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Port Perry Standard, 29 Jul 1897, p. 1

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% ¢ = <> Terus--$1.50 PER ANNUM. | The Lort Levy Staveard --IS PUBLISHED-- EVERY THUSDARY MORNING AT THE OFFICE, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. RATES ADVERTISING, Ten lines and under--4 insertions... Above ten lines, 1st insertion per line.. Each subsequent insertion : Professional and business Cards, six lines and uceér $5 per annum. JOB DEPARTMENT. Because of our increased facilities Pamph- Perry and surrounding country thet having ranged with Miss E. Kiobbins to take her cl by strict atteution to his duties tomerit a la share of patront.ga from the music loving ¢ zens of this town and vicinity. Roems Oriental Hotel. TERMS.--S6 for 20 half-hour lessons. N.B.--Also German taught on most reasonable terms. Prof. Rak. DeCATHCART Of Royal Conservatory of Music, Stuttgart, Gex many, begs to announce to the citizens of Port of masie and will continue the same, and trust} conversation lessons THE USE. THE BEAUTY OF ITIS§ ar- ass rge iti at NEW BARBER SHOP E. BROAD, Wishes to {nform the public gen>rully that he Opened a new Barber Shop in the Meharry Block,n lets, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bil Heads, Blank Forms, Circulars, Check Books» Business Cards, Receipt Books, Ball Cards &c., &c., of every style and color, can Le ex- ecuted more promptly, and at lower prices than at any otherestablishment in the County NEWTON BROS., £0. H. NewTOon, S.M. NEwron Editors and Proprietors. a Business Directory. (SUCCESSOR TO DR, MCDOWELL) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. ' ArhPat Qffice and, Residence, Queen St., Port Perry : y * 4fice hours--8 to 10 a.m., I to 3 p.m. and Wen gs. 'felephone in office and house, Open night and day, oyer the lines south Cons mected with the residence of Dr. G. L. Rob- sons D-C.M. of Victoria University; M.B NV e o Toronto University; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont.; Li- eentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh; Member ofthe Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow; fate Resident Pupil of the Rotundo fLospital, Dublin, for. women. : Tg Finding it almost impossible to do justice to either my patrons or myself, owing to my very extensive and rapidly increasing, practice, I have taken as pa e brother, Dr. R. Archer, M.D., C comes highly recommended a$ an a and thoroughly successful praetitioner, -- DR. D. ARCHER, ihe OFFICE AND REsIDENCE--3 doors west of | | Willard Block ; OFFICE HOURS 9 to II a.m. 3.10 5 p.m., and evenings. J. A. MURRAY, Daw Le Le. Room; Over Wright's Shoe Store PORT PERRY All branches of Dentistrv, inclnding Crown and Bridge Work successfully Strong P and Children's hair cutting a specialty. to the Standard Office, where he is prepared; to cut hair ard shave on the shortes poseible notice. Ludies went and came and & after the reapers, and light on a part of th unto Boaz, who was Elimelech." The time that Ru has ext (BRITISH MONEY) To Lend at 4, 44 and 5 per cent. on good Mortgage Security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS, _.___ BANKER AND BROKER DRO B.A. PROCTER, (SUCCESSOR TO DR. CLEMENS) M.D.C.M. of Trinity College to, with Horor Cert rgeons, On' New York. Office and resistence on Dr. Clemens' old gi Opposite V'own Hall, PORT PERRY. _ Apour 8. B. B 1, Its Purity, 2. tts Thousands o: 3. Its Economy. DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, READACHE, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPS RHEUMATISM, SK £100,000 STERLING SCROFULA, Y, IN DISEASES, to refuse to gather it be left for the,poor who tocome along t handfuls of gr: field after the main and ge% jheir bread. vest field ?" Boaz owns a large farmand he goes out to see the reapers gather im the grain. Coming 'there right kehind the swarthy, sun-browned reapers, he be- holds a beautiful woman gleaning--a woman more fit nd to a harp or sit upon a throne tan to stoop among the sheaves. Ah, that was an eventfuk day. $ . It was love first sight. Boas forms an attac!] t for the womanly gleaner--an attachment full of undying t.5 te te: that developed, li nounced to all ages Ruth's character, TI fortunate man who . Was sorrow that the better dreamer, ticed. ¢ preteen Teeth on gold, silver, alum- inum or rubber plates. Fillings of gold, silver or cement." Painless extraction. when required, Prices to sui€the tints. 9 C. H. RIGGS, DENTIST, 9,E-Cor. Kine anp Yonce Sts , Toronto ill prepared to make the best plates . pat i Celluloid for $8 and Gold aad Silver fillirg and roof gle da y first-class operators. I am algo pi aoe apecia!ty of 'Crown and Bridge Work, . latest American system adopted. Specia attention given to patients froma distance, When in the city give me a call. ° charge made to examine teeth, DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, $1,500,000 Biriles _ $1,500,000 UXBRIDGE AGENCY. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. rx ighes ni rate eee W. E. CARSWELL, AGENT E WESTERN BANK OF CANADA PERRY AGENCY Banks a) d ERAT. Banking Business transacte ae attention ¢ «id to Collections Drafts issued, aveilable at: jl peintsin Canada SAVINGS' BANK DEPARTMENT. i r t rates its received at highest Curren Se, aieaaed and credited to each dc positor semi-anaually. . HUTCHESON, peinet ai Acting Manager. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YDARS, DUNNS BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. BEATTY & BONG superior stock of BUFFALO ROBES, FUR RUGS, HORSE BLANKETS, SLEIGH BELLS, &c For the Fall trade which they can se| as cheap as any in the market, --:0: area seco ae all kinds of harness and guarantee satisfaction, A choice stock of TRUNKS, WALISES, WHIPS, i lytion, and the tissues so. COMBE; DE cnet the flames..e BRUSHES, have previously been ETC ARD have just received a choice and very s usual prepared to mar" * ry CURES GOLIC, GHOLERA, CHOLERA. MORBUS, CIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, And all SUMMER GORPLAINTS of Children or Adults. RICE, 35c. " Beware cf lmitations. Better poet, and to his pastor, who "Why isit that yo C "a 'nia seems to have so little heart and tenderness in his sermons ?'* "Well," he replied, "the reason is ou pastor has never had any trouble, misfortunes come upon him, hi will be different." After a while Lord took a child out of that pastor's house, and, though the preacher was just as brilliant ashe was before, oh, he warmth, the tenderness of his dis- se! The fact is that trouble is a educator. You see sometimes a. am 'sit down at an instrument, d his execution is cold and informal | unfeeling. The reason is that all his life he has been prosperous. But let misfortume or bereavement come to this man, and ha sits down at the in- strument, and you discover the in the first sweep of the suys. Misfortunes and trials are grea cators. A young doctor sick room where thereisad t edu- NEW AND NOVEL Ave These Inventions Fer the Conyenten of Mankind, * bottomed cup, with a handle, and the bottom a flanged cylinder which enters the mouth of the jar. A thread- ed collar fits the jar so that there ¢ be no spilling, and a funnel may be imserted in the bottom of the cup. The jar may be carried {rom place. to piace by the handle, cooking utensil, has an opening in top which is conmected with at which conveys all the odors to an open- in the stovepipe, or up the chimney. tae in the stoyepipe, or up obec eUey A new washboard has spiral metallic projecting slightly above cross grooves, strips usual vater of the uther grooves. a ventilated hat has in the the crown openings which are pr ised hood or deflector. by a ra » + iabony = Te book f i are other openings passing | oys martyrs of Seth history. teary he sweat band, which has| the stormy sea, and Baseman aan along its upper edge a = greek a and thes desolate us oa ' i from the side o! ie *\ and thes \ 8a ap a coe ge ees chamber. 'The sweat forth >) iof the * pilgrim pads as are desired. A combination of like attachment, tress, and swung 1 7 --_---s FIREPROOF BABIES. lling loss of life, in bates by mense will be minimized." The ula represents a prescription of cent alum and 5 per cent phosphi absolute Aecessar powder. / Seek ae always on hand. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED SE 'There are inot less 10 in the British Isles. A fruit-jar filler consists of an open- An invention which will enable a housekeeper Lo cook cabbage or onions without scenting the house or inform- ing the neighbors, has been patented. A lid which may be attached to any and a vertical groove which carries off the surplus top of otected Above band may be provided with as many felt lounge ang Mp ek may be moved from place to place. Tt commas of a lounge ee aay d a swinging, ha ~ oe ent Povided with a mat- Te pulling a cord. A convenient kitchen appendage is a imciple, a number of slats en a eentral support are and expanded in circular form. residing in the East End of Ga ech discivered a solution which renders clothing absolutely fireproof. this discovery," he says, " the ap- ia, which renders the substance cue noninflammable. All that is y is to steep the clothing ing Perhaps he is very rough - scription. and very rough 1 and rough in his answer to anxious questions. But and there has Leen on own house, and now he sickroom, and with looks at the dying chil how this reminds mg Trouble, the great ed --I see its touch in t ing; [ hear its tremo: song ; I feel its power argument. ; Grecian mythology said ce at an brightest and most "beautiful flash of Nebuchadnezzar's furnace. the ube of ieee Cx . crowns amid the howli the chopping of bipod s tine, and the cracking fires of mar dom. It took the persecutions a cus Aurelius to dévelop Pol Justin Maytyr. Ib- al tilities against. th i and the fury of develop James Melville, and Hug the fathers--a When at And star. And the sounding aisles of the ms they sang, rd and the sea, It took all tresses, and national, = Ss all our pres the strength of arm, will make the church, through dark ble, men w are develop Again, € | of unfalter there were while she her free, and ; rid, id being form- 5 per 4 ate of treat) callers, but husband died, and she got ol troubled very the birds tha er hap was to ield belonging he kindred of d Naomi arrive at Bethlehem is harvest time. It was the custom when a sheaf fell from a load in the harvest fiéld for the reapers up, That was td ho might happen harvest had been reaped, instead of raking it, as farmers do now, it was by the custom of the land left in its place, so that the poor }coming a&smg that way,might glean it p d. 