Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Feb 1891, p. 2

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\ Q J!ou.& .E. should t&ko thooel'ILLII. They Wlll eure the ro- of yoolhful bad habita, &nd &troogthen the .......... YOUI& WOIEII ~.'!!.a~ th:i'li maku them regular Por 8&lo by all drugglstB, or Will be aant upoo neelpt of pnco (!:.Oc per box) by addroasing :CHE DB. WILLIAMS .llfED CO Brockvi1~ On&. CORRESPONDENCE A.nd Items S1olenfrorr our Excbao. ea -oo- 1JXBRIDGK While a load of Uxbndge boys wer.f' paeemg through a large swamp m Reach on their ret trn from AU n s social last Fnday mgbt some ammal (supposed to have been a dog) ran up behmd the 8le1gh and made a TlClOUs spnng at those 1 n tho back 6eat James Compton a boy of 17 waa JShot m the tbig!t at the shootmg 9'Jll lery on Fndny evcmng The bu-net went m qu1te a d1stance stnk ng a bone and takmg a downward course It could not be got out at the t me and ha.d not been extracted at last accounts Uxbndge has long been noted for 1ts numerous and excellent musical orgam zat of s but the next few da)S ~ II see stall at other added to tl o 1 st Tho new candtdate for the publ c favor whtch w11l be launched on thts long suffenng people w 11J take the form of an orchestra and we arc mformed by 1t.8 gemal and cnterpriS ng manager will reJo ce m tho cognomen of the Hatr ratsers An amusmg story ts related of n young man from the country One day laat week m company wtth a young woman who was doubtless hts best gtrl he entered one of the leadmg stores m town and wh1le the g:arl WM makmg some purchn.scs wandered around the pre n ses surveymg the wares dteplayed wtth wondermg eyes Fmally he nottced some small spec1 mona 3f that arttcle of femmme wear mg apparel k1 OVi n n.s tl e bustle and takmg them for boxmg gloves a.Bked one of the obhg ng clurks tho prtco of then st.atmg that tl ey wore go ng to start a boxmg school do"' 1 h s way and tl a.t. h e had been appo nt.cd to procure tl e 0 loves The clerk seemg he was green told htm they were o ly 2oc a patr The grcony &ad } e v;ould con sult w th hlB chums and f they Q{..,rreed he would ret.urn and make the purcha.se Hts lady fn end l a\ ng fit tshed I or busmeu by this tnne he walked proud ly out of the store by 1 er s do no doubt thmkmg that he would procure the glovOB pract co t ll he could knock out John L and bcco o fan ous-and all for a quarter The youn§ man will doubth~ss start h1s scl ool return to procure Ius gloves and m stead of buyn g "' 11 be sold I have us~ \.} cr 11 P 1111 for the pll.llt 30 vean., anrt am sat 11 6P.d I 11honld no~ be al e to do.y f It had not bt'cn for them They cured n A of dyspcp!S a when al other reme d ea fa ed -T P Bnnner Chester Pa Ayer a I lls are Aold h) t~.ll d UggJSt.a • LINDSAY Dunng: the pa.st \\eek eome se\en or part es have been ara g:ned before I M 0 Leary by Cl ef Bell for dn\" ng Vi th out bells and m each case fines ha e been Impose I It IS well that th s dangerous practice has been stopped n.s ee:veral narro w escapes from be ng run over have been recorded Fanners and others should bear m mmd that at least two bells aft xed to the harness or sl afts are necoa.sary accord ng to law ~1onday momong lMt Mr J A Go! logly met h s s ster tn Ia w M ss Blan chard of Broclm when eho stopped off tho 11 o clock expre88 and escorted her to Jol Gu gale COitfortablu hack nearatha d As he was about togo after her tru k John obhgmgly volun teared to l ut t up that art cle and after clos ng tl e door and t1ghtemng a strap or two preparatory to start. ng pro ceodcd to tho