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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jul 1927, p. 7

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aaa sn jo bos 0 iE a Rhu d nh F \ nie -- me "A D DAGE ; ' Leg Auto Painting Real Eetute for 'Sale KBBES Th ublie, money to loan, Room Royal Bank Bldg., Siw3oe and Bond streets, Phone 1496, (121-mo) CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, | Convey- Solicitors, Notaries Public, Bte, Com- veyancing and general Jasice of souid, nt, B, Law, Offices 7% Simcoe St. Oshawa. Phone 63. G, D, B.A, LL.B; A, TF, Annls, Bh ai W. B, N. SINCLAIW, K.0, Ran of Commerce Building. (116-1 yr.) 0, G BARRISTER, | ©. 0. REINGLES, 30 oLooR. niing and simonizing, Wark guaran Before Painting get our Juices {it G. REYNOLDS, 33 BLOOR ST. Signe 'H. R, COULDERY ARTISTIO DE- corating. Signs on paper, wood. oot- ton, brick oi sow oards eo tickets of ary escription, B a JOSEPH P, MANGAN, H.A,,--BAR- riater, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- Office King St, east, Oshawa, Phone veyaucer, Money to lean, MY 146, Residence phone 837. THE OSHAWA WINDOW OLEAN- erg--house cleaning, woodwork -and floors polished, screens and tore windows put cn ang removed. Phone 1802w, Tra GRINRSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Office over Standard Bank. Phone 18, J. K, Creighton, Titers, Hg, ete, ntrance Simeone St, , Grierson, B.A, T, SWANSON Kenzie, Barristers, Notary Public, ete, loan, King St, east. Phone 940, Mackenzie, CITY OCARTAGRE, long distance, age of all kinds, hour with two men, teed, Phone 1686W. (July 6-Aug.6) LOCAL AND Two trucks. Cart- Price $1.76 per Work guaran- GERMAN & MAOC- Conveyancers, All branches of Criminal and Civil Law. Monéy to Office nver Lamble's "ote, 3 J, Swanson, H, N, German, F, G. COLEMAN CA RAG A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, BO- leitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Disney Bidg., oppo- site Post Office. Phones, office 144 j money to loan, residence, 22307, and from all trains. LEE'S TAXI trips a specialty. 441W, SMITH TRANSHORTATION Li ed, Simeoe St., 8., phone 34¢--, 812 Front St, B., Toronto, Phone Malin 7637. Superior Transmoriation Ner- viee, (42-0) AND STOR- ge, 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse wuipment, Baggage transferred to (64-tr) SERVICE -- LONG Car by day or Phone (57-tf) week, Prices reasonable. 808 Mary street. FARM FOR SALE, ONE MILE OFF highway, near Oshawa, 75 acres of good land, spring creek, fish pond, buildings in good repair, large or- chard, crop, stock, implements and poultry all for $4,800, for quick sale. Possession at once, Apply 15 'Bond St. B. Phone 869. (17-¢) NEW BUFF BRICK HOUSE FOR sale. Arnly CM, Larmer, 64 rk Rd. (19-1) {ROR SALE--§5000, FINE NEW seven room brick bungalow,. Hard- wood floors, 'laundry tubs, paved street. | Lot 40 ft. by 200 ft. Horton and French. Phone 1207W. (181) LARGE CLEAR TITLE FARM AS going concern, where good first accepted. Apply Box "D." (19-¢) mortgage on city property will be SACRIFICE SALE OF LOTS, ROX- borough avenue, five minutes walk from G.M.C, only $300. Terms $40 cash, balance $5 per month. Phone 1207W. (181) SMALL COTTAGE FOR SALE, 4 rooms, water, electricity. ahle. Apply 627 Burton Rd. Phone 2006W, (17-¢) Reason- Price balance $4,600. Cash monthly, 1 od street, down, $200, lot, Price $2,600. Cash down, $300, Balance monthly, Phone 2208, (14-1) FOR SALE--SIX-ROOMED HOUSE at 125 Alexandra street, at ahove address or phone 833]. (73tf) LOUIS 8, ters, Conveyancers, HYMAN & Co, Notaries, North, Money to loan, oftice 67, Residence 2191, BARRIS- ete. Over Engel's store, 16 Simcoe St. Phones-- (tr) hy expert mechanics. and screen doers. 181. DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 The oldest 30 Re- (118-41) King st. west, Oshawa. Fire Agency in Oshawa, putable Fire Companies. inmber, Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F, 7. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be at his & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 P Fir for consultation and treatment of 'diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made (49-t0) ofce over Jury st drug store." Phone 97. Medical DR, MEKAY, VuYSICIAN, goon, Accoucher. Bt, Oshaws. Phone 94. BUR- Office and pesi- depes, King St. Bast, corner Vietoris | Phone 1614. Machine Floor Sanding PLOORS FINISHED "COMPLETE Screen windows Fstintates free, , Phone (th) W. Haynes, 101 Km 81. Res. 180 r 2. $ 8 Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lath, shingles, sash, doors ¥, L. Beecroft, wd interior trim. Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- wa, phone 324, (60-t1) POR SALW -- CEMENT BRICKS, grey and red, also cement blocks, R. Duizendstrs, 15 Albany Bt. aouth, Oshawa. (7-t1) Money to Losn MONEY TO LOAN--8%% CITY and farm loans. No commission; building loans. rister, ioyal Bank Building, (25-tf) Prank S. Bbb, bar- i$% CITY AND FARM LOANS. yo commission, Building loans. Ie- al work done at this offices. A, J 'arkhill, Barpjster. Disney Bldg. (17681) DPR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Special references to diseases of infants and children. Of fice and residence, 97 Bond east. DR. B. given to X-ray work snd Electro Theopy. OMce, Disney Block. Phone 2050. 0) J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- clan "a Surgeon, special attention PF. A Dental Undertaking LUKB BURKAL CO. 67 KING BT. East, Division St. Ambulance. Residence, 19 69 King Street esst. "hope 210J. Watch Repairing Vop GUNTEN, EXPERT swiss watchmaker, repsir at 14% King Street West. Your pat- The 'Oshawa House & Land Company #3 BRICK VENEER. 6 ROOMS ALL conveniences. A price $4,600. Cash$500, 44 BRICK VENEER--§ Garage, all conveniences. ROOMS. A real 8 FRAME COTTAGE--3 ROOMS, lights. Price $1,200. Cash $150. 464 and 1330W. Open evenings. (19-c) | TWO STORES WITH FIVE ROOM- Fa % ¢ ' Rates: for: Classified Ads 1c per word, Three consecutive insertions for price of two first (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. : Box number--10¢ additional Professional or Business Cavds, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word, TIMES OLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACCOMP. LISH MUCH THELIPHONE 88 Ask For Classified Ad Depart. Phone 590J. 17-4) WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE, conveniences, near factory or ed Apartments Jarge lot, on a pav- four roomed brick house with large Call after six beautiful home. po Articles For Sale GURNEY OXFORD RANGE FOR sale cheap. tion. In first class condi- 418 Prospect 8t. (17-¢) FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SUITE chairs, buffett and table. Also a leather settee and chicken house. Apply Dr. F. L, Henry, 231 King St. 'B., evenings between 6 and 9 oc'lock. (18h) #1 ' DEPOSIT WILL SECURE either of the following: good buy. Price $4,600. Cash $600, | | week. Order now. 0. H. Dell, 38 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Phones | Simcoe South. Phone 1656, | PIANO For Rent TWO LARGE ROOMS PARTLY furnished, Suitable for light. house- | terms. 37 Ritson Rd. North, fast if desired. Phone 584J. (10-c) | keeping. Apply 153 Agnes street. (19-c) | NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. would suit two gentlemen. Break- | voung couple. Phone 919]. az) | Painting and Decorating | 97. Silverware, complete set 26 pieces $20; China Dinner Sets 97 Pieces $35. Ladies' or Gent's Watches, Rings and jewelry of all kinds. Pay the balance at fifty cents per 22% (Jly 23-Aug. 23) FOR SALE--MAHOGANY case. This is a very fine instrument, never abused and beautiful tone. Cash $600. Half price for quick sale. J. Frank Boothe, Whithy. (18b) BUTCHER'S REFRIGERATOR, 3 window display front. (18-c) Rogers': Cash or FOR SALE--PRIVATELY JUNIOR Barnet refrigerator. Large rug, ---- | large carpet, davenport, collapsible FARMS FOR RENT--CONVENI- | ently located in Oshawa. Good soil : heater, large unfinished wardrobe. | ironing board, tropical electric Conveniences. Immediate posses- | Must be sold. New condition, Even- sion to PIED. mo PPREESRION. | | ings. 33 Colborne St. E. (18¢) April 1st, 1928. pply to Conant, Barrister, &c., Oshawa, (CREAM WICKER BABY CAR- Ont. (9-tf-alt.) riage in good condition. Reversi- {ble gear. Phone 1837J. (17-e) FOR RENT-TWO FURNISHED | rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, or | FOR SALE -- FUL TON REAR wheel in Al condition. Apply Peter | Martin & Soms, Bowmanville. Phone Lief $. UUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- | wnging, graining, ete. T years' experience. Prices Work Sarantend. 152 Haron, pirest Phone 2087W. 46-41) | | I'OR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH | Pianos, also Player Pianos, bigh | grade only. Terms arranged. Used pianos on hand. C. Trull. Phone 5537. 96t1) Pets and Livestock DR. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas admin- purse at- Residence, (tr) istered for ri extraction, Phope 231. DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- Phone 959: 06. '1 pr. fice over Bassetty', Residence 3 NBW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- ing (including sanding, waging, a). All- | MIXED HARD AND SOF] WOOD -onage is solicited. (20-t1) | slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry Floor Surfacing PRIZE SCOTCH, COLLIE PUPS | ivi dying P ", Midi A ZE op ar 26-t for sale. Apply W. J. Leask, phone | ) 163 r 13. 17¢) | CEMENT, LUMBER, FRAMES, doors, cedar shin halt FOR SALE--_300 WHITE LEGHORN | soofine. 1 Shingles, ashp hardwood flooring, gyproe. DR. H. M. COOKB, § SIMCOB ST. iy Rd Mitchells Drug Store FESSIONAL Dearborn Ave. Phone 1988W, Even- ngs by appointment. DR. dy 3k HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF on Neti 1378M. is; Spirellas Corsetiere, 223 (tr) DR. W.-H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- Theatre Bldg. Phone use | eer Roe. A114W. E. J. POMERY, 18% w..d ST. cast, Oshawa, Ont., ti for Powe oJ of Veterinary Surgeon C. 8. DICKENSON, V.5., DISEASES Aomaptic Northumberland, Ontario and City of Oshawa. Solicits your patronage. ion hone 101 Basta in Phone 1013M. Satisfac- ton guarantsed. (June 21-48) "Tie Repaiving of all animals scientific- ally Dominion Government Veterinary. 34 Brock St. E. Phone 105). (131-41) Music ARTE W. LYNDB (HAMBOU, Conservatory, Toronto). ms Slaging. Pupils pr tor al pus Miaka opens. Studio, ww' Oshawa, Fridays. MRS. G. A. STANTON, ALCM., teacher of piano. Pupils prepared for examinations. Studio, 92 Sim- coe St. N. Phone 374. Simcoe sonth ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ideal Tire Jamieson Bres. . Mires for sale. hone A28 af) Contracting (72410) |© , concent, | THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL building contracors. pur estimates. by) 255. Let us give you Write, or phone (Whit- (7848) "Hutchinson's Store, Harmony. A HOLSTEIN COW FOR SALE -- Just renewed. Foster {ing contractors. (19-¢) 5. description, ing and polishing). Old floors made chicks, 3 to 12 weeks old. Can be seen | ous new. Edmondson, 251 Simese St. evenings or Saturday afternoon. 73 hones 849 "e 1288. Walsiom- South, phome #40. 9) | Rowena St. Phone 2069W. (17¢) 4 Corsetiere FOR SALE--300 CHICKENS AND | Work Wanted 78 hems. Quantity of wire. Awl | URS. ANNIE PENTUDAN), PRO. | H. oolacott, 3rd house east of PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD. Masonry work of Bowmanyille, Phone t Snowden, TWO FINNISH GIRLS WisH GEN- (19-¢) eral house work. Phone 994M. Taunton. Phone 1648r31. ARS ---- Boarders Wanted BOARDERS WANTED. 5 MIN- utes walk from Gemeral Motors: Apply 16 King St. WW. (19h) | { WOOD-WORKING -- MISCELLANE- [ous wood-working shop. sashes and doors made, also r a. {8. B. Edmondson, 251 Simcoe 8creeps, A740) BRIGHT FRONT ROOM AND | oop {UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS. chesterfields made to order. Work- board in private home for two lad- guaranteed. G. A. Con- ies. Phone 1578W. (17-2) ----p Sn 143 Colborne East Phone ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE | 20%: (4) gentlemen. Phone 2443F. (18¢c) |ALEXANDER & CO., CARPENTER- jog, ete, building repairs, altera- 'Motor Cars + |tions, Shingling, painting, etc., exe- cuted y. Estimates free. CHEVROLET TOURING CAR, NEW (Plone 1208). 19) Simcoe south. rear tires. Cheap for cash. Row- (July 7-Aug.7) den's garage, 168 St. west. = Phone 1331. © (14-0) Wanted 40 Buy Roomers Wanted WANTED-- TWO GENTLEMEN willing to share room. Auction Sale Veterinary k. J. SHIRLEY, V5. SPECIALIST re-babbited, aren Seats or pinions supplied for aM makes of cans. 161 King St.| 186 Bloor St. E. = Phone $19. an tic ani 1 cat and i kospital Longs experience. 