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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jul 1927, p. 1

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ae VOL. 1---NO. 17 Tm gh Pu gattet Sendave" sad Puls Telidars LOCAL CONTRACT = iQ The Oshawa Daily Reformer FE[The Osha ; Daily Times Is OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1927 ER al TWELVE PA ORS GET M 3-YEAR OLD BOY FATALLY HURT IN FALL James McElwee, Son of Mr. and Mrs, W, J. McElwee, Dies in Hospital FALLS OFF STOOP Was Playing With a Number of Other Children--Funeral Today This afternoon the funeral of three-year-old James Craig McEIl- wee, son of Mr, and Mrs, W, J, Me- wee who died in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital from Injuries re- ceived In a fall will be held from Wright's' Burial Parlors to the Union Cemetery, The services will be conducted by Rev, Sidney Heath, former curate of St, George's Church, The death of "Jimmy" McElwee occurred with tragic suddenness on Wednesday evening an hour and a halt after an accident which befell him while playing with other child- ren, The McElwee family at that time were living at 142 Alexandra Boulevard and Jimmy shortly be- fore the accident was playing about outside the kitchen door; Exactly what happened will never be known but It is thought that while at- tempting to climb the back stoop the child fell backwards striking his head against a two inch iron pipe which lay on the ground be- neath the stoop, Like many another stoop, the ome which Jimmy at- tempted to climb was closed off be- neath with a series of parallel boards. There was an opening by which. entrance ~~ underneath the stoop could be obtained and Jimmy, it is belleved went in and was try- ing to climb up the side when he lost his balance and fell back. Mrs. McElwee was in the cellar at the time packing utensils preparatory to moving to their new address at 226 James street, and Mr, McElwee' was away with a load of furniture. The child was founo unconscious by a neighbor, M. Darlington, just as Mr, McElwee returned, The father rushed the child to Dr. Rundle's office immediately sud from there Jimmy was taken to th hospital where he died without re- gaining consciousness, Dr, Wilson, assistant to Dr. Rundle who attend- ed the child stated that death was due to cerebral hemorrhage. It was a strange fact tha. there was no laceration or abrasion of the scalp but there was a slight swelling, The force of the fall against the pipe apparently broke a blood vessel with resulting destruction of brain tissue. The child would be dying from the time he fell, the doctor Led. or 0 cries after first falling were heard by Mrs. McElwee who being busy and thinking that it was Just another numerous child- ren's quarrels which always occur, did mot go to find out what was wrong. Her ise that there was nothin, Wrong Ap) to og when the lad STORE ROBBED OF $4,000 IN GOODS Bandits Break Into Premises on Danforth and Secure Much Clothing ror et a i into the premises of a clothing establish- ment on Danforth avenue heve early today, robbers made a fast raid om (By Camadian Press) Fatnza, laly, July 22.--An earth- wiolence, lasting Oshawa Railway Company Purchases Wright Property at Mary and Bond Streets, Forming Last Link in New Freight Trafic Routing rn WILL ALLOW NEW G. M, APPROACH As Soon as Connections Are Made Freight Handling on Bruce Street and Ritson Road Will Be Eliminated The Oshawa Rallway ' Company has purchased the Wright property at the corner of Mary and Bond streets, and in so doing formed the last Mnk In its new freight traffic routing for Oshawa industries which will, it is planned, result in the elimination of heavy freight traffic in the city's residential and retall business districts, Interswitching which the Wright property's strategic position will now permit, will allow a new ap- proach to the older sections of the General Motors of Canada, Limited, plant, and one that will not require the handling of heavy traffic on streets already crowded with or- dinary traffic. As soon as connec- tions are made, freight handling on Bruce street and Ritson road will be eliminated, The effect of that will, likewise, he felt throughout the adjacent sections and the busi- ness district in particular, New switching facilities at Mary and Bond streets will also give the Oshawa Rallway's main city yards direct access to the eastern section of (Continued on page 3) LIQUOR CHARGE Is Convicted of Having Liquor Without a Permit Francis Stokes of Kendall, Ont., a visitor last night in Oshawa was convicted this morning of having llauor without a permit and in other than his residence. Magistrate Hind imposed a fine of $100 and costs or thirty days with hard