0-5 g Citizen --- Tuesday, February 16, 1993 4 (ts Always Worth the Trip to ... IREQUNED LTE MODEL CAR oie rt mason com ae etn... Reduced '92 BUICK LeSABRE LIMITED - 4 Door Reduced & dark blue finish, all the options, 8000 kn. ............ Cash Back 22,900 22,500 rom bh bon 2000... 21,500 19,500 17,500 14,700 13,900 11,800 17,500 V6, automatic, air conditioner, 55,000 km. ..................... '89 PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE COUPE attractive while finish, air and extras, 55.000 km. ............ mid-size, Oshawa built, all the extras, 18,000 km. ....... '92 BUICK CENTURY CUSTOM - 4 Door mid-size luxury, a proven performer, 14,000 km. ........... '92 PONTIAC GRAND Am - 4 Door LE SERIES automatic, air conditioner, 32,000 Km. ......................... '92 PONTIAC SUNBIRD GT COUPE V6, 5 speed, floor shift, bucket seats, 15,000 km. ........... '92 PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE - 4 Door economy plus, air conditioner, automatic, 20,000 km. .... '91 BUICK REGAL LIMITED - 4 Door flawless black finish, fully equipped, 46,000 kn. ......... '91 CHEVROLET CAPRICE - 4 Door one owner, charcoal grey finish, 50,000 km. .................. 1 4,900 '91 PONTIAC 6000 LE - 4 Door V6, air conditioner, many extras, 54,000 km. .............. 1 2.800 '91 CHEVROLET SPRINT HATCHBACK COUPE 6 500 5 speed, custom radio, economy plus, 36,000 km. .......... » '90 BUICK PARK AVENUE - 4 Door 1 Y{ 900 new car condition from bumper to bumper, 47,000 km. .... » 4 '90 CHEVROLET LUMINA EUROSPORT - 4 Door 1 5 900 ruby red finish, fully power equipped, 59,000 km. . . » '90 BUICK CENTURY CUSTOM - 4 Door 14 500 power windows, locks, tilt wheel & cruise, 68,000 km. ..... » '90 CHEVROLET CORSICA - 4 Door 9 900 one owner, lots of extras, 56,000 km. ............... » '89 BUICK PARK AVENUE - 4 Doof 15 900 ! . . 9,500 8.200 '68 PONTIAC 6000 LE - 4 Door automatic, air conditioner, styled wheels, 90,000 km. ...... 6,900 '87 PONTIAC SUNBIRD - 4 Door 6, 500 4 cylinder, automatic, radio, 46,000 km. .. '92 G.M.C. EXTENDED CAB PICKUP SLE model, 4 wheel drive, air conditioner, 28,000 km. .... 20,900 '92 PONTIAC TRANSPORT APV 5 passenger, Balance of new warranty, 11,000 km. ... .. 20,900 '91 CHEVROLET TAHOE 'S' BLAZER 4 door, 4 wheel drive, black finish, 28,000 km. ................ 20,500 '91 G.M.C. SLE SAFARI EXTENDED BODY MODEL smart silver & grey two tone, loaded, 80,000 km. .............. 17,600 '91 CHEVROLET SCOTTSDALE 1/2 TON PICKUP 305 V8, automatic, air, tik wheel, cruise, 76,000 km. ....... | 4,600 '91 CHEVROLET CHEYENNE 1/2 TON PICKUP 205 V8, mat, i box cap, 750K. .......... | 29900 '90 G.M.C. SAFARI CARGO VAN automatic, radio, white finish, 35,000 km. 1 0,500 '89 G.M.C. SIERRA 1/2 TON PICKUP 4.3 V6, automatic, new tires, box liner, 66,000 km. ......... '89 G.M.C. 1/2 TON SHORT BOX, STEPSIDE PICKUP V6, automatic, air conditioner & more, 121,000 km. ....., '88 G.M.C. GYPSY 'S' JIMMY 2.8 V6, automatic, sharp two tone blue, 78,000 km. - One of the largest selections of Late Model Pre-owned Motors Cars and Trucks in the area. - Top Trade-in Allowances on your present vehicle. = Cash or Terms up to 60 months on Selected Models with Approved Credit. Vehicles were in stock for advertising deadline of the Scugog Citizen issue of February 16th, 1963. "Drive a Little Farther, Save a Whole Lot More" 12, 200 10 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry Sales - Service - Leasing ... 985-8474 GM Parts ... 985-8514, 985-2716 Authorized General Motors Sales, Service, Parts & Leasing Dealer since 1976 = LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Hold the trash, folks! To The Editor: Hold the celebrations folks! Ruth Grier's move from one high level Cabinet post to another does not necessarily mean that the "alternatives" of shipping garbage to Kirkland Lake - of incinerating it - will soon be under. serious consideration. Spending millions on the required environmental assessment for the Kirkland Lake scheme would merely divert funds badly needed to kick-start 3R's initiatives all over the province (initiatives, by the way, that would mean jobs), while the law now forbids the incineration of municipal solid waste in Ontario. It is also true that these supposed "alternatives" would create more problems than they might solve. The Kirkland Lake "solution" is a great one - if shipping trash all over the province, then stashing it right over top of a major aquifer (i.e. water source) seems wise. Incineration is a super idea too, provided that building horrendously expensive incinerators which spew carcinogenic toxins plus greenhouse gases and require the landfilling of toxic ash - in some poor soul's backyard - strikes us as some kind of improvemenf over