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The Brooklin Times, 28 Jul 1885, p. 3

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--~~~~--~~~~~~~-~- ~--~--~-~- ~~~~~-=-- ~~·-~--~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~- Tile W lut by Gazette ha~ changed hand~. The streets nf Port Hope are to bt' l•gh· tt'd by eleetnclly. Mr. n. Muwbr:.y of the ith con., P1ck-. ering, i~ otf,..riHI! l11s vaiual.te la~m to reut, 1\h E. R. liollins••n ol the Chatham Mudel ::ic:wol, 1,; \' teit111g fnenJs here tht i!..Week. I A Ae\·eil o'clock prayer tn!'t'ling will b,. held 111 the Methodist church commenc- ing llt!XI Sumlay moantng. M r .E. R. B. Uayward, clusire• to re11t hi• farm ; horth ha_:J of !ot 23, 5th t·on . \\'hit by. ~et! Ius adl·ertl"elfitllll 111 311uther colum11, l\1rs DeGt>er ~peat last week wuh tu-r daughter, l\ :n;. T. H. Wdsun. \\'ear., ~;la•l to ~~· e l\l1s, UeGe.-r look111g so """II _ For the b~sl Vdlut! .n dre,;s goocB eall at R C. \\' ane1 1 4. EARL\' HARVI:>T.-Mr. Thomas Coul1, E 1•1 1\ h1tby, cut bnrt .. y 011 \\ tduesJ"), «nd !\Jr. H11loert Hod~sou, Colurul>u", cu. lall wut•at 11 us. !ay. As :-1r. Johu !\1Hcolon:ol.l is ,·!early re"P"" ~ 'ble lor tloe Nurth \\ e•t Hebt'l'wn, w.: wocd.l atlv1~e lum tu sh«'Uiller H1e1 a11d dun1p hun duwu iu Uakuta. Whit b)',; CII'IC h<~li. lay is to be Mun- day, Attgo ~t 17 and the ehid Hlllacllotl ll grand :,(llther111g t.f ::iuns .Jf ::;c,ot .antl from Torouto, l\1r. J. Fer?uson, L1censc in spt>l'lor, 1~ ti,knq:t ·prot'eedu.~s agaira~l a ruau lrurr, tloe 11 rtheru parr of lilt! co . nty, who WnF cau:.:~•l ~e - luog liquor dlthe t ' lrcUS~!IOUIIds un Tue~day l.t~r. !dl lloe ltt'>l brand~ nl maehine -i ' ~ in ~tuo:k at n. c. \Varoen'-, COIIIPIII'III:; tl •t' )lt't!llt'~S laldollt! :111d C.<~torlllo-. Moss :'11arr Warren, IH'C ·mp ollit·J by her llrothd John::-;, W.Hren, lell I e;e 1,11 F~t . lay momtll!.! la•t lur Port Hlllll'e!l, where th .. y •uteuJ to •penJ I\ portouu uf tlle1r ho ! t.lay~. 1\1 '"~ H.-l .. n F~oolt' 1 accomput"eol l•y her frie1nl ~I •~s i\ellle :-;harp~. :St. Lout• , M•~~unr1, •eiU · IIl'd lrom L1 -•d~ay nu Fit- day ta -L H:Jtlo l1111'e Let'n allt'l od111g Lorl'llo t·olll'ell l, Llltd>ay. H. C. \\ ant>ll ha- ju>l rec·t'il·t'd ;o11olhE'r lui uftfo,.~ ·· Iauer t'iiilllorlt ' ~lllrl• W1lh 11\o colla1s wh1cl• h~ ts ~eil111g at SI.OO each. \\'e _~ee t>y tht' It~• of ~IHTe .-,lul """"'· &.late" at th,. ,,.c .. ut C1v11 :-; .. rv..-e Exa u- inutwn~. I hal ""~' ol the cer itlcale.- o·ome- ln Rronkli11. F' IV. Hmbnn lo:tY111;; s<Jc- Ce@oi<IU.Iy l'il>8ed . 5 ([,_,of !!ll:.J Japan tea fur $1,7.') at R. c. ·~v"'rt~!t':--. :'11r. l >:ti<C \\'lr itt>•m 11h. jl'\\'t' ler, :\!an ilia, will he 111 tlus '"c"'"' dur111g tins 111 d ue.\t we~k. R.ou:s. --:\ c••mpl .. re ' uew >lt~ : k of R1bleli wdl be "i'"""" '-'~· l~ : tl Brooklin llra11ch DcfiU•Ilfll y tills week. ·~he slo.