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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Feb 1891, p. 1

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HirrBY .HR NICLE. VOL. XXXV. Dominion Line of Royal Mall STEAMSHIPS. NOW IN FORCE. Bp~cial R~tlucea Winter 'Rate11. LTVERPOOL SERVIOB. From Porlland, From llalffax Sarnl& ......... Tbur., Feb. 26 •••••• Sat., Feb. 28 Oregon ........ Thur., Mar.12 ...... Sat., Mar. H Vanconver .. .. Thur., Mar. 26 . .... . Sat., K&r. 28 Porlland or llallfa'i:. Bates of pasoage from Montreal or Quebec s4a 150 and fliO . a.ecordnl! to aecommodation. Jotermediate t25. Steerage SI/D. BBIBTOL SrBAJlBBS. . . From Porllancl Dominion . . ,. ..... • ......... . about February 21 No passengers e&rried to Brilltol. • Tha.e StN.men have Saloon, Sbte- rooms, Muaio-room, Bmokfng.room and Ba~-roomeamidehipa, where bat liHle mo- tion ia feU, and they carry neith.er OaWe nor aheep. The Roome are all outside. The •'Vanoonver" ia lighted throughout wUh Blectrio Light, and has vro:v:e3 heraeH to be one of the fasteet Steamers" in ~e A&- lantio trade. DAVID TORRANCE &00. , General Agents, Monb'eal. B. STEPHENSON, Telegraph Office, LooalA.gent, Whitby . Rllan Gine Royal Mail Steamers. ··· ······'· · . LIVERPOOL, LONDON DERRY, GLASGOW. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. DATHS OF SAIL.TNOS. Liverpool, Halifax and Portland Service. Steamer. From Portland From Bali.a.x Sardinian .. ..... ... Jan. 22nd . ..... ... Jan. 24th Polynesia.n ......... Feb. 5tb.... • .. ... Feb. 7Lb Circ&BBian . . . . . . . .. Feb. 19th . . .. . . ... . Feb. 21st Sardinian . .. . .. .... Mar. 5th .......... Mar. 7th Polynesian ....... ... Mar. 1!lth . . ....... . Mar. 21st Clrcaasi .. n ......... . Apl. 2nd .... .... . . Apl ith And fortnightly thert>alt<lr. Rates of Ocean Passage.- Cabin, to Live,. pool ll.nd Verry,~. $50, $00, :-etorn (via Hali· fax and Porlla.ntl), $9). e!IO, $110. lntormedJ. ate, Liverpool, Derry, Gla,.gow, $25, return, t55. Steerage, to o:r fro'Jil Llv~~l, Derry, Qoeensto..-n, Glugow, JJelfast. r..;b&:»rii~- •. None of the above named Steamera carry cattle or 11heep. Pa1111engers and their baccago are pat on board the Ocean Steamers free o l all expense. Parties sendiDg for their friends in the Old Countryc an save c~nslderable by buying t.ickets on this aide. Passengers wiablng to embard at Portland leave Whitty by Wednes· day morning express, those wishing to em. bark at Haliiax leave Whitby by Thursday night's exf'rees. For Tiokeh and all o~her information, apply to W. p _ STERICKER, Express Office, Brock St., Whitby. Planing MiU. C. JOHNSON, Whitby. The sabaoriber haa purchased the plan· illft factory lately oonducted by Mr. B . Harper, and intends running it in oonneo- tion with bia lumber yard. All aorta of mannfao,nred and anmannfaetared lumber kep~ conskntlyoa li'aad in large uaortment. P laning and sticking done at reasonable rate&. Honte IUid barn aappliea, in timber and bill a\nfli a specialty, and eold by ~~~ aarload or oLherwise. WhUby, Oat. 8, 1880. 0 . JOHNSON, Lumber Merchant Scranton Coal. I have jaat reoeived aeveral Cargoes of &hie aplended Ooal, direct from the Mines. Now lathe time for tboee wi11hing a sop- lilY of FRESH CLEAN COAL. LEAVE THEIR ORDE RS WITH H. B. TAYLOR, Office Dandu StreeL Whitby, Nov. 27th, 1690. COAL! COAL! On hand and for Sale at the Lowest Market Price Wilkesbarre - AND- Lackawanna Ooal, The Very Best Quality. See Toronto adnriieement& and Toronto oontr&Cts - three time• more of lh888 brand• aold &han any oth~. kind. The officers of the Government Steam 'l'u8 and Dredge, after thoroughly &esriDg our fumaoe ooal prouonnced i& of excellent qualUy and aeoared thirty-six tona before loa 'ring Whltby. A Y11rclman Oft hand to Bcr~m and A.lp to load. JOIIR BLOW & SON, WhlU»y, Oatober !18,18110.