ve My and" Mrs, Je " Delve 3 a enjoyable Jos ig on EAs te Rev. and Ms. Delye, | Ly hia rs. H. C. Porter, Ar- thur streét, motored to Bracebridge, Muskoka, for the holidays. "Mrs. Henry Sutcliffe, Mr. ho Branton, Te Spe nt the holi- "Thousand and: Sheena NY - and Mrs, 'Henry Barnes and en, Edith, spent - the holiday i ie eg in Hamilton, fn spent the holiday and week-end in i@skawa. with relatives and friends, =Misses" Elena Stagey and Anu Starie; left yesterday to spend four wits at the Onawa Camp, near Hux- Vv hy ar Siar y. and Mas, Gerrard, wity¢ hore cee. are leaving to spend a few ays at their cottage at esate Poirot My yo Margaret An: Sraon. and oy rooks are guests po wo weeks at the summer home of Miés Elsie, Ross, Sturgeon Point, --Mr. Glen Mundy has as his guests at his summer home at Gull Lake, Mr, Ed. Burns and Mr, Arthur Morison. They ig ent two weeks there, rold McConkey is vary in Belleyijlle this week. . i=--Mr, and Mrs, McLaren and son, Oliver, motored to Port Hope and spent the holiday with Mrs. Hinton. +--Mr, Keith Morrow spent the; holiapy and week-end with his par- Port Hi and Mrs, T, J, Morrow, Pont Hope: '--Mr, and Mrs. Boyce, of New York, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs, A.A, Larmer, Clarke street, Mr, and Mrs. Allen Forbes spent the week-end and holiday with Mrs, W.| G. Crerar, Belleville, Mr, and Mrs, Forbes will leave for England on July 8, w--Messrs, Murray and Bruce Gibson spent the week-end with their; parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, G, Gibson, Port Hope, +~--Miss Verna Jones, of Windsor, Ontario, who has been visiting with M Mae McMullen, Simcoe street south, over the holiday has return- ed hdme. +~Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Larmer with. their son, Arnold and daugh- ten; Vena and Miss Blahche Larmer, of Bailieboro, and, holiday State. a in N. ¥. --Miss Ruth Hamiltoy, 340 Athol: street east, left 'on Monday to "attend the Presbyerian Summer School which is being held in Knox Colle from July 4 to 11, Out- sig ding speakers will give ad- es at the morning apd evening Fok while the afternoons will be! given over to recreation supervised group games, ~My, and Mrs. L. J. Brook, Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Hoehn, Alice and Keith, Mr, and Mrs, E. Russel, Doris and Wilma, spent the week-end camping on Little Lake. --Mrs. Roy Kirby, of Toronte,. far- merly of Oshawa, with her little sop Harald, has joined Mrs, Leo Gray. and Robert. and Mrs, Geo. Hezzlewood and Billy, at Wassoga beach where they will all spend a two weeks' vacation, --A very successful tea was held at the home of Mrs. M. Ayrest, 34 Aye- nue. street by Mrs. Sharpe's group. of the Albert street ladies aid on Tues-, day dfternoon and evening. The tables were arranged in charming order on the lawn and were very attractive with! pink' and white peonies and fegns. Mrs: Ayrest was assisted in the sery- ing by Mis, G. Peckett, Mrs, J. Gals logley and Mrs. M. Sharpe, and four. girls Jessie Hurlburt, Lottie Arnold, : Ora Wilson and Madeline Hornby. The proceeds of the tea amounted fo. $10 and are to be donated towards the building fund of the Albert Sifeet #hureh. motoring t is the solution of. thei i driving lem asks B contgmporary. can he given a sents Or oon Passing Show. "Mrs. J. Coad, of Mont. | o} will be" held spent the week-end | | and | Thursday' afte : Churn. Bn Evelyn May Drage. r 'of" Mr, and ' Mrs. Bd age, ap They wai united. 3 in Mrs. Q 1 ophiia roses, Eg in a peach oe large peach pigture hat: iy k' noses, Mr aisisted the. groom was. ¢ ; was at the: Some tory we parents, "where J tertained, Mr, oh Mog, later fav-8 motor tr hs ilton apd ta iis noints. Kor tr rave ng oe, vel wore a Apr dress, 'twee at white onde shoes, bok A ur a Sond by yy wa Jotun , And: Mrs, Boxer will re sidg 1p Oshawa, W. M. SOCIETIES TO HEAR REPORTS OF An intersting W,. M. 8B, meeting in the Jin streel church on, Thursday ® kt roan at three o'clock, July 7, Xen St." An.' drews United Church W..M. 8, aux- iljary. will; meet with King streat auxiliary, to hear reports from the Bay of Quinte Branch meeting held recently at Pembroke, Mrs, (Rev.) Maxwell third vice- president of the Cobourg Preshyter- jal, and Mgrs, Crozier, president of the King street auxiliary who war ong of the. delegates from Cobourg Presbyterial, will give their reports There will also bg several musica) selections. /e profitable. time is ex- pected and all the members of the United auxiliaries are requebted to be present, rag Price, 20 cents each, coin. Wrap coin The Oshawa Daily Reforme; | pr worry Elis, you'll 2 fat.