REV, HIGGS FINED § It would seem that the law uses no nice discrimination in choosing those who must contribute to the coffers of the province. For even those who teach by example rather than precept are not exempt. On Friday morning, Rev. William Higgs, Port Perry, was assessed $5 and costs by Police Magis- trate W. A, F. Campbell for driving too fast over intersections in Port Hope. DROWNED IN QUARRY Little Freddie O'Halloran, 7-year-old son of Michael O Halloran, of Helle ville, was drowned Wednesday after: noon there about 12.30 o'clock in the oid marble quarry. He, with two other boys, was fishing mn the quarry for minnows, when he slipped in. The alarm was speedily given and all ef- forts made to find him, but it was only atter a full hour of grappling that the body was recovered. The child was one of a large family, and the father is a disabled veteran of the Great War, . AGED WOMAN DIES Mrs. Mary Parry died at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Albert Parry, in didney, near Belleville, aw the age of YW years and 10 months, She had enjoyed all her faculties up to a very short time before her death, Fitieen months age the late Mrs, Parry had a fall and had been confined to her bed ever since. Mrs. Parry was a widow, her husband, Harvey Parry, having died 49 years ago. - Mrs. Parry was a member of the United church, $15,000 REBATE TO PICTON Acting upon the recommendations contamed ma memorandum issued by tne Prove! Hydro Commission, some three weeks ago, various Hydro soueipalities are going to be able to make substantial rate cuts, The Pro- vincial Comnussion is paymg back $13, bw to the Hydro users of the town ot Picton, of which amount $5,000 goes to the treasurer and $10,000 to the hight and power users. In Kitchener there will be a ten per cent cut In rates for industrial purposes but no change in commercial and domestic rates. The city of Toronto is not aftected. In Woodstock, there will he a reduction from four to three gens MAN RUSHES FROM CELL Icca Schceh, aged 27, escaped from the jail at Marmora, near Belleyille, early yesterday, and the police of Belleville have been asked to help in apprehendmg the man. Constable Dillon was giving him his breakfast yesterday morning, and while the of- ficer's back was turned the man rush- ed from the cell and away. It is un- derstood that he was. heading for Belleville on a truck with a woman and two other men as passengers. Se hich has a small black moustche, is five feet eight inches in height, and 1s shighuy lame. lie can easily be detect- ed, said the authorities in Marmora The man was arrested on an old charge of theft of a car. Poolice stats 300 persons would compose the dele- gation. At noon today Mayor Chalk received a telegram from Professor Marcellus that only one hundred dele- gates would stop off here. WELL-KNOWN PRACTITIONER PASSES At the Lockwood Clinic, Toronto, where he had gone a few dags ago for medical treatment, the death oc- curred late yesterday afternoon of Dr. Robert Nelson Horton, one of Brock- vill's oldest and best known medical practitioners, 'He was born in Eliza- nethtown, near Hrockville, 72 years ago, and graduated from Queen's Col- lege in 1878, He practiced in Lynn for a time and spent a year in post graduate work in the Old Country, af+ ter which he located in Brockville 41 vears ago, His wife, who was Miss Mitchell, of Kingston, died more than J years ago, and surviving are two children: Mrs. S, A, Stephens, Mont- real, and James Horton. Deceased in past years had served in many public capacities, being Chairman of the lo- cal School Board and the Public Utili- ties Commission. He was a member of the Ontario Medical Council at the issued a writ through his solicitors a- gainst Robert J, Reid and James Hal liday of Kingston in which he claims damages amounting to $3,000 through the alleged negligence of the defend- ants, The City Council general com: mittee in charge of arrangements for the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation, appointed a sub- committee in charge of fireworks and displays, Messrs, Reid and Halliday heing members of this subcommittee The subcommittee had in charge the big heacon fire which was lighted on Barriefield Heights on the night that Mr. Burnside's resident was destroyed, and the claimant attributes his loss to the negligence of those in charge of this phase of the celebration. Defend ants deny negligence and claim that there is no proof that the bonfire caused the burning of Buruside's house, i KILLED BY FALLING PLANK WHILE TALKING TO FRIEND | Montreal, Que., July 22.--8truck on the head by a falling plank while talking to a friend In a lane ad- joining his home here today, Fran- cols Cote, 70 years of age, was In- stantly killed. The plank fell from the sécond storey of a bullding un- der construction. HAS HOARD WORTH $10,000 Montreal, Que., July 22.