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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Jul 1927, p. 6

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--AT THE ~/ LOCAL THEATRES " SARE BEN * head 1 Border bo A I } aii bo hi That melodrama as a play form has pot Jost ite hold on pyblie fa- vor wan evidenced last wight at'the New 'Martin Theitie when a large and gnthusiastie audience expressed its unanimous approval of the Uni- versal-Film dé France production presented hy Qarl Laemmle, the first pleturization of Jules Verne's famous hook and 'play "Michael Strogoft," From 'the opening sdecehes when the "Caar 'of all Russia" entrust to the hero, his "secret courier," a message to 'the' Cgar's hrother, the Grand Duke, ' heleagired at the of the army in Siberia, 5000 miles away, to the very end of that perilous jeurney in a rousing cli- max, the 'audience were deeply en- grossed in the mishaps" and tri- umphs, the perils and the daring of the intrepid here, ably :#nacted ring Melodrama at - 0 New Martin Theatre he Program : as "Europe's Screen Idol! 'And, Indeed, there was plenty to rivet the attention on the sereem, The Grand Ball at the Palace . of the Car reveals some of thy splen- dor of that regal court, and as the sequence is in color, the effect Iv one of magnificence, Golor is fur ther employed in scenes of unusual brilliance at the tented camp of the Grand Duke's enemy, the Grand Kahn of Tartary, : There are battle scenes in which it 1s sald that some 6,000 people appeared, and there. were thrills and to spare as the "wik-riding Tartar barbarians clashed with the Russian cavalry, The company Includes a really brilliant cadt of" PrinGipals, fwelnd- ing Tvan MoskKine, whose work as "Strogoff" hrought him a contract from the Univérsal to appear In American films in the near future, If ¥AYINs in the pleture theatre ap- peal to you, put "Michael Strogoff' by Ivan Moskine Feferred to in RRL on your list of pletures to mee, YOUTH CONFESSES T0 MAIL ROBBERY Quebec Police Hold Odilon Buresu for St, Ludger ) i 2 Affolr $ Fi} MONEY. RECOVERED Most of Missing Funds Found Buried in Woods Near w i Quehec" "July' 20,---Confessing that it wes he 0 rahe the rhudieati between ECE and 'St, Safiiel in Megantjc County, obtaining '$4, 600 when lie rifléd a sack of regis-| tered mai} last week, a 20- -year-old youth nanied Odilon Bureau is held by the Quebec police to whom he bas told g sirapge story, Not onlp did Bureau loot the mail, but {he was also responsible for a packhge containing the $4, 500 'being present on the mail cart at that partienlar time, Bureau, it appears, had, under an assumed pame, telhdhed the manager of the hank at St, Loudger stating that he was underiaking-a business trans- action' an Wanted a certified cheque for $4,500 cashed. The manager informed. him that he did not have that sum, but he would arrange to have it sent. - Bureau's further in- quiries c:iablished that the mopey would' he forwarded to St. Ludger by that particular mail delivery and he Jaid his plans to rob it accordingly. Feigning injury and declaring that his motor car had heen wreck- ed, Bureau asked the driver of the mail wagon for a lift and also ask- ed if the 'driver would go back a little way to get his (Bureau's- suit- cases. The driver did so, but on Mis return fouhd that his horse and wagon had disappeared. . They were Jater found, with the mail pouch that had contained the $4,500 split. open and the money extracted. Bur- ean had sappeared. Bureau, 'whose subsequent move- ments Wad aroused considerable sus- picion was arrested in Queheec on Saturday. 'After long questionin hy the police he confessed and show- ed the authoritigs whese hb 'had buried the money, This was in a wood near Cookdhire, near the Ver- moht border, li Nf, [1 fer tadnmend B.C. CASE DI A BY PRIVY London, July 20, 20, he appeal in he case of the Attorney-General of ritish Columbla, Hon. A. M, Man- son, C., Aa "the Canadian Pa- olfle ny over a claim to' taxed on' To | Vonbumed. hy the company | Wai diam insed iA the ju- fle " committee of the Privy Coun- i Sanity of the Fuel and Of DUTCH EAST INDIES PLOT 1S UNCOVERED The Hagne, Holland, July 20,--~ A Communistic plot in the Dutch Bast Indies | has heen . uncovered, sald a 'report from the 'Governor- General at Batavia, releasgd through thie Colonial Office Mond The plot, had it héen successful, would have caused a revolt among rative military forces and .a sever. ance of telephone and telegraph communication, the report said, FI Denison, Australia's High Commis, Ty 2T HUGH UENIY | INHODAY IVD. High Coroinission- Vancouver, July 80.--8ir Hugh sloper to the United States, with offices in New York, left here. on Saturday by the steamer Princess bia weetTd, pir Hugh is on a vaca- tion, t x El | Plscussing Australia's immigra- tian policy while here, Sir Hugh Louise for northern British Colum, HAC AWALIEO THT Y 20 1927 CLAREMONT Claremont, July 20.