503 Masson St. Phone 629. DEALERS IN | SECOND urpituve. © Buy and sell. Apply Second Hand Dealer HAND Phone 1617M. (July 25-Aug. 25) 2 Maw & Sulley, Auctioneers. sale of day. July 26, consisting of the Quantity of walnut furniture, in- writing desk and book case, dres- Terms eash. (19-2) aumerons to mention. King St. E, Write EE WANTED TO BUY--RABBITS, Luinea pis and fan tail pigeons. . 'Brookes, Bo. asl [EPRIGHT PIANO WANTED, MUST he in good condition and cheap. State full partichiars and price to POSTPONED SALE -- Aberion | I! be held at 84 Division stree, Maes 400 1927, at 1:39 36 pm. | Gulag oid old cars. Phone 764. Box "A," Times: (A341). MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS Bea 5 Jn mas {am 2 scrap batteries $1 and $1. JWANTED--A SMALL i cluding chairs. table. combination {piano of modern style. Will exchange a 6 tube Super-Neutrodyne, ser and stand, and settee, 2 'hed | cabinet 46 inches 'high. built in Bald- room suites, electric fixtures, kit- | win Loud Speaker and all equipment, chen utensils and other articles 190 | new. and the Pinnacle of Radio perfection Write Box 353 Bowmanville or tele- (19-2) | phone 105, UPRIGHT walnut a beautiful instrument This is (3tf) June public railway earnings were $103021, an in- crease of over $15000. Nearly a quar- months of the year. 155-41 | Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE IN vicinity of Simcoe St. S. and Quebes St. Box "N," Times. 7c) WANTED--A HOUSE TO north. Apply Mrs. D, Blake, Bow- manville, Box 107. (19-¢) HEL FWANTED FEMALE EMA JUNIOR STENOGRAPHER OR tile clerk. Apply in own hand- writing, state experience and sal- ary expected. Swanson, German & MacKenzie. (19-t 1) EXPERIENCED COOK GENERAL BOAT CAPSIZES | | this afternoon claimed three lives at the summer colony on Long Island, capsized in the eddy at the .foot of the locks situated at that point, They are: THREE DROWNED For Your Thoms ng Shes 10 Simece St, 8, We Deliver Two Brothers an and a Friend Lose Lives in Rideau River Ottawa, July 24.--The Rideau River \ 13 miles from here, when a rowboat The dead are all Ottawa residents WE LEAD IN 'RADIO - Adams Furniture Co Frank McGrath, aged 30, married; Allen McGrath, aged 27, a wanted. References Yequived. Wages | cother; Gordon C. Belot, ape 27, a PHONE 705 | up to §35 a month, if satisfactory. prospective brother-in-law. K ? D Store Apply Employment Service of Can- Both Allen McGrath and Gordon C. e LI ug 3 ada, 12%8imcoe St. 8. (19-3) Holo were to have been married this 34 King St. Ww. a a fall, Sook ssc VERAL WANTED The finding of the upturned hoat in Prompt Delivery which the three men started out was \! the first inkling of the tragedy. Ow- YOUTH IS DROWNED ing to the strong eddy, none of the Pig < men, although able to swim, had al! BATHING IN HUMBER chance to reach shore. The hodies en were later recovered when the water DIAMONDS nar Toronto, July 25.--3eized with [was diverted 'to another channel and . ' cramps while bathing in the Humber grappling irons were used. BURNS JEWELRY STORE $i River near Bloor and Jane streets yes- | Mrs. Frank McGrath and the fian : ' Hil terday afternoon, Oscar Brown, aged [cees of the two yomg men were at 23 Simcoe St. 8. | 19, of 41 Symington Avenue, was the summer home awaiting their re- : | drowned. turn, a : boi i John Collins, 28 Sullivan street, whb " TA we std iba n was near by, dove in when Brown IMPRESS ow AUSTRALIA dy fl disappeared beneath the surface, hat ROUTED To MISS ICEBERGS WILSON & LEE the water was very muddy and he od Ansolh ] was unable to find him. Montreal, July 24.--Instead of MUSIC STORE i Officer E. Russell and a crew re- | coming through the Belle Isle 71 Bimeoe Bt, W, Phone 2868 i sponded from the Humber Life-Saving Station, and after dragging for ahout 15 minutes recovered the body in 14 feet of water. Both the Schaeffer method of ar- tificial respiration and the pulmotor were applied and the pulmotorhebodi were applied for more than one hour, hut Coroper Dr. A. C. Baiden, of Mimico, pronounced life extinct, BOY LOSES LIFE IN MINERAL BATHS Toronto, July 25 Loyd Paubhst, aged 11 years, of T6 Anngtte Street, lost his life yesterday by drowning in the Bloor street Mineral Baths. The hoy went to the baths with a ccmpanion in the afternoon. On leay- ing, the companion noticed that young Paubst's clothing was still in the loc- ker, but he proceeded on his way home without making further inquif® ies. Late af night he told Lloyd's par- ents about the clothing. They grew anxious, and, on arriving at the baths, found the mclosed. The parents then made inquiries at No. 9 Police Station and located Dr, W. J. McCorm'zk, who operates the baths. The doctor got in touch with his life-guard, Donald Rough, who im- mediately went to the baths and, after making several dives, recovered the hody. SLEPT IN TRAINS PATH MAN SAVED, THEN FINED Brantford, July 24.