1888 SCUGOG ST. (Hwy. 7A), PORT PERRY -- Secugog Citizen -- Tuesday, August 6, 1994 -- 7 - (905) 985-8839 or 1-800-668-8531 IID TIT O)\% 1 /2V\D 4 Teaching and Learning are two way streets! through the simple world of Children's Beginner Programs. Ali Classes $10 per child (Parents are FREE) ckey 5 Me y Challen nd Aladdin Pring Ki (Ages 4-6) Kid Keys (Aged - 8 Have an ah enture watt Grow with your kids and participate in their learning. A new concept to introduce 4 - 6 year olds to the exciting world of computers. You and your child will participate together in the basics of the computer Ng nN Computers ... Not only for Games All Classes $15. per Child Teaching and Learning are two way streets! Watch your children grow ... Classes designed to be Fun and Educational > Keystone the Dragon Kid learn keyboarding letter phonics and carly reading skiil Accuracy. not speed. 1+ encouraged by Keystone and h wacky fiends (Children must be accompanied by an adult Timang One Hour Class (1 Hour Penod Tuesday Sept 6 1000am 1100am Wednesday Sepr 14 4 Wpm SWpn Saturday Sept 17 1200pm 1 00pm Thursday Sept 22 1000am 1100am Monda Sept 26 1000 am 100 am Thursday Oct ¢ 1000am 100 wn Tuesday ~~ Oct 1000am 0a Monday Oct 24 1000am 11 00an Wednesday Oct 26 43pm Spm Mickey's 1,2.3's (Ages 3-5) Mickey introduce . preschooler to aumbers whic planning the biy surprise party Ther, RO Wrong answer while leaminy, counting. recognition and m (Chaldren mus: be accompanied by an adult Tumung Onc Hour Class (© Hour Penod Wednesda pt' 000am Xam Thursday, Sept 1 1000 an Xam Wednesday Sept 4 Uipr Wp Tuesday Sept 27 1000 am OU am Wednesday Oct 4 f Tuesday Oc X Thursda (x12 00 a x Thursday Oc Wa oa Join Micke in a game of Memory! Flip the cards and match pairs of words picture', or Disney Characters Play alone with a friend or agains! your favounte Disney character Nexi create a card place mal or poster with Aladdin + Print Kut Timing One Hour Class (1 Hour Period Saturday Augl7 1130am -1230pm Wednesday Sept? 430pm -530pm Tuesday ~~ Sept 1) 1000am - 11 00am Monday Sept 1 1000am - 11 00am Thursday ~~ Sept2¢ 1000am -1100am Monday Oct § 000am 11 00am Wednesday Oct 12 430pm -530pm Thursday Oct1t 1000am -1100am Wednesday Oct 19 430pm S30pm Saturday Oct22 1200pm -100pm Tuesda Oct25 1000am 1100am Mixed Up Mother Goose - no typing required (Ages 3 & up) Thi. magical journey through Mother Goose Land teaches organization and logic skills while mvolving your Child in an interactive world of scrambled nursery rhymes I ng Onc Hour Class (| Hour Per Wednesda; Aug24 430pm -S30pm Thursday Sept® 1000am 11 00am Monda Sep! 1000am - 11 00am Wednesday Sept2f 430pm Spm Tue sda Oct 4 1000 am - 11 00am Monday Oct 1000am -1100am Wednesday Oci 26 1000am -1100am Peter Pan (Ages 6-9) This course covers Developing reading tory te $20.00 gn. b ng 4 c trom scratct w hai ake $20.00 ro Hour Clas 2 Hours Pe Sept6 430pm -630pm I Oct2S 430pm -630pm en Drop-in Centre ng and decision making skills by helping Peter rescu Tiger Lily from evil Captain Hook Timing One and a Half Hour Class (1 172 Hours) Penod Saturday Aug27 93am 1100am Monday Sept26 4 Wpm 600pm Thursday Oct 13 Spm 600pm Eine Artist (Ages 8-14) This course covers Creating ID pictures, posters and comic strips (with Sound) Take hom imagination 1 prece of your Timyng One and a Half Hour Classs (| 17 Hours Penod Monday Aug 22 4Wpem 600pm Saturday Avg?" 1 Wym 300pm Thursday Sept8 43pm 600pm Saturday Sept24 1200 pm 130pm Monday Oct 17 43pm 600pm Quinumbered (Ages 7-10) New Version' This course covers Solving math problem: and collecting clues. save Shady Glen 5s TV Station from Morty s mischievous plan Timing One and a Half Hour Class () 1/2 Hours Penod Monday Aug 29 4 30pm 600pm Monday Sept 12 43pm -600pm Midnight Rescue (Ages 7-10) c covers Can vou read. think and react fast enough to save Shady Glen School from Morty and his robots ming One and a Half Hour Clas 2 Hours) Per Thursda Sept22 430pm -600pm Mond. Oct 40pm -600pm Monda Oct 24 43pm -600pm Mental Math Games, NEW VERSION 2 (Ages 7-14) This course covers Challenging yourself with 7 exciting math games including the new Tetns and "Checkers games Come and enjoy the ammation, sounds and 509 different skill levels! Tirmng ~~ One and a Half Hour Class (1 14) Hours) Pemod Mosdsy Sept 19 4 30pm -600pm Tiesday Sept 20 1000am |100am Tharsday Oct é 430 pin. - 6:00 p.m. Lost Secret of the Rainforest (Ages 9 & up) Age ! Come in and play the latest computer games on Tuning Two Hous Clas ' Hous the best equipment mn town FREE Penod Tue. Aug Apm 6pm Friday Aug. ¢ pm pm Sal. Sept +4 lpm. 4pm Sat. Sept. 10 12pm. 6pm Sat. Oct +5 pm 4pm Friday Sept 30 1 p.m pm Sat. Oct 8 pm 6pm Friday Oct 28 pm pm WordPertect for Teens $20.00 Explore the world of Wordproces.ing Create Letters. Resumes essays ete This course will cover creating and printing. including Centering Flush nght, Indents Margins. Tabs Line spac ng and more Ages Timing Two Hour Cldss 2 Hours Period Thur Sept 15 430pm 630pm Thur Oct20 430pm -630pm Thi: course covers: Helping Adam to save the endangered Timing Penod pl species. flora and remote cultures from the real-life dangers that threaten (he exotic Rainforest. One and a Half Hour Class(! 1/2 Hours) Tuesday Aug2? 01 30pm -0300 pm Thursday Sept29 4pm -600pm Saturday Oct1S 1200pm-130pm Thursday Oct27 0430pm -06:00 pm