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Port Perry Standard, 12 Sep 1895, p. 1

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Trerms--$1.50 PER AN Ernménts to see the Oral obligation an) immediate and point at once of. }-opportunity--the mount duty which they owe to the common brotherhood of humanity. t a Gime ® rule under the incurably vicious domination of Islam is a huge and awful organic crime For the great goyerti are. Great Britain, the United States, tsiof Europe: their power to | ardg will be held in Winnipeg on y right has for- ' In the first place, the sultan_has tivonesonly on the conditio f Great Rriteinandeehis® f ; would years ago have gon ~ | piéces but for their guarantee and support. | Honore Mercier. ditions on the part of the sultanon| Mr. Alton F., Clerk's seat on the Mont- real Stock Exchange was sold for $3,300 to than at any-Othere ae Gro, H. N&WTON, Edlfors and Proprietors. which such protection has been extended have been defied and falsified in the most flagrant ways possible. horrors and massacres of Armenia, dupli- | ton for next year. cating those of Bulgaria, of Sidon, of Hos-| Arthur Duheme,@lad of twelve years, beiyo, and of Damascus, but rather the} was sentenced the other day' in Montreal comprehensively fiendish cruelty of the | © five years in the reformatory for till entire Moslem administration. neted a severe eold, which settled It is not alone the nd I did what is often done BS Birectorg. DR. S. J..MELLOW, (SUCCESSOR TO DR. MCDOWELL) 1, on examining m PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Perry t, Orangeville, Out. vy Pectoral 3 at World's Fair. A century ago such things might have | years an 1 failed to arrest the world's attention and Rs seemed in a measure tolerable ; to-day-- Ran Board of Education has unless every boast of our humaner era is @ ' itio sham and a falsehood--such things are past ehool of Pedagogy from Toronto to the point of being tolerable. words or Mr, Gladstone, a '* shout of ex- Prof. E. Stone Wiggins, of Ottawa, ecration from the whole world" has at last gone up. Armenia is not alone in being the | between the 17th aud 2ist inst. victim of all this unrelieved devil quality Office hours--8 to ro a.m., I to 3 p.m? and Telephone in office and house, open night and day, oyer the lines south con- i sidence of Dr. G. L. Rob- : a . nected with the residen Picea! PAMNESEION J. R. CRANT, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Norary AND CONVEYANCER, Office--Laing & Meharr MONEY TOPLOAN. J. BRITTON, (SUCCESSOR TO S, GRAHAM.) GENERAL BLACKSMITH Horse Shoeing a specialty. tion devoted to horses interfering or with bad In the sober DR. D. ARCHER, D. C. M. of Victoria University; M.B of Toronto University ; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont.; Li- centiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Member ofthe Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow; late Resident Pupil of the Rotundo Hospital, Dublin, for women, OrFice over A. J# Davis' Drug-Store, Port Perry ; RESIDENCE--3 doors west of Willard Block ; OrFICE HOURS9 to II a.m., 2105 p.m., and evenings. jock, Port Perry. Then the absolutely hopeless fact about this Moslem government is that nothing in |BHOps of the Richelieu and Ontario Navi- the way of fiendish oppressions and atro- cities to the point of unnamable tortures | jocated at Sorel. in Armenia or Bulgaria, in Syria or in Macedonia, but|mander-in-Chief of the Canadian militia, what was from the point of view of has taken passage by the Allan line Mohammedanism completely legitimate ; nothing but such things as Mohammed himself, by the testimony of all his own biographers and followers, did, commanded The feeling of the Turk or the kurd toward the Armenian as a 'Christian dog" is not,an exception ; it is the universal Moslem sentiment. Koran law itself no Christian has a right to live unless he has paid the 'tescape money." | overcharges on sugar imported last May. is no Turkish court where the} Mr. Wm. Kyle, of Toronto, the promot- testimony of a Christian is receivable er of the International Belt Line Railway Company of Niagara Falls, Ont., was arrested on Saturday on the charge of attempting to bribe a member of last-year's SLEIGHS--I also keep on hand a line of Sleighs which I wilk sell cheap. Shop at Ontario Carriage Works, next to R. NELSON, J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, s now putting in Upper and Under Setts of $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. aving just