-4S-ly. Witb calm Printed worcla, great tboucbta, aud untiriDc iodaatry, we advocate Peac:e, Progreaa, Kuowledge. :arotberbood. WHITBY, ONTARIO. FRIDAY, FE1lRUARY 20 ' 1891. NO. II REMOVED -TO- NEW PREMISES, ON BROOK STREET, SOUTH OF ONTARIO BANK. Whitby Marble worKS. MATHIS ON & HAWK [ N, :Manufacturers of Marble Monuments, Headstones and all other Cemetery Work. Alao . importers of Scotch, s~eedish, American and CanaditJ.n Granites. All partiea wishing work wonld do well to call on ua before purehaaing. All work guaranteed and prices of the low811t. BORTHEN'S COD LIVER OIL. The Press! LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. (NEW YORK.) OBBmuar.• Ooneepondenoe. FOR 1891. ASHB'OJUif • . The measels are attackinil: the children in this neighborhood. Keep the patients winn DAILY. SUNDAY. :WtEKLY. ·an!s~~~ is quite a centre for government 6 pages, rc. 20 pages, 4C. 8 or 10 pages, 2C officials. We have the .township reeve, asses· sor and tax collector, and in about a month may have a member of parliament. The Agressive Republican Jour- We are glad to hear that Mr. J. I. Davidwa nru of the Metropolis. . .. is to run for Sooth Ontario in the coming electioo. No better man to look after the in- A NEWSP APn for the MASSES -\erests or all parties can be found. • Founded December 1st 1887. ··. The harness got mixed at the hotc:I the ' • 1ght of the concert. A set belongmg to CirculaHon Over 10~.~00 Conies Dally ' -~~i~~~:~::a~t~0~~~!~~u;i~!= ;j!" vale. . -- · . Lots of entertai~t this W!!elr, literary Tim PnE~s 1s the organ of no ~a?tJOn ; Tuesday evening, gospel temperance meetings pulla no 'Wires ; haa no aoomos1t1es to Wednesday and Thursday eYeJJinp. We avenge. hope the result of the latter will be a goodly . The most remarkable newspaper success number of new members to join the Royal JD New York. Templars next Monday evening Feb 23rd. TilE PREss is a national Newspaper. . ' · . Cheap News, vnlgar sensations and trash The Highland Club concert ~ a ~ded find no place in the columns of TJUJ Puss. success. 'D!e ~rogramme was nmque .m ~ Tml PB.Bss baa the bri btest Editorial part. Patnouc Scotch songs, K~ Irish page in New York. It sparl~es with points. humor, and gra_ceful step dances, all JOined to THE PRESS SUNDAY EDITION is a splendid Wake ~p _a delightful. two bows :u;nusc;men~ twenty page paper covering e-very current m. Snut~, M. P., filled_ the chair With hJS topic of interest. ' us~al ab11ity aud everythmg was emmently THE PaEss WEEKLY EnrrroN contain11 sausfactory. We have not heard the amount all the good things of the Daily and Snoday of proet!eds. editions. We think, Mr. Editor, that you are not quite For those who cannot a1ford the DAn.Y or correct when you say that tbe. only farmers are prevented by distance from early re- who are feeling and complaining of bru:tf tim«;S ceiving it TaE WEEKLY is a splendid sub- are those who are careless and lazy 1n theu stitnte. ' · work, and those who spend their time· loafin~t about hotels. It is quite true that those en- A fresh supply of the above Cod Liver As Oil jastreceind which I o.m selling in bulk An Advertising Medium gaged in stock farming are the best off, bur many of them, especially borse breeders, are feeling the e'flect of bard times or the McKin· ley Bill. I believe the Iauer has a good deal to do with iL There are many farmers in this country who have tlfJS last two years labored with lhe energy of despair and spent absolute- ly nothing outside of their legitimate expenses and yet are ti2htly pinched. (How maoy business m~n have the same experieoce 1 The farmer is as well offasanyofthem.