Ng ee NOTES AND COMMENTS | Ee 2 : : = 2 ER CARE OF THE FLOCK." | app. ARANCE | F THE QUEEN IN THR}] sheep breeders believe that) ~~, . "@ PROCESSION. ees the care sheep 'need is to be | Sy m in the winter time when NNotes and Comments : | : . oo : ie fai cciaicucominienet of London during the jubilee festivi- ties, in which the representatives of . ' their heads an CHAPTER XIV amid the brush: BhE. Seems Atmost gs Kou a Ohio -- Great ly one-fourth of the inhabitants of] arley's Cottage, which place George |men passed wii : A Pe. , . ; ie Goes marched under the standard ecorend his Gteiaciies had fixed ee ao ent Seen. they well as oo to. oS eoaanes, _ fy -- Mouses Swept - k stra : ° E if t |stood up. amy previous oc- | Vided . W. Frankli : nterested in the ilee Page: : a yee of St. George was an exposition! of the}/upon as their rendezvous, Was a Spo a C Vane L rsied 5 greatness of the British empire, the re-| of jll repute for miles around, and one ar ihe a eer threate: i : ; J ly » correspondent of the Broo! oungstown, Ohio, ] a ? Llso a writes in this way about.Q' cloud-burst struck ay night, flooding and causing great rty, both in the city ailway lines. Many per- 0 be drowned. The : view at Portsmouth, which brought the|.which mo imhabitant of the district |did now. What co wa} _ ceremonies to an end, was an exhibi-|,yould willingly go near by day, much bgt / z i i jubilee:--England is tion of its power. 'The civic and mili-|jess after dark. "A grim tragedy cen- |i 9. aby sel ; ee ° ae ; i countries that has retained tary pageant, imposing and impressive!{yed round the spot. Some quarter of /ing girls the as it was, could be rivalled in many of], ceniury previously the cottage had. her distress, 2 FAC-SIMILE 2 SIGNATURE i th at military states | j,.en ¢ > of a certain game-keep- | ©F in heaven or on oe ; ee. f a snd ehtia t, but no otter' nd gl Wii ee Roane who had made te : 3 5 in winter time. All kinds of | (east pac Est tOn.-20 ANegetable Preparation fer As- of the continent, bu er, Varley by ; The faithful gil co ii d Goi t this sea~ | mi tS capt c nd the damage is |~ imilating the Food andReguta- |) or combination of nations, could equal | himself specially obnox!ous 10 the poxch- |4 sob the hands tht - : Lene St dae eo fa, i mae. rene Daas : : son Of theSyéar. It is quite true h by four and eight roads bring the heav- }}| ting the Stomachs and Bowels of || ae) fe ie Railroad west of n miles, and north of same distance, was en- th isplay of British naval power |ers of the district. One night he was |"\What be they going : ee in 'the waters of the Solent. A|shot dead on his own threshold and ee a moment or ater. Shes| licks and lice and many of the: ath. fleet of warships extending over a|his cottage fired im two places. The jy 04 eee tee - nas eer parasites are quite active in the winter /gm H Curiosities in museums, mounted course twenty-five miles in length, and| ¢ime was never brought home to MY | done. > time, | but the summer season is rife with postilions in gala dress. The Sharon including 185'vessels built for fighting | one, neither was the cottage ever Te | "They are goimg io seize and bind) with many kinds of insect enemies not drivers with cocked hats, covered with tirely flood: alone, was a spectacle the world had} built. *But of all this er Clara tee ee and then they are going aly | in winter. Among_ the great embroideries of gold; the carria : i ; never seen before, and afforded a con-| Brooke nor Margery, be newcomers | ;¢ there wal WC ey oe | Pests#in summer is the little oestrus filled with all the gayly dressed royale struck by lightning and. nearly destroy- England's|in the neighborhood, knew anything. the train could be warned im time! }°Vi8 fly which attacks the sheep in the | ties of the world, and in all this powér-| ed by fire, while business houses and sharness which would be | iest 10 Promotes Digestion Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opiumi,Morphine nor Mineral. Nor NARCOTIC. Is ON THE clusive demonstration of 3 i ars : ability to maintain her boasted supre-| The elder woman hurried feverishly Think, think; is there nothing we can months of July and August. They lay | ful nation s splendour, the only simple, | manufacturing coneerns were fiooded. macy of the seas. Yet this fleet,: by | onward, the younger leading the way- a 5 : . eggs in the nostrils of the sheep and | Unassuming one was the woman whose Henry Myers, a tailor, while stand- a E> ha rmost formiBable uaa et iscaiy-a wae a ssed between #amem, lawaved the for =o * geet a when they hatch out and crawl up the | Sixty years of glorious reign her peo-j ing at his residence on Mill street, was Teepe of Ole? Dr SM ICEL PINOLE WR. APPER bled was only a moiety of: Britain's}Presently they reached the stile (29, chuckles. "You just' let me rim nasal cavity to the upper recesses of the | ple were coleprating. ee by lightning and i fantly kill- : naval strength, for on the same day|through which Margery had followed mate oe aoe as my legs'll carry me | region of the head they give great trou- SHE LOOKS YOUNG. d. On every railroad leading i the : . . 