·k i.• ,·ery fine-IOIU;,!ill!! 111 p11ee from 5•·1s to $:l .l:i0 per copy. l'ail at lht! Ti111e11 "flict! auJ •ce tlr.-m. \VI11:by \Vn •l~11 \Ill!~.-The e ntwrpro~­ ing firm uf \V . U. lluw e1man & Sun have ju•t pnt up a Ill' IV broa<l laucy loom, wh•eh wdl 111anula<: lur" all tl• st· npth•llll uf fa""Y bla11kt>t~ without a t• e ntre ~eam. Re.ul their advert ~•w•ent on 4th pa;;~. BA ~TIH PtcN•c .-- On F'1 ida)' the Rrook- Jin liapll .•t Sahhath St·h~~t-1, t.y lltVItat•un, joined 1\ l11tt:y ,;chuul iu the1r annual P":- IIIC at Corhett's Pon :t :\b,out ttuee hundred 111 all wen~ pn•sent a•tl erojo1 t'd a plea••lllt time. The weather at the pmnt wail a ll t'1al cou:tl Le dt' si retl. the p cnicer~ furlunah•ly t'SCi<piro;: the hea1·y taitlll that prev1uletl all round. TICKETS! T,c .. t:Ts !- Rail\\'ay, ocean or Iitke throu~h si u;! !e and tountl tnp t•heaper than evt'r. For ti!'ke tl', rate~. map~. t•m eta ble" ami rd1al.lu 111forrna· ltou ca ll ur write E. Stephen~on, town ticket antlle ·el!raph a:rent Wl11tt•y; Ste his weekly atht, in tlus paper. Fot:l\o .-On the mnrn111g of Thur~day. n p.ua"" wa~ found 011 naldlv ;n :-t. llrnoklin. The owrwa can ~et it at thl' llruok l•n Baken·, by prov111g property and payun; rxpeu~es. Rrw 111.r: n.- PonR SUilAR.~There i10 a i . MUSLINS. In this Department we are showi11g snme \'ery pretty patters in Check, Swiss, and Jaconets, Plain Jaconets, White Dotted Muslin an1 Cream and Light Blne India Muslins. ' IN DRESS GOODS· THE KINSALE SCUFFLER . B. Wagner has invented and patentetl a New Scuftler which is calculat~d to supen;eole anythmg yet in the market. It it!: ~o ananged nt> to allow of the 11hear>~ or plows to be nllachetl by 'changing two bolts, one on each 1ude of the scum~ r It can l>e wident~cl or contracted while the horse is in motion. These, with other importent points. makes the Kinsal~ Scuffier the best rmplemenr yet made, The scuffler can be l'een at Andrpw \'• h · t · I ""' G d at OQ= "er)· Low Pr1'ces-e\·".rv Lacly shoulcl see Summerville'"• e aye JllS rert'IVec some new oo s , . J without plows; Brooklin. Price $12, $14.50, y,·ith plows. them -at 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 25, 30, 35, & 40cts per yard. CASHMERE-S. TWEEDS. Our ~toe~ of Tweeds is large and well assorted. \Ve are offering A Good Tweed Suit for $13. GROC-ERIES. A Full ~tork of Fresh Groc«~ries; a-,·ery fine stock of Teal', Coffer., &c. BOOTS & SHOES.: A lnre stock of Ladiel", Geuts, and Childrens Boots and Shoes to !"elect fr<'m. Broolin, June 29. R. C. \7\Tarren. ----------------------· ~ Yor a Nobby Fitting ·Suit gtot to !J A~ES Hl:JkN,:l. Com~..,,.~.,..,, .~· S 1-luGU l I 1, (.;uurt uf«.,t"""' + HtOIICh, l:ull'")ltiiCo;l • 0 UHiuU§. - .. . ' j,,.,utH ol M.,rnil~c Loct!ll~""• Fmt lu:-u .