"All the While It is News" The Oshawa Daily Ti The Oshawa Daily Reformer 018'4% A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City VOL. INO. 6 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1927 For Subscription Rates See Page 2 Single Copies, 3 Cents Second Section--Pages 9.12 gh Disastrous Fire Vancouver A At. Least Many Trapped By Flames and . Death Toll May Increase as Whe Turned in the Alarm Faces a Charge of Man- slaughter Vancouver, July 8.--Fire sweep- ing through the upper floors of the north wing of the seven-story Royal Alexandra Apartment Block at Bute and Comox Streets this afternoon took a toll of at least six lives, and caused serfous injury to many pthers, _-Jahn Luckhart, 12, of Toronto, is missing, and eJan Luckhart, 10, of Woronto, is injured. $i The Dead : The dead, as known early this evening, are: Mrs, Emily Rickaby, housekeeper, Henry J. Griffen of Winnipeg. ' Edward D. Fitzgerald of Edmon- on. Mrs, Barber, wife of Dr. John Barber, Los Angeles. An unidentified woman. An unidentified girl. List of Injured Those taken to hospital badly burned or injured are: Jean Van- derberg, Mrs. P. R. Conway and P. R. Conway of Vancouver, Mrs. Og- den of Edmonton; Mrs. Fitzgerald and Miss Edith Fitzgerald, believed to be of Edmonton; Grace Luckhart of Toronto, badly burned; A. Mc- Diarmid, fireman, David Henderson, the painter who turned in the alarm at the Royal Alexandra Apartment House fire here this afternoon, was formally charged at Police Headquarters with manslaughter this evening. A light- Sweeps arment Block ight Are Dead them down ladders, ' while some were lowered to the ground by ropes. } The complete list of dead will not be known until late tonight, when an accurate check-up can be made. Oaught in Blazing Halls So rapidly did the flames rush through the halls of the north wing on the upper floors that within three minutes of the alarm being given the hallways were filled with smoke, fire and fumes. Men, women and children, their escape cut off, fled, screaming through the apart- ments or to the blazing roof, The fire started in a vacant suite on the fourth floor, according to a statement made to Fire Marshal J. A. Thomas by David Henderson, painter, who said he was working in a vacant suite on the fourth floor, when he noticed the flames coming out of another vacant suite, He im- mediately rang in an alarm. Mrs. Grace Luckhrart, family of three children, who ar- rived in Vancouver only a few days ago rfom Toronto, was trapped on the sixth floor. Ted, her 14-year-old boy, managed to escape, while a smaller boy was badly burned, Mrs. Luckhart is a frequent contributor to newspapers. Firemen Badly Bummed Archie McDiarmid, fireman, was .badly burned. He made one of the first rescues when he brought out a little girl named Vanderberg. An- other fireman named Holden was severely burned while searching through the flaming building for occupants, Among the injured are Mrs. Og- den, who is painfully burned ahout the head and breast, and a Miss Fitzgerald, who arrived only a few with her ; OFFERS PRIZE FOR BEST REVOLVER SHOT ON POLICE FORCE Judge Ruddy of Whitby ane nounced at yesterday's meeting of the Police Commissioners that he would donate a prize to be awarded the Oshawa con- stable who proves himself the best revolver shot on the force. A motion thanking Judge Ruddy for his kindness and instructing Chief Friend to secure a suitable place for practicing and for the come tition was passed by the ard. What form the come petition will take is yet to be decided. Judge Ruddy did not specify any given number or rounds or distances, Tt is well known that there are some good marksmen on the force and it is the belief of the don- or of the prize that the com. petition will further improve the standard, rns pt COUNTESS MARKIEVICZ IS DANGEROUSLY TLL London, July 8.---The Countess Markievicz, rebel Irishwoman and energetic supporter of de Valera, is dangerously ill, This fact was an- nounced last night when a London radio station broadcast a message, urging that her daughter, should she receive the message, hurry to Dublin, The Countess was operated on for appendicitis a few days ago and seemed to he recovering, but a sec- ond operation was found necessary, The Countess was the first woman elected to the British House of Commons, but never sat in the Chamber. She fought in 1916 in the Irish rebellion and was sentenc- ed to death, hut was reprieved. PASTOR IS SUSPENDED FOR ATR WEDDING Berlin, July 8.--Because he con- ducted a double wedding ceremony PICKERING ON MAP IN TOWN PLANNING A Bylaw Recently Passed Placed Village in Forefront of Smaller Centres (By a Staff Reporter) Pickering, July 8.