d :--hof·..:-- the (iuzetle'B calculation OlS fairly c!inect, \\"e nrc ~:etti••A" we!! browned ntn·naly. In ·\ fnl'l If 1·:c k e<·p on for nnotht•r w~t·k Ks wt• we have in it a ~ertous additton to: the Prices Lower than any IJou!'e m Whith_r. int.lebtedness of the country and o::e::'\hat 11ever ought to have been inrurred und i5, in ral't. all tine to the pre.-ent Government w :lich can . ple~td nerther excu~e nor ex- ten:Jal on. But we note that thP. GHztHie .,a\·s r1otl :ing about the loss \"l'hidr the co~ntry has - Incurred 111 tlae ktlhng und the r.aipph.,gorso many who were looked t:p to ;a ~ the future hone ami &inul! t.r Canada Thetr ln1<s to the nation i~ irrf'- parablt', and Ill many ~~nFes ran in no ~cnse be indemnified by monetary pay- Jnt'trl:<. To the !J ' lt·stion of their f:ien•'s have done, Rtrung-ers will .. nku us to be sorut· ..., of\~~~~.~~:.a :~::"~'s;~U-I!'l!{'r on~. In thl' . Ohoic~ Groceries, Teas, sugars, Croclrery, morning thr«'P of u•, whll<' returul• g from a I search fnr butte r-milk (It wmJ! ,t ustuul · h 1 you If I were to tell yon th n qunnt!ty """ IIKI") I mn In h• Hnrb<'shol(•lsland , whll'h lie' dll<'l'l· tr 111 front of lh•· cump. Th<-rl' W<' found "I parly of ph-·niN• r~ v.-htJ ho.,. pirubly rnlt!l - tntrwd us. In lh!' afl('rnoon n party nf l:tdl··~ . Gle~ssware, ~plendid Smoked Ham~, Bacon, &.r·., just to hand. p 11 rr· hast:> rs e I sew ltl' n'. enrnc 0\"<'r fro m town on Llu• st~·f\ltlf•r nnd J t.oolt tea with us, nr t+"c wc.• took IPn wirh I liH'rn . A1-1ywu~· tlwy prn,·hl.··d t!Jf• t.·lt·na·nt~ I for !hi' rc·past. I will sny jll>l hero· tla-Jt _,.,. will lw plcn!i'<·d lo havt' RIIV trl c nd . .; whu mn\' -vv_ _A__ =s=...A. -v7:ECIN 8:7 ONTARIO .BLOCK, "WHI'IBY. read th<"se llnt•s, do ltkc.·w·l!-.•·, rruvl tkd tllc;.j 1 " where ;uc thf'}" T" uy? what can the Preruter n ·mPmher 1111' l"""·""ortl w!llc·!• !>the •lgul-~ D-e> ::F;~ ARL' S ; t1ennt word "J:rUh." _ -I:V. T I J 11111 nfra!d I hu , ... Rln>nd.1· mnde m~· letter j }) :\ N J !ELI 0 N I The Scott Act Vote. too_!_ong and au mu•t fur 11..- prc•."ntatop. . . . • :'f'- === • • • "'LIVER' PILLS. AN o~IIAWA CATTLE CA~li:.-Thel . (:-.UG-\ ll-CU \ H EO). The following is the official Yole cas l for tho: :::<cult Act, 111 the Couuty of liindicnl .r reporl,.tl the lullowin!r pulace c••rtrl trial :-Mr. Jt>,se Trull w~~ char~ .. d Th""l! Pall .• att• p111t'iy Vl':!t•tai•le, and FOR. AGAI:'\~7. h" 1" 1" :'llr. (; .. ,.,,,HI . I' :\1., on ~loncily <":til l •c ::ak,.ll l•y p .. r,,ll,.. ul the rno.•t Ontarro :- Whttby Town. Oshawa . . . . ... . ..••. \\'hitU\' Tol\"lli'hrp .•• . •. Ea~l \\"h•tby ... . ...... . P1l·kenng l'cHI Petry ..... ..... . . . llt>ach . . . . ... · · · · · · U .\brul:;:tl Vtlla~t! Uxhrul:?e Township . .. . llr .. cl,; ....•...•....... Caun in:.~ton .••••... . .. l!e.o Veri ON . • • • • • • • • • • • Thordh ......... . . •..• ~cugo~ .•.•..•. · • • • · · · · Mara Ham a II.'> ~15 2:'1.'5 503 15! 371 .18-.! ~67 308 210 68- 58 I·!O 36 II~ 51 3-liJ Majori•y fur the Act. .. 