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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Feb 1891, p. 3

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THE NEW COMPOUND be bad for a ne man to commence upon.. m g ht as well sat a d \Ole h1s ownappotnt It 1s better to ha\e an expcn~ ced man at mcnt this late date and h;:l\ e the ne ~ offic al Then to fill the blank for constable Mr read} for next }ear Sm th as cha•nnan of the comm1ttee moved Beef, Wme Iron, and Quinme. There s not! ng to I nder a ) man ,.} o Hugh J\lcBnen s name Thts y,as no knous enough and as \llhng to \\ark from doubt a mer~ bhnd for Coun Robson fill ng the four offices n th s small to\'On ~auld not have voted for t aud tt v.:ould Tl c mprcss on preva Is Jar-gel) that tf a I a e been lost There need be but httle man be so fortunate as to secure a pubhc doubt tl at upon the not on f::uhng Coun I posatton he IS 1 ens onOO off f..-om that Sm1th \Ould ha\e at o •ce moved Coun date and s tlould loaf I mselfto death \Ve Robson s name m 11 e hope of snapp ng a don t hold to that\ e \at all It SL"Cms to fa\orable '\ole Dut the Mavor Interposed us a to' n offic a\ on full salar} sl auld be a mot on to str ke out the clause and It co1 stantl} \Ork n,. at so eth ng the same earned and the counc 1 thus reserved to as other em,,to es ho are e:q ected to tself anotl er c1 a net: to take up th 5 matter I earn t1 e1r sa lar es hm eslly If there be an} honesty 10 the I ANNUAL CLEARING SALE ' I Is prepared Fre>h Beef wt th great care from Bound Sherry Wme and Citrate of Irou and Qumme As a. nntnttve and atrengtbemng tome produces wonderful results -ll~NUFACTURED BY- J. E. WILL /8, Chemist & Druggist, Medwal Hall, Brock Street, Whitby FRIDAY, FEB 20, 1891 The CHRONICLE has for }Cars urged Canadtan fanners to be self rei ant and to raiSe small farm produce m abundance as that class of products alwa} s sells read tly at a htgh pnce No fanners n A mer ca can compete With those of Ontano 1f the latter '1ll onl} go mto 1t In \Vh tb~ , e pa) between 18 and IC)C the } car round for butter about 15 or 16 for eggs 2 for cheese and all through the hst pruport vn atelv h gh \Vhy? Because of the1r scar Cit} Now JUSt to shew farmers that \ e were nght we produce below a tabulated state ment showmg the classes of exports to th States as compared wtth the mports aU the articles bemg of a class \\ htch ca he as well or better produced here than n the States We have been alloy. ng the A mer tcans to stock us v1th small produce m stead or our stockmg them ARTICLE Sa'tne Mutton Pork Bacon and Hams Beef Lard Tallow Butter Cheese. Wheat ' eo.rn.-r ~eal FlOiil'((wficat) DnedApples Green Apples Chemes Grapes Plums VALUE OF IMPORTS $ 82¢4 I 7~ 844 816 323 5IJ 2.;8 473 JOI 028 34 718 6 027 16 201 149 994 [ ]0 022 J81SJI 597 333 - 18J 2-13 3J2 9 OOJ 47 SOJ 2-1 5Sr Cranbcmes Black ) bernes Goost:ber ~ ncs Raspbcrr c:s & J Strnwberncs T otal VALUE OF ExroRTs $ I 776 2 261 195 lo6 I !43 I H\ go g a! e d no\ and consohJat ng counc I and can-} o lltts reforms tl e four offices tl e council/\\ II find t1 C} I \\ th the blank clause scon .. -d off the re- ha\e dote a good th ng and"" II partmll} port passed rcdeen the s I es n tt e eyL'S of the rate I Coun Ross read a report from the pro- pa~ crs The argume It to d de the offices pert} comni ttec purchasmg to cords of s 1la 1s ble b t s onl t1 e ad\OCaC} of a j \ ood from Gco Connack at $.J 5 per n ak sl ft \\ h\ 1 a t\\:0 half n c ~ cor 1 Take a "I o le rna s t ne and g \e h m The counc I adjuUrnl..'