-- ; Lwenty years ago 'when the original erties °C CHANG rer ES The Youn "People Unian, held 'first annual Lk c at p- iton Park yesterday. Over two' ha. | area, {i people were present and b 2 3 the 88) oe and races. fo 0 {fou 'the Christian He: of games a hy ig numbes THNS. WAS: -- 8 VA, 08, 2-0, Shuisting oe. 2 WA V8, it, 6-1... chris Si 'vg, St, Andrews, 6-3, There 'was a4 peanut scramble in vhich averyons tak, part. winners of the races were: -- olf Race--Marie Werry, Helen 'allard. ; Handkerchief Race--George PFlet- ' hep and Velma McLean; Orme Mot- 5 1 at and' Audrey Werry, ¢F9t Man's Race--Harvey Hager: | nan, BE. Goodman, Wheelbarrow Race--0, . Cornish, [4 | Saiabe. 00 Legged Race -- Murray lainer and Alma Warren: Norman Joag and Toots Wilkinson, yout Race -- N. Hoag, John Vator Race--Alma Warren, Mrs, Warren, Miss Wallace. Men's Race--@G, Creamer, E. Kie- fabe, The prizes for the races were oresented hy Mr, M, Moffatt, who ad, charge of the sports program tor the afternoon. Stephen Saywell presented the cup to V, Crouse who represented the Christian Church hall team, The picnic closed with a twilight yervige led hy Stephen Saywell, Dr, W. P. Fletcher spoke on 'Sharing With Others," and Rev, R, A, What- tam led in prayer, FRONTIER TOWN Four Stores Are Destroyed in Heart of Business Section Laas FY ci Bi "ne Timmins, July §.--Four stores in the heart of the Schumacher busi- ness district were gutted early this morning when fire broke out in the rear of Sun Lee's laundry, and rap- idly spread. to. Arnott's outfitting store, Wong's restaurant, the Tay- lor pipe store and the Postoffice. Three families, residing in the upper stories of these buildings, lost all their household goods apd per- sonal possessions, and bunt Yor the barking of dogs which woke up some of the neighhgrs, it is possible a loss of life would have, respit- "he buildings, which . were of wooden construction, were gquick]y transformed into a blazing 3885, throwing out sparks and heat which | the whole business area. Unable to cope. with the conflagration, the Ipcal volunteer brigade sought the assistance of the South Porcupine and. Timmins brigades who arrived at. the fire at 2.30 o'clock, 45 min- utes after the blaze started. Sun Lee and his assistant were compelled to jump. from their seec- iia bedroom to the sidewalk, le, Mrs. Wong and her six child- were takep from the burning ing in their night ature, Mr. : nd Ag Gathwaite and their youpg | Id, who occupied the apartment = the empty Taylor store, were 4 compelled to flee hefore the flames, : 'Nothing is perfect, my 'dear, If you get. 8 man sp well-off you need 139 oward "Park | AE. Jord Ave & Eada, 439 Bi ui apis cyl « fap years, w, above, tne big Wimeand oy "30 Sib $ health was benefitted: "My, kidneys were out of order and I suffered from severe pains in my back. I also had indigestion and gas ory after meals. I started the Hu .Areatment and have derived "grog | beppefit fram jto-my kidpeys giving me ne Pains: now and my sfomacu trouble and' indizcstion cing re- lieved." Husky is provided by good drug stores everywhere. nd, a. Creamer, E. Smith and E. MENACED BY FIRE at. one time threatened to destroy| © speaker, -- D. J, Gwe rett, Wook. tir remarks -- a be IL Same Nas | the 2 i roborates the forshen 'Bar rot challen stance RH: the lal finally at ihe autho e questione e Sk oe 0 a we governing the re- ations of right and wrong and was glad to. re-echo the wards 'of the {'Chief' Shepherd" declaring that the ollapse of the universe must pre- ede the wholition of a "jat or, tit- 18!" from his law of ten command: ments. The Pastor quoted from the his- tory of 'the gary Shue a Umbee cf paragraphs ro Various va el TR (before Wor was such, & Nerson as a i 1h' Soon AN nown today) marking eparting of God's stand adoption of dogmas contra to the custom bf the Disciples, who all, { without one instance on record kept 1the seventh day, commonly called i Saturday, and still observed without variation by the people of the same race and nation as the Christ. Mr. Barrett was quite forceful in his application of Daniel 7: 25 to the attempted change, made by the Roman Catholic Church during the early centuries and felt no pos- sibility that exception could be taken by them to his position as he read from their own pronouncements in both catechisms and other writ- ings a number of citations plainly and unequivocally acknowledging the change as