e Clinic TOWN CENTRE ver Level) 5020 "| +hupdreds of applications received appro: '| pENTURISTS are licensed by the Ontario Government, to con- struct Strictly dentures. In doing so every day they are qualified to ie the simple and problem cases that may arise. Denturists charge less than dentists do for the exact same dentures, Dentists * do not make your dentures. They have to send your impressions to a dental laboratory where a technician who has never seen you or knows | anything about your problems makes your den- tures. Just like an assembly line. This increases the dentist's costs and therefore Increases your costs. The Denturist who treats you makes your dentures. He has.the dental laboratory on the premises. He Is qualified to do both the Im- pressions 'and laboratory procedures. This is why he can offer you a.personalized accurate service for a significantly lower fee. BRIEF HISTORY 4 In 1974, the Qntario Government enacted legisla- tion to govern and license the services by Denturists. Our profession Is still evolving Den- turists who were also known as Denture Therapists and are licensed to practice in Canada, U.S.A, Denmark, Australia, Swiizertand, Spain, Portugal, New Zealdnd; Iran, Netherlands, Jordan, Poland,! etc. There are currently 500 licensed Denturists in Ontario. EDUCATION In order to practice, Démturists must receive a license approved by the Ontario Government and Issued by College of Denturists. A license is anly issued affer completion of a demanding 3 year program. With heavily scienced based courses students study topics such as Histology, Oral Pathology, Micro Biology, Oral" Facial Anatomy, Pharmacology, Emergency Care, etc. wy the mately. 18 students are accepted each year, meaning only viohest suited are accepted and the standards are high. Clinical and laboratory experience is v@loped with supervised students working on es ts in the 2nd and 3rd years. FOR YOUR INFORMATION - No rbferral Is necessary. You can go directy'to Denturists for treatment. - Dentists acoept all dental insurance foms. -Dentprists may accept credit cards. - The Denturist who treats you makes your dentures. - Denturists have a dental laboratory on thé premises which means relines and repairs can be done in hours. - DENTURISTS PROVIDE THESE SERVICES J -Col oral examinations and consultations * - Co immediate and complete dentures - Construct acrylic and metal partial dentures > Sonaipugtinplam iv onied over denmras - Construct mouthguards - Repair broken dentures "ole ose denures using hard an oft inrs - Clean dentures «Put names in dentures. ~~ Provide house calls This information brought to you by your local . _Denturists and approved by The Denturist Association of Ontario.