<l at r I 0 clock pie t} of \Urk a1 d 1 a~ I 1m for \ Ork g p m e cr Ia ful da} tl e} at Tl s s vi at tl e 1 L"'I c \ant do e a 1d \\hat should he do e A PolDted LeUor Attent on s d rcctL"'ll to the letter of Mr James R La\\ler man m s de columt l\Ir La ler 1s \ell kno \II t ere as a c\ \cr n1ter and n h s run tl rough the North vcstern ::;tales has seen cnoug:h to dra \ a pe n-p cture , htch casts nto the sl adc a } th ng e\ er kno \ n m Canada The fact about the condlt on of lf e f..umer n the U1 1ted States 1s th1s that m :\Ia nc Nc\\ Hamsh re Vennont ~ebraska Texas Kansas N Dakota Soutl Dakota Montana and \V} om ng-te n states-the farmers are hterall} be<0 gan..'"tl And In tl c last Se\en states the} an:: large!} Canad1 a s They hstened to stones about tl e StalL'S ( vhere no man ever runs do" n h s countf} hke \e do 11 Canada) and the} mo"ed from thiS fine Dom non and tl e poor dev Is are stan: ng For } cars the CHRO:>O CI E has ad\'ocated Man toba for those \hod d not kno .... enougl to be con tent \\ th Ontano and as !\fr Lavder sa} s prospent} quatt: msp nng re gns there Our Canad an people have e\er} reason to be both happ} and tl a 1kful \ttl the1r lot for ve doubt f there are as prosperous a people m the \\Orld to day Hard t1mes t mes \\111 s eep the country occas s10nall} but there IS no reason to k1ck the \\hole th ng over and g110e up O\'er a }Car or r\\u s d sappmntments Let us bear up and stand b:,; one another and re JO ce that \\ e are 1 at as bad!} of) as the Amencan fanners \Ve doubt not 1f the present po\!ert} n the States holds out there "111 be very httle to blow about over there m ten }Cars to come But Canada w II prosper every da} and every }ear Industry and frugal l} and sobnet} and contentment "nh our lot should be Can ada s motto Tow:a. CoUDOlL The town fathers held a regular mectmg on Monday naght and the1r deliberations proved qune an attraction A letter \\as read from \V H Holland • Tho County Reach to 'nsl p has passed a b} law \\hch llrd c \c the lccnse commsson ers of a b g job Tl e I m t :illo"ed for 1 cenSI.."S to I otels s four 1 1stead of se\ en as as formerl) All hut o e of the members of the Scott to\\ 1sl p co me I ha~e been lined for bu} mg hquor on elect on da} An extended report of the tnal w II be found n another column We are now busy measunng and sortmg out our Goods for the Annual Stock Taking It JUSt takes one tull month to measure and mvmce our stock, and m order to save time and reduce the stock as much as possible great bargaws Will be offered on all Wmter goods Remnants of all kmds will be thrown out of the shelves and sold reg1rdle•s of cost Big ReductiOns m White Wool Blankets, Bargams m Heavy Underwear, Bea' rton has set out , tth another news paper- tl e Er terpnse ThiS makes thtr teen local papers m the cou 1ty The Enterpnse sa fine look ng four paged e glt colun n s heet a d s of Tory b rth \VInlst It "as n process of mcubatton the E:oq ress ga\e t man} a hard blow and no" tJ at t ts on tlS legs the Enterprrse s \ tpes back "1th v gar Somcbod.