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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jul 1927, p. 9

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--_-------- rp ow WANE THE CSHAVADALY TIMES TUESDAY. JULY. 1 19, 1927 EM Tg tor, 0, Solicitor, Nats to loan. Room! 2, Royal Bank otreets. Phon CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, nd ery Dublie, Ete, ortR gd 1 veyancing an Law. Offices 7% Johar gisele St. soutd, Annis, B.A, ue Oshawa. Fay 4. B.A. LL.B; A) A (38tf) B. N. SINOLATI, BANK of SLI Butlding, a wm) JOSEPH P, MANGAN, / B.A. --BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to. loan, «Office 34% King St, east, wa, : Phone 146. Residence phone. 837. i GRIERSON & , PREIGHTON--~BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub-' le, ete, Office over Standard Bank. Entrapce Simcoe St, 'Phone 18, J. A Grierson, BA, T, K, Creighton, SWANSON GERMAN & MAC- Kenzie, Barristers, Conyeyancers, Notary Public, ete, - All branches of Criminal and Civil Law, Money to loan. Office aver Lamble's store, 2 King St. east.' Phone 940, D, A, J, Swanson, H; N, German, F. G, Mackenzie, i A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 8O- licitor, Notary: Public, Conveyancer, money to loan, , Dispey Bldg., oppo- site Post Office); Phones, office 1614; residence, 22397, (621) LOVIS 8B. H & Co,, BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notaries, ete. Over Engel's store, 16 Simcoe St, North, Money to loan, Phones-- office 67, Residence 2191, (tn) DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re- putablé Fire Companies, (118-if) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist ie) LIB, L Oshawa, SL {Real Entate for: Sale Auto pain ork, guaranteed. our prices, (tf) o H. R. COULDERY ARTISTIC DR. R, COULDERY, ARTISTIC, DK- of | corating. 'Signs on paper, wooed cot- ton, brick; show cards, price tickets of every. ~Jisney- Block, Window Cleaning THE OSHAWA . WINDOW OLEAN: ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and @tore windows put on and removed. Phone 1302%w, Transportation CITY CARTAGE, LOCAL AND long distance. Two. trucks. Cart- age of all kinds, Price $1.75 per hour with two men, Work guaran- teed; Phone 1586W, (July 6- -Aug.6) 6) SMITH TRANSFORTATION LIMIT ed, Simcoe St, 8., phone 346", 213 Front st, B., "Toronto, Phone 'Main 7637, Superior Transportation Ser- vice, (4340) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age, 85 Bond St, West, Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt servige, Moving. van and storage warehouse equipment, , Baggage transferred ito and from. all trains. (64-1) LEE'S TAXI SERVICE -- LONG trips a specialty. Car by day or week, Prices reasonable. . Phone 2441W, 398 Mary stréet. (57-tf) veneer house, modern Somtventieucel fruit trees, clase in, Phone 1042]. FOR SALE--$3350, BUYS 7 ROOM- ed brick house with conveniences, J blocks south of King on Celina St. very central \ 4 cash, balance as rent Harry Salter, 24 Royal. St, phone i55 SIX ROOM (CEMENT BRIOK' hoyse. Apply 318 Ritson Rd. N, v, (14-18-24) THREE, LOVELY, LOTS IN ROSS- land 'Park: 2,300 ~DARGAIN. SPLENDID LO- cality, Inrge 6: reomped house, full size ,gongrete . basement,, wired. for, range, exceptionally large, lot, sev eral fruit trees, reasonable terms. Post Office, Box 811, (14-c). TWO STORES WITH FIVE ROOM- ed apartments large lot, on a pav- ed street, Price $4,600. Cash down, $200, . balance. monthly, 1 four, roomed brick house with large lot. Price $2,600. Cash down, $300, Balance monthly, Phone 2208, (14-1) FOR SALE--SIX-ROOMED HOUSE at 125 Alexandra street. Call after six at above address or phone 833]. (73tf) FOURTEEN ACRES IN. DARLING- ton with, buildings. Suitable for chicken farming or gardening, North rast of Courtice. poly. W, J, .Per- kins. , Phone 1652rd, Work Wanted - EY ere _|SHINGLING ROOFS.TO, TAR OVER FLOORS FINISHED COMPLETE by expert mechanics. Screen windows aud screen doors, Fatimares free 'B. NV. Haynes, 161, Ki , Ph 8. Res, 180 r g: Bt. th Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED Jumber, lath, shingles, sash, doord 'and interior trim. F, L. Beecroft, 'Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (60-41) DR. F, T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Taronto, will be at his office. over "Jury & . Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1, til 4 p.m, for consuligtion and trestment of diseases of éar, nose and throat only, Appointments may be . made at drug store, Phone 97, (49-tf) Medical Oshawa, FOR SALP -- OBMENT BRICKS, grey and red, also cement blocks, R, Duizendstra,. 35 Albany 8t., south, (7-tf) T% 7 Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN--6%% CITY and farm Josns. No commission; building loans, Prank S. Ebb, bar- rister, Royal Bank Building, (26-41) DR. MeEAY, PnYSICIAN, BSUR- eon, Accoucher, Office snd resi- , King Bt. Bast, corner, ,, Oshawa. Phone 94, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN | snd purgeon, 8, 1 referenger 10 diseases of infants snd children. Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. DR, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- clan 4 Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work 'snd ~Disney Block. Theopy, ay 2050, (tr) Dental ' Standard Bank Bullding. PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS to loan on: first mortgages. Grier- son & . Creighton, ' Barristers, .ete. (J,14-J1y,14) 68% CITY AND FARM LOANS. o commission, -Bullding loans, Le- gal. work..done. at. this, office, A. J. Parkhill, = Barrister. Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (176tf) LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING BT, East. Ambulance, ; Residence, 19 Division St, . 68 JXKipg Bireet east, Phone 210J. DR, D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street . south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- istered for extraction, nurse at- sendant. Phone 23}; . Residence, Watch Repairing PF. A Von GUNTBEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street. West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. {204f1) 11 |ous wood-working shop, and. painting. For information. Phone 1281], (14-a) TYPEWRITING OR APDRESSING Circulars at home wanted by High School girl, 'Apply Box *P" Times. 2c WOOD-WORKING -- MISCHLLANE- Screens, sashes and doors made, also repairs. 8. B, Edmondson, 261 Simcoe BL 8. (17-t1) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL, KINDS, chesterfields made to order, Work- manship guaranteed, G. A, Con- stable, 143 Colborne East Phone 520F, (75t0) ALEXANDER & CO., CARPENTER- ing, ete., building repairs, altera- tions, shingling, painting, ete., exe- cuted promptly. Estimates free, Phone' 47, - 199 Simcoe south, (July 7-Aug.7) HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--A CAPABLE GIRL FOR housework. Apply Mrs. Leo Gray, 426 Simcoe street north. Phone 668, (13-c) WANTED AT ONCE-- TWO EX- perienced waitresses and general housemaid, also gardener, "The, House That Jack Built," Phone 2209. (14-c) AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEP- er, Apply 627 Simcoe St. 8, Phone 426F, (8-1) For Rent FURNISHED ROOM -- SUIT TWO gentlemen. 'Breakfast and ea if desired, - Apply 46 Kenneth avenue, 1393J. (14-c) AN FOR RENT--THREE VNFURNISH- ed rooms. Prefer young couple. Phone 247W. (14-a) HOUSE, AND BARN WITH TEN acres of Jand, ope mile east of city, At) DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Bassetds', Phome 959; Residence 306, it AL yr, DE. H. M. COOKH,.5..8IMOOB ST, Borsh. over Mitchells Drug Store, Gea for extraction, Phone 54. DR. L B. HUBBELL. DENTIST, OF: fice, Royal Ban na. ; Phone; Posldenco, 176M, Hod DR. W.-H. LB Srrosp, OFFICE RB- gout Theatre Phone 1780. 669. [TY DE EB. ADAMS, "DE. Blogk, 107 Simeoe. oy Be firaw Veterinary Surgeon C. 8. DICKENSON, V.S., DISEAS of sll domestic imals ASEAZER ally treated. Dominion Government Veterinary. 34. Brock St. E. Phone 1057. (131-1) = Music ARTHUR W. LYNDRE (HAMBOURG , Toronto). Teacher of Oshawa, Fridays. ( 72-40) pon phone 440, (tf) = | Dearborn Ave. Phone 1988W. Even- appointment, Floor Surfacing on Thursday. Apply-211 King St. E. Phone 135. FOR SALE-SIX , ROOM BRICK.