Tuesday, Jul July 5, 1904 Happy Birthday to you.... Christopher Jackson Robert Keeler didn't seem to excited abqut being the Scugog baby born July 1, Canada Day at the Commuhity Memorial Hospital. Little Christopher, seen here with his mom Tammy, arrived at 12:44 p.m., weighing In at 6 Ibs 12 oz.. You can be sure that In futyre years Christopher will enjoy the double celebration of Canada Day and his bli HS 161545 Council will use reserve 'funds to meet hall shortfall Scugog Township council has opted to use reserve funds rather than debenture the $206,000 "shortfall" for construction of a new 450-seat community hall at the Scugog Arena. The Ycouncil gave formal approval to proceed with the . $1,045,000 facility on June 28, but councillors were undecided at that time whether the borrow the shortfall or take the money from reserves. A decision to dip into the Tenge accounts rather than was made July 4. "It would have been to expensive to debenture," said Mayor Howard Hall. "We are far oetter off to take this money from the reserves." He said the Township is ° counting on several development projects coming on stream in the next year or so which will create lot levies to replenish to the reserve accounts. And he said there will be a community fund-raising committee set up in the very near future to raise money for construction of the new hall. Teens sought by Police after man confronts knife- wielding intruder Durham Police are looking for two teen-agers after a man and his son confronted a knife- wielding intruder in their Port Perry home early Monday morning. A police spokesman said the incident began about 3:30 in the morning when the family was d by sounds of body * in their home on Lakeview Drive. On investigating the father and son discovered one intruder in their home. During the course of the confrontation they were threatened with a fishing knife, according to police. The intruder fled through the garage after grabbing a purse that contained car keys and the keys to a local store owned by the family. A second intruder was seen in the garage. Fearing that the intruders would use the keys to get into the store in Port Perry the man and his son left their home to watch the store. When they returned home later, they discovered a car had been stolen from the garage. A Durham Police spokesman said both suspects in this in¢ident are about 16 years of age, One is described as 6' 3" and was wearing dark red sweat pants, a dark shirt with white sleeves and open toed sandals. He had a white scarf concealing his face. The other is about 5' 8 tall. He was wearing sandals, cut-off blue jeans and a burgundy the ville, The car stolen from sid is a 1988 B four-door, red in colour. High school teachers to take unpaid leave All secondary school teachers with the Durham Public Board of Education will be taking three un-paid leave days next year as an interim plan under the Social Contract Act. This will allow the Board to reach its expenditure reduction target for this period as required government. will be on March 7, 8, 9 in 19965. March 6 has been made a fessional activity, " the March break for secondary students will extend from March - 6 to March 17, PA days previously scheduled for Si ber 16 and Novemb 7 and February 10 as well as the one in January after the exam days, will. be regular instructional days where both teachers and students will attend class. . The Durham Beard employs about 1400 secondary school teachers. Those earning less will not report to work on those days but the time will be re- heduled with the of their individual principals. ON PAGE 4 RHEE ENN To 4 1 hy CLF SMR IRE i IRSR ALR FARR 3 RA A ART of an RATT FL ARIAT fl en SE