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Scugog Citizen (1991), 28 Nov 1995, p. 16

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No iy Ys 4 26, 1995 = 16 -- Scugog Citizen Tu rg DAVID BISHOP Astro Advisor Nov. 29 - Dec. § SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 - December 21) You are gracious and understanding with idends and relatives. It is a significant time for being engaged in activities with members of the opposite sex. It is also a time to give Mom a call. You may tend to feel motherly towards those who seek your advice. CAPRICORN: (December 23 - J§nuary 20) You may wake up this week to find an unexpected change of scene facing you with little or no warming. This change could be in almost any form, such as a new job, new boss, even a new place to live. You may even find a totally new project will bring new opportunity and security. - AQUARIUS: (January 21 February 19) Personal matters and relationships may seriously affect your ability to do your job well. It may be best to avoid work now and settle your problems at home first. Dealings with the opposite sex may bring conflict into your life, particularly if personal aioe afe strained. ' PISCES: (February 20 - March 19) ' i Your desire for peace and quiet on the family front are great. Paiéimal instincts come to the fore, and you may make every effort to"appease any colftentions at home. You will find that you have a strong wish to make your surroundings as pleasant as possible on the physica and mental levels. ARIES: (March 19 - April 20) You may find connections to the physical worlds in the physical world, often resulting in vivid and meaningful dreams and heightened sensitivity to others. Trust your intuition this week and suppress your desire to be an escapist. Anticipate a great change in an existing relationship or the beginning of one. TAURUS: (April 21 - may 21) You find that you are quite impulsive afd restless. Avoid ipportant decisions during the coming 2 or 3 days, a8 & rash decision Imay prove unfortunate. 'Also, you may have difficulty concentrating this week. Your paternal, prdective instincts toward loved ones are heightened. | | GEMINI: (May 22 - June21) Friends and the relaxed living of day-to-day life are paramount to you as you come to realize your pldce in he, world and the-dreams that you still have which can be accomplished, 'providing you are prepared to put in the time. Your increased petsonal magnetism make it a good time for business dealings. CANCER: (June 32. July 22) It is a time when romance may sour as you face tremendous' responsibilities in relationships with loved ones and are apt to have difficulty expressing wants and desires openly to companions. Loosen up, especially in the area of your physical health. Your drive may lead to illness which requires time off. " LEO: (July 23 - August 22) Companionship is most rewarding with others and you should take every opportunity to be with friends now. You can be helping them as much as their presence is helping you. Communications with friends: are enhanced and you should think about getting in touch with a Jong distance relative or friend now. «VIRGO: (August 23 - September 22) This could be a fime of problems in the home, especially with parents and children, Open up to relatives and seek their support for your empotional stability. This will help as responsibilities are placed on you and your'abilities to cope with them grow to new heights, LIBRA: (September 23 - October 22)" You have a warmheartedness that makes you very aitractive and you are likely to reach out to a loved one or may altract a new love interest. Avoid being extravagant or indulgent. You display an increaséd concer for the well-being of others who are close 10 you. You can help others achieve their goals. SCORPIO: (October 23 - Novémber 22) You have an aptitude for hard work and finding it psy. However you may' an excessive amount of lime worrying about money and how to bring more of it into your pocket, as well as frequently using your ability to be thrifty. You may tend towards stinginess if you aren't careful. All dates for astrological signs may vary, depending on the year, EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMIT] * 193 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY ONTARIO LIL 1B9 (905) 985-7306 All Types of Insurance | Farm project to feed the hungry - These days it is just another snow covered field. But when spring brings the warm rays of the sun back to this part of Ontario that field just west of Epsom will be planted in corn by a group of area farmers--corn that will gventually find its way to a far-off land where it-will help ease the pangs of hunger. He called the project a "Christian responsé to hunger," and said these kinds of projects are needed more and more in a world "that may not be doing enough." Mr. Asling, who has been , involved in the project locally since it started several years ago said the 35 acres should yield about 100 bushels per acre, "if the weather co-operates next summer." Once the crop harvested next fall it will be trucked to the mills in Pontypool for drying, Last