baggage roon 'Vhtle absent sornotl ng startled the team and they dasl ed off up Wtllam at at a furl ous pace Tl o door be 1 g fastened up on tho outstc.le left the occu1 ants no way of osca1 o and tho a tuat1on matde of half a utc became so unplea.sa.nt tl at Mr G llogly amashud tho wu dow wtth hts hn d and crawled out upon the seat n t} o hope tlat. I o would be able to rea.cl tl o roms but unfortunately tl oy wore draggl n~ about the horse s foot Wh o 1 1 ear K e tat tho apeod of tho ruMways had decreased 80 no v;) at 11.1 1 George Ha.rtwtck succeeded m grasp ng tl o re s 1\1 d stoppmg thorn M ea Blanchard wna of course very n uch fr ghtoned Every wook lately our town JOwollora have been vuutcd by \ eo1le from t.ho country who bought god Viatch es from peddlan and ha.vmg had t.hotr su~ptct ons arouaed co 1 e m to ask tho jewel lora to value tl o bargam In al ca.ses the buyers have been doped By so no plauJtble st.ory they were u ducod to buy one or two watc::hea- mce lookmg artielaa but. almoet worthloas- and It turna out that they could get the aame t.raah from any doaler for half the money But reputable dealers aoldom carry ouch goods although they can get them for any person who want.a them People may reat aaaurod of one thmg and 1t 1a thlB that peddlara who are here to-day and away to norrow aro not aa hkely to be honeat as men w I o are rea~dent m r.be comtnumty and de pendent for auccoas upon fa1r and bon orable deahng If a peddlar cheats you there IB no redroas You canr ot find htm If "' local dealer decetves or dt&&ppomta you he can be seen the next t1me you oome to town Don t buy from poddlano anytlung of whoch you arc not a good JUdge And who amon-3: us ta a competent JUdge of Jewel Ftehory l spector McDermott of Port Perry ts a I ustlor and a r gl t J OV al follow w thai but now a1 d then c1rcumatat ccs con bmo to make h1m sad One 1gl t lllBt week he drove through town at a late hour on u. vtstt of mapoct on oxtot d ng EUt fq.r as Bob- caygoot a d l e \\IUS &UC]_C~ul beyond tn:pect.at.. o s He d scoVbred tho whore about.s of four or f vo fish I ousoa and v1s t.od tl en tur co ti~catmg II legal fial ng tackle a d levy ng a fine upon tho occupa tot each- but found no fish At ltu~t I e c ught 8 ght of a blanket. 1 ouae ~way 1 shore and t,ymg h1a horse I e 1 u.de ) s way to wtthm a few roda of tl e t sl or nan enscouaed under the blo.1 kot. w thout dotcct.J.on and awn ted results By and by the blanket Oapped v olll tly the man 11 heels descr bod err l c ruovementa lD tbo rur and a n omm t after a beauty of a maskmonge made hlB appearance Here was luck Sm hng to htmsolf at thoughts of next da) s d nner Mr Me Dern ott emerged from concealment and walked letsurely towards the fisherman ~ho \ as eyemg his priZe and preparmg h s snare for another attempt The first mttmat on of an} one s prox1m1ty was the mspector s cheerful greetmg Good day n y fret d )OD are havmg good luck I see Recogn z ng hts vts tor the n an turned on h s heel as if about to run1 hestt.'ltcd and hke a fl \Sh ptckcd Up the dead 20 pounder a td tJ rtm tt back mto tl e l ole Mr McD gasped at t.he audac ty of the fellow and tl en got do non Ius knees to look for tl e fis1 vhtcl of course S.'l. k to the botton but foUl d tl at It ha 1 dnfted be) 01 d hts ken S ghmg 1 ea ly the 1 SJ ector s opped cur rnncy \\ 1th the tishcr nan and took hts lcparture \\ e understand that large catches of ba.ss nrc beu g made m Scu gog lako b) part es fislu g w1th hook a d hues Vi h cl s of course perfetly legal 0 ll) two persons 1 a\ e been t cd there for usmg the