-Eo. Ca.) or in pint and half-pint TDE PREss has no superior in New York. fW'- R. HO'W"SE, Chemist and Druggist, Whitby. BAKING POWDER. THE PRESS. Within the reach of all the best and cheap- est newspaper published in America. Dally and SUDclay, ODO Year, $15 00 " " 6 Months, 9 ISO ... .. 1 .. &5 Dally Only, one Year • s 1 00 00 " " toar Montbll, SUDclaJ'. one Year - • 9 01 Weekl:J' Press, one Year, 1 00 Send for THE PREss circular. Samples free. Ageuts wanted everywhere. Liberal commisP.ions. Address, THE PRESS, Potter building, 38 Park Row, NBw YoBJt. E. w. BuatDeu Dtrectoi'J'. H T. LANGFORD. Licensed Aaotloneer. • Sales conducted with r bllity and care Terms rea.sonahle. "Be sartiQ sure," says Brother Gardcn<"r, \'before you give up one thing that you're sar- tin sure of somethmg be Iter." citation by F. Brown, chorus by the school, reading, Miles Chapman, duet by Jeanie Bell and Annie Maddaford, recitation by Annie Pol- ' lard, moutb organ solo by L. O'Leary, recita- tion by D. Dovel[, aolo by T. N. Dlqoey, reci- tation by Wm. McQuay, recitation by Abram Brown, recitation by fohn Elliou, solo Annie Maddaford, recitation by T. Huntley, speech by T. N. Davey, duet by Messrs O'Leary and Maddaford. BROOKLIN. Nearly all the young People of oar neighbor- hood attended the Gospel Temperance meet- ing in Brooklin under the direction of the ~Jdin Council R. T. of r., and were ex- ~di~ly pleased wuh the evangelis~ Hop- mg th= most earnt"St desires for the cause of right and the unfurling of the prohibition tlag may soon be realized.£::::11 IJil'tC' 1 = Alex. Rogers advertised a chicken coop for sale or to let. It was left on his pre'mises the other evening by some hungry chicken thieVes. Owing to Alex's. late arrival home that even- Miss Jennie Kert is speL!liag a month with ing, they had to decamp without waiting to her sister, Mrs. S. Masterman, near CornwalL make his acquaintance or even take the empty The trial of W. Miller and Earnest Liddle box .al.ong. Now it is generally understood came up again at Whitby, on satanlay last, who thiS pany ts,·aud he is most earnestly in- before Magistrate Harper. Most of the evi- Yited t~ call .again as soo.n as possible and dence in the case was taken bat the trial was and thmgs w1ll be made as mteresting as pos- further ~ned till Tuesday. At the time sible for his welfare. ol writing the result is not kuown. Cool Burgess passed through oar burg some 4 social gatherinJC will be held in the Bap. few days ago. He still adheres to his former list church of t,his place Fnday evemng, Feb. Occupation, that of prunning trees, but has also ZJ· S:ervices commence in body of .the church been doing a little alonl!' the line of temper- at 7 p. m., consisting of recitations and music. !l"ce· He claims the local option Jaw, which Tea served in the basement at 8, after which JS now before the people for their considera- Dr. Thomas, of Toronto, will deliver one ol tion, IS just what we require, and he will do an his popnlar lectures. The McMaster Hall in his power to convince the people of the qnanette club is expected to be present. Resi- damning effects of spirituo115 liquors on the dent ministers will take part. Admission 25 human race. May his efforts be crowned with cents. Everybody is invited. abundant success. The gospel temperance meetings of the Mr. Wagner still goes on improving his Royal Templars were continued up to Moo· premises, and among bis numberless improve- day night aud on Tuesday the memberli of the ments, the last being a cistern, suok by Staff