_|of November;-but begins plowing »v WEEK OE Sui sercieae eee -Don't tobacco Spit or sm away is the truthful, startlin book about No-To-Bac, the h 'guaranteed tobacco habit cw braces up nicotinized ner the nicotine poison, makes gain strength, vigor and manh run no physical or financial risk, as To-Bac is sold under guarntee to oe or money refunded. Book free, Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St: Paul St, Montreal. Sold by C. H. Allison. .--* WHITBY. ten some of | operating. ae ' .} Mr. H. H. Bishop has disposed stallion. Golden Bow, to Mr. F .S., of Sutton, and has pure : ear-old Patrick Boy. : i the honest sportsman : young men, while hoeing tur- put up with skim-milk, | yj A. Skene's farmaast week, lest one carries off the | uncove - ee relics of ae Mee In- ave Sail his is | @cintribes--flint spear point, a long < fe agua ¢ : ee one and other shorter or broken CavUre, OL The Present (Act, | dark colored ones: should very smuch like to see fe pOrtations . From Manufacturing Centres in Ss the Old Country. he middle Se. ee man disposed of and his profits ; E y er : » Fhat is Why a "ss Soon CO 2 ie Ee "Sarsaperilla are CURES. © +3 . : a At ie "9 : és ser % ; ter. Two Gallons. the cures by Hood 8 Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water, add the ; extract, and bottle; putin a wa ce for twenty- four hours uatil it ferments. e on ice when it will ope: 'Aling and pe | October 1st and 2nd. <6 jal or Mr. Thomas Stephenson has { a coal and wood business in conn with his carriage works. Mr. Fred. Edwards left on Tuesday on atrip to the Northwest Territories. iY: He will be absent about a month, although the : : oa : ; Sede. Master Russel Vallentyne, fell on Sat- homeward ' ¢ ill. stand the closest | ae ps wy last and broke the bone in his het ee Permanently Cured ae Thorold, of Jamestown, North at seer ona He ss oa to a distinct articulation. A : st ( arsapari 5 Se ee : Dakota, has decided to return to Cann- whatever ees a its ur Syst«m is Strictly Educational. ington to practice liis profession. ao Write for Circulars." i, Salt Rheum and all other | _ ases, even 'whéni all other | ns and prescriptions fail. Why the testimonials in | Ul S % Mutual Advantage, Mutual Profit, and Mutual Satistaction to customers and ourselves; These facts are. apparent to any one who will take the trouble to look through our magnificent collection oi Dry Goods for the eoming season, Another fact whi¢h will be sel fevi- | Whitby. Shiloh's Cure, ther; ae dent to all who have observed res i : g 3 strictly true. No Advance,Fee. vr m the trend of-values, is the unmistake- On Wednesday, while playing at! | See > ' > a ate aud natal ndjance all sang the | ol dager of Mr Wot Bou oom a ie das es ee sae ptreors, aa line. Fortunately for us and opr pat- can afford OemMheir child n, Wilfred, fell and broke her arm. be Childven: love 6 Bot Ay hoe: 5 a 3 pet rons, a!l of our orders, both foreign and domestic, were placed very early, when values had touched the lowest poititever known to-the trade. . izl's Clover Root will purify your | Davis, Druggist. lear your complexion, regulate | - My, Wm. Richardson leaves on ™ wels and make your head clear |) attend Upper Canada Colle . 2%c., 50c., and $1. Sold by |study for his matriculation, after vis, Drugeist. he will likely return to the law offiet i % ASHBURN. Mess: ows McGillivray oe ' John Tarvis presented ber bus-|"Perry is far from: well again. It erit haye come, held vith a fne young boy since I} honed his sojourn at. Muskoka wont you last. n, but it A ( "porary favor, and are heard 3 have proved beneficial to him iza Rontley has returned home ne ee Se oreee had rather the contrary effect. ce Hd gat page eee Ai ENDLESS VARIE a ™ us i { ; 8 SON. ople are not in a position boys and girls to the 5c. Japan the best 2 ea cs on, life instead of Why. the sale = while other We are therefore in a position to-day. to sell many lines of» goods at presen actual wholesale price, and..yet ave a margin of profity. : 2 LADIHG I You will be glad to know that we have received the major portion of. our Oh Country Dress Goods; we have many | that is, there are too many ob novelties and our young ladies will take: - sandwiched in with wha Seen pene' in showings A purely A cers " uuderstands the cultivateds fifth form -for commercial work pais) a] pa Tag Schools should only take pen Ship, commercial book-keepise, business forms pondence, a say short-hand. let the pupil take up any or all of thi a at to the time he at his disposal. A bos by having t subjects limited to a fe pfeeer mercial branches tike, more in one yearthan of time spent in the higy who are going to learn trades positions in mercantile life if they belong to parents 2 | circumstances, haye «0 lon Spend than a year at ny special attention to a comm course. And here it may be rema for just this same reason thes? school commercial course is defe ree weeks. ¥eu we . 0. Tucker, the sovereign balm Laboratery isthe srorld. ma, yasin town Jast week. He has That is Why it is a true nerve : AT i ses May and Jessie Fisher have Garreatly duvi th t k r returned to ae after spending a Oreo vi warren: aes oe Jom tonic, oe ne 7 ness by ona souple of wéeks with friends here. from blood-poisoning, caused by a sting the neryes on pure blood, and builds MISS McKENZIE 19 } ' fazel, the only daughter of Jas. and | from am insect. upall theorgs thebody. , D U U B | j nah Wilkin, died .from the effects} Mr. John Hopper has been an official |» That is HE. TAILOR, mmation of the eyes andmeasels. | of this town for thirty-one years, and d cas | has taken but one week's holiday during H qd' y. Arthur Everett, of Greenbank, } . : ' - eoa s md late with Mr. Isaac Burchill, has i that time. That's pretty steady work, ah? aken unto himself a wife. Congrat- eh eS eae ulations. a A cure for deafness.--There havé) : --s t Recent visitors:--Mr, Smith Wilson, |&e? many remarkable cures Of dest | Re Sic F eer ae eee ness made by the use. of Hagyard's : t , Or Scarhoro Mie Barts Henderaan, of tiow oll the gredineusrholdremeay| FU Blood Fur : j : 7%. for pain, inflammation and soreness. | Prominently in the public eye today. Be E on ae S vn My ce Yellow Oil cures Rheumatism, .Sore | sure to get Hood's and only Hood's, wy ; Mr. : " 5 gist = Throat and Croup, and is useful inte E | A young man, late of Mount Zion, | nally and externally for all pains @ Y Hi | spent Sunday oflast week in our midst. injuries. ee : Our Wer i D 'time to | visiting friends, and in the evening he| 'as Mr. Jas. Rowe, west of the tows Nc Siasbdbcot cog t, Sad with proceeded to Myrtle, where he hired was tieing a bull in the stall after lead- @\ der it you | FOR have bitter taste, offen- NICE site breath, sick headache, F I a } N G slight fever, re 4 | heart in the | one of Mr. Barret's finest rigs, with the |ine if into the stable, the beast attack- {to get well| full expectation of taking one of our fair} eq him and twice struck him on the weight orfull- S U ITs ness in thes = cS e stomach,{]= mtine work, or | ladies for a drivé, but when he got to} ehest with its horn. Mr. Rowe was ry Byerywherewe £0 wesin' some abe heartburn, or nauses. Hood's Pills rouse AND SPILL WE TRAD There is a charm about the sty aud finish that gives them a pre ence over all competitors. _We- Just weceived from Maz Miiller & of Berlin, Germany, a consignment their famous Mantles which will confirm amorg our customers the cellent eens of German- ties in Golf Capes specially ada: the large dress sleeve. £ e z oe aK a x Better Results and Increasing Satisfactio -as can be taught)}her house she 'thanked him for~ his! > Ini i 2 rk. There is noj kindness, but said she did not care to go | ¢ neha he. ee Mr. Rowe icherin charge} for a drive that evening. P. S.--Our | thinks the attack- was caused by the al course | advice to him would be to engage the | heast becoming angered at being taken toa large | girl first and then hire the rig after- | from the field. = E = ee desir to | wards. . Have folloyse@the abolition orth 1 i SPI ho has b d by Hood's Sarsa- i ili FOR : ot the Mai 1 ' ITFIELD who has been cured by Hood's Sarsa-| ¢ne liver, cure biliousness, restore proper 5 ket. Futter is now bought on its meri Bre 'ot yop : -- , ees x parilla, and people on all hands are| digestion, expel accumulated farpuritieny - . - and customers have at all tin t : Miss Annie Moore is visiting friends | praising this great medicine for what| eureconstipation. 25cents. Prepared only | The Latest) New York Styles to select : option of cash or trade. People wha i €_% Course | at Pinedale. it has done for them and their friends.| by 0.1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, U. 8. A, from. 2 have not been in our town for years are : Mr. William Raine is spending a. few | Taken in time Hood's Sarsaparilla pre- , now coming here with their, butter, days in Toronto visiting his brother. vents serious illness by keeping 'the mia ee which speaks volumes for our method of : : : doing business. Bring along your but- - a aocni a tie dea ET ota ter and eggs, any day in the Week, and present at the oe ee a few days at the Hill-side purifier. Hood's Pills become the get your cash if you prefer it. At the héid at Man- | S#0ck farm. ; favorite cathartic with every one who same time this will afford you an oppor- eve. Munro in| Some where about $85 were realized | tries them. 25c. per box. tunity of looking through our 'magnifi- | t ee from the harvest home festival held on} 4. Juqe@e Dartnell was interested in cent stock which now awaits your judg- ications were) Thursday eyening. the great cricket match at Toronto. on blood pure and all the organs in a healthy condition. It is the great blood The Large*t Assortment of Fire WORSTEDS AND TWEEDS | _ 3 See our NEW Seer OVEN WOOD COOK, it is cortectly named : To be found in Town, ¥ eee Rs Prom Ho. T oe vedere 4 oan ee school auesday, Mr. J. B. Dow ae ae -- ' =. a Davi Beer Dass situation as Com-; Whitby division court on Tuesday, es 29 : : s § ee David ee mercial traveller. which lasted but three minutes. there GOOD) G&G EL Es Ee 3 {amount of posts and ¢ being but one judgment summous to. pe | Farmers are busy Peepers thee | lands for fall wheat. A Jarge amountdisposed of. At the Oshawa court' on the ground and is being sown this fall... "y, Weduesday, Judge Dartnell only dis- claims, were used By the signs of the times our shoe: | posed of two judgment summonses, as ? es 2 E s, Deaco a B ak : maker and «becécooper: ines> the two cases on the docket wee seftl- < : ; ss : : coinempiitaien ce ce cape out ofecurt> eee. ' : FN a), cre: £6 Fi halt of | ohn p ng visit to| Ctllen Perry, che youngest son of fo to . < the township in Ma were culled from his ¢¢ one of these Stoves is prepared with a full ges at prices ! comers as our And. we promise perfect goed cheer in the home w placed. We invite you all to call and:see us as w assortment of the wellknown "STEWART" Sto which are sure to please you. We especially in¥ special discounts will sa action 1] ; willing | Pinedale Monday evening. What at {8nd Mrs. J. H.-Perry, tell out of the the three | traction is there Will? . ~ eae Se ee -- ie aN a | verandah and then rolled and fell to the | Hope: Mrs Leiteh's mother spent last jToUnd. At fret it was thought he had bert, enclos- | week at the parsonage, Greenbank. received internal injuries which wouid submitted to Aad probably prove fatal, but he is all rigs t court of revision| . Mr. Joseph Town has leased a farm again save a much bruised face and a ied to have their | from Mr, Archman at Epson for a term | black eye. These boys of the Regis- list, but have been | Of years, now occupied by Mr. McDon- | trar's seem possessed of a mania for ac Sd Se 1 : a a fe ide Hou com pete acrobatic. eo oe P : ; f -_ G.L. Asling, of the hill side stock |would appall most og ' se : ieee ruggist i sf Beate farm has built a silo. He is a feeder. Cullen desired to beat tie feat: aco: i etime ago by his elder bro \ \ Z tissues of the larynx or. He is fitting up his stock for the exhibit- ! plish 5 ion and local fairs. er, an ems to be entitled -«: Eave Troughing and General Jcbbing always-a Port Perry, Sept. tth, 1895; © 2 _ i Don't forget the place, With a cough, cold or sore throat. Use a remedy that rélioves from the start, soothes | ue) and heals the inflamed ' Sis \ Re ii tilt S| property, eropsand-s while he sleeps, . The lowest prices you ever heard of are not. as low as ours in Men's Plow ») Boots, School Boots and Women's Footwear. free of charge. ear and. Fit Guarant Remember al! work so?d by us if it rips, is repaired ae? Made Work, cialty. ie oma OR Bo St trrmeighien aS Hees : ' sats Sy é Movs sat ome ' - . "Leno in Mr. Geo. Wallace, of Pontypool, late prize. FolbWheats ieee. akc $o 55 to $0 57 PY NY-PECTO RAL g : usiness and the house of Mr.|system during the past week. The success. Boys, | lights will cost 2c. each per night 30to 35 ---- oa . 4oto. 40 LARGE BOTTLE 25 CENTS. | The Shoe Trade win house, as the lights will burn lon hours. But lights for the kitchen, bed d é [ i : 2 : Remember we carry the Finest and Chomest Stock each per night.. The lamp furnish: : toe General and Nervous Deblll ere a? = eg grand: yi) Rerout aot iee pee aT . : : ty, Childrens' Footwear in the County. tom . = : est of the customer not to burn | me <The wheat boom last tights longer than nccessary, | fa g r.. Prof: W mo é male quartette, of Uxbridge, gave fine} imely _ reminder. _ | selections, a youngman from the same pee mores ie Port x say The electrie light works have been pple teat eee ys 5510: 57 Cee ; " S . '6 * . es ~ eae 4 ake i. S = ey purchase e merchant tailor-|puttingin the new incandescent Wight. Ose eek ce - ledge of the diseases it was created to Tells the Sta S business places. The same rate ee a 4 ee ia as you taken advantage 6 a ains in Boots, Shoes, Su "ea and Raisins P S32 <rooms, ete., which would be requis LOST OR FAILING. MANHOOD, s ; ' Raisins yx a shorter space of time, will cost : As these lamps are suppo: burn 1,000 hours only, it is in the Spas ' evidently a scheme to make : 1 Se ae in the repla and b : e 'om quently . = AC'| place with the trombone did fine exe-| pecul The eution as soloist and altogether this y reduced in -st & : »g|and vigor, poorly prepared tt robably the best of Semties aha eeaneer oe inte The and then across t si : | bowels, the great highw in the ny, is es ecially liablest ei The nervous