'But you say; "What is the usa of all these harvest fields to Ruth and Naomi? Naomi is too old and feeble to go out and. toil in the sum,and can you expect that Ruth, the young and the beautiful, should tan her cheeks and blister her hands in the har- | World where there is no gall to drink, |no burdens to carry, no battles to fight. Pejoice: ifety of _ Christ, hounded of f | thieves 'on either side of the cross, hu- tion after it had _| field of Boaz? Yet all ages, all gener- a t paint- the sweetest the mightiest that the e tain of Hippocrene was struck out by the foot of the winged horse Pegasus. I have often noticed in life theme n- ins of Christian comfort and spirit- Gul life have been struck out by the iron shod hoof of disaster and calam- ity. I see Daniel's courage best by Phe see Paul's prowess best when I ~ find him on the founderig ship under the i ing in the breakers Glare of the ee His children 'of wild beasts and splashed guilo- and Andrew eKail, the glori- dim depnad the Naamath- woessful player pulls down men into his own lap. , icion arise about a mans character and he becomes like a bank in a panic, and all the imputations rush on him*and have had strength to defend itself. here are reputations that have been half a century in building which go down under one push, as a vast tem- ple is consumed by the touch of a4 a century plant. and hypocrisy, ho wthrilling it is to find some fees as faithful in days of adversity as in days of prosperity! David hid sueh a friend in Hushai; the Jews had such a friend in Mordecai, who never forgot their cause; Paul had Such a friend in Onesiphorus, who vis- ited him in jail; Christ had such in the Marys,whoadhered to Him on the cross; Naomi had such a one in Ruth, who cried out: '""Entreat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee for whither thou goest I will go, and whither thou lodgest I will lodge. Thy. people shall be my people, and thy God my God. YVhere thou diest I will die, and there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also, if aught but death part thee and me." So very often in our worldly business or in our spiritual career we start off om avery dark path. We must go ona very dark path. We must go. The flesh may shrink back, but there ls a voice within, or a voice above, say- ing: "You must go," amd we have to drink the gall, and we have to carry the cross, and we have to traverse the des- ert, and we are pounded and flailed of muisrepresentation and abuse, and we have tourge our way through ten thou- Sand obstacles that have been slain by our own right arm. We have to ford the river, we have to climb the moun- tain, we have to storm the castle, but, blessed be God, the day of rest and re- Ward will come. On the ee of the captured battlements we wi shout the victory, if not in this world, then in that How do I know it? Know it! I know use God says so. 'They shall 'unger no more, neither thirst no more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat, for the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall tead them to iving fountains of water, and God shall ks all tears from their eyes." t was very hard for Noah to endure scoffing of the people in his day, seems to be a mere game, | down in. a day ; that character which in due time would | sulphurous match. A hog can uproot 4 In this world so full of heartlessness | another, and then all Fifty Years Ago. Thistis the way it was bound to look" When grandfather had his "picter took... These were the shadows cast before The coming of Conjurer Daguerre And Is art; like a girl in a pinafore Some day to bloom to a goddess fair. 4 Men certainly were notas black, we know As they pictured them, 50 years ago, oH Ayer's Sarsaparilla began to make new men, just as the new pictures of men began to be made. Thousands of people fronted the camera with skins made clean from blotch and blemish, because they had purified the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I+ is aS powerful now as then. Its record proves it. Others imitate the remedy; they can't imitate the record: 50 Years of Cures. . Once more I learn from my subject the value of gleaning. Ruth going inte that harvest field might have said: "There is a straw, and there is a straw, but what isa straw? I can't get any barley for my- self or my mother-in-law out of these a gers straws." Not so said beauti- ful Ruth. She gathered two straws and she put them together, and more straws until she got