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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jul 1927, p. 6

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| WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST a | i { .. =¢Mra, Hicks, of Detroit, is spend- vy a few days with Mr, and Mr, +A: N, Ellis: Simcoe street north, ' + ec ---- NATRIE=-YARDLRY A quiet wedding was solemnlzed at the Albert stregt parsonage the Rev, R. A, Whattam _ officiating, when Marjorie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J, Yardley, became the bride of Mr, Wm. Naish, of Peterboro. (| I'he bride looked || med with tan, she wore hat, shoes and hose to match, and carried a corsage bouquet of carnations and | sweet peas, She was attended by her sister, Miss Ruth Yardley, who was dressed In pale green taffeta with ecru lace, white hat, shoes and hose to match and earied also a cor- sage bouquet of carnations and --Misses Doroteha 'and Loulse | sweet peas, Mr, George Hutchison Newson, of Belleville, are spending | of Peterboro, acted as best man, A a few days with thelr aunt, Mps, J, D, Rutherford 134 Celina street, -=Mr, J, Carrol Anderson has left to spend his vacation av Severn Falls, Muskoka, where he is a divec- tor of the boys' camp at Nogiwa, --Mr, and Mrs, Glen Cawker of South Bend, Ind, and Miss Lanra Cawker of Niagara Falls, have heen visiting with Mr, and Mrs, Harry Cawker, Ritson Road eouth, IY | REBEKAH LODGE #7 NB. 3 MENIC A Uy Members of the Rebekah Lodge No, 8 and their friends wended their way to Lakeview Park Tuesday af- tternoon where the annual pienie was to be held, The day was most beautiful and the afternoon and evening were given over to sports of all kinds for th young and old which were thoroughly enjoyed by all, The committee in charge of the pienic had arranged a very com- prehensive program first race for gills five years and under was won by Doreen Stewart, Ella Brown came second and Betty Flintoff was third, for boys five years and under B, Hastings, C. Biches and B, Cameron were first second and third respectively, The next race was for girls eight years and under it was won by A. Bran- ton, second A. Disney and third N. Arnold. Boys eight and under was awarded to, first 8, Gillard, second H. Shemiit and third B. Cranfield. In the race for girls twelve years and under H. Branton and H. Far- row were first and second. In the boys' race for boys twelve years and unde, H, Arnold was first and R. Colislor second, The fourth race was for girls, H. McDonald was first of sport, the |; luncheon was served at the home of the bride's parents, after which the happy couple left on a motor trip to Niagara Falls, Welland and other points west, On thelr return thez will reside in Petegboro, mong the out-of-town guests at the Nuish--Yardley nuptials on Sat- urday were Mrs, Small and daughe ter trom Niagara Falls, Mr, and Mrs, C, Barnard and family fron Toronto, Miss KE, Hardy from Lind: say, Mr, George Hutehison, Mr, anc Mrs, W, Naish and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, H, L., Naish all of Peter- horo, PORTABLE DRVIOE TO TEST BRICKS Washington, July 20.--To make safe the skyscraper hulldings of the present day the Bureau of Standards has devised a brick tester to be used at the job where it Is needed, This will eliminate the necessity for send- ing bricks miles away to be tried out, The new device is portable, and weighs about forty pounds, 1s eap- able of breaking the strongest build. dng brick, ELASTIC HOSIERY SPECIALISTS IN FITTING AND PRES ¢ AGENTS FOR CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN wdaindided. COX .L1D ORONTO AUTHORS & CLIRC IH € and R. McDonald came d. In the boys' race fifteen years and un- der the first place went to, Disney and E. Shemild was second. They next had a shoe race for the child- ren and H. McDonald was first and R. McDonald came second. The Single Indies' race was won by Miss I. McDonald and the married ladies' race went to Mrs. Cranfield [first 'and