} rna} get k lled n the fight and sad to say , II ha\ c to rece ve ocean or rathl:!r lake bunal 1 Lake 5 ncoc as Bea~;erton has no g ra"e}atd If a figltng edtor s rc rna ns \\ ho had I ecn sla n 1 the hc:tt of a fr.J} were sunk 1 Stmcoc there \\ould be a poor prospect for fish ng for somt: ) cars It would k11l them all oil Big discount off Ladies' Astrachan Coats, ------ A Correcuon CHRO:"<<ICLE SIR -M} attention has been called to an art1de n your Issue of the 2nd 1nst on The School Qut!Stlon from i\Ir John E Fare" e ll In h s commumcahon Mr Farewell refers to the tcstlmon} gtven b} m} son beforc the comm ttce appo nted to m.,; est gate certain complamts made agamst the present pr nc1pal of \Vh1tb} Collcgtate Institute The reference tom} sons tesh mon} occurs n tne sect on ent tied A New and Successful System n whtch then: s a contrast made betY. cen the methods emplo1ed h} Mr Embree and those cmplo}ed by J\Ir Tambl}n Ifth s rcft:rt:nce to the testlmOn} of a fonncr pup 1 has an} force vhatever m the connect..10n n ' Inch t s used t 1s sought to gtve 1t v;e ght aga ns t Mr Embree and m fa'~; or of Mr Tambl} n If th s IS the purpose It IS an u 1fa r usc of a testlmOn} "Inch had no reference whaten!r to Mr Embree What my soa stated was that he supposed llolr Tatahl} 1 had tor f r to h s o n "'ark so freque tly 10 order to com 1 ICc h1s puptls of the excellenc:,; o' h s methods The stateme 1t dtd not n tl> a contrast between tl t: methods of the two prmctpals &I} son d d not appear before tht:comm ttee to bear t~t mon:,; agamst :\tr Tambl}n and he was anadm rcr ofMr Embree s methods of leach ng and d sc 1 IU'le I an de: Men's Coon Coats at Wholesale Pnces, Bargams m Ladies' and Gents' Fur Goods of all kmds, Ladies' Sealette, Beaver and other duced pnces Mantle Cloaks at re- ROSS BROS . ' DRY GOODS .El:M:PORIU:M: Jons F GEK:\IAS 225 Uunn Avenue T o- ronto ja 1 31 91 (\\e ha\e not st:en a1} occa.."> on f r Re\ :\lr Genna s letter 0 1 look ng O\er Mr F re \ell s lc:ttcrs THE MISSES MciNTYRE -WlLL- OFFER FOR SALE -llt;ll\li;EC:S- Th1s Dale and the 20th of March, -Tlil:lB- Small, Select and Well Assort ed Stock of L "-d cs. and Ch ldren s Underclo h ng Baby L nen etc a so an assortmenl of st pie and \ell do e a Fancy Dry Goods. Dress :\bite~ Fum sh DRS h1s letters M:u: c !Scales Butterw ck P.m~rns Case Book and Plai<!S P eat ng Mach nes oew and sec ond hand Se ... -.nJ:: Mach nes 1 NeVii Organ store rttt:puon fit ng Sl!" n~ and press ng room Fu n ture cons st DJl: ol 0 I Cloth Drus- Literary Notoa ~ls and Tapestry Carpels Man ng Bl nds ~tc.. I H:ur C o h Sofa 3 Easy Ch<~. r.; 1 A magazmc of the s z.e of The La I ~ LounJl:e 3 Coal Sto~ 0 I Stove Ha.ogmt Home journal '" cl ha.."> JUSt reach d a and Table Lamps, 3 M rrors r Double -.ork monthly c rc ulat10n of 6ou ooo cop cs re Tab&c l:t(L long 2 Press 11g Tables llastlDg qu res a good deal of roo n a 1otl c r four 1 able and Boa ds S eeve hesser Smooth ng storey bmld 1g 1s to be occup et1 n xt Irons 1 I..arge Case fOil" goods n work room nonlh n ddt o to the t \iO no, n u ~e 12 Cha.lrs 1 Walnut Bedroom Swte Lace and Tl c gro \ ng J>Oimlar t} of the Journal I as Damask Cun01 ns and Ora penes 1 Ceo er also O"~;ertakc the capac t} o f t.s e Table severaJ Fancy stands and Foot S ools large presses a nd 1 'el\c nc ~ on ~ of all of wh ch wdl be sold at any reasonable pnce lates t unpro\L-d pattern arc a \alt g: t c offered and CilD be seen lrom 8 a.m 10 9 p.m. complct on of the 1 e , quartez:s I for 15 days from th s date then thr store and 1\1 rt l f M :\I t rooms above w I be to et fh s s one of the e sson cr s po ra 0 rs ac a} best st..nds n town and the best o~nmg 1 w lfe of tl e Cal forn a mllho na re v.l ch Ontano for a first class D es.s and Mantle she pronom ct.'"tl n cancattre a 1d refnsL-<lto Maker A ery e.llens re and suettS-;ful busi accq t u t) tl t: famou~ F rend an , 1 ness has been done for the past 15 years by thn:atencd to ex t b t u and \\hie! 1 e M & S. E. :\lci~TYRE tal} ssa dto ha\ede>tro}ed s rqrocl c tits cdc s Illustrated .