snare - Post PORT PERRY A. change bas taken place tb s week m the propnetorshtp of one of our lead mg grocery a., d boot and shoe esta.bhsh menta Mr W M Jones bavmg sold to Messrs F W Phollipo & Co Mr Phtllipo 1s bnt a young man but he s emmently qual fied to undertake the management of hiS newly acq01red bns1 nesa and he 18 to be congra.t•lated on b&vmg at the outset of hlB bnsmess career fortunately stepped mto so Iuera t1ve and thoroughly well esta.blisbed busmess connect on We were gtven an explanation a. few days ago of why the Port Perry curlers are not better players Our mfonnant a Port Perry man savs that the boys curl around Parnsh s warm stove too much mstead of pract c ng at the nnk nod consequently when tl ey are called upon to p ny a match wttb even a young club they are n g -Uxbndge Journal Our cotem has been mtsm formed tn regard to the curhng around PnrriMh s &to\ e Our curlers nrc not loafers not one of them but they do not find t me to praet ce as mnob 8.1\t the.} should we lllUbt. adm t A fee hog of nnoas ness s st II linger mg among tho bus ness men 10 regard to the town s 1 resent protcetton ngamst fire A r.:rent many seem to til nk tl e council sl oulc.l proceetl at once wtth the constmctton f the larg-e water tanks for tho way matters stand at present should a fire brenk out there 1s no I ke lil ood of the fire engme be ng ol any more use tl an t was at the last fire W1th tho CJipencnee th s town has bad we must say the councllta not as coer gettc as t sl oull be n plac ng our fire department on sat sfactory basts Come gentlomet atten l to th s matter at once and you tvtl have the approval of the ratepayers -Standard BEAVERTON Last Frtdn) tl c most snccosarnl car n val m Ont.ano was held 10 the r nk to Beaverton a.~ er 400 people enJOY ed the fan mclod ng many from Can n ngton Onlh.a Kirkfield SunderlRDd and otl er places Rumors are current m Beaverton that th1s aptntec.l town 18' !lLout to be come the county town of a county to be formed of the follow ng townsh ps Brock Scott Georgma N Gwtlhm bnl) Tborah Mara Ram a Carden Dalton and Eldon If thiS be so and we have It on h gh anthority that such 1s the case Beaverton will stand m a very emFJable hght The wealthy town sbtpsjust ment oned are first class agrt cultural d stncta and m ohoosmg Dea vertou for thetr thetr county town shows the Wlsdom and JUdgment of tl e scheme We wtll however have more to say on thts subJect next week It 18 rumored that action will be taken aqam&t the Grand Trunk Ratlway to compel them to relay the track from the statlon to the lake Tbts anses out of the agreement between the ra I way and the townshtp ofThorah at the t1me tho hoe was bonosed wb1ch was to tl e effect thai the latter should loy the track and matnta.in 1t Lately tho Orand Trunk removed the rails hence the action If thm tra.ck was m good condttton tt would no douM be an •n dncement to those who deal exten81voly 10 the 1ce bnsmess to procure ICe from thlB section It 18 a fa.ot that the quali ty of 1ce at thts part of the lake can not be beaten for domestic purposes Ice dealers m Toronto are always ready for the chance to seoore good 108 'Vhy not take act on at once -Enterpnse Meean Northrop & Lvman are the pro pr eton of Dr Tl omu Eclectr1o 0 I wb ch ' now oe1ng sold n large quaotitiee through out tbo Dommaon. It .. weloomOO t y tbt!l ~uffor ng 1nvahd everywhere w1tb emnt1on11 of del gilt bee&U$81t ba.nlAbM JWn an 1 &'IVOII natant re 1ef Tb11 valuable IJJCC fie for al most every II that He&b 11 be r to 111 valu od by the auffertU' .. more prec1oo1 than Rold