1 a * * : 2 : in the Atlantic, the Pacific and the}the two men, and crossing it, 'oe a lthin oe Begg as oe oe These will cause death if they are} 'There she sat in her Grandi caerness be es never ts of extensive sh- ae eat = OF EVERY Mediterranean powerful squadrons fly-| winding footway through the fie |used To fasten on the rails when the eee a large numbers ee the nan drawn by eight horses, with all of. her aed eo He te Ewept awaysand rail- Fe ing the British flag, stood guard over| They went swiftly and silently, wal = [ice Fee tee in winter. I know how to | ¥ SPT1ng Oo! the following year. Anoth- | subjects, family and servants dazzling h aC. Gauls say, the ee will be the Viorm Seed - BOTTLE OF the interests of a world wide empire.| ing hot on the pathitself, but on th Rea as ee wath Sot is always woe to make trou- with gold and silver, purple and fine te Beye ever Grown At 10 ee Fiver : ed y e for the sheep owner, and that is} jinen around her, simply ulead: siHinee ee he waters swept down the val- ---. lt is difficult adequately to realize the}soft grass which bordered it. Not, d strength thus represented, and the }creature did they see or hear, an statement that there were twenty-one] fore long the path began to dip isoime to the box. "Then I'll take the : i : : oe t cut across the fields to where oc fly. It lays eggs in the and white, like a good bourgeoise, who ley into the city, 4 : . are turns sharp round more'n half | filthy parts of the sheep in the region | condescends to come out for once with CARRYING EVERYTHING great battleships in line,. ten of| hollow, then came some stragg a Wilieinghe tn ee ee ee of - tails or in hurts ee oe her rich relatives. For once, however, | that was not fastened down before it. them of over 14,000 tons and 10,000] patches of brushwood, and preceai' {tell the driver, mum, when he stops = oh oe ne ao ee Bt she condescends to change her broad | The bed of the creek is not more #han power, expresses the elements of for-| they were in the spinney itself, ve 1 j Hae train ?" oo a eath o e. sheen? : brimmed, much battered hat, which | 20 feet wide, but the flood swept out midableness only to the initiated. But] trees and a thick undergrowth on both BS hho puPr® Are half-a-dozen men - ue estroyed.- In the sa ee has become traditional, and the para-| to a width of about 2,600 feet. It rose a single one of these modern fighting}|sides of them. Margery led the way autho: be tere ee cena. vee c : : Sues oe om is sol which is said to be much out of | quickly and in less than thirtygminutes machines. could have destroyed any }as by a sort of imstinct, onlys pauses, master's box. After that, he will know a oe ere ; re oe od repair. Her gray hair was neatly tadeea ene Wate waskld the ae fleet existing before 1860, could have] for a second now and again to listen. jee uy will be best" She could t a a ' oft Suen aris teSyunder a black lace capote trimmed | of all the dwelling houses in the flood- seattered the "invincible" Armada, | To Clara, the adventure, with its dark- = atte oe ets re cc Sioa. moe. a with white roses ; her portly figure was |-ed districts and was 'still rising.-It is turned the tide at Trafalgar and' the| ness, its silence, and its mystery, had tt pods er, suc. a weight had he prevention of the oestrus ovis fly covered with a black and whit ae avcertamty that : 'he girl's words lifted*off her heart. {is to provide shade or a dark barn Drea sane eee aN mone zef the. people : y She sat alone on the back seat, with | escaped from ihe houses. Nile, and sunk the American flotillajall the -complexion of a nightmare. | "Bi whnt about péreMuster Geril, a Again and again she had io ask her- | mum?" uxged Margery. where the sheep can go during the heat-| the princess of Wales and the Princess} The whole distiriet was in darkness Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms Convulsions, Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. Castorla is put up in ono-size bottles only. It gan is not sold ia brlx, Don't allow anycne to eell S) you anything elso cn the plea cr promise that it jis 'just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose." 29-Sco that you get C-A-8-T-0-R-I-A, similo is on 2 ture tend CM TL A S at the close of the civil war. | _ : Base seus self whether ik were indeed a realitua ie An, whap indeed! Clara shivered as |ed portion of the day; the hotter it is eee : : : ; noe EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ee ned! ovo | Maes ge ee IE ow » | Poush an icy wind had struck her. She | the better the fly seems to like it. The | (v7 #4 opposite to her, clothed in /eXtept one small place wh 'ya lone The navies of other nations can' pro We are nearly there now, Muni, de : the most gor toilettes th arisi- | electxigwlight sh a 3 as eee ; i ' aad i gpotice that her hus- | maggot fly can be prevented from do- sorgeous toilettes that Parisi- 'CHesheht shone. Fireme®, police- ----- duce 'warships in all the details) of ar-|said Margery presently in a whispemy ad n P beonae' inentioned ho nn" : y Pp : &a conturiers could invent. The Prince | men and others were on hand quickly mament and construction equal to those|"Do you wait bere among the trees)? "i re by ; vip ip ca autho by Pe ee ne of Wales, the Duke of Connaught, and | but were powerless to effect rescues, as g ee eee oe 5 ie im as thor uw ey succeed in laying a lot o g 2 x : Be See wiih! paraded under the British flag|while I creep forward and try Fan utter tae Could itebe c we Sie oN. es (ae ie the Duke of Cambridge, followed