\mtr n P S - All 0: rrd ~ -lao Is Will ht' The gre 11 pa ntcr s rccc t 1 :lth p!aud tn su I if uJ J>a d a/ u r anords 01 portunlly to tits m ag Ji cent I ----------------- ne"s na~;az ne to rcprod ICC 1a } of IS mosiL"Spcces Tic o tle<CO>lcolsofthc l Nottce to Creditors 1 umber arc vaned and mtcn-st ng • A ravorlto Paper 1 - In lht' ma/Jt'r of Jl ra"' B rro ghs of Jht' Tl e 1 ubhsl ers of VOUTIJ s CoM ~ s have Issued a beaut ful Calt:r dar for 'i9 l Ttr.vnship of II 'h lbJ (ould) of 0' 1n que and convcn e nt "h1cl conta ns \so /ano Farwur the announcements for 1 ext year 1\ 1 1g the 1 e ~ na nes v; I ch w II grace tits odd young folks weekly pape r are the I rd Chef just ce of f..J gla 1d-colendg_e li nn Sctl Lo\\ the 'enerable H.a H hal Ham II Cam lie Flan mar on S r ~ or an Loc k}cr Get 0 H ov; a rd Re\ L an Ablxltt Jules Verne Ma.x 0 Rcll jul \V C ]ICS Notice 1s hereby g~ven that t.be above named Hiram Burroughs h&B m&de an aa stgument. t.o me under th e frov1aaous of R S 0 1887 Cbap 12-1 of a1 b1s e.~ tate and effecta 1u trust for the benefit of h1s cred1 to .. A meeting of U e credataiB of U e &JUd eataie 1B hereby called and wlll be beld o my office Whitb} on Saturday, 21st day of Feb, 1891 at one o clock m lhe ohernoou for the ap- po ut.meut of an Inspector and the gnm~ af dtredion~ w1t.h reference to Lhe di~:~pou.J of the aa.~d estate All credi on of the a&Jd estate are re quested to file t.he1r elaima Wlth me on or befare the day af &uch meetlug and after AJ.>nl lat 1891 I aha 1 proceed to dts tribuUl B&Jd estate h&Vlll8 re~...rd Cll 1y to aucb elailWI aa I aball have nauce ol and sh.aU not be reapooatble far t.be estate or any part thereof to any per&On wbOBe el&llll 11haU uot. have been duly fil ed D OR!dlSTON Au1guee Whitby Feb 18 1691 ~tip led Large Garden fruit. t.rees t~lc The bouafl u tn good repatr Hard and aafL wat.et Appt,y 1 on lhe p~ Greet! aLreet Whi .b 11 610 T8%es Kuat be pa1d un.mediat.ely or eatl.e will be added A PIRIE Wh1tby Feb 18 1001 -11 iin. Colleet.ar New Scotch, I nsh and Canadian Tweeds A_L' PRINGLE,S Worsted Suitings, Overcoatmgs & Trousenngs AT PRINGLE'S If you want a good and Cheap Sutt call and see Pnngle, the Tailor- DON'T YOU KNOW -THE- t::}- BIG CHRISTMAS STOCK ..U IS AT THE STORE OF R. s. CORMACK And if you wan't to make a jolly Xmas make presents to your Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Wife or Husband, Nmgbbor, Frtend or Sweetheart, and select them from the fine stock of Toys, Books and N ovelt1es, Fancy Goods, N ot1ons, etc , etc Allnrmg, Capt1vatmg and Charmrn_g G1ft• for everybody, and at pnces tha~ "Ill receive your favor, NONE LOWER Prwes are m11.rked down to smt the times, for mstanoe, Flat Xmas Cards at HALF PRICE and all our d1splay rs worth vour IDBpectiOn P!easo call and see them , R S CORMACK Remember Wakely is positively giv- ing up business m Whitby and great . Ill bargains can therefore