ar Turus --$1.50 PER ANNUM. ] VOL. 31 NO. 36 at beverage Way did Che Lot Berry Standard | DA. CHAPMAN, A ; : < : ti {oe tombe : i { i on Victoria visited ¢ --IS PUBLISHED-- Teacher of Piano, Harm v e boeee and conferred tie ao eS pet oa ae i isters. Fo le ian Order ane EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Be ee se lon Order upon Capt. AT THE OFFICE, Pupil of Edward Fishe gs Christian Re. | 1 F co 2} LGHE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE In view of the suffering QUEEN STREET,PORT PERRY. |J.H. Anger. Mus, Bag a Huge Blun S aMomanawhe f : WORLD OVER. ere a an the on Pigs Ss ; ronto Conservatory of fs ae : nto Cons ¥ 0 od's id Him in her ar. April 16 beishsarved aa = aS Spirit e ZEUS 0. uding@ountry thet having ar RATES ADVERTISING. Tor particulars. F bathe, and here is a tinctu nd His last fritnd Hinteresting Items About 0: iati t a cass 2450 ele a ; ae z end, | 7 int ur Own Country, iation and#frayer fo ; * Ten lines an@.unger--4 insertions......$1,CC address 3400Naa a one ee ne gore oF Pr be, His moiiher." Great Britain, the United States, and M. Zaimist P bore? a : be = Above ten lj. s, Ist insertion per line.. ¢°IC} 5). a gga Caekie! Tor all thé agonMayca sess compres od 1 "| All Paris of the Globe, Condensed and sing'e Greek legislative body, has sé % s Each subseqtient insertion.....-....... Prof, Bal | the ages, a joke! Milliong} pip: cihee De |) Assorted ter Rasy Reading. Mr. Giadstone 3 ee at are eae ssiness: Cards, six j tees willing with uplifted liandd jp Thee as ee tude for the, stand he has taken - eee castes Carts, sx IN orate to aven to-affirm: that the Gos-Bg; -e uel re ia it of Greece. and the Greta irist- ner Rigg annurn. sus Christ is full of conso joronto Civic Hotiday will be held} "| Belo' : " ; : con a tion..ut them, and yef infidelity pro- pust 2. ; ; Despatches received from ranged sh. Rebbins ¢0 take her ¢)isi e , of musiggunu will contirie the same, end trust | "© aos an "rage the Opposites | noses to take it away, giving nothi : ae The Sunday car vote will be taken capital of the Philippine Islands " by st tention to his duties tomerit 2 larze PRau 07 'accept. theDivine veracity. absolutely nothing, except "fun. > | Merciful and the et / Deronto on Saturday, May 158 ~ that the insurgents have killed 7 a Caves gighage from tire, music loving eiti- here are many in our time who there any ter height or depth, o% ition: hiahes WATE eG Be =. eee 8 * al monks, and. tha' bin seat : Han this town and vicinity. , Rooms setae ; f # ee :| length, or Breadth, or immensit 'ations which infidelitye fo coal has been discovered on the churches of. Re rned: ' 'Blank Forms, Circulars, Chee Whavye*dared arraign the Almighty for si , ; D orting, and has su shores of La Winnipeg. Enda of Buena Vista, Guid meanness: Wall God's univ rds, Receipt Books, Ball ery Sstyle.and color, can E promptly, and at lower pri other establishment in the County NEWLON BROS., Dd mpraehs institut ns : : 'The TLondon Coun Rumors _ are still Seaaale 02 ; ae Ist God and> the ngland bas acquired an island. ia - d= the ; and these are strength: t aon oueet Rawson! shortly fr Jape Town with soll orders in ihe direction of 'the falséhooa. Infidelity is pot only 9a); plague, but is the Mother of Plag alt seems from what we hed DAVID J. ADAMS | ie cities tust tne atocain accel BS taught most reasonable terms. ~ humanity. WON, BANKER AND BROKER, Wof thé creation is an absurdity large Fe igi if ny Fe ea » |enough to throw all nations into rol | jleved. « T kno ea rted from; Porch otis 'oo. = < ete E liveth." Infi¢ rbsti- 5 e Town hat ' 5s » : Good Notes Discounted, | licking enffaw; that Adam and Ye) tute a religion ives for ve secured Inyach island, \ never existed; that the ancient flood } our espn of ae , : Meal ofish Bey fro 2 Et garihind f2ck.. au See san Ae : Tons Mie Faw ep ibilities; Fi igh of- reunion a 'AJ muidion. warts try" a * Hee ANT OU A A OF y a Noah's Ark were aoe and Tees a a Ruonshia Is. of |'sex hatchery have been placed in to take possession ot -- WOWEY Td LOAN AT 5 PER CEN that there never was a miracle; " and glorious worship and tupendous d; | Ontario. 