'wp 20-: Scugog Citizen -- Wed 7. Octob 16, 1991 he . = 1 1 1 1 ON: THE FARM Farm tax rebate cheques in mail, really they are! Applications for the 1991 Farm Tax Rebate gram were sent out in September to farm property owners by the Ontario Ministry of Agtlculture and Food. The ministry has now processed several thousand applications. The rebate program will provide approximately $154 millien in municipal tax" rebates to eligible owners of Ontario farm properties in "agriculture production. The program rebates 75 per cent of property taxes on farm- land and outbuildings. Top be eligible, farm proper- "| ty must be "used as part of a farming operation with gress production value of at least $7,000 in 1991. No rebate is paid on farm residences with one acre of land. Property owners.can expect to receive, rebate cheques six to eight weeks after applica- tiong are returned to the min- istry. 'To save paper, the applica- tions have been mailed in spe- cial returnable and recyclable envelopes. when two microfilmed of A gift of history Smiles all around! That was the case recently Sheridan {at right) wis happy to accept the. T 4 Information from Rika Wygerde and History were put on.permanent loan to Scugog Gwen Malcolm of Nestfeton Women's Institute, Shores Historical Museum. Curator Gail which compiled all the work. OFAH has deer tag idea across the province, the govern- ment should allow party hunters to share tags for antlerless deer, said OFAH executive vice president Rick organ. ere's no question that bio- logical data supports an increased harvest, and this 4s an equitable way. to do it," Mr. Morgan said. "Consider that the provincial herd is not estimated te 'be more than 350,000 -- that's three times what it was 10 years ago." The huge herd has caused prob- lems across the province, includ- ing crop damage, car accidents (in some areas, more than half are caused 'by deer), and the destruc- tion of rare vegeiation in.Southem 'Ontario. The sharing of the tags for antlerless deer could solve the problem, and could be reviewed me every year lo make sure that con- servation is maimained, Mr. Morgan said. I SYNOPSIS MARKET SY $ For October 11th, 1991 Deer hunting parties should be allowed to share unused tags for $ GROUP WEIGHTRANGE LOW HIGH WTAVG. HEAD AVGWT anyeriess Joon) the ak i J 'cderaton of Anglers ani unters SLAUGHTER STEERS ' EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS ' (OFAH) has recommended to the Over 12501b., 7500 77.00 © 7587 7 1428 Ontario government. 1000 - 1250 Ib. 7600 8500 80.50 2 1,200 Under current laws, hunters BRITISH who purchase deer licenses may Fl Sp Toke one ap iygil does Each.-Only Or it, so Tw 7s 9 Aan those hunterS" who sdecessfully 1000-1250 Ib, "7600 8500 80.50 2 1.200 apply for tags may harvest an SLAUGHTER HEIFERS $ antlerless deer. Li & Fone CROSS ; But often, the tags for antlerless Over 8500 8500 8500 4 1241 deer are unused b hunters ALBATSH, EXOTIC 4 EXOTIC CROSS, : who possess a tag don't get an Over 1000 b. 8.00 8500 v4 120 opportunity to take an antlerless SLAUGHTER COWS * doer Cites CALVES "NY NI 46 124 Others in a party, who don't 125-300 Ib. . 900 9800 9800 1 245 have a tag may have the opportu- STOCKER STEERS (AGCAN) . nity, but the law prevents them Over 899 Ib. a 86.00 7702 "13 1,134 from taking the deer. ; 800-8991b. 50 8860 8194 13° 827 In light of skyrocketing crop 700. 798 1b. Uo 9750. AN. 16: 761 damage, and deer~car collisions 600-699 Ib. 8550 9950 91.37 15 674 > 500-599 1b 7650 9600 8622 21. 547 400-499 b. 84.00 10600 9525 15 499 Under 400 1b. 9450 107.00 10187 '4 342 STOCKER HEIFERS (AGCAN) GRAIN Over 799 lb 5250 76000 7200 19 940 700-799 Ib. THIS 0900 8217 M745 600- ge Ib. 6350 07.50 7837 4 . 641 MARKET 500-59 1b. 8500 9850 9378 18 552 400- 49910. 2 7050 88.00 80.08 14, 441 REPORT 300-399 Ib. 8400 9950 88.81 20 364 o_o 50 950 9050 2 290 Prices quoted at market STOCKER STEERS . closing Tues., Oct. 15th/91 EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS = Over 899 1b 750 8600 8150 6 1,129 Board 750-899 Ib 75 9400 90.04 18 806 3 / 600-7491. 9500 10400 98.36 13 . 689 50 sh Bio Wis as 15 so Prices ldap 99.00 im 0337 9 395 includes basis price Over 699 Ib. 6000 8375 7279 7 1,139 750- 899 b. 8060. 0060 8060 4 820 ai y Sale $ 600-790. 800 8600 8528 8 681 CORN Shel; Tonne \ 450-509 1b. 7650 9150 8197 12 502 Under 450 1b. 5950 9050 8275 4 437 New Crop: 251 9880 DAIRY 3 DAIRY CROSS ; 1 750 es b. ) 4000 4900 49.00 1 B50, SOY BEANS STOCKER HEIFERS New Crop: 558 205.02 EXOTIC & EXOTIC CROSS CANOLA Over 799 b. M50 5300" 5000 5. 1,159 750- 799b. LTS 900 8328 9 740 New Crop: 233.40 500-649 Ib. 8350 9850 9365 19 560 - = Ib. 7050 8950 98630 26 390 Prices supplied courtesy of Over 789 b. 7525 71.00 14 861 W.G. THOMPSON 650-799 b. 655 075 7536 3 735 500-6490. + 6050 9550 7300 2 520 & SONS LIMITED 450-499 1b, 7450 8800 8081 7 430 R.R. 1, Bethany, Under 35010. 8400 9050 8833 3 300 Hwy. 7A & 35 i | 4 Ry: i By : i . i » wl Tuesday, Oct' 22. Animal Council. Annual meeting The. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture will be host- ing its annual meeting at the Nestleton Community, Centre on 'The meeting will begin at 8 p.m. Guest speaker for the evening is Gordon Coukell, chairman of the Ontario Farm The Durham Federation of Agriculture represents close' to 500 farm families in Durham Region. This local federation is affiliated with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture Which represents more than 20,000 farm families across the province. It is a non-partisan and non-profit farm lobby that includes, along with 46 county and district federations, nearly 30 marketing and commodity organizations, as well as educa- tional and public interest FIoups: FULL COLOUR REPRINTS available at the Scugog Citizen Choice of 5" x7" for $7.50 or photos in our office window at 36 WATER ST., PORT PERRY - For further information call 985-NEWS