Life Boat crew gave a concert to assist the Captain Emerson & Co., with a capacity of members of the council in meeting the expenses IOO bbls. If .our town could boast of a few incwred in connection with the meetings. The more citiJ:ens like our friend Ben., desirous of interest was kept up to the last and tbe large improving the appearance of his premises, and audiences that assembled nightly were not adding to the wealth and prosperity of the only well entertained but the'inflnence exerted town, of which he fonns a foremost part, we by the speaking and singing must have done wonld soon be considered superior business much good in educating the people along the centres to Whitby, or Bowmanville, etc. May line of total prohibition of the liquor traffic. Ben live and die with us, amidst multitudes of The addresses on Sunday Wl"re of special friends and well wishes. , merit. In the afternoon Mr. Mills spoke of Pickering- I. 0. G. T. visited our thriving "David. Goliath and other giauts." Owing to lodge on Thursday evening last, and a very in·· the short time between this and the eveoing teresting as well as enjoyable time was the re- meeting the speaker bad to shorten his dis· suit. A good programme was rendered, alter coarse considerably, much to the regret of his which luncheon was provided by the sisters. bearers. In the evening Mrs. Macdonald This beinl(' disposed of in the most agreeable preached to a congregation that completely manner, the meeting broke up. Nothing filled the Methodist church. Her text was brings more genuine happiness than doiog our "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilder- utmost to build up a good cause, and destroy ness. so must the son of mao be lifted up.·· the evils of intemperance and si'l in its various She spoke for forty minutes and her earnest fonns. There lire many others wb6 should be unassamiog manner won the full sympathy of engaged in this good work. The cry is still every member·of the large audience and she hear4 Ia the land, come over and help us and was listened to most attentively . . The solos it win do you good. ·as wr.U as.biiiJd up a plea- sang by Mr. Macdonald before and after the sant future for.. tbe risiog i,eneration. sermon were much appreciated. When Mr. We ~..J!Itased to learn Bro. Gardiner bas Mtlls asked all who were abstainers, or would ~me· Kiln Club in full ruoning order . then and there pledge themselves to obstain Th ch' f fro!.D intoxicating liquors. as a beverage, to ~- 1e topics for discussion at pre- rise to their feet, nearly every person in the ~t are.th~ wWch are agitating the public geberally,r Trade unioo with the States. . Our building stood up. The Life Boat crew held piesident thinks reciprocity would lower the meetings in Ashburn on Wednesday and price c!J;~ther and give a.~ harness .at ' more ' ~u~ay !'i~hlS, and ~II open .8 weelc's aun-_ moderare4prices, and would be producti~ of p;ngn m Pickenn2 to-mght, (Fn~y}. beuer'ti~ generally, hut w. R. HOWSE l>fr. Wes. Stephenson, the clevt:f amat~ur f dian.~ of Klllsate, \VdS ID lbt: vii;;ag <! ria~t ee ~ng old- tt*nd:s!JipS of :50Dlc»i>.u- tender nature>. . ..,._. W. ;.- H.· jecuons are raised to. this .,. .--...:~~ ..,.,_,. ~ . m7mbers1o;~f1•t•he~e:ijc.~lut;b~,~btiuBt~·~~;;ij~~~~~~;j;~~~li!!~!IRI U"EALL, s.