It 11 tbe els:u· or life to many a wast ed frame If you ban not purcbued a but tle do ao at once and keep 1t ready for an emergency Ita cheapoeu 25 eta per bot tle plaeee 1t w1tb10 tho ruacb of &11 To the farmar 1t 1a lndlApena&ble, aod tt abould,.be an every bo11&8. Not the Bight Word. Stan ey bonks o e now as com non as coug s H.nd colds To get j of the lntter u&e Hngrard a Pecto al Baho;a.m the best Canad an coullh cure fnr cl ldrcn or ad ll-6 It cures I y ts sooth ng hea IDR' and ex pee toran p ope t M every form of tbroat and long troub cs pul nonary com pia nts The ~ cw Y at'k poatoffi~ was dama~tcd by fire on Saturday n ght., and a boy fatally burned Wbeo you not ce unp easant aensat ons after eat ng at once f!()mmence the u11e of Northrop&: Lyman a V~ot&ble Ussco cry and yo r dyspeps a w II I sappear M J Sta.o ey Merchant at Constance wr tes My w re I M taken two bott es of North rop & r yman II Vegetable D ecovery for Dy11peps a and t ha'l done her more good tban anytl ng abe ba.e ever used A kn fe fo nd by the pol ce seems to fur Dl&h st ong ev dence a!{& nt the man arrested m connect on w tl the \Vb techapel murder Knights of Labor Tl e Kn ghts of Lo.b r am to prot eel the mornben~ aga n~t. finnnc at d fficult cs etc Hagyar<i s Yo ow 0 I prOtects a I who we t from the effects of cold and CXpo;JUre such as rbcumat am neu a Ifill lumbBg f!Ore throat o.nd al nfll\ "t.ory 1 n. n Noll comp.ues w tl t 1115 a I andy pam cure man and beas ... An e aht-year old lad namotl N b e S h was fatally DJU ed wb lo coast gat Orange vI e. Ml.D.ar4 • Liniment for sale everywbnre General He be hilA ata ted f om \V nn P"K fer the Pac fie coll!!t. to n apect the co&.t!t defences SMALL Suo <~on Co.o.n: Burdock P s do 11ot g pe or IUckcn Tl ey are m ld and ef factual \ tJ roug! l ydrograpl ca.l survey of tho llu rard In et has been ordered by rhe Gov ern mont THAT HAOKlNG OOUGH can be 110 qu okly oortld by Shilob s Onre We guar rantee tt For sale oy W R. Howse The nsrth western port on or Frontenac County 111 bel eved to abound m n ckel do """"' Bow to d'uro All Skill Dt.eaae. '" S mp y apply Swn•• a 0INTJBMT No internal modio10e requlred Corel teU.or eczema ttob all ornp& one on tbe f&OO bsnde noee &o lou og t.be 11kin clear wh t.e and healthy Its great beahng and corattve powora are possesaed by no other remedy Ask your drngg 11t for Sw.lnu a OINTllli:HT The Ja.st sp ke of tl e r.;ew Wel!ltm nster and Southern .R.&i way wa.~~ dnven ::iaturday CATA.RBH OURED health and sweat. broatb •eoored by Shiloh 11 Catarrh Rem edy Pnoe 60 oont11 NaaaltnJoolor fl"ee W B Howse F re deetroyed tbe F rat CongregationrJ Churcb K ngatoa on Saturday SLBBPLKBB .NIGHTS m&de ml8erable by &hat tArnble ooagb SbUob 11 Oq_ro 111 the remedy for yon W R How.o Tho employees of be Craven Cotton Co Hrantford are out oo atr1ko In Brief. Alld. TO TIJ.O PolDt. Dyap&pll& 11 dreadfol Diaordored hver ia mhery lndtaeation 111 a foe io good n•tore The bg_mao digeattve appantns i• ooe of &be moat oompUoatod and wonderful thrngs in e:dat.enoe l& ia eUJ.Iy pot out of order Greuy food tough food, eloppy food bad cookery mental worry late bonn i.rregnlar habit.