enc xh to make a sheaf. Putting that she went and gathered more straws, until she had another sheaf, and another and brought them was trying to build the ark, ery morning quizzed about: that would never be of . But when the de- the tops of the moun- disappeared like the backs of sea msters d the elements lashed up n 7. aes their hands over a rowned world, then Noah in the ark d his own' safety and in the his family, and looked out on the wreck of a ruined earth. door of the s: oe there together, and = thrashed them, and she had an-aphah of barley, 1. Oh, that we might all learned many things ie, the world-renowned philo- and he got his part of it, while waiting for the ickroom to open. Yet how persecutors, denied a Worse maltreated than the low, man hate smackimg its lips in satisfac- been draining His last me, O mane and "Gol , were there ever darker times than those? Like the booming of the mid- night sea against the rock, the surges of ChriSt's anguish beat against the gates of eternity, to be echoed back by all the thrones of heaven, and all the dungeons of hell. But the day of re- ward comes-for Christ. All the pomp and dominion of this world are to be hung before Him on whose head are many crowns, and all his celestial wor- ship is to come up at His feet, like the humming of the forest, like the rushing of the waters, like the thund- ering of the seas, while all heaven, ris- ing on their thrones, beat time with their scepters, "Halleluiah for the Lord God, omnipotent reigneth." That song of iove, now low and far; Ere long shall swell from star to star; That light, the breaking day which tips The golden spired Apocaiypse. Again, I learn from my suvdject that eventg which seem to he most insignifi-: cant may be momentous, Can you im- agine anything more unimportant than the coming a a poor woman from hte o Judah? an you imagine anything a Bia than the fact that this Ruth just happened to alight--as they say--just happened to alight on that ations, have an interest in the fact that she was to become an ancestress of the Lord Jesus Christ, and all nations and kingdoms, must look at that little incident with a thrill of unspeakable and eternal satisfaction. So it is in your history, and in mine, events that ou thought of no importance, at all late been of very great moment. That casual conversation; that accidental meeting--you did not think of it again for a long while. But how it changed all the phases of your life! It seemed to 'be of no importance that Jubal invented rude instruments of music, calling them harp and organ, but they were the introduction of all the world's minstrelsy, and as you hear the vibration of a stringed instrument even after the fingers ve been tak- en away from it, so aJl music now of lute and drum and cornet. is only the long continued strains of Jubal's harp and Jubal's organ. It seemed to be a matter of very little importance that Tubal Cain learned the uses of copper and iron, but that rude foundry of an- cient days has its echo in the rattle of Birmingham machinery and the roar and bang of factories on the Merri- Again, I see in my subject an illu- Grew ion of the beauty of female in- dustry. es ling in the haxveot a oe » toi ield ereer the hot sun, or at.-noon taking plain bread with the reapers or eating the parched corn, E handed to her. The customs of society, the hardships and expos woman will find something to do. there are he tne anthems of the free. oUt past national j\ift up our nation myn strong right that and trpu- nations; = £ mi i who shot himself. They would no in parentage may get out into when he said: 80 severely eure finds eo SD Folks. '99 so awkwar They're. elearnas AS acpi from mor many men and 7 .| useless on earth, garner. It is and t. up wil Maay each rupning over! which Boaz» of course, have changed, and without ure to which Ruth was subjected every intelligent I know there is a sickly sentimental- ity 4 this subject, In some families ersons of no real service to the household or to the community, |. and although there are so many oT all around about them in the world, they spend their time languishing over "a mew pattern, or bursting into. tears nt over the story of some lov- deign to Jook at Ruth carrying back i 2 under indulgent butterflies? I fe onic eslges has i but when they come bits of ee, ee Eueie goul Will recoil with disgust and chagrin. They 1 have ae to a destroyed etern or spiritual improvements. t duties of life cross the field off all re and hours, and thére is only Ah, my friends, you could which, gathered, might at a whole sheaf for the Lord's the stray* opportunities he stray privileges which, taken and bound together and beaten out, 1 at last fill you with much joy. _There are a few moments left worth the gleaning. Now, Ruth, to the field! one have measures fulland -! Oh, you gleaners, tothe And if there be in your house- k aged oneor a sick relative that Pe strong enough to come forth and tol in this field, then let Ruth take home to feeble Naomi this sheaf of ebkaning: "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall dabtless come again, with rejoicing, ging his sheaves with him." May ti Lord God of Ruth and Naomi be ow 'portion forever! | aa ELECTRICAL: INFLUENCE, dor tUN ities ast make field | hold an Mew Machine That May Revolutionize the Power to Project Light, \ machine has just been made that exactly what people are very fond curing--influence. Tt is the science ind reduced to practical mechanics. great is the influence of this ma- '@ that it can throw an electric sirk a distance of thirty-four inches at is, the spark starts at one ter- al and lengthens out until it reach- the other terminal, a distance 6f rty-four inches his strangs machine--for nothing it has ever been invented--is one the principal objects of interest at Victoria Era Exposition, at Earle's rt, London. Oddly enough, it does seem to have attiacted the atten- which it really merits, for in its it indicates as great a stride in 'trical progress as the Roentgen ray. first sight it seems rather com- ted, but really it is nothing of the » aS Inachimery goes. he machine contains twenty-four S, each three feet in diameter, and se it hag the usual parapherna- consisting of what are technically wn as sectors, collecting combs, hes, etc, To the non-mechanical d this is all Greek, but it js simple h in reality when one considers hings means gimply the. ratus for guiding the force of the trical fluid imfluence of this machine 1s, . won fimed tn olactrinitg and ec upon men and matter. It ig ed so that it gives two separate There are not time, but elec~ om either ter- person who ig dty may be drawn fr. 1 at the will of the ating the machine and dirécting ity nee. The tremendous impre this machine ig in the mat mg an electric current can dersStood b; contrasting condi- In the earlier years a dry at- 1 arming and heavy required to show only small 'ges, while now, with three mar- us machines, no Warming is need- ven wihen the atmosphere is' bad, with Only little labor torrents of icity may be obtained. er of t acksmith shop. Ab-}.4 Beslt are in this day who say emere so busy they have no time for. nta Ee pistee he ke strong ri and carr, the b he there a fragment left that is not worth gleaning. best | d members of the Parlia mission appointed to enquire into the oe raid, has given ametice that e wil Interesting Items Ab Great Britain, the Uni All Pe-ts of the Globe, Coa Assorted for Easy Reading. CANADA. , in Manitoba. | ing company. : : The new direct, of Ottawa. giv. the population a8. 63,480, = lee clock to cost $1,000. Heavy cattle shipments to are reported from Winnipeg. Pipestone country. { The shipment of cheese f of Mon quantity sent for the riod last year. # frid '| sail from Liver, ust 19. . : The Grand Trunk car wor Brantford have been closed: and tices posted instructij to apply for work at Mr. W. W. resigned the off 1 for home o z Cf ndon. and editor of The T J. Rolamd, a Prince Albert, Winnipeg from injuries inflicted on himself while practising the trick. The Highland cadets of Montreal will shortly visit Ottawa for the purpose of litia. Mounted Po Shortiss, the Vaileyfield murderer, whose death sentence was commuted to imprisonment for life, 'has returned to Canada, and it is believed an effort will be made to obtain his pardon. ployed men in Montreal, are being made to get some oft work on the Crow's Nest « Pass way. ., i Wes One hundred and *ighty-five nts from Galli day for 'Western cia left Montreal Fr c points. They are in splendid 'health, are people 6f coi }parative means, agriculturists by: ing, and are bound to make Ts. _ In connection with the John Maton & Co, fire in Toronto some time ago, W. A.and T. C. Thompson 'were arrested jin~ Toronte on Sunday' night, eharged with iNegally transferring goods in June ook the purpose of defrauding their cre- TS. Rech } "John Manner, of Tunenburg, late of the a Ida, er ee who was unlawfully imprisoned by the nish a teoritie®, at Porto Rico, has a fe to Halifax. He has preferred a claim through the British Government for $3,000 damages. < popula tion of Ma object in view th Rev. Father Corbell to act as an migration and repatriation agent i eastern Canada and the United States The Queen's Prize at by Private Ward of shire regiment. Miss, Jean Ingelow, the English p and novelist, died on Monday night. She was seventy-seven years of sd Sir John Bucknill, on vt (Bisley was won. 