PAGE SIX - THE OSHAAW DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1927 A ---------- NEW APPOINTMENTS | TO CXR: BIHSIONS R'E. Om, Lindsay," Now in Charge of Oshawa © Division Wr a -- . (Special To The Reformer) Toronto, July 7.--A. E. Warren, General Manager of the Central Region Canadian National Railways, has announced the appointment of Edgar W. Burne, formerly his chief clerk to become Assistant Super- intendent of the Belelville Division with hadquarters at Lindsay. Mr. Burns will have jurisdiction over the Campbellford, Midland, Lake- field, Uxbridge, Cahoconk, Sutton, Port Perry, Bethany, Madoe, and Haliburton sub-divisions, R. BE, Orr, formerly Assistant Superintendent at Lindsay has been transferred to Belleville with jur- isdiction over the Oshawa, Ganan- oque and Kingston sub-divisions, as Assitant" Superintendent, N. P. North, formerly Assistant Superin- tendent at Belleville has been pro- moted to the Horne Payne Division as Supt. with headquanters at Horne Payne, Ont., succeeding C, L. Har- ris, who has become Supt at Vir- ginia, Minn, J. J. Napier, Supt. at Capreol, is transferred to Brandon, Man. in the same capacity, replacing G, A. Cusliffe, who has retired after many years of valuable service, The appointments are effective from the first of the month, BYRD"S PARTY GUESTS OF FRENCH AVIATORS -- (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Paris, July 5.--Going to Le Bourget today, Commander Byrd, Bert Acosta and Bert Nalchen took a look at the flying field where they intended to land on their flight from MX Bnd: States but which they were unable to find. in storm and murk of last Thurs. day night. They were conducted to the officers' mess where they partook of the "wine of honor" as guests of the French flying officers, LINDBERGH MAY VISIT QUEBEC CITY Quebec, July, 6.--Col, bhergh may visit Quebec according to a wire received from May Mar- tin rfom Hon. Wm. Phillips, Ameri can minister at Ottawa. Col. Lind- bergh is unable to visit the city at the present time, but it is im- mensely interested in "the old city and, according to the Ottawa mes- sage, would like to come here if it conld be arranged, In accordance with a suggestion in the telegram, Mayor Martin is. getting in touch with the Gugen- heim Foundation for Aeronautics, New York, which has charge of his itinerary, and is exetnding a spec- ial invitation. A. Lind- OPERATING IN- CITY wr. Those people whu make a practice of going from city to city canvassing for some cause, hoyever remote, may get results, but the feeling they leave behind them sometimes is that the giver is helping a local cause. It has come to the knowledge of the local Past of the Legion that a lady sollector is canvassing this city with letters of credit from Mr. Shields of Toronto and Mayor Preston. The understand, as anything that will ald the returned man gets his sup-|j port, and he possibly was not aware of the ban placed upon Legion can- vassers from out of the city by the local executive, A very necessary collection for local purposes will give any person so inclined an op- portunity to aid the local branch where all moneys collected will be used for a local purpose. Mr. |; Shields is well aware of the local ruling and some time ago withdrew two men from Oshawa on our sec- ond letter of nretest--perhaps he considers a lady canvasser alteps the complexion of the whole thing, but I we are well aware that RY busi- t Cc ness men hear and pay the®y money under protest, A lopal busingss man states that he made such purchases to be rid of people who hindered "im in his busine, id that the fact of perhaps lhiearing no more of |! these people afterwards was more of | a relief than anything else. The]! local hranch will he quite willing to obtain "The Legionary" and there |t is the same proportion of returned t men to be aided here as elsewhera |! on the commission on such sales, |! The loral pest will take up this mat- ter at the meeting on Thursday eve- ning in their new quarters over the Market Place, where several mat- ters