135:.!. .20:1 l.i'I.Wtlh havr11!!. un lith~~~~!., prt.'l ' ll' _~d l · l· · lw:alt' ,.,111 _. 111 1ltlllli watll'•llt "'l"""· Ill '1_1,-1 ltn hl'nd of <':altle frurn .\Jr. I ho~ . loraltn, 1 11 ..... ~IlLII bill TIIOn-. · 1r1r fH ' IIOII, I~) olrr. ~ 1 l!l uruler la l~tl prt'!tlt•ces. :\lr. Ji'a,t'wrll, ; ()\..'<;II, ar •• l Ira'""' a ,1.,1• 11 t.-d :ad,·a 11 ta:,:,. }:j(l (. :1)1111.!)" l'rll\\"~1 \nllfllll}"o lltll)l'il~ed for lite •IYI "I ;a))utial'r•l•y r~l Jt':J\"11:! !Itt'! per .-1111 215 Crn" 11, i\lr. Ca,e~ lor :\1r. Con lara aud ,.,.1 ... ,. aitt'r takll•:! ' TlrP\" '·i•t'Jalt' lae.:l)" I )()._, :\lr. L . K .. \lurlon fur i\lr. Tr11ll. Tire 1 .. . 1 ·I 11 - ~ 1.t1c .,, nnd.1. re-. U!l 1 It! uo\\ t• ~'"• 4. !"> .. ~ • ' • X ,_, 1 •• 1 st:h,tanc'tl ol tit" c a-e :~ rlri ~: :\t.. Taullr 1 1 . ·~ 1 .1. rl rl 1 ~ )av~r IIIIo lt-4\' t:* I It! l•itl\:">t"'it. ,, II '"ol .:# '- ) ."" went to .\I r t"otdu, •, to pur.,t .,. • ., 'Oil It! I 1 1 ·r· )" ,,. 11 t·u ~ .Jtl II~ o I 1\o' aclh)U, .,- I "ll<I- J?J caltle. !Iavan!.! -el.-o·r"d t.-n lrt•ad l;e I'" d I c.,,: ... ,.,,... ~ . 1. ,., ("o•nplauat, 1 () .\lr Conl111 illl ""pall pann.-t.t lroa ·'"'""·! II () llllll).'l.t!:-0 ... , l~l'~p$18, 77 Mr. C• •r•lan to de ·i,er the c::.llle at the H,.,,.J; .. ·he, ~ '""'~e ,; tron, 45 Quu .. ra's Hotel }ard . on 1\lorutay, \\ht!n F.atulenc •• :::il.:~ple~~nes•- <l ·l · :\lr "frull would pay lor tht!an, Th~ calli :-on 81 were det.v .. r.-d ad per at~r~emet!l, wh .. n 16 i\1r. Ttull produced u• rarl posyrn. ·nt a Put•ify t lC 1- .. note of $ '~57.70 grven by l\lr. Conlin lo J-. · Oo•,· -F'r!llrt un"' h th rl'e pill~. -ccordirq.! 5 Doc tor !\I art an ~om.: } ~'"" ii!!O, wluch he · · ·l l . I :u a•••• or ~lrt!ll"lh __ re lu .. ed to p~y, lhtl 11111e beaug in Mr. "'· ,., 2Util ' Ttu l)'.• hau.ld ht! e11deavored to reah:e on · ns r p!r•t>ol . · , Th~y are the h,..,, p :s f'Ver sold an Canada 11 . i\lr Coulrn reluseJ to acct•pl >aure atrt.l Blood. eotJ!<~atullon, as often Mr. Trull \V111 : ld 11111 pay tlr" l'as lr fur the ONLY 15 0 NTS A BOX, f'uT ro Gono U:'.:.-Wrn. l\lulnck, !\T. cattle. Alter lhtl evtderll"e of !\lt'sM•. arrJ guaruult>ed to • rve en!are ~all.,laction. P (~mth Votk), has gtven $5ll0, the I Corrlur. S. J . \lartiu, Jno Conlan a r. d J, HIGGINB THAM & SON, n ldtltonal imlemnll}' "hich thtJ memi.Je•: Eli:ta Cortli !l wa~ taken, tlae magt:;taattl Chemists, Osha a, Sole Agents, al Ollawa votet.l tht!m~elve~, 10 t..e t.la::.lrt I conclude.! tt. """d the ca,e beture a. JUry bul t!d amon!_! the 12.5 men from Ius con- ror traai.-Tht! resu lts trl thts case w 111 We will ~end a x by mail :m receipt rolltuency \o\~ho served ill the 1'\urthwe,l i.Je looked ror with iulert'>t by ananv. or 15 cents nr:.! UO.\ •·; 25 Ceill5- rt'bellion. This wall b" a $4 uill to each . m ~ n The money was gtven to the t ·apnin 1\lont]ay. We ditel't the attuntion ur our read··rs to the tat'\\" advertt~emt'tal on -t .h pa~tl ol Mr H E. lluJgson, merc!tant, Co.nurbus. l\1 YRTLr. .-A ~;wlen party wa.