'the First Devo: ers of the volunteer n dead. (He was eighty Sir John Skelton, a § used the nom de is dead. He was s: The British Postm make @ personal iny grievances Peter McNally, formed the feat of lish Channel fr three miles from Gr g Enquiries in En have resulted in the €iscovery that Roland G. I. Barnett, of Montreal, isrno relative to Barney Barnato, the deceased Afr millionaire. : Last week there was a e old Culloden castle of re a Prinze Oharlie. The Qi his walxiinlg stick for one sixty pounds. It is confidently United States comm a in London that Great) Britain wil' tend the International Bi-metallic cont vention to be held, in Washington. It is announced that the Hion. W ps- ton Churchill, eldbr son of the late Lord Randdliph Churchiis, will stand for Parliament in the,onservative in- terest at the >next opportunity. The order of the British Admiralty for the battleship Henown, the most powerful ironclad in the navy, to pro- ceed to Behring Sea, is regarded as Lord Galisbury's freply to Secretary Sbhermay, 1 ¢ ae An anonymous writer in the London Daily Mail urges the British Govern. ment to rectify the Canadian frontier by adding Maine, Vermont, New Hamp- shire, and part of New York State to Canadian territory. al i According to London Vanity Pair, tne Londen season," which'is now near- ing its end has been remarkable for bringing into minence the intem- perate habits of society, the women' be- ing jwst as bad as It is stated in IL Lord Salisbury is by ve tome of Secretary Sherman's n. : hat, while ir Witt Was one of the mentary" Com- Mr. Labcuchete make a motion in House of 2 t for raising dough or drying D here. it will with the ol Commons that the name of Cecil Rhode Ed alti uA Ass | halon tli eet oft |thy Tari oh aes, ee dota [2 FO no nC ni of Cel Ree ghich am arched, metal ; ey ! d tyrannies | mother-in-law, i i 4Be it w a , i ak seie tribute 3 te A cracies that hav. ee Po down pete pe Sey oa Nee ao Tine ages it was co U D svaree y tormly throug e cabinet. . ae wrath of «God,|they are under moe (At New York bar sil i ane reer terior. M , hen the sharp Wi r silver has declin- front gi m foul econ Re acraa od the| who hates desp d "who, by, the ees a See hae ue sen a. what of these {ed to the lowest price in' wwe wee Now the sama atmosphere is useful, but no- thas to be done to it to change perature. wesent machine is the wer invented, when its size ig into consideration. Think of means when a machine throws : thirty-four inchesalmost O- n- most pow- 2 Houses of was signed by President McKinley the same day. : England metallic conference to be American capital next fall. Mrs. Olive A. St must return to charge of murdering her husband. The Dingley Tariff bill passed both Congress on Saturday, and Tt is thought at Washington ue that may participate in the bi- held in the Final judgment has been given that ernamann of Buffalo Cayuga for trial on the A big eee for lumber is reported . Guelph is to have a mew pork pack- Galt's town hall is to have a Jubi- England it is rumored that the C. P. R. is to -be extended from Reston into the ee ade rom the port | treal this season far exceeds the vorresponding pe- cs f A private telegram from Sir @Wil- Laurier announces that he will n Aug- the employees chanan of Hamilton has ices of General Manager of the Royal Templars of Temperance. emplar. sword-swallower. of died in' great agony at being inspected by the Governor-Gen- eral and Dr. Borden, Minister of Mi- A detachment of the North: ast lice has been ordered t e. Crow's Nest Pass tomadintain order up- an the railway construction works. one Mrs. Shortics, mother of Valentine {t is estimated that there are be- n three and four thousand unem- immi- GREAT BRITAIN. ie ns pleased | &d. | ia a CO ny thie wr: ine o Wall two 2 we ment of question. Mr. States env: votion of Queén and terms with dotted th 'The re Turkis! Pole by ba ot native preaching 'nexation of between th bitration. » Emperor ference in harmon r tingene Were, t' "¢ her fa to® re | the line of « er ner: came King o: William fpotic tem gland.@he as star man, mar. ing re the real "m: were --__e ______ FORTUNE IN A WHALE. _The whaling bark Swallow which has put in at Vineyard Haven, on her way from Barb Ss $2,000,000 i street, New {Y. months: % sident' McKinley sent a message Tess on Saturday advocating the of the financial system of the Ty and suggesting the appoint- a commission to consider the he wap imp: who died of in their quest for wi The tenor of the reports of Messrs. Dun and\Bradstreet as to the business Situation in théUnited States is not of an especially encouraging nature; $ till there is a universal feeling among busi- ness men in the United States that we shall witness a marked, revival in trade as great_as last year. rtthat the withdrawal of i ¢ om Thessaly has be- gun is denied. x ; 'By the wrecking ofa Chinese steam- jer bownd from Sin 120 persons were There have been ser and riots at Barcelona,' and the gen- darmes have been stoned by the mob. The best scientifie opinion in Berlin is not sanguine of the success of Herr Andree's attempt to each the North nd the United S such a n question. oy ne Customs ee pt the Nor- 'S adopted a report 2 rode tot of, ditfecen: duties on Several argicultural eater protection Storthing ng the int }of York, who died in 1 out 'children ; William, Duke of Clar- ence, who died William Iv., June 20, 18°7, without lawful issue, and Edward duke of Kent and Strathearn, and earl Dutlin, who died January 23, 1820; aged 53, leaving asthe sol@issue of his marriage wi Leningen, a baby daughter now Queen Victoria, The Queen Succeeded Wil- liam IV.j not becauba Bhe was simply his niece, bu tbecause she was hte only child of the