be secured all kinds of Ordered Clothing. There is still a splendid assortment of Wor- sted Cloths, Tweeks, Overcoatings, - Pantings, etc., thus affording any man a chance of getting Clothing at a Low Price. WAKELY FRIENDSHIP • RINGS_ The very latest styles, Szlver and Gold, En- amelled, set wzth stones or plazn FROivi 25c TO $2 00 -AT- J. 8. BARNARD, Watch H.epa1rer, Jeweller, and Eng1aver, Brock St, Whttby Parlor Suites. T1mes are bar 1 a d mon ey scarce Bud we prefer to sell for small profi t.s an 1 JU ck The n mble supcuee s b tt.cr U a the slow ehtlhng We offer the follow ng I uea of Par or Su1tes at these low pr C('R Former Pn c Han Cloth Parlor Su tea S4a SoO 1157 Colored Cover banded f-!',0 Plush Parlor Sn1tes &52 &60 &65 Now Selhngat 536 540 &-16 5<0 &-10 &-JB 5W These goods are all made of first class black walnut oil fin shed a.nd bea.ntlfully upholstered and all new des gna tb s sei\ son We can t be beat for p ctnre fram ng JESSOP FURNITURE CO'Y W J NOTT ldgr PORT PERRY FRIDAY, FEB 20 LOCAL LACONICS. WHAT IS OOINQ ON IN AND AROUND TOWN-A BUDOET OF LIVELY LOCAL NEWB OLEANEO BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS A ch el s amang yc ak n notes An fa th he II prcnt L It becomes tlreson e correct ng the "' I ful m sstatemCI ts of the Gazette Last week t sa} s Mr Rutledge mon-d m tt e cou1 t) counc I for JJ pe r day for tl e mem hers SliJCr d ' IS t1 e nght vages b1 t Mr Rulledgt: d d not altcrpj)l to fi.x that amount It vas !ready fix ed Our reeve y.ns a 1 e nter o f a co n ttee to consol date the county by l!l\\s a d "'I e1 eve:::r 01 e was lound to hnve been a1 e tded 1t v; as consohdaled and had to go tl rough the form of l>e g repassed 1 1 counc1l Mr Rutk>dge s mply moved the formal pass ng of a conscl dat1on of tl e b} law to tdern n fy members of council and In do ng so vas mere ly takmg I s turn w th Mr Tamb lyn ofOshawa wl o \\35 tl e ott er member of the comm ttee on co sohdat on \VI at ever t1 e b} lnw proved to be on be 1 g oon sohdated tl ey moved Its ado1 uon. That was what they wert: appomted to do Any otht:r member could n ove nn amend met t 1f he chose but 1t would have bL-en n bad forn for eltl er Mr Rutledge or Mr Tamb I) n to do so Tl cy had to state an every cast: that the} \\ere 1 ot n ak ng amend- ments Our cote n makes a other nd cui ous statement regard ng Mr Fa rba.nks and the poll tax m sa} 1 g he has coUed ed $70 and wa1 ts J4o for don g t Thf'ee wt:t:ks ngo the Gaze:::tte sa d he had collect ed J4o a nd wanted the whole of It for h s trouble The fact s N.r Fa rbanks has re- PoY. ell & Co have removed to the m.arkct block CLEARING - UP SALE -OF- WINTER DRY GOODS Hon Jno Dr} dens lecture on Saturda} o M stake n F arn mg dre \ out a large numOCr of farmers The subject \as srlendtdh trt"ated and \\t: doubt not co1 need the fanners that a polll c an can demonstrate that tl e farmer makL'S n ore n stakes n farm ng tha 1 the poht Clans do n pol t cs The dea Is good If the fanners 1 Ca ada cxpt."Cl to \aX nch on pol t 1..-s and let tl e r u.leas of farmmg be- come crude or exr ect to farm \llh the r m o ths a1 d not ' tl their bra ns and hands t1 e " II find thcmsehes grO\\lng poorer C\CT} }car No m.atter '\\'hat pol t cal p.art\ has ~n n po \er , hat pol c 11 t! rc- has nner ht-en an} tl 1 g to I dcr a fam er fro n learn ng to do 1 s ark ngl t and gett ng ncb \\ lth n th s corporal on \here taxes o famtS an: , e ' I ,.h st:\ era! tel ant f.anncrs 1 a c made thcmsehes nderM!ndc Jtl} r ch d r 1g tl e 1 ast t e l cor fiflL>t:ll \Cars Tt depc1 ded upon themsch es for 1 ros pert} :11 d found that tl e fiSCa l IMliiC\ of tl e countr\ \as r glt e nough \\ htle th I a \If: bt:t:n do 1 g tl s so 1 e otl rs \\e c uld n nt o ha e :stood round the ta er s S."