--An inter- esting debate took place. in the United Church on Friday evening between the debating team of Clare- mont and Canton Umted Churches. The subject was "Resolved that the United Church of Canada should con- gentrate its Foreign Mission Work in One Field rather than as at pres- it in Bight Fields." The affirmi- ve was ably championed by Miss Evelyn Guest and Miss Jean Haw- kins of Canton and the negative by Misses Isabelle Gregg and Adelaide McCullough of Claremont, A large audience listened to very interesting arguménts from young and brilliant orators, The judges were Mrs, Haw- kins of Canton, M. J, Wilker of sald the Government of Premier Bruce 'was inaugurating schemes of development of national resources in parts of the country in order to absorb all unemployment and make room for enormous additional popu- lation, Premier Burce had . appointed commissioners to investigate oppor- tunities in all sections of the Com- monwealth for expansion and deve- lopment of vallways and other pub- lie utilities; land settlement schemes, involving the Initiation of huge irrigation projechy were being undertaken on the advice of the commissioners, Sir Hugh sald, Sir Hugh noted with satisfaction the growing husiness between Can- ada and Australin, but pointed out {that the balance was still greatly in favor of Canada, There were just as many careless drivers in the old days, but the horse had the sense--Kitchener Record, Rin-TingFin "Tracked by the Police," Rin Tin Tin's latest starring vehicle for War- ner Brothers, dlre®ed by Ray En. right, records the courageous fight of a dog hero to save not only one of the greatest reclamation projects in the United States but also his friends engaged In building it, With n splendid cast including Jason Ro bards, Virginia Brown Faire, Tom Bamthchi, Nanette, Dave Morris, The- odore Loreh, Ben Walker and Wil- fred North, Rinty is said to depict tha most sympathetic and thrilling role of his career, The story deals with the construe- tion" of a great dam and desert irri- gation project, For the heautiful oxteriors the company journeyed to Yumd, Arizona, using the Laguna Dam and reclamation project across the Colorado River aw 'a wetting: Rinty 1s seen as a dog of a young {of the superintendent, {the suJect of dishonorable coming hack again Theatre tomorrow night in his lat- foreman in love with the daughter She is also interest (of another foreman who has been ming To rhin Theatre Tomorrow bribed by a vival consruction ecom- pany to place all the obstacles possi- ble in the way of the work, so that the company would he tarced to aband®n it, Because Rinty Tas foll- ed 'many of these attempts, the plot- ters determine to get him, he superintendent is disabled In a mys- teffous "aceldent, and when the voung foreman takes his place, a helnows - geome to put him and Rinty out of the way leaving the girl and the dam unprotected, Is hatehed, The way hy Which the schemes of the bad men are coped with hy the wonder-dog make thrill ing melodrama and gives Rinty an opportunity to display uncanny bril- liance as Maver before, Included In the cast are Jason Robards, Virginia Brown Faire, Tom Santweh?, Nanette, Dave 'Morris, The- odore Loreh, Ben Walker and Wil fred North, Rin-Tin-Tin in 'Tracked hy the Police'! comes 'to the New Martin Theatre next Thursday for a run of fn days. Tom Mix Popular Screen Star at Reg In "The nt Tomorrow roncho Twister" the Western Ace, js to the Regent Tom Mix, est thriller, "The Broncho Twister." Probably we are wrong and our viewpoint valueless but we some- times wonder if Tom and his col. laborators, author, scenarist and di- rector do not give the publie too much in every new Mix production. This thought, liowever, has come to us especially after seeing "The Broného Twister." Into this they have pul everything combining thrills, drama, Spanish beauty, ro- manee and aetion. This new film starts off with sort of a novelty of Tom in the role of a marine returning on a trams- po om service abroad where he has won all sorts of distinction, af- ter' disembarking and recelving his discharge from the mavy the action which is to his Deloved West. On the way out he meets attractive Helene PoiteMo. He starts a flir- tation during "which he discovers through the car window a man and gin! on being pursued by a group of five mounted horsemen. It is here Pom gives his first sen- sational thrill to the audience by leaping from thé Speeding train window OR the the back of the al- Soome (vom "The Bromche Twister, Attraction at the Regent the last three days of this week. most human equine star, Tony. This is followed by rapid succession of hair raising stunts through which a beautiful hit of photography is introduced during the filming of a Spanish fiesta. There is plenty of warm romance sprinkled throughout the produe- tion and the piece should draw no- thisg but the highest praise from followers of this -fainous Western star at the same time adding many new fans to the many who already