-l&oer ·~~ ceose" pr~ly" U Residence oppoelt~ Town H&ll, Brooklin. Unanimously B egs leave to inform the Housekeepers of the Town of Whitby, and vtcinity, that he h as introduced on the market, an absolutely PURE BAKING POW DER, which contains nothing bnt what js conducive to health. PRICE 40cts. PER POUND. A LARGE STOCK OF HANGING & STAND LAMPS, - AT- W. R. B~WSE'S, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST 'WHITEY- Corner Drug Store. SOLID COMFORT BY USING Cline's Patent Portable Foot Heater, The public, -.ho have long suffered the disadvant.al(es of cold feet, will hail with de· light this great aod wondroUB invention for Carri~s, Buggies, Sleil{hs, Cut tera, Wag· gons. General HeW!ebold. Store and Office me. Made in four sizes. For sale by JOHN BURNS, WHITBY. WM. CALVERLEY , WlUf&IBJUJOIB, WBJTBT. lla'ring mo'fed Ia to oar new premieea, we are prepared k uLend the range of bueineu. All work perbining to the hame111-making and u.ddlery bnllna.11 will be done w u.tia· faction. Collars a lpt_cial~y. 0&11 and eee my shop and stook. WM. OAL VBRLBY, I doors wee~ of old ahop, Dandu St., Whi~by. CARPET WBA VING-Tbe undersigned desires to thank her numerous pa- trons for put favora and would respectful ly solicit a share of their patronage in the future. Work made over ·one yd. wide when desired. Any persou wishing can send their work by train to Myrtle station and their address, with full directions and rue of rooms, and it will be received and returned when finished. First-claaa warp provided at re&llonable rates. MRS. SCUR- R~.t P . 0 . box ~- Myrtle, Ont. Janu- ary :a~, 1890.-Smo. MRS. ORESSWBLL.l. Midwife, Diplo-mia~, Oradn&U :sir Patrick Dan'• Hoepi~. AU'ealls promptly &~tended to. Colbome St,, Wbi~by, OnL-9-Sin. FARMER'S DEPOT. The undersigned begs to announce that be bas at all times a stock of Farm Imple- rpeats of all descriptions of the best makes in Canada, at lowest prices consistent with quality, amoug others the Celebrated Massey Binder, Toronto Mower, Sharpe's Sulkey Rake. A lao agent for The "Phoenix" and "Queen" Fire I..nsurance Companies, of EnglaDd. No better in tho world. The Phoenix was incorporated in 1782, com· menced business iu Canada in 11304, and has &210,000 depos ited with the Dominion Government for the protection of policy holders in Conada alone. All wishing to place their risks into either of the above companies, CIUl do so by applying to JOHN DURNS, Agent, Opposite Sebert's Livery Stable. Whitby, Februrry 1, 1691. SHEEP IMPOUNDED.- Notice is h ero· by given that I )tave in accordance with au act of Province of Ontario entitled "Act respecting Pounds ," re tained hi my possession on lot Sl in 7th Con. of Town· ship of Whitby, one· e we and two ewe lambs The owner of same is unknown to m e. Tbe owe is about 6 yellTII old and has a. alit in ri~bt ear, and one Jamb hill! slit in right ear They are of the Cotswold breed. Unless the same are sooner replevied, they Will be sold ns tho law direc rs after one month fmm the date of this notice. AMOS WAR· ING. Brooklin, Jan 22ud, 1891- S.Sin. \Ve.bavc lxcn <juiet iy informed by mosl re· liable authority tha t tho: rcspt."Cti,•e states of a limited. ol a Ydy limited number of our young people are al>out to undergo a change lor bet· ter or for \Ooorse. Try lu lcHet out the matter for yourself. The authorities of the Sabllath school have recently added about thirty dollars' worth of books to the S. S. Library. This ts most as- suredly as it should be. There may be some doubt, and possibly rightly so, as to the bene- fit the youngster derives from the usual sio2· song ho:anng of the Sabbath lesson ; bul there can be no doubt, bu~ that the placing of good books wllhin reach of youthtul mind is sow- ing the seed thai will yield a bountiful harvest in 1he next generation. We are now looking forward to the time when every schoolhoUS<: will have with its walls a good library. As we were quietly wending our way home- ward on Monday night, we had the opportun· ity of seeing three mortals revellir.g 10 the hlasphem y and vulgarism tha t coruo:s all too naturally to the drunkard's lips. 