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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Jul 1927, p. 9

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TE OSHAWA DALY! an. hii ob z 4 v ES ----------i 8, KBI FRANK Notary gg Bg loan, Royal Bank Bldg., Simo 4 streets. Phone 1496, CONANT & ANNIS, bith Ta NOLDS, 88 BLOOR 8%: [he hone 693. Auto paintin, | Bimonizing. Work guaran D Euan get our prices, (an Solicitors, Notaries Publie veyancing and general Law, Offices 7% Sim Oshawa, Phone 63, B.A, LLB; AP, = x, 1g W. B, N. SIN of Commerce id JOSEPH P/ M. rister, Solicitor, N veyancer, Money 84% King St, east, 146, Residence Re] Pub hs, COULDREY. ARTISTIO Di: a a ous W Caras, price tie ] ription, Disney abot NWA WINDOW OLEAN: Raning, woodwork and 4] acreens and stere gn snd removed. Phong GRIERSON & C risters, Conveyan le, ete, Office aver. Entrance Simcoe St, J. Grierson, BA, T Wits dhe SWANSON GERMAN & MAG | Kenzie, Barristers Notary Publie, ete, ! All i ramon al Criminal and Civil Law, . loan, Office over Lambie' CAE "1 ; 6. King 8t. . Ph J, swash, HN Mackenal! A J PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- Nettor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan, Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post ORice. Phones, office ans residence, 82807, 621) "0, rm, "Rend Estate, for Sele Route $1 AT OOMED FRAME . large lot, go chen house. Apply 18 t. a 1) ho LOT FOR S LE OR EX E for a car, nil 127 Verdun Rd. Ra 7, FOR SALE--T7 hewse, 334: Simeone Sow, All conveniences, 23 Athol street west, FOR 'ive ow LOTS ON GLAD Owner leaving city, Will nable for eash or term ye CMY Times. (76-e) WHEN BUILDING _ YOUR Fw house don't forget Reese's Real Her tate have eme of the best Fire In: arishing: Call up Real Estate when In' need - uh teofion. , Phone 638, Residence 163 Simeoe St," North. (J18-Jiy18) PRANSFORTATION LIMIT: Simeoe St., 8, phone 340°, 212 pas, B, "Toronto, Phone Mah' Superior Tranapariation Spi te) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age, 86 Bond St. West. Phone 182. 6 trucks for prompt service. jo 'Moving van and storage warehouse efiuipment, Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (64-t1) LER'S TAXI SERVICE -- LONG trips a specialty, Car by day or wl Prices reasonable. Phone 244 308 HUW: S18 Muy street. (67-tey "Machine Floor Sending LOUIS 8, HYMAN & eo,, "BARRIS: ters, Conveyancers, Notaries, etc, Over Engel's store, 16 Simcoe St. North, M@§pey to loan, Phones-- oftice 67, Residenge 2101, (te) a T Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st. west, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Amensy in Oshawa, 30 Re putable Fire Companies. (118-tf) _ | Whithy, lumber and woodyard, Osh- FLOORS FINISHR® GOMPLETE by expert mechanies. Screen windows and screen doors. Estimates free, 'B. W. Haynes, 161 Je St. W., Phone 481, Res, 180 r 2, (tf) } Building Supplies IWR HAVE RGUCGHAND DRESSER romper lath, "shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, PF, L. Beecroft, aww, phone 324, (69-t£) Ear, Nose, Threat Specialist DR, F, 7. BRYANS oF 169 BLOOR Street" West, Teronto, wilt be at his office over durp & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of dinesses of esr, nose and threst only. Appointments be m (49-1) SSS A oe: ani fom on atid ing Jame Ban rat & POR SALD -- CEMENT BRICKS, BARA 1040, Hee SERINE blocks. R. 5 Alwar. St. south, Osbaws, (7-4t ph' to Lean AY -- onder D Joal--8%% CITY commission; Ebb, bar ng. (26-te) MONE +» At drug store. Phong ? A . Medical DR, MoEKAY, PaYSICIAN, AUR- goon, Accone Office and resl- | dence, King St: Bast, corner Vietoris | Bt,, Oshawa, Phone 94, "BERRY, PHYSICIAN DR. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gaa admin- fotered for extraction, purse at- | sistent. Phone. 331. Residence has, | Phone rl EH PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS to loam on fivst 'mortgages. Grier som & Creightom Barristers, etc, Standard 'Benk aang, J.14-J1y.14) 53% CITY AND FARM LOANS No commission. Building loans, Jer gal work done at this office, A. J. Parkhill, ) want installed or repaired. Prompt YOU (PEOPLE LOOKING FOR 9 [property," don't forget Rose's' Real; Ritate always Wave bargains you in ¥ and lots fn all pa of We' . 