the | NOt a boat of any kind was to ve had. : Queen's carriage on horseback. The ¢riés of the people in the houses : = at Portsmouth, but no other nation can|find out what they" be about." © |he was unaware that Gerald filled th Ee a » | i ' @ Wwe r d 1e sate : blS*themPidijsuch numbers, nor}saying the girl stole forward, and was pocition of signalman at Cinder Pit eee faeces ae I was surprised tosee ihe Queen look | Were heartrending io those who stood WE "; iobilize her vast Jamd and sea forces|at once lost to'view. _ ~« Junction? Tt was possible, but by no ily dislodged from its stronghold in the | Younger than her pictures. Judgi at the waters' ec 3 : ee oe é ta Z E 03 : ; RE. fas 5 ging waters' edge and who were fore- with such rapidity. The British fleet] 'The young wife wailed with a heagt | cans ee no eae in ee fe fourth stomach of the sheep. Worm| from the majority of them you would | &4 t@ retreat on account of the rising is always readier for action than the|that beat high and anxiously: PES) band's eatety. 1 Pe W,, | Powders mixed in the salt is the only | infer that the old lady=_as the Wnolian | Wot : y 2 3 safety. In that case, should he | prevent This fs eee d e lady--as the English | ft is almost tainty t! C fleets of all the rest of the world, while | moments seemed terribly long till Mar- ene Crofton not encounter each other Bor . her betas redornrinitt ee call her--had just roused the moment | persons' were icowe Ons whole ANN 0 U N E in India an'army of 209,009 men is for | gery returned, although in reality she ihe ene fe ee ee have had no experience with it. Isome-}necessary for photographing and that | family was crying for help from upper all purposes in a . permanent state of | was met more than ; Y |} times plant a field near the house"or]she sank into a semi-somnolent state windows When suddenly there was a ree or four min= w »-|railway* servant; and although -he ae : adil : : mobilization, and ready) to be sent at]utes. Clara trembl much that she [might chance to be assailed oni mal-. Det nie ct oe pei enna immediately afterward. I found my- te ee if te ee was be- a : i a Pe ee ee a moment's notice to any part of the|could not speak. ~ 99 |treated by them, that would be but alin it, and then the lambs are turned | 8¢lf twice very near to her and she is |Scon the cries fri Cela ee aoe Th: 5 we : 6 ap world. Sections of it~are constantly| "There's fourf 'ert mBwpiii a ee ec Bat tie oth in the field early. A few pumpkins are|@ hardy, rosy cheeked, almost young | he intense darkness Sead rs Bo icoed our Brook have just received a Fine Aditiond to turning up in Asia or Africa fully | the girl, "E eomld see them qui 2 | the t "would 'set right. | These eee Bee ee Ne bo eating ae fooking Woman, for her age. The day ple one tt ae 5 oh poe it is Ladies' Belts and Buckles, Fine Pins; Side Combs, eduipped for battle, and with its) base|through the ersclteth® shutter, a | thoughts | passed through her mind far | out being cut. It is the pumpkin seeds before the jubilee on her way 'o Buck- ants went down in the flood. PPeaple Photo. Frames, Water Setts, Toilet Setts, Bisk in the centre of Asia, and with an un-|from what I <onld "sale out, thera™m|™gne rapidly Uhnn she could have given | that do the work. Thess are a EreAL ee hace from the station, she | at the water's edgehewed'a man Biving rigures ; ao fine pieces in Glass and Silverware for excelled transport service, it isavail-|more to came, Ocmistrecsieieonlaae Ait ci in words. The only |.vermifuge. Other summer. care-of the alle ee in her carriage, bowing grace- | for help = who was. apparently bein the table. : Ri i as Use eee 4 A "| question now was, had she time to warn } fJosk consists in the provisi f good jAUlly to the shouts of welcome with i ; is ng aioe Ladies' Silver i i - able in little more than a month's|#@omear 'em if IT was you; they're Ors her hueeand haloré™ the altace «Loar re, ' . e ee ae Bo stiles on her face. On the day of the carrie down. in the flood. The voice ee ies' Silver Watches from $4.50, time at any point between Suez and| perate bad let, and if they foun "you | place? The gang were on their way Fouad hive aes ce to Soaten ana jubilee, while the many bands that perihga Bnd it is éipposed the'man gates dala Warne pom INE - San Francisco. In less than a fortnight | there, nobody cam tell what might hap- |4lready; could she overtake them, pass | salt at all times. If the pasture is suf-}2e¢8ed the road to Buckingham Palace ae ; Silt tekelyyatches from $5 up to $20 and $25 "after the order was given, last year,| pen." phew ees sect the signal-box | ficient they will do well, otherwise it ea oe the oe ae look CRIES FOR HELP. ponies and also Gold Filled Cases for ladies and ' : = ee Bsa: Br? % ; 5 sees fore" ry: chaneé was a | is well t id: ' , adiant, and, as if then and : 'd. contin ae e : . ; to garrison Suakin from India an en-| Of a truth, Clava might wet despemate ome, but she must attempt Big ee iia rie erent: Sheep nea jthere, gave the promise of permitting wee putethe ze. A. fine Silver Cased, full jewel Watch, inlaid with tire division, made up of all arms, wwas|and it was only the thoughtiphat itsguugeether course Was open to her./so much food, and if they do not get #* third jubilee ten years hence Gold on back for $13, -- ; on the road to the Red Sea, and with] new and unforeseen danger mi J eee ee it they.will try a gooa fence, and also 'TWAS NOT AN ORDEAL. Alarm Cloeks at ${and up. . ; ty and. ~ alk 2 sant ir 7 SS tT 3 n -2 E * ny * a few days' longer notice the same de-[ bly at Unk very aimed Bie vee coheed He ae" [HPP megnes ot aay over, Nave Sitting next to ove oft, dian All Kinds of Clock at greatly reduced prices spatch could have been made with an|/ike a net round thig*hus| Pewill go andwwarn your master, | and changiy .S.0-tock about every two | jubilee was not an ondenlitcr Ghe Quien Repairing a specialty, having putin a fine Amer army corps. They are fighting troops,;S0 devotedly that merveds to the "Dray heaven I may not» be too | weeks, and WAN it first rate. If aljand her court to go through. 