wr" 6 -- Bougog Citiaen ~ Tuesday, Auguat 16,1904 py A. | sown 1888 SCUGOG ST. (Hwy. 7A), PORT PERRY A PERSC AL COMPUTIR? In this workshop you will learn how to determine what type of computer system will best suit your needs. Leam some computer basics As well as an overview of today's popular software program's One Half Day Session - 2 Hours $15.00 * Friday Aug 26 01-00 pm - 03 00 pm * Wednesday Sept 7 07 00 pm- 10.00 pm * Thursday Oct 27 01:00 pm - 04 00 pm [RIOR TIT HUTTE Working with the DOS Shell and DOS Commands ie. Dir, Date, Diskcopy, Copy, Erase, Format, Path etc One Half Day Session - 3 Hours $36.00 * Wednesday Aug 31 0700 pm - 10:00 pm * Wednesday Sept 14 07-00 pm - 10:00 pm * Thursday Sept 15 0100 pm - 04.00 pm * Tuesday Oct 11 01-00 pm - 04.00 pm * Tuesday Oct Ig 07-00 pm - 1000 pm * Wednesdpy Oct 19 01:00 pm - 04 00 pm * Saturday Oct 29 "01 00 pm - 04.00 pm LOTUS 123 - Beginners 1 3.0 An overview of Lotus. What it can do for you The basic functions mcluding entering data, erasing, copying, moving, saving and retneving files, printing, etc. Two Half Day Sessions - 3 Hours per day $72.00 * Wednesday Sept 7, 14 0100 pm - 04 00 pm * Tuesday Sept 13,20 0700 pm - 10-00 pm LOTUS 123 - Intermediate 1 (v3.4) you have leamed the basic, this course is a must Topics include Ci g windows, using titles, @date, @now. @sum, search and replace, sorting data, etc Three Half Day Sescions - 3 Hours per day $108.00 * Tharsda 8,185.22 07-00 pm - 10.00 pm y p p * Tuesday Oct 25. Nov 1 8 07.00 pm - 10.00 pm COMPUTERS for Beginners How do [ turn my computer on. ? Don't be afraid we'll hold your hand and show you the basics Included Diskettes and what they do, The Keyboard Functions, The Printer, What 1s DOS ? and other basic computer mformation. One Half Day Session - 3 Hours $36.00 * Saturday Aug 20 0100 pm - 04:00 pm * Tuesday Aug 30 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm * Thursday Sept 8 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm * Tuesday Sept 20 01 00 pm - 04:00 pm * Tuesday Sept 27 0700 pm - 1000 pm * Saturday Oct | 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm * Monday Oct 3 07.00 pm - 10:00 pm * Wednesday Oct 12 01:00 pm - 04.00 pm * Thursday Oct 20 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm 1858 SCUGOG STREET, (Hwy. 7A), PORT PERRY (905) 985-8839 or 1-800-668-8531 DOS - Intermediate ved er Working on Hard-Drive Maintenance Commands, Back-up & Restore Directories, Format versus quickformat, tree, etc One Half Day Session - 3 Hours $36.00 * Monday Aug 22 07.00 pm - 10.00 pm * Wednesday Sept 21 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm * Wednesday Oct § 07:00 pm - 10°00 pm * Tuesday Oct 25 0100 pm - 04 00 pm LOTUS 123 for Beginners 2 Save hours of manual calculation Lotus is the fast way to: Record & Add Financial information at a hit of a key Lean how to insert and delete columns and rows Create your spreadsheet to suit your needs. $72.00 01:00 pm - 04 00 pm 07:00 pm - 10:00 pm Two Half Day Sessions - 3 Hours per day * Wednesday Sept 28, Oct § * Tuesday Oct 4 11 LOTUS 123 - Intermediate 2 (v3.49) Now you're ready for some fun This session covers creating and printing graphs, and Database functions Course touches on Desktop Publishing with your spreadsheet Three Half Day Sessions - 3 Hours per day $108.00 * Thursday Oct 13,20 27 07.00 pm - 10 00 pm Updating WordPerfect (DOS) (v3.1 to 6.0) Learn how to manipulate the new features within this version of WP 6 0 for DOS while using your WP $ 1 skills. Leam to work in the Graphics Mode to preview your documents before printing them One Half Day Session - 3 Hours per day 07:00 pm - 10:00 pm 01 00 pm - 04 00 pm 6.00 2 WordPerfect - Beginners 1(DOS) (v.6.0) An overview