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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jul 1927, p. 6

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News of Eastern Ontario KINGSHO 'Rev. 8, E. Morton, M. A., of To- onto and incumbent of Lyndhurst, Bas been appointed rector of St. Lure's Kingston, in succession to Rev, J, Papensier, Wr Wright, Thom 0 , aged 54 years, a 'while working on the new collegiate in Belleville yesterday, tripped over . ow, fracturing three ribs, one which pieced his lungs. His con- n is critical. ACCRPTS CALL TO . Rev. E, McCutcheon, who is at present a minister of the United Chureh in: the Lindsay district, has sccepted the Invitation to become or of the Tabernacle Church in elleville, -in succession to Rev, Kenny, who resigned owing to ill health, PRATH DUR TO ALOOHOL The coroner's jury who investigat- od the death of Edward Roe, of Ballayilie. returned a verdict that death' was due to alcoholic poison- ing. Roe was found dead in a room ih a hotel there. It Is alleged that Roe drank a quantity of rubbing al- cohol which caused his death, MILITARY MAN ILL Colonel Douglas' Young, formerly PD. A. A. G, of 8rd Military District, Kingston, is critically {11 with heart trouble in the General Hospital, For many years Colone] Young served at flitary Headquarters at Toronto, uehpe and Kingston Duriag the war Tie was at the British War Of- fice. An only son, Colonel D. D, Young Jv, resides In New York, CAPT, DOUGLAS YOUNG ILL, N RECTOR 'ous heart attack. Foxboro highway, ' H.|quest and has gone Col, Young, about 70 years of age, spent some thirty ow or more years at military distriet headquarters at Quebeg, and Kingston and was pensioned about 1914, He spent the war pe- riod at the British War Office, He has resided here since 1919, slong with his wife, ot NAME WRONGLY USED In connection with the item which appeared in newspapers giving the name of the motorist who figured ia the fatality near Bayside, close to. { rattevitte, when Mrs, Mary Jane Ross was killed, as Strathearn Hay,! of Torontd, the mistake was made in filing the report. Mr. Hay haa noth-) ing to do with the accident, The man whose car killed the woman was entirely exonerated at the in on to Metis Beach, Que., on his vacation, DIES IN Mrs, Laura Cornelia dled yesterday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Royle, 424 Rleecker avenue, Belleyillp, The de- ceased was born 'in' N Freder. ickaburg in the year 1868 and was 2 years of age. 'The laté Mrs. Juby had lived in that v ny nearly all her life. She had béen a-fhember of the United Churuch, taking an aet- Ive part in all church work, She haa been in ill health for some time pre- vious to her death. She leaves her husband, Robert James Juby; six Aaughters, Mrs, 14a Obes, of Three Mile Bay, N, Y,; Mm Nettle Rut- mm e-- I, COLLIS & SONS Col, Douglas Young was removed to the Kingston General Hospital yesterday forenoon, following a seri- Hose 50-54 King W Phone 788W Sry 19¢ "Top-& ~the-morn-pep! gooF hand! Let breakfasts go hand 18 I ed a Pep is the peppiest food you know! Gives every, day 8 peppy, sestiul start! delicous power! Rich whole whest--flaked to { With the vitamins and health- of nature's most favored food ham JUintss) shesmerts Builds you up! contains Wonderfully good for children. is rich in vital nourishment growing snough to Be mildly ob kiddies J's really "health in a package!" Sesve Pep often. Give all the family Pep] With "milk or cream. Extra delicious with fresh or canned fruits, or honey, added. grocer has Pep! _ths peppy Comes ready to eat. Yous cersal food THR OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1927 tan, of Marsbiall, Sask. ; Mrs. C. Mi} ler, of Thurlaw; Mrs, Lilian Pa Toronto; Mrs. C. Royle, of Belle- ville, and Mra. C. Ryan, of Lene Rock, Sask.; two sons, Willlam R. Juby, of Point Anne, and Kenneth !Juby, of Trenton, and two ailsters, Mra. C. Juby, of Clinton, and Mrs. Wilbert Lidster of Brandon. Forty- two grandchildren and five great- grandchildren also survive, HRARD CARILLON | BROADCAST Mrs, George V. Clubbe, wife of Provincial Officer Clubbe, who re- sides on Albert street, Kingston, but who is at present visiting relatives | in London, England, writes home to the effect that on Dominion Day, Jaly 1, she heard the program broadeast over the radio from Otta- wa 'with great clearness. The ca- rillon of bells was heard to perfec- ition and in her letter to her hus- (band Mrs. Clubbe stated that the singing of "The Maple Leat" was very inspiring. BODY OF FRANK RYAN RECOVERED FROM BAY Hamilton, July 18.