theirs and challenging Protestantism to question the same, The speaker then produced a large chart with a number of au- thoritative statements written and printed by evangelical bodies of to- day ackhowledging that there was no scriptural authority for the change from the seventh to the 'first day of the week, "The spesker of the evening then mad very impressive appeal in cloains, h the same call Jesus made to the rich young man of Matthew 19 : 17 tg enter Agta lite, calling for an expression of deter- mination on the part of his audience as to whom they would serve, Christ and His law or the church fallen away and his man-made pre- cepts. The whole Keon grogation then stood to their feet, : A double quartette sang "Stand by the Law" rendering each part in an excellent and effective ,myanner. Pastor C. F. McVagh will present the "Scapegoat" as his subject to- night. SYKES 5 PUNNG MHL8.§0LD (Contimued from pége; 1) as a br of the. tompaby. Th The number of employees will be in- creased and a policy of expansion will be followed, The Haliburton Lumber Company is, one of several Subsidiaries owned. by the . Carew Lumber Company, The Oshawa enterprise which now passes to the Lindsay com ny is one of the oldest establishe in .this city, It was in 1842, that Pon Sykes, father of Albert Sykes, came to Oshawa from .England and in 1847 the lumber mill wags started. The .mill was first establi where the presept building stands along the creek and in. more than seventy-five years there has heen but ope change. That was over was destroyed by fire. ie igs v4 spirit of the father as- serted inself in the son, the late J. A. Sykes, and the mill was rebuilt and carried on by Mr. Sykes until Following the death of 5 rs. Sykes, whe dur- ing ths ive. years', i Which preceded Mr, Syke'sdeath had great- ly assisted him in the' opesdtibn of the enterprise, carried on' alone rn- til yesterday. For some time Mrs. Sykes, bet health haying failed, was fee! of the business. w 5 Bn ; , of y, is a on $e 4 aby" if that term may be used. It was dust 60 years h M " the eree first mil ah pres- the Carew, Pri, This f; ine comparatively eo es apr in few Lind- A . Fa fo The Jobp not that ove but the was started ip a 1. way over half a century 4g9, w and grew and grew until the present day. And it is interesting to Asie in St ing that Lindsay's "Lum] r Mr. Jo Riven , has' heen' te indentified with 8 Yeern from chi ermoye, he has tra well and his two sons M and A. W. Carew, are iF x (their father's fogtsteps. ., The industry has a large plaat in Lindsay. coverinz an acreage of ree-quarters Of a mile, or eyery- | thine on the wa inzton Street bridge to the Hydro power station with the exception of the Horn Bres. Woollen site of about 309 feet. wing he the same "line - ber Co. is usiness which ) FE un- 5 ed anyone ty Am an in-|¥ we we ii 0 witnessed the ac- "conflicting. The boys whi! hd bert (chmask oe, was ver, eed that th aven e. of Mecidenty 3 hi at across t . street when rye, that the motorist was driving at 'an excessive rate of speed and did not even slow geay, an Hl that Ai car ies a a wick Xi 'but bi third y Two of 2 | swore Ai 8 | cdr lights' roa jan wis _sttuc fy nel eH "positive that X front nine i i but 'that the tail | fll low gs as 0 e- ters hy EE iE Boh 0 whe pha yr pes hy hi "va n bh ning two saw bioy 3 Shug : y, thought, an fing a Pea wo There, w a Awl Wik yh wl | : ghert Ww iams a8, the first, wid » a Jled in re d of (Sy man apiempt. to oro [rom the north to the south side of Olive avenue with, |: 40 an, approaching car ahout filly' feet a- way to the west, The driver of the | cay, travelling some whers between thirty-five and, forty mi sopnded. his horn but the, man was struck, the left fender .catehing him just above the side. of the. right nse Clapping; his hands oyer his eyes, the withess did not see what then 'trans- A | pied. Richards, he said, was: less than half way across when struck and had the driver of the car turned out He the roadside, With this othe eyewitnesses disagreed, they be- ing of the opinion that the driver could have easily avoided the accident, Witness stated that car was thirty feet away when horn was sounded and that Richards was four feet from the left, when struck, Dr. H. M. MacDonald who attended the injured man at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital and who called Dr, E. R, Cameron in consultation was the next witness. He testified as to Richard's condition when admitted to the hos- pital saying that it was very