of WordPerfect. Why do [ want to use it! Leam to create and print letters, memos, and other documents. Two Half Day Sessions - 3 Hours per day $72.00 * Tuesday Sept 6, 13 01°00 pr - 04 00 pm * Wednesday Sept 21,28 07.00 pm - 10-00 pm WordPertect - Beginners 2 (h0S) (v.60) This course covers: Flush Right. Indent, Margins, Tabs, Line spacing, File Management, Justification, and More Two Half Day Sessions - 3 Hours per day $72.00 * Thursday Aug 18,25 07.00 pm - 10:00 pm * Tuesday Sept 27,0ct4 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm * Wednesday Oct 12,19 07.00 pm - 10:00 pm WordPertect - Intermediate (DOS) (ve) After knowing and using the basics, you are now ready to leam some time-saving shortcuts. Topics include: search and replace, moving & copying text, merge, Creating directories, paper size, page numbering, Thesaurus, creating columns, psragraphs numbering etc. Four Half Day Sessions - 3 Hours per day $144.00 (905) 985-8839 or 1-800-668-8531 COURSE OUTLINE - Revised August 4, 1994 WordPertect - Advanced (DOS) (von Leam to creste and print labels, use the sort/select functions, create macros, create a table of contents, etc. Three Half Day Sessions - 3 Hours per day $108.00 Introduction to Windows (v3.1) Windows is the exciting new graphical environment that allows user friendly file management with icons (pictures) The course covers basic Windows knowledge, use of your mouse, starting and using programs, developing your own Window. Two Half Day Sessions - 3 Hours per day $72.00 * Thursday Sept 22,29 01/00 pm - 04:00 pm * Thursday Sept 29, Oct 6 07.00 pm - 10:00 pm * Monday Oct 17, 24 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm Word tor Windows (v6.0) This course is an introduction to word processing in Microsoft Windows Leam to create, edit & print documents, move text, save, retrieve documents, etc You must have knowlege of windows to participate m the class effectively Two Half Day Sessions - 3 Hours per day $72.00 * Wednesday Aug 17,24 07 00 pm - 10-00 pm * Thursday Aug 25, Sept. | 01.00 pm - 04-00 pm * Thursday Oct 6, 13 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm BEDFORD - Simply Accounting Lean to set up this accounting package & use it to mamtam all your day to day records. Bedford includes: General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll & Inventory Control © You must have basic und of & les to $144.00 Aug 29, Sept 12, 19,26 07-00 pn - 10:00 pm Oct 17,24,31,Nov7 07:00 pm - 10:00 pm * Monday * Monday CorelDRAW (v0) Thus course introduces drawmg techniques in CoreIDRAW! Topics include: Creating & modifying objects (lines, rectangles, ellipses & text), using the drawing tools (fill, shape, zoom & outline), saving & printing your work. You must have knowledge of Windows to participate Two Half Day Sessions - 3 Hours per day $72.00 * Wednesday Aug 24,31 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm * Monday Sept 12,19 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm * Wednesday Oct 26,Nov2 07:00 pm - 10:00 pm CorelDRAV (vA) At your request, CorelDRAW!-2 picks up where part | ended. Come for more hands on projects, and les more tools and details. Two Half Day Sessions - 3 Hours per day . Sept 26, Oct 3 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm Nov 16, 23 07.00 pm - 10:00 pm $72.00 * Wednesday A minimum of three students are required One on One Classes available upon request. $40.00 / hour Jor a class to proceed. Consulting available upon request. $60.00 / hour Courses will be adapted to meet the needs of cach class COMPUTER ON-SITE RENTAL Ifyou are interested in other courses, please Available Computer on-site with Laser Printer $15.00/ hour letusknow............. ( Includes Laser Paper )