Mrs. Siches second. The hund- red yards dash for the man was woh by L. V. Disney. There was a pall driving contest at this time and it was won by Mrs. Branton and Mrs. Siches came second. The ladies' three legged race was won by Mrs. Begtlet and Mrs. H. Shemilt with Mrs. Siches and Mrs. Stewart sec- ond. Men's three legged race was won by Mr. W. Engel and Mr. J. Schwartz with Mr. J. Schemilt and Mr. L. V. Disney second. The sports were concluded with a peanut scramble for the children after which all departed for home feeling that an afternoon and even- GUARANTEED INDIGO FINE BOTANY SERGE Silk Vests and Bloomers of exceptional value at an exceptional price--- A a > \ f 5 rd Ay dedes cither vests po or bloowhers, MARA AAAS AAAS AAAARASAAAAAAA AAAS $1.00 See them in the South Window 500 yords Fine Printed Voile for Seturdey's charming in a ress of Flemish blue taffeta trim- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, . THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1927 "$e - DANFORTH BUSINESS + NEN MAKE: MERRY + AT: PICNIC 'HERE Special 'Rade' for Aldéritien Feature of Keen Racing Program Lakeview park was yesterday afternoon the scene of the annual pienle of the Danforth Business Men's Assoclation. Members of the association with their families and friends to the number of five hun- dred were In attendance and a jov- lal afternoon and evening was spent In games and races. Prom- Inent among those present were Aldermen Robert Siberry, Robert Allen and W, A, Summerville of lForonto and Trustee Lorne Trull, The feature event was a softball mateh between the president's and the vice-president"s teams with the former winning by an enormous score, A plump ladles' skipping race and numerous guessing were novelty items ow the pro- '| gram, Following supepr and a pro- 'gram of sports many of the visitors remained to dance at the heautiful Jubilee pavilion, Numerous favourable comments on the beauty of Lakeview park and of the pienlie conveniences there were heard, The pretty pavilion was also the subject of much favourable comment, Results of the sports events held: Girls under 10 years--Norah Gal- lagher, June Summerville. Boys under 10 years-- Roy Jupp, Eric Moss, B. Allen, Girls under 13 years--Marjory Shields, Betty Cunningham, Muriel y | Siberry. under 16 years--Marjosw Betty Cunningham, Muriel Girls Shields, Bilberry, Young woinén's rate--Josephine Nsborne, Emma MeclLelland, Elsie Balch, . Business men over 36--M. J. Fallinsby, A. L. Colquhoun. Business men under 356--Herbert Roberts, Chas. Knight. Married women's race--Mrs, J, T. Jupp. Nrs. H. T. Helston. Fat men's race--Ald. Summers ville, Chas. Roberts. Women's and men's coat race-- Mrs. H, T Helston and M. F. Fal; linsby. : Shoe race---Florence Haris, Elsie . | Balch. Women's walking race--Mrs. M. Taylor, Mrs. S. Gibbons. Plump women's skipping race-- Mrs. J. McDougal, Mrs. J. Benne- worth. PICKERING Pickering, July 21--Mr. W. Ward, of Niagara Falls, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. G. Ward, and sister, Miss Annie, are visiting the Misses Bunting. Mrs. Draper and children of Mt. Albert are the guests of C. W. and Mrs. Pilkey. Miss Dorothy Wiman, of Peter- boro', is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. A. Burrell. Rev. J. 8. and Mrs. Ferguson, and {faughter, Miss Dorothy, are holiday- ing in St. Mary's. During their ab- fence the pulpit of St. Andrew's Church will be filled by Rey. N. Lec- kie, of St. Mary's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baxter are wisit- fag friends in Udney. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Callaghan and young son, of Toronto, are spending A few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Murkar. Miss Phyllis Pilkey is spending a week with Mr. Albert friends. weve far from odmplimentary. The dramatist, wishing to he gon- avons 10 the absent man, vemark- od-- "Oh, 1 always mnderstood he was the Kindest of fellows and he wrote 10 his wife by everr post™ "Nes," answered one of the party. "he writes her a lot of nonsense about 'the agony of absence." hut he has mewer vemitted. her a shill- ing. Do yom call that kindness?" We: "mmemivting Kindness. Eo a contests PAYS OFFICIAL VISIT T0 WHITBY Mrs. Mary Saw, D.D.P.,, Also! Visits Other Rebekah Lodges +. Mrs. Mary Shaw, D.D.P. paid on) official visit to the Whitby Bene- volent Rebekah lodge in company with a few friends and members | of the Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. ! 3. After the meeting the remainder' of the evening was spent in dancing and refreshments were served, Mrs. Shaw also visited the Port Hope Rebekah lodge, the Bowmanville Rebekah lodge and the Sunshine lodge at Oshawa. At all of these lodges Mrs. Shaw was made very welcome and entertained most royally, spent when about 60 of the Daugr- ters of England from the Empress of India lodge of this city journeyed to Toronto to visit Lodge Rosemond 99, and to initate some candidates with their degree team. After the initiation a social time was spent and one of the Oshawa members succeeded in carrying off the my- stery hox the prize of the evening, Refreshments were served and the members returned to Oshawa ar- riving home in the early hours of this morning. VATHER OF F, GG, SANDY, M, I, P, PASSES AT HOME IN OMEMER Lindsay, July 20.--A link in the past has been hroken in the passing at his home of Jogeph Sandy of Omemee, aged 06 years and 11 months, and father of F. G, Sandy (Progressive) M, P, P. for Victoria South, He was one of the oldest citizens of the County or Victoria Hg was born in Cornwall, Eng, CAPTAIN DIES ON VOYAGE Montreal, Que., July 20.--Captain Cattenath, of the freighter Blaira- thol, dled on his vessel while on a voyage from Scotland with a cargo of coal, it was learned when the ship docked at Maisonneuve this morning under the command of the second officer. The captain, who had been fll for some days, died on Wendes- day last, He was buried at sea. NINE VALUABLE HEIFERS DIE AFTER EATING POISONED WEDS Guelph, Judy 20.--Gaining access to the Torontossubusben right of way through a gatg believed to have been left careless picnick- ers, nine prs valued at $60 ea i. Thomas, Guelph poisoneg afterw ctionmen th poiso ed shortly weeds had spraved the to destroy them, | J, i ® 1552 7 A Frock of Diversified Appeal | : H 4 if 4 i I Hi i | | i i : sou ii ih: Hib ! v F If i ih LH § 1 i ] : ,A most enjoyable evening was , Brazed on | @ previously | The Oibawa Daily Times (that point, Join HB Our Fur -Z CREDIT At This Store GLASS Bros. | Coat Club- . Taxurious Fur Coats offered ductions during August. A payment will hold any of th for future delivery, Get you for the Winter, Storage free The terms, the price, and t have waited for ave here for al, Try our RE. Z, $5.00 down will secure your Fur Credit Plan, --tt at great re. | small down ese far coats I'S now, Cont for one year, he style you your approv- to give that slim |] Sizes up to 52, Twe:ds in light and dark shades. Upwards from Cutstanding Values in Misses' and Women's Dresses Wonderful bargains in Printed silk Broadcloth, Flat Crepe and Ginghams, Special terms and prices for pay week, Sizes 16 to 44. Prices upwards Men's High two pant models. Upwards from ! Blue Botany Serge, one and ¥ | White Flannel Coats, tailor- ed styles--=fuor f¥immed, Spe- cially priced for clearance i wm 312.50 wards from r-- Excepfionsl Values In Summer Frocks For the Larger Women Printed Silk Dresses in small patterns, giving slenderizing'lines. Sizes up to 52. Prices upwards from Navy and black, flat crepz and crepe satin dresses. These have been carefully designed $16.50 appearance so much desired, Prices upwards from $21 Grade Suits Worsteds and Fancy Tweeds ~~Made in all the wanted styles, Unwards from $14.75 to $15.50 | $32.50 to $35.00 | 25.00 to $28.50 = Special Reduction Sal® Misses! Tweeds, and Tricotine in the season's smartest styles, g reduced for cles sale, A small dow meng will secure one these smart coats, ome | in and trey our