5 can Lathe tor the purpose. too--Englishmen hardened by long| task she had set herself {6 do. "Mare- | lates | eiivomheeamiier ain. dh. Ley pee and freshens up the pasire ae indeed, no; they were delighted 5 ag aka . iy Cath te oy ; ae: ' je me s. a oe ' 3 Pet ae foreign service, Sikis, -Pathans and|7#¥," abe aid gflet « BOWE silence, | lMrwiaiestaaBAnleng' ce' anih | SNe SHER. Az ais changed after [at the prospect of i he Queaa na Mahrattas who have been trained by} "where you can go with safety I can ou phe a reached the stile, 3. ae it Would be better to reserve'fand said she was he could not $8 : aad s TesMo nearer way yr 2 | WoL For Gold Rings, Etc., call at and have fought with them, and to|Surely go. I must'see and listen*=to oa ani D what is considered too mmuce whom an expedition into China or] these men for myseli--Now, attend to |i) ine Hie road ae ee oe lane Egypt or Europe only furnishes a de-|this. Should T bo discovered by them, |"""There's a way through the fields, ' sirable outlet for their natural mili-]0T Should anything me, you | that euts off a big corner, T'ye walked tary spirit. With impregnable bases haere as for your life amd warn your fe eee -- mum, as:you gould |'it a on two continents at places where | ™@ster." : "I must try," answered" Ww, i 'i striking an enemy is/ ths easiest, anda| "1 understands, nium, never fear," | erately. Every see cigars mae chink ee ~ 4 + et Wels was the girl's earnest response. The near cut in question was through | days whe izzards were raging. Shade ; those who ; »_ Policemen i : So ~~ 7 with vast and mobile forces, England i a second stile somewhatsfarther om At? = anid-eer is the "tity ot good ¢los i roys eae bridge Sat ta F this poimt, after a few last words, the things. in summer rene ee ea A omé to me ) ny £ few. seconds later the R 2 Th S dies, their 1 genera ; swept away. = | Corn Tove os DIESFELD'S DIAMOND HALL STORE ea the And be eonyinced you get A-1 value ee si. ae ' r thr: h possesses a strength of which other te phe Lg ie eee ee the trees; almost as sileit as two-parted, each goimg a separate way. hflock should:be brought into yards di : nights to keep dogs jand wolves nations must stand in. dread, 'and i f ae ows of which they seemed to-form a} Clara's way led through more fields: |i he nos ves, i ; istri % which the world may hope will never sort and presently Clara found her-|but the track was so faint that she |from chasing them, or they. may. ae eee siaeca tote low Sion; metricts x be marshaled save in peaceful ag ~ ' eee 2 et as ' bs severe that they are slaves to the] sh suffered greatly i peacefu page-"| self under the walls of the-ruined cot- | Was utterly unable to distinguish it, 'permitted to sleep on high ground nes of ceremonies. A walk into! In Teumbu teen bai ; j f) , ant. t ss tage. Margery guided lier to where a and had to trust to her vague local | the dwelling. They should not be per- Londotinchicn is the privi 'of. ruck by fh 21 / c hi ? en ; sae ; riatea, p 2 : 2 ssmati |Smowledge that she was: going in: the | mitted to go to the r ae reymdst humfble of their su Savery £0 i: 1 ' Ay 3 ; = -- rickety shutter still guardedsa' small | right: directigny lis A fudit, WhUe Abe | Lo, pz], *HOs és the Hehge would talk for'd toll SAREE it ale Or awe FSET |e Wie eel HIS FEAR AROUSED: the glass hid' forig sinee. disappeared, |to her utter dismay, she saw, from the { looking for breakfast. I have also not- | yotan instance it the: Notion that : i aan --<y ee Through a chink in this, the interior | the ition of the signal lamps in the | ed that a close watch will have to be } attends all doings of the royal Pautily HOW He PEE OW IN E U BLAST . L L! o 1 "6 German Emperor Goes to the @pera Ry Way of a Secret Passage. Emperor William seems to be realiz- ing the extent to whichi he is disliked f the room, such as if was, was plainly | valla&} below, that she had wandered a | kept for any sheep that may get cast. Gaaphgibhee '{wo old-fashioned lant- | full quarter of a,mile too/far to the | Occasionally a sheep will lie 'dows in erns threw a dim weird light over the |right of them. It was a thousand |a low place or with its back down hill scene. Clara's eyes sought imstinctive- | chances io one now that Crofton and | and lie so until it dies. ly for the, face of Crofton before tak- | his crew would be there before her. PLENTY OF RED TAPE, ° a ie : fe 3 DOA; Bak seis wreck eens ue Apciegetlmecet trans ee The undersigned takes this Opportunity of returning "his sincere thanks for ao ee While playing with the Duke|able