purchased the largest stock of Teeth ever brought into North Ontario, lam satisfied I can suityyou both as to quality and price. »Coméiand see. OOMS IN MRS#AdsLISON'S BLOCK, PORT PERRY RR Sie Van .. PRINCE ALBERT, ice Agent and Issuer 0 (Grain Merchant), Auctioneer and Valuator, Money to loan at lowest rates. Brock and Cedar Streets, Uxbridge. and gloated o7er. By the against a Moslem. By all the teaching of their religious system, there is nothing for the Jew or the Christian but a curse and | Council. As Dr. W. H. Thompson, himself born received from Lord Dufferin a beautif in Turkey, and as familiar with Arabic | his skill as a marksman. A letter of con Mohammedan literature as he is with the | gratulation accompanied the medal. : English, says in the September Harper's : Monthly in an article on "Islam and the "This incurable form of barbarism either must be left to complete its work of destroying the fairest regions of the globe or civilization must destroy it by | will be exceeded. the use of its strong arm." HOLLOWAY'S eat Household Medicineranks amon the leading necessaries of life. us Pills purify the BLOOD and owerfully, yet soothingly o: TOMACH, KIDNEYS, and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigour to * MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitu- tion, from whatever cause, has become im- They are wonderfully, efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females ! of all ages and as a GENERAL F MEDICINE are unsurpassed. Holloway's Ointment. ts searching and Healing properties are know throughout the world. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores & Ulsers, nfajlibie remedy. @® effectually. thé neck ard chest, as salt i SORE THROAT, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, andeven ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistu- , $1,500,000 $1,800,000 | a cc0 Eastern Question" : Under circumstances like those which now exist, for the great powers of Europe to leave the sultan with the sword of Mohammed still in his imperial sway-- in | to stop Sunday traffic. countries which but for his curseful rule would undergood lawsspeedily become filled with flourishing industries and happy homes--would be one of the culminating crimes of the century. such a government to be bidden go to its «ei Interest-allowed at highest current rates No notice of withdrawal required. W. E. CARSWEL WESTERN BANK OF CANADA PORT PERRY AGENCY. paired or weakened. It is high time for ar ASP. "De f AL Banking Business transacted. HYXIATED BY GAS. to Collections. Five Employes of the Providence Gas Co) -pany Meet Their Death While Rep > BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits received at highest Current rates. alated and credited to each de- ositor semi-annually. WM. McGILL Manager. NEW BARBER SHOP. A despatch from Providence, R.1 --Five employes of the Provideng pany went to their de: s the Weattield street o'clock on Wednesday afte tion by gas being the caus was a peculiar one, : gss had been det e company sent as. Gout, Rheumatism, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. The Pills and Ointment are manufactured only at 533 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and are sold by all vendors of Medicines through- | out the civilized world ; with directions for use in almost every language. Purchasers should look at the holder, 'men and a fore- the Meharry Block, noxt leak, which proved to = to cu to the Standard Office, wi hair and shave on the sho: and Children's hair ent our-inch main which supplies the West- field street holder with gas from the main DAVID J. ADAMS, BANKER AND BROKER. | Good Notes Discounted. 6 Oxford Street, London,th é rom the entrance of the holder to the cel- ee below begen. to WEE, On the -- valve. They discoanected it, and ti : e . a cloth bag about the large main, extendi: Sire See ee one teres oe tee f nd the street. The bag -an immense volume of gas rushed out. In takes to tell it all were HAS ANY AMOU: fONEY TO LOAN SNEED THE NEWS IN A NUTSHE of THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL | THE WORLD. {nteresting ems About Our Own Cou oF All Parts of the Globe, Condensed Assorted for Easy Reading. Mr. Peter Thompson, Supe: the Algonquin Park, is dead. The meeting to fix western gral er about thirty cases of) rin the city of Winnipeg at ent, Theréisa movement afoot in Mc Mr. A. T. Patterson. Mr. George E. Tuckett has announced tapping. : Mr, Wm. who was for fifteen on the Toronto police e conditions for the removal