& and many osher thing• which ought not $0 be have made the American peoplo a nation of dy1poptioa But; Grot~n a Angn•t Flower hu done a wonderful work in reformlDg thil 1ad buUn01111 and making &be American people 10 heal&hy that they can enjoy &heir meala and be happy Btmember -No bapp10e111 without beaf\b Bot Groen 1 AagUJt Plower bringa health and happlneu io •he dyapepti.o Aak your droggiat. for a bot\le Baven'y Ave cent. Tbe Dom n1on G ave Workl at G en W II 1 ama was burned on Mooday n1ubt. Oouumpt:loD &ureQ Cure4. To TBll BDtToa - Pleaaelnform your readen that l ban a poalUn remedy for the abon named dill eue By ita timely UJe lbooaanda of hope 10111 OUHI have been pormanenUy ouTed. I aball be &lad t.o aend ••o boUiet of my re- medy I'Ua &o I&DY of your raadeuwhoban oontamp,10n if 'be7 will aend m• lbeir Bz preu and P 0 addreu lloopaotlully Da T A SLOOUJl 1M Wet& A.de\aicle ri , Toronto On' AND THE HYJJuprro.phttes of Lime and Soda. Cu n reta!n l t.. CU!'!ES Scrofulous and Vv' astmg D1seases. Chrome Cough. Loss of Appetite Mental and Nervous ProstratiOn General Debol ty &c I I Wall Papers • AND GENERAL House Decoratmg, AND CLEANING P. B. WARAM Hu pure baaed a lar~e stock of tbe fined and ton e11t Amertcan W11l Papers and 111 pnopsred to exeoate all orJere promptly K alsomining, Painting, .._ND .._LL OTBEB WORK IN n 6 LINE DONE TO ORDER P B WARAM, Smtth 6 Bloc AHA VENA MILK FOOD FOR INFAIITS b '"" oar-. dleape•&&atl~ •o Molllen Mllll. Gl •117 Fo041 .-de A.ak :J'OU Drll&'Cid. TBI! 'JRELA....-D IA1101W.FDODC4. UL TOIGITD RICORD'S SPECIFIC ( .. acu: .. ,.,.,.,"Eo • l:"to ) Soil b)' all drugl!ists. So o Propri(! or R. SCHOFl£LD &I Oftllld 8 Drug Store F. :x Hr Tflhu TO Tl o only ltemody wb ch w 11 per' n a.ncot. ycnre Go orr I ma,Gioot. aud&IIJ nvat.a d scases uo ma.twrbowloog Rt.nnd ng \\a1dong and succOIJIIful y urwd i Fro ch a.nd Eogliah I 011p ta. 1L Two bot.tl08 guam.ntood to CU o t.bo WOrt!t ea.so. Prico tl ~r 1-:;t~:~~d(Jc~E ;(l/ l aturo on bu l~~o el No 6 o t. h o r nu o Tho s o o l avo tcdo- 1 d cs w bout &vu. l will not. bo d.iap- oo ut.....! u lh 11 ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD (hpnio Weakn-~~ Memory Lack ol Brtei'Jl1 Ph,JW~cal Decay poCt.lnly cum! b)" JJ.uclton II \'it.aliz.e Abo Ne"OWI Deb &y Dlmn.- ol S ghL, Loa. of J.mb Uon. Uofllne. to ~larry Stunted De•e opmrnL, Lci811 or Power Paint In the Uacl. Nigh' EmWioo,a.. Dtain In Ur ne., Seminal ~ Sleeple~R~C.. Annioo to Bocie'1 Uoft' for Study Ez:~yo lndu.l genoe, e&c. ekl. Every botUe ruaranl«d. 20 000 110ld 1ear11 Add~ encblng = for ~ J E. HAZELTON Gad Pb.umacld 308 YonR'f!SL Toroala,. On\. DOMINION Capital Paid up Surplus, BANK $1500000 $1,300000 Whitby Agenoy. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT lllt.er011t allowed at bighe1t ~uncmt rateL No uoUce of wUbdraw•l reqc.hed... W H HOLLAND, Ha.nacor Farm to Rent The estate of bo lato Hutton Starr con talntng 90 aore• part of Lo' 2i god con Whhby will be leaaad to auitable teout for a tnrm Apply to 88-11 J B DOW Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. TAMARAC Pver ,, GET A FLAG woa YOIIIl SCHOOLHOUSE The movt~ml!!nt for holstin~ the Cana.d ao lag on the achoolhonse:s on ann Totorur ea o.1 aoled eYcnt.P In our hl<'~tory issp1"EEadimz rap dl] dlrou~hoot the De•lul•• IUld ovok ng tht &early approYal of all p&trioUc CUJUUJ&. A} ..... , ~Itt (fmptrt aa~~ done I~ share In help n~ton th 1 movemont !'J aw1ud ng" b"ndsomo fh!t to one sci oo a ~ ~ h co r of Ontan'l but tho n nbc o on run <J from "II pa.rtll ofth n n n on lOW 11>'4(8 an be ob ained by oth SC'h I a1 le lPrm ~ lopubialu:norTHEIJIPJil[:; < •tr~ a bandso o CANADIAN FLAG tf bee banting I! teet locg lrq-ular prioo $1~ u a prem urn tor 30 ac:w rear 1 I!IUbK:r b1 r.1 lh"lliEKI.1 I'JIPIKE n.t II or ogl "' fC: > ~ bsc ben to TBE D.liL1 .t:HI H I 1.l ot (M' n or a. propo tio of e~c n n to Da y coon g fo t LH "Like Magic," THEeffect1 oduce I by Aye~sChorry Pectoral U J:s l ~ha Croup and Sore Thrt: t c 1 o t cases m rete c l Aver's Cn~ny Pectoral, rE\I~llY Dr J C Aye uc. Co Lowell Mass. lrlcc$ " bo ~ $5 ~o b.