- F Jr a Gor~d Fit, gli to 'am·e 1utd Genen&l ~. IIUGO.i Fur a Cheap Suit go to I s. HUGO, Columb11s. , Suits made to order ou not iee. BROOI{LIN EMt Whttly . ----------- .-\geut, &.c., U.:ut!YII, NOTHING LIKE LEATHER. undersigned is prepared to P"Y the Highest Cash I The ~ Price for any qtmntit.r of I HIDES TALLOW, SHEEP~_ SKINS AND TANBARK. I WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTER/NO JAUNDICE. OF THE 11=Aiff. ERYSIPELA3, AOIDITY OF SALT RHEUt.f, THE STO.~TAC.'f, f.IEARTjJURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every apecles of dlse:ll& arlsl n~; from dl ~.:~rdered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOM.4tt...,tfo DOWELS OR BLOOD, T. MIIJJURlt & EO., PropriT~ Cole's Old Stand, in rear of the Methodist Chnrch. I-- ·--- --- --- -- -- - W. J. MURRAY, Proprietor. '"\V. ROBSON, _ { - - .. - ·-· -- --- ___ _ d _ Agrl Implement T POUCHER. LICENSI::D AUG-• '1'/UJ\'EER, lor East York, North nuJ ~uurh Untano. Address-T. POUCH l::H, Box 47, Hruugham. Rrougham Hotel, -~put, Jb83. LUMBER, SHINGLES &c. I t>e<! to ~late to the Publtc that I have made arraug-emet<ls whereby I am able at any time to tit I order; for Hill~ of fin-:- b .. r, Lumt-er, :::;hin!!le~. Cedar Posts and L•me at lowest rates, rleliverecl at Brooklin :-;lat1on. A quantity of Lumber, :Shin~le& Lath , &c., kept on hand. Per~ons requiring anything in the above line ~ will <'ousulr thetr o"·n urterest by gertut~ my p11ces before placu;g thetr orders ell;ewhert!, I al~o int~nol, during the cominl,! sum- mer, ro perfect urrHUI!t>m .. nr" tor ~npplying Coal to part it's rt'quit ing the snmt. A call rt'~pl'clfully solierted, D. HOLLIDAY, Ja. Tp Cletk, Hruoklin. ----------------- LITTLE BaANJ'ORo.-W. H. Pipt•r ba• one of the late.•! makPS of the tmproYt'd Hams & Suu~' L1ttle Branrfcml Carol H111d.:1 on e:d11brtuH1 at hi~ residen.-t', Had road St • Hrook lin. Farmt>ll' am cotd•alf\· inv1tP. f to eall and insrl'et tho machine. This cord binder 1s uotl' .\ce lled by any in lht> rn ar kt>t. :\1r. Piper • ~ al"o a!!ent for the !!ranu- lated h11ll~t churn. Tti1 ~ churn &Pparalt':o the btllter frnm :he mdk, and clt'an~e,. the buller in the diUrll without lono.dlm;,r. Don't buy a churu unttl you eee tlus onl'. Art ••r..,.. ll"f'C en ha•ul H. VANZANT, VET. SURGEON, HO~OH:\HY GR:\DUHE OF O.H. VETf_:fiiN.\HY COLLEGE. REGISTERED 1\1 El\1 BEll ~I) :"'T, VET. ASSOCI \TION. OFFICio: AND IU::SIDE:'<JCE BALDWIN STREET, BROOKUN, Two dnor .. north nf r H.:~llidar·~ SIOrP, 1.-here he wa il be found 111 readine>,. to treat all d"ea-e:< In wh it'11 an\· <'las:; of tire lower animals are sut>ject. HOHSES EXAMINED FOR SOUNDNESS. OFFICE HOUHS- 6 to 9 A.M., 12 to 2, and 6 to 9 P . i\1, -MUSIC.- C::H.AS. RUSE ~rt'iit .teal of very wfePnr su~ar 'oltl I CARRACE AND WAC"ON SHOP th,.,e.ta~· ,.. ll)'OIIWaut rourfrulllokt'ep JAMES RUTLEDGE l.t 1 buy a !!OO.t nrt1cl;o. T. J Holhd~y ~et.