----Stock- ings, tool chests, Oriental rugs, plec- es of lealhkr, shirts, belts, tools, shoes, automobile accessories, furnj- ture and men's and women's rcloth- ing were a few of the stolen articles ed that he escaped several years ago fiom a jail in an adjacent county, and he has done ume mn the retorm- awory, it is said. ESTIMATE 100 DELEGATES When information reached Port Hope yesterday that the delegation o} one thousand persons expected to visit Port Hope at noon on July 25 en route to the World's Poultry Congress, will possibly not exceed one hundred, arrangements for the supplying of din- ner to the visitors were cancelled. Ac- cording to early estimates 2000 dele- gates were to form a huge automobile caravan from Detroit and Toronto to Ottawa and the poultry congress offi- cals urged the Port Hope Council to make arrangements for the reception and accommodation of this number on July 25, Mayor Chalk immediately cal- led a public meeting and arrangements were made by which Ladies' Aid Soc jeties of St. Paul's Presbyterian and United Church would supply dinner for the visitors. Early in the week the estimate was lowered to 1000, last night Mayor Chalk received word that Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL FREE On Suit Case or Club Bag Saywell & Son BOND ST. WEST recovered by local police last night from the home of George Melver. The goods were valued at $10,000 and filled several automobiles. Me- Iver was taken into custody. charg- ed with theft and receiving. OR. J. F. RUNDLE HOME FROM TRIP (Continued from page 1) fields with an intensity that, before seeing it, he would not have beliey- ed possible. But the young and middle-aged men are at work in the factories, and working with a un- animity of purpose that dndicates something more at stake tham a national hope of prosperity. Shadow of War Germany, disarmed by the Ver- caillas Treaty, has a police force that must jwmpress even the most casual with a sense of imperial pol- fey. It was no uncommon thing, Dr. Rundle pointed out, to find groups of four and five policemen on traffic duty at intersections mot only of the greater cities but thro- out the country. These policemen. armed with military swords and ar- revolvers, uniformed almost pre- cisely similar to the resistless tide that broke upon and overwhelmed the greater part of Belgium in Au- gust, 1914, represent something more, Dr. Rundle inferred, than that arderliness and rezulation for which Germany has heen so long famous. Dr. Rundle found Germany not anly busy but building. Construe- tion work fis xoing om everywhere. The housing shortage which follow- Wd fe war over the whole world was hoon wet with a thoroughness hat indtéates special attemtion to 'heaspirations of the returned Ger- nan soldier. Germany 2: on a sold basis with he mark at pre-war par. Along ner borders, France watches with Sitterness awd growing alarm. The outh «2 Fofihoe is wader arms. But | 'he French conscript of today does | at direct traffic, Dr. Rundle point- | i out. Me sits with a bayonet- | 'ipped rifle between his kmees, | smoking Thdleas cigavettes. The confrast is most striking. In France the national currency is aper, depreciated to a fraction of he franc's pre-war value. France's areparations for another attack | 'rom the east ave both obvious and sostly. In Germany, however, one mspeots move than is actully ap- | "arent. Th, wmonmments of the Ger- | nan Empire's farmer grandeur still | comand the heauty spots of cities, 'owns andl open country. The ex- -- sid v At Co , Near ity great cathe- { dral, thore ia a monument to the Germah Republic, 1918-1926. It cost, Dr. Rundle estimates, only a few hundred dollars, Near it stana memorials stressing fmperial ambi- tions that seem to sueer at the cheap tribute to something at once avanescent and ridiculous--German democracy. Dread Diseases "A great deal of valuable and Intensive experimental work is he- ing carried on in all the countries we visited," Dr, Rundlg declared. These Included Gireat Nritain, Franco, Germnay, Norway, Sweden, and Donmark, "It In safo to say that it is only a mattor of time until the world will learn that great strides have heen made to alleviate suffering fiom such dreaded and dreadful diseases an cancer, tuberculosis, and syphilis," Dr, Mundie pointed out that sclentists of Nurope are now fairly certain that eancer is not causen by a germ, Howaver, that opinion : is popular, sls 18 now widely practiced in the Scandinavian kingdoms and in Ger- many where the disease is very and, apparently, little done about It, berele haellli-carvying milk, In another section from which [THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1927 oo - Canada Ts drawing immigration, he found the worst forma of venereal disease not only pervalent but ap- parently out of hand, : A thrilling monoplane trip from Copenhagen, Donmark, to Hamburg, Germany, was taken hy Dr, and Mrs. Rundle, 'l'holr machine was a veritable flylng hotel, The 260 mile trip was made in two and a half hours at an wolovation varying between 1.000 ann 2,000 feet, Their other passengers. Rhine Castles Disappointed in being unable to one time. At this juncture, the ship's surgeon decided to