what we have been doing. Maybe not, eh?. It has been occurring to me that pretty well all our environmental problems boil As we trash the seas, forests, freshwater, and wildlife, we are destroying "the working parts of our biosphere on which all life depends". The report concluded "It is no exaggeration to say that the ability of the biosphere to continue to support human life is now in question." Yet this barely even made the news. Strange creatures, we human beings. We can get hundreds of thousands of people hysterical over a Superbowl game, and there never seems to be any difficulty whatsoever finding men to fight wars over meaningless differences of race, religion, or culture. Even locally, our letters to "the editor are often characterized mostly by pettiness and intolerance. Meanwhile, this planet, and the human race along with it, are going down the tubes. The "normal" response to this, it would seem, is to sit back and take in the show - without offering up so much as a whimper. And the people like me - the ones who are not content to watch idly while our . species commits mass suicide - are considered oddballs. Can I be the only one who finds all this more than a little puzzling? Janet Banting Greenbank Teacher queries Sex Ed. curriculum To the Editor: Sexual abuse is known to be extremely harmful and damaging to children. Such abuse may not involve touching the child; displaying genitalia is enough to result in legal proceedings being brought against an individual, and rightly so. Yet we are thinking of using cartoon form to show to children a man and a woman having sexual intercourse. I am referring to the video, "Head Full of Questions," currently being begs the question I-am asking, which is this: On what basis do you decide that this is not a form of mental sexual abuse and molestation? The second concern I have, which will lead to my second question, is the clearly pro- homosexual position taken by the film. A student asks the question, "If two men, (like), made love, or two women, would it be bad, normal or what?" The question is clearly and unmistakably referring to the rightness or wrongness of +h 13 d for p: tati children in Durham Public Schools. Barbara Duncan's response is, "Two men or two women can have loving relationships. They like the closeness of being down to this one apparently It 'is true that diagrams of the incurable human defect: our gex organs in crose- -section. stubborn unwilli to allow dl ction and togeth change proper terminology to be Even the most shocking predictions delivered by leading scientists fail to make us flinch - let alone contemplate altering our lifestyles. Two months ago, in December, the United Nati taught; but an animated display of actual sexual intercourse moves from the educational to the pornographic and, as far as I . They have a need for each other and they can give each other love." Given the question she is answering, there is not the least bit of doubt that her answer condones and thus am concerned, a form of mental sexual abuse and Environment Program report, in committing on the global state of the environment, stated that "the pace of destruction has speeded up." lestati inst children. Arguing that this is presented in an educational context (the school) or a loving h 1 xual relationships. Yet the majority of parents do not want this promoted in public schools. Is this film an indication that you setting (as in the film) does not make it acceptable and merely WEIGHT RESTRICTION resist REGULATIONS will be in force on roads under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality of Durham, effective March 1 to approximately April 30, 1993 Vehicle loads are restricted to FIVE TONNES per axle in accordance with Durham Region By-law Number 251-89. Signs will be erected on all Regional Roads to which these Weight Restrictions apply. VA. SILGALLIS, PENG. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY of DURHAM are pi lity? If it is, then you must ask yourself, as a board, if you are betraying the trust of the majority, a majority who do not want homosexuality promoted. Finally, as others have pointed out, the healthiest and safest route for our children and students is premarital sexual abstinence. This does not mean that those who choose to ignore this advice should be denied information they need to minimize the risk to themselves and others. However, given the clear benefits of abstinence, it makes sense to put a much stronger emphasis on this approach. What plans does the board have to increase this emphasis? Thank you, as both a teacher with this board and a parent, I look forward to your responses. David Karram, Ajax (The above open letter was sent to the Durham Board of Education.