brother next to him in the order of succession. Had Queen Vic- toria hadia brother, she would in all MPability, not have been a personage of historicalicelebrity, save in the con- i Of Succeeding him. Her rights Be TA fis" elned po her trom ibe throne her uncles--the Dukes of Cumberlan Sussex and Cam- Y- Was a man of such des- and principles that all erished the Princess Victor- ng between ty a the throne. » 2S he Duke of Cambridge. The of Sussex, a most estimable ae age act, red from the line From ae Pe of 1688 rose the ite, part » Made up of t yr. leon 5 'p hose wha ae and Sanants. Modern Jagrdbites Queen Victoria, her succession is blood, for she*is EL th, da wipe i the ti vo by the act of settlement on the by t darth of Ann f Immigration, but ur will fight, tooth revent, confirmation (by a ; x" Washington shortly, the United States ments. . < wiho ide, 1 Whitelaw Reid, spécial United oy to the jubilee, states that by the profound de- to the th Eng' de) Emiglish people their desire to be on goo the United States. Frank Moss, an old-time eniner, has returned to Grand Falls, Mont., from the Klondyke. gold regions. He confirms all the- reports of the wonderful auni- ferous nature: of jit is a death-trap, and the country, but say ick with the graves of thos ealth. ore for Malacc: rowned. lloon. he finest showing at the Exhibition E issels is made by France, Great itain being a good second, and Ger- many third. The Indian Government has decided upon prosecuting a number of editors papers who have of late been sedition. ©) -- ~The Preussiche Jahrbucher advocates {the return of Metz to France in con- sideration of her ratification of the an- Luxembourg. The trial of twelye- women and two men for wholesale peisonings was con- cluded at: Buda /Pesth on Friday, when four of the prisoners were sentenced to death. ' The Japanese Cabinet has agreed to the proposal of the Hawaiian.Goyern- ment to submit the question at issue e two Governménts to ar 'William's | hat ious feeling Wet: utes wil l take plac palix ng interests. n 1830; I ; also with ith Princess Victoria d, of living, younger brothers and junior to him in ssion in the order nam- of Cumberland, who be- Hanover on the death of it and his sue- He had lawful the twice, but these unions ant to the provisions of his children of succession. cause of James) II., his The picturesque do not recognize despite the fact that due to her Stuart a direct descendant of hter of James I, to tle to the throne de- e. ades to Boston, has d as probable that the Teaty question will be re- and ment will be drafted ac- and Brit- t eee Keene, the noted ; Ameri- recently speculated on is credited with hav- stock operations ork, in the past that the p'aze starvation and hardship Hungary will not be jous outbreaks and ammu- French bow sts, 'in the WP cae Tlos may try Kokumin, ex- 'Tupture of ween Japan fair'as the Haw. of meee WILL TYBRE BR POSSIBILITY OF TERRIBLE TIMES IN INDIA AGAIN. rr" The Situation Necoming Prolific of Trou ble for the Motherland--An indian Officer's Opinion, Writing from London to the New York Mail and Express, "Ascor" Says: It was the mixture of cow fat in the wrappings of the cartridges somewhere about 1857 that brought on the terrible Indian mutiny which. nearly lost Eng- land its vast empire in the Orient; the invasion of the Zenana by authorities desirous of stamping out cholera threat- ens to bring about a second mutiny. zation and of general acquirement which the natives of India have attain- : ed since the bagpipes: of the Highland- sieged reSidents of Lucknow would make another rebellion in India a far more formidable revolt than the first. . It is the Brahmin element in the vast Population which is supposed to be specially disaffected at this moment. There are hundreds of Hindoos, who s e land, preaching sedition among their the fires of hatred against the white oppressor. 'These mén haye been re- allalong the line, and in the opinion of} garded England as Indian gentle- professional business experts, this belief men Z is well founded. : ; univer. it GENERAL.. pense of their studies assisted out of The Harvest in They were made welcome in Lon on members, permitted to enter the Eng- lish House of Commons. he idea was also instilled into them that on their return to India they would find similar facilities for enter- ing the Indian military and civil ser- vices as their fellow English subjects. They soon discovered, however, that in India the Englishmen reserve every- thing, exeept a few insignificant posts, for themselves, and the Anglicized Hin- doos found that their English educa- tion was of next to no advantage to them. a (REBELLION AT WORK. Discontented with their position, they soon became firebrands, and as there is little, if any, censorship of the na- tive press, they naturally turn their energies toward obtaining the widest dissemination of their disloyal views. The men who conquered India for the English and kept the vast empire for so many years cowed in the deepest submission, insisted that masterful upper