--By-laws re- cently passed by the Township Council of which G. M. Forsyth is chairman, puts the village of Picker- ing in the forefront of smaller Can- adian municipalities as regards town planning. This by-law, now promulgated, forbids the erection of additional gasoline vending stations within the village limits, and rve- quires that all buildings erected within the village limits,lenA. ;-... here in the future shall be author- ized hy local authorities who will require full details as to plans and cost of such, and their location with regard to Pickering's future devel- opment, This by-law, which is perhaps the the first village town-planning effort's result in Canada, was back- ed up by an almost unanimous puh- lic sentiment and successfully pre- sented to the Pickering Township's Council by Messrs, Stanley Davis, Frank Prouse, and William Cullis, village ennneillara Theis ahle ef- forts In this matter is widely com- mended locally, Pickering, at present, has 15 gas- oline vending stations in operation. Wiell founded rumors of additions to this number aroused public sen- timent. As an example, it was be- lieved that one of Pickering's fine old homes, fronting on the Highway was to he purchased bv a service station chain. A public spirited summer resident of Pickering, who requests anonymity, purchased that house and fine grounds outright to prevent its heing used for any such purpose, RECOVER BODY OF CHICAGO MAGNATE Gore Bay, Omt., July 8.--Search- ers late last night recovered the body of Willlam L. Hodgkins, mil- lionaire Chicago contracttor, who, with James Rush of Little Current and Thomas Fleshman of Harbor Springs, Ills., was drowned about seven miles from Little Current Wednesday when his speedboat caught fire. The body was taken to his home in Chicago by special train from Lit- tle Curremt, Rush's body was also recovered lasy night and it has been taken to his home in Little Current, Na trace of Fleshman's body has yet been found. Crown Attorney McCrae and Coroner Major decided not to hold an inquest until the third body is recovered, STRUCK BY A TRAIN DRIVING TO DOCTOR Montreal, July 8.--While driving a patient, Pacifique Chatel, of Val- leyfield, to Montreal to consult a specialist, Dr, Ovile Belanger's au- tomobile was struck by a train at Couteau Station today and now both doctor and patient are in the hospital in a serious condition. Dr. Belanger sustained a broken leg; while Chatel suffered internal in- juries. The crossing accident occurred at a level on the Canadian Nationa) Railway some few hnudred feet from Couteau Station. The auto- mobile, which was almost across the tracks when the train struck it, was completely destroyed. SOUTHERN SUMMER SCHOOL, WINDS UP ON SUNDAY Orillia, July 8.--The southern summer school of Toronto Confer- ence, in camp at Geneva Park, on Lake Couchiching this week, con- cludes on Sunday with communion at 8 o'clock in the morning, when 126 young people will attend the solemn service. Rev. E. C. Hunter of Carlton Street Church, Toronto, Disney F uneral Service Is Sold to Toronto Man J. A. Wright Takes Over Un- dertaking 'and (Ambulance Equipment--To Be Known as Wright Funerals The Disney Funeral Service, 82 Simcoe street south, which has been conducted in Oshawa since 1921 by R. S. Disney, has heen pur- | chased by J. A. Wright of Toronto, | and will be known in the future as | Wright Funerals, according to the | information given to The Times vesterday by both Mr. Disney and Mr. Wright, The entire undertak- ing and ambulance equipment is included in the 'deal, and Mr. Wright will continue with the busi- ness immediately in the present quarters, carrying on the work which Mr. Disney has left him. This change is brought about through the pressure in the real estate and insurance business con- ducted by Mr, Disney's brother, L. V. Disney of 29 King street east, which has grown to sucl. propor- tions as to require the attention of another man. Thus he is giving up the undertaking business to at- tend to the real estate and insur- ance at which he has had some year's experience, Mr. Wright comes here with ex- cellent references direct from To- ronto where he has been in charge of the one branch of the Nash Fun- eral Service and other well-known funeral homes from which he has gained 'a wealth of experience in the details of the business. He was horn not far from this city, in Man- illa, Ont., and is already known to some of the residents of Oshawa, although he moved from {hat dis- trict in his youth to Torontd where he has been ever since, with the exception of some years which he spent in Chicago in the employ- ment of Lane & Sons, undertakers. DISAPPOINTED KIDDIES OFF TO BUCKINHGAM London, July 8.--Four hundred school children 'from the poor quarters of East London are to be taken to Buckingham Palace tomor- row morning to see the King and Queen, and thus make up for their disappointment when Royalty visited the East End Wednesday. They are pupils of St. Thomas School at Stepney, who, after they had carefully rehearsed the part they were to play in welcoming the King and Queen, found their school outside the half-mile radius within which the school holiday was grant- ed for the occasion. The disappoint- ment was so_great that many of the children cried at their lessons. This coming to the Queen's egrs resulted in the invitation, The children will provide a guard of honor across the courtyard of Buckingham Palace when the Court drives off to morrow on its annual visit to Scotland. FIRST AIR LUNCHEON Paris, July 8.--The first air din- ner of history flew over Paris to- day. The dining plane was a new Liore-Olivier machine, especially constructed to enable passengers to eat, drink and be merry during a voyage through 'the air, The noted French aviator, Bajot, piloted the diner, while an elaborate luncheon was served to five guests, represent- ing the Government and air trans- port companies, The luncheon last- ed nearly an hour, the plane, while the guests ate, describing great eir-' cles over the city at various alti- tudes. Willesden woman: She said to me "Come and have a fight," 'and, na- turally enough, I went as any won- days ago from Edmonton with her mother, The latter clung desperate- ly to a rope swinging from a win- dow for tem minutes before being rescued. Her back is burned. Many out-of-town visitors are oc- cupants of suites in the Royal Alex- andra Building, which was con- structed in 1911 at a cost of $250,- 000. It was one of the biggest struc- tures of its kind in the city. ed match dropped among inflam- an would, mable material is believed by the police to have started the fire. Carrying death through the hall- ways and apartments of the build- ing, flames, which broke out short- Ily before 2 o'clock, trapped men, , women and children on the fifth and sixth floors of the structure, while firemen and police fought des- perately to save them, carrying The new firm will employ only the latest methods in the conduct of the business, and Mr. Wright, in conversation -with The Times, stated that it is his intention to | conduet it along the lines of the city firms,furnishing only the better ! class of service on a one complete price basis, lower than usually charged for the modern funeral who has been giving the twilight talks daily, will conduct the com- munion service, and Rev. Dr. J. L. Stewart of China will deliver the sermon. F. M. White, Toronto, is President and Rev. C. M, Wright, Acting Dean of the school, which combines for the first time the former Elgin House, Muskoka, and Lake Couchiching schools. in an aeroplane equipped with an altar while sailing over two church- es a few days ago, Rev. Teichmann was today suspended from his pas- torate hy the Easter congrezation in the northern part of Berlin by the Evangelical Consistory. The eccle- ciastical body holds that the minis- ter's act was an inexcusable pro- fanation of a sacred religious rite. OSHAWA MERCHANTS SHOPPING GUIDE "POLISH SYY"" CONDEMNED TO DEATH AT KHARKOV Moscow, July 8.--The semi-offi- cial news agency, Tass, reports that Peter Casskeviteh, "a Polish spy," has been condemned to death by the Kharkov Tribunal after conviction on charges of having enterad the Ukraine under false pretenses, gervice. 'The highest class of fun- erals will be furnished. Mr. D. Boe who was formerly with Mr. Disney, rendering able service as his assistant, will contin- ue in the same role under the new management, nm ---------- re S-- a fo = awa By Shopping In YOURSELF OF THIS OPPOR- TUNITY TO SAVE MONEY, SCRIP BOOKS Good in Sixty Theatres Montreal to Vancouver Ask Our Cashier REGENT BE el tl ao HE eh A READ--- "The Oshawa Daily Times" All the News, while it Is News I. Radios yur Orthophonic Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor in Oshawa x D. J. BROWN Jeweller ; KING STREET WEST PHONE 189 EVERYTHING FOR TOMORROW'S DINNER AND LUNCH ELECTRIC BAKED Nut-Krust Bakery SIMCOE ST. §. tht IL 111L AVAIL A. L. RODGERS The Home of Wearin Apparel for Men !! LE Special prices in Men's Made-to-Measure Suits CORNER CELINA & KING STS. Oshawa Luggage Presentation Club Bags and Suit Cases with Initials in Gold Free of Charge at SAYWELL & SON 19 Bond St. W. Phone 338 -- When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Jury & Lovell 'AL PARLORS Phone 28 or 20 Sure! We Give You Credit! Ladies come in and choose your garment and we will practically let you- suit yourself regarding payment. Our payment system fis 50 easy that hundreds are availing them- selves of this opportunity when purchasing clothing. IDEAL SHOPPE SAMUEL SCHWARTZ King Street Phone 725 J. C. YOUNG 4Y, PRINCE ST. Phone 793 Insurance and REAL ESTATE re I Lk Hats Reblocked and Cleaned 13 n AE Yethod Clesners If It's Electrical-- We Have It BOWRA"S ELECTRIC SHOP SIMOUOE ST. N. "You Get Married-- We Feather the Nest" PASS 7 17 DS TAXI? Phone 1568 Prompt Service F. J. McDonnel New Jewellery Store On Bond St. E. A low overhead expense enables us to of- fer unusually low prices. .Our store js a most extensive one and warrants your in- spection. C. CHURCHLEY JEWELLER 23 Bond Street South Phone 1053 i genie