{. Fimne, A123W, owner. | (14b) 4 , (13-¢) . Apply |" i (13-c) | SMALL BLAUK FOUNTAIN PEN in Post Office at noon, Friday, Fin- der please leave at Times office. Re- ward, (14-b) LOST--PAIR OF SPECTACLES, dark tefrtoise shell rims, Jury and Lovell soft leather case, at Alexandra Park, Tuesday evening. Reward for return to R, A, Hamilton, Times office, (3tf) LOST--ANNUAL C.P.R. PASS, NO. 18202, by dinnig car employee on June 30. M., Gadyk, 292 Mitchell Ave, (13-¢) 'Wanted to Buy UPRIGHT PIANO WANTED, MUST be .in . goed condition and cheap, State full particulars and price to Box A," : Times, | | east, (134t1), BUNGALOW, BRICK, FIVE ROOM- ed, pll conveniences, good locality, reasonable, 'Phone 67. (3tf) MR, 8. JACOB, DEALER. IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. I am pay- Ing for scrap batteries $1 and $140. Buying old cars. Phone 764, 165-tf WANTED--A SMALL UPRIGHT piano of modern style. Will exchange a 6 tube Super-Neutrodyne, walnut cabinet 46 inches high, built in Bald, win Loud Speaker and all equipment, new. 'This is a beautiful instrument and 'the Pinnacle of Radio perfection Write Box 353 Bowmanville or tele- phone . 108. (3tf) 'Help Wanted--Male THREE . NEAT APPEARING, RE- liable men to sell a guaranteed pro- duct. Steady employment and ad- vancement if you qualify. High pressure type not considered. Ref- erences required. Apply 8 to 9 mornings, 5 to 7 evenings or by letter, Mr. Horn, 263 Mary street. (14-c) WANTED--BOY 16 YRS. OR OVER with wheel for. delivery. Permanent position. Soanes Bros. Cor. Mary and Alice Sts. (13-b) 'WANTED--JUNIOR CLERK) AGE 16 to 18, High School education. References required. Apply in per- son. The Standard Bank of Can- ada, (13-tf) NEW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC: ing: (including sanding, waxing; : i ing spd polishing). Old new, Edmondson, 261 Simcoe Bt, 'Corsetiere is ANNIB PENTLAND, PRO- IONAL Spirella Corsetiere,:223 TO RENT--ONE LARGE, BED- room, suitable for two gentlemen or married couple, 210 Prince St. (13-b) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. No.children. Vacant July 22, Phone 15627. (13-¢) EET Pets and Livestock . Contract Wanted HOMES, FINANCED AND BUILT with small down payment. Apply 46 'Arlington Ave. (91) PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- ing contractors. Masonry work of === | every description, Bowmanyille, phone 497W, ' tf TEAM OF YOUNG FARM HORSES for sale, four and five years old. Apply Ch Stevenson, Courtice. (14b) arch floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496, Res, Phone 9027. Auctioneer POMERY, 18% KING. 5, east, Oshawa, Ont., , Licensed Aue- tioneer for Counties of Durham Northumberland, Ontario and City of Oshawa. Solicits your patronage, All phone galls receive, prompt at- tention. Phone 1013M. Satisfac- tion Zuarantoed, (June 21-4L; Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ldeal Tire: Tires for.sale. Jamieson - Phone 438 ey E J. MISS OLIVE SHARPE, ALCM., of piano. Pupils pr for examinations. Phone 1561]. (55tf) THREADGOLD .BROS.,. GENERAL building contracors. Let us give you our estimates. Write,.or phone (Whit- by) 255. (73tf) ,|E. 3. SHIRLEY, Veterinary V.S., SPECIALIST DUCKS: FOR SALE--ALSO YOUNG Wanted to Rent ing, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 1387J. (14-b) ducks, pure bred Pekins, R crossed with Pekins. Also hens for sale. 297 Gibbons street, Phone 1476J. : (14-¢c) Notice of Dissolution of WANTED TO RENT --- MODERN seven or. eight room house. Very careful tenant, no children. Prefer 10 to 15 minutes' walk from King and Simcoe streets. Apply. P.O. Box 153. (13-¢) FIVE _OR SIX ROOM HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished, by Aug- NOTICE IS. HEREBY GJVEN that the Partnership lately subsisting be- tween SAUL EINHORN and MANYS 'ust 1 or sooner. Near schools and G.M.C. plant. Box "B", Times. (12-¢) GLASIER, carrying, on busi as General Dry Goods, Merchants, under GLASIER at 583 Albert Street, in the City of Oshawa, has as of June ist, 1927, been dissolved py mutugl consent, so. far.as regards ti said SAUL EINHORN, who retires from the firm, (The busipess . in futuse will be carried on by the said MANY3 GLA- SIER, who will "pay and discharge ali debts and liabilities of the firm, incurred by the firm prior to June 1st,' 1927, and receive all monies | payable to the sajd firm. DATED. at Oshawa this 15th day of July, A. D. 1927. diseases dowestic animals, cat and dog hospital St. Phone 6 Long experience. 