he @shawa Daily Time The Oshawa Daily Reformer a. EIGHT PAGES VOL. INO. 19 1--NO. 19 Publ 3 Sebo. Oat, Conny Byes oo OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1927 Rates See Page 2 For ae Contes Conta MAJ. GEN. MACBRIEN TO OPEN FAIR HERE | GIVEN LEAVE T0 APPEAL IN OSHAWA LIKELY TO BE REPRESENTED IN C, N. E, $50,000 SWIMMING RACE Ernest Fawcett of this City, Starts Training--Attempts Trial Swim from Bowman- ville to Oshawa -- Swims Five Miles WATER TOO ROUGH AND VERY COLD Fawcett Will Continue Train- ing at Qshawa-on-the-Lake Devoting Several Hours a Day Getting Into Condition Present indications are that Osh- awa will likely have a representa- tive in the much advertised Cana- dian National Exhihition Marathon Swimming race to he held on Aug- ust 81. No official entry has been made yet but it is almost heyond doubt that the name of a local swimmer will he entered in the lists for competition against such as George Young, conqueror of the Catalina Channel, Ernst Vierkotter, who swam the English Channel, Myer Mendelsohn of Lake George fame and a host of others whose names are famous where tales of great aquatic feats are told. Undaunted by the laurels which his probable opponents already hold and little dismayed by the fact that he has little experience in long dis- tance swimming, Ernest Fawcett, employee of the General Motors and well known Oshawa swimmer com- menced yesterday his training for the great event, the winner of which will be enrichea ny $60,000. Faw- cett is particularly modest in his claims. He does not predict that he will win the race or that he will finish. He will pot say definitely that he will enter, but enter he will if his condition and if the results (Continued on page 3) PERJURY CASE Four Receiving Year Terms Also Granted Bail in Court of Appeals TOTAL BAIL $37,500 The Appeal is Not Likely to Be Heard Before Sept, Fifteenth Leave to appeal the judgment of Judge Ruddy hy which Frank Ko- bernik, John Fialka, Russell Arnold and Frank Wright of Oshawa were found guilty of perjury and sentenc- ed to one year's imprisonment was granted his morning by Judge Ma- gee in the Court of Appeals, Pending the hearing of the appeal, bail has been granted. D, A, J. Swanson ap- peared on hehalf of the accused and E. M, Hand and PF, B. Brennan of Attorney General's department rep- resented the Crown, In each of the four cases ball has been set at an unusually high fig- ure. Frank Kobernik is released on his personal hail of $5,000 and two sureties of $5000 each to he put np by bondsmen. John Fialka's bail was fixed at $16,000 of which he personally puts up $6,000, the re- mainder to be furnished by bonds- men. Somewhat lower bail is asked in the case of Russel Arnold for whose release the Crown has deman- ded $1,600 personal security and on surcty for a similar amount. Frank Wright Is released on his personal bail of $1,600 and in addition to sureties of $1,000 each. Definite date for the hearing of the appeal has not been set but it is iy likely to be heard before Sept. CHINESE | RUNS AMUCK SUSPECTS HELD FOR MURDER OF O'HIGGINS DISCHARGED TODAY Cable Service To The Times R.y Canadian Press) Pablin, duly 26--George Plun- kett, son of Count Plunkett and nine men arrested with him on a charge of conspivac | in con nection with the assassination af Vice Presidents isevin O'Hig- wins on duly 10, were discharg- 1 today, no evidence being of fered against them, THREE, ARF, FINED FOR INTOXICATION Trio Plead Guilty in Court Today and Pay Three drunks were alien in hand by [fhe police over the week pnd np were hronght bhe- fore Magistrate Hind this morning. Without exception they pleaded guil- ty. Frank Mallet, the first of the trio to be summoned, was arrested hy C. N. R. Constable Booth on the plat- form of the Oshawa station, on Sun- day evening. He was assessed $25 and costs amounting to $32. John Calling urged upon the Bench that he had just taken a few drinks to relieve pain In a crippled ler. The police took him into cnus- tody on Saturday night on Ontario street after his attempt to drown his sorrow had been made, Mag- Istrate imposed a fine of $20 and costs, John Robipson, the third member of the trinmvirate, advised His Wor- sh'p that he was enilty and willing to pay unless the price was too PROBE DROWNING IN MINERAL BATHS No One Saw Lad Go Under But Life Guard Was Sta- tioned Near By (By Canadian Press) Toronto, July 26.