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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jul 1927, p. 5

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--Miss Audrey McTavish is spend- ing her holidays in Thamesford. --Miss Doris Kilburn and Miss 'Ada Cringle spent the week-end in Toronto, --Miss Helen Ackerman, of Belle- ville 1s the guest of Miss Marjorie Henley, Simcoe street north. --Miss Ruth Stickle, of Glen- morsels, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. R. Alloway, Simeoe street north, --Mr, and Mrs, N, Fee and fam- ily of Omemee were week-end guests of her mother, Mrs. E. Whitfield, --Miss Lavina Fueard, of Wes- ton, Ont. spent the week-e.a with Mrs. Thomas Cruse, Colborne street, ~--Ralph Schofield is home after spending a two weeks' holiday at "Grey Rock" Copperhead, Georgian Bay, Ont, ---Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peters and son Frankie, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcox, Westmount, --Miss Vervon Rolson has return- ed from a pleasant week's holidays with Mrs. John Stacey at the Stacey + cattage at Caesarea, --Mr, and Mrs. Everett Hall and family of London were the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O, R. Hall over the week-end, --Miss Hazel VanDyke of Kedron who is well known in Oshawa has rnccessfully passed her probation term at the General Hospital at Concord, N, Hampshire, ---Mrs. Harold Cruse and children of Hamilton, Ont., are spending a month's vacation with her moth~r, | Mys. Thomas Cruse, Colborne street ~--Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Watson and little daughter Doris, of Ottawa, were the guests of Mr and Mrs, Al- loway over the week-end. --Mr, and Mrs. Ray Valentine and son Donald are spending their holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kellar, Napanee. --Miss Agnes Alger, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Alger, Simcoe street north. ---Miss Sadie Thorburn of Tor- onto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Thorburn, Kenneth Avenue. ~--Mr, and Mrs. Geo. E. Bull, Sim- coe St. porth, have returned home after spending a few days at Thor Beach, Lake Simcoe --Rev., Mrs. P. A. Bullock, pf Dayton, Ohio) who spoke at fe morning service of the Christian Church here yesterday, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hinkson, Centre street, --Rev. A. . B. Winchester, of Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto, who preached at the morning and evening services of the Knox church here, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. H. M. Gilchrist, Athol street east. --Mr. Hermon, Elaredge, Editor |Smith, Bond street, and Field Secretary of the Board of | I. Law. They wul attend the third Christian Education of Dayton,| annual family picnic Law-Burton Ohio, who preached at the evening service of the Christian church was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Samells, Church street. --Wiallace - Hare, Jack Henley, and Cromwell Young, are spending a three weeks' vacation as "Camp On-da-da-Waks," Golden Lake, Ont. They were privileged to be in Ot- tawa during the Diamond Jubilee celebration, enroute to the camp. --Mrs. C. M. Balch. of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Mrs. 8. B. Wil- cox of Hastings, Mich.. are visiting with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. | U.S. They returned by way of Ot- where they will spend two weeks' vacation. Hart will be pleased to learn that she is much improved after her oper- Batruday for nose and throat, mony, is spending two months with her daughter, McBayne, Valcartier, Quebec. Kennedy avenue, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. Smith's brother, Mr. George Smith, Bond street, west, son, week-end visitors with Mr. George to be held at the home and Mrs. 0. R. Hall, Wednesday next. spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. been spending a few days with his mother Mrs. S. Hyndman, ville, spent the week-end with his brother, Mrs. Hyndman, Celina street. will leave for his home Jp Ed- monton, Alberta by motor on Wed- negday. WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST SUNMER SCHOOL OPENS IN CITY Special Services Are Held at Christian Church, Conducted By Special Speakers The services in the Christian Church yesterday both morning and evening were addressed 'by 'those present to assist as teachers in the Summer School, In the morning Rev. Mrs, F. E. Bullock spoke on Working together with God. She drew a very beautiful picture of the workmen in the building of the temple at Jerusalem each at his own individual task, but each work- ing toward a complete plan. No one coul dbe careless and no one could think of his work however small as unimportant for it was a part of a perfect whole and after qa while each part was to be assembled without the