aily Time The Oshawa Daily Reformer VOL, 1-NO, 18 A Set Sal Rd, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY. JULY 23, 1927 Subvcrigtion Rass Ste Page 2 TWELVE VELVE PAGES CITY FIFTH IN DOMINION JUNE BUILDING TWO MILES OF PAVING HERE THIS YEAR Oshawa's $175,000 Engineer ing Program is Well Under Way ------ TO REPAIR STREETS Two and a Half Miles of Sidewalks and Five Miles of Sewers Oshawa's $175,000 engineering program for the current year is well advanced, and it is confidently pre dicted that 1927 will add two mile: of newly paved streets to the total with which the city began the year. Two and a half miles of permanent gldewalks are being constructed, to- gether with five miles of storm and sanitary sewers, Street paving Is costing Oshawa between $55000 and $60,000 a mile, the®Td miles authorized will, aceardingly total over $100,000. Sidewalks construction figures in this city are as low as $5,600 on the average which eon stand favor- abla comparison with many other munieipalities. Storm and sanitary sewers being built this year will extend five miles. The average cost per mile of the fwo forms of sewers is $13, 000---$65,000 in all. Something over $3,000 is being spent on repairs to pavements that were built In former years. BRITISH GABINET TO MEET MONDAY To Discuss Problems Aroused at Naval Arms Limitation Conference ion of the new automatic Hw which have in. alle at King and Dilly streets commenced at noon today and a fine time the Oshawa motoring public had getting educated to the system, An officer was stationed » the inturecction to prevent traf- fic jams and had plenty. to do, Several motorists unaccustomed to + the system attempted left hand turns only to be turned back right- ly by the minion of the law. An Automatic Traffic Signals Put Into Operation Today admiring populace gathered at the corner and watched the signals in operation. The signals are the same as those in use in Toronto and consist of a group of three lights bearing the commands, stop, go and caution. There are four signals, one for each corner. When ib motorists have become accustomed to the system they will be a great aid in handling the local traffic situation. F or Lower alls Special Session of City] Council for Friday Night -- Charges City Pays Too Much for Rates and Read- justment is of Vital Con- cern to Industrial Develop- ment Mayor Preston will make the pening move for lower hydro rates 'or Oshawa next week, A special session of the City Council will be walled for Friday night, according 0 tentative arrangements made to- lay, when His Worship will lay the whole situation before the city fa- thers. The Mayor declares that what he has already sald or done in regard o hydro rates obtaining in this city is but the preface. "Before I am through," he. informed The Times, "something close to a hook of many chapters will have been written." His Worship charges that Oshawa pays too much for its hydro apd that readjustment of rates is a mat- ter of vital concérn to its Industrial Aeyelopment. Yointing out rpat In the mater of street lighting alone Oshawa is made to pay $4 more for each of its strvet lamps' monthly current than Whitby, he submits that similar inequalities affect every light or power user in the commun- ity. Mayor tentative announcing the date for special council meeting, declared that the matter is purely one of businss interest. Preston, (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) London, July 23--Another meeting o the British Cabinet has been set for Monday for discussion of problem: aroused by the Naval Reduction Con ference at Gepeva, after which it j: hoped the way will be entirely clea for a return to the parleys of the two chief delegates, Right Hon. W. C Bridgeman and Viscount Cecil. Although full reports made by thes« delegates received unamounious appro- val of the ministers at a lengthy cabinet session yesterday, it is not known whether they received, or will receive before they depart, any fresh instructions. No official communique relating to the session was issued Political writers here represent govern- ment as extremely anxious for har- monioys agreement and as believing that Lord Cecil and Mr. Bridgeman will return with a hope for settlement WHITCOMBE, YOUNG BRITISH PRO, WINS $1,000 PRIZE TODAY (Coble Service To The Times By ness