"- . he ed we -- CLASSIFIEDS 3 Livestock » Catering . LIMOUSIN BULLS ENGLISH RIDING LESSONS Adults and children 6 and up. Private or semi-private lessons on excellent horse or pony. Beginners welcome. Burketon area. Heather (905) 263-8629 Work Wanted NEED A HAND? - Call Murray! Grass cutting, window cleaning, eavestrough cleaning, garden- JUDY'S CATERING LOVING DAYCARE in my home. Smoke-free environment, country setting Ashbum area, references, receipts. Call ass s02 IAM OFFERING Early child care combined with lots of love, fresh air, long walks and a play centre with toys for children 8 months to 4 years. Call 985-1300 ing, hedge and papering, painting. snowblow- ing, garage, attic, basement and yard clean-up and removal lease call 985-0069. Help Wanted pl « Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, April 25, 1996 -- 23 4 Three Port Perry High Soho students honoured by Heather McCrae Three students from Port Perry High School were recognized for their dedication, enthusiasm and support within eir school at he annual Durham Student Recognition Night held April 6th at Henry Street High School in Whitby. The three chosen were Jennifer Beatty, Ary Grills and Mary Sanchez. Jennifer, currently serving as co- president of the 4 school's student council, has also isted with fundraising for the RICHARD APPLETON EARN UP TO $513.1 Quality Painting, Wallpapering by g 90 pairs of Plaster Repair, stylish beaded earrings, Restoration and Refinishing, year round, at home. Lomplete Interior Restoration, INFO: Send a self addressed, Colour Consultations. stamped envelope to Owrtified - Insured * Accex C.L.CK. Craft Corp., References Available. 23 Connie St., Phone 985-9649 Ext. 4238, Toronto, rr ren Ontario M6L 2H8 SCUGOG PROPERTY TYE ------ MAINTENANCE "EARN UPTO $550. a WEEK Yard Clean-ups, Grass Cutting, We need people to make Hedge Taming, Fertilizing, jewellery (necklace, bracelet, ind Odd Jobs earring). Job available coast Call Dave Ballingall 985-2834 to coast from your home. No i needed. MARWOODS Send a self-addressed, Property Maintenance stamped envelope to Yard Cloan-ups, Fertilizing, Kevenchris Corp., Grass Cutting, ning, 332-5060 Tecumseh Rd. E., Hedge Trimming, Tree Pruning Ref. : 267, Windsor, Also Garage, Attic & Basement Ontario N8T 1C1 Cleanups and Removal. -- -- Reasonable rates t MATURE, RELIABLE and quality service. Call Dave Uarwood, 985-8874 E.C. LANDSCAPING Since 1988 Lawn Cutting, Specializing in Hedge and Shrub Trimming. Also tree and shrub planting. Spring ck 'part-time help required for Paint and Wallpaper store. Experience an asset. Apply in writing to : Advertiser #63, c/o Scugog Citizen, 36 Water St, Port Perry, Ont. LOL 1J2 SALES TRAINING PROVIDED rates, dependable & good work. Please call Eric 985-3133 or 985-9430 MIKE'S MOWERS Repairs and Service to most brands of lawn equipment. Reasonable rates. Spring tune-up special. Call for details. (905) 985-9655 Auction 'Sales AUCTION SALE The complete stock of the Antique & Collectibles Store Settee & chair, Libra (Mission style), Oak Parlour Table fk: Eu claw ho TI Hara Tak able, Eastdale Coad Sokdors water company is presently looki mature, well-mannered starters to join our team. Car required. Draw leading to salary plus commission. Call Young's Water Systems (905) 655-4544 Auction Sales prevention of violence against women and children. The OAC student has also represented her school as a member of the girls' field hockey team over the past 4 years. For her co-op placement Jennifer worked at RH Cornish in. the french immersion class and is currently with the Ministry of Revenue as a bilingual assistant and still maintains a strong standing in her classes. Amy Grills is also in her OAC year. An honours student, she holds the position of Yearbook Editor and is an active member of the Outer's Club. Like Jennifer, | ¢ Leia w = she's enjoying her second year of co-op placement in a French immersion class at RH Cornish PS. A member of the Ambassador's Club, Amy is also a student volunteer tutor and is admired for her positive and mature thinking. Next year both girls hope to go to Glendon, the bilingual campus at York University. Mary Sanchez, known for her conscientious efforts, is always striving for excellence. A bit shy, she works hard to overcome her timidity when showing her ideas or presenting materials. It's her quiet and pleasant manner that's