1 and declare it British ter- » ; a the Bible is the friend of cruelty, Of} victory, the mig f joy of earth not €| New York capitalists propose to build 3 : ; On Good Mortyages murder, of polygamy, of all forms of gn noe t pe 3 ene tan electric road between London and hea Ge ee ae steamer , --__ : Se thristian religion | & imalaya Of uplifted splendor ee m1 taney. : Ff ; 'rora has returned from the North z Insurance effected at the lowest rates, in pase aes ee see ef oie awaiting all those, who, on adie of ae ats ee ae th " ote anew Pubiic School ee he, and Atlantic with a full cargo of 27,000 seals the best Companies. Agen{ Allen Line of| e Re A Lo eae aA And ae faith ot} aes F f ange 'Sabb t, Brantford, to cog $14,- all liver troubles, Th y are a ay me aan experix : ae -- Gieamsiibe cation; that the Bible from lid to furthermore, nnot be an infidel}, ahi er | let. : Boe ae any years. The Aurora re- I "+ Office hours--8 to 10. Ito 3 p.m. and Be ee a fable, a cruelty, a humbug, a | because of the false ¢harges of infidelity: > ore baad : Be ie cthe Bank "ot sugar-coated, and so perfectly ee tet the other) ships have had a ee oe EW : sham, a lie: that the martyrs who|J8, all the time making against Hee sefulness to.say no of the great i rd the Indian famine re-| Prepared, that they cure with- ee Cmecmion. apén Aight and day, oyer the lines south con- i ' : : Bible. Perhaps the slander that has future. This is Christianity, mae | thed $4,210 E The British steamship Caspian of a fae ee "ante: C. L. Reb. : Z died for its truth were miserable dupes, made the most impression and that}j q7.7) ig Infideut 1s) eS aee | lief fan ed: $4,210. : out the annoyancesexperienced | the Allan Line, arrived at St. John's Coe ee ee ae BES that the Church of Jesus Christ is pro- | some Christians Baye not been intelli-(f 5 jenadioti Sa Ar et oh _ Abouts Dusheis of last. sea- in the f Newfoundland, after a severe passage oe % E. BROAD ly gazetted as fool: that when | gent enough te isthat the Bible ponus ej eee? ee ppous' Mi wheat crop are said to use of so many of the | of 16 days from Glasgow. during whict mS : re 9 meny Bazetted as a 1005 ve. whe |favors polygamy, amlDoes the God of jg -2¢8 cinched what tom To fight Se sticks iis cf Manitoba farm-| 431 h k . her wheelhouse and all | s : : ER D. ARCHER, Wishes to Inform the public gensrally that he has} Thomas Carlyle, the sceptic, said: "The | 4), Bible a Chola Bcamy. or did: He? pristine ee is tig.entire busi-|a,, 4 Pils Se the market. Ask your wae, awanee ie al ae S22 NT D EM of Victoria University; M.D [ES he Slasdned' Oca, Pierce te rorassts eat Bible is a noble book," he wasdropping | How many wivegadid God. mal for |f;, "pe coblete mide of Infidel: | oy Stim Government bas siop-| druggist for Ayer's Cathartic | was killed aM twodPanon cond N on 'ORentS University ; Member of the | hair and shave on the shortes poseible notice: Ladies | into imbecility; that when Theodore | Adam? He made one wife. Doe¥ not r schoo!s, her colleg a asylums, pec ths ce of giving prisoners) Diffs When other pills won't injured F College of Physicians and Burgeons, Ont. :.Li- | SBgmae eam eae OuPng a/mpestnlta __ | Parker, declared in Miusic Hall, Boston, oe eee on sen ole ae mercy fs oe 'Vin the penttentiar:ss tobacco for good hel os pe At Buelnos Ayres, on Friday, an ims cen'iate ofthe Royal Cyllege of Surgeons, "* |"Never'a boy or girl in all Christendom Brig as He wi d to continue? If | SO poor, so starving, so conduct. 4 EV P you, siyers is eg be mense rgpunt of damage has been Ed aburgh: Licentiate of the Royal College of be Be sg a) pe reat book," | ¢ } j » He could {a ss? Get out, you miser- |» Three men are reported at Vancon- : 2 caused by the explosion of a cart load ' aburgh; Licentiate y leg ® jati was profited by that, great book," |God had fayored polygamy. He oe Bgigence!. Crawl Wer, B.C. to hnve been killed by a THE PILL THAT WILL ofjfireworks. A' whole block was de- ' Ph siciang, Badinthyrgh ; Boer oli acy ; he was becoming very weak-minded; | have created Gromee Og ct a Tato le of everlasting noth- |Snowslide at the Corinth mine, in the " stroyed before the flames avere wnder Se emeoemmmemee secnsy Tesco i late 1 » that it is something, to bring a blush (oo lcs oF made one. At the gery |#Eness- Mnfidelity standing to-day | Slocan. abs : : Peek gee Persons fost their lives k Davia t ee onto Hoephah : to the cheek of every patriot, thati fetcoe the Bible God shows Himselt.| @ud the suffering, groaning, dying na-|/ The mileage of railways in. operation ' ' cutlac rabies oe ee F + [OTM ag 5 e a : * me ic ng | ihe a ] i m é 3 a Th. ' Orrics AND Bopexce--3 doors yest of 5 Jolm Adams, the father of American] in favor of monygamy and antagonis- mets ba eee eettely ne in Canada at the end of the last Best The Poughkeepsie, N.¥ 5 work': agration. ae BT ee ery n 5 " Bible iy] tic to polygamy. Genesis ix. , 24 TY ng. Oren By aa je who a year was 16,270 miles, an increase were completely destroye re Sate : Willard Block ; OFFICE HOURs 9 to Il a.m. independence, declared, "The : 4) 0) Therefore shall a man leave his fath- {% until they fall exhausted into 1,707. miles. 