5031 LOUIS 8. HYMAN & CO. SOLICITORS for S. EIN- HORN and M. GLASIER."". the firm name of EINHORN AND | THREE ROOMS WANTED BY {young married dd, at once. J Phone 1700W. (13-¢) WANTED TO RENT--SIX ROOMED house, all conveniences. Apply phone 1233J. (14-¢) ROOMS Close to Box "W" (14-2) ROOMS Phone (14-¢) THREE : UNFURNISHED for light housekeeping. { General Motors. . Apply | Times. 4 } THREE FURNISHED wanted, centrally located. | 12483. after 6 p.m. WANTED TO. RENT - ONE OR two unfurnished rooms for mar- ried couple, centrally located; pos- session August 1st. Phone F. T. Lamble. (14-b) ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- | Axticles For Sele -------------- FOR SALE -- ONE HARDWOOD: kitchen. SURhoard, he Quebeg heat- er, almos{ .. new. ahi od. treet Phone 552W. 4-¢) COMBINATION SALE ON SATUR~ day, July 23, corpavof Ontario and Bond streets, All parties having ar- ticles for sale, call. 013M. (14-¢) FOR SALE -- FULTON REAR wheel in Al condition. Apply Peter, Martin & Sons, 'Bowmanville. 'Phork 97w. t GOOD, USED ELECTRIC RANGE for sale, A bargain for quick: sale, F.. Landon, opposite Royal Hotel, Whithy. (12-¢) WANTED TO BUY -- SHCOND hand oil cook stove in good condi tion. State. price 'and all particu- lars. "Write Box "BY Temes. 4 rid § Liat) EOR SALE ~-- MASON re RIS0H Pianos, also Player Pianos, high grade only. . Terms arranged, Used planoy on hand, ©, Trull, Phone (961) 4 FIFTEEN JEWEL LADIES' OR guaranteed watches, price . Bach gent receives free gift of knife and chain with order, One dollar deposit, and the balance pays able at 50 cents per week. Order now. 0, H, Dell, Over Naut-Krust Bakery, Phone 1656, (J.21.J1y21) MIXED HARD AND sO¥{ WOOD slabs, $3.60 per load. Also bone dry body wood, Phone 660, Wateroas- Meek Ltd, (Mar 26-t2) CEMENT, LUMBER, FRAMES, sash, doors, cedar shingles, ashphalt roofing, hardwood flooring, gyproc, Phones 660 and 1288, Waterous- Meek, Ltd, (84:10) A GAS RANGE, HALL RACK, hookcase and books, bed and springs, cheap, 85 Ontario st. (18-¢) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE--15 iron and brass beds complete with steel spring and new felt mattress, all sizes, regular $20 and «$26 at $9.50 and $11.50, Sliding couchss complete with .new mattresses, reg. $15 for $8.50. Children's cribs reg. $12 at $5.50 with new mattresses, Sideboards, buffets, extension tables, dressers, rockers, easy chairs, coal and wood range, one annex stove, 1 show case, 4 feet Jong, 1 large mir- ror, $3.50. Other bargains. 17 Prince St. (3-c) - SESE ART Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned will be received by registered mail only up to twelve o'clock noon on the 26th. day of July, 1927, for the purchase and re- moyal from the company's property, of the Dwelling House situated on the southeast corper of Mary and Bond streets and known as No. 25 Mary street in the City of Oshawa. The Company reserves the right to demand completion of purchase by the party whose tender is accep- ted by the Company. Purchaser will be required to pay cash upon acceptance of tender and execution of agreement to remove the building from the Company's property on or before the 15th day of August, 1927, and leave the site properly cleared in a condition ac- ceptable to the Company's engineer. The highest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. H. W. COOPER, Manager, Oshawa Rallway Co., Oshawa, Ont. Dated--Oshawa, July 15, 1927. (13-) Notice ; ANYONE INTERESTED IN FORM- ing an Apgling Club in Oshawa please communicate with G. Ropert- shaw of J, Dick. Phones 369J or y (13¢) ork 206TW. FOR SALE--ONE TON FORD 1923 truck in Al condition. 609 Carnegie Avenue (31) THANKS CANADIANS + Ottawa, Ont., July 18.--Major T. G. lLanphier, who commanded the first pursuit group of airplanes Which accompanied Col. C.