--Police are investigating the drowning of Lioyd Paubst, eleven, whose body was found in the tank of the High Park mineral baths in nine feet of water today. Paubst went to the haths yesterday in company with a chum. The latter after bathing for some time went home alone and late in the evening he decided to te- lephone Paubst. When the hoy had not returned, an alarm was sent to the police who found the hoy's clothes in a locker. Further search resulted in the hody heing found in the pool. The mysterious angle is the fact thar at the time the lad was believed to have drowned, the life guard was stationed at this particular spot, while large numbers of hatherd were in the tank and around it, but nobody reported having seen under, ASK CO-OPERATION 10° HELP SERVICE to Make Postal Delivery | of Highest Standard | In line with the re-organization of the Oshawa post service announced on Thursday, local postal authorities urge that citizens at large co-operate in the effort to make postal delivery conform to the highest standards. The point of emphasis is placed upon the provid- ing of home postal boxes or letter slits in all places where mail is delivered It is estimated that 50 per cent of Oshawa's homes have no provision for speedy mail delivery. Letter carriers, at such homes, are compelled to knock or ning, and delay incident to making the actual delivery is one of the fac- tors which account for less efficient service to Oshawa's widespread out- AVIATOR KILLED DURING MANOEUVRES (Cable Serviee Th The Times By Canadian Pres) London, July 258.--Inception of extensive Royal Air Foree manoeuvres was marked today h.? death of flying officer lan Anderson, who was burned to death when his plane crashed at Northolt, Middlesex, aerodrome. Anderson's machine was one of a squadron forming » part of the Home Defence air force which was trying to cheek air ralds on Vinglana, "BOSTON BILLY" the hoy go | Postal Authorities Anxious PLEADS GUILTY Changes Plea in the $90,000 Jewel Robbery at Mineola, New York (By Associated Press) Mineola, N.Y. July 256.----James F. Monahan better known as "Bos- ton Billy" Willlams, as he was he- ing placed on trial for participation In the recent §90.000 jewel rob bery at the home of Jesse I. Liver- more, changed his plea to guilty Inthe Nassau County Court today. He will be sentenced Thursday, and under state laws, life imprisonment is compulsory. Jerusaiem, July 25.---A slight earthgnake shock was felt yester- day in Jerusalem, Jericho apd Bethlehem. No damage was caused. ONTARIO JOCKEY Service to The Capadian Press) London, Jely 25 Club has won its appeal to the (Cable ROYAL AIR FORCE (Chief of General Staff Coming F or Exhibition ? Distinguished Soldier will Visit Fall Fair of South On- tario Agricultural Society on Opening Day, Septem- ber 15 -- Announcement is Made Today By Secretary C. P, Davis Major General J. H. MacBrien, C.B., C.M.G.,, D.8.0,, Canada's chief of General staff and one of the Em- pire's mest distinguished soldiers, will open the South Ontario Agri- sultural Association's Fair here op September 15 General McBrien's acceptance of the invitation extended him was an- nounced today by Charles P. Davis, secretary of the Association, Arrangements have not yet heen completed, but it is altogether like- ly that the Ontario Regiment, com- manded hy Lieut. Col. Frank Chap- pell, 'will he asked to furnish a guard of honor for the Fair board's distinguished guest. (ieperal McBrien is largely res- ponsible for the reorganization of the Canadian militia since the late war. Perpetuating the glory of over- seas battalions in the organization | of the County battalions was one of his outstanding achievements, At times since 1918, militia has seemed to face extinction under a cross pacifistic protest and erence. Weathering that peril, teer service of Capada is now mak- ing, rapid strides not only towards its 'old place in public esteem, towards the highest goals of mili- tary effectiveness. SEIZING OF DUAL virtual fire of | CONTROL OF PLANE | CLUB WINS APPEAL | Times By | |of the dual control of an aeroplane Ontario Jockey | CAUSES TRAGEDY / (I Associated Press) Chicago. Ills., July 25.