ara to he discussed for the ben-|! ofit of local returned men and it is |¢ hoped that all who can, will attend [© this tirst meeting after the Jubilee |} (Clelebration, when so many returned men of Oshawa had the opportunity |! of taking part in this celebration I from the sidewalk---and seemingly |s were content to do so. i ( I Have Made Rapid Growth Under Ideal Weather Conditions i Winnipeg, July 5--With ideal wea- ther conditions, Western crops have made rapid growth during the past week, reports the Agricultural Agent of the Canadian Pacitic Railway. With moisture and heat rushing it along, a congiderable per centage of the carly sown wheat 1s in shot blade, and in some instances carly varieties of wheat are in head, Apart from some. slight hail dam- age and small loss from-cutworms and the wircworms, there has been noth- mg to adversely affect the crops in general. Wild and cultivated hay are SOVIET FAGING Saw, number of attacks on Soviet offi- Gorokovaija Prison are having little effect on the popu- lation, which refuses to be terroriz- ed. will representatives ni supported rades, BOOK ROOM STEWARD Ww. INTERNAL CRIS] While Prices Rise and Unemployment Grows Riga, Latavia, July 6.--With ser- Mayor's letter the local Post can |jous uprisings reported in many Pro- vinces in Russia and with the stead- ly increasing cost of living and un-| employment and non-partisan poli- ical organizations of the workers growing steadily, the Soviet Govern- ment is facing the most serious in- ternal crisis of the last two years. Even the revival of the Red Ter- ror by the Cheka, a little more than a fortnight ago, after the assassina- fon of the Soviet Minister to War- failed to halt the increasing ials, Execution of Hostages Executions of hostages held in Lubianka Prison in Moscow and in Leningrade A foreign diplomatic official sta- foned in Moscow reported that the present violent anti-British cam- raign being conducted by the Soviet authorities is an attempt to distract he attention from thlrml basB2t he attention of the population from lomestic to foreign questions, The Jolshevist chiefs hope the war scare create support for the Soviet rovernment, The Red Terror, the official de- dared, is opposed to the former MUrgeoise intelligentsia, and the 'eka (political police) used this to over the arrest of 1,000 active non- artisan workers, It is said foreign Moscow conserva- ively estimated that 12,000 persons wave heen arrested since the War- aw assassination, The executions n Moscow alone during this period were slightly more than 200. WESTERN. CROPS ARE , vice Faces Internal Strife Russia, according to the afore- is facing a since the period of internal strife, WELL population is better fed than during the Red Terror period in the early days The an- arrests of the inuncements of revolution, the mass and executions and deportations do not affect a huge majority of the un- satisfied people, who are demand- ng important changes in the Com- munist policies, A new category of unemployed, consisting of Communists who have lost their jobs as a result of the re- | glme's IT economy, is giving the horities considerable trouble, as heir demands for work are being | employed com- by their INJURED IN CRASH Calgary, July 5---Rev. Dr. Samuel Fallis, who is conducting "The --_- 1BIG ORANGE GATHERING EXPECTED AT MARKHAM \ Markham, July Gi-- Between 15,- 000 and* 20,000 visitors aré 'expécted for the Twelfth oluJf nreabetliocy for the Twelfth of July celebration here, according to the report of the committee appointed to make the ar- rangements. Special north and southbround train sewvice has been arranged. The parade, which starts at 2 p m., standard time, will march from the Fair Grounds up Washing- ton street through Morgan Park, Is another an- | eepin the Loblaw Stores have become t you selected your fav " a -- 0 east to Maine, north to Gleason, up Wales and out to Main, returning to the grounds, On Sunday Mark- ham Lodge, 1.0L. will march to church where Rev. Mr. Auld will give the address. LABORER'S ARMS BURNED WHEN GAS MAIN 1GNITES Chatham, July 6.