la- bor. Stokes will attempt to raise the necessary funds and if he fails be will continue his visit in Whitby instead of in Oshawa and as the guest of Sheriff Paxton rather than as the guest of Oshawa people. Accused is an old soldier and he told the Bench that he had been advised by several doctors to take whiskey for his lungs, he having been gassed in the World War. His Honor doubted very much the wis- dom of the advice and told the ae- cused he regarded his story as ex- tremely flimsy. Stokes arrived in Oshawa last night and was taken into custody while inquiring the way to William street. In addressing the prisoner Magistrate Hind ad- vised him that a charge of intoxi- cation could have been laid. COMMITS SUICIDE BY LEAPING FROM FOURTH STORY OF HOTEL (By Canadian Press) Toronto, July 22. --Jumping from a window in a room on the fourth storey of a local hotel, Michael Powlotsky., 53, Winnipeg, was in- stantly killed today. He had been in poor health for some time. QUEBEC SURPLUS OVER $1,500,000 Premier Taschereau Issues Statistics -- To Reduce Debt (By Canadian Press) Quebec, Que. July 22 Quebec's financial status for the fiscal year end- ing June 30 has exceeded all expecta- tions, the surplus exceeding last year's by one and a half milhon dollars Premier Taschereau today out official statistics of the province for the year 1926-27 and they show that the gross | surplus was S3MMSHS308 as compared with $1.52014675 last year. This year at least a million will be utilized for a Planning to Eliminate Heavy Freight Traffic From Business Streets OL, J, ¥, GRIERSON Who has resigned as County Crown Attorney after holding the office . for four years, RESIGNS AS GOUNTY CROWN ATTORNEY Col, J. F, Grier Declines to Comment on His Action After four years as Crown Attor- ney for Ontario county, Col. J, F. Grierson has resigned, his resigna- tion having been tendered the At- torney General, Hon, W. H. Price, a few days ago. 1t is understood that the resignation Is to take effect shortly but up to the present no action has been taken by the de- partment and in the meantime Col. Grierson Is continuing as Crown Attorney, Interviewed by The Times this af- ternoon, Col. Grierson declined to comment on his resignation or to give any reason for his action. It may be that pressure of his Oshawa law practice and his duties as city Solicitor influenced his decision, but when questioned by The Times he refused to comment. "You mav state that I have nothing to say," Col. Grierson aavi.ced the reporier. Col. Orierson wae appointed Crown Attorney suecweding the late Col. J. E. Farewell, K.C., in 1923 and since thay time has filled the position credi'ably. His resignation came as a complete surprise to Osh- awa people who know how ably Col. Griersgn has discharged the duties of Crown Attorney since his appoint- ment. SILVER LARK WINS LIVERPOOL CUP Liverpool, July 22.--Silver Lark, owned by Mrs. A. Boudir, won the Liverpool cup here today. 8. Tat- tersall's foliation was second and R. Walker's Darius third. The race was worth $10,000. gilver Lark won by three-quarters of a length, with the same distance between sec- ond and third. The winner was ten to one in the betting. BALDWIN PRAISES FARMERS IN WEST Speaking at a Rally in Lin- colnshire, Premier Tells of Wheat Pool (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Lincoln, Eag.. July 22.--Premier Stanley Baldwin today paid tribute to the farmers of Western Canada on their revolutionizing marketing methods im five years through the wheat pool and causing optimism to take the place of depression. He said it was because he wanted to be among the optimists that he was zoing to visit Western Canada on his coming tour of the Dominion. Explaining the improved positions of the Canadian farmers. Premier Baldwin, who was speaking at a rally of the Lincolnshire Conserva- tives, said "Well this has heen done by farmers themselves. 'Confronted by a slump following a post war boom they oonsulted together and formed a pool of great wheat pro- THOUSANDS OF RUMANIANS HONOR KING Body of Late Monarch Lies in Simple Oak Casket in Palace MANY BREAK DOWN Groups of "Peasants Walk Sadly Past the Coffin (Cable Service to The Times By Canadian Press) Bucharest, July 22, -- In a imple oak casket, covered with Jowers from Queen Marie and his daughters, the body of King Ferdinand rested today in the || eolden hall of Cotroceni Palace. Thousands of sorrowing Ruman- ians passed the bjer to do honor to their beloved kihg. Groups of peasans, dressed in their Sunday b:st, walked sadly by the coffin, A number of them were over- some by emotion as they gazed an the features of their sovereign, wearing the uniform of a general of the Rumanian army, (Cable Service To The Tinfes By Canadian Press) Rucharest, July 22.