Approval expected this week Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, April 38, 1993-- 3 _& Durham tax hike could be 9.7 per cent Durham Region council will be asked to approve a budget that calls for a 9.7 per cent hike in the Regional Jevy. If the budget gets the green Scugog resident to pay $1,000 fine for littering A Scugog Township man was fined $1,000 in Whitby court after pleading guilty to a charge of lit- tering. Robert Marshall was given six months to pay the fine. The charge was laid by the Township's by law enforcement department after complaints of garbage dumped on private pn vate property west of Greenbank late last fall The trash included car parts and batteries and several bags of household garbage The litter was cleaned up by the accused before the guilty plea was entered in court Monday The maximum fine for Littering in Sengog Township is $5,000 and the Township has a policy of prosecuting all cases. The $1,000 fine will go to the Township roads department which pays to ¢ up and dis- pose garbage and litter. light from council this week, it will add about $37 in Regional taxes to the average residential property in Durham this year. The actual net levy increase in the budget this year is 12 per cent higher than 1991, but the impact on the ratepayer is reduced by 2.3 per cent, the projected assessment growth rate for the-year The main reasons for the increase in the Regional budget are welfare costs (up 15.9 per cent, or $3.5 million in net costs to Durham) and a $3.4 million hike in the Police budget to cover salanes and inflationary increases. And like all munictpalities, Durham received just a 1 per cent hike in grants from the provincial government for this year. This will add about 3.7 per cent w the net Regional levy. Brock Township Mayor Don Hadden, who is chairman of the Region's finance committee, says this year has been "an extremely difficult one" in preparing the budget. And he said it's ume for "dis- 0 TREES 20% OFF These items only - Pric@s in effect until May 15th, 1992 SEE OUR STORE FOR MORE GREAT SPECIALS! /epjanglement between the provinces and all municipalities. The impact of the uncontrol- lable cost factors if the face of limited financial resources has crippled the Region's overall abil- ity to respond to the needs of its taxpayers," he said. Durham council meets this Wednesday to approve the budget. Mount Bator Witchita Blue, Montans Gre: ( UPRIGHT. EVERGREENS 100 cm. Size Only ... Reg. $44.00 " Now: $ 35.20 We also sell LARGE TREES! Crane truck deliveries available most weekends. GREENBANK GARDEN CENTRE uo. Located on N.E. Corner Hwy. 12 & 47 (416) 985-7667, If busy call 985-4862 C excetion "Ind sop ou, ent Selection r Qual, Nursery, of top LCI ple parack HWY. 7A & WATER ST., PORT PERRY (416) 985-9955 It s Here ... A First for Port Perry! Applies to Pizza Delivery, In Town Only. - OR - $2. 00 OFF any PIZZA YOU PICK UP $5.00 OFF any EXTRA LARGE PIZZA Yes ... That means you get ... $7.00 OFF any Extra Large Pickup Pizza! PORT PERRY LOCATION ONLY Hwy. 7A & Water Street 985-9955 IT - YOU'LL \\