$5~~oboWc. An Old Whitby Boy JAS H LA WLEH SON OF MR THOS LA Vi LER WRITES A RA1TLUW GOOD LETTER FRO!If WJNNil'EG - UE TALKS ABOUT THE PROS I ECTS OF CANADIA.."i YOUNG HEN 'W UO GO TO TUE ~.\TES Eo CnnoNICLE Sm - :\s many young men n're annu ally mO\ 1 g v; est ward from thbse sec ttons of the provmce of Ontar o m wluch your p..1.pcr most largely ctreu lates perl a1 s I may be pernutted at thie season to sa.y a word m this matter I am well aware that ~f 1m ·;~~~ t~~f,•~"·18Rt:A>.;.!! husband who satd WellS r we dido t thmk you would come to us we are too poor We have been here SIX years a.nd both of us have worked like slaves and thts 18 what we are yet Ins de the house there was a stove a. bod two cha1ra and some eookmg utens Is A box served for a. table The 8oor was of earth the walls were of sod Th1a man ha 1 been a mechamc m the east- ern States but had been lured west by the prospect of ownml? fields of wavmg corn a pleasant n a Bton sleek cattle and blood horse a There was a whole settlement that was m a. cond1t10n not far euper or to th s famtly and many were farmers all the1r 1 ves The re port that the Dakota, Western W aeon sm Nebraska and a part of Kansas arc suffenng from famme HI 01 ly too true It IS so apparent as to en tsc a feel ng of sadne&S to anyone passmg through There are two other th ngs I would l ke to say to anym e thmk ng of gomg to the States They arc these Do you want to work on Sunday 1 and do you want your children to grow up 1gnorant 1 Throughout these states the great mflux ofsathctet for01gners has caused Sunday to"De almost abhterated even m villages of 600 mhab t.ants I heard tho blacksmiths anvtl nng all d...'\y Sunday and commerctal men m many ca.aes make a practice of takmg orders on Sunday wbile race assoc1a t10ns theatre managers and saloon keepers count on Sunday as thetr b1g day Regardmg educat.J.on I have tt on good authonty that the best (; n verstty m South Dakota s mfertor m every way to the 'Vh tby Collegmte Institute Feanng 1\lr Editor that I have taken up too much of )OUr space yet feeling that these th ngs should be known I romam youTB 8 ncerely J Ai\IES LAWLER The "orld w1do reputat on of Ayers Sar-- s.apar lla 18 the natural result of bl 8orpas 8 DR value as a blood med c n" Noth n11 In tho whole pbarmacopana effects m\Jre ag ton sb ng results 10 scrofula rl eumat sm genera] d b hty and all forms of blood d A ease thvn th a remdey Wash ngton Letter (i"rom our regular correspondent WASHINGTON D C Fob 13 1891 Speaker Reed and }us able 1 eutenants are workmg hke beavers to got the reg ular appropnat10n btlls through the Bouse and they expect 1.o pass the last one tits weok or at the outs de by the 1st of next week Tl e first b 11 to be taken up after tho dtsposa.l of the ap propnat on b lis m the House Will be the slnpp ng bill or as 1t IB more popu larly known the substdy btll Thts 18 tho btll proposmg to encourage Amen can shippmg by the grant.mg of suij- stdtes based tho tonage of vessell. transferred to War but m the eyee bf a great many that Jnat why they ought to be The Internation&l copyroght bill garded aa dead Canoe, to much amenil- ' mont Its friendi are -working the corpse m hope of resurrecting Dttto etgbt hoar bilL 'Vatterson s letter to Governor advmmg htm to get out of tlie the Cleveland locomotive baa subJect of numerous JOke& at tol thts we.,k I haven t econ ,-_----,-- man democrat or republican, heved It had any effect upon Bill or that 1t was the cauao of his taking the Senatorshop It ,. generally regarded as a b1t of the grossest tmMztinence on the part of 'Vatterson Both Houae and Senate have nearly the whole of this week to the appropnat on bills and great progreaa has been made The wght Be88JODS of the Senate have not proved a brilliant; success owmg to the eeemmg tmpoSSl b hty of gethng a quorum of members to attend them Caught 1t from Port Perry (Uxbndge Journal) -According to our mformatid'n. the modem Sodom hes about ten miles to tho ea.st of us We are not refe~ to Port Perry s wtckedness but to the state of affrurs m rta ne1ghbonng village -Prince Albert That village oom pnscs among 1ts populatioa eome of the wealthiest, moat mtelligent and bigbly respected people m tho country and also some of the most illiterate and btgoted people m the Provmce It 18 noted for old matds w1dows, wtdowe'ra, gosstps and scandals Family quarrels are numerous and no less than llatf a dozen separatiOns have taken place there recently Divorce sud:• breach of promLSC smta and other mteresting events arc t.alked of Chnstiab Sci ence ts satd to hav~ had something to do wtth the family troubles No sooner does one scandal loose 1ts mterest than another takes Its place If the infor- matiOn gtven us be correct and we are assured that 1t 1s) mlBSIOnanea are badly needed on that village THE LADIES BAZAB 4 Adclrude Street Eu.st. Toronto Jnn 23 1691 9- IOin ---------------- lllak.o a Note of Thl&. Pa n ban !hed as tf by m.&g~c Poli!On a N an I ne a a po&Jt ve and ..Imos mst.,ntan eoull re erly for o:r.ternal nternal or local pa ns The mrust act ve remodv b tberto known falls far 111 or of ~erv1 ne fur potent powe n the re ef of ner e pa n Good for externa or nternal use Buy a 10 cent sample bottle Larqe bottlet1 2a clo!J at all aruggJ~St.e Master Workman Powderly waa tempor- ar v prostrated by heart dl8ea8e at a m~tet.­ mg n Topeka P.a.u WEAK WOXL'I: need a ton cstreoa"th gtY ng Oesh bwldlllg me<hctne I keM1lburo • Boof Iron and Wtne. The Cauad1an Metbod st Church baa de- c deri to est.all 1h • new m 8il on at the \J ty of Chou too n Western Cb na.. ll eous \yres report.K If ale that tbe Ch m rgent.!l I ave been 6Ucct'!~lol n recent battles and are ad anc ng ('~ tho cap t.al. WJLL YOU SUFFER w t.b Dyapep••a aua L ve-r C mpla nt? Sh1loh a VuaJ aer 11 ~-:au~utOf'J. to onre you W B Howee \ d sastrouJJ colh8&1on occurred n the F r e yard at West ~usqne-banna. on Saturday ~;~ en • g WllOOPING COUGH and Broucb t K mmed •~ly rei o10ed by ShUohll W U Howse Tl e oomu ttce of tbe l enecal Afl88mbly of tl e I rC8tl) ter an Church or tht'l u n ted Sates bu fin~l ed 1 11 " ork bf n~vl& on of tl e Confess ou of fiUtt ~fter a long lltruggle th~ South Dakota ~stature bu elected Jamea H. Kyle u Senator by a oombmatlon of Independent and Democratic ~c.tea. CouumpttOD CUred.. An old ph.J1ucan retired from pract ce, I a v ng ha.ri p!&Ct!ld m h e ba 111 by au E.vt Ind • m s&~ona.ry the lormula uf a 11 n pie egetablE~ remedy for the Bl_l86dy and perm anent cure of Con11umpt1on Broocl1tia Catarrh A11tbma aud all Throat and Lung Affect ODB a 110 a poll &1ve and cadtcal cure for N~rvo 111 Deb1hty and all Narvoua Com plAI-nt. after bav1ng te~~tod 1ta wondarfol curative powers 10 thousand• of cue. baa felt h111 dut.y t.o n aka It known t.:J bta .-ufl'er mg fellowa. Act at.ed by tb • mota we and a de. re t.o rei eve buman auffenng I wdl aeod r ee of cbarse. to aU who des1re tL. tb~a re ~pe n Oe.rwaa French or Engllab Wlt.h full dueeUool for preparmg and USing Scmt by m&ll by addrctUIDR Wltb atamp tnentiObiUfiC t.hia ptpor W A :NOT .1:8 82() Power • Block Rocht~~~ter N Y THE THREE STARS EALTH Will alooolutely a nd per .manenUy cure the moat aggra\&ted case of CATARRH, Hay Fern or VataJrbal Deafness. '1bis 18 not a. snuff or omtment. both of which are diaeardad by reputable phyai 6liD8 as wbt>lly worthless and generally Will eradicate all tlllubles of the LIVER AND KIDNEYS, -""- Ask fur Hospital Remedy ror eatarrn. N,B_..;...Thials the only Catarrh I Bemacl1 on the :m&Z'ket whlcb l"'ttCCI ..... _ ................. """"""- $1.00 A1!d perm&nently c:ore Dyspepona, Indigestion, Con stipation, Bright s Disease of the Kidneys, Catarrh or the Stomach and Bladder This JS a marvelloua medicine. It rapidly makes , GOOD BLOOD AND LOTS OF IT HOPE N9 .A.BD 'rRI!PBJP :ra z.D"'L ~ 1a Dot a 'blood.llll!di obaei.D. tb.emazttet -SOOd. -tb!L :ltla Ji*lrla. DlalLMdlatheiiOQitala GEZ::'QZ'OPI, and F&- .c::dbe4 by tbe ma.t em!De:1t :Pbyaldans lD. the WOZ"Id.. Salta~ .. or old cr yoW16- .&BK 1"011. HO&i'12!:&L KE:3'UJDY P:Ja. :r.I'VZK 4JID EIDIDEYS. VII! General &: NerYons Debility n .. tn111l.r. lt.e~t u. t aDO!Iml ~ J.M rur _.._ J1D1DY forCEiwtDEIIUTf I'III:E Sf GO. PRICE $1.00. ON£ DOLLAR EACH. TO BE HllD OF llLL DRUGGISTS OR OF THE for Infants and Children. "Cutorla ia mweD.adapeed todrlldl"eo that. I rocommend ltMWpenol'to&DTprmcriptbi. knowu to mo. D. A. Aacml:a, M D._ Ul So. Orlard BL, BrookJJu. N. y I CURE FITS' THiliiSANDS llf BOTTLES lllYEH AWAY YWILY. Wbeo I say Cu=.,oo I do DOt IDMD • merely to stop them for a tupe. aDd thea baWl them rft:am uaiD. I MEAN A RADICAL CURE I h:t.Ye moutc the disease of ..... ~ or P'alilna: Blckne.. a 1 "'OK ~tudy I warrant my remedJ' to Cure tbj WCII"St c;.ues. Because others b.;L..e lLI d • no re.uon for DOt now re~etVIDR' a cur-e Seiad at .-:elora treatise and a P'ree Bottle of my 1...-~1 ble :lcrr.cd,. Gift! &weu &ad Post Ot5ce. It costs you aott!mg for a lri.;tl ilnd twill Ctm! you Address~ CL IIOOTa tL0., a.-ar.ett. Ofllce, 188 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TOflO .. Tft,. DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE 'l ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C 1 n: n~:t-1.> for Had Leg1., Bad Breasts. Wounds. Soma aud ffiocrs It .. famoua for Gout and Rheumatiam 1~J£ RS Of THE C JEST SORE THROATS BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS 1 t! and all t:;k.iu Dlll~itell L hNI no equal ; for contracted ~&Dd 11tili JO na o 1t act.l Jike • cbann. 'U< t.~u ~ & 5 :S B OU'O RD STREET (la.to 5SS OXFORD STREET)-. WXDO:S &nd Wo b 1 ~.,j tine \endfln tl rougbout tbe World. ;II l"Un:ha:•n abould Wulrri. W t.bc Label on tha l"ota aod &xM. 1f t.bo ~droea t. uut t&.. O:dord. Jft%ool. 1.oadoD tho)' uc a.purloua.. SURi.b"f CURf..\l TO THB BDITOR Please lnfona 70Gr ra.den that I han a poait:iYe 1"e1Dec17 Cor the abon a,amed. .__. By Its t.i.meiJa.se thousuda afbopeleu c:ases .bwe bcea. pa an•"t.I,J cured. 1 shall be al.ad to MUd two botU~s ar my re~ nu to U7 ~r____70U.r re&dera wbo bawe eao.. -»tiaa lf they wU1 send me their ~ &nd Poat 011ee Addresa. Res~ '1. A. aLOOUIII• 11.0.. IM Weet WslakM St.. TOitOIIT'O, OIITAIUQ. 4 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. < PUREST,STRONCEST,BES~, CONTAINS NO ALUM AMMONIA, LIME. PHOSPHATES, or..., injurious mal~riaiL E W GILLETT, TOR~~:~ larroflht~llO'I'ALni.S~~ WINES AND LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS, -AT- E ARMSTRONG'S, DEVERELL S NEW BLOCK, DUND.&S ST WBITBT DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND BREADMAKERS' YEAST.

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