--The body of Frank Ryan, who with his baby and two other young girls, was drowned when their sailboat capsized in a storm on the bay last Tuesday night, | was recovered about 7.30 o'clock to- night some distance from where the tragedy was sal dto have occurred. |_T. MR. B, Rdbertson, Robert Thompson and George A. Bucking- ham, all residents of the Beach, lo- cated the body in 60 feet of water about one mile and a quarter out from Windermere Avenue, which Is at Station 9. The body was sald to have been resting on the bottom of the bay. From the condition of the body it was evident that Mr, Ryan had removed some of his clothes in a n effort it isbelieved, to rescue the other young occupants of ! the boat, His glasses were still, worn, PARISIAN BOYS BUILD LINDBERGH AIRPLANES Paris, July 18, -- Lindbergh has changed the course of life for Paris children, They are building airplanes. Their great summer sport has been long sailing boats, chiefly on the foun- tain basins of the Luxemburg and Tuileries gardens. Big and little boys and even the girls make trips to Le Bourget airfield now to get ideas for designs and to worship the big ma- chines that remind them of their American air hero, Airplanes are in the toy store win- dows. Airplane kites are having a new vogue. The really chic thing, however, is to build a plane with a twisted rubber to turn the propeller shaft, and "The Spirit of St. Louis," and "NX 211" scrawled over it. ' WOMAN'S BODY FOUND Simcoe, July 18.--The body of Mrs, Christina Bates, aged about 70, was found hanging in the gar- are of her son-in-law, Herbert Seagraves, at about 4 o'clock this afternoon. Coroner Julian Boyd will not hold an inquest. The dead wo- man, who had been in ill health for some time, was last seen alive about 1 o'clock, C.N.P. PICNIC AT COBOURG About 3,500 of the employees of the Canadian. National Railways of To- ronto and district are expected to pic- nic at Victoria Park, Cobourg, on Fri- day, July 22. The Belleville division of the CN.R. will hold their picnic there later in the month. Many of the suffragette leaders were resent, among them Mrs. Despard, Rr Pethick Lawrence and Mrs. Mil- licent Fawcett. GOOD NAME IS DISPUTED For quite 8 long time the white man has taken it for granted that the word "Muskoka" was derived from the name of the famous In- dian doetor or conjurer, Misquedoh; but one who takes as his authority the "Atlas" written by W. E. Ham- ilton, Esq., has disputed this through the columns of the Press and claims that "as Amerigo filch- ed the honor of spomsorship of this continent from Columbus, so the crafty conqueror Misquedoh (Clear Sky) has been chronicled as the god-father of Muskoka, in place of the undaunted chieftain Mesqua Ukee." To those who kmow it, however, the Muskoka district will always be the land of "clear skies" and sparkling waters, and to these as to others who would this year make their first scquaintance with this most glorious and convenient holi-| day resort district, the Canadian Pacific offers a very complete ser- vice. Write W. Fulton, District Passenger Agent in Toronto or ask any Agent for particulars and hand- somely illustrated booklets and folders. | BABIES CRY | FOR "ASTORIA" Prepared Especially for Infants and Children of All Ages | Mother. Fletcher's Castoria has been in use for over 30 years as a pleasant, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paragoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Con- tains mo marcoties. Proven direc- tions are on each package. Phy- siclams 'everywhere recommend it. | The genuine bears signature of | ! ham's Vi (SUMMER SCHOOL AT BOBCAYGEON Under Auspices Bay of Quinte Conference--Rev. DeMille Hon. President Bobeaygeon, July 18.--With a registration 'of one hundred, the summer school of the Bay of Quinte Conference opened today at the Ag- CHILD HAS MOST MIRACULOUS ESCAPE Carriage is Smashed to Atoms When Hit By an Auto Toronto, July 19.--Willlam J. Lewis, aged 30, of 982 Bathurst street, was injured, while his wife and infant son, Bobby escaped in- ricultural Park here, Bihle missions | jury when an automobile ran up and methods of work will he stud- fed. Officers are: Hon. President, Rev. C. W. DeMille, Oshawa; President, Rev. Roy H. Rickard, Albert College, Believille; Vice-Presidents, Rev. W, J. H. Smyth, Wellington, and Rev. John Archibald, Keene; gocretary. Rev. E, J, Griffith, Blackstock; Busi- ness Manager and Registrar, Rev, A. Carman Hie, Hastings; Executive Committee, Rev, 8. Richards, Peter- boro'; David, Lindsay; Daniels, Campbeliford; Curtis, Kingston; McKenzie Elginburg; Mrs, EB. Cook, Newcastle, and E. H. Brown, Port Hope, DRAGGING-DOWN PAINS RELIEVED Woman Suffered Nearly a Year, Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Brought Her Health Moose Ja w, Sask, --*1, -*] am REE try to tel A what Lydia k- table Compound has don iftered very badly With dragging-down 8 and inflamma- Mec Daina i right side over my my hip down my whole side into my 1 had it nearly a year when I went to a