\} 1 g tl e model fam \3Sn t " rtl d--n .and tl at tl e pol c of the ott cr go\t~mmer t \35 not n ak ng the r Ul I L-d a d unstuck ~ (; r n s produce d a u ds 01 god stra F.armmg o tl e strc t or dse 'here 'ttl he nouth I as nun1.~ tl o usands hut has nc\er m.ade an pcrso 1 r d S."\ \e the hotel ket!per Of course so c udustnous m e n go do\ n m far 1 ng tl e sam e as m other bus ness t ut upon tl c hole no class of men m tl s I art of Ontano I a'l;e had a better dance than fanters T t: I at d 1s \t:r} 1 roductl'l;e a d 1 r et.-s I a\c seldom lx"C bad In uti r I ncs of I us ness den one I ne of goods falls tl t:} try a not I e r bul tl ere are some farmers I o are bound to do nothmg but gro \ b.arlc as lo ng as the} hH We behc\e 1t s lx.""St and trust 1t rna} be the ca..-.c that baric} product 01 rna} be StOJ)ped The case of J D \Vak:cl} v;ho y.as last \\et:k m{ nsoned I ere on a charge of fraud I as ex c ued a good deal of S\ mpath} among those ' ho ha\e lx."Comt: aY.are of ths true state ofthe case It 1s 101poss1ble tot St.'(! I o , a cl attel n1ortgage on retail nerchand1ze can be \\Orth an}thmg as a secunh unl $5 11 cmcrs the replemshmt:nt of the stock o r forb1dssuch retlcmsl 1ent Bt.-s des t s a facl tl at no other kmd of cl attd mortgages o 1 n:ta1l merchandize are made-at least tl .. t IS \\ h.'l.t we nrc told b\ Ia " crs who dra' rna l} of tl em fur chc 1ts 'TI s must be so fron the fact as statL-d tbo\ e that no chattel mortgage m.ade uti rY.Ise \'i ould be \\Orth an} tiling as a st.-c mt\' In orde m g that \Vakeh be m 1 n so l-d for s ,.n ug s 1ch a mortgage \\ th no ntcnt o to defraud Hts Honor judge Dartt ell ma} be a true expone1 t of Ia \ hut 1f so th.at Ia" cannot be abohshed too qmckl} Mob Ia\\ would be far ahead of 11 It SL"tms to us that fa man IS to be tnL--d fO'J" fraud the Jay. ought to compel or at least a\lov; the accused to o>e present at h1s tnal at d to make such defence as he can In th s case \Vakcl} neHr hC"ard e ther h} 1 1smuauon or accusation by goss I orb} nd ctn ent that I e \\as even SUp)KISed to be gu It~ of fra ad he d1d not know that such a tl ng \\as t:\en thought of by fnend or foe unul ten da} s afte r he had been tned found guilt) and sentenced to Jail Tl e law "h ch pcnn1ts tits sort of admm1strat1on s hould be abolished The rules \\ h1ch ad nuted VICtims to bear thetr fa te m the star chamber were ahead of the laws of Canada m tl e year of grace 18go "h ch onl} mforn a man he ts a con101ct a fortn ght after he s sente nced Our la\\s .are exactl} on a par "1th the lynch codt: "h cl used to ex 1st m the \Vestern States Thert! a man wa.'t ne \ e r charged w1th a cnme unul h1s ScntcnCt! had bt:-en passed a1 d a n~e 11ed on 11 e rope \\e ha\ e se'l;eral t mes commented on the advances m law "h1ch prolublt courts from takmg an} ev dcncc but \\e ha\e now learned tl at the la w e'\en pro' dt:S that a mans tn.al n a ) be dtspcn~ wuh n certam c.ases These dtscoven es and the expen c ct: of St!t::mg a fey. men mcarcerated may probabl} bnng our la\\ S mto that contempt 111 \\I ch the} dL-sene to be held \Ve sha ll not assume that judge Dart1 ell over stepped hts power as n JUdge bt:cause -. e don t know but \\C fet=l It IS time his pow e r and C\:er} other judges power was curta 1k-d m cast:S hk.e th1s If not there are men enough m thas count} guilty of the same cnme as Wakely to fill twenty Jails AB4reW • BoU Looala.. El~ant range of new spnng pnnts JUSt received tlu~ week Andrew M Ross E:~tra good value m bleached and un bleached cottons Andrew M Ross New embroideries new musha!i new curtams Andrew M Ross AT c. F. STEWART'S ·we are clearing out all our lines of Winter Dry Goods at very low prices Blankets at cost. Comforts at cost. Wool Goods at cost Ladies' Ulster and Mantle Cloths at cost Furs at cost Dress Goods at away down prices. Millinery Goods at One-Half the usual prices- Our stock is large and well-assorted, and all are invited to call and see the bargains we are offering. F. STEWART. We would call the attention of our customers and in- tending purchasers to the fact that our stuck is now com- plete for the Fall and " 7inter Trade. Our Flannels will be found extra good value and lower in price than ever before. Our assortment of Dress Goods at 10, 12~ and 15c. well worthy of your inspection. Ladies will find it their interest to inspect our new stock of Ulster and Mantle Cloths. We have also a complete range of Under- wear in Ladies and &ents, also Knit Jackets, Knit Shirts, Knit Shawls, Black Cashmere Gloves and Hose, all sizes, . IS to both in Ladies' and Childrens Our Tailoring Department contains the choicest most desnable patterns m Trowsenngs, Smtmgs, Overcoatmgs and elegant Vest terns, and a good fittrng Smt guaranteed or no sale and Pat- ANDREW M. ROSS. THE MOWAT MANUFACTURING a o' Y ., w A ITB Y :J ONT.:J MANUFAC1URERB OF THE CELEBRATED Centre-Cut Mower & The T urn6u/J Light B1~der .... "' <!) -0. E -Cll <!) .r:: !:-< niOBT !AID UU- nT. Wetght, 1,000 Pounds '0 <!) -'0 c as :I: .... rn <!) -rn as Ill Q) ...... .0 ~ ;:I Q Straw Cutters, Raymond Gnndmg Mills, Horse Powers, etc, and the well known W::S:ITEY TWO FURROW PLO"W"_ Repaumg a Specialty. A Large Vanety of Plow Pomts Alwa}'ll m Stock GLASGOW \¥A REHOUSE. R. & J_ CAMPBELL Reqmres to convert theu large stook of Dry Goods mto oash, m short notiCe, and to accomplish this they wtll offer them at stnctly COST PRICE, until 1st of March, so as to effect a clearance Parties reqmnng any of the undermentioned goods, will ..'lave at least 30 per cent on their purchases Consl8ting of Dress Goods, black a.nd colored, all kmds and quaht1es Black and Colored Silks, large stock Double and Smgle Wool Shawls, heavy Ladies' Mantles Heavy Underware Flannel Blankets Horse Blankets Shrrtmgs, Cottonades, etc CARPETS-Two-ply, all wool, Umon, Tapestry, Hemp, StiW' Carpet, Floor Oil Cloth. Boots and Shoes, all kinds and qualities Mens' Youths' and Boys' Overcoats Mena' Youths' and Boys' Smts Srngle Coats, Vests, Pants, Gloves, Mitts, T1es, Collars, Socks, Braces, Hats, Claps, etc , etc A lot of Persian Lamb Caps, at any pr10e half pnce Everything we hold must go Mens' and Boys' Underclothrng at Just Grocenes, Crockerv and Glassware m connection With the Dry Goods Department. 00'" Farmers Produce taken m exchange Call and examme the stock at an early day. R. & J. CAMPBELL. •

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