give the Clinies* Assembly a lecture, as he had been invited to do. His sub jeot was '"'Sea-Sickness"--one not entirely appreciated $y phywiclans who were better surgeons than sailors, In Paria, the surgeons of the Clinica' Assembly made a first-hand study of Parisian night-life. Dr, Rundle's dry comment Ils that to those who know nothing of it, per- missable mention would mean lit. tle; and with those who do know, elahoration 1s not required, The Assembly was given a ban- quet at Cologne, an appropriation of £0,000 gold marks being made to that end, Then, after getting what they supposed was an entirely Tinited Htatoa medical body togeth- or, they took occasion for a few flings at England, One distinguished German pres- ont rose and expressed regret that "he was unable to address them in their native tongue and, so, would have to speak In Fnglish," Rhine wing went to othors heads and ong unreconclled Corman made bold to say that "England never was may change within the next 24 hours following somo Ri discovery, [Sher pilot wan a noted German any good, either actively or passive- |genoral modicine. Many of Bure Surgienl frentmont of tuberculos | Arman during the Tate war, and |1y." This wan recelved in cold [one's most ronowned surgeons were they wera aceampinied by five [ilence hy the phyalolans from the [seen In actfon and luvaluable data nelghhor repubfle, The burgomastor's speech cen. tered ahont an expression used hy time of his death. prevalent, Hoectlons of vihs are cut oy away from the patient's hack-- [Visit the, Greil War Rutile ig bor him: "Rurope is 11, Germany is [tour JUBILEE OFFICIALS SUED where only enn lung is affected | CAuse 0 ely schedule, Dr. and [gick; and at present we are only| Canada, however, Is not in an In- [tdward Burnside of Barricfield, hear |#0d No Yung collapsed and Infect. |Mre. Rundle did enjoy the world: under the Influence of a hypnotic. |ferlor poltion to Europe in the Kingston, whose house wag destroyed [6d Cavite trented, tamous trip down the Rhine past [You gentlemen of the medical pro-| mratlvg selence, by fire on the night of aly 1, has| Pr. Rundle found hovine tuber- hillsides green with grapg terraces; |tesslon can understand that." "Canndlun people," Dr. Rundle culosls very provalent in Scotland |historico castles, and quaint old Nirlokhats ntated, 'are rocelving "excellent (Br J Wureaps proper, on the whole, re- Bovine tuherenlosis owes its name Going over they enenuntered @ [eelved the Clinles' Assembly with | nost exacting standards in the enun to the sonren of Infection, which is [very rough passage. Over five hun- [open arms ----hut seemed inclined to [tries we visited, Our hospitals, the tubercular cow which yields tu- |dred passengers were sea-slek at [use hrickhats in patting their | moreover, are rendering and are guests on the hack, At Olso, enpitnl of Norway, the physicians were told by their hosts that they brought much to Europe "but it wes not enough. That speaker went on to say that had it not been for Norwegian Immis grants, several stars would today be missing from Old Glory, This re- ferred to Scandinavian settlements in Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Dakotas. He also deplored the fact that Norwegian youth was expen- sively educated at home and then took themselves and thelr education to the United States, Great Nritaln, however, was true to itn traditional form. Welcomed by Lord Roading, that great states- man was thy first In Europe to recognise the presence of three Canadian surgeons In a large party otherwish composed entirely of Am- erican Colfene of Surgeons members. Dr, Rundle found England com- ing well out of the diMculties which beset it following the war, The peo- plo are at work, bitterness is for- gotten, and all seem hopeful of a great era of peace and prosperity, The purpose of the trip was study of advanend methods in surgery and was necurod for the ultimate bene- fit of the patients served hy the physicians Who took part in the treatment al home judged hy the capahlg of rendering the highest standard of service." ~~, _- #5 SUBSTANTIAL PRICE REDUCTIONS Nidsmobile In introducing the JUBILEE Se , designed a moderate 't sd mila i le Special 2-Door Sedan Special 4-Door Sedan - with built to meet the Special De Luxe Landau Sedan 7a - Special Commercial Coupe Special De Luxe Sport Coupe oidey tes * Prices at Factory, Oshawa, Ontario Government Taxes Extra NEW FISHER BODIES -- NEW, DUCO COLORS NEW REFINEMENTS-FOUR-WHEEL BPAKES Ses + . amanly is pleased OLDSMOBILE Announres the Gubilee SERIES refined and ed mand for a truly fine to announce a new list $1,115 1,220 1,345 1,095 L205 . an" Scores of .ddvanced fealures MOFFATT MOTOR SALES, Ltd. OSHAWA 88 Simcoe St. North Phone 915 Theve ave a tow good territories still axailable for vesponsible doslors. Write Olds Motor Works Canada, Limited, Oshana, Ontario. ui an aiser's nictnre is disnlaved hy suh- imects with the same loralty as if he | seve still peigning at Potsdam, PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED