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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jul 1927, p. 6

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Soburban ape Dis "ee . rec North Oshawa, July 9.--Mr. and Mrs. Robert i 'and children ae- [ i ui at Ble ksiobi ha he SR y were the lucky winners by al of 6-3. They received medals for the ved to P rt erty "were 3 companied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert | prize. fared to Mrs, Brown's home at er on Friday, returning Sunday evel Mr, and Mrs. Geo. ic motor: to Buffalo on July 1st. returning Sunday ng iH there they visited with and Mrs, Lawrence Hamilton 'and other' relatives. Mrs. Rdith Wier, of Detroit, Mich, visited with her cousins, Mr, and Mrs, n, Monday. 'Mr,' a Mike. on! NM Maflal and family spent the holiday at Durke- ton with her parents Mr. apd Mrs Hudson, Mrs, Hartnett. spent the holiday and week-end at Niagara alls, 'Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin of Detroit, are visiting her parents. Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Fice. ' Mrs. Hartnett attended the Ayers- Sampson nuptials on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Moffatt and tored. to Toronto Thursday. Mr. and Mps. Stan, Moffatt mo- tored to Toronto, Thursday. BROOKLIN Rn: July 9.--Mr. and Mrs, hs Hiliott haye return 2d from a sit at Stnith's Falls and have one to their summer cottage at Pine Yoint, "Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe, of Toronto, visited over the week-end at Mr, John Webber's, Mrs. Falkner and son Billie and Miss Lena Niddery of Toronto, visit- ed over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, E. a; Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Agar and fam: ily A the holiday at Camden. Misses Verna and Laura Mackey are spending the holidays with thélr parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mackey, 'Mr, Jack O'Reilly of Almonte spent the week-end with Mr. R. Lee. Mr. 8. Griffin, Detroit, spent the week-end with friends in Brook- Shorten of ne 40 Hl! 0. Ross Murison, teller of the Dominion' Bank here is rélleving the fier at the ' Dominion Bank of Wh thy. r. F. 0. Burt has returned home from a two weeks' visit at Tor- rence, Muskoka. Miss Foster of Toronto, spent the week-end visiting her sister, Mrs, J. Devitt, Mr, R. Lee, teller of, the Standard ank got a move to Tamworth an r. BR. St. John has taken over the téller's position. Mr. J. Tompkins of Lindsay has taken the junior posi- tion, The Brooklin girls' softhall team The United Church held their an- nual Garden Party last Tuesday evening in the Community Park. A lay e crowd was present and par- of a good share of the good rt that the ladies provided, A | id tent was erected ip the field, h Was very convenient lor the tea, A i endid program was ghey y "the Tonic uprle te, and hit- by Orchestra, whi ¢h was apprevi ajo by the audiénce, and if the uar- tette 'come to Brooklin again, hey will be sure 'of"a large atldienc The Township Council met in the hall on Monday and transacted the usual business. The wet weather and gravelling, Messrs, T. Hall, J. White and Grandy are inspecting horses around QHawa. Migs C. Hall of Teionte spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Hall. iss R. Robinson who hag heen teaching the second grade in rook- lin School has resigned and hag se- cured a position in Toronto, We are sorry to lose Miss Robinson as she has given good satisfaction and was well liked. We are glad to hear that another Brookliy girl, Miss G. Hun- ter has secured t the position, essrs. H. Spears and H, Mackey took. a trip to Toronto, 'Hamilton and Brantford last Wednesday.' Mr, Charlie Michael had the mis- fortune to run into a Studebaker sedan from Toronto last inday evening on crossing 'the' hi way. Two of the ladies of thi onto car were injured and taken th he Oshawa Hospital, Messrs, Wm. Dryaen, . [I, Mi ler, and R., McLaughlin' uniphed two cars of Shropshire sheep Thers- i A they imported from Seot- an | yard of ww THE OSHAAW DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1927 7 | PRISONER MAKES {aR hp the oot 8. --T 200d the county Ju il by nC : door thas wings out tard any Uf hy] wall, was answered yesterday b prisoner named Howey, who,' the fang of a momen Luton. scaled the wall i Tome t's time. He gave a sécohd demonstration f 5 to vie omer, of wh hindered wo some with the grading | county officials t dt ¥. | mn - quence, the Jail Commi tee of the County Counéll, in special session today, made provision for the chang- ing of the door. ame ca] Canadian Paci : i. RL w Complal that General Motors we mp ad cars hy ® ore A certain on Te atrests, 1 ceived , by ¢ th d of Ro Com- migsigners w 2 Bo Tl yest he y af- ternoon. Chief. Frignd pointed out to the Commissioners that su tou plain have Imei! un common and, hat" it" ity or Ym to 3 he. # nt TE, rani n xt brepent be 1h wn rind the cars would: on . some other that he had conferred, with Gener- al Motors officials concerning the tuatiqn and liad received ' from oy the urance. that ag soon 8 the new SOR ipss sd oq ry arking. sp hope or, road I overs, cars woul dhs ad ton iy same hing, aed dane ; op the parking of ears on. Celina street [go between Hruce and Oak: streets was "J [recived and, tiled. Chief Friend was instructed tp 8 riend, further stated | r.| Chie ftTite Mrs, E Jacobi, secretary of the Oshawa Horticultyral Society to the effect that everything pos- sible would, he dope, to prevent de- struction of flowers and plan placed by the Society In the "Gar- Eo of, the Unt orgotte The So- isi a the sity, connolk nh fy hag. vo planted at at 4a een destroyed uy at the Sra e commun iy fone to. oh Police Col iy equest of H. J, a i toa he Dropqaed to use for the pur he Pol residential area, The. Commission ordered 'that Eriend be paid $142.20, the amount of his expenses incurred while tiandIng Je poliaa Shiels: senyention hiet Kpie in wo { nt on hig Bly 1 14 tine -at the next meeting of Gomnigglop, uly 16 Aug. 12 uly 8 Aug.' uly 22 Aug. 19. uly 29 Aug: 26 ... . Montcalm To Belfast-Glasgow i July 21 Aug. 16.,. ' Aug, 4 Sept. 1 ... *Via Greenoch. From Quebec To Cherbourg. Southamp Antwerp o uly 13 Aug. 0. Montnairn July 26 Aug. 18. Monttbyal Metagama rbourg-Southampton. Hambourg July 20 Aug, *l6 p. of Scotland Jar Ne Ee oP ney * Aug. *3 Aug. "31 .... Emp. bf Australia *To Cherbourg-Southampton only, * To C Ask About Our Tourist Third-Cabin and European Tours Arly to Local Agents, E. PARKER Can, wh, Ocean rath C.P,R, Bidg., Toron Adelaide 2105 Oftec/es . GINGER ALE 'The Famous Red Seal is"Your Guarantee of Purity Theis daiotiness, well sil toi alot, Fike Pgh pion noc them Very pr Seulaly ri" Clip thas because of the for the sayoury find them future reference LATEST NEWS. OF PUBLIC LIBRARY | Among the new' anv: Hooke just re- ceived at the libgary are several of outstanding interest,' "The Cas- narina 'Tree,"! by W. 8. Maugham, is a group of. ¢ix stories of lite in British outstatiopns in Malaysia, The predominant' theme Here is reiterated again and again--the strahge' things people will' do under pressure of tropic heat and. loneli- ness--and. murder and death Dbecomé almost ' common- place In thee talés. 'The Wond- ering Moon," by George Weston, is a light; attractive story of a young girl's strigle to solve the mystéry surrounding the death of her fath- er and clear his ndmié of threaten- ed dishonbr. 'The Horton Twins," by F. 'Kilbourne, is a story 'of small-town life, It continues the account of 'little "comedies an tragedies' in the 'married life 'of Dot and Will Horton begun in Mrs. Willlam Horton Speaking. 