'i'he children coming home from school storped to gaze upbn a sight that caused them to wonder over and over again ; but worse than that, the fre- quent spectacle of a drunken man soon accus· roms 1he child to the accursed ev1l and then it troubles him hut little. A teacher may labor for weeks, endeavoring to iostil into the minds of his pupils the terrible effects of drink, and · when he bas done his duty the parent turns around and votes for a continuance of drunkenness, poverty and shame. We do hope tha t the drunkard will be seen but 'iel· dom in this village. · "Glad to see you, sir," was the sentiment that prevailed in the minds of teacher and pupils on Wednesday last .when the burly, and the plt!a!innt as it is burly, form of Inspector McBrien uppe~red in the schoolroom. Mr. McBrien spent the aflemoon in examining and hea1ing classes. He heard the scholars sing their rollicking school songs and saw them go through the freehand calis.thenics and noted all with pleasure. Before retmnR he praised the~ htghly for their progress but above nil for theu exempla ry conduct and excellent maoners. The teacher of this school has had his share ol the biller with the s weet. his path has not been covered particubrly deep with roses, but, all is forgottP.n, a ll is forgiven and llli is atone:! for wlien he hears his Inspector say, "Never SITTWGS of the DIVISlON COtJ'BT mind what anyone says, you're doing duty and doing it'well I" Amen, say we. COUNTY OE ONTA1!10, 1891· " \VUJTDY- D. C. lolacdonnoll, Whitby, Clork -.J&n. 2 ; Ma.rch S; May 2; July 2; Oot. 2; Do&i' ... w.t.- D. c. Macdonell, Whitby, Clerk- Feb 9; Aprll2; Juno~; Sept. 2; Nov. S · Baouon.ut- -.1. Gleeson, Greenwolld,Cierlt- lby 4; July 9; Sept. 8. • PIOJlJ:BINO vn..- M. GleeiOO, Greenwood, Clerk-Jan. 9; Mar. i ; Deo. B. PoBT PKBRT-.1'. W . Burnham, Port Perry. Clerk-Jan. 2ll : :Maroh 10; May 18; July 1 ; Sept. 8 ; Deo. 9. .. UuBIDo:s-Joe. E. Goold, Uxbridge, Clara -Jan. !17; March 11 ; May 1D; July 9; Sept. 9; Deo.10. O.urNINOTON- CJeorge Bmltll, Cannington, Clark-Jan. 118; Maroh H; Moy 20 ; JnlylO ; llopt. 10 ; Dec. 11. Bau·aRroN-G. F . Bruce, Beaverlon,Olerk - Marob 1S ; May !U ; Sept. 11 : Dec. 1!l. UPTBKOBOVK- F. J. GUI81pie, Upt.eJ'CI'O.,.., Clerk- Karob 14 ; Kay !l!a; Sept. 111; Dec. lll. By order, J. E. FABRWPlLL'p Clerk of &he e1101. Last T uesday evening the tea-meeting of our Methodist frieorls was held in the church and passed off as merrily and pleasaotly as possible A fw.ir'tea was served in the t1.1wn hall where the ladie>. had very tastefully spread the tables. Alter the wanlS of the iooer man had beeo fully satisfied, the large 11Udieace was well en· 1ertained by the Rev. Mr. Roberts and by the Uxbridge choir. Mr. Roberts' a~dress wu indeed a model one. Under a runnmg fire of wit, be drove home many and many a strong point that will be remembered by us aiL May the time be not far distant when our reverend friend will again be with us. Of the choir, we can only say that it JS a splendid OfKaniution and carries with u from here the heartiest of thanks. The ,wlo by Miss · DeGeer and the reading by Miss Crosby were both well given and duly appreciated. This-is Miss DeGeer's first appearance before u.s, and her bright, handsome face Wld charming carriage coupled with her splendid voice places ber in the front rank of vocallslS. Everyone was well please~ and voted the whole aftair an A No. 1 succc.ss. About twenty-nine dollan were taken at the UARM TO BENT.-A splendid farm of door. ..