--The power- ful headlight apd the engineer of the C..R. Toronto-to-Detroit express: that passed through Brantford at 2.15 a.m. yesterday saved the life of V. Ciccolini, 59 Duke Street, who bad lain down between the rails on the main line to sleep off the effects of liquor. The engineer, who was slowing up for the call at Brantford, saw the man's body just as he emerg- ed from the curve approaching the city, and managed to stop the train. C.N.R. Officer Canning was summoned, and the man taken to the cells, the train being delayed ONE MAN SERIOUSLY INJURED IN ATTACK FOLLOWING DANCE aged about twenty-four, a garage ma- chinist of Aberdeen, Sask., chance of recovery as the result, it is deen Thursday night. of the five, Three of the other four men are said to bear marks of the fight. thousand negro excursionists aboard, about four miles down the Patapsco ed, bor. Strait with such passengers ahoard as the Prince of Wales, Prince George and Mr. and Mrs. Bald- win, the Canadian Pacific liner Em- press of Australia, will be sailed round Cape Race into the Gulf of St, Lawrence, The S.8. Mont- | 1 calm. which arrived in Montreal this morning from Liverpool. re-;! ported a large number of icebergs while passing through the Strait of Belle Isle, which, together with other reports influenced the com- pany to choose the Cape Race route. Saskatoon, July 24.--Chris Paulus, is lying in # hospital in Saskatoon with little Everything in Muse 4 Davidson & Semel 88 Simcoe Bt, N, Phone. nt "For Better Shoe Values" | 25 doz. > $1.65 Reg. $2.50 10 $3.00 C.W, DETENBECK KING SREET EAST Fine IEE------ 1 alleged, of a crowd of 60 persons at- tacking a party of five after a darice at a county schoolhouse pear Aheg- Paulus was one and is alleged to have heen struck on the head with a bottle > Rr J METAL BUMPING AND ALL KINDS OF BODY WORK MERRITT AUTO _AND BEPAIR . | King St. W, Oshawa : 4 BOAT SINKS »O BOTTOM AFTER THOUSAND LAND Baltimore, July 24--With pearly a the Bay steamer Majestic fought its way back to port early today after springing a leak in its aft bulwarks River, and then, only a few minutes after the 959 persons aboard had land- settled to the hottom of the har- A. G. BROOMFIELD and Supplies Anto Oshaws Bal Service #7 King St. W. Phone 1184 ANOTHER EARTHUAKE Cairo, July 24.--The local Ob- servatory = recorded two violent earthquakes here Saturday night between 10 and midnight. The lo- cality is believed to be 2,300 kilo- metres distant, and probably in Persia. 15 minutes while . the man was shaken from his sound slumber and moved from the dangerous posi- tion. He appeared iu the Police Court Saturday morning, being fin- ed $20 and costs. ROSPEROUS TIME | REFRESHMENTS Soft 'Drinks, Ice Cress, and P Fort William, July 24.--The close of witnessed the most prosperous since the Street six months of operations utilities commenced. ter of a million passengers were car- ried. A total of 220 new telephones were installed, and 135 new msers of petric heating and cooking service were reported during the first six CANADIAN N OFFICERS VISIT PLATTSBURG Washington, July 24.--A group of one warrant and seen missioned officers of the Canadian Machine Gun Corps is due at Plat- tsburg N.Y., summer comp tomor- row, om invitation from the 26th infantry. The Canadians were in- vited to imspect the activities at accorded n of the Plattsburg, and will ever 'yfacility, by dirée " J LAKAS 2204 1--1925 Star Coppe. 1 Studebaker Sedan fn frp class shape. Chadburn Motor Sales PRINCE 87. PHONE 1300 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. Glasses becoming i rn --------

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