critical, Patient had marked abrasions over the right hip. and left knee and a deep wide gash over the right eye. There were no apparent signs of fractured skull but the symptoms indicated the |s base of the skull was fractured though death may have been due to concus- sion, Witness outlined in detail pat- ient's condition due to the accident and stated that he had previously been in excellent physical state, The in- juries which the man had were of such nature that recovery was ted, Cecil McCabe, eyewitness of the ac- cident then testified. The north side of. Olive avenue, he said, was lined with cars but none were parked be- tween Richards and the car approach- ing from the west. There was one Ford coupe on the south side of the street almost opposite where Richards attempted to cross. Witness thought the driver of the car was "doing forty" and that there was just enough room for him to pass between the Ford on the south and the row of cars on the north without hitting the man. Rich- ards, he said, tried to walk towards the front of the Ford car, but.was not walking right. Other eyewitnesses no- ticed nothing unusual about Richards' gait, Manson McCabe supplied details of the car and driver which struck Rich- ards, and said that the front lights were not turned out. Mike Gingeriski told of hearing the crash and phoning the police who ar- ranged for the ambulance. It was thought that Frank Slivka |an could furnish some details concerning the car and its driver but when called interpreter that he could ®hrow no light on the matter, The jury in the case were William Arpiour, foreman, R. 8S. Virtue, C. J. Wilcox, Ed. McCafirey, Alfred Beth- ell, Ross Flintoff, J. H. R. Luke and J. M. Ashby. Ou Ligily Recipe RICE DA One cup A . cold rices 1-2 cup-Bbeded raisins; 71-2 eup heavy cream, whipped, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, 1-2 teaspoon van- ille, Fold raisins, whipped cream, ree" and vanilla into the cooked , Heap in sherbert glasses, . with whipped cream and a dao of red currant jelly or a Gher- ry and - wees. bs A ) oy AM Won BURNED, Cuthohi IN SMri. "Prank A. McKim is in a eritical condition in the Riblic General Hospital suffer- ing from burns received im a fire hs or 1% cho fare, lots, ob n 13, m, Township, logs, Hip also suffered severe as wis the hands and arms in attempting to extinguish the flgmes 2 'burned his wite's doting. reports - reaching SAL Whe preparing L Sas, Lo is said, was in a pan on the chen stove, and. exploded, setting fire to the dwelling. Before Mrs. MeKim could escape she was en- veloped ip flames.' Her husband, plgsion apd rushed to hig wife's aid. was soon a pile of A meteorological peculiarity d risin aby accompamied by a facile ering of its contemts--Otiagwa Jour- ra of the glass is inyari- 5 Per hour, | would have piled into cars parked on | testimony | y north side of the road which he had . received | almost impossible, Dr. MacDonald sta- | to the stand it was found through an |, |vhe was outdoors, heard the ex- | The dwelling burned tipidly, and odo Son Ha In a i n this thelr sec- ond note "am in a few months. Mra, John Melntyre, one of thé old- est residents of the town line ha ad, anay an June 21st af whe arn AN Hy Deceased, « W 0 Jen ol ty-fifth. year, wag of ish gh as ls characteris- ie + hy dete ie olk, was a very |! he ear kind woman, She Was Ha ks aera in and when ied on a regular at- oy Be Bras chigreh, She leaves jo. Bourn, Ld papaing, her daughter- in-law, Ralph 'MeclIntyre, who 1 oA gly, HO ed or her, during her two grandsons. ohn and oul on on granddaughter, M Mpa. iehrion. of Kihsal e Ag) I" which was largely attended, was held on June 26th, interment 'hefpg at Burh's Cemetery, The pall- hearers heing Messrs, James ahd obert Heron, John Miller, Edward en 'William Brash and James Wilkin, ' Mr. George Mole and daughter, Hagel, were in Toronto, last attending the Cutler-Richards wedding, Much satisfaction is being expres- pd by the Board inth'sfoys rHVer ,5ed. by. the section that the hoard | Jiave secured the services of Miss Bernice Werry for another year, Success to. the entrance ho wrote thelr examinations last week, y Some of aur hoys intended going over to Myrtle on Saturday night to celebrate but they got disapppinted As, the young couple slipped away for. them, Farmers are busy with the hay which is a. fine arop this year. Mr. Andrew Kew, of Agineourt, spent the heliday with his son, Mr. Walter Kew, Pleased to report that Mrs. Jen- "nie Miller % a nd, Map., daugh- ter. of Mrs. ohngton Here, who was 80 pn fll with pneu- mopia, is improving, Her mother who, was called there a few days ago, ig*Maying with her for a time. MYRTLE Myrtle, July 65.--Mr. and Mrs, Roy McCann (nee Miss Daisy Rodd) left on Monday morning for their new home at Dearborn, Michigan, where best wishes from a host of [friends here go with them. Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Mar- shall and family of Kitchener are visiting at Mrs, Marshall's brother, 'Mr. H. Roy Bright. Miss Electa Bichett who under- went an operation. for appendicitis at: the Oshawa Hospital is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and 'littlé son MGordon * of Burketon Apent the week-end with the form- ers' mother, Mrs, R. Long, Mr. Fred Todd was in Toronto last. week and attended the stam. ¥ ped; wy School Board have had sev- oa applications. for school teach- de but at time of writing none have n accepted. Mr, Buttleworth had the misfor- tune to have his leg painfully bruised when a truck load of gravel and cement. went over it last week, whiel Yon him off work for sev- gral The ivi weather has given pav- ipg operations a chance to speed p, nine hiindred feet being com- pleted in a day now. It is interesting to, note the different steps. First the spring tiles drain was laid at certain points across the road and 'up, Of pupila | Wong the ditches, then iron ponding was" placed along the ditch to pipe the water from the C.P.R. tank' at Myrtle Station, Then the steam en- ging which is run by Mr. Tommy Risborough of Whitby goes along nd tears up the road bed and rolls t down when Mr. Tom Brooker goes along with the one man grader and grades the sides, Plank is now hauled by Mr. Fred O'Boyle and is laid 'under the supervision of Mr. Arthur Woodly. Then along 'come @ | the trucks of gravel, cement and stone whieh is put on the turn tahle and turn around by Mr. Dave .Hairden, then backed on the hop- per where Mr. Wesley Routley of Ashburn elevates them Into the mixer which is operated by Mr, Will Mitchell of fecha, Ont. Here gli 'is mixed with water and passed out into the carrier where about six Italians are kept husy packing it 'around the form- and even: gt er Italians go dlong with a twenty foot belt and whip up the mpisture to 'the surface when a colple more Tun' the ,Joller over it, This is then allowed 'to gtand for a timt when Mr, Henry, Barner goes along with about 'two hundred feet of hose and drenches if. Then gravel is thrown on to help' cement from cracking up and is allowed to stand for twenty-one days, when it is scraped off and opened up for gen- eral 'traffic, Quite a différent road to that which the ploneers some sixty years ago had to do their teaming over when they hauled their grain from Mariposa to the Lake at Whitby. Sacrament service will he held here next Sabbath morning at 10,30, The Sahbath School and Bible Class will open at the usual hour, a quar- ter to' two, Mr. Frank Sutherland of Ashburn has completed redecorating the in- terior of the church and much sat- isfaction is expressed at the work. On Tuesday a number of the ladies armed with pails and brushes gath- ered and worked as only women can and cleaned it all up. It' now presents a very tidy appearance. MILLIONAIRE TO ; MARRY SALESLADY | Detroit, July .5,--Charles S. Mott, multi-millionaire, Vice-President of the General' "Motors Corporation, late today confirmed a report that he will wed Mrs. Mitties Rathbun, a saleslady in a downtown fepart- ment store. News of the proposective wedding, which came as a distinct surprise to. the three children of the widowed industrialist and + his intimate friends, developed when Mr. Mott sought a marriage license at the County Building during the noon hour. Mrs. Rathburn did not appear at the license window. She is a div- orcee with two small children and is 35 years old, or 17 years young- er than Mr. Mott. She is the daugh- ter of Col. W. 8S. Butterfield, wealthy Grand Rapids theatrical magnate, who controls more than 30 upstate playhouses. A year ago she was granted a deeree from Earl Rathbun, scion of an old Grand Rapids family. , ; Mr, Mott became a widower 5 years ago when his wife fell from" a second-story window of thir home, at Flint while walking in her sleep.. Marry a man who has lived in a* boarding heuse. He will appreei- ate any kind of home cooking.-- He--Lend me a dollar, will you? She--What would you strike woman?--Hamilton Royal Gaboon.' is | fos rant from Well- [that during very hot weather the ' low- |; 4 Bie Glass En