sound of hammer. Thus we may think of our own work in life as small in the home in the Sunday School, or out in life, but eac htask has its place in God's perfect plan for time and for eter- nity. If any part would not fit into the temple plan owing to careless workmanehip, then it was cast out --Miss Mabel Smith, R.N.,, of 'Greystone' Park Hospital, New Jersey. is spending her two weeks vacation in the oity 'with reia- tives, --Miss Jean Thompson was a visitor in Port Hope over the week- end when she sang at the St Paul's Preshyterian Church at the evening service, --Mrs, HE. L. McNaughton, Mary street, with her cousin, Mrs, Annie Blow, Cleethorps, Lincolnshire, England, has returned from a mot- or tour through Boston, Plymouth and other points of interest in the tawa and Kingston, --Miss Nina Gough, of Toronto, was a visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gough, Albert street, --Mr. and Mrs. W, P. Tickell of Port Hope, motored to Oshawa, where they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. R.. A. Hamilton, Alma street, Mr. Tickell took charge of the services at the Baptist church. --Mr, and Mrs. Frank Morris and family, Mary street, left Sat- urday for Harwood, on Rice Lake, --The friends of Miss Margaret ation which she underwent on Mrs. Joseph Greentree, Har- Nellie, Mrs. Neilson --Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith ----Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith ani Langford, of Detroit, were west, of Mr. College Hill, N. Winston are --Mr. and Mrs. 8. Westlake. --Mr. D. W. Hyndman who has of Kemp- Hyndman and He Mr. B. J. -- They come in Tinted Pink Amber stems. Tumblers Goblets Special for Week-end, each Sherbets Phone 189 KEEP COOL! Buy some of these fine Tomblers or Goblets and use them for cooling summer drinks Fine Belgian Glass, etched. Reg. price $3.00 dozen. Special for Week-end, Grape Pattern. Reg. price 40c each. Fine White Glass. Grape Pattern. Reg. price 25¢ each. Special for Week-end, each .......... SEE OUR WINDOW D.J. BROWN THE JEWELLER shades with Green snd 4 Fer aon. 30C *19¢ Weddings SLAOK--SERVICE The marriage of Marjorie June, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. Ser- vice, Brock street, this city to Mr. Lloyd Hendrick Slack, of Detroit, was quietly solemnized In Grace Episcopal Church with Rev. B. W. Pullinger officiating, on (Wednes- day, July 13th at 8.30 o'clock. The bride looked lovely in a dress of blonde georgette with echre 'lace wearing a large picture hat to match. She was attended by Mrs. Govenor Porter while Mr. Porter as- sisted the groom into the dump-heap of Jerusalem to smoulder and ,burn there, which later became Cehenna or the hell of the New Testament. The evening service was addressed by Mr. Hermon Eldredge. His Bible passage was "Put on the Whole Armor", and his stress was on the one word 'whole. Mr. Eldredge brought greetings from the five other schools which he had already attended this year in North Car- olina, Missouri, Indiana, and Ohio and then went on to speak of St. Alsustise's four great phrases "A whole Christ, a whole Bible, a whole Church and a Whole World." The musical pagt of the church services showed the fine spirit which exists among the denomina- tions of Oshawa and Whitby, For some time the organist and choir leader of the church has heen Miss Reulah Galt, daughter of the Bap- tist preacher of our city, Last Sun- day the organ and choir was under the charge of Mr. Frank Maxwell, son of St, Andrew's minister, and | the soloists were from the Simcoe | choir, Yesterday the musical ser- vices were conducted =y Mr, Nichol- son, organist of the Whithy Baptist Church. In the morning the soloist was from the / Whithy United Church and in the evening the quartette was from the Whitby Bap- tist Church . The heavy rains of the afternoon delayed the arrival of the students for the school, but by evening peeompanicd hy her little brother Mas- YHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES MONDAY /JULY\A8, 1927 ' Suburban and District News PICKERING Pickering, July 18.--In spite of the fact that it had been postponed on account of the weather from Fri- day night to Saturday night, the garden party held in the Memorial Park under the auspices of St. Paul's United Church was a splendid success. A large gathering took advantage of the supper served by the ladies under the trees and the play given by the young people of the congregation, "The Path Across the Hill," was given a splendid hear- ing and hearty applause. During the evening the Salvation Army Band of Oshawa rendered pleasing music. Rev. A. E. Sanderson was the chairman of the evening, The worst storm of the season enveloped the vicinity om Sunday afternoon in a deluge of rain, wind and hail. Trees were blown down and poles broken and a refreshment booth on the highway was