~ I I BROOKLI.Y. Depot. Tt!liCht!r o£ Piano, Organ, Voice & Theory, may l>o cuu~ultetl weekly at o~lra wa, l.ulnmbn", R:o:!lan, :\1yrtle, .-\ ~ hburn, Balsam , l\in~a1t1, anrl Brooklin. or hy lelltlr In P 0 . Jl, x I 1·1. O~hawa . 0 · T J 11 J ·· Th<·l.Je~tcr music I• knuwn antluntler•t('Ol) ppmate olli ay's s tore II he IIH>rt! It will be v .. lut-d nntl "-"ICt'lllt'<I"- l'll:,!ar that •~ !!Uaranlel'tl b,· the mllkt'r !o --- • he lreelroml(lucust', ><U iphuiOU~acttl,amJ AHHISTEH SOLICITOR The •nb•crtber _feeL• it a plea.•nrl' in BROOK Ll N. ~ 1 ""rt•. - uti aduherallon:s. Buy at Holliday~ em- ' ' ag-a 1n thatokmx ht~ uumervu:< cu,tnmers ~c. 1 auJ fr1t'rHl11 for th., many favnr~ rece•v~.t D r: ... t L.e:-R LV BROOKLIN .BAKERY The Standard Mills, Mt>s•r•. Bickle & C11 ,l,ave t·omnlcll'd th., ir !\l1ll tn th.: full Holle r Sr,tem ar!d co,nmeuceo! d1o man11facturtl ~ : lly ol a lir~t c·•ils• nour. The F•rm is now pre · IJaoed tu ~ uppl}- the loca l motrket at owe•t rat"~ - P .. rtil'8 or.lerito!! l>y pn~t o·ard or otiH'rwi'A eau have thei r flour .leltvere.l in Brooklin or Cnl1unbu• at nllt'e , U1i~l111!! a ~Jlt'CIIdty. l'fo,; Fum ha .• """" t•1 a !! •eat t'~f1t"l"" i11 hlllll:! Ot ll th tl Roll e r M•ll~. anu """hope the pL:t.:ac will take a.Iva .. ·a~e .. r tlu~ onp'llhl:lily lo :~ecurtl a lir.t t•!ars H .ic :e or Hour. 1 1rom them •"'c" cernmeucu.~ hu~mel'.• 111 1JO~VE, LOCKli-I.1LV Sl.YCER. On:ICE :-That lately occu- I Hro .. kllll fo, rlet!rt )t!Br~ a!!O, and he '" I • • r huvtt rcpairt!11 lhlt old oven 811l l'e t!la • tl.,termn•etl tu COIHIU•'I hi~ bn~lllt' ~• . 111 1 llthl allot :•er ::'c wtn1! Mat Ill til'"· !j,,. 011 thll r11:.r! 1t 11! tt.., ~~11'1 ult ,, and 11111 ' pled by the firm of Fa rt•wclt 'I fll '.ure a~ 10 the past, for tho be:st lllttlrc.ts REA I' E R s MOWERS GRA 1 v rtii\V l'lt!ll-lltlO Ill 1'11pplv my nlllll t11!)tl" of h1s custonu·rtt. 1 • lplttruue ~•th firet oh&:wo !Jrl'ad al Jowt':st & Hutledgt>, next Hoyal !-fotel BUGGIES, WAGGO.'\'S ; ,f-c., DRlf_LS, . prwe,, llrock Str~et, \V hitbr RE-PAINTED lu coon STYLE, ' Stra\Y Cutter~. Plo""~· Iron HurrOWII IIIIo • >llltll rontinntl In ocrnny llul ~tore on • 11 ull leadm~ A~rit · ull\uul , . . 'leiOt!lll-> ar lh<' nppo.,lu c·oHtlt'r frc•m the I""' ,. ,:;,.tl, Private Funds to IO"ll 011 By ll Ftrst ClaSJ H'orl.-mctll. ~I f ' p ~~t..et e 1'1 full ~"PF'"' nf Frt•>h Rreaol, llu .. ~. ._. • 111111 <.~Clurt·r; rice•. O~tll'"! Ly ruad (• lou r. f•tul, o•unfl't' llllii iH \'. 111 t1 rho 1cu Real Estate. \ ht'p:o1ri1 : ~ o:nptly alle1.Jetl tu. .I, prumptly atteuded ro . co,_a~~. &.:., will be kt' pt -c·on ~tnn tly l caii~Sul•c i t t't.. 16-41 Ll VERy R LGS to ll IRE tlt all hat HI. .-\ call 1 e•pt!clfnlly sulicdt e.t. No "'I-1 I UKL' D. A. CAIN, "· • c ... /lOU F. S Chargr.J "1-. d-.tt~. B k ·' c r JJ _ , , • • ll 'tlr Bllu Oll16CI:0nor. · ' \

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