doctor and he said I would have to have an operation. Bu But mother said to Lydia E. Pinkham' 8s Vegetable Compound as it saved her life years before, I took two bottles I found I was better, 80 kept on taking it and also used Jd Pinkham's Sanative Wash, ave had two more children since then and am perfectly well, I Koad to have to lie down two or three times a day, and now I do all my housework without trouble, ways keep the Vegetable i in the house as I find a dose now and then helps me, I am willing for you to use this letter an: any way Zi aes | see Bt snd I will answerlet I can help any other woman 1'd be only too gl to tr: s, EsTHER HOUGHTON, 4 non Moose Jaw, Sas- ora ain Pinkbam's Vegetable Ly ® dable medicine oo rail und Is a For sale by druggists everywhere, ¢ over the sidewalk at Christie street and Benson avenue, and crashed Wo a perambulator Mr. Lewis was wheeling. Mr. Lewis was rum over by one of the wheels of the car. His wife suffered from shock. The infant rolled : from the carriage, which was reduced to kindling. A police ambulance was summon- ed and the family rushed to Grace Hospital. Mr. Lewis was found to have a badly injured leg. Mrs, Lewis and the baby were not hurt, The wother suffered from fright, The Lewises were walking on Benson Avenue when an automobile, reported driven by Will'am Long, 7 Bramley Grove, Fairbauk, crashed over the sidewalk and struck them. Lung told police he was driving east on Besson avenue when a motor car travelling on Christie street was heading for his auto, To avoid a collision he swerved his car too much and it went up on the side- walk before he could right it, Other Children Hurt Run ayer yesterday by a motor truck on Helena Avenue, John Wink, aged 7, of 70 Helena avenue, suffered a scalp wound and internal les, The child was removed to the Hospital for Sick Children. The driver of the truck, reporting the accident to the police, sald the boy ran from between two parked cars The Tour of Contrasts --A New Thrill, July 25th-August 15th, 1927 Would wyou lily: to have some ndw conversation? To tell about Banff and lake Louise, to have your circle shrug with jealous mein at the wonder (ales? Then come along with Sinclair Laird and his band of adventurers, "over the Great Divide. Enjoy the shivers of a motor trip clinging tothe Win- dermere Rond. All the petty de- tails of reservations, hotels, drives, sight seeing arranged beforehand hy the BDirector under the auspices of the Canadian Pacific World's Greatest Travel System. The Lux- ury Tour of Confederation Year, And the cost just what you expect, Ask M. It Johnston, ete., City Tick- et Agent, 11% King St., Kast, for Tour Literature now. Boost daily energy SHREDDED . WHEAT Just try Stopped rb directly in front of his truck. An automobile driven on Alton avenue last night by John Little, 220 Hastings avenue, ran down and in- jured John MeGiven, aged 7 years, 214 Alton avenue. The child suf- fered a cut on the forehead and was taken in Mr. Little's car to the Hos- pital for Sick Children. Mr. Little was driving north on Alton avenue when the lad is sald by police to have darted out in front of the automobile, Moving Van on Fire Constable James ('Scotty') Ed- gar, traffic cop at Avenue Road and Bloor street, saved two persons from being burned last evening by fire which broke out in a moving van on which they were riding. Edgar was directing traffic when he no- ticed a truck belonging to the Hill Cartage Qompany, 869 Bpadina avenue, travelling east and flames coming from the back of the driver's seat. Edgar signalled the driver to stop and assisted Mrs. E. Nesbitt, 434 Ontario street, and her daugh- ter from the van. Edgar then ran to a fire signal box and sent in a call for the fire reels. When they arrived the furniture belonging to Mrs. Nesbitt was a mass of flames. Fire- men estimated the loss at $300. =, spray clears your home of mosquitoes ies, snd their eggs. mankind, Will Distributed in Canado Italso kills bed bugs, roaches, ants, atal to insects but harmless ro t stain, Get Flic today. Fred), Whitlow @ Co., Limited, Toronto fit oR fF SUCCHE SSORS Early Morning Specials that thrifty buyers will be quick to snap up. Four ing, brim full of worth while values. hours of shop- Children's Play Suits of thont wharing 3 to 6 years. W. Childrens Khalsi Drill Play Suits, well made material, sizes ednesday morning, O8c¢ Ladies' Pure Silk Hose Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, substandards of a $1.50 line, all the wanted shades including white. Wednesday morning, 89c¢ Children's Fancy Golf Hose Children's very fine and sizes. W, quality Silk Golf Hose with roll top, all colors ednesday morning, 59c¢ DRESSES Lovely Summer Dresses in all the Ladies' Rayon Silk Vests

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