look forward to his re-appearance at the Regent Theatre. Besides Helene Costello the cast includes George Irbing Dorothy Kit- chen, Maleolm Waite, and Doris Lloyd." This feature production will he presented on the same program with rollicking comedy, an interesting ews ree] and splendid musie by he Regent®)rehestra. Claremont and Rev, Mitchell of Ashburn, The decision was given to the affirmative, A dainty buffet Junch was served, Miss Annie Bpof- ford and Mrs, Gregg gave a musical two solos, Rev, Mr, Lane of Canton acted as oritic and in a very kindly and appreciative way pointed out some of the noticeable errors, A very pleasant evening was spent. Mr, William Thompson was In the city on Tuesday visiting a brother who is critically Ill in the General Hospital, Allan, the six year old son of Dr, and Mrs, A, F, Tomlinson was taken to the Bick Children's Hos- pital on Friday suffering from in- fantile paralysis, The Hydro men are in the vil- lage staking out the locations for the Hydro poles and transformers, A 'number of houses are in process of wiring and the poles are being raised along the Bixth Concession, It. looks as though we were really going to have Hydro in the near future, A great deal of credit is due to Rev, G, M, Forsyth who was in- strumental in obtaining it, A number of Masons are attend- Ing the Grand Lodge meetings at Guelph on Wednesday and Thurs- day. The Sunday Schools of the United and Baptist Churches will hold their annual pienie at Oshawa on Friday next, The frequent rains are seriously hindering the farmers in their hay- ing operations, but making wonder- ful growth for all standing crops, which are unusually heavy this year, Only about one third of the hay crop is harvested hut another week of good weather would see the most of it gathered, The local newspaper Is always a welcome visitor, In all kinds of weather it keeps us informed on the local happenings, Market reports, etg. It is interested in our prosper- ity and encouraging in adversity, It Suburban and District News duett and Mr, Harold Cooper sang | congratulates us when we are happy and sympathizes when we are sor- rowful, To those who are far from the home of thelr childhood it 1s better than a letter from home, The correspondence is sometimes very irregular and friends neglect writ- ing but the local paper reports regularly the happeningg around the old home, How we would miss that local paper, SALVATION ARMY ISSUES INTHRNNTING BALANCE-SHEET London, July 19.0--The Salvation Army, jequrding to its balance sheet which hak just been made publie by the Army's headquarters here, has Investments totalling over £2,260, 000 ($10,912,600), The Army's an- nual Income from the proceeds of the welf-denial 'week, the harvest festival, legacies and donations, #mounts to £600, 000 ($2,426,000), REFRESHMENTS soft Drinks, Teiy v a LAKAS 14 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2204 hs EE Aig h calls made trict, 1*hone 2 NEW MARTIN | THURSDAY n --Battlin Same Old Rinty-Never-Fail a mn p-- Get YourMade-to-Measure SUIT ut LEDGER'S TRACKED, WARNER BROS. PRESENT IN-TI N-TIN > POLICE' 2%) derful display The greatest dog in his greatest = ty d . thing he has done and twice as Show. Wilh ry. of almost human intslligence. The Comedy End of the Sh 'HOW BAXTER BUTTED IN' And How He Was Butted Out LAST EDITION STEVE DONOHUE Famous English Jock: "BEATING THE BOOK" NEW MARTIN ALWAYS THERE RAIN OR FAIR Tien | 5 Do You Own Your Own Home FOR SALE Grooms Avenue, .... 8500.00 Frederick St, $550,00 Water and Sewer Houses for sale, $4,000 to 83,- 000 on Frederick street, Easy terms if desired. These peop- erties are only five minutes ak from the business dis- LH SKE Willams Pans Co. | Muir, Pcs ede Cottage china, stainless steel, And marigolds made their appeal Upon my little table round i featuring Tow Mix and Tony, The butter kanife away I've throwm? Arranged beneath a tree. I've found, Although to keep the peace, 1 own, Margaret Clarke Russell 8S King St. East Phone 1880 Res., 1823W (rd ---- J. H. R. LUKE Real Estate and Insurance Money to loam om First ortgages Regent Theatre Block Phone 871 or G8TW. "College Woodwork OSHAWA MiSSIONARY COLLEGE Kingston Road East, Now Under New Management Whatever our past record may have been we can mow guarantee satisfaction and are prepared to give you service on Sash, Frames, Screens, Combination Doors, Storm Sash, Garage Doors and general Millwork. . Phone 2053-W NATHAN J. WAGER, Superintendent ETE REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit purchasers. R. M. KELLY 610 Simcoe St. N, Phone 1663 ---- Are You Keeping Pace With Oshawa if Not - You Are Breaking Faith Buy your home site here and you not only help yourself, but you in which you are making your living. FAIRVIEW PARK A few steps from the General Motors plants, prop- erty value increase will be yours. LYCETT 25 King Street East, comer of Celina Street Oshawa the city

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