hand could only be sustained by inferior being and by allowing him to haye as little knewledge as possible of English affairs. Lo this day the old Englis i treats the natives only ay army, edupating 'them at English uni- versities, and conferring on their princes the same h me honours and flecora- tions as are given ie. princes or European blood royal, TO BE INDEPENDENT. "It stands to reason," said an Indian officer now in London, who was dis- cussing _ one am a eens sooner or later my coumtry wil off the yoke of the English. may be several unsuccessful attempts, simply because we Indians are not a nation, but a number of nations clust- ered together, But we are learning a s00d deal, thanks 2 our contact with Jurope, and we are liscovering in par- ticular the possi S of fegeration. ag gg ree ere soldiers, them- Selves admit, are part of the finest material Composing the present army of the British empire. Is it likely that we shall rest content with perpetual government at the -hands of a race of men who are op; to us in colour, 'in religion and in every possible and mes ticuebser vance ? bs O94 " € an officer of the that I may a to be Sedition against the Piag Ihave rn to defend. Do not mistake me. L contented with my lot, and' find a in enjoying the friend- nglishmen, but it can't last. will be several abortive at. tempts, no doubt. Insurrections will break out here and break out there, and he promptly subdued, and then suddenly the fire 7 leap api every direction and it will be India for the Indian. I tell you, sir, the march of science alone will enable us to secure what, af ; rt ofevery mam in Hindoostan no matter whether he worsh sum, or kisses the foot of Bud prostrates himself before the throne Allah, and that is--independence,""-- of --_--_--_--_--_--_ et A LAD'S SUICIDE, s--_ A Fourteen-Year- Old Lad Failed to Pass an EXamination and Drowned Himself, A despatch from¥New York says:-- Benjamin Simon, a fourteen-year-old School boy, because ihe failed to pass the examination at the College of the City of Néw York, being deficient in draw- ing, drowned thimselfin the Hudson River on Saturday night. His body was recovered on Sunday and taken to the home of his parents, at 80 Suf- folk street. Before committing the suicide the lad mailed this note to his home :-- Dear Parents,--I notify you that will commit suicide. reasons are that I had no opportunity to carry out my reselution to study on account of our Circumstances. I have but(few re- grets that I must part with the world at such an age. The, most important is that Ihave not held my resolu- Mion to agitate among the work- ing masses for their emancipation from wage slavery by the overthrow of* the capitalistic system andj for the es-_ tablishment of the co-operative com- monwealth advocated by the Socialist - labor party. 4 am grieved at the idea that you will grieve, although the hand, thi#t wrote it will then be cold and still. 'The resolution to commit suicide, though long delayed, will at last be executed. 1 cannot write more, my hamd iis trembling ; but if you want to do the last request. of your son, who is now dead to you and to the whole world, grieve not. Dam wholly: prepared to die, the death I myself have sentenced. Your son, Benjamin Sim- on." Or INNOCENT. My husband, said Mrs. Innocent to ; th, _destroyes eer: ais he The Pittsbure council Re thdees a) been out 18 months. She took 900 bar- "Of chat aad ee Trobe die?" "Of SEASIDE EPISODE miners ae passed a resolution a i et om oil, 600 pounds of whale- | having nothing to do,"-was the answer. : j cond, ae resident McKinley to use his arabergria is to ae Gmbereris. The alhaving nothing to & ce enough to don't need to turn up your Boos ortices in the settlement of the Fou ae. ~ Js in one lump _ nearly kill any general of us." 'Ob, can it be| muy engagement ring, sid the| coal miners' strike ity. Te is valued at Sooo you c : where ther = 80 | 1 oe It's prettier than) Twenty prisoners in the King's cruiaiae ao 'the violgee Or ii rae af 4 be alleviated, so at hy ee yea al 'County, N. Be: Penitentiary have ha. Acunha, in the Gute Atlus ie, on ngs orn ¥ a a ie gas ee eal of ie Swallow captured a sperm whale which . eae Mey Ua wor af the Anti-Conviet Ralous i E eat ns magic vets Oe g: cet + eet ieee 2 ee "oyatinat at present is $820 a pound. 5 ber neighbor, is going to i eftae teh going to shave himself Is that sof said the neighbor. Yes ; he hasn't told me so, yet, but I found a shaving mug in his coat pocket this morning. He brought it home last night, and his friends 'Tom and Jerry ve it to him, for their names are on tin gold letters; : The forty years of instruction, of civili- -- ers sang the song of Tesaue tio the be-° have been carefully educated in Eng-. countrymen, slowly but surely fanning -- ciety, and even, as in the ease of two steadfastly regarding the native as an. thing disgusts doa, Bae the funds ef the Indian Goveainagls . ter all, is indelibly written on Cd ee a Me ali ve % * ile itt OM

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