Generals, Miltvedeg" eaouidas, At the large measure of patronage bestowed on him since commeneing busines ennaught's children in Bucking-|exander-- in Port Perry, and would keg to state that having, at a large expenditure 8 by his subjects, especially by the masses |! etna dbe Anguich lent wi tcanid ham Palace he expressed the wish t ia oS ; : : f of the Berlin population, which always} (ivitsome ical Beall along ling siiiltlew.down ame fies aarilere CHEESE CURING. ~ eee, the gala carriages stored in the impettie ion cae Pre ee thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill aud intioduccd the best, mc st improved bas been renowned for its disloyalty}ered in her breast that Margery had |pursued by the Furies. She could see] «ye normal variations in temperature [eeetes! gas pa es ane sae ee would a; them if they had run and modern machinery including the a ' ak istaken. ut if that were so, | the lighted window of the signal+box « and for its hostility to the crown and| been aoe at OnCeed: = ecorre shining in the distance, a faint yellow | 4nd moisture exert a much more harm- | 7 Y the hop to thee Government of the day. Thus Crofton himself was before her. He |disc. The next thing she knew was that | ful effort on cheese than butter, chief- | during the last four reigns the munl-|\.-. the only one of the party that |she had reached the boundary of the|ly because the time necessary to put cipality of the city alwayshas been in|was seated,-and his seat consisted of | line, but at a poimt still some distance | the product into a marketable condi- opposition to the Government, and to| nothing more than-a,pile ofleose bricks, |from the box. It now became needful | 7; : such fenton bstructed anda|With part of the stone shelf of - the |to exercise more cambiow that. "she had 4 tinsisomniag edge ger wlth 3 a oe AS ee mantel-piece laid them. Higuld "be-seeti(tereis ready = tiers be 3 fought against the wishes of the sov-| snoking, as were also two of were doubt- | days from the time it is made. In or- ereign as frequently to lead to very/ers and seemed deep in E hand. The | der that cheese may be properly cured, Biven from the one in whose keeping as ( 4 HK R p R H} ere ae af R LL 0 C S S cover the carriages, and the ahildees fi PLAT COATRABIGTION, iy ales ees, ere obliged to be attended by a Lit- le army of governors and govern-| fhe Of'-Repeated Statements by Physk : "The nation often complains of the 2 bat Can ae : I m4 N G A N 1D C rs O oad ts ] N G vant of independence, of freedom, what : yy ould the royal families do if' they Sworn Statements, y anc in a manner that cannot fail to give satisfaction to m for the manufacture of flour, is prepared to do { by a A disagreeable encounters whenever mon-| rest of the party were . HSybounded by the green product must be stored under }jvere not df 003 OR : : CORE - theyetalked fencing t the g p reared from babyhood to haye| mo. ae. "Ep adr pon se arch and municipality are called upon ote a and, m ing of ett: ts which, on | such conditions as will permit not only: ene syety nee the world iH a MM oroncatissckeen ete Pe oe lied with Flour of the Finest Brands. \ g 5 ; the &j . 4 s : Be ey are like prisoners w a ee as OT ae : g to meet. surprise, she saw that one jeld-side, grew a thin straggling | the control of temperature and mois iniall ys arawodined Ge hehe oriscd Sark: present; *tis no wonder, for their credulity =< zs 7 i : ' 5 : m ' oy ec Neither the Berliners nor yet the pre-) was in the garb of acler hedge. Under the shelter of this hedge | ture, but the prevention of rapid fluc- |}Ithough they are made of solid gold. | "88 been played upon by the unreliable The , Pl ; : Bea d Mrs. Brooke no' "these | Clara now stole softly and cautiously : ' q jubi i ti sent r forget that when in 1848] F a a low. whistle sounded | forward, wi ; tuations for an extended period. This |No, these jubilee days were looked for-|°!*ims of advettised cure-alls until doubt Empero hhings, when a low. whistle sour , With e ears pretern- Ward to, at least by the female part |' ConVerted into a belief that all announce- as a picnic is by | ™ents are imaginary pen pictures. Rheu- eo P pror forget at when in 18 : : | a Fact Her Majesty's grandumcle, King Fred-|- ' ewhere outside, _ on |Sturally oh the al Step by step | demands the construction of proper }fa7d | MeetT tae hing ac or' erick, William IV., wished to carry]. to 'hi a rew nearer without beimg disturb- | rooms for curi oint of great im- ; 7 : m through his wishes in defiance of their ceankty oe aa ae a ed by a sight or a sound, till et length ee te es a anes. See es ever see the coun- arene are of the class whose in- in, full operation and can supply all..kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber need i Gring has led them to try first one|Joist Scantling, Boards, Pickets, Posts, Shingles, Doors, Sash®Moulding : ree ; f ith' faced the ith its lighted win- | -- i protests, and even called -to.bis as oe a ioc 'ott, the ge | dow where it send iis sini side | ceived adequate attention. thing, then another, until repeated failures Banni d : sistance troops who shed blood like wa-) (Tine a lantern, Clara and Marg |°! the line. Then with a heart, the | In fact, the inferior quality of much convinée them 'there is no help for them." [i ee They hear about the startling