--Burns about the arms were sustained late this af- ternoon by Charles Scott, an em- ployee of the Union Natural Gas Pompguy .when a four inch gas main undergoing repairs at Welling- - Foods Fr ton and Third streets ignited. ; The workman was busy in an_ex- cavation about 2 feet decp when the accident occurred. The tlames were extinguished by the Fire Department which responded to a. still alarm. Scott's condition is not serious and he went to his home on Wellington street, Jacques--"T think ' every man ought to know his station in life." Rakes (yawning)--'"Yes, so beast- ly annoying to be carried on to the {next and have to walk back." the thrifty housewives of Ontario, REFRIGERATION that these perishable goods frigerator, were being kept in a re- 1 Yet, such is the case, Every Loblaw Grocsteria: is equipped with its own cold storage system. The "Plant" is in the basement and the pipes are. so ar- ranged throughout the tables and counters that un- less looked for they are not likely to be noticed. This is but one of the modern features introduced in- to the merchandising of food stuffs by the Loblaw system, The Master Tar Is Now InOshawa Charlie Rich, the Merchant Tajler, has now opened a tailoring busiféss at 1562 Simcoe street south and can make up your suit to please you both in fit, style and price. Making, trimming anr servige to Our price, $16 and don't .pay. moze. Open for all orders after July 11th, pleage you. : ' ror arm * he popula shopping centre for Like hundreds of others you may have wondered why the 'butter, bacon, lard, cheese: and kindred articles were always so firm and fresh at our Groceterias regardless of the temperature outside. The tables containing these lines were just as open and orite brand and the quantity tainly no ice in evidence, nor anything else. tg, indicate . epnvenient as in apy other section of the store and yop desired with equal freedom, There was eer- heavy crops, and the growth of grass 1s unprecedented, consequently stock of all kinds is naturally in excellent sondition. A good percentage of wheat 1s in shot blade in Manitoba, and some fields of carly maturing varieties, such as Quality and Garnet, heading out. The late crops are now not more than a week behind the average con- Confederation Outlook" party which is touging Western Canada, was injured by a motor mishap on the Windermere Highway Sunday, and is now in 'the Brett Hospital at Banff, Alta. His right shoulder and arm were painfully me SPECIALS on Sale at Thése Prices from July Tth to July 13th his automobile overturned near Ver- SPECIAL Sliced Smok:d Beef, Quarters, In milion Crossing. The other passen- g 9 STORE CLOSED Si Saturday afternoon amd evens ing and open on Wednesday afternoon and evening during July and August, are SPECIAL GREENLY GROCERY Corner Colborne and Mary Sts. WE DELIVER PHONE 104 New Method Cleaners and Dye 1s Goods called for and delivered 21 BOND ST. E. Phone 1020 ' Prompt Service dition for this time of year, and are coming on well. Crops in Saskatchewan are proaching normal, with much of the early wheat in shot blade and thick on the ground, with a small percent- age in the heading stage. Oats and barley are both growing fast. Wheat in Alberta mcasures an av- erage of 12 to 18 inches, with prac- tically all earlier-sown in shot blade. Winter wheat is heading out and com- ing along splendidly. Rapid growtna is placing crops in normal condition for this time of the year. U, 5. AVIATORS LAND IN CANADA Detroit, July 5.