Glen Eagles, Scotland, July 23-- Charles A. Whitcombe, the young Bri- tish professional who finished sixth in the recent British open captured the $1000 prize today by defeating ted Ray in the final round 9 and 8. STIR OVER CARD. HAS SUBSIDED The Former Crown Prince of . ip Rumania is Not Claiming Title (Coble Service To The Times by ness) Paris, July 23--A stir created in European counts by the words "King Carol of Rumania" in a statement to newspapers, which was taken in indi- cate that the banished Prince consi- deced himself successor of King Fer- dinand, has subsided. The alarm ap- pears to have heen premature, one newspaper declaring that inquiry show- od that the title was added to a state- ment by an over zealous friend, who gave it to newspapers. The statement, as originally issued, As mayor of Oshawa he feels that an important centre of Ontario is being made to pay high- er rates for hydro power than any sound reason can support. He is collecting comparative figures of rates from all parts of the Province, both in the Niagara and Trent Val- ley hydro zones, and elsewhere. This and other information will he submitted to the Council for dis- cussion and action. CREW OF GROUNDED SHIP TAKEN OFF Veued is Ashore OF the Labrador Colin Danger (By Canadian Press) Montreal, Que., July 23.--Crew of S. S. Bay Rupert, ashore on the Labrador coast, have been taken off the steamer and are at Farryad's Island, a small settlement in the vicinity, with the + exception of Captain Smellie and nine of the crew who are standing by the steam- er. The above information was con- tained in a message received at the Hudson's Bay officer here today. Mayor To Launch Fight Hydro Rotes POSTMASTER EXTENDS HIS CONGRATULATIONS Editor Oshawa Daily Times, Dear Sir: Allow me to extend to you con- tulati on the splendid Con- federation edition of your paper. I believe it will be one of the greatest advertising mediums that Oshawa has ever had, as we in the Post Office are aware that copies have heen sent to every corner of the Glo It Yidhe sho been a great help to us in bringing before the officials - the Post Office Dept. the great permanent progress this City is en- joying, thereby strengthening our claims for better facilities and in- creased staff to successfully cope with bigger business and better ser- vice to the public. Wishing you a grester measure of success in the future than you have enoved in the pa FRANK T. MATHISON, Postmaster. NEW D.D.G.M, ONTARIO DI FOR STRICT W. BRO. G. M. GOODFELLOW Who at the Masonic Gra nd Lodge sessions held in Guelph was elected District Deputy Grand Ontario District, KILNS AND LUM Master of BER DESTROYED BY FIRE I uss of $180,000 Suffered By Plant of Alberta Lumber Company (By Canadian Pres Vancouver, B.C., July 23- adn Jumber valued at app SIBONO0 was destroyed when a portion of the plant of her Company in False Creek area here today. 8) Dry kilns roximately | hire swept Alberta Lum industrial BELIEVES GERMANY IS MAKING PREPARATIONS FOR ANOTHER WAR DIES SUDDENLY ON RETURN HOME George Crook Chapman Succumbs to Heart Attack Death called George Crook Chapman suddenly and almost painlessly yes- terday when he succumbed to heart failure after he har just entered the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet, 54 Kenneth avenue, with whom he is staying. Mr. Chapman was in his 84th year and came to Oshawa sey- en months ago from Leeds County, Ontario, where he was well known as a successful farmer and Orangeman As an Orangeman he has been through all the chairs and took an active in- terest in their work and celebrations up to the last few months. After a short prayer service in Oshawa, his remains are being sent to his birth- place and former home, Leeds Coun- ty, where he is to be buried under the Orange Order. He leaves two daughters in Oshawa with whom he has been living these last seven months, Elizabeth, Mrs. C. E. Sweet, of Kenneth avenue, and Margaret, Mrs. Henry Willis, of Divi- sion street. A sister, Susan, Mrs. See- brook, lives in Leeds County. He al- so has two sons, George, of Hamilton and John, on the homestead. His wife predeceased him ten years ago There are tn grandchildren, three boys and seven girls. Ross' Corners Is Oshawa's Highest Point Above Seca Level Ranges from 245 Feet at] Water Line at Lake Ontario to 429.54 at Ross' Corners --City Officials Hope for Reduction of Charge for Contour Surveys Oshawa's height above sea-level ranges hetween 245 feet at the water line of Lake Ontario to 429. 