upset. The grain was badly flattened but as it is not sufficiently matured to be heavy, the farmers are hopeful of it righting itself. No serious damage has yet heen reported. After tea had heen served a play was given on the open air platform by the young people of the congre- gation, entitled "The path Across the Hill." This has been given sev- eral times and has been well receiv- ed upon all occasions, Cast of Characters: Crawford, Grandpa, Jas. son; Robt. Post, a visitor, laise; Walter Conrad, ther, L. Morley; Dr. with Ambitions, H. R. mander Alexander, Jones, Zuzu's choice, ¥. [.. Bunting; Ruth Conrad, "Bohbie" Mrs. Fal- laise; Flo. Gray, Ruth's Cousin, I. Pilkey; Mrs. Davis, Grandma, Mrs. H. R. Monney;: Zuzu. the Cook, Mrs. ¥. T. Bunting; Lutie, a neighbour, L, Wiman, Between the acts Miss Katherine Calvert and little friend of Toronto, will give characteristic dancing The Salvation Army Band of Osh- awa will he in attendance on the ground all evening. -- Samuel Richard- Dr. Fal- Ruth's hro- Jimmie Reed, Monney; Sal- John Henry Mrs, D. M. Walsh, and Uncle, Mr. Isaac Cobbledick last week. They are taking a motor trip around lake On- tario and are quite taken up with this Province. Miss Agatha Staples of New York, is home on her holidays at her father's Mr. William Staples. Dr. and Mrs. John Chester and little daughter, Joan, recently visited at her father's, Mr. T. Smith. Miss Kate McKay left Friday last for for Tuseland, Sask., where she will spend a couple of months with her sis- ters, Mrs. Robert Patterson and Miss Sadie McKay. Mr. Cooper accompan- ied her as far as Toronto. Miss Viola Stewart of Coylon, Sas- katchewan is visiting with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Thornton. Miss Margaret Wannan is spending the summer with her aunt, Miss Scott, at her cottage at Balla, Muskoka. Mrs. Frank Dewey and daughter. Miss Dorothy, of Buffalo, N. Y. are visiting her aunts, Mrs, Briggs and Mrs. D. F. Walsh, Mrs. Dewey is a daughter of the late W. M. Jewell, formerly of Orono. Mrs. (Dr) W. F. Elroy and infant daughter of Peterboro is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. David Noble, The Trustee Board, Orono High School, have engaged Miss Gladys Fer- rier, B.A, of Kincardine, as assistant teacher succeeding Miss Cason, Miss Ferrier comes highly recommended, and was a former pupil of Miss Viola Gilfillan, B.A, when a teacher at Kin- cardine. The strawberry festival and enter- tainment in connection with Centre street church on Wednesday last was a splendid success. There was a large attendance and all enjoyed the feast of berries and cream with choice other edibles that were served on the lawn. The program that followed was very fine. Mr. Beverley George, baritone of Port Hope, and Miss Greta Lebar, soloist, also of Port Hope, delighted the audience, and the readings hy Mrs Gordon Scott were also heartily en- joyed. The proceeds amounted to $100 Miss Freda Wilson was in Toronto the past week and attended the wed- ding of her sister, Kathleen Wilson, to Mr. David Graham. The ceremony took place at the home of the groem's ORONO Orono, 18 Miss Francis Cork | July sister, Mrs. I. Howson, and Rev, Mr Pauline, of Toronto tied the nuptial knot. Mr. Thos. Vinson, of Toronto, is | spending a week or two with his sis- ter, Mrs. M. L. 'i'raveile, and other relatives here. Misses Leta and Edna Stutt, Mr. Wyvon Reid and Miss Florence Stin- son took in the Goodyear picnic to Rochester, N.Y, on Saturday last and report a very fine time. Mr. William C. Coathorn, of New West Minster, B.C, arrived in town Wednesday on a visit to relatives and friends here. an exhibition gam Contain Stalker is SEending a few weeks with his brother Dr. Malcolm Stalker, Walkerton. Mr. R. L. Ralls, of Cobourg, recently underwent a critical operation at the General Hospital in that town. His many friends at Leskard, his home village, will wish him a speedy recoy- ery. Mr. William Armstrong, Sr. left Monday last on a trip to Bradford, P.A., where he will spend a week or two with his cousin, Mrs. Fred Haw- ley. We wish William a very pleasant trip and a safe return, Mr. Ed. Pinder and son Harry, of Toronto, left last week on a trip to England, where Mr. Pinder will visit his old home town in Lincolnshire, Harry visiting Paris and. other places. Mr. Joseph Carscadden after a month's visit at his daughter's, Mrs Thomas Patterson, returned last Thurs- day to Thornbury where his home is with his daughter, Mrs. Hutchison, Mr Patterson accompanied him on the journey. Mr, Carscadden is one of the few romaining grand old pioncers oi this province, a centenarian having passed his hundredth birthday, When a young man he resided in the Ken dal district and with his own hands cleared much of the timbered land now owned by Mr. Harper Carscadden. At the age of twenty-one years, then liv- ing in