E. Z, Pay- ' ment Plan. and 'oats, Ladies' Spring Twills (Coals, | | Sturdy, and fox serge, { # and 4 piece models--moder upwards from well made Boys' Suits in tweed A splendid collection of | Boy's Suit Remarkably Low Priced $7.95 to $10.50 ately priced, 21 Bond St. W. Phone 2378 At Present Only cels Are Delivered -- It is Proposed to Rent Deli Van for Certain Hours With Regular Service -- Would Require Only One Postal Clerk Instead of Two Now Oshawa will soon 'have a general parcel delivery service from the city Post Office, according to advices re- ceived from Ottawa which clearly] indicate that the Post Depart- ment is comnsidening rfeommenda- tions from Postmastér Mathison | with favor. - 2) At present, only lighter parcels sve delivered, these, in fact, being no more than ordinary bulk mail. The scheme submitted to Ottawa @ubraces the remting of a delivery van for certain hours of the day with regular delivery. Adding to the schewe's general benefits would be the fact that only ome postal clerk would meod to be detailed for the work where two, at present, are pe- aquired 10 give even what service they cam. awa asked to be informed om wheth®r an additional man would be needed. The fact that the Oshawa postmaster cam neporl that instead of heeding one mone car vier, he would be able to give a bet- ter gemeral service will have, it is believed, decisive hearing on the matter. While it is emtively too soom to announce when the mew parcel fie- livery serwice will, if anthorized, be put inte effect; it is hoped te have it underway br the fiost of Septem- Price, 20 cents each. stamps or onin. Wrap coin savefully. ' | ber. FEURS BLECT OFFIORRS POR TWO YEARS | Hamilton, July 20. Officers of {the Dominion Mail Porters and Chauflenrs' Association weve elected {herve for two-year terms as follows: {Dominion President, W. J. Mallen, Ottawa: Vice-President, J. Baird, Mamilton; Seovetary-Mveasuver. RB. 7. Davis, Ottawa: Awditors, E. J. {Parler, Wovomto, and A. Fields, Hamilton: Executive, T. HH Wandlie and W. Brown Torcato, and T. Gar- 'General Parcel Delivery To Be Started Here Soon GAYE LOVIN GFROM COL THRee The Inscription The silver cup bears upon one side the British crown over crossed machine guns, the unit insignia; d upon the other the following imscription: "Presented to the for annual competition to the most flficient company.--From the W.0.'s and N.C.0.'s. 8th Battalion, > H Verdun, PP.Q., July, AZED ON POISONED WEEDS Guelph, Ont, July 20.--Gaining ac- cess to the Toronto suburban nght-oi- valued at $00 each, owned by J. E. Thomas, Guelph township, grazed on poisoned plants and died shortly afterwards. viously section men for the stroying weeds. purpose of de- | bth Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, | COMMITTED FOR TRIAL | Parry Sound, Ont., July 20 Wilson | Mourse, charged with taking part in | the robbery of the Schroeder Lumber {Company on June 27, 1921 [a preliminary trial her | Magistrate Broughton, a Mourse was Portsmouth Penitentiary re- cently completed serving part |of a 10-year term for murder. | | | | | | | was given v before , committed { for trial. arrested at the gates ol! as he BRAN GEMS One egg. one cup brown sugar, one cup sour cream, one cup buttermilk, or sour milk, one small teaspoon salt, two {small teaspoons soda, two cups bran | two cups flower. Bake in gem tins in a Slow oven. | This recipe also be "Johnny cake" by using one hall cups cornmeal instead of bran, and two and one-hali cups flour --Joyee used fo and can one way through a gate left open by care- | less picnickers, mine Holstein heifers | farmer, | The weeds along | the right-of-way had a shert time pre- | been sprayed wath poison by | eed OE ------ mS] 22 Simcoe St. N. dener. Hamilton. raf Special For Friday and Saturday Peameal Cottage Rolls per Ib. 25c Pickled Shoulders per Ib. = 20c¢ Pure Kettle Rendered Lard 6 Ib. 00 GATES BUTCHER SHOP - SOC AMAL 73 ANANCDAD AAD AMA AA AAANANAAAD NN" a a

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