cures made ter in the streets, the citizens finally] ory sank noiselessly back into the und- ees ts i pacing. of Saree sounded like a -r of the cheese that is made is traceable A PIONEERS STORY by Hoctuenee d , sce ed ees -- exgrowth ci Be ee | bushes = pre a poe . asec "rine =a . oo pees 'e at sre ae Bill Lumber a Speciality. All kinds of TURNING and Scroll Sawing do | peror lam, : : : . '% Por a moment or t mist dimmed eap factories where the temperature Ce g not k 5 Bets, ) on short fiotice, : \ Prussia, who was in command of "the ae tiene 'minutes her eyes and all hie reid discern was | of the so-called curing room often ap-}/Ollowing an Attack of LaGrippe He ingredid eee Ela cated that TALES CARNE 3 troops, to withdraw the latter and hum= ae iva aes . ee eo re Was some one inside the box. | proximates blood heat are the curse of Suffered Day and Night for Four | banishes Rheumati Ot tee it' enabled GI. % Self to leave the country, while _ they observation at the window, she ~ fount E mist Cleared away, and she | the cheese business as they either force Years--A Well Known Clergyman oe Ball, blacksmith, residing corner eee : a the man standing there with | the marketing of the product before it 4 on a lever was not | js ripened or cause a great deterioration |) "man Slinkey, whose | jn quality. Such products are neces- d seen through the | sarily sold on the home markets and |) fer. Gerald was nowhere | have materially prejudiced consumers She had come too late! against cheese products in general. A To Bs Continued. properly ripened cheese will not only command a price sufficient to compen- sate the maker for time and trouble | : compelled the King to stand barehead-|¢hat the party imside had been aug- mented by two arrivals. The ed on the balcony of bis palace while e corpses iti 7 men had now grouped themselves rounds, ~ eat tie citizen pe = Crofton in various attitudes of at been shot down by his soldiers were tion, listening to*the instructions Endorses Misstatoments | oan ae caicea| THR SULTAN'S SUBMISSION| S982 44> scanaeo. 'rom the Record, Windsor, Ont. take up work in the Gity Quarries at hard Mallen Steel Falis in Showers About F. . af os onn- Among the residents of Kingsville, |!#bor, discharged from the hospital with i 'mt., none is held in higher econ the assurance "they eould do noleiie 16 YIELDS TO THE WILL OF THE COM-' drymen While They Wark. han Mr. Jas. Lovelace, who is known | him, his system was.sofnll of rheumatism BINED POWERS. 'When the furnace is tapped in a eee a weve but ~ pene through- a power on earth could drive it out;" then : fics steel foundry there is a gg Veg of county. en a' corres-|lying at his home for weeks unable to lift Ne Accepts the Strategie Fronticr, But | SCOria that scatters over a wide area, me ata mete oper: carried past him in procession to the|was eyidently impressing upon the! cemetery Whatever the objects of this strange : company might be, there could be lit- ie i ; -That the Emperor does not trust his) (), qoubtithat George Crofton was the : : ond this ; E h ssliners in shown by tho fact that| ender qilla @aguman.-who bent for-| g THE RICHEST vaMiLy, | invoived but will also fend'to develop paisa fits Record celled ypon im band fo month, havigg to te fed by bie | "* que'? Saar acerca eet | dacwadiag er orer wide are, & ; ] tly | ward a little, Made an ear-trumpe a 7 : * ih 3 "St . baie : aughters of Ham- ' Bees 3 i at a considerable expense he recently We We haw and it might be for his'|The Russian Imperial Family can Claim | tet ially, increase the consumption of Se indy atten cen y oe ae ilton brought him' Kootenay. Three bottler LEGA GEO ar Party Incvitatle, | of sparks that envelop the men at the 4 'has caused the building of benefit that Crofton now pitched his That Distinction: this article. A control of this vemperss he cheextilly dad ao Mr eee effected a complete cure, This is not more A despatch from Constantinople says . ladle. i ture relation is more economically ac- | i 3 strange than the story*told by Mrs. Guy, | that Tewfik Pasha, the Foreign Minis- | 'brough {the pyrotechnic display of SUBTERRANEAN PASSAGES, voice in a higher key than he had pre- id: A d 3 : . : . aid:--Four years ago I had a'had|--. . : London correspondent in St. Pet-| complished in cooler climates and is one } tack of la grippe, which left me with | Wife of Mail Carrier Robt, Guy, Brant Ave.,| ter, communicated to Baron von Cal- | the rain of fire and luminous reflec- -_ ' which will enable him to reach his viously done. Clara hardly breathedias é fe _ . ? Sear, * the | ersburg publishes ret : {of the reasons why northern localities yee DE f : : 4 , Fm ta ttre te Minot eer acevo. | "9 fin fll eon hie Tips T'/ mation ae to tho groper of the Rue FSU Saeed neal of Shoes |e, (% Austrian "Ampacsalor, an |tions you can eee a workman shrug : --wi i bserved. meas : : = i try. ; ' 3 houpe ' n c i 0} Fs ia ie Saha cg aE ea ah : a : sit e To exit of Ge pele anion pacsace. at on ae peareely. piegag sian Imperial family. It is one of the ppg ne eeu Cane of Rochefort 4 tting no relief, I consulted a doctor, | Year old Willie. His. lower limbs were so wie canis by thie Sultan authorizing us shoulders or wriggle a little. This + oe about which much secrecy has been Grote eee or gcc Oe the | Tichest in the world. Apart altogether | France