~ helt.l at Mr. David llri!!~'s ruAidence, in h~nor of :VIr. & :'vir:<. Edwan Brtggd of :::it. Lo11is, The Haglan Het.f Bdts played a game d root-ball Wtlh lht! .Myrtle clut>. on ~al­ urday everun:;, 1h6--(ormur wtnnm=: by """ ~nal. At tht! clcse ' ttf the n•utch the Ileal .. Bult!l were tlllt.,rtamet.l 10 a lunch in Mis~onri, who alter an at..~tJnoe or sevl!n- ( , l\1 C II h leen '· t·ar,; ;ue now J1a,·iu!! a v•stt lo their the ~uu' .• h;~ll. ~tr. .eo. · c u oul! , ' - the ra ·feree, lt!fllor E~afield, but on ~;;etting uncle. A lar!!ll cornpnry ol frier:.l" and I · 1 'I 1 r~l;,tivH ,; sal dc wu IGI a ni.:ely arrauqetl to \lr llu;;h llowdun's 11s \·a uau C<IIV- I!I" hur stl wa<t lukeu r:;ick aut.! Jtetl rn tea iwa tl.e lawn, at • IX p. an on Thursday h:ilf an hour. !lrh I("· "1111' r .. rnalf .d t'r ur lhtl el"enin~ ICE. D IIOLLIDA , Clerk. of • the :\tunica nlrl)" of the Township 111 \\'1 11 tlty, wtll be ~t the Conneil Hoorn~. Town Hall, llron~lin, "'·ery MotHiav, Wetlne,.lay . and :>aturcla\· a lltornnons. rrorn I ... 6 o• .. ,o. · Ulltil fnrth.-r llllltce, and any other tlllltl ·hen re<JUII.-t.l. HOUSE. . \\'U~ !"j'l'lil ill ,t~,•a .... allt I CJIIV ~I~.III O II, \\' ith: MA;oj LoH.-Wm. ::iO\Vd<'n, 45 year& (J[ I an .. c.:a~a,nal "~II r.:udert'cl p Pcu of vocal' T. CHIN au~, and or Ull~Ollla<) n1111d, StlR}"eol rronl au.J II 1Slrlllllelllar riiU · rC by tht! youn:_:er h~arl..at \\1 hitevale about June '!tit h. II e merubers (Jr 1 "" party untrl reu o'c:lc ck Th e llun~e ha!l Brook I an) Proprietor. ,.1 s l;ort and "Ioupe.!, hl\:4 dark hair nnd when all re111cd to tllutr tll :' )1t'Ct ive home.<. l.eartl,tlla~t'd \\"llh !!•e~·; ·vall not l!'adll~· :'llr. & .\Irs. llri :;;.• were 111 their happie•l an.;wer when • po~.-n tu, but wllf'n ur::Hd rn u.:u, lO utve h t!\ r.amtt lln ~< <'e'n Bail)" .:luwdun, ;\r,J wtll take lontl wh.-n handed It> him . lnlnrmntro11 uf l11tt where~tbuuts wt!l t..e llllwli.tully re.;ei~ut.l ll) t,;.:o. Uedse, \\'hlltl- Sevural ~leam En;;:10e11 and New MoJel Thre:<lter; were sh appeJ from tho Ju,eph Hall .\lacltute \\"utks la~l wel'k. 1-:l"ery allellltun wa comluri or :; ue~l~ •am b.1ilt hy the Pro- to ~npply lite hes l llau ltal"ellan~ publtc. Ptl pai,J Ill ell~UIII the A we'; ~t1.cked Larder, be~t wrne~, Liquor-i and L"r:;ar (;<>o.t s ta l.>le11, I ;;e yart.l room antJ nn altettttve hu::~tler. TilE 1n v.r. CAPTUHED! 500 V0Lui\TEEHS W :\~TED \\'anted, 500 \'oluntt>crs to Buy II:\ H:'\ ESS AT Old Stano, opr osite Chinn's Hotel, Brooklin. I LIVE TO TAILOR ! T. McMarshall has opened a Tai- loring Establishment 011 his own account in the shop_ o11e door south of the TI.:\IES OFFICE. \ He., is now prepared to GET UP SUITS IN THE BEST STYLE 0~ snnHT ~OTICE. A large assortment of English, Scotch, anu Canadian Tw£eds, Broad Cloths, \\" ortcJ Coatings, &c., to selec:t from A call respectfully solicited. Satis- faction guaranteed. Cutting of all kind dont! for pri"·ate parties without defay. '1\ lllclli~\RSIIALL.

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