189 Simcoe atrge worth, phone 638, (317-0117) FOR, SALE--SIN- ROOMER HOUSE at 125 Alexandra street. Calf after six ove address or 833). (734 Tea Rooms HOUSE THAT JAOK BUILT, BUSI. ness men's lunth, brolled steak and chicken dinners to order, afternoon teas, tea garden service. Also sleep- ing accomadation 6 gussets. Tele. phone 2208, Mrs, IL. M, Prior, waprietress, (37-Fly7) 8 '74 Gladstone Ave. Arie Por See 4 AGH FOR yh wd CARE 4. Evans, "te Ared. 76e. iopposite Pedlar's South a. (2b) 0 STOVE, WRITING Bek a Case com bi Ty Avely WARDROBE, CHIFFONIER, TWO rockers, window blinds, kitchen | utensfls;- dishes, sealers, ete. Pho 2 8 be seen at '74 Albert, or apply 'Bex 10614. (2- "FOR SALE PROP HEAD Ei sewing machine, rotary movement, also - pair velour partieries. Old rode one dide, blud 'on the other. Can (2-3) SECOND HAN double hamess in first class condition 5.00; "also 7 weeks' oid pigs. Geo. ymolds, Courtice. 77¢ KOR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH | C™' Plwes. "Bl Pianos, also Player Pianos, high | 6637, _Jakand Fon LOST --B COR 8T. and frend. ut we " Steeet Thursday wight between $° and 7 o'glock, a change purse, sontatming tel 'dollars belonging to'a you fie. livery 'Boy. Finder kiddly lesv# at Times and obtain reward, (2-3) | ating and Dasontng RB, GU FAINTING, PAPER Work SUMERLOOE 38 Horna t Phone 2067W, (46-12) Work Wanted WOOD-WORKING -- MISCELLANE- jous ' woodworking shop. Sereeps, sashes and doors made, also repairs. 8. B. Bdmondson, 361 Bimene 31, 8, , | furnfshed rooms 'for Awgmst 15, FOUND---GOLD WATCH AND chain, Ownrler ¢an have same by prow ing property and payigg for this advt. Apply 356 Freach St. (?7c) FOUND -- ON WESTMORELAND Avenue several days ago, pair of glasses in leather case. Apply Times office (76-2F) Wanted to Rent WANTED® TQ RENT-TWO UN- or light housekeeping, young couple, no Box "K" Fimes. 2e WANTED _BLEOTRIGAL, WORK, If you have any electrical jobs yom Work guoranteed. Box 308, Oshawa. (Fine 10-Jly 10) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Work- manship guaranteed, G. A, Con- stable, 143 Colborne East Phone 3208. (760) HELP WANTED--FEMALE GIRE. WANTEP--FOR SWITCH- hoard and to assist with 'office work. State qualifications and references. Box "N" Fumes. ' WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL answer phone. Apply Box "0" Times. (2-8); ce given. pS! Er J. Best, TO EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED . for general housework. Apply 296 B. ! WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL for housework. Apply 485 Simcoe St. N. (2-e) (73th) Watch Repairing Ff. A Yan GENrEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop ad 44% King Street West. Your pat- ropage is solicited. (29-8) Floor Surfacing ok. 8.2 PEILLIPS, DENTIST, over Bassotty, Phone | 959; yr. BR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOB ST. , over Mitchells Drug Store. for extraction. Phone 64. OF-| NBW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- ing (including sending, wesing &l- Bn =a 7 i SE L. B. HUB DENTIST, OF- Bu oe pent Be Phone us; FY W.J. GIFFORD, OFVIOS i Ea bs ar MRS. ANNIE PENTLAND), PRO- FESSIONAL Spirella Corsetiere, 223 ug = Tn ot oy an 80. rn 'Ave. Phone 1988W, Even- i or ohointmont. ou se [BO RENT -- WANTED--BXPERIENCED STEN- ographer and typist, one with knowl- edge of general office routine pre- ferred, Apply at once to W, E. Phillips Co. Ltd. (78:41) YOUNG LADY WANTED VOR OF- fice work, State yeforence and ex- 2 _ Box "L" Times. (76-18) Wanted to Buy for sunap' battestes $1 smd 91 dr old cars. neg" 764. WANTED--SMALL Cash Register. Phone 1360. Feo Rent Tontt (2-2) | SEQO) RAGS | bought. WANTED TO RENT--FARM BY the end of August for a term of | Mesk, Lid, years, containing 100 to 200 acres, within twelve miles of Oshawa. Must have fair bufldings and fruit for home nse. Also ersek preferred. Rent must be reasonable. Can supply references. Write box 683, Oshawa