--Under the will of King Ferdinand, made pub- lie late last night, former Crown Prince Carol Is cut off from inherit- ing any real estate, hut falls heir to about $400,000 in cash and stocks, The rest of the King's estate, totalling about $1,500,000 and fnecluding palaces, eity dwell- ings and country houses, is appor- tioned equally among other child- ren, FRENCH COMMUNIST IS RE-ARRFSTED Leon Daudet Was Recently Released on Fake Phone Instructions (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Paris, July 22.--Secretary treasurer Semard of the Communist party, who was released from prison June 25 by a hoax which freed Leon Daudet has been rearrested, the Havas agency an- nounces. "Semard, Daudet and an associate of the latter were released from Sante prison on, telephoned instructions pur- porting to come from the Ministry of the Interior. Investigation developed that the release was effected by plot- irs who impersonated officials in giv- 'ng telephone orders. Semard is the irst of the three to be rearrested. * DOUBLE FATALITY ON LEVEL CROSSING Car Stalls on C.N.R. Crossing, Struck By a Special "Train New Power Plant Will Be Lo- (Cable Service To The Times Hy. Canadian Press) London, July 28.~--'Travel Light" Is the slogan of the Prince of Wales, his brother, Prince George, Premier Bald. win and most of the others of the party of thirty who are to start thelr trip to Canada to. morrow, The total number. of cated North of Main Hospi- tal -- Heating Plant Will Supply Heat for Hospital and Nurses' Home Also-- Hot Water for All Hospi- tal"s Sterilizers, Ward Ser- vices and Laundry Contracts for a $15,000 power plant and central heating system for the Oshawa General Hospital will be let a week from today. The new power plant will be located north of the main hospital, conform- ing in architecture to the institu- tion's general design. An eighty foot chimney is included in that construction, The heating plant will replace the present installation of eight boilers and will supply heat for the hospital and nurses' home $15,000 Power Plant Central Heating System For Oshawa Hospital -- It will also supply hot water for all the. hospital sthrilizdrs, wagd services, and the laundry. Specifications consulted in the office of G. D. Conant, chairman of the hospital board, demand two horizontal return tubular boilers baving a diameter of 54 inches and 14 feet long. Each boiler is to be equipped with 56 tubes 14 feet long and three inches in diameter. These boilers will replace the eight anthractie burning boilers now in use, and are designed, initi- ally, to burn soft coal at a saving of from six to sexen dollars the ton over the fuel now used. The new boilers, however, will be designed to permit an easy and econ- omical change 10 uel oil at such time as fuel oil becomes cheaper than the cheaper coal. Fuel oil, at present is much cheaper than an- thracite, but more expensive than other fuels. Work on the power plant will be begun immediately after letting the contract, it is understood. The com- plete installation will be in service early in the autumn. The orchestra was doing its worst and a man in the audience fathom- ed his brain for the title of the piece. At last he turned to his bor, and asked, "What's this piece out of?" "'Tume," came the ready reply. pieces of baggage sent today to he loaded on the steamer Em- press of Australia is one hun. dred, Wales' baggage includes two uniforms, while George's has one naval outfit, Both the young world travellers, through previous experience, have cone fined the rest of their needs to the absolute minimum, ELECTRICAL STORMS DISRUPT SERVICES (By Canadian Press) Toronto, July 22.~Teleb graphic, telephonic and radio c ications throug} the most of Canada today were still suffering from the effects of severe electrical storms apd manifestations of Aurora Bore. slis which disrupted services last night, TRIO CHARGED WITH MURDER Are Alleged to Have Killed a Lachine Taxi Driver (By Canadian Press) Montreal, Que., July 22.--Iden- tification of the slayers of Adelard Bouchard, Lachine taxi driver, who was shot and clubbed to death and thrown into a ditch near Hunting- don with the trio, Charles MeDon- ald, Mrs. Palmer NeDopald and Alfred Palmer who flitted about the city's night life ls now positive, according to police. Provincial authorities late yes- terday swore out information and issued warants, formally charging the beautiful adventuress, her cross eyed husband, MeDopald and her brother. Palmer, with the killing of Bouchard. Advocates Reduction in Membership of (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press Moncton, N.B., Lawmie, Harcourt, N.B., and A. Mec- ) July 22.