have been used for centuries as | qe ye long treatment which did# swollen with inflammato rheumatism he the Porte to accept the frontier agreed | 1S the only sign he gives that a spark observed, is about a block distant at) ion "was enough to blanchik the hedrt|from the civil list, which usually |CUZ12g rooms for this famous brand of }? | aS Tecame discouraged and} *0ald not pub his feeb to the.floor, the |Uron by the military attaches of tha |of molten steel has fallen inside his : the so-called "Zeughaus," where there} + any anne with terror. "and nts to £1,500,00 eh "'Y | cheese, the good qualities of which are hit an ae Vee no relief for me, | slightest) causing in pain, grow- | foreign Embassies, | flannel shirt. The manager said that 4 is avery strong military detachment may. The train to Cummerhays, wag 6E Sire bess ne Ok but oo te ae sopeent upon pavalie condi- fa ee lett dana at ea that pitital _ React, Other despatches from Constanti-|in the performance of their work the always-on duty to be attacked and robbed; some Brea noreased by imperial |tions-of temperature and moisture, bad that I had to gi ae med t nople confir : ae Possibly it may*be remembered that ea , Se Rer;the house of Romanof _| The hygrometric conditions of a re- tes give up work. I} him, By, ple confirm the report that the Sul-|}men would run Into a deluge of fly- treasure--Clara could ngjam@eiaiaas y : Be Oe ginn autinra teagsbeckigemaccie id frequently rend ot Div vottle me tan has finally conceded the demands | ing sparks so thick you would -- think ; ee Higeatny h ut oO! uosity ais' withany hope that the ould help me, I bought a box.#T fol the crown theatres at Paris sumilarly bens an kn s Secuas ae were provided With seeret unucigrvune (WR "hich those degperadoes adda" Beene Stake ot tice passages for the use of the reigmiMS|iermined on making their own 4 : » under a system, laid down damily in case of danger during the) preliminary step, thessignalman al Cim- first and second Empire as well S/der Pit Junction' was to be 5 Sworn state. | Sethe powies, gard to a strategic | no one epuld go into it and come out ee Gicag: of FHeaticr. HS extuse all along has been ier me eee gpyerber, when fe Wibe.|that the oppositio i atlas 7; |! rere the waist, and cee age oe Aa Ps ee vi had not even a shirt 'to protect them. l hie We party prevented him in the shadow of the furnace and ladle Tom acquiescing in the wishes of the g@t would often register 125 degrees, and: es he very life was cooked out of ' the. F Ww that this is overcome, tha peace |. Some of the men aré singed and negotiations should logically continue | S4%red more than veterans of many smosth!y until the final terms are | battles; heroes of the workshop, they settled. Nevertheless nobody believes | Stand under fire every day of their that thay will. lives, and expect no songs to be sung {here is too good reason to believe | 12 their honor or monuments to be er that every debatable detail connected ected to their memories. with the evaguation of Thessaly and| .2be manager related an incredible in- the settlement of the Cretan question | Mdent-which he gave merely as a sam- will be contested with the same| Ple of the nerve these meni have. One dry product. In dry arid regionst proper curing a oe acenD with the greates ifficulty as the Bwed the directions carefull 3 Se qiouike s ze cheese suffers from cracking. Be iia CHEE hoe aes Fiaiee : ac throughout the reign of King Lou 1_| bound, and.gagged, his box cheese dry out but do not cure. In affirprised tofind that I was eae cce Phillippe. Moreover, Napoleon JI.) cession of, and the telegraph wires Cub: | "a more humid region lesg difficulty offer T could not undorstend eee hhad a secret underground passage lead") 4 member of the gamg Who answere : nister, who re-| this sort is experienced. © * | Biter allthe medicine Thad previously . ing from the Elysee Palace beneath the| tothe name of Slinkey, and who,unde pero Ces ne ae ; hi 'had' tailed, this one' ban oe a Rue de l'Elysee to a private house of stood the Manipulation of points ' Se ow ante Pie ae a oe the other side of the street. This as signals, would install himself in KILL THE GERMS 7 ae ahead help me. EO ee een ed eo pico and| ocr oe | From time immemorial farmers have "the time Ehad. taken five' boxes lest ron: ' 1 milk would n fe, Chamberlain, Count Bacchicehi, and) on its way to Cummerhays, passin the fact that trace of pain had left me and I or from his jealous Empress be]jt was to be turned i nes | a ! fered" th as tion or the heating process is used imfpd believe there isno man of my age w t L Is"su ed to ace - é rished to un- ais" oe the Emperor w bore ee of about. twenty of Keep sweet, Pasteur well as ever I thad done in m proceed from the Tuileries tébis/the branch leading to other countries, even -where milk ig Essex county whocan stand a har. take some secret excursion or to a reversak of the To-day I am as sound asa dollar e coller : ; . ould meet the constantl ae i a_matter of course, the ariver au f members of ie simply sold for drinking purposes. In' day's work. ; erto. The familiar contention that itis the | S¢2 to shake his foot several times. fy } former Tesidence of the Pas ah ter a ; Linistapae Sy ' 2 : : _ Perrin: . c A ; e he for ~~ al y with his Ministers.P2hen|as 'es oe time ee - "a oe peat re