£1 200 acres on the Kingeton road, four AVDL&Y. miles west of Whitbr town . au.d 9 from 1be Audley school foot·ball club have or- Piolr.eriug village. Thi• farm 18 · ln an ex- ...lni~ed and are open to receive ehBllenges from cellent atate of cultivation, properly fl\ll •- plowed, hae good l;uildinge, I!OOd fencing ~ther schQOI clubs. . . . and good water. For eitnat.ion, soU or fer- The A_udlef school h!erary SOCJety held Its tilit it i.Ji equal to any farm in the Pro- regular meet1ng on Friday last at wh1ch the vmc!. Apply to B. J. DAVIDSON, Piok- following prograll!me was rend~~ : Speech by ering. J~ 15, 1891.-6-U.. 1 the chairman, ICC a. report, cnucs report, re- \. Christma~ toys and presenta now opened np West Onl~rio, as the people feel he will at Macdonald&'. Beuutiful pre•eDtatlon cu1,8 after the1r mreres.ts to beuer advantage than and Saucers for la.dies and gentlemen and all Mr. Edgar. We do not hesitate in predicting other gOO<Is for Xu.aa trade. Call and see and a large majority for our worthy president on bn.r. the 5th of March. \\' ILSO" , C. H .. Hniuess.maker ana sad· ALIIONDS. Hollid~ll~r, :i:.~~-b~;;:t:,~l&~~~~e~eodte~~~: Remember the !:iabbath School entertain- wake ol gOO<lleather F. very branch of \he ment on Friday C\'eniug. AdmisSion only hnwino•s atwndetl to nroperly. twenty cents. \ 1./ ARREN, _IL C .-A handsome store, well The second regular meeting of the School ·' II. !led w1th a carefully selected stock of Literary Society was held oo Friday afternoon general merchandl68. Seasonable goods al· . . . w1us to the front. Summer wiUlta now being last. Mr. \Vt!l Brown occu_p1ed the chrur. supplied, Rivinl! splendid values. After the readmg of the mmutes and the L'l.OUR AND FEED AND WOOD. The Sub· critic's repo~ the followin~ programf!le was .[' scrlber ba• opened business in Brooklin rendered:-Speech, the Chatrman ; recitation, In all soJ;1.8 ot Flour and Feed aDd In Wood. &rtha Orvis ; mouth organ selection, Frank He isJirWpa.red .t? ~"liver to all resldenta of DeHart ; reading, \\.' ill Dunlop; mouth organ Broo nand vtclDt.ty. Terma-C.asb. J. W. solo, Albert Mackey ; recitation , Ed. · Hall ; War~. Brooklin Nov. 25, 1690.- 00·t.f. recitation, I no. Graham ; mouth organ solo, l _, ED_MAN, C .. undortakor a!!d dealer in all Norman Richardson. Chairman for a ext i \ . kinds ot fumlturo. Fum1tnro and pic- meetinu Frank DeHart · critic. Fred Rowe turo frames made to order. Rep&iring in all "': . ' . · ita branches promptly attended to. A largo The soctety wtl! hold us next meeting on the stook of co11lns, cuketa and all ttmer&l reqtlia- afternoon of Fnday, Feb. Z]th. I tes oonstantly on hand. Funeral carda prin&- Wlll'l'BV ALE ed on ehortest noUce, Brooklin On&. · ESTATE OF '1' . J. HOLLIDAY. Now tbat :J stock taking Ia over we are recdlvlug large quantities of ne...- goods. Cottonades, shirtings, grey and white cottons, ew, for the earl7 spring trade are now to hana. Since theRe goods were purcbaaed tbere hu been a decided advance in prices bat having bought tbcm obeap we will sell \hem the same. Bay- era willll.nd apeclal values and prtcee ln these goodL All heavy winter loOOS,.-blankeU, oomiC\rtera, felt boots eto,- uow Belling at greatly reduoed prices, tor tasb, Good butter and egga always wanted, for which wo will pay highest market prices. IIYB.TLJI:. Mr. A. Clark, station agent at W.est Toronto Junction ,, spent last SundRy with friend liere. Mr. Richard Puckering has been on the sick lisL Miss Ida Blight is slowly recovering from her recent sever.: illness. !