- sekting ) by the youth taking his first ride ip ed the ac- PERMIT LEFT TURNS EXCEPT RUSH HOURS But Right Turns Against Traffic Signals Will Not Be Allowed NEW SYSTEM WELCOMED Left Tums Ma May Not Be Allowed if the Privilege is Abused (Gone is the old semaphore with which the police were wont to direct traffic at King and Simcoe stipets and m 1s place an electrically perated signal device has been installed. The wanaphore which twice daily was tundied out to the centre of the busy corner there to be twisted to the right or to the left was last used on THE iny night and on Saturday at noon, brilliant electrical system ™ poular indiff- | | stre ct say !red, the volun-' green | hetween the changing of but | from Since that time ) made ™ premier appearance. at hours when traffic is heavy large Jerowds have gathered at the corner but not to mourn the passing of the jantiquated semaphore, Instead they watched and approved the operation of the light signals. There are four lights, one for each the Canadian | corner and each bears the emblazoned | commands, "stop," "go" and "caution." When the signals facing along King "stop" in a glow of blazing those facing Simcoe street, i advise the motorist to "go. is a yellow hight which burns the signals It is the caution signal and when it is burning traffic tn both directions should be stopped.' jo Friend advises TH& Times that (Continued on page 3) TOURIST PERMITS NOW ON SALE HERE Have Been Received By J. Ww, * There stop to go. lying districts. Under the regulations, postmen are supposed to bring back all mail not immediately deliverable. That is to say, if their signals at a house are not answered promptly, they are advised to go on with their rounds and to make delivery when convenient. This, of course, applies where there are no receptacles for receiving mail. |the skies may have cau INN. Y, CHINATOWN IS SHOT AND KILLED (By Associated Press) New York, July 25.---A Chinese clerk, who ran amuck in a grocery store in Pell street, in the heart of Manhattan's Chinatown, cut off one of the ears of a Chinese customer steep. The fine imposed $20 and eosts amounting to $28.60 did not appear to be too steep for John's financial state 500 VISITORS DAILY TO PARLIAMENT HILL McCutcheon, Local Liquor Permit Issuer Liquor permnts for ret oe to tourists under the Liquor Control Act of Op- tario have been received by J. W. Mc- | cutcheon, local permit issuer. Ordin- arily, such permits are sent only to vendors actually operating government Privy Council against the decision |,..4. i; > 4 : of the Supreme Court of Canada Fiiding ht sent wo hen to Jheis upholding the right of Samuel Me- ond n Serious y hiyre the | Bride, of Toronto, to be registered Ht a The victims, Ray Westphale as a shareholder in the Ontaio |2!. Chicago, and Irwin Bell, 22, Dup- | Jockey Club The judicial commit- |99°. Ills. were ingtantly killed | tee of the Privy Council gave Judg- Wh' le the pilot of the crashing ment today in tavor of the Jockey | plane, Carl Hawkinson, 24, was Club. {purney and ipjurcd interpally. BIG PROGRAM FOR THE ROTARY PICNIC apd hacked two others last night, before he was shot and killed by a policeman. (GASOLINE EXPLODES THREE. ESCAPE Milton Bergey. Toronto advertising MABAGEE | for General Motors of Can- ada, Limited, will be the chief speak- er at today's Rotary Club picnic luncheon to be held at Lakeview Pak. beginning at 4 pa. In keeping with the day's special character. Mr Bergey is scheduled to ive one of his well-known ten minute umorous speeches for which he is famous Apongst district Rotary Clubs. Soft ball games and tugs of war wil be the feature of the picuic's before- supper program, with additional events for Rotanan ladies and children. Supper' ill be served by the who are known in the Scryvice own vocabulary as Rotary Ann (By ( amtdian Press) Toronto, July 25.--Three city em- pha ices Thomas Grifin, George Ir- ons and George Geatoma, had a nar- Following the supper with a bpeech row escape from death as they were by Mr. Rergey and a communi€y sing- | digging for a location for the vacant song, movelly events will "De Bund pier. Grifin lit a torch of paper im and prizes, at the end awarded oe excavation and a terrific explosion wing, contestants. anc as Wining OE as ee followed. He was blown staight in- to the air. Almost simultaneously, JU | | Al | explosions occurred in two manholes om nearby street. jt is thooght gas- oline escaped into the gronwd from leaky underground pipe line. STRIKE IMMINENT ON SUBWAY LINES One Hundred Strike Breakers Recrvited in Various Cities Auxvive New York ABy Associated Press) New York, MN. ¥. July 2g. --Epi- dence that transit companies are preparing for a strike on subway lines tomorvow was seen today in the veported arnival at the railway H. XN. German who had been con- piiogh cd iingr Agumugiing he ait be Jhweton Apead " oe | iwhom said they were part of sey- explained to Magistrate Mind that he 'eral hundved . pecrnited in Chicago, had advised that restitation be made |Pittsburg, Washington and Philadel- and that the youth plead guilty and |pnia, arrived gt the yards on a ask for suspended sentence. EnauicicT fapecial train. from Mus. Keiapp, who was present in court, hrought the information that no restitution had been made. His Wor- ship did mot proceed with the case in the absence of the accused but ocder- ed that bail be cstreated. Estreatment of his personal bail of $50 was ordered by Magistrate Hind this maming when James Johuston, pemandel from last week untal this moming on a charge of theft failed to appear. [It is alleged that Johustom who was formerly employed with fF Canadian Pacific Express Compan hete stole a ring at Mrs. Ethel Fir & home where he mas ding and was $3 in default in his Hoard. (By Carnin Press) Ottawa, Ont., July 25.--Visitors to the parliament buildings average nearly five hundred daily during midsummer months and on holidays 88 many as two thousand have been conducted in groups through the Senate and House of Commons Chambers. This year the protective force including guides who point out architectural features of the build- jing bas been busier than ever be- fore. All day and throughout early evenings. Automobiles from all parts of the continent are parked in front of the buildings. SCHOOLS LIKELY T0 OPEN SEPTEMBER 6 Board of Education Likely to Give Pupils Extra Week Due to Labor Day Schoal days for Oshawa high and public school students are drawing near, but it is extremely probable that the Board of Education will, at its next meeting, authorize another week's vacation for pupils. September. this year, begins on Thursday. If school began promptly on that day, organiza- tion would be interrupted by the week- end holidays and Labor Day on Mon- day. The opening day. therefore, will probably be set forward to Tuesday. September 6. Secretary I. A. McGabbon of the Oshawa Board wnfoymed The Times that the matter will be brought to the Board's attention at its next meeting, which will ake place on the second Monday in August. Chaioman T. B. Mitchell, who 1s out of the city for two days, could not be reached in the matter. In the meantime, the executive in charge of the Rotary's Club's Red Cross outtage at Lakeview Park ace proceeding o nthe assumption that school will not begin until September 6. Schedules of children to enjoy the health-giving vecreation at the cottage are being made up with the advanced date in view. Teachers in general dislike to begin the school session and have the first week's work interrupted by a succes- | sion of holidays. SETS NEW WORLD'S ALTITUDE RECORD Lieut. C. C. Champion At- tains a Height of 48,000 Feet (By Associated Press) Washington, July 25.--After bat- tling the flames om his aeroplane to protect the records of the un- official world's record altitude, the flight estimated at forty eight thousand feet, Lieut. C. C. Champ- fon, Naval flier, received the stun- ning news from the Bureau of Standards today that on a prelim- inary reading his battered baro- graphs ravi only show thirty-nine thousand feet The barographs were badly dam- aged by the fire which broke out on the plane during the champion's descent, and he risked his life by remaining with the plane in order that be might save them. Washington, DC, July 25--A new wnofficial world's altitude record for acroplanes was credited today to Lieut C. C. Champion, of the navy, whose wstruments recorded a height of for- ty-eight thousand feet wn a flight over the naval air * station. Champion's plane caught fire during the descent, but he landed uninjured in a cornfieid. The pilot fought the flames with Nfs bands to save the barographs on which official establishment of the secord depends. Oue of the instrumefts was destroyed and the other appeared slightly damaged. AMERICAN AVIATOR ABANDONS SEARCH FOR FRENCH FLIERS Picton, N. 8. Juzy 25.---Major Sid- ney Cotton, yds aviator, who has been cnducting an unsuccessful aerial search for the missing French airmen, Nungesser and Coli, over Newfundland, aaacaoooaaavaacaa a Newfoundind, and who arriveu heve after abandoning the search yester- day, [ther pursued their seach. Fire Causes Destroying Buildings on the Farm of Campbell Stone --Believed to Haye Been Due to Exploding Lantern --Less Than Half of Loss Covered By Insurance (By a Staff Reporter) Port Perry. Ont., July 25.