3 a inday -anereing, 4 tpi eee Sec BInes. the best book im all the world," and |." cna motfier, and shall cleave unto | Mem, BTaves Ga ae ay make tbe) ate Casey has.a bill before the Do-| Col. Dan Lamonit, it is simimmme (hem ere eee ) oes x abe F that .lion hearted Andrew Jackson | his wife." Not .his wives, but his ee Swork that Infidelity has rex th minion House of Commons compelling | newly-appointed president the TH DIAMOND JUBILEE D R. Bet. PROCT 1D) Bs | turned into asnivelling rd "ha Noid eer: fil eee ih ayesit all: oles there ae tae a pes tovearry bicycles ee Paci ! : : t SUCCESSOR TO DR. CLEMENS.) he said, "That boo e rock onl). Sp tN mfuch novility in it as in the smallest ges ba : © Pennsylvania Railwa -_-- in DSR EI walcenns ak Le sc ute | ee nee tune and two. the fed-of 'thatisister of charity who last | @iewtenant-Governor Chapleau hasap-| has agreed to carry bicy : ENORMOUS PREPARATIONS FOR THE M.D.O.M. 0 Ty 'ol ese veret yy, Loron Bs eay ' Pe Dia take It thy Ced_ot thoweplek: he went up the dark alley cf the 'for and obtained leave of absence, | their entire system. GREAT PAGEANT. un Fellow of Trinity Medical College, 'oronto, rs Ake Bes | had favored a multiplicity of wives tt ae ae of jelly for an: invalid /amd Sir A'exander Lacoste has been ap-| pe administration aty poche 5 aun Mein, of Col of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. f oS i Rebual ; shave spared a plurality of Wives. |: fit arte bree stand, and ue pointed Adtninistrator. : proposes to lose no times® Gambithg in Windows and Seats From Licentiate of University of State of New York. j J # Phis logic,- and- When God first launched the hum f Chri eters praying vhe |aapee regular tered insurance com-ithe fur seal controvers Which to View the Royal. ®rocessioi-- Office and residence on Dr. Clemens' old. site eZ 2 ; ich 2. of re ces eutive Ad@ione wife. Alb: the cy of Christ upon the dying scul. inies hold "872,884 in 'fire risks Congress has adopted 3 yal, Procession pposite awn Halt, | ee ' inching of the human 'race ideiity scrapes no lint for thel#, @anada, and there is $327,814,465 of appropriating $200,005 Bullding: Trades Booming.' bo PORT PERRY. S res for' N 'one wife, for Mam: 2 ee bakes n0 bread Tgile bun fee insurance in force. the sufferers by th | A despatch from London .says:--The : n ae: e, for § e wife, for Japhet | SY, Stakes, no comfort fo the si 2 MDoherty Process Company of] 'phe dynamite € Wild speculation in seats from which \ Teal : vife. Does: that look' zh 7} tases no comfort for the terelt, f sessidethe patenkfosman- he oyna ee view. i 7 ren OF Vea Cl risa tae ; oto : nggrave forthe dead. While © i BRS sol : ee io ae Bug: Jacksonville in view the Queen's jubilee procession pel of Jesus Christm 5 ee gst BO: "@hrist, our wounded Christy, pog ron in eu - busters at the t thes as become a perfect craze in Lon- YW jity, Brom the time that<ats» my] 184 tof the' old-fashions@ © he company for £100,000, There are threeeene ised. o z aia : = Ton feet, oF on my" father's knee, | Me igsed be His gtori ime f During the last fiscal year there were | ferers at Helena, a aon Te requires little¥taleulation to y Wow mother," ned to lisp verses from Lhe | ae He + A i Ppersons killed on Canadian railways, | is now in eve ol He! Shew that at the pre Pprices the ) Ln irned to _ as He i whom 11 were passengers, 46 were] to White # Spectators on jWBitee day are pected to expend in th Seo ts. Gee tiger 4 "ting, thay have been my i , it! hh y 4 , Ay. p and 104 were neither. , ; ; sat austin . aa ae By) ne ; FS J : ggregate I Bi AY : study nite yo ae eee se fr Laurier will probably be accom-| jate Mayors en elected Mayor of }about $50,000,000 for ivilege of : £ "atorrhea, Impotencyand alt | SUCY, OME Y™ + hing « fed by Chief Justice Strong on his Democratic tri-) cooing tha show i y abs @ " effectsof Abuse or Ewcesses, |.il thereds ANYvy | onde sit. to' England. Chief Justice : s now y absurd, 4 ; sT Eteae Mental Worry, excessive use| thought to be ¢ io take his s the Imperial and points aj maevitable col- . . Fie Tobacco, Opiumor Stimae 1 ay yy kind Council. Rr aes el t] ible before the 5 t wits, which soon lead to In- ai yaind. an. vam pexmne! vat, ft 3 i Besa ; = é 4 ee ation andan early grave, | ' 1: rn . of Canada against the discriminasy . "Se acticed. = aie: , a: PLL. ° P DUAL] + inion Government. estinaal ¢ ubevexposi ; : f IS 3129, fe praca _Meacth, SAVE or cemen roi ' ie aig : Bs 5 TS aaaeets i ; : : oa aes: Boi 2 : me A 2 ympan Hes: Bes ae : appropriations of $10,000 ; git ec amroseh with C. ' 000 for a large' ri j Settee ainless extra: $on when required. a 'The '00d Com pan: 2 ut ea pee eS Br he. Queen: and: Hon. rie aay ae rt a AC Ellis | 000 fo ; a far b Ase; wW ith many ; ; indsor, Ont,, Cana : Wee OLTS AGAINST THE o é : rea on BY ery ta next season in| windows oyefl St. Paul's Chureh- Prices to suit the times. nee ; Ce ae Ek Wes Adee ee : porTUGUESE eer eich are ao bernie a aru Wg? a yard, THis iGplitérally more than tt Sse ae : sso : ; 4 ro oe S e . aM, Aeron. PES ce ee Bok. arliament grounds. 