+A. Lind- bergh on his visit to Ottawa, has Written the following letter to Pre- 'ier Mackenzie King: "lI am sorry that I have not had an earlier opportunity to express to you and, 'through you; to the people of. Canada our appreciation of the sympathy so - beautifully expressed and your many kindnesses so grac-: fougly extended on the occasion of R ADIO Adams Furniture Co our visit to Ottawa which ended so! sadly in the death of our fellow of- ficer and comrade, Lieutenant J. Thad Johnson. 1 hope that an op- portunity may be afforded which Lig aii ton 1; ay fpdidire, shop A ib He wfratinde. GARRISON iS-SAVED BY: BOMBING PLANES : Managua, Nicaragua, July <18.-- Bombing planes. saved Oecetal 'an its. garrison. of ;constabulary and 3 United States Marines in a battle with Gep. Sandina, rebel leader, on Sunday. The garrison was gutnum- bered five to one, according to. re- ports, but.when planes flew over the attacking forces of 500 men and dropped: bombs, they scattered, ! he casualties of the» attacking force .were. estimated at 300 'dead and, 100. wounded while the marines had one killed .and. ene wounded, Flocks of vultures reached, the bod- feg outside (the: town befere they could be picked. up for burial. TO LEAVE FOR GANADA Wales, day aboard the steamer, Empress of Australia and Canada. The. party numbers about twenty, including, Prince Gearge and Mrs, Baldwin. The Prime Minister will also be accompanied. by his son-in-law and' daughter, Captain and Mrs, Gordon Munro; his son, Windham Baldwin, and representatives of the Caloglal, and Foreign Offices. The Prince of Wales is expected to! stay in Western Canada for an in- definite period, but his itinerary is] still incomplete; being largely in the hands of the 'Canadian Government, Agents Wanted 'London, July 18,--The: Prince of |i ao. I PHONE. TS. | Kelly's 'Drug 'Store 34 King St. W, 'DIAMONDS Ee --_-- Spring is here--so is Wilson & Lee's Music Store, 71 Simcoe St. N. (Phone 2388) with the Premier Baldwin and party | will, embark at Southampton Satur- |} 83 Simcoe St, N,. . Phone, 837 "For Better Shoe Values™ Fine Shite. 91:00 Fine Reg, . $2.50 to $3.00 C.W. DETENBECK KING SREET EAST FULL OR SPARE TIME AGENTS. Finest line of Personal Greeting Cards ever shown in Canada. Re- gal Art Co., Manufacturers, 310 Spadina Ave., Toronto. (14-a) AGENTS EARNING $10 DAILY selling "Lindbergh": book. Commis- sion paid daily. Write for free out- Leader: Dry: Goods Store 82 Simcoe St. 8, Phone 740° fit. Winston Co., Toronto. (10e) HELP WANTED--EARN $15 TO $25 weekly in, your spare time ad- dressing post cards, either sex, no canvassing; we furnish you with everything. J. 'Brown. Box 746, Station F, Toronto, Ont. (12-c) A, G, BROOMFIELD Uatteries, Electric Repairs and Supplies Auto Accessories , Service 1 Xing Be We hone 1104 Room and Board ROOM, OR ROOM AND BOARD for three or four gentlemen. Apply 140 Tylor Crescent, Phone 774W. (13-¢) METAL BUMPING AND ALL KINDS OF BODY WORK MERRITT i AUTO AND. REPAIR King St. W, Oshaws Coal, Coke and HARD AND SOFFWODD ERO Riston Bd. 8, FOR SALE---McLAUGHLIN - LIGHT Six Sedan, this year's model. = Con- dition like new. Phone G. E. Mason, '1134 or 2257. (13 AR COLUMBIA SIX SPORT TOURING. in good running order. tral Hotel Garage. FOR SALE -- FORD TOURING! good . paint, side. curtains and stars ter. Apply 451 Simcoe St. 8. Phone: 78. (14) CHEVROLET TOURING CAR, NEW rear tires. Cheap for cash. : Row- den's. garage, 168: Kipg St. west. Phone 1331. '2 (14-1) 'For Sale or Exchange (FOR HOUSE IN TOROHWTO, SIX reomed house in Whitby, every on- venience, garage. No encumbrance. Box "G," Times. (13-4) Personal Party driving to Calgary Wed- nesday, July twentieth; new closed car; will take two male passengers; light hand bagezage only. Referene- es required. Phone 501. (14-b) Felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELERS 12 SIMCOE. 5T.:80UTH "Where fatistagtion is © Oertointy. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. best properly screemed coal we sell. It's a fuel of provem heat Ww. J. Sorgant' COAL, COKE and WOOD Bloor St. E. Phone 182.

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