Peterhoro, he was united in marriage with an Otonabee Township lady of whom he was bereft 34 vear ago. He is still wonderfully active and bright intellectually, | Rev. S. T. Tucker, former pastor | here, and family received a very hearty welcome on their arrival at Dorchester hy the officials of the church and eon- gregation. Mrs, Tucker and daughter Miss Gladys, left Friday for Wasaga 3each where the will occupy their cottage during the summer months The local softhall game Thursday evening hetween West Side and An tioch resulted in a win for the former the score running into large numbers On Monday the Whithy juniors de- fanlted to the Orono boys in the Osh awa district juniors series but played later in the even- ing. A long-legged sheep in the Mimalay- as is able to run forty miles an hour. kind of little lamb to fol- nowadays. ' That's the low Mary zette. Arkansas Ga- " es its Rashahle x ht - use L LUD How often a sales clerk has cautioned you thus | i in showing something ', extra delicate in texture ' /! and color, Experience", with thousands of customers has' taught them the safety of ., Lux , , , that there is no substitute, ' Lever Brothers Limited ' oroatq H For all fine laun fering there were representatives present ior Camphell Cork of Toronto, are from all the churches of the con-|yisiting with Dr. and Mrs. Kerslake ference except three, and students Mrs. D. T. Allin returned to w from these churches were expec! d|home here last week having spent a by nine this morning when the very pleasant holiday with friends in teaching periods of the school be-| Toronto. gin. Mr. and Mrs. Sleight, and daughter and hushand, Mr, and Mrs. Williams of Buffalo, N.Y. visited their Aunt, 4, A Modich Costum= weedinaly smart is this chi~ c <1. showing the effect ve use of two mn: jals. The skit has an inveried p each side and is joined to the hed co aan ing a square ncck, long sleeves "ath r J to wrist-bands, and a trim belt. Tie accompanying jack-t is fashion d of thw same matcr al iu 2s the loser part of th dress and the con rast ne material is us. d for the facing, cufis finishing the two- | piece sleeves, and laps on the set -'n NO. 3584 is in sizes 34. 39. 8 and 40 inches bust. Size 36 requires 173 material. for lower pant of The designs illustrated in our new OSHAWA THE ARCADE LTD. --- SUCCESSORS TO THOS, MILLER & MILLER --- Ladies' Silk Hose Ladies' Silk Hose, Sub- standards of $1.25 Line. Colors, Black, k. Buff. Champagns, Mode, . " ach, es. --Tit sday. 79c¢C Figured Voile lot figured Sk ACW SMM EY onality. iar 39¢C| Fancy Crepes © Tuesday, any hepes taken nach higher priced line: To clear, Tuesday, ydo-- Fashion Book are advance styles for the | home dressmaker, and the woman or girl desires to wear garments dependable | | } taste, simplicity and economy will her desires fulfilled in our patterns. Price of the book 10 cents the conv Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find . cents. Please send patterns listed be- low: 10 King St. W. ARR RRA rapp BEY PAr, PI any BIER aparpp A APT, Arp Address ....... PAP PEARPARL TONE rn rrproprars PIPPI - Province PTS I ar, Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin rarefully. 89c , Kayser Silk Gloves uF silk gloves. "wo Dou Fasteners, ne quality, Black and "Vite To clear. Tuesday .--pr.-- 79¢ Tuesday Promptly at 8.30 Tuesday Morning, thrifty buyers will be on hand, snapping up quickly these great values that are offered for One Day y Only Bargains Pretty Summer Dresses To Clear all Summer I Presses, ¢ this entire lot of Fugi and other popular Summer Wonder- Materials go on sale Taeaday, ful Values .... $4.95 Dainty Summer Frocks Morning Special Summer Dress:s, include prices, materials and styles of our much higher priced lines. To Clear Tuesday $ 745 Children's Lisle Bloomers Children's well made, mediom | size Lisle Bloomers. A real early morning Special. Pair .... 23c Harvey Ladies' Silk Hose Harvey Ladies' Silkk Hose, first quality, 2ll wanted shades, all sizes. Tuesday Morning Special, Pair Japanese Breakfast Cloths These preity Breakfast Cloths are a real pretty designs and colors. Bargain, Tuesday Mornine $1158 Children's Wool Bathing Suits Wool Bathing Suits for Boys and Girls. Large variety of color combinatioss, sizes 24 to 32. Tuesday $ GET IT AT THE ARCADE Silk Rayon Vests and Bloomers | I Eades' and Misses' + nuality suk Vosts and Bloomers, all shades, Tuesday ---- 98c ||| Children's Play Suits Children's Khaki Drill Play Suits, well made in next st le. Sizes 3 wo 6 years. Regular 41.95 Value, 'Tues- Tuecsday--pr. $1 .39 . 1) Ch hildren S Fancy Socks Smad! chido o's fancy SOX, a large Variety of kon, Rolled To Tuesday --pr. : 39¢ Art Chintz and Cretonne A Luge solection Ant Chintz and Cretonne. New and attvactivis de- signs. 'Auesday--yd. 39¢

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