4 ew Jinm. has secure ee Kis Poe % 18 Hi. RIGGS, DENTIST, bee ee cae Geenmaenero in ae e Nosireph. Joshua, Samuel, mono- 3 --_------ aoa Mr. Geo. A. ponet, secretary' of a valuewf the building Without the land. : e gamists. But you say: "Didn't Dayid | © aty Five Thoasand Nattves in Rebellion | Jamaica. Agricultural Society, has wa Sper ine two richest Dukes, Westminster S.E.Cor. Kine axp YoneR Sts., Toronto : ant 3 iavor pol 'gamy, ue ve Great Britain May Mave Trouble Men to the Canadian Prade and oa 5 000 ; F 7 | anc the iol get well punished for® eee Department, nting outa : ; aed : ay 1s still prepared to make the best plates ean this "i oe it? Read the lives of those two me despatch from Vryburg, South Af- Abin ee in Tae for cattler B55 apiece for the use of their town man- ins rubber or Celluloid for $8 and $10. x his hair grew gray, and his ee ate come to the conclusion} Ti@, says that in an encounter with The wife of Mr. James Laing of the "'Neally the fair gra- | S!0DS © jubilee day. The offers were poe rie Silver filling and roof crowning by hands were trem , and his steps ee 5 en oe ee | 'ht Bechuanaland insurgents on Tues-| Laing Packing wompany, Montreal, r robbing the Feces not entertained. 'The same sum was rat-ciass operators, I am also making @ | Sbortened as he came up to the verge suffered ter his crimes in the caver near Kuruman, the Cape volun- | 'ied in the dental office of Dr. Rondeau Si allege students at North- accepted by a west-end thotel from an Specialty of 'Crown and Bridge Work," the of the grave; and that your mother |" qujiam and Messada, in the 'i 3 lost five - i ad cig | While under the influence of chloro- in, Mass, was on Thursday bailed | American syadi ' Iatest American system adopted, Special sat with a ack of lies on her lap while ness: of Mieeinaaaetg in the e@s fost five men killed and had six | fo-m, which had been administered by 1. American syadicate for possession atteition given to patients froma distance, reading of the better country, and of ments of ile i nee wounded. No further details have Grace Dimsmore, at present in from the evening before tothe morning ' When in the city give me a call, No ae ending of all our aches and pains f Bi ibemn received: ork; hbasoldenee Meaaio finger after the procession. ,{Hven on these charge made to examins teeth. an reunion not only with those of you a4 a Bee etch ondon Times-feo "wealthy Texas Jady for one thau- | 'tS it is believed that the hotel will So ce who steod around her, but of the chil- ee a Phe 1 on Times from 1 L suka He- ; + OS peers spss C. Ags 5 dollars, to he brafted on in place y We arrangement. - i dren she had buried with infinite heart-| Qos aft % : ) "ate Town says that advices received hate, that liquor Benes Acct. ne Si asa ae 7 e DOMINION BANK ache, so that she could read no more iia death ae hi Moahit er) thes from Delagoa Bay announce ihat n the precincts j F ie FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS : until she took off her spectacles, and ae eae the Lord God | (3, + eae = , 'The strike at the factory of the Uni- | has be i A Te ie 4 : . ayined eee Gni the mist of many | Almighty after him. The poorest Country bordering on and across F "| ted States Glass Company, at Gas City, | iret o eh ee ue : 5 : tears. 'Alas! that for forty and fifty Pee: all empire married to th Zppope river, forming for many | Themev- {Van Wyck, pastor of Gore} near Marion, Ind., bag been declared |$1000 Lert Geneon eee Capital Paid up, $1,500,000 re cho ahold nave lic one | Eine is anal meer matelagme Horhovsiandnoribern in-etros Matiots cies Hamii aman | ot afer @aluagle pag hss yr Sve' oa Yor ne ast Sao his delusion an ad it under their aia Sol t + th it @ the Transyaal, is in open revolt tof UU amilton Contere --a yictory for the company. He has handed the amount to the news- yp ere ' iHow when they lay a-dying in the | Qo 7° cmon gel along with polygamy |, eee ce a dis parsonage on Thursday night Willi fif years : Pour {ibe Sa