'Young Anarchy," by Sir Philip Gibbs, Is vagaries of modern youth. It is tolerant in judgment and optimistic in outlook. H. A, Vachell's, "A Woman In Exile," concerns the marriage o0f a charming, well-bred English girl to an energetic Call- fornian. The theme for this well- worked out novel is of contrasted social ideals. "The Blatehington Tangle," by 'G. D. H. Cole and"M Cole, is a clever and amuéing 'de- Letive story with RRuska) situa- tions. "Mystery de e,"" by R. King is 3 ig A 8 A tale which depends on mystification for 'its interest, and boasts an amateur detgetive with six sets of whiskers and igs to' match. It is the story of'& man who makes a Wission of murdering millionaires and 'who Is captured aboard the steam yacht of 'hig viet tery étory w th a Scotch setting, is "The Ace of Danger," by A. Muir. The hero, flying from Scotland Yards, lands in the thick of an al- most mediaeval feud which 'is being fought out on a lonely part of the Lothian coast. The Isle of Man a century ago, is the scene of a dreamy, poetic story y To 'Clad in Purple Mist," by C. I, Dodd. 'The plot, eoncerps itself with the love of Mollie and Stephén. Manx coun- tryside, idyllic peasant life, fairy lore, and witcheraft give the book and old-world atmosphere, quiet delightful, like that of the author's caller novel, "The Farthing Spihst- "or particular interest to Ca dians Just now fis Hector Cha worth's "Canadian Scene," polities], historical, and studies. The edftor-in-chief of Saturday Night, enters into many forgotten by-ways of Canadjag history, and presents the humap and romantic side of the achievemenis of eminent statesmen and nation-bujlders of the past. The development and problems of the westérn provinces are dealt with, and of internation- al interest at the present time is the story of hydro-electric develop- ment in Ontario. "Confederation and its Leaders," by M. 0. Lam- mond, gives the story of the Do- minion, with isl Riv wis graphies of leaders Lhe eS nay rr story of the "Nancy" and other "Eighteen-Twelvers," by C. H. Snider, is a book of fifteen short stories of mayal and incidénts the War 'of 1812. It i8 told, easy narrative style with a Wow Bi a deal" of re hist- " throu ri literary sudden | d |/Greenbdnk a tale of post-war England, and the | Another gootl mys- | DATES ANNOUNCED FOR ' RURAL SCHOOL FAIRS IN ONTARIO: COUNTY Dates for Ontario County Rural School fairs for this year are as Hoos Manila jr Cafnington Beaveérto 12th . ith. Rama Township Bort. Perry', PY. : Scott, Township fFeonhvr) Sept, 22. Uxbridge (Pawn) 23rd. Gaodwbog, AF )t, 24th. Claremont, , 26th. 'Brougham : )f. 27th. Pickering ,.,. . 28th. Oshawa ., .. . &PtH, Brooklfn . .8ept, 30th. October 1st. e---- PARKING WRONG GARGLE, h MAN DIES IN PEW "HOURS Galt, wh 8.--A tew hours after he had uged lySol as & gargle hy mis- take, some of which, it' is 'heljeved, he swallowed, "Bdward Gilleésple, aged 42, died in the hospital. He was found by his wife in a state of collapse, and' medical aid spmmoned. Hq had made up 'a gar- 'gle himself, whicr he had used for some time, apd. is believed to have, taken the wrong bottle There will be no inquest, then by a de hat A hive wal E state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are 'of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette af the price, LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO. Canada, Limind Prova safe by willions i prescribed by physicians. for Colds . Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | i! only "Bayer't package which contains proven directions, Hand Wii i 9 boxes of 12 tablets Also 4 and 100--Druggists. irin is trade mark ( tered In Canada) wip of, M: ter Br Ri Br (Acetyl Salicylic Agid, "A. B, A"). While it is welt, known 'Aspirin wins Beyer manufacture, $0 assist the pablie sinst imitations blets Company will be stamped with their genersl , the "Bayer Oross. { ----------------r yr ON'T spoil the pleasant days this summer toiling over tubs of soiled clothes. Enjoy washday freedom that ; the New Gainaday ensures. * The Gainaday is simple, silent, and safe. yo washes faster and cleaner by water action alone; and remember, its tub is self-cleaning. Just fll the Gainaday with soapy water, put is | the clothes, turn the switch, and, in a few nutes your washing is done--you know wash Al Fiche Funds re emi s to versy concerning them. Willesden wife: My husband hears all people say in the pub at the cor- ner, but he is as deaf as a post at home.

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