--Johm Eachern, Salem, Mass, were in- stantly killed yesterday whem their car, which stalled on the Canadian National Railway crossing, was struck by Governor General's spec- ial train near here. Some of the picnics held at Barn- hant's pavilion last week were: The King street United Church pie- mic; the Cedardale Church picnic and the picnic of the Rebekah Lodge No. 3. The Short fawilies from Seagrave and Mariposa and the Trull family held their picnics there. The Danforth Business Men's Association who held their picnic at the lake last week had supper at Barnhant's pavilion and used the orchestra and pavilion to dance in at the conclusion of the picnic. ducing provinces and this pool is governed by the farmers them- | seduction of the debt of the Province. selves. local thundorstonm, Per Cent. and Sharkey 22%, Per Cent. -- Motion Pictures Show the Disputed Blow Was Fair (By Associated Press) New Yark, NY. July 22---Jack Dempsey and Jack Sharkey split a purse of shghtly more than $450,000 ard's estimate. lion dollar fight in ring history, in all of which Dempser has been the prin- cipal. The former champion' now assured of a "out" in the fifth hig money fight when he mats Gone Tun [IN . Satanday Novthwest winds fair anv coul. ney in the veturn title hout. RR ckard™s for their battle last night, which drew [three hand rights to the a "gate" of SIO75000 and an attend. | Sharkey before delivering the left to ance of 82000, according to Tex Rick- | the jaw that knocked out his oppon- It was the fourth mil. jot {hn [ed newspaper men todav | Mn contracts with the figlters called im nigh Dempsey and Sharkey to Split Purse of $450,000 Dempsey's Share to Be 27, Dempsey to get 2 per cent. and Sharkey 22: per cent. Dewmpsey's share 1s approximately $252759 and Sharkey's $203803. . Motion picture operators and fab- oratory men who developed official mo- tion pictures of the Dempsey-Sharkey Aght today, announced that the films show that a disputed blow which con- tributed to Dempsey's victory was ap- parently fair. The film was run off three times to pent newspapenmen to compare thei judgments. © Slow motions of the fight- ers revealed that Dempsey struck 1 h of Building Mill; Gay Company Get Contract For Paint Plant Little Baggage to Be Carried By Princes and Party on Trip To Canada; Will Sail Tomorrow OTORS JOBS Trick Company to Erect Body fe Giger "ny py --------- Two Contracts Amount fo cross Company, Taronte, Awarded Contract for the Fourth Floor to Master Six Factory TO BE COMPLETED BY OCTOBER | By First of Year Oshaw Gen eral Motors Plant Will 'B Building Chevrolet an Pontiac Bodies Complete from Chassis Up Contracts for $400,000 of new factory construction at the General Motors of Canada, Limited, plant were let today. Local constfuetion firms' tenders were favorably con- sidered for the two larger buildings. Thy body building mill extension contract was awarded to W. J. Trick and Company, Oshawa. Construe- tion of the extemsion unit for the General Paint Plant was let to the Gay Company of this city, These contracts total some $375,000 in value, Contract for the new fourth floor to be added to the Master Six factory, goes to the Anglin-Noreross Company, Limited, Toronto, On Monday tenders for a 35 per cent. addition to the General Mo- tors lumber yards and dry Mins will be made. It is expected that sll the new units will be compl, and in use by October 1, and by the first of the year, the Oshawa General Mo- tors plant will be building its Chev- rolet and Pontiac bodies complete from the chassis up. This, however, merely marks but one step in a pro- gram thag is definitely committed to eventual allCapadian manufacture of Canadian General Motors pro- ducts. Work on the new body building Mill section begins Saturday morn- ing. It will have four floors as compared with the older mill's three. Its 286 feet of length will give an 84 foot frontage on Mary street opposite the present gemers) office building. It will more than double the size of the Body Build- ing Mill pow in use. Its fourth floor will have a large (Continued on page 3) NEGOTIATIONS MAY: Geneva, July 22.--Shounid British delegates to the Tri-Partite Nawal Conference return from their pres- ent visit to London with a Pctives showed that Sharker was wearing his trunks pulled higher up + Dempser was wearing his, wh to assent fact had probably contribut- mh to the confvsion of las: Ss witnesses of the bout. "3 od SALVATION ARMY PIC poned uatil Satuand-». JUBILEE PAVILION Gilbert Watson and his nine orchestra, luncheon free. place where a zood 1 me a insuved. Wondantul floc ful decoriiioms, mdry a | Dancing 8.30 pam. Don't mis ic 2 i : E = I

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