plus, $1,500,000 Pack. room, and asked that some words | R¢24 his warnings in Proverbs, read | '#48 added that the position is serious, if f trouble. He wa. 51 years of on ba etn. lea ire, boosie! toe eons oe r ' C ae . e ximemt the Christian | Piccadilly, and for 'a shop window hold- dist Episcopal Church in 1869. p) ; Lonis, Mo., and ;ing ten people, for wnich $150 was paid Se , - his self-disgust in Weelesiastes. he ' "Jeavi ; . ; ae hee =o Price §0 cents per Box, or 6 for $2.50. At {rom jhe old book tnigte be cut upon! (ir ows np ie heteert Teeth ca He } a oops are Teaving for Delagoa Bay |age, and was ordained:a minister, of UXB a Druggists,or Mailed on Receipt of Price By . torabetans under the shadow er ortas oni "Vanity of Vanities ey iste Ss r Carnarvon, A further x : < RIDGE AGENGY. T. MILBURN & €O., Toronto. ee d, eomnaay meeting house, WHEFe | vanity." His peven ieee am wiveae -ted in Manutaland. j GREAT BRITAIN. in forty minutes hé*was a corpse. ten years ago, $450 ha= now been. ob- ens aaa muraeeian Ghee weal aerericome - This nearly pestered the life out of him peceiwed in London' from' aith f Lady Siaith, wife of | By sme wull of the late, Miss Winifred |tained. (Aristocratic owners of proper- DANGER FR = book having' 'dscaimedetiera ana iy, Sclomon got well paid for his crimes-- | rig" id Delago Bay announce | ,. / HE sees oe aay ae ei in hone Martin, of Baltimore, nearly, if "not |ty in the west end of London are be- ANGE OM NEW CHEMICALS. ing deceived the mighty intellects. of | Wel! paid, I repeat that all the mighty |= whole of Ghazilaland is in open Siri ae - As 4 quite half a million dollars is be-|gimning to ciean and decorate their ey men of the Scriptures were aloof from | ey t. Twemty-five thousand natives | don be improving. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed at highest current rate queathed to various Catholic churches |town mansions in view cf the jubilee | Notes Collected. aS the past, must not be allowed to de- Vp. ; 'és i h Y iviti I } | : : Gases and € Is Lately : el cere : 4 chti polygamy, save as they were Raye rebelled against the Portuguese | HS London Economist says that thehand char mi Maryland and Cali- | festivities, and they are already grumbl- | W. E. CARSWELL, ee ae ee eee cee Oe eee vastoe mage aid. failed aha cen fe inces aoe on Po ig Th cn rising, it motion of | a eee aa 3 Be me tbe ee advance in the yore fe : ' ES : insult to holy marriage. If t ib] stated, was only about forty miles | gramaries is om! s fame 4 ay ; thes PIs Wore fue goo ss AGENT | ° Several more or less dangerous arti- | {B@ book from the court-room, where | i2'tne friend' of ole ibe the=-Transvaal border. lt - was emiston Chant, the London so-| . {here 6 Mo improvement in the trade jjahor. At is said that ihis already it is used in the solemnization of tés- polygamy why is ity, (Mrs. Ormis 2 ibuat the _U; BPttes, accord- 5 t ay cles of chemical manufacture are be-|timony. Ont with it from under the | that im all the lands where there is no _that the Portuguese troops were | cal geformer, and six nurses started ine. to relat ue s Morale cam. RUA, oR eee TRE W ESTER coming sovlargely employed for a var- foundation of Church and asylum, Ge a sgh om pe ell ger tie Peo Po ae ee rth oe oe mM ae mercial agencies, of & York. Heavy Pot fy oaie 1 : i 7 a 1 iety. of useful purposes now that some | Cut. with it from the domestic ¢irclé. ak ovat Hn ee ah te aCe s eee It is mulmoured inLondon that the | gnoirea ut spoory Bsnoyses 'sured Ge Jay arg Mae eee pe aa ai use ats + , : : ysia, all over heathendém, | rther advices regarding the en- Fork. who is a ¢aptain in the a<c¢ cee 4 . j2| trade in any way connected with build- - OF CAM Gather together all the Bibles--the |2,. OVC? GG missionari@aeee we Rcoukter with the Bechuanaland insur. }OUse Of York, who is a capi districts" have seriously checked busi-|ing js booming, and as both masters royal mavy, will shortly juim the Cham- } jeg, by rendering ré nell, squadron. f further and still n restrictions as:to their sale, convey-| children's Bibles, the family Bibles, Lord Chas: Beresfer proposes to] are feared, with eve ance, and storage, are, in the inter-| those newly bound, and those with lid | eheir a polygamy does, not a -- . 1 : e ney , z 3 - hitroops captured and burned . est of the public eafety, ative, says| nearly worn out and pages» /almost nd and the United Statesiie™ , " PORT PERRY -- Oe)? ee 995 | iterated by the fingers long ago nce of law, The Bible pmative town of Camazef, at the f jre-arm seventeen obs. "te warships | results. There has b the London Lancet, Certainsubstances ; he |T ber ; i Th ese i RA ig, turned to dust--bring them all toget b ored monogamy. Langeberg range -of hills. Dhe oso) ~ in the reserve wate: ; . that were previously regande and let us make a Bonfire of 'ileal ged B » God abhorred poly- ! ge. Ge kre. bay wae in aa Reve sibs: = cS York Excyhige, with fondly | Paehnan have igh rere Oey cold cae --_ igte resistance. 'The losses of the | 'The AmchtAshop 'of Ss, will ise Sugar and Chica i MR RMeke\: town houses for the sen. coer 2 | personally detiver-integhe hands of eatyres. -- j ' these frug: cs is Ear share of public indignation and polluted a Hagertl the tagtof the Mayflower 4 | - e Peo ee ine creel and deatnfal Tooke upon bis return to London." 2. "bar's Sultan' er pig. Jaimes street, has 1 Leiutenant-Governor Kirkpatrick is|aboly, slavery. Se : rae phe Dake of 'Marlborough reported to be much better, and} > x.) ing of Siaim has started on™ #0 be prodigious, but steadily improving. He will sail from vide to Europe and the Uni Gi. ly concealed by Bs ; England for Canada on the, 21st inst. bie inadieents in Brasil doubi le ee acts About the Tree and-Sts Valu-| yy, Richard Dobell, before leaving ito lave gained some vi, ead er the Mupassable, and | and men propose to make hay while grious overflows | ihe sun shines, which will be for quite two months to come, householders will haye to suffer in accordance with the ee law of supply and demand. 1A A GENERAL Banking & "S.-Special attention 5% Dralts issued, avrilable ty) e resistance. The losses of t vt it | Matiyes were heavy. One British lig te Biswas killed. se SAVINGS' BANK DEPARTMENDA -- Deposits received at highest Current rates Eo eee Interest 'calculated and credited to' each de-| der high. compression ay positor semi-annually. every diy 'heing conveyed in carts WM. McGILL Manager. | vom place to place, and similarly other Bssion: Ugher this impr on 3 a : moen have been overe SOL. : F . gue of Infidelity. Ised] ee j THe pecoane . 1s so antagonistic to men's liberty and woman's honor,and the world's happi- mess. : ' Now that is the substance of what my of woman? Come into the pi € infidelity proposes and declares, andy ee coer Boe oe tur e the ore. ed the persons conéer fear-that the world wealthy young Americ travagant. Harl Bnd Getmtess Spen- os é re ee Rk 2 . va ne bie Fruit. for Canada, said.thata con- 1 nf x -| gases are stored under >pressure -in| the attack on the Bible is-aceompanied > England for Canada, said, bl -- ae & : te 2% ; as aes { by. great j and. there i honare : rac kaild folttr, fast™ steamers=fer-f tp env et ci : a . f _ FOR WVENTY-SEVEN YEARS. tubes," -as,"for example, oxygen, hy- by se ae ; ai here. rdly | Wo , as perfe fa eae of the most ue to uaild ieee been "signed The Captain-General at Manilla has} cer have just completed clearing out 5 drogen, nitrous oxide, and so on, all|ig*kindled than about "the Bible. 0 ould be made by a perfec le fruits known. It<its native ition that the Imperial Govern- | 2Pplied to the Spanish Government for | their personal belongings*to maké room 1 ' on. condition Pp Y . 5) eis Deborah, with her: wi iffurnishes food, shelter, clothing | ment will share im the. cost. . 8,000 additional troops. for the new-comers, who want plenty £ i to | Of time to get the place in order to The Czar is preparing for his : Ls Paris. He will spend two weeks the | their taste. Whe Duke and Duchess ench capital incognito. "| iméan'to take a lead in loyal London, Mery parsons ware kiusmnrid ann @ and + is said they will Make a record of thers were imjared by an exposion | *@?*T? hospitality. J in a. rorks factory at Lisbon. Be |. Turkey 'has issued a circular to the i a : S tothe cffectthat it is getting? ADA LEIGH'S GOOD WORK. 'the present condition of af-| 'There are now in Paris three homes , of whie : i { } ay expose the public todan-| like fun; no man was ever. bi f . : DUNN'S ic cciemsites nm? Som: Sealed anes brat on a | a ; cept under napb of course, |is a laughter Which is dea 1 attle e is Miriam, leading ' fabout Gi chuckle about e KIN Cc ay day carried i is a laughter which has th pui@gpetchestra: on the Bayley é ; 1 or <iuilgsaiput ths things of despair, "It isnot healthy . Here is motherly' 2 ts ' 7 7 a Z mortal soul¥ : 4 Sy 1 he t. Her Spani . other-i sa a Suet Daaseee ae First, I cannot be anjiinfidel because! antil. ; a ene 2 : 5 the trade in cylinders | infidelity is no titute for hi Se z oe ion "il ' j ca ; ; the Lak: pledgant livelihcod, says an ry ajvarded Miss Mar- res in an action |p : the. he cocoanuts used from Central Am- her o 'S BEST FRIE I essed, gases has already been | the consola' a roposes to halt, s 2 neli : : TH COOK " ed under control. Still' another ae oe i rt 'abmillion ait, BD ; : ables prisoners 2 a for English-speaking girls--the Mother J 2 ue eDOtner y. You know there are millions} sig ' & ; i their ow: , the anti-Semitée leader 1 COOK SALE IN CANADA. : Picante ae eo pay of people who Bet: their chief sconso- ing back is Re p e : \ the fee rave ane the United Stat 'Vienna again been elected Bur- por ae aegis pcre wae eee ee. ly used as to Have given rise to _thae AS fe. book. wae vould ting to shame. 1 modern slang | ' ot thom 'Mr. Curzon, in the House of Com- gomaster, t ) time by three-fourths dents, and. The Children's Ho . ae oe necessity of a Home Office order being |X" joa may, Ap eR. age phous mothers-in-la ns her | iy : Re iL "| moms on Tuesday, said that the insulis|™Majority. ~~ \ "aes live tt PB outcome sat the' work te ; issued. we refer to carbide Of cal pe ord 2: a conepiacy ae ee back on h 1 » anc = oe 'i Bent tothe Gueen. fey whigbelicn', plo a bill: will shorily me laced before cum e that city years ago by Miss » Which on simply becoming mois : Aarau cet ' ig : f : : the prandson 0 esiden: ry i French Chamber eputies ask- a Leigh, now Mrs. Tr. i stroy@ all (he. medicines may be with Ne Tue 'ich 'wbtack . monponded were of such a nature that Anne Loetwe hundred faillion francs to | wife of Be: Asohbialiop of Obtatio. Biss gives off the exceedingly inflammable | ,othecariesandfrom all the hospitals ther, Ruth, haye just received a choice and ver x ; \ ; | J gas acetyléme. Carbide of calcium is] of theeearth: Themvork is done. here st fields they could not be repeated." President | build naval docks. ; Leigh, who had conducted a Bible class 7 Pak id Kruger had personally expressed his The Chinese Government has decided | Of Over four hundred in Manchester, regrets. \ ' ' to order four more armoured cruisers | England, while she was a girl of sey- In the British House of Commions ©n | t\yo fast cruisers, and, several torpedo | Mteen, organized one of a similar char- Friday, (Mr. Ghamiboriai i ee onged destroyers, English type. acter apne the denglehsvec king girls ; ) dn anodyne. "Oh," says thea amie that a contract had been' signed be- " , Re in Paris, when she was herself study- ae of pene ae = eee Roe "the senses are ae 'destroyed ' { tween Sa i ne ue Eetersens of AY ah ites acre ane woke ide: Beane: oe Me age ae i nt for optic lanterns, for photo- a ; : : Saat Rae : the 'nati g Newcastie for a fast stea, p_ service | ~~ so War = rele | Gee Of a home for girl art students, have no drops to give you, but inst by the'natives to produce s £ pt itMin. But | mer of Germany 'have resolved to cele which has grown to the three homes dsworks its way up t! id= 3} ef the tree, where the sap eventually kills' the tree es of the cocoanut t alm leaves, fifteen feet 'The blossoms and buds c i ar ( Superior stock 0 useful for a variety of purposes, but medicines are taken, and they are chiefly because on simply placing it in Pees ae 5 BUFFALO ROBES, water it. evolves pure acetylene, which re eater Wakes up at aagn E : FUR RUGS possesses a remarkable high illumin-|*\", > : 7 _s | Ds a ating power. The employment of this in a paroxysm of distress, and iaaias HORSE BLANKETS, LEIGH BELLS, &c | €raphic purposes, and for lighting pri- that Pil d you a book of eae Bas 2 ed atrack, which is very between Canada and Great BE ita SAN dae ae a: : h s 3 vate dwelling houses, has already been oe Satay beat, Ba pe ee ver ee The tree grown trom fifty 3.150 years, | Mr. Chamberlain added, theseontract brate May day oe ia' ce _ '| mentioned above. None of the ladies ; : oat F "about 109 nuts. | still requires the sanction he In-) he belief prevails in Constantinople | in charge of the homes receives a sal- that the powers are losing their hold | ary, but there is never any lack of keep- over the course of eyents, and 'that | ers, who seek out English-speaking wo- the so-called concert is a failure. men in distress, and assist them. Over H. E. Chamg Yin Huah, Vice-presi- } Mine thousand girls of all classes, in- dent, will go to England as China's | cluding students, governesses, and do- special ambassador to. represent the | Mestic servants, have received help at Emperor at Queem Victoria's diamond | the Avenue Wagram home alone. The ny | jubilee: homes are not self-supporting, but are "The Hawaiian Government has pro- pided: Ris ophtes, g from. those im- © | hibited the landing of Japanese immi- er essed. 