year, the Canadian Foodgrains Bank shipped to Afghanistan. Grain is only sent to countries that request it, and Mr. Asling said 95 per cent of the grain ends up going to the hungry. It will cost about $8,000 for seed, fertilizer, trucking, drying and other expenses to plant and harvest the 35 acres, but most of these costs will be donated, said Mr. Asling. This community project has the support of the United Churches in the area, and Rev. Dave Shepherd from Greenbank and Rev. Dan Yorkevich from Uxbridge took part in the dedication service. , involved in the project. ' in chilly'temperatures as ' Working with the \ Canadian Foodgrains Bank, the group of Epsom- Utica area farmers has _ been bagging and shipping corn overseas for the last six years. '. In fact in those six years, over 31,000 bags of corn at 110 pounds each have been shipped, said Don Asling, ohe of the farmers - This year, for the first time, the group jwill plant, fertilize and harvest the corn from two fields--one 10 acres and the other 25 acres. ' Last'Friday morning, under clear blue skies, a group of supporters stood Rev. John Burton from Epsom-Utica ' United Church offéred prayers of dedigation to this humanitarian project. ONTARIO TIRE & FARA E PHENT . (same buiing as Stevenson A.V.) 852-1 902 IW Authorized Motor Vehicle Inspection Station TIRES 3 od bo i 1] T wr THE'REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM "PUBLIC NOTICE RE: ADVERTISING SIGNS ~ ON REGIONAL ROADS DURHAM REGION Please be odvised thot the Reglonal Municipality enocled 0 by-low 16 control and requiote the er Tairlenance or display of private signs wilkin the mits of of Regen 000s. ton D hom hin Private signs within the Smits of Dugham Regionol Rods ore permite subject to the following: « 0) person shall | erect," ploce, maintain or display o Imedian, Wraffic jslond 'or on ony. aracled ond maintained by the Region Sign pl official or outhorized Sign b) Sign shall be locgled closer than one (1) metre from the curb or tue (2) metres trom the edge of the travelled portion of o Regional Rood where there is no curb; ©) no Sign shall excesd o height of 12 mation above. the surocs of the curb, shoulder or boulevard, as the case may be, . greater than .8 metres in width; d) no Sign shall remain in its original location, or within 500 metres" of its original location, for a total of more than 72 hours oseuding slotutory holidays) during ony consecutive 7 day e) each Sign shal cory indicote the nome, address and telephone number 'of the person, Sorporalion' or iain responsible for creating ond erecting the Sign; [0] me Me dd erected, placed, toned of saps an 0 9) no fsign with a 3 hint eoter than 0.6 metres il be erected, ploced, maintained or displayed within twenty (20) metres of the Eurb or the. edge of Be iro trovelled on ol'any intersecting Highway, private. road, driveway or Regional h) no sholl erect, ploce, in or display ign within 400 metres of onyslimit of o Regional Rood which, mor of its size, location, content, c or monner of Hlumination, obstructs the vision of drivers entering or o Regional Rood from another or privole rood or driveway or which SSuructs, detrasis Irom: Lor interferes the iy, 'or oc of "any trof or traffic on o uy ot ony sign signal ony Sign erected, ploced, maintained or in contravention of ny provisions of this - by-law be the Region, without notice, the owner sholl be responsible. for oll expenses incurred in such Ar. 350 solremoved shal be stored for fifleen (15) days. during which time the owner or his ogent may redeem such upon t to the the omount cherge per Sign). Whers a Sign hos EEL XY A copy of the by-law is or ot the Region of Durham's Clerks ond Vora Separment or ony of the Rags Works Depots. V.'A. Silgailis, # tng * { Works . Floyd Evans, Orvan Brethour, Arnold Kerry, Doug Hart, Ross Evans and Don Asling are local farmers Involved In a project that will help feed hungry people In a country overseas. About 35 acres of icorn will be planted and harvested locally for shipment overseas next year. See story for details. Got a story? The Scugog Citizen is alWays looking for interesting stories about things going on in and around our community. If you have a story that would make good reading please give us a call at 985-6397 during business hours and ask for John or Heather. Weekend and evenings we can be reached at 985-8570. 4 {WET BASEMENTS righ PROOFED Repairs to Block & Concrete Walls ) Weeping Tiles Repaired & Installed FREE ESTATES WRITTEN GUARANTEE McGuinness ess-2814 COATINGS Mobile : 434-0295 FALL SPECIAL WEL 6 1G QF "sot white & cream $69.95 A. WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOWS Reduce Drafts and Increase Warmth in Winter and Cooling in Summer. FINANCING AVAILABLE - 5 yrs. from 8.28% SINCE 1969 . (Limited Time) OAC. Allen's Siding. A | Products Limited Sales & Installation DOORS - WINDOWS - TROUGH . ADDITIONS - SOLARIUMS . F Lindsay ..... (705) 328-1402 or 878-2023 = Port Perry ... (905) 985-3333 or 985-3747 GAWDAC Reach Industrial Park - Reg. Rd. #8 sows wavow (1/4 Mile East of No. 12) FREE ESTIMATES oman

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