54 feet at Ross' Corners on Sim- coe street month which is the high- est point within the city's borders, topping College Hill's 394 feet ele- vafion by a little less than 36 feet. by the paper, said it contained nothing which could possibly be construed as a! claim to throne WEATHER | will be made These figures, which are atcur- {ate to within a fraction of an inch, absolutely correct {within a few days when the city engineer's office is given a true {value for the Geodetic Survey bench recently installed near the War Northwest winds showery. day, monthwest winds, fair with much the same temperature. towariateua the city hall Local opinion has disputed the uperiority in heighth of Ross' Tor- wrs to College Hill. Eye-judgment course, declares that the latter 8 Oshawa's mnearest-the-sky, due to the fact that a splendid view of the city can be obtained from its west. The finest engineering in- truments, however, find that the wint mentioned on Simcoe Street wrth. is farthest above the sea-level Zero. City officials hope that the Fed- relatively sturdy boys, and aged men pour out |g friend who prided himself on the from -- Dr. J. F. Rundle Home from Two Tour of Europe -- Returps Months' Went Overseas as Member of the Post Graduate Clinics As- sembly of North America --Germany on Gold Basis With Mark at Pre-war Par That Germany is "fever of Dr. F. who, with just returned fro tour of Europe. Rundle went opinion Dr. Am one of the three Cana the party In was honored by of J. Mrs. Rundle, ishly but grimly preparing for another war is the of this city have months' Rundle, m a two Overseas As a member of the Post Graduate Ciin- ics Assembly of North ine sicians in Eundle erican associates by being numed as one of a delegation of ten selected to confer an honorary fellowship in the American College upon the President of France. erica, be- dian phy- Paris Dr. his Am- Surgeons Bringing back from Europe many recreational omly inc Rundle, in an He found everyone wor but actually. industrial cities to (Continued on page Unable to Identify as Yet Beeton, Ont, July 23 Provincial police who are in the killing of an wnknown Alex. Hodges, early far been unable to identify man. though the theory ths be Harry Duncan, Tennesse and escaped convict who ree eral Government will find it ad- visabf® to reduce the charge now demanded for contour surveys of cities by the Geodetic Survey branch. While 2a map accuratg to the thou- sandth of an inch is badly needed | in Oshawa the civic authorities have | not yet found it practicable to seex | of the involved. because expense a daring escape from loca the City Hall has been prac fact that he to the as has 1 pelied, no missing finger, owing FLOOD At 2 intery The Oshawa Daily Times stated that Germany's post-war not only amazing but ominous. today, 30 today King Street p dap : the the Post Office resembled a section of [# Tew days when th vivid impressions of a tour that was organized for scientific purposes and was Dr. ridentally, iew with activities are kine, not Women, til 8) the SLAIN BANDIT 1S NOT HARRY DUNGAN Police Are Investigating -- Body (By Canadian Press) Local and vestigating bandit by have so the dead at it might ¢ murderer | ently made | 1 police wn | tically dis- has huncan. AT PGST OFFICE East at | downpour Building Total for Last Month Here Reached $1,283,000 and With Additional $50, 000 Would Have Ranked Third in Canada OVER $2,000,000 SO FAR IN 1927 With July's ['ermitz and Five More Months Still to Go Year's Total is Almost Sure to Pass $4,000,000 Mark Construction reports for all Can- ada give Oshawa fifth place amon Canadian cities for building activity during the month of June. The lo cal huilding total for the pas? month was $1.283.000. If it had been only $60,000 more, Oshawa would have passed hoth Vaneouver and Winnipeg, third asd fourth ei- ties in building respectively, for third place to Montreal and Toron- to's practical tie for first place, hoth cities reporting over $3.200000 an- horéized for the month of June. The first six months of 1927 gaw $2,143,000 of new huildings authorized by the city englseer's of fice and permits granted, With July's construction permits and ahove five more months of the lyear yet to run, il is practically certain that the 12 months' total will reach and pass the $4,000,000 Building permit fiznres, moreover merely cover factory, store and residential eonsiructios, Well ove $5,000,000 of construction work will have been done in Oshawa durine the 12 months of Canada's Dia- mond Jubilee Year which ends on Dee. 31. Two years auo it was a matter of local pride to note that Oshawse tood tenth in building authorized in Canada for apy given month, This year Canada's youngest eity umps into the class which numbers mly the larger cities of the Do- ninion. PRINGES AND PARTY SAIL FOR CANADA Board Empress of Australia at Southampton--Informal Farewell (Cable Service to The Times Ly Canadian Press) Southampton, July 23--Prince of Wales, Prince George, Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin and their party sal- ea for Canada aboard the Empress of Australia this afternoon. London. July 23.--Prince of Wales Prince George, Premier Baldwin and members of the party left London to- day on the first lap of their journey to Canada. They wil board the Em press of Australia at Southampton The departure was of a most infor- mal nature. The king did not ap- pear, but the Duke of York arrived early to bid his brothers farewell. The Princes came in a closed motor car and after chatting with several mem bers of the Cabinet and other friends they entered the train with Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin. He had been dining too well with possession of a smart art gallery. After dinner they adjourned to the art gallery, and the friend pointed out a landscape and asked: "Well, what do fou think of that? sn't it fine?" The answer came rather unsteadi- »: "*S beautiful, old chap--very fine --awl'lly good! The trees wave bout so ma"shally!™ [CITY IS CLOSE BEHIND VANCOUVER, WINNIPEG IN BUILDING ACTIVITIES v FORMER OSHAWA HIGH L 2 fi SCHOOL PRINCIPAL IS A VISITOR HERE J. H. Dolan, former principal of the Oshawa Collegiate Institute, Mrs. Dolan and daughter Marjorie of London, Ontario, were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Thick- son at "Pinehurst" their summer home at Corbett's Point on Lake On- tario, Mr. Dolan 18 principal of the Sir Adam Beck Collegiate Institute in London, REPORTS LOSS IF CANOE T0 POLICE "raft May 'Have Been Either Stolen or Drifted Away W. H. Barnhart, of Barnhart' pavilion at the Lake has reportec the Joss of a canoe to the police Whether the canoe was stolen fron the shore in front of the pavilior n Thursday evening or whether |! irifted away is not known but the latter theory is discounted in view of the facet thay there was no off shore breeze that night, 'The canoe was a light varnished raft and had been rented early in he evening by a couple who re urned shortly after ten o'clock, It vas drawn up on shore and was not nissed until about midnight. Yes terday the lake was too rough to permit a search along: the shores yuy today one is being conducted, TO FORM BRANCH CARPEN TERS' UNION Preparations for The organization of an Oshawa branch of the Amalga mated Carpenters of Canada were made at a meeting of local carpenters and officers of the organization held last night in Welsh's parlors. Plans for an organization meeting at which ofiicers will be elected and which will he held next week were made. Last night's meeting was one of several preparatory meetings which have heen held. It the meeting that carpenter's wages in Oshawa were lower than in many Canadan cities and that the organization of a local Union would remedy the situation. FIRE CHIEF GOING 10 CONVENTION Leaves Tonight for Hull, Quebec, to Attend Fire Chief's Sessions Fire Chief Angus Cameron leaves Oshawa tonight for Hull, Quebec, where he is to attend the Dominion of Canada Fire Chiefs' Convention. It is to last mmtil Thursday of next week and the time will be spent in fire prevention education and all branches of the fire department work. In his absnce. on account of Captain Pollock being ill, Lieu- tenant Culling will be in charge of the force while the remaindr of the statf will move up sone "position accordingly. George Roughley will now be acting as first branchman. Ed. Brown as second branchman, and so om. Mrs. Cameron and their daughter. Muriel. will accompany the Chief on his trip. UPLIFT ITEM Mrs. X--*I do believe this is a bad quarter, John." Mr. X "Think so? Well, then. I guess we'd better drop it iato the church box; perhaps good comp- any will reform it.""--Boston Tran- acript. was stated at Alfred Howell, distinguished Ca- wadian sculptor who designed Osh- ava's War Memorial, is now prepar- ng plans for the Jubilee Fountain ~hich will be erected, it is plannod, is a permanent mark of Oshawa's share in the celebration of Caand's 60th birthday. Mayor Preston; who made the an- ia ouncement, states that the com- 13 'ete plans may he expected within matter will be | wouzht up for decisive atcion. Sculptor Is Preparing For roparing 's Jubilee Fountain the Dominion's survey section's help | land a blocked sewer opening. Venice, due to the heavy Mr. How. Al, while in the city. wa Plans |Mso in touch with Dr. T. E. Kaiser M. PP. who is also deeply interested n the matter. Oshawa's Federal parliament {member points out that the small lilly pool in front of the Garden of the Unforgotten, which is a part of the, War Memorial. detracts fron that fine monument's noble quali- ties. A fountain, however, will enhance ithe monument's beauty and be a matter of constant delight to eiti- ; ©ns and visitors, HANDCUFFED LADS ATTEMPT T0 ESCAPE Disappear from Car While Officials Are in a Restaurant AFRAID OF LASH Escape to Brantford But Are Later Captured in Paris (By Canadian Press) Brantford, Ont, July 23--Leaving two of their three charges in an auto- mobile in front of a restaurant on Dal- housie street, while they went inside for a meal, officials of St. John's ln- lustrial Home, Toronto, found two of the lads, Peter Ivansky, 14 years, Pol: sh, and another lad the same age named Nernard, aCanadian, had di§- appeared when they finished the meal, and went to the car in order to .re- nme their journey to Toronto. The journey was from Windsor, here the lads had been picked up having heen committed to the home following mis- demeanors in the Border City, The lads were individually hand- cuffed and made good their escape, but were later caught in Paris by Chief of Police J. Borthwick. Fear of the lash prompted the e5- cape, said one of the lads when ques- tioned by the Paris chief. One had pre: viously been incarcerated three years and had received corporal punishment while the other was looked upon as needing detention for his misdemean- ors. BOSTON GREETS FAMOUS AIRMEN 8 Aviators Given Wonderful Reception -- Thousands Welcome Lindbergh y Associated Press) Boston, Mass, July . 23--Countless thousands reversed their usual week: end program today and converted on the city to roar lusty welcome to: the cight airmen heroes 'of the hour, whe were meeting for the first time. Hundreds ot tvousands who yester- day jammed every vantage point to roar a greeting to Col. Charles Lind- bergh and later returned to salute the Hawaiian fliers, Lieutenants [Lester Maitland and F. Hegenberger, were to-, day prepared to greet other tranms-At-' lantic flicrs, Commander Byrd and his companions of America. and Clarence Chamberlain of the cher Germany fame. CANADIAN LEGION AND Auxiliary picaic at Lakeview P; day, July 26. Car leaves Tues. July 26. Car leaves bring your basket and o ADDED ATTRACTIONS, dance music yet. Jack Manhattan Blue Blowers. hart's Pavilion, Saturday might. Snappy music. Admission free. ATH) NOTICE TO KNIGHTS OF PYTH- ias. All Pythians, Pythian and their friends are corn in- vited to attend a monstrous pi at the home of Col W. F. Oakville, on Saturday August 6. Come and bring C+] biel baskets. MRS. J. GREEN, OF Scotland, will sing at the service in Simcoe street Church, tomorrow. A SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF land annual excursion to Falls, on Wednesday, July 27. al train leaves CNR. station fd 735 am. Daylight Saving time Re- wn fare. adults $3. children $2.85. Tickets can be had fiom the com mittee or at the ticket office. Exery- a [ody come and enjoy a sail on ghe ake. NOVELTY DANCE AT OSHA Exclusive Dance Pavilion, Lakeview Park. Balloons, streamers, | te. Special novelties by Githent Watson and his mine piece Orchestra. sic that is unexcelled ) A NICE PLACE TO FAT. "DHE House That Jack Buit™ 24 "miles cast on the Kinest n hohe Spec- ial chicken, steak and r at" dinner. Also Monday "hea Proprietress, Murs. aur 's v