20 the (werk: hh Af-| grants, and it is said that a) warship pe , were | will be sent from Japan 'tojenquire into ) Riding : * and yields every yea t l ; ind the Posen with yoo ae Te Thowe are on one tree at the same time | perial Government. made from the hills of Alabastron, | buds, blossoms and fguit ripe andereen| sAnswering a question in ihe House pouring the holy chrism on the head and in all stages of ripening. The! of Commons on Wednesday,, Mr,Cur- of Christ, the aroma, lingering all down | fruit drops off at might. A pulled nut) zon said that.the diplomatic 1 the corridor of the centuries. Here |is worthless. The "'muk inside of it} between Great Britain and Vené is Lydia, the merchantess of Tyrian | turns sour shortly afterwards and be-| have not yet beem renewed, " Wo- the Falitrade which they canse| tried. It is quite obvious that some Ramen s to writhe in pain, @m sf - : Restriction should be placed upon the Spe ; vee oe ey in ahe mae fale and storage: of this substance, re ace Si aftr on aes ie i vaich is now vos manufactured Ce cruelties of anodynes, the: indecencies Th go as usual prepared to mar Pe egnocther: ae ean flam. | anodynes, the absurdities of ano- ey aro . Evosphere Sives or an wllam-| dynes. For your groan #1] give you facture all kinds of harness and ~ | mable gas, which with air eX-|q"jgugh." Here in the Hospital in a guarantee satisfaction, A wise Bane -- of cal S!patient having a gangrened limb am-| purple, immortalized fc Christian | Comes green. Brushes are made of the | Majesty's Government wasgr is choée stock of Gen atthe P pas Oy oak 4871 oe putated. He says:.Ob, for ether,| behavior. Here is 'the idow with | fiber of the trees. The cocoanut wood} take into friendly consideratio: ChOM g atte: Eas * 4897. it at ee a ~|Oh, for chloroform." "The doctors say: |two mites, mare famous than the Pea- | takes a very fine polish, and it is large-| proposals from Venezuela t@h ae Aue ri 1, hide of calcium cacont | by, they are all destroyed; we don't | bodys and the Lexoxes of all the ages, {ly used for floors, being polished with | diplomatic relation. ée if Vins Pe Toes © eS Socobiaimea have any more chloroform or ether:|whiie here comes in slow of gait' and| the husk of the nut and a little bee Refors the 'Paciamentany dicense but I have got something a great deal| with careful attendants and with es-| wax. The mut in its native state Is) i.) Tnquiry Committee le 20. from the local authority under the Pet- bett Tl ad * y a Ey let ial ad hi f soft, tender and 'spongy. To take off : sates) 73 t! tt oh, ; ; ~ a rent tse oe .. pica f ne against James Y. Simpson, the discov on the ann. Fo Seaside The the shell when§ithe nut is perfectly (oe that he wndevetond 't i. Coogien of Venezuela has un- meheve athers: fat a me - leadiny dents» otto i ome jerer of chloroform as an anaesthetic|the joy and pride of ny home; fresh. Is 'Very easy. | Transvaal was authorize : animously ratified the Guinea bound-|Cough. Cure, and no 'home should teh time to time by the employment of so rarely fortunate as-to have one, an| and against Doctors Agnew, and Ham- perial githorities. When questioned ary arbitration treaty With Great Bri-| without it. Pleasant to take and goes acetylene mm this way have prompte@ilijton, and Hosack, and Mott, and Har-|ola Christian Grandmother, Grandmo aT s6 ; i In sail ; ii i 'i : tee: ; a , , a et, e ; ; C , 5 at the subject Sir John said he un- hich Swas negotiated by the |right to the spot. 'the Home Oftice isate ties eset, o|vey, and Abernethy," "but," says the|ther Lois. Who has more worshippers )p A SOF PSANSW ER. ; Ore ee ee ae with aR Bint S. ee 7 Sy AR Honpedk @ Gaia a the character of the risks to be guard. |#22,,"1 must haye some anaesthetics." | to-day than any being that ever lived}, ° Gavagely)--That con-|D¥. Jameson. Allthough pressed Very | "ronr von Stephen, the Imperial Post-| examination, "I fear your witey oie, wil Me zs : oo. . f 0," says thé doctors, "theyareall|on earth, accept Jesus Christ? Mary.| . Mr. Sureley agely hard he. refused to amswer fur jimaster-General of Germany who was|is gone." "That doesn't surprise a g a|For whatlpurpose did Christ perform' founded baby is always crying. What's UNITED STATES deal better." "What is that?"|his first miracle upon earth? To re- " bout medicines? Lie} lieve the embarrassment ofa womanly Belleyue Hos-| housekeeper at the falling short of a and giving. estions a: troyed, but we have some' to have been the chief representative | said'the poor man; "she has been 'giv. of Germany at the Washington Postal'|ing me a pixce of it every day for ten i Congress, is dead. or r years. ; : et ee .