\Irs. Noah Bates, from Michigan, arrived on Saturday last to look after mane) matters in connection with her farm just nor<h of us. The entertainment given by the Ladies' Aid in the Sons' Hall on Monday night was not so well attended as it might have been had the weather been more favornblt>. Mr. H. Simpson commen~;ed selling off his stock of dry goods by public auction on Tues- day last at his s tore. Mr. Langford, of Ash· bum, is the aucuoneer. . The friends from the different appointments on the Myrtle Circuit have kindly contributed money enough to buy . their pastor another horse, bu~ the committee selected to purchase one for htm have not yet s~cceeded in buying one. KINSALE. Mr. Walter Rogers attended the Dominion Grange at Guelph. Mr. Lawton, of Reach, 'fisi~d his cousin Mr. T. Lawton on Sabbath. Miss Eva Jones, ML Zion, is spending a few days with bt:r cousin Miss Kate Steven- son. Mr. E. Stevenson, of Toronto has been visitin~t a few days With his numerous friends and relatives here. Mr. Geo. Ledgett spent Sabbath at his home. He speaks in glowinK tenns of his Uxbridge acquaintances. Messrs. Jeffrey and Hodson of Pickering, at· tended oar regular services in the afternoon on Sabbath. Sol says be has a tender spot in his heart for the people of Kinsale. Mr. James Ledgett bas leased Mr. Frances Wariog's farm, "'bout three miles from our village, and anticipates moving to it on or about the brst of April James bas always filled a promineot position among the numerous so- cieties our town affords ud his absence from us will be deeply regretted. May success fol- low him. ' M~. Robert Wilson, of Port Pe rry, is still in our midst. lllr. james Armstrong, o f Brooklin, is vis iting friends here. The Whiteva le Baptist church is still holding revival meetings. Mrs. \villiam Palis ter, who has been ill for the last few weeks, is slowly recover· in g . The Rev. j . W. Canom is holding revival meetings at the Locust Hill MeUtadist church. Miss Ida Thornton, of Whitevale , is spending a few days with her brother at Norval. The I. 0. G . T., spent a p leasant e ven- ing at the Sons of T e mperance open lodge at Brougham, last T hursday. · The Methodist church intend holding the ir annual anniverarsy services on Sun- day the :z:znd of Feb. Mr. Roberts, o f Ux- bridge, will preach in the morning and eve ning, and Mr . Shaw, pastor of the Bap· list church of Whitevale , will preach in the afiernoon . A g rand conce rt will a lso be given on the following Monday eve ning. The members of the singing school, under the (iupervis ion of Mrs . S tover, we arc g lad to see are making excellent [ira · gress in the art of music, the most admir· able result is the way in which they have improved the music of the S unday Schools of the district, by singing the not~ ins tead of the words . The people of Whiteval~ are get!ing rather exc1ted over commg election, and e very where the cry is going up hu_rrnh for White. This is a matte r of consider· able importance to us in a comparatively rural d1strict. Mr. Edgar is a good m~n and no d oubt is willing to represent us In the House of Commons to the best of his ability, but we think Mr. Whit~ here i!l _our midst who has done so much m mumc1pal matters in the past, who is a thor~9ugh man in every respect as well as bt:mg a ling s upporte r of reciprocity, w e think that .he is the man that we should exert every Ill· flueuce for. H e is a thorough practical man who understands the interests ofthe farm- e rs and is in every respect capable of re- presenting us.· DJCATJIB. GALK. - At Port Whitby, on Thursday, Feb. 19th, 1891, WilliaJJl H e rbert Gale, e ld est son of Mr. Jno. H. Gale , aged 19 years and r month. Funeral from Mr. Gale 's residence, to St. John's Church, on Saturday, F eb . 21st, at 2 o 'clock p. m. ·:.

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