BTV apm ha ht wn A BAA oh Ss Ta ma PAGE TWELVE Wilke} SELECTION OF BEST STRIPS FOR TIMES REA Vancouver, B.C., July 6.--Pion- |i}. y 3&8 E ! WELLS AR eers of Western Canada were guests \jff : * | 2 THE , k eR A of honor at a Confederation Jubi- lee luncheon given Wednesday by the Vancouver Canadian Club, when a series of eight historical paint- ings, depicting events in British Columbia's history, were dsplayed to the public for the first time. Sir George Foster, of Ottawa, the principal speaker, opened his ad- dress with a reference to the pie- tures, which were painted under the auspices of the native sons of Brit- ish Columbia and the Hudson's Bay Company, and are intended to be hung in dhe univerity of British Columbia building. "The sons of British Columbia, in putting these pictures before you, have brought the personalities of the Jan visually to the minds of / eI A | all who gaze upon them," said Sir ; ; & i. dln George. "Do not bury these pie- [J] Re Rikhopalis Newspape Bev tures in the University of British Columbia, full of prospects as it ls. Let them be exhibited in Mont- ASEM a ae ; aie : Canpga," 4nd other cites of If} BRINGING UP FATHER . --By Geo, McManus "These pictures," he eontinued; a J ; EE "will lo more than Yorer i Roo i T GUESS THAT OUGHT | 3 AH, A BooK on ETIQUETTE! : A BOOK on vg of patriotism. They are its life food. To BRING SOME New) wage : POs | | Ik Ter pHane MRsJiGgs. ° we ey You cannot make a tree; it must ¥ Bg | an : ! ETIQUETTE v Yon cannot make a nation; Re li \ e : | IN THAT CASE 1 vies = No, THAT WASNT : / . IN w PA " | - Sa fps MR. 0166S! ae ' EE You have to grow it." WORKERS PROTEST Sod AGAINST EXECUTIONS I gf Aan YE Philadelphia, July 6.--Ten thous- and workers accompanied by their wives and children, paraded through the streets on Sunday in protest against the execution of Sacco and Vanazetti, Three thousand policemen were on duty at the park where the dem- onstration took place. There was no violence. Six lahor speakers sounded the keynote of the meet- ing: 'Sacco and Vanzetti must not be executed." : AU gE \ ll . Wl! (are © 1927 ov Inv. Featune Scavice. Inc. Gress Britain rights reserved. BOY SHOOTS His LITTLE BROTHER Philadelphia, Tuly 6.--Vincent Solserio, 9, shot his b-year-old = -- aime . a eh ut i rire : THE FLOWERS DO NOT OPEN UNTIL LATE brother Anthony to death Sunday when he took his father's revolver : Y . It} THE EVENING AND BY MORNING THEY out of a drawer to celebrate Inde- | iil A 1) - PROBEIRE THY. the wav" said vie. WHATS A {IT 1S A SPECIES § RAV FR , HAVE COLLAPSED INTO LIMP RAGS £ent. "I'm going to shoot out of the NIGHT-BLOOMING I; OF CACTUS, om \ A / / DEVOID OF BEAUTY. Anthony did pot move fast CEREUS, DADDY ? bi VP : , Ps Wo / A h 4 REL TIVE ; | ¥ J PAINBOW CACTUS enough and the hullet struck him in the stomach, AJ ' y ¢ " Canadian ) JAY 1a Te THOSE WHO BELIEVE THAT ALL 4 I ' 1( ic ~ Bt nog mos EXISTS FOR _/ adi ; THE GRATIFICATION OF MANS ~ SAILINGS / ii - FLOWERING SPECIES OF CACTUS FROM MONTREAL i TE Eto pio 4 {i - fF \ | PRESENT A DIFFICULTY,FOR f NEL © 1927. by King Features Syndicate. Inc. Great Britain rights reserved. To Liverpool iY B ADE: 13 1iirrrsrssrrr Minnedosa MY Uo ANE 82 +2ssr2892570r Montclare uly 22 Aug. 19.. Montrose July 29 Ays. 2h arrreiirnrisss Montcalm July 2 Aug. 4 Sept. 1 *Via Greenoch. From Quebec Te Cherb South Antwerp uly 13 Aug. 10 Montnairn uly 26 Aug. 18...............Montroyal To Cherb South July 20 Aug. *16 July *27 Aug. 2A........ Emp. of France Aug. *3 Aug. "31 .... Emp. of Australia *To Cherbourg-Southampton only. TILLIE THE TOILER--A Sure Fire Suggestion A (1. DON'T SEE ||) S/POSE Sou centr piss si OM (A B0 Or my How AN CAN LET] | KNOW THAT ME 58 a. und nday only. 8 zac ar LON : ANYBODY HAVE AREN'T GETTING .59 am. . P nay " . A VACATION ANY VACATIONS a except Sunday. 42 pan.--Daily, 9 pan.--Daily. pu. --Daily. pan.--Daily. . Westbound Trains am. --Daily. am.--Daily. a.m. --Daily. 20 a.m. --Daily. 858 am.--Daily except Sunday. 2.22 pam.--Daily except Sunday. 8.14 p.m.--Sunday only. 7.27 pan.--Daily. 4.37 pam.--Daily. 845 pom.--Daily except Sunday. C. P. R. TIME TABLE Trains [| WHEN DO » » 8 WAN Oo» See eR =N 2 $e na gk wn 8 N07 am. --Daily. A 3 oF 2.05 p.m.~Daily. A ; # 7 X03 pom.--Dailr except Sunday. 4 ' ' f ' 11.10 p.m.--Daily. ' i "4 Ny 1209 am.--Daily. p pi HE 2 Qing Features Syndicate. Inc Fc Westbound Trains ; 548 am.--Daily. £23 am.--Daily. a 240 am. --Daily except Sunday. A477 pan. --Diste tL]