AMAZING "SUB ZERO" HARDY LILILACS SUMMER BLOOMING... Long after other Lilacs have faded away. LARGE SHOWY BLOOMS... Choose from unique deep coral ink or patel mauve.., ideal as cut flowers! RON HARDY... Will thrive in cold & moist soil conditions where other lilacs fail. QUALITY, SELECTION & VALUE YOU WILL ONLY FIND AT WHITE ROSE! OUR ENTIRE SELECTION! BOX PLANTS 12°-15" WIDE SPREADING EVERGREENS Coane wom tow Wirt dep Oud Const | Arete a Proven of Wels: Wher Carpe! IHS: A GARDEN SHOW THE [am-- ENTIRE i, SHINE UNONVILLE. WHITBY Tomi 1243 DUNDAS STE RLY W_of Thickaon Ad SATURDAYS AT NOON!' OPEN SUNDA YS