predicts that there will be very heavy Thursday morning. He fell on the track and was cut in two by a freight trair. adulterated. gation Company, which were burned down, in| Major-General Gascoigne, the new Com- steamship, Parisian, which sails for Mont- real on September 19. The deficit in Montreal's municipal efficient administration. Co., of Montreal, against the Dominion Pte. Hayhurst, G.M., of the 13th Ba Hamilton, winner of the Queen's prize, engraved silver medal, in reeoignitio and the North-West, believes that the Prof. N. F. Dupuis, of Queen's Univer" eria. request i: minent business men of Montreal, w PORT PERRY, THURSDAY, SEPT. 1g d.at Victoria, B, C., on Tues- hon August 23, cholera was e death rate exceedin fift The diseace is al Seer Herr Pfund, editor of the Berlin 2p waerts, has been arrested, and two edition been confiscated by the | upon the ground that the articles insulting to of his paper have waxy | Paper contained "Emperor William, _ The Soliel of Paris des in Madagascar, soldiers are confined as" rf cribes the hospitals. in which 2,200 French mere shells, crowd- é and manned by inefficient and incompetent doctors and nurses. There is likely to be trouble between England and Belgium over the death o the English-- trader, Stokes, who w hanged by the Belgians in the Con rge of selling arms with whom the Belgii rintendent of ] : pending the month of Sep- kers, is a fad started by 1at the defeat of the Healyite South Kerry bas so strength- e hands of Mt. Justin McCarthy Bare contemplated for the expul- Healy from the Irish party. 'hinese Minister at London has district, on a char, Lord Salisbury has in e Turkish Ambassador aves uesaa to erect a monument to the memoryof avcount of the ill-feeling crea red by higsenergetic action at the time of the oufrages on the missionaries, The Trades'? Union 'Congress, in session at Cardiff, on Thureday passed a resol condemning Emperor W)lliam's interfer with the liberty of the prees,and express. sympathy with the workingmen of Germa: in their struggle for liberty. powers will undertatee refarms in Arnienia, tinues to resist, it would be the signal the dismemberment ot Turkey. : "7 A cablegram from Shanghai says% the rebellion in the Province of Kan- is becoming formidable, the insurgents having organized an arm eleven citicg. It is reported that the } Goverament at Pekin meditates callin ia tor aid in suppressing t and if the Ports con himself as a mayoralty candidate in Hamil- y and captured | "L.t Instruction was given the Parliamentary Committee of the British Trades Uniot Congress to prepare a bill limiting the hours of labor to eight per day in all trades and occupations in the United Kingdom, with a view of getting it passed through Parlias --_--_--_--_ oo ted Chief of Police o ag 5 POISONED YOUNG PITEZEL. Correspondence between the British Im- erial Federation Committee and the Linisters of State which was published in London on Saturday indicates that the .colonies of Great Britain may be called upon to contribute towards the cost of ing the Imperial navy. Mr, dames LowtherjM. P. for the Isle of Thanet, division of Kent, presided at a meeting in London on Thursday, at which it wasresolved to address a manifesto to the English people in tavour of the adoption ot a protective policy, with preferential treatment of the British colonies. The London Times_rezently published a Andrew Carnegie, who urges that paper to exert its influence to bring about a pacific solution of the Irish question, which, he says, is unfortunately an American question also, castin; baneful influence over American politics. The British Government, upon the re- tirementeof the Duke of Cambridge from the "post of Commander-in-Chief, establish a council for naval defence, to act in conjunction with the Army Board, ftimes lounged about his drug store, ac- consisting of the new Commander-in-Chief and the four other heads of the military Gave the Boy Cyanide of Potassium--Fee of the Victim Unearthed Partially A despatch from Indianapolis, Ind., says :---The coroner's jury has brought in a verdict that the remains of the body found in the chimney hole of the house at Irvington arethe remains cf young Howard Pitezel, and that he came to his death through the instrumentality of cyanide of potassium administered by H. H. Holmes. Interesting testimony was given by Drug- gists Navin and Perry. that Holmes visited his store frequently during the first week of October. times he purchased a solution of cocaine, ' and one time called for