iS ore by vi oe Germany a large portion of the milk Ais Sine "Hepat obstinacy and _ obstruction ao ae day the fo re man of the casting an fe pee eir ions. A ° : ' » 8 -- characterize th iations _hith. |: 2° Z £ os _ be ot der eold for rete consurapiion i Bao Mr. James « Lovelace for the erized © negotiations hith its journey among the molds, for see hile his wife's spies remained watch-| opportunity of the gang. It w ing at the gate, he would.quickly pass|}known that, except at holida sums, thoughlarge, are not deriv- ized before being delivered, and there@St thirty years,I believe the above § sub: ms } from: taxation, and are probably less ater ¢ " . -- big Deivete room La . Tien Gaaherod eit than those enjoyed by the Do adic, are several establishments, that ar Be Pee. him to be strictly One Ped ; inviolable principle of Islam not to| He went on, however, and not until i, iene perro the latter's earriage| people. It would be strange if he who are asa corporation immense land| manufacturing machinery especiall§eon' greatly benef, oar that I have} Or have You palpitation, throbbing or | abandon" territory conquered by thegp2tl the steel was safe in the beds of and drive off. Eventually Ital'an con-|dozen desperate men, armed w owners, not to mention the great for-| adapted for that purpose. ess of Dr idlianria' Pi pr by the | irregular beating, dizziness, short breath, | Sword, is beinz again emphasized, and | 8224 did be hobble to the wall, where irators "caught on" to the existence] volyers could not so far intimidate the | tunes of two or three branches of the| "Our people. -here," says a lectur * is Pink Pills. smothering or choking Sensation, pain in | '© would mot be surprising to learn he took a piece 'of steel as big ashis 'al d passage,.and on| driver, the guard, and a few sleepy pas family, or than those of the house of]|on this subject "have not seen t = > P shortly that Abdul Hamid, fearing to he took a piece of steel as big ashis oe eneeh een the elose of d to have the whole at | Othman. The revenue of the Hohenzol-| necessity of pastetirizing, as milk is : 4 the breast or heats arouse the Mussulman spirit, is unable | {umb out of his shoe. It had' burned fis reign, an attempt was umade" to| their mercy. Five minutes wo' pexceeds 4 million, and that of|cheap and easily obtained, but in H#.) CASTOR, affected and sill a to order the retreat of the victorious | 'to his great toe joint, and the man his se ater ; Gas 'to Sfully achieve the house of Savoy is more than. £600,-| economies that have been practiced fice : : 2 army. , ' was laid up for weeks. Se . ately by they had in view, after which t) wa. year, ol British house being, ee teeer ie vee and isle 2 eer HL t-, pio ee ao Siouaey 'i oe ark already industriously cir- -_s mig i i r mong the greater sovereign , by | continue o e practiced, a 7 daar ness, morbid anxious feelin; culated by threats against his Ma- $ . ee ae ey =o b Peg onnest: macs bY sweet for a longer'period than the hi ° 4 WtAppen al ea ie jesty's life, the Nebset a ving been ts CASBTORIA. a aloaey, wi) pecans 7 'ao Pvdc lipase Goon ie aan febtet on Sdeat on | Tal Lp 8 i . D SOME T peal along th ine we expect to-see ' i al « is study. The letter concludes :-- , * Antiqua feet ae teurization become untPersal.* % CONSTITUTIONAL OBJECTIONS. he : aa a ou shall not withdraw from on Ltd wiper ue Se ao 8 : pa oe a ate 5, wir Thessaly, leaving the bonesand tombs = . ei : matter, J y? : ; ba Six mionths, said the ju > Heart AND Nerve pan ee May frat AG tony ee a : 4 : b e Ts . ; : ri a is : at fathers ta unbe- man suffrage question Little Johnny Squanch, sobbingly,--| PLANTING 5,000,000 RUBBER Yerroner, said the gentleman in'th : i 3 a ee eS = = * things, at the. table, the women-folk, : d_at the cot me of the-BoocBoe = tig boys made idle F ied -- frazzled coat; 1 object to that there ' a a --e POISONOUS PERSPIRATION. iin declaring it was a shame they -kiss a eS l-girl out on the]. The India Rubber sentence on constitutional grounds. : eae re tats Human perspiration, if injected into. weren't won't 'allowed to vote, but that they oune o he ico, an English coir iihat, i he matter with Tt," Jim 7 , ae PAQRENEWED ENGAGEMENT. [dogs or rabbits, acts like a deadle ildn't if they could. Ce a sal oolma 'am-- a judge. we Cure all th laints b ing} He--Now that our eng t is | poison ding to M ing' : ildn ed with a' announced that: it was. ie tart my Tt aa ae d ure a ese mplaints y regulating at our engagement is;Polson, according to M. Arloing's ex ped eon A hgr face but pee ieee lanteins a ee limit, see. oe ee a a anne the heart's action and building up the} > ded, I suppose wesshould return each periments. i ego secreted dur- uastion owed had at leas men tied entiy oul 0 , . es x *t see. Sa OS 1 7 Pas L, .,, | 10g muscular work has more toxi. question omit of the remarks , balf €'them talking one road a 'it's al the cece Wethapetine at ait faatiyctu-| hesich andl slaiibee price er ee feorge, while |power than the ordinary kind, while Ty an' no mam- j L : 1, but itis unusual, Yous@llays gim-| - oe ic. per box arom) ~ ' ; ; obtain Tom subjects whose se- I'd have twa es 3 : a ade ee | or 6 boxes for Ss cretion has been checked by cold is ood ' jp just time to draw me 20 days before.» aso, At all druggists the spot. |very poisonous. "* wouldn'yit | &