Post Office. (2-h) WANTED TO RENT -- THREE roomy tment, Hear GM.C. Modern conveniences, Box "D," Times. (77¢) Room to Let ROOM TO LET--WITH BOARD} or phone (77-e) TO LET--FURNISHED ROOM, 168 Centre ptret, (77-¢) Business for Sale FOR SALE--SMALL WHOLESALE business fn confectiomery lime. A snap at $200. Pheme 13719) or en- quire at 285 Division St., after six p-B. (2b) THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL building eontracors. us give yow - astimates, Write, or phone White ( 'Second Hand Dealers BAND FURNVEUBE Bold. ¥86 Boor St. East. Phone Mis 10) Apply 140 Tylor Cresc. TT4W. Berry igemt + Be8T, ed. Used Phone (96tf) FOR SALE--ONE WALNUT DIN- ing veom suite, one refrigerator: and one Congoleum rug, 9 ft. x 3 ft. AN nearly new new. Phone 2074W. (77h) FIFTEEN JEWBL LADIBS' OR genta' guaranteed washes, price 20, Esch gent sb ee gift | of ute and chaff with ofder, One t, and the BDalance pay- 'cents per week, Order , 'RH, Pe, © Over Nat-Krust "Phone 1866, ; 19.82-21y21) a DIAMONDS 'BET IN latest style white or green gdld merstings. Ampging values, §30, ($35, 040. Essy payments, only' ne dollar Weekly, Also fine assort- mt of Birthstone, Emblem apd Signet rh very article guaran- teed. O r wow. 0. H. Dell, 22% SMmtoe sodth, ' Phone 1656, §337-01y17) 'MIXPD HARD AND sOPP WOOD slabs, $3.50 per lead, Also bone dry body wood. © Phona 660, Waterogs- Meek Lid, , (Mar 26-tf) CEMENT, EUMBER, FRAMES, sash, doors, cedar shingles, ashphalt roofing, hardwood flooring, gyproe. Phones 660 and 1888, de only. Terms arra on hand, ©, Trul ons (34-t0) FOR SALE--TEAM OF HORSES, m first class shape. 109 Park road south, Phone 1087W. (77h) FOR SALE--LLOYI» CREAM BABY Carriage with windshield. Reversible In good condition, 131 Alms (77-c) street, MADE-UP BLOOM IS FASHIONABLE New York, July 6.--With! 'fhe | coming of summer, flowers have taken possession of the Fashion World. They need not be real te be fashionable these days since real flowers, with the exception of or- L ehids and viofets, are seldom worn, whereas everyone wears artificial flowers of seme sort. During the early spring large (reslistic chrysanthemum corsages were the centre of attraction. At present, the corsage is smartest when it looks theroughly artificial. Thus we find the flowered chiffon frock matched by a flowered chif- fon flower of huge dimension. The petals are made by cutting the ehif- (fon. in nerrew strips and joining them at the centre. Plain colored frocks usually have flowers of self- aariny or harmonizing sombre ef- For the sports frock we have felt, crocheted and. leather flowers Bou- fquets of veri-colored croeheted pe lly are smart on stibulders of striped' swe "as eselr' flower had. Moker Coes. FOR SALE--McLAUGHLIN STAN- dard six sedan, 1927 model. Apply Rowden's Garage, ne 1331. (2-e) i Boars dv x Phoise. | room Centrally Apply- 184 Buri Sev. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE , 107 Simeoe Street 8. x, 1114. eh DICEINEON, V.S., DISEASES | domestic animals scientific- inion Government 3% Brock St. EB. Phone (31-41) A pA for ple at) 134¢f | Res. C. 'E. J. POMERY, 1% KING J id 'east, Oshawa, Ont., Licensed Aue- tioneer for Counties of Durham Oatazio. and City Oshawa. ts' your LAIR phone calls receive at- Foention. Phone HIM: Tire Repairing "i tion. guaranteed. (Fie | on suarenipte. So se 24001 RENT--TWO JBNFURN ISHED FURNISHED Toow To. Suitable: for one or two. ¥22 Rd. South. Phone 2¢22r 2c) il | contra ay 144 Athol | (2-¢) ee [7m |W WANTED - - EXPERIENCED. GAR- foe -- Or ALL KINDS OF TUM REFALING at Adeal Tire nian Tres. P ( Pyone 438 (af) '126 Burk St, Oshawa. ; A356) [ NOTICE--W ILL. Bi. RARDY: Tk ing the No. 2A Brownie Camera bs at the Tale: Shtundny, July | a Snaly phone LFRSw. Notice Patent Con REE will transfer its Head Office the City af Tepante. to the City of. Oshawa. ly HOBAR 'Sceretary- Treasurer | (2-2) [Guides from Canada. Se dio Ar - FOR SALE--TEN YOUNG PIGS, 6 2 | weeks old. Phone 1655 r 22. FOR SALE--HORSE, BUGGY, TWO harness. Vim When tional anthems of the twe coun- fries will he sume Theve wilh follow an exchange = hetiwgen foun Boy Stouts [the United States and repr ts a in the sweater. Felt. flowers in tiny bouquets repre- 'senting spring posies are upon the sports coat. flowers usually match the 'hat and shoes. Among the realistic corsage oR Te a ie ot [e roses' and tiny Peaches cornflowers or field flowers. For the bathing ensemble we the pevhiried flowers rn uy PR. ego my Sa fre free-fdr-all Mh. fists and canes as as bone 3 a was Ee Between police and' mg Th royatists--Ieon" | Wve rors of King" -- started for the the oh appasently Snterested in Sh might ae Union duck and the | Stars: and Stripes are raised' the an- 'of four Ginl jan The loss Daudet's escape REET fie of Morrisey, Fernie & Michel Raitway. : coneenn of the Crows- nest Pass Coal , Limited, Mestnroyed. by + here Sum- loss is Aatimated at $50,- b- a 4 South, ' of their 1i vestigations of the 'committee which was fermed soon lie said, "between the bad will lefféet of mowing pictures, ete, $f FPR EEE TY Royal 'Corhiigsich Into Laurier Palace Tragedy Montreal, July, 6--The hearings of the royal commission inquiring into the Laurier Palace Theatre fire-panic, and the question of thea- tre supervision generally, came to an end last week. The last ad- dress by eounsel was delivered by Hrnest Bertrand, K. C., followed by a brief reply by J. C. Martineau. My. Bertrand found much grewnds for disapproval in the ecircumstan- ges attendant on the disaster at Laurier Palace, repraved. the civic authorities for allowing 'su¢h wonditions to exist. There were very few cases ever brought imto: esurt of aetign againdt theatre proprietors for vielation of the law forbidding the admission of Yét it was eleatly an easy matter to take actiom every day of the week, not only agaist the Laurier | Palace Theatye, but against many others, No Precantionary Plans It was also noteworthy, he re- marked, that the proprietors of the Laurier Palace Theatre had paid 31 fines for infractfon of city by- laws, in one year. If that was not sufficient te justify the cancellation , he cont d him- self 'at a loss to knew what justifi- cation was needed. The disaster had also shown that thq employees had no clearly de- fined plan of action in ease of fire, band 'he considered it of great im- portance that regwlar five drills; should be imposed in theatres and meving picture houses, se that 'employees would know what to do' in such eases, and work together. While ft was clear from the in- special safety after the disaster, that there was room' for improvement in many of the theatres, picure houses and en- tertainmen§ places of the eity as regards exposure to' five amd panic dangers, he drew attention to the still greater meed of improvement in many schools and public buildings not devoted to entertainment, "A comparison can he draws. 0 the Catholic School Commission, and the good will of the Profest School Commission. AH the mendations made by the eommit- [tee tothe Protestant School Com- mission were immediately carried out, whereas those made to the Catholic School Commission seldom observed. He drew attention to the danger, as revealed by the inquiry, eof turn- fog, spiral or amgular staircases in theatres and pubbic buildings, and nrged that staircases in such places should be required to be straight. Touching on the more gemeral questions of Sumday elosing, Metal reviewed 'is brief 'the evidemce the commission had heard on these points. The adveeates of Sunday closing had asked for this measure on three main grounds, Sunday observ lance, morality, and Sunday rest from Tabor. He did not think the peint [had beén made on either of these grousds. Teacher--"How many elements are there?" air, and rand » teacher: father says when hey has brandy he's in his element." I and die |} chile} dren not accompanied hy parents. || Dominion King St, W.--FPhone B141 ™ Coal, Coke and Wood SOFTWOOD SLABS A. F. McCULLOCH ¢1 Ritson'Rd, 8, . Phone 1008 tf were |"RADIO Adame Furniture Co FeltBros. lhe LEADING JE JEWELERS 12 SIMCOE ST. 'soem 'Where Batistaction is @ Ouiedity)

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