--One of the most spectacular fires in the history of this district destroyed three barns and a crib on the farm of Campbell Stone, two miles north of Greenbank om the Provincial Highway. An exploding lantern is believed to have been the cause of the blaze which did $7000 dam- age, less than half of which is coy- ered by insurance. This is the second big barn ire in the Greenbank District this month. A $6000 barn owned by H. McMil- lan was struck by lightning or the night of July 6, and burned to the ground. The origin of the fire is only a matter of conjecture. Mr. Stone went out to stable his cattle shont- iy after 9 o'clock Sunday evening. He left a lighted lantern in the barn while he went to the nearby pas- ture. $7,000 Loss in Three Barns and Crib Are Burned on Greenbank Farm he returned the building It is presumed that the lantern exploded. There 're only three loads of straw in Lhe barn at the time and balf a load of hay. Built some time ago, the first barn's timbers fell an easy prey to the fiames and in turn, spread the fire to adjoining barn buildings. The buildings destroyed were of frame construction on stone foun- dations. One being 40 by 70 feet apother 40 by 60 and the third 40 by 16. A crib 16 by 24 feet was also destroyed. The house. favored by prevailing winds, was not in any great danger. Neighbors throughout the district assemblpd to give what aid they could, which centered chiefly on sav- ing the farm house. The conflagration was extreme- spectacular. A clear, starlit framed the mounting flames which cast a lurid glare over 25 miles of countryside. It was after midnight before it was felt that the Stone farm house was out of dan- ger. Mr. Stone lost heavily in equip- ment including a gasoline- engine, grinder, separator, and pulper, and a quantity of tools.. Mr. Stone plans to he rebuild a part of his barn plant at once. He is 22 years old and has one of the Before was in flames. ly night best farms im the district. Six thousand passes ave heing sent to the public school children of Ontario County south from the Mice of Secty. Davis of the Oshawa { Fair Board. Some 2.500 have al- ready been sent tp he suburban and rural district, and three will be forwarded within the mext | left for New York today in the flew days to the public school ehil- monoplane Jeanne de Arc, in which uy of Oshawa. These passes," it is pointed ont, thousand | 6,000 PASSES FOR OSHAWA FAIR BEING ISSUED TO PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS IN SOUTH ONTARIO COUNTY wili be good to admit their holders oa Thursday, September 15, which mill he Children's Day as well. as the official opening. A npecord break- ing attendance both of adults and ci open is antiz pa ed. \ few hundred passes are heing L2'd at the Fair Board headquarters te supply centers whose school pop- ulation has increased within the past FOAr. liquor dispensaries. And while the consignment received by Mr. McCut- cheon may indicate a mistake on the part of some forwarding clerk at Fo-". onto. many take it as tantamount to an announcement that a Liquor Vend- ing shop will be opened in Oshawg the near future. There jis, also, 2 sibility that tourists will be alow purchase permits from any issuer, avoiding the delays to which the subjected at vending places. So far. being confined strict] re permit is pz only to residents in g faith of Oshawa and vicinity, Mr. Me- Cutcheon had sold only 1000 permuts to purchase liquor. The office ws s+ apened on May 15. Peru sales are falling off ro r ably, it was stated. Un Saturday of the past week only four 4pplicatighgins were received. 4 As issuers receive omly forty pus for each two dollar permit, and 4 fact joined with a general » sales throughout the Province A tourist permits cannot be sold, 3s, 3 : quite probable that some modi of the regulations governing their sale will be announced soon. i aiappd Coming | Events| RATES + # Cente aond each inser Ansertion, S3. SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF land annual excursion to Na Falls, on Wednesday, July 27. ial train leaves CNR. station 735 am. Daylight Saving time wrn fare, aduits $3, children 8 T.ckets can be had from the com- mittee or at the ticket office. ile body come and enjoy a sail on ike. "ANADIAN LEGION AND 0 Auxiliary Picnic at LaDies Park, Tuesday, July 26. Car' leaves market at 2 o'clock shagp. Come along and bring your has-, * ket and cups. A192) JUBILEE PAVILION TONIGHT The new stop dance special -poige. It's mew. Dont miss it. Oshawa and Bowmanwille Rot ry Clubs will be in attendance. (19a) MADAME NEVADA - PAROARD, at 46 Kenneth Awe., all this v dek. Hours 2 to 10. (AS-a9s