four grains of morphine, dissolved in a two-drachm vial Dr. Navia readily recognized Druggist Perry stcrms on both the Atlantic and Pacific John Garvey, an old C.P.R. employe at Armetia's condition, just now | Rat Portage, was stunned by lightning on so thrust into the eye and the burning abhorrence of the world, is not singular, but is typical of the condition of all the Chris- tian subjects of the sultan, whether in European or Asiatic Turkey. The laboratory branch of the Inland Revenue Department analyzed over 1,000 samples of food, drugs, etc., during the last year, of which 159 were found letter from Mr. John Navin said It has been definitely decided that the and are to be rebuilt, are again to be him by the photograph. sold Holmes at one time a pound of chloro- This was on Oct, 2, Holmes several companied by a little boy, wom he said was his son, and for whom he. bought can- dies. As recognized by the photograph, the boy was little Howard. Dentists and doctors also-ccntributed to the evidence that the remains were those of young treasury will compel the city to impose a special tax rate, or else to cut down UNITED STATES. expenses toa point which will jeopardize ges Temple at Boston was dam- Suit has been entered by John Pinder & ate hae Ge TARTU Drs. Thompson and Barnhill cleaned up some of the bones found. intestines and stomach, with parts eliver and spleen, were found ; also Yarst vertebrae at the base of the skull, the Adam's apple and the cheek bones. The physicians say there is are the remains ofa bi The Aurania, said to be the largest Government for the recovery for fourteen | lake steam vessel afloat, was laurched at hundred dollars, the amount of alleged The lower part Aftér a very thorough test the experts declare that the United States battleship Iowa will keep out the projectiles of the best 12-ihch gun afloat. The worst disaster in the copper mining history 'of Michigan occurred at Osceola copper mine, where thirty men are imprison- ed in a burning mine, with all hope of no doubt that these oy theage of Howard red-mass that-was imney hole 15 teeth were found. Dr, J. Q. Byram, a dentist, sorted the teeth and found seven upper and eight lower teeth. He set these in imita- | Pitezel and his three children, of Minnie 'tion jaws of plaster paris, and they were Williams, and many others, since he has been in prison in Philadelphia has written a book, by the sale of which he hopes to realize enough money to pay counsel for his H. H. Holmes, the alleged murderer of put away in the box that went to the coroner, where was also found a piece of the lower lett jawbone containing the soc- kets of a six-year-old molar. HOW IT IS SUPPOSED HE DID IT. The physicians are of the opinion tha! Holmes gave the boy cyanide of potassium and while he was under the influence doub fed the body up and put it into the stove, after which he covered it with cobs, pieces of the trunk and chunks of wood, Mr. James: Fletcher, entomologist and botanist of the Experimental farm,who has returned to Ottawa from a trip to Manitoba i ' All the girl stu. College, Alliance ss of Mount Union ; "Ohio, struck against obeying the order which required them to visit the gymnasium, their objection being exercising before a male instructor. faculty yielded, and appointed a female Goverfnment's. estimated wheat yield of twenty-seven and a half bushels to the acts The Lord's Vay Alliance of Hamilton intend prosecuting the steamboat and rail- re b isn't it 2" _{° Y-e-s," she reluc realizing tha: ground, a. Ha! ha Ws don't you rem house--ha ! ha '« But we get along Bowser, wondering ho: when T ought to be ness. On the 8t got to thinking a! escape, and I Taughe at me. Wasn't t escape--ha ! ha ! ha? ** Any news in w queried as he held hi * Nothing to spe remember of my tak hammock on the roof, topes broke one nigh some of these funny. my adventures what make ! Have you fo: dose of that dandru' tonic--ha! ha ! ha!" "That was funn Bowser in spite of "Funny ! It was di the time I had the : he my night-shirt al wonder that you long as you have." notions, but I hope in your oddities." you've boughs hens: laid an egg, and "Are you talking he saturated the pile with coal oil and re~ duced everything, as he supposed . ashes. After the body was destroy the stove cooled down, ashes into the st way companies which have been running in or near Hamilton on Sunday, with the object of securing a decision from the courts us to the power of the present law "Since the recent speed performances on the English West Coast and East Coast railway, between London and Aberdeen, which showed the remarkable feat of covering 540 miles-in 538 miuutes, the officials of the New York Central have been studying the figures,and it is reported that a movement ia on foot to show that Amerjcan locomotives can make better time than the English flyers. George Fraker, of Topeka, Kansas, the ho was supposed to have been drown- ihe Missouri river two years ago, was in the woods near Tower, Minn., Fraker's life was insured for d the heirs brought 'suit to he case went to the Supreme Was one of the most famous sity, Kingston, has witten a letter protest" ing against street watering as being foolish and dangerous. He says the consequences eterioration of the streets and the to unhealthiness, as dust is better ght about the discevery of t Boys digging under the Holmes in an unfinished portion of the cellar the two feet of Howard Pitezel. "Th been burned, but not destroyed, an evidently too bulky to putinto the chimney f Montreal are to establish an ith 1 ry's e ce if second A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. An Indiana Man Kills Two of His Rela tives and Commits Suicide. A despatch from Sullivan, Ind., saya:-- The most horrible murder.and suieide in the history of this county were enacted on 2 . James Ward killed er-in-law,and John being recorded last month, 20,000 had been offered for jal advices from the United 't trade as being well maintain- ed despite the slacking off in general demand which the holidays and the sum. ys entail. There is at present an 3 this oa ' fe committee decided by a unanimous rote 'to refuse the company's A new ship canal at Sault Ste. Marie, Opts was jpformally opened on Saturday ! aiieinees sk Samaras Majestic, bee ti . the newest ian built nger boat, : Be este ee the being the first one locked through the increase over the general 1 ticeab : lately has been the general check to what | ,. appeared like a remarkably rapid advance 'in prices, Of course the most satisfactory 7 point in the situation is the certainty that .are large and well secured, t ies of damage from frost being now Cotton is short in canal, The channels are well buoyed out, older on Globe street. The men had just | 924 4 depth of 17 feet in both approaches from dinner at 1 o'clock, and | i# well assured. ene Se wn the wooden stairs which lead|~ A series of very sensational incendiary cases will come betore the Montreal courts atan early date, On Saturday warrants educed to a minimum. yield, and comparatively firm in price. r was sittir g _ the neck with an 'split wide-open. When struck the prostrate body the.head. .The axe sank |, e murderer then pro- e head of his victim about. ne eané aad flood in the vicinity'of Lisbon. Sven Loven, the distinguished Swedish alist, is dead, at the age of eighty-six } d acoon, and asked him. help to fell the tra- Aman was arrested in the atte af younger Hunter o-*-~ 'omb in Rothschild's Bank. at Wm. De , eve sarmplopel eee ogee , was aught in tl r shaft on Wed--~ "Se holies t was necessary ~<ine order * += tore her. es wWhy, yes," g thousands 0! a sensible instance of my "JJ don't thing yor agant. You simply d have cranky notion: 2 thin uu sank 7? | she hesitatingly ropes and straps to pi KLE No. 1 jeeding for Pasture. drought that has prevailed ections and the failure of clover ed sown 3 -placed~many ele seriously close places as regards manent pastures show failing mount of pasture and has failed nd from last fall and spring's doing some solid'thinking and how he shall prevent a simi- 1 next year and come out serious a loss. In many sec 8 Timotliy is sown as the pasture and 'Y crop, other grasses being indigenous to extent, blue grass and red top. e these latter do not come in natural- ly, Timothy is often the whole dependence. Without "special care, top dressing with manute or other fertilizers, it will ge poorer every year. If clover is sown within x usefulness of the Timothy will be prolonged as it feeds on t osited by the clover. ields thatthe farmer intend next spring, will have to be held an; peskeewil be less valuable next t help of some kind to improve nd many fields used as permanent pastures under dry weather conditions have shown sparse plats where it is naturally expected to find the best pasture. pastures can be much improved by cutting up these spots where the grass has failed or is very thin with a disc machine of some pattern, working till a good seed bed is secured with the use of a drag harrow or When the lund is in prime order a light seeding of rye, three pecks or one bushel per acre, should be sown as soon as possible, and under favorable weather con- ditions will give a fair amount of pasture 'this fall. When cooler weather comes, the usual time for fall seeding to Timothy, at least four quarts of Timothy sced per acre This will be sufficient quantity of Timothy if itis to be followed with other grasses, blue grass red top, and Such of these are suited to the locality and use for which it is desired. Blue grass naturally belongs to limestone soils, but will do well in the prairie soils of It does wellisown with Timothy late ithe fall at the rate of one bushel per One advantage in sowing rye as a protecting crop, it gives a quicker growth to forage than anything else that can be sown at this time of the year. grazing the rye any time that the land is in condition for them to goon it will not injure the young Timothy ; and the blue grass, as it is slow to start, willcome on by the time the Timothy begins to fail. Many places in pastures where the land is spouty or wet, red top willithrive better than Timothy or blue grass. first. places that Timothy fails in our fields are these wet spots, Jt will thrive well if sown with Timothy in rye as a protecting Blue grass or red top would doubt- less thrive remarkably well after clover, sown on fields when the clover has begun to fail. While it is.claimed that it will not do to sow clover and blue grass together, itisa fact that blue grass thrives best with some | leguminous plant-to feed the soil. Orchard grass can algo be sown in tall in connection with other grasses mentioned. It needs to be sown on well prepared soil and lightly covered. tempted combinations for: We are not careful enough about seeding rieties Suited tolthe soil. a 3 } p believe there's & house bette "this. Itisealways spic-span ing is wasted, and your bump omething remarkable," ally glad to hear you say so," Bowser as her face lighted up. y best, but there are times | 4 ma regular old crank," he fin- & laugh. Well, don't let that ou. No matter how big a cr~u® you are duly appreciated. what notions a man gets i tly replied, fully Avastreading on dangerous ! Balu: remember how I hat bedroom carpet and save fifty cents ! anky notions, And ow I triedto clean should be town. -gone funny! And pe ard thoughe I ha! I expect I'm came home and have stood 1 "You've had a good iten fail in ate direction. I expect you'y $3,000 since we were marri "How thrown away?" arply Mr, Bowser as he instantly sobered "'Why, you've paid as high as $3 horse not worth $50; you've boug! a high price which you had Watering Horses. nglish veterinarian writing to the Stock Journal, says: fies hard, but the hardest of all to the minds of grooms is that it is is to give a horse a drink of cold 'when he is heated frem exercise : o, when I used to train horses for in India, I grappled with this dice, and clung to it with such tena t that"T used consfantly to have horses Of their feed after a strong gallop day Treturned to the messhouse very very tired aftera longrun, and s t fitte mentally put my- e of a race horse, d myself, 'a better appetite if Prefrain from drinking till or if I have a drink right hat I could rot eat hearti- st of all a drink, 1 took 3 80 fitetoeat, and fbeefatea ks moun - etary eenat tee treatment on my he demanded as he rose she replie 'ood-natured talk days all the trainers in eir Tace horses about half a "water to drink immediately gallop, and with the best results as wards the appetites and health. I have J}not alone never seen, but have never even read.of any harm'to a horse from drinking cold water when he was heated. T hav', however, seen hundreds of cases of colic occurin horses from drinking water after being fed on occssions when they had, previous to eating been deprived of water all grooms to follow you ye to be a thousand about being cranky. covered any evidence many an honest and hard working veter- 'was : inary surgeon would find his income from a 'asn't that fire escape a cranky idea?" | colic cases seriously diminished," ueried, » i «* Not a bit of ho the slightest! ' ase as any sensible e, and the only reason it is now in the garret is becausé you cut the, eces to display your ve accomplished Poultry Notes. The best poultry keeper is a woman ; she has more patience and a better knack ils of the business ; but when ie wife lend-a hand at ch a purch spite. Mrs. Bowser, youha 3 ject? ® this duty és left.to

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