appreciated by her peers and teachers. Mary has one more year of school left before graduating and hopes to Three students from Port Perry High School were honoured recently at the annual Durham Student Recognition Night held at Henry Street High School in Whitby. In photo from/left Mary Sanchez, Amy Grills and Jennifer Beatty. See story. embark on a career in journalism. Guest speaker for the evening was Lowi Kernohan, a young woman » who's been completely blind since 6 yet has completed her maspér' degree in music, become a church organist and launched a motivational speaking business 'Pursue A Dream'. Hired by the Scarborough Board of Education for the last two years to give seminars to elementary and secondary school students, Lori stressed the importance of setting goals and the need for hard werk and determination to achieve them. "She was really uplifting" the three young ladies said, "and 'showed how we can overtome obstacles in our lives". Liberation of Apeldoorn by Riet de Haan-Orde The sun shone through the small window on the wooden stairs, leading to the small cellar. I opéned-my eyes, looked around. Where was everyone? It was so quiet, no rockets whistling over the house. I ran up the stairs, out of the door and to the road. Here people were standing around, coming out of their houses, laughing, crying, yelling "we gre free, we are free!" It was April 17th, 1945, the AUCTION SALE Farm Machinery & Tool Sale at St. Mary's Hall 10th Line Manvers. Twp. Go 7A east to 35 Hwy, go north to 10th line THURS., MAY 4th - 6 PM 2 - W4 Tractor, Case 1370 Massey ground drive mature sores 1978 GMC 1/2 ton Auctioneer Call (705) 328-2185 ADVERTISING RATES & INFORMATION (or:11] THE CITIZEN 985-6397 lib of Apeldoorn. My parents, brother and I were just standing there, overwhelmed. Was it really true after so many frightful and hungry years? There was no wild shouting and jumping, but a great inner feeling of contentment and happiness. This meant being happy! Three nights and parts of the days we had been in the cellar, listening to the rockets whistling over the house and praying they kept going. We, in our neighbourhood, had been very lucky, no deaths, though quite a few rockets were found in our area, some had exploded, others were buried in deep craters. The Canadians fought their way from Deventer through the eastern part of Apeldoorn and had to stop at the Apeldoorn-Canal. From here they shot their mortars on Apeldoorn, Rumour had it, that a whole garrison of Germans was still in the city, During the 3rd night, 2 underground men swam across the canal and after a lot of talk, convinced the commander, that all Germans had left and Apeldoorn was anxiously waiting the Canadian arrival. When the Canadians on tanks and trucks entered the city, the population went wild. M of the Dutch girls jumped on the tanks and trucks, hugging and kissing the good looking Canadians. Everything was forgotten for the moment, here were our liberators. The dead were not forgotten, but we looked at the future. A whole week of celebrations followed in neighbourhoods and downtown. However, the western part of Holland was not yet liberated, but when on May 5 (fifth) the general liberation of Holland was announced, the' d celebrations started all over again. May 5th is the official Liberation Day of Holland and has been celebrated each year since. On May 4th a "Silent Parade" takes place in most cities to remember their dead. In Apeldoorn the Parade stops at the "Big Reformed Church", where wreaths are laid in remembrance of the dead, followed by 2 minutes silence. (7:58 - 8:00) Cars,-buses, cyclists, walkers, everyone stops in their tracks and the only sounds" heardjggre the birds singing their songs of the new beginning, a promise of freedom and peace!. PS. I wish the cquples leaving for Apeldoorn, Holland this week, a very enjoyable and, unforgettable holiday. Videos of the Week Here are the new videos for tha week from Metro Video in the Port Perry Plaza. Forest Gump' (April 27), Terminal Velocity, Ee faa EEF EE EE EE Puppet Masters, Radioland Murders, Hoop Dreams, Ultimate Fighting Championship #3 And here are the top terbvideos for the week. Check them out! The Shawshank Red: The Specialist, Angels in the Outfield, River Wild, The Pagemaster, Time Cop, Camp Nowhere, Stargate, Tne Lies and Exit to Eden vi feessessssnens Metro Video i sesscssssese