--Two of the bal- loons entered in the third annual Detroit News race had landed to- night after covering distances from Detroit, measured by a straight line, of approximately 185 and 70 miles. Five balloons took to the air from the Ford Airport late yesterday. The Goodyear IV. entry of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, piloted by Walter W. Morton of Akron, Ohio, came down shortly after noon today near Stoutsville, Ohio. Morton had covered . approxi- mately 185 miles. - Dr. George M. Legallee, piloting the Detroit IL, entered by the Detroit Flying Club, landed shortly before noon about seven miles west of Both- well, Ont. The town is approximate- gers in the automobile, including Dr. Williamson, ap- I. thrown clear, but Dr. Fallis was pin- ned under the car, | Foreign Office on TRANS-CANADA FLIGHT and were of Evans of Yarmouth, N.S. Ww. the C.P.R, Members of the party righted the machine, and Dr. Fallis 'was taken hack to Banff, wiile the others went on to Windermere and Golden, B.C. Dr. Fallis is making favorable progress toward recovery. LONDON TO GREET AMERICAN EDITORS New York, July 6.--The Carnegie endowment for international peace Tuesday announced plans for en- tertainment in London for the group of representative American editors who will tour Europe as its guests. The group during the tour will observe economic, political and so- cial conditions and will study in- stitutions * which represent steps toward internationalism. The editors will arrive in London on July 25. Sir Austen Chamber- lain will receive the group at the July 27 and sometime during their stay they will meet the American ambassa- dor. A series of luncheons and dinners have also been arranged. HALTED FOR LACK OF INVOICE Quebec, July 6.--The Quebec-to- RINSO Soaks Clothes Whiter Pkge 6¢ "nd Fish Paste. Paris Pate Boneless Chicken, Aylmer 7 oz. Bevelled Tin. Tongue, . Brand 43c 26¢ 21c 13¢ Wedgesday, July Bloater Paste, Maconochie's. Shippam's Assorted Meat Salmon, Sovereign Brand, Quality Sockeye. The pick of the catch, Halves, Flat. Tin, Loblaw's Emplosees' Annual Picnic will be held at Queenston Heights Jar, Rea | 3 Tins, No. 2 83 ~ PEARS Nice Quality Tin 1 Finest Orangeade 22¢ Orangeade 13th. Groceterias Tomatoes, will be closed that day. North SPECIAL CHIVER'S Imported Pure, Orange Marmalade 16 3 2lc Spinach, Powder, Kkovah, large tin, Brand, No. 2; Corn, Choice Quality, mer Brand, lc 13 and Lemonade 9) . and Lemonade Pow- der, Kkovah. Saath Wie, 124 c 25¢ 25¢ No. 2 Tin. 2 Vancouver flight, which was sched- uled to begin today, has been delay- ed on account of the flier, Captain Edward Dobbin, not being able to take possession of his machine until invoices arrive. The machine arriv- ed on the Empress of Australia, and it is at present in one of the wharf sheds waiting to be assembled. It is probable the flight will commence towar dthe end of the weekfqgky toward the week-end. ly 30 miles from Detroit. A circuit- ous route accounted for the shorter airline distance, PAGHT-IAEUTESAST DROWNED IN FAREWELL TO MAITLAND Honolulu, Jsuiy 6.--Flight-Lieut- enant Chavies Linton Williams was drowmed today during an aerial demqgnsiration by army planes in fareWell to Lieutenants Lester J. Maitlgnd 2:1 Albert Hegenberger, who flew here from Oakland Cali- fornia, June 29. William's plane dived into the water near liner Maui, off Frot de Russy, carrying him down with it. Efforts to rescue Williams failed and attempts were. made Lo recover his body. Propared Masiard, Libby's. 134 Be Soda Wafers Package 210 23C THREE GOOD REASONS The Editor of the Moreland (Kan- sas) Monitor recently inserted the following -curnious notice in his pa- per: "I have been criticised quite a little for using poor gramaar. Now I have three goed reasons for | this. In the first place, I don't " know any better. Second, half of "Do you act toward your wife as | you wouldn't understand it if I did you did before you marnied her?" | use it. Third, if I did speak and "Exactly. ! remember just how 1 | write correctly I might be managing vhen I first fell in love with | some big New York paper at a large her. 1 asad to hang over the fence | salary and you farmers would lose in front of her house and gaze ut (the best editor in Graham County." {her shadow on the cuntain--almost | 1 is sometimes hard to gather afraid 10 go in. And I act just the